I , jaaMu rro y , onaatar. (lo t 10 19 feet, R. Bagwell.... 85.19 NOTICE OF SAUt Mail Now For Christmas f Notice Is hereby given that by Lot 11 69 tost, R. BoaweU.... 85.00 tmas.-r General Harry S. New virtue o the authority of the City Lot 18 60 feet, R. Boswell. .. 85.0« bos Issued the following order: ^barter of the City of Hermiston and Block 5— • I ! I I Postmasters will suspend ail work the direction .of the City Council Lot 1 50 feet. Geoevieve Kim­ at 13 o'clock midnight December 34 TB L. Gsrner. Sac. ball «------------------ ---------- 85.00 authorizing and directing the Trees- except to retain on duty Christmas Lot 2 69 feet, Genevieve Kim­ day only such employes as are re­ arer of the City of Hermiston to 3 2 NO. m. L Q. O l r. ball .........................- ............: 95.00 Collect the unpaid assessment for quired to make the regular holiday u ta y a u ir iM la O d d raUewa Mt cordially lavltad. dispatches of first class mail to the the city irrigation water for* the Lot 11 59 feet, Sappers* Inc.. 85.00 O. C. Plaraa.. N . O. trains and to receive, but not to r 1925. levied end Imposed under Lot 12 50 feet. Genevieve Kim- work, incoming mall from the trains provisions of Ordinance No. 79 RECLAMATION LOI ' J II " at P , m ea u each TKu __ Bloek r— There wii, be no rural delivery on passed by the city council and ap­ Mack » H»JI, at 7-lb P. Christinas day. The local posto(flce proved by the mayor on July 2, 1913, Lot 1 3» feet. Dan Sullivan 83.00 will be open from 9:30 to 10:30 A. K. R - biu I S . and ordinance No. 96 passed by the Lot 2 25 feet, Dan Sullivan 93.50 C.C. M. December 25th, to dispatch mail eity council and approved by the Lot 3 25 feet. Dan Sullivan 93.50 Lot 4 25 feet, Dan Sullivan 32.50 but only special deliveries and spec­ mayor on April 17. 1118. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ial handling mail will be distributed I wilt on the 16th day of Janu­ Lot 90 26 feet. R. ’ B. Me- TO OUK OLD FRIENDS Lane .. 82.50 ary, 1929, at the hour of 10 o’clock AND THOSE WHO ARE NEW Dr. F. V. PRIME in the forenoon of said day at the Lot 21 25 feet, R. B. Mc- WE WISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS Lane _ .. _ . 82.50 ___ City Council Chamber in the City DENTISTRY Don’t neglect your personal ap- AND HAPPY NEW YEAR, TOO. of Hermiston, Oregon, sell the fol. Block 8___ Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis pcarance. Phone today for ap- lowing described lots, pieces, end Lot 4 25 feet, R. Alexander, Hermiston, Oregon We will be here to serve the people C O N F E C T IO N E R Y Trustefe ................................... 32.50 P°intment for Marcelling or Fecial parcels of land, at public auction to Bank Bldg. Phone Connections of Hermiston and this community In Treatments. We’re quite busy Just S T A T IO N E R Y the highest bidder for cash in band, Lot 9 80 feet, R. Alexander, 1926. ag well as In the years past. Tiluateo .......... ........................ 33.00 now- 80 make your appointment J I I . " ■ •• ....... . . the proceeds from the sale of each Make this Bank YOUR BANK. W. J. W ARNER lot, piece or parcel of land to be Lot 14 25 feet, Clara G. Hall 33.50 early- Lot 15 25 feet, Clara O. Hall 32.50 K y°u have not botlght a Xmas Attorney-at-Law applied in satisfaction of the sister. ment upon lot, piece or parcel of Lot 1« 25 feet, J. 8. West. . 32.50 Lot 5. 25 feet, J. S. West.. 32.50 but Just as surely as if you drank Pendleton, O ngea tate ................................... 33.00 ALTOR. 2<-«fe Lot 11, 60 feet,- R Beasley. 85.00 poison out of a bottle '.If your liver W. A. Leathers buys and sells al­ Lot 12, 50 feet, R. Beasley. 85.00 Block 16— Lot 10 25 feet, R. Boswell— 32.50 is not doing Its work of heping diges­ falfa hay. Oftloe in building for. QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING Block 4— DR. THEO. BELETSKI, tion, eliminating waste from the VAerinarian merly occupied by Western Land AND PRESSINO. We eall for Lot .1 , 60 feet, Ella Percey.. 