O O l KK*ia»TO3r fflP U U X HMOCWTOK, OBBtijMr, O P M k t r n u m a a ACCOU1T FOR TOTO W I R . . ...f . Let your wife be the business head of your home. You have plenty of other worries without having to spend time cheeking over bills and making out checks when necessary. A checking accoudt in your wife's • name will enable her to do this work . for you, and at the same time give her an accurate record of the expen. ditures for the household. First N ation al B ank of Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Over $50,000 b .Sways*. Pres. R. Alexader, Vlee-Prea. A. H Merton. Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier wmr ios Always In the market for Veal, Beef, Pork and Mutton. J. C. Downing, Hermston. 7-tfe S tr a y e d —4 y o u n g J e r s e y h e f - ie r s fro m p a stu r e a t th e lig h t POR SALÍ ___ p l a n t L e a v e a n y in fo r m a tio n a s FOR sale — Ford touring car. $35.' th e ir w h e r e a b o u ts a t t h e H er Runs good. Harry Pelkey. 13-ltp m isto n L ig h t & P o w e r C o. 7 tf c A. F. Polands for Profits. Stillings. $7M 9-tfc Try Burk's for bargains. r OR SALE— 2 fresh cows, milking Shorthorns. William D. Prior. 7tf ADDING machine rolle at the Herald office. •” A. Leathers buys and sells al falfa hay. Office in building for. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGEB AND INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE ci-erly occupied by Western Land C- and Hay Growers’ Assn. Phone ALTOR. J «-MC SI 1-tfc QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING n r SALE— Apples. Send orders to AND PRESSING. We - call for F. M. Gulwlts for Delicious apples. and deliver. Imperial Cleaners. 1-tfc Phone 63-W. $8-tfe FOR SALE— Jersey heifer. Beisse, Phone 36-W-S n r SALE—A 7 room strictly mod. ern house, full basement an dgood <awn. Clone to school. Might trade. See C. H. Skinner. 46-tfc CARS FOR SALE—Terms given. Plress righ t Kellogg Motor Co. 11-tfc MAN SLEEPS L U E LOO, KATS "After taking Adlerlka I can eat anything and sleep like a log. I had gas on the stomach/ and couldn't keep food down nor sleep." (signed) R. C. Hiller. ONE spoonful Adler lka removes GAS and often brings surprising relief to tbs stomseh. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Orten brings out old waste matter you never thought was In your sys tem. Excellent for chronic con stipation. Mitchell Drug Company. NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL REPORT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for U m atilla County. In the Matter of the Estate ot Teddte L. Hall, De, eased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administratrix of the es tate of Teddle L. Hall, deceased, hag filed her final report with the clerk of the above entitled Court and that the Judge of said Court has desig nated Saturday, the 2nd day of Janu ary,1926 at 2 o'clock in the after noon as the time, and the rooms of the above entitled Court In the County Court House at Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon as the place when and where hearing la to be had thereon. All persons lnterestd ar1 hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause. If any they have, why said report should hot be approved, the administratrix dis charged, her bondsmen exhonorated and the estate closed. Dated thl8 3rd day ot December, 1925. C. MARJORIE HALL, 13-6tc Administratrix. NOTICE GF HEARING UPON FINAL REPORT In the County Court of the State o f Oregon for Um atilla County. TO TRADE— Milch goat for cow Will pay the difference. 14-tfc MISCELLANEOUS LOST—A. piece of malleable steel size 21x31 Inches between George Wurster’s ranch on Butter creek and Hermiston, about the mlddls of Feb. last. Same belongs to a range. If anybody found it will they please return It to Mrs. C. H. Shaw, Mrs. Roy Attebury’s mother. Mrs. M. R. Martin 9-c NOTICE—Dressmaking. Plain and fancy work guaranteed: prices bldg, on went side of track. A special affor tto please. Mrs. W. C. Isom. Mrs. Dohlman. 8-tfc BURK is headquarters Shoes. for Army Herald W ant Ada Bring T ou Resulta Burk's for bargains. LEVELING LAND—See Peter CaS- trle, experienced and reliable, 8 miles north of Hermiston. 4-tfc W&rmth thats always on call/ W a r m t h is s o h a n d y — w it h a p o r ta b le o il h e a te r a n d P e a r l O i l — n ecessary h e a tin g a u x il ia r ie s! A w a r m li v in g - r o o m , h a llw a y , n u r se r y o r b a th — a t .th e to u c h o f a m a tc h 1 P e a r l O il is re fin e d a n d re -re fin e d b y th e S ta n d a r d O il C o m p a n y ’s s p e c ia l p r o c e s s — • s o it b u r n s c le a n ! N o o d o r — n o n - c o r r o siv e . O r d e r b y n am e—“ P e a r l O il.” ONE M T G IL T — FIN E DISPLAY On December 19th. Saturday be fore Chriatmns, wHI ho shewn a fine display of hats, costs and dresses far wosseu and misses. Hermiston Product * Supply Company. CONFECTIO NERY S T A T IO N E R Y I h a v e p u rch a sed th e co n fe c tio n e r y k n o w n a s P a t ’s P la c e an d so lic it a sh a r e o f y o u r p a tro n a g e. A ll Coats In Stock Krause’s Chocolates The Best in