I Christmas shoppers will find our store headquarters for gifts of quality Our line of Christmas goods this year surpasses all others and are ready to take care of your needs. Gifts for Ladies Silk Hose $1.00 to $2.25 Felt Slippers $1.75 to 2.25 Handkerchiefs 20c to 75c Stationery 65c to $1.00 Silk Underwear $1.35 to 2.00 Boutonniers $1.00 to 1.25 Boudoir Caps $1.25 Beads $1.00 and 1.25 Mixed Nuts 30c pound Black Figs 20c pkg. Wrapped Dates 30c Bulk Dates 25c pound rry Christmas, and Paid in Full Silas Vaughan Contrib- ed to Yuletide Cheer o f the Needy. FRANK HERBERT SW EET T WAS an eloquent . plea for the public building, an urge to r Its beauty, lta value to the town, th e educational gift to the eyea of youth. The speak e r was hypnotic, d been engaged for th at le strings were loosened. Money freely— twenty, fifty, a hundred, indred. And It was Christmas. went to Silas Vaughan, the leader, a wealthy man of the .People looked surreptitiously to hat munificent sum he would Pendleton Blankets Bed Spreads Table Cloths Bath Towels HRISTM AS zest warms the cynicism rob you of this glow. Do not curl your lip and say you know the elevator man or the grocer’s boy or the many others to whom yon give a little Christmas Joy Is Just looking for the present and la being polite for that reason. Enjoy their pleasure In receiv ing. Enjoy, yourself, in giving. And doesn’t every one enjoy ! presents! When you sayi "He’s looking for a Christmas Î ’ present,” yon lose h alf your own i! Joy. When you say: "What an opportunity to add a little present to another per son’s Christmas,’’ you have yonr own full measure o f Joy. Christmas zest must not be . bereft of any of Its spirit.— 1 M ary Graham Bonner. i ! <! i i i ((£). 1916. W estern N e w .p a p e r U n io n .) Irst a hand went Into his pocket he others, then came out and yield to noble Impulses,” said a neigh bor In a voice that all could hear. The next day was Christmas, with the grocery and drug Stores open for a few hoars. Sifts Vaughan went “to his desk and took out twice as l u s y bills as ever had been allowed to ac cumulate before. Times were bard, and more were obliged to charge. Fully half of the accounts were se lected from the others, and several ■ms were folded. There was an words written a t the bottoms. That e gasp from watchful eyes. took nearly an hour. Then he slipped pleas came, more solicitors the bills Into his pocket, put on his round, man to man. hat and coat, and went out, leaving Silas sat there, arms folded, the store to the clems. nmoved. It was nearly closing time when he nes are too hard,'’ he was heard I* came back. Thia he occupied with In answer to an importunate packing and arranging a number of "It Is a bad year for such a baskets with fruit and nuts and candy, which be sent out anonymously. t bad fo r me, and all those who U m atilla County, Oregon aa the place when and where hearing la to be bad thereon. A ll persons lnterestd nt* hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they OF HEARING UPON FINAL have, why said report should not be approved, the adm inistratrix dis County Court of the 8tnte of charged, her bondsmen exhonorated and the estate closed. !g«n for Umatilla O uuty. Matter of the Estate Dated th l, 3rd day of December, of ’ 1»J5. L. H a ll, Deceased, C. MARJORIE HALL, Then I read on the bottom, T hope this will .be the beginning of better things. Merry Christmas. Paid In full. Silas Vaughan.’ Mine was thir ty dollars. 81 must *a* given away more’n a thousand.” He sat down. Silas had lost all his composure. He tried to slip away. But hands and apologies were appear ing from all sides. He was pushed to tlie platform and told to make a speech. He would have made a mesa o f It, but all were cheering so wildly no one could hear. So It did not rnat- ( • . 1999. Wwlir« Nrmsapor U b I m .) undersigned administrator of the es tate of Benjamin F. Stroh'm, deceu- ed, has filed his final report w ith the Clerk of t i e above entitled Court and that the Judge I f said Court has designated Saturday, tbe 2nd day of January. 102< at, 2 o’clock In the afternoon as the time, end the rooms of the above entitled Court In the County Court House In Pendleton. U m atilla County. Oregon, a t tb e place when and where hearing la to be bed thereon. A ll persons Interested 13-5tc Adm inistratrix. are berey notified to then and there appear and show cause. If any they NOTICE OF HEARING UFON FINAL bare, why said report should not be approved, tbe administrator dis REPORT charged. his bondsmen exbonerated In the County Court of the State and tbe estate closed. -Coprt Hone. nt Pendleton,! Leather-Coats $10 to $18 Ties 50c to $1.50 Gloves $1.50 $3.50 Sox 50 cents to $1.00 Handkerchiefs 25c to 75c Complete line of Candies 20c to 40c per pound ! Xn the evening came a big church community Christmas tree. Most of the donors of the public building were there, rather proud of themselves and hot above circulating bits of criticism. When Silas entered, there was no uncertain air of chilli ness In the room. A few nodded to him, but frigidly. Silas appeared to take no notice, and found a seat near the front, where ap parently he sat calm and unruffled. A poorly-dressed man down In front had been looking about expectantly, a t though watting for some one to speak. Suddenly he rose. " I ain’t no speaker,” he called, loudly, "but I got suthln* to say. •Bout the new bulldln’, I ain’t nothin* to say, only seems too much money for real need. An* I never liked horn- blowln’. Now, It ’s been an awful hard time for workln* folks, on ’eouut o’ there bein’ so much alack. First time I couldn’t pay np in twenty years. I couldn’t see no Christmas for me. Now, listen: This momln’ a feller carried papers all round. I got one. First, I felt *t was a sheriff thing, like. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1>2>, Notice io hereby gtveu theft tho li- I t e GEORGE STROHM. Administrator. ■ Blazers $5 to $8.50 Hermiston’s House of Quality and Service heart and makes the heart C glow. Do not let any outside ce is* hereby given that tbs Ignod adm inistratrix of the ee- Teddle L . H a ll, deceased, h a, er final report w ith the clerk above entitled Court end that Hge of anid Court baa dw ig- M turday, the 2nd day of Jann- of Oregon for UnmttUa County. H at 3 o’clock in the nfter- In the M atter of the Estate ■ the time, and the roonm of ove entitled Court in the Benjamin F. S tro h «, Slippers $1.75 to 2.25 KINGSLEY’S CHRISTMAS ZEST and Mrs. George W agner and chults ware dinner guest, of Soneeoa last Sunday. t Gifts for Men White Figs 25c pkg. Pitted Dates 2 pkg. for 25 cents Jumble Pack Oranges 6 dozen for-$1.00 I have bought the bankrupt stock of Sappers’ Inc. and will sell all merchan dise at wholesale cost for cash, Contract Goods excepted, until Jan. 1. SALE TO START Thursday December 17 Rocker horses 1.80 Scooters 1.25 Mechanical toys and games o f all kinds* ' " Flash lights, pocket knives, razors clocks, tools and paint Dolls which were 1.05 to 3.75 now 70 cents to 2.13 Childs rockers and chairs were 1.25 to 6.55 now 98 cents to 3.35. Kiddie Kars and horses were 2.60 to 3.55 now 1.60 to 2.25 Fancy Dishes And Glassware Berry set was 3.90 now 2.37 Phonographs which were $50 to $158 now $5 (o $35 Majestic range was $145 now $95 We have a number of standard heating stoves at cost All of our prices are cut in proportion to the above Some pieces of furniture at absolute cost Cream separator was $50 now $35 Granite and tinwar& wash boilers and other articles W. L. BLESSING