35.00 Lot 11 25 feet, R. Boswell.... 32.50 3 2 .5 0 bowels and purifying the blood, you YOU WANT Co. and Hay Growers’ Assn. Phono and deliver. Imperial Cleaners. Lot 12 50 feet, H. R. Newport 35.00 Lot 12 25 feet, R. Boswell.... Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter­ wlll always be troubled with sick •1 . 1-tfs Phone 63-W. 31-tfa Lc}t 13 50 feet, H. R. Newport 35.00 Lot 13 30 feet, R. Boswell.... 33.00 headaches, nausea, biliousness, bad CALL 25-J state Stock Inspector Plat filed April 22, 1907 Block 5—. v breath, gas, sour stomach or constipa 10UNTRY HAULS S0UCITE1 G East half 270 feet, H. T- FOR BALE— Apples. Send orders to NEW AND USED CARS__Kel Lot 5 25 feet, Knights of Py­ tton. F. M. Outwits for Doliclous apples. Fraser . logg Motor Co. 3-tfe thias ......................................... 32.60 Cleanse and tone your liver! Put l*tfc Block U— Lot 6 25 feet, Knights of Py­ your system In condition so you feel Lot 4 54 feet. Peer Bokish 35.40 thias .................... ..................... 32.60 TRANSFER AND DRAY FDR BALE—A 7 room strictly mod. OLD MR. CARTER HELPED your very best again! Try just a BY SIMPLE MIXTURE Lot 8 25 feet. H. R Newport 82.60 Lot 7 54 feet, Peer Boklsh 35.40 era house, full basement an dgood spoonful of Dr. H. S. Thacher’s ex­ Lot 10 25 feet, E. D. Dungan 32.50 Lot 9 54 feet. Peer Bokish 35.40 lawn. Close to school. Might trade. “After taking AdJerika I feel bet­ Lot 17 26 feet. J. L. Harman.. 32.50 l o t 10 64 feet, Peer Bokish 35.40 cellent Liver and Blood Syrup after See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc ter than for years. At my age (60) the next few meals and notice the Lot 20 50 feet, J. L. Harman. 85.00 Lot 5 54 feet, C. M. Hender- it is IdeaJ—so different from other Lot 21 50 feet, E. D Martin 85.00 son ..... ............. 35.40 quick improvement In the way you Residence second house west of tbs CARS FOR SALE— Terms eat, sleep, look and feel— the return medicines." (signed) W. W. Carter. Lot 22 60 feet. E. D. Martin. 85.00 Lot 6 54 feet. C. M. Hender- Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. given. Plrcee right. Kellogg Adlerlka ig a simple mixture of Lot 18 50 feet, J. C. Ballinger 35.00 son ..... 35.40 of strength, vigor and energy. You Motor Co. 11-tfe We Wash Everything But the buckthorn bark, glycerine. etc., Block 6— According to plat filed March 21, will be completely satisfied; other­ Baby. WHEN IN | i a : wise there will be no cost. FOR BALE— 750 pound Primrose sep­ which removes GAS in ten minutes Lot 13 15 feet, A. F. Beisse.. 31-50 1908. And often brings surprising relief District No. 2 arator. Enquire Inland Empire Lot 14 25 feet, A. F. Beisse.. 32.50 FOUR TIMES A WEEK PENDLETO N FREE! This Coupon is Good foi Lumber Co. 43 tfc to the stomach. Stops that full, Lot 15 10 feet, A. F. Beisse.. 31-00 Block 1— SERVICE MAKE YOUR bloated feeling. Brings out old Lot 15 15 feet. J. L. Harman.. 31.60 Lot 6 50 feet, F. C. McKen- Sample Bottle z ie ,................. 33.50 FOR SALE or trade 15 acres, part waste matter you never thought was Lot 13 25 feet, J. L. Harman.. 33.50 HEA DQUARTBRS Dr. Thacher’s Liver & Blood Syrup Excellent for — AT— alfalfa, part orchard, and some in in your system. Lot 20 25 feet. H. A. Frick.. 32.50 Lot 7 50 feet, F. C. McKen- zie ........... .................................... ..... 33.60 If presented before the supply for asparagus. For partculars call at chronic constipation. Mitchell Drug Lot 21 25 feet. H. A,' Frick.. 82-50 free dlstrlbtlon is already given WESTERN AUTO CO. Herald offce. 7-tfo Company. Lot 22 25 feet, H. A Frick.. 82.50 Lot 8 50 feet, F. C. McKen­ away. Read the full deails above, Cottonwood and Water Sta. zie ......... .................................. 