Candies — AT— BELO W COST a & DENTISTRY Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Hermiston, Oregon Bank Bldg. Phons Connsetlons W. J. W ARNER Attorney-at-Law Hermiston : : : DR. W. W. LLLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Phone Res. 712 Buy Him one for Christmas Offles 711 M c K en z ie a ueuauxm Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Has removed from his form er location in tW Bond BM m . to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Pendleton News stand Cigars and Tobacco : Oregon R. M. HESTER, M. D. Eye, Ear Nose and Throat ifits Office, 123 W. Court St. Over Telephone Building Pendleton, SERVICE HITT’S Oregon YOU WANT DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian CALL 25-J Treats all Domestic Animals. Inter state Stock Inspector COUNTRY HAULS S0LICITEI T. H. Gaither have, why said report should not be approved, the administrator dis charged, his bondsmen exhonerated and the estate closed. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1925. GEORGE STROHM, 13-5tc Administrator. S 12 pounds White Beans, special for S 22 bars White Wonder SoAp, special for a 13 pounds Fancy Cracked Rice, special for a 3 pounds Ghirardelli’s Ground Chocolate for - 7 Cans Corn, special for - 7 Cans Peas, special f o r ...................................... 7 Cans Tomatoes, special for . . . 7 Cans Stringless Beans, special for 12 pounds Red Mexican Beans, special for 9 cans Milk, special for . . . . 6 cans Salmon (16 ounce) special for X 5 cans Cove Oysters, special for . - . TRANSFER AND DRAY ♦X c f’ LAUNDRY Residence second house w etu of the Cathollo church. Phone, 82-a. We WRsh Everything But the Baby. WHEN IN FOUR TIMES A WEEK SERVICE Troy Laundry Com pany Pendleton, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE PENDLETON MAKE YOUR H E A DQU A K T K R S —.AS-— WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and W ater Sts. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes— Accessories ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. AUCTION SALES! Î J. L. VAUGHANS A FEW IFS AND WHY! IF you intend having an Auction, and ■ _______ 206 East Court St. ! • ANY AND ; Everthing $1.00 : IF you want an auctioneer who 8 Electrical can apeak German as well as $i.oo! English, FOR YOU the man you are looking for Phone 139 Pendleton, Ore. » $i.oo! WHY la— • Jt* ..... ■■■■■■■■■■ar $i.oo£ Colonel $i.oo: WM. F. YOHNKA Legal Blanks for $1.00 : “The an Who Cries Sales Sale at This Office Everywhere” $1.00 : Hlg prices are reasonable and he doeg the business. $1.00 : Hermiston $i.oo: Sale Dates can be had at ths office. Transfer $ i.o o : NOTIC OF ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE We Haul OF REAL PROPERTY ANYTHING $1.00 : In the County Court of the State of ANYWHERE Oregon for Umatilla County ANYTIME $i.oo: In the Matter of of the Estate . IF you want to sail at good priest, and James Alexander Critlg Thom, deceased. Notire Is hereby given that the No. 2 HEAVY LAM? CHIMNEYS. Special for .................................... — ................................. ......................... 28c undersigned, Administrator of the 2 PACKAGES CTTtUS WASHING POWDER, Special f o r ..................... ........- ......................................................... 55« Estate of Jabiee Alexander Craig Thom, deceased, will from and after i 1 LARGE PACKAGE 'lOTHIJtS OATS, Special each...................................... ................................ ......................... 37c the 2nd day of January, 1926 at the * 1 LARGE PACKAGE QUAKER QUICK COOKING OATS. S p e c ia l...................................................................... 32c office of W. J. Warner in, the City ® 5 FOUND BOXES FANCY PRUNE. .8, 40— 50's, Special.................................................................................... 75c of Hermiston, Umatilla county, Ore- 5 l« o n offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the follow WITH AN ORDER FOR $ 5 0 0 EITHER FROM THIS SPECIAL QR ANY ing described real property situated OTHER GOODS PURCHASED FROM OUR STOCK WE WILL SELL YOU In Umatilla County, Oregon, to-wlt: All that part of the SB(4 BEU and the EH 8W>4 8E«4 lying north of the "A" line canal In sec tion 12, Tp. 4 N. R. 28 E. W. M. con. talning 5 acres. Thia sale Is made under and In pursuance of a license and order of sale made and entered by the Hon. I M. Sehannep, Judge of the above entitled Court on the ■ 7th day of November, 1925 In the above entitled estate, and surh sale will be made subject to confirmation by said Court. Dated this 3rd day of December, 1925. JOHN SI. THOM, LEO HURLY Administrator Of the above entitled Estate. —STORES AT— HEBM_ST0N, OREGON « W. J. WARNER, 1 2 -lte t His Attorney. ihnhwnnnnwn «$■■■■■■* FR ID A Y , S A T U R D A Y , M O N D A Y and T U E S D A Y , DEC. 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 , 1 5 HEATMIGHT rw w a PROFESSIONAL CARDS Burt Mullins 100 Pound Sack of Sugar for $6.25 LOW BOUND T U P FARES FOR CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS r a r a b rv th en wrtliglbr invited. W. H. McMillan