83.50 Bieck 7— I>l i I I then act at or.ee, as this offer Is FOR SALE— Stewart speedometer for Lot 9 50 feet, F. C. McKen­ COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Lot 1 60 feet. Ruth M. Frick 35.00 limited. Get a trial size now by Ford. F. P. Phipps, 12-tfc zie ........................................... 83.60 Tire’s— Tubes— Aooessoriea Lot 2 60 feet, Ruth M. Frick 35.00 Pendleton, Oregon • presenting this coupon to Mitchell Lot 14 84.8 feet, George Ban­ ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Lot 15 25 feet, Fraser & Mc­ QUALITY SERVICE Drug Company. TO TRADE— Milch goat for cow. croft ........... - ......................... 35.94 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. Kenzie ..................................... 32.50 WHl pay the difference. 14-tfc I » Block 8— • ’ J 11 - { } • ! ’’ Block 3— NOTICE OF HEARING UPON UNAL Lot 1 45 feet, Ed. Graham Lot 1 50 feet. C. H. Skinner'35.00 ¿■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■H M M MISCELLANEOUS REPORT Estate ................................... 33.15 _ • Lot 2 50 feet, C .H . Skinner 35.00 Lot 2 45 feet, J. B. Shaw.... 33.16 In the County Court of the State of Lot 3 50 feet, F. L. Kelley.. 35.00 IF YOU NEED HELP with that Lot 3 45 feet, A. L. Larson.. 33.16 Oregon for Umatilla County. Lot 4 50 feet, Ren« Water­ wwekly cleaning, mending or iron­ A FEW IFS AND WHY! S 206 East Conrt St. man ........................................ 85.00 Lot 4 45 feet, S. Jensen........ 83.15 In the Matter of the Estate ing call on Mrs. Requa at Mft. J. Lot 5 45 feet, S. Jensen........ 33.15 of | IF you intend having an Auction, Lot- 6 60 feet, Rene Water­ Slg Davis. Work by hour or day. 3 ANY AND and 16-2tc man ........... ............................85.00 Lot 7 45 feet, A. L. Larson.. 33.15 Teddle L. Hall, Deceased. Lot 8 49 feet, A. L. Larson.. 33.43 Notice is hereby given that the Lot 22 25 feet, C. S. Mc- IF you want to sell at good prices, undersigned administratrix of the es­ FOR .SALE— Cash register, filing Naught ......... ........................ 83.54) Lot 9 49 feet, Chas. G. Burke and ......— ....... ...................... 33.48 tate of Teddle L. Hall, deceased, haH cabinet, desk, cheese cutter. Day- Block 9— 11 Lot 19 45 feet, Chas. G. Burke IF you want an auctioneer who filed her final report with the clerk ton counter Scales, counters, show Lot 1 50 feet. H. R. Newport 96.00 93.11 of the above entitled Court and that can speak G«m«n as well as 3 FOR YOU i cases, shelving. Terms. See Earl X n a , YCandies Mixed at............. 36c Lot 2 60 feet, H. R. Newport |5 .0 0 Lot 13 45 feet, Chas. G. I|urke English, the Judge of said Court has desig­ Boynton at Oregon Hardware. 15-2 Block ■ I Xmas Tree, each----- ------- 50c 93.15 nated Saturday, the 2nd day of Janu- Lot 1 25 feet, Mildred M. Til- WHY the man you ars looking for £ Phone 139 Pendleton, Ore. j Lot 13 45 feet. Chas, G. Burka ary,1926 at 2 o’clock In the after­ FOR SALE—Good light team of Peanuts, 3 quarts den ...... 35c .... 99.59 93.16 noon as the time, and the rooms of «■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M M M M B B IM B M I homes and. set of harness, cheap. Lot 1 26 feet, Mildred M. Ttl- Lot 14 45 feet. A. L. Larson.. 93.16 the above entitled Court In the Apply at this office. 11-tfe Oranges, 20c a dozen, 5 dos........ 90e den ----------------------------„ . 93.50- Lot 15 46 feet, Ed. Graham Es­ County Court House at Pendleton, Bananas, pound ....... 15c Lot 3 25 feet. Mildred M. Tll- tate ....... ................................. 93.15 Umatilla County, Oregon as the place T5 DOLLARS—Will exchange a |7 5 den ------------------------------- 61.10 Lot 13 45 feet, Sappers' Inc. 93-15 when and where hearing is to be had Gerhart knitting machine for a Lemons, dozen ........ - ......................40c Lot 4 25 feet, Mildred M. Til­ Block 4-— | good shotgun. Box 265. 9-4tc thereon. All persons interestd ar1 den --------------------- --------- 92:50 Popcorn, 2 pounds ........... - ....... 25c Lot 9 60 feet, W. L Bless­ hereby notified to then and there “The an Who Cries Sales Lot 13 25 feet, M. E. Church 93.50 LOST—-A piece of malleable steel ing ........... .............„....... „ ... 33.50 appear and show cause, if any they Walnuts, pound ....... - ....................30c Lot 14 25 feet, M. E. Church 33.69 Everywhere” size 21x31 Inches between George Lot 10 60 feet. W. L. Bleaa- have, why said report should hot Lot 16 25 feet, M. E. Church 93.50 Wurster’s ranch on Butter creek ing «...................................... 83.60 be approved, the administratrix dis­ Lot 16 25 feet, M. B. church 93.50 His prices are reasonable and he does and Hermiston, about the middle Lot 11 60 feet. W. I* Bless­ charged, her bondsmen exhonorated Block 10— . the business. of Feb. last. Same belongs to a ing ;..— „------------------«.— 83.60 and the estate closed. Lot 19 25 feet. W. W. Ill »ley 82.50 range. It anybody found It will Lot 16 40 feat. Sappers’ Inc... 32.80 WE HAVE MO SPECIALS BUT Dated thig 3rd day of December, Sale Dates can be had at ths office. Lot 20 25 feet, W. W. Iilsley 83.50 they please return It to Mrs. C. Block 5— Lot 23 25 fet, a E. Rider ... 33.90 1925. H. Shaw, Mrs. Roy Attebury’s HAVE SPECIAL PRICES 0M Lot 24 35 feet, O. B. Rider ... 83.50 Lot 4 45 feet, J. H. Strohm 33.15 C. MARJORIE HALL, mother. Mrs. M. R. "Martin 9-c We Haul Lot 25 25 feet, O. E. Rider ... 83.50 Lot 13 45 feat. W. E, Goodwin 3.15 13-5tc EVERYTHING WE CAXXY Administratrix. N0TIC OF ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE BlOck 6— OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE—Dressmaking. Plain and Lot 20 25 feet, 0. E. Rider..« 83.50 ANYTHING Lot 1 84 feet, F. L. Sampson 36.95 Block 13— fancy work guaranteed; prices Yours for a Merry Christmas Lot 4 69 feet, H. A. Frick.. 93.60 NOTICE OP HEARING UPON FINAL In the County Conrt of the State of ANYWHERE Lots 8 to 13 183ft feet. Lyle bldg, on weet side of track. A Oregon for Umatilla County Lot 5 50 feet, H. A. Frick.. 83.60 ANYTIME Tilden ............ ................... 318.25 REPORT special effor tto please. Mrs. W. In ths Matter of the Estate Lot 8 50 feet, Jx T. Dowell.. 03.50 Lot IT 25 feet. F. C. McKen­ C. Isom, Mrs. Dohlman. 8-tfc of In the County Court of the State Lot 9 50 Teat, J .T. Dowell.. 93.50 TELEPHONE 31 zie ..........................................*81.50 James Alexander CCalg Thom, of Oregon for Umatilla County. Lot 14 85.7 feet. Fred C. Stone 89 00 Lot I I 25 feet. F. C. McKen­ deceased. BURK is headquarters for Army In the Matter of the Estate zie ------------------- — ....... .. 63.50 Block 9— Notice is hereby' given that the of Shoes. , Lot 4 50 feet, P. B. Doherty 83.50 Lot 18 25 feet. F. C. McKen­ undersigned, Administrator of the Benjamin F. 8trohm, Deceased. Lot 6 60 feet. P. B. Doherty 83.50 CASK AND CARRY zie ......................................... 82.50 M em li Want Ads Brine Yon Results Notice is hereby given that the Estatd of James Alexander Craig Let 9 50 feet. P. B. Doherty 93.50 According to plat filed April 6, undersigned administrator of the es­ Thom, deceased, will from and after Block 12— 1905. ) ' PHONE 911 Burk’s far bargains. tate of Benjamin F. Strohm, deceas- the 2ad day of January, 1926 at the Lot 1 86.9 feet. H. R. New- Block 1— ' iw w p g J ’ 36 06 e<*. bas filed his final report with off Ice} of W. J. Warner In the City Lot 3 35 feet, S. R. Oldaker 92.59 LgVELWO LAND—See Peter Cas­ the Clerk of the above entitled Court Of Hermiston, Umatilla county, Ore. Lot 2 50 teet. H Lot 4 25 feet, 8. R. Oldaker 33-59 trie. experienced and reliable, • PATETS. T'A l- TAPER, and that the Judge of said Court has gon Offer for sale to the highest 3 Lot 50 feet. li Block 1— I - I i astiaa north of Hermiston. 4-tfe bidder for cash In hand, the follow­ designated Saturday, the 2nd day of 8 60 feet, K PI l TUT 2 MOE* DITC3 Lot 3 25 feet, Msi'y B. Oaks 93.50 Lot ___ ' • 9 50 50 feet, feet, H. B. Newport 91.5»'j 8 "u ,ry ' 1928 #t 2 ° ’c,ock *" th* ing described real property situated Lot a : d c .s s Lot 4 36 felt, Mary B. Oaks 9>-59 Lot 19 5 0.feet. H SMITH’S SECOND HAND STORE— In UMatllla COunty, Oregon, to-wlt: Lot 10 6 0.feet, H. H R. Newport |3 .5 0 |,,ternoon M the t,rae’ ,nd the TW”"* All ttirt part of the SE<4 SEU Block 3— Too get more for your money; LOW ROUND TRIP PARES FOB 'of the above entitled Court in the Lot 11 50 feet. H Isn’t that funny. Furniture, 513 M-.i St. Fì.ont 158 County Court House In Pendleton, and tho EH SWH SE>4 lying CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Lot 3 30 feet. Carl 8. Mo- Lot 12 50 feet. H 95.00 Naught ........ ....... —-------- — stevea and everything. Jnst walk north of the “A" line canal In sec­ uit’ i s 59 iw i; h ’ R Newport 33 50 Umatilla County. Oregon, a . the place Lot 13 50 feet. H la and forget to ring. 35-tfe when and where hearing/ 1s to be tion 12, Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. W. M. con­ Via Union Paclfle between points Lot 3 39 feet. Carl 8. Me- Pendleton. C egon. Lot 14 37.5 feet, H. R. New­ 95.00 N a u g h t___________ «.____ had thereon. AIL persons Interested tain leg 5 acres. Thin sale Is mads in Idaho. Oregon sad Washington. port .......................... ............ 89-13 are herey notified to then and there under and In pursuance of a license Sale dates December I t , i t , 33, 33, Lot 19 99 feet. Carl 8. Me- Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this 95.00 Naught .—................ - ..... — appear and show cause, if any they and order of sale made and entered 24 and December 30 and 31; return 19th ay of December, 1925. ' HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING have, why said report should not be by the lion. I M. Schannep. Judge limit January 4, 1935. For further Lot 11 59 feet. Carl 8. Mc- GEORGIA HENDERSON. 95.99 Naught ........ of the above entitled Court on the approved, the administrator dis­ EUTT0I 3 particulars see local agent. 14-tto City Treasurer. charged, bis bondsmen exhonerated 7th day of November, 1925 In th e1 and Block 4— above entitled estate, and such sale! and the estate closed. BUTTON HOLES Lot 3 59 foot. R. Boowell.... 99.99 Lot • 59 feet. R. Boow w ll. 99.99 -TRY THE HERALD W A R ADS— Dated this 3rd day of December, will be made subjeet to confirmation by said Court. Lot 10 5« foot. R. BooweU .. 99.00 » 1925. Mail orders promptly Dated tb!a 3rd day of December, Lot 11 69 fbot. a . BoowoM.... I«.«« Whan you need any* CEORGE STROHM, attended to. Come Ai Lot 19 (9 feet. B. B oow ell.. 99.00 5te Administrator. 1925. tiring in the Bne of Send U9 the price o f a peer's Bloek 5— JOHN M. THOM, If n e j THE SMART SHOP neat end attractive Administrator of the above entitled Lot 1 59 feet. B Boowell.... 99.00 Mbscripnenif you t a i n «r Mrs. R. L. Parker. Prop. 99.00 . Estate. LM 9 99 foot. RÍ Boowell 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ora. IRAQ THE WANT ADR W, J. WARNER, Lot 9 <9 feot. R. Btwwell.. 99.00 13-5tc Hie Attorney. Lot 4 99 foot, N. BoaweU-- M M Look Your Best This Christinas C srasoBKr'rr Burt Mullins - Announcment F ir s t N a t i o n a l B a n k Hermiston B eau ty Shoppe WANT ADS Krause’s Chocolates The Best in Candies LOOK OUT FOR SELF POISONING S E R V IC E Ik' T. H. Gaither 3Ì: w LAUNDRY T roy L aundry C om pany AUCTION SALES! S a n ta c a m e i J. L. VAUGHAN 3 and le ft- 3 S Everthing Electrical Colonel WM. F. YOHNKA L egal B la n k s- fo r S a le a t T h is Office Hermiston Transfer L. H. Berry & Son L. F. ? 4 c A te e DON’T FORGET O S --------- DO IT NOW H as Y o u r Sabttriptioii E x p ire d ? We Need the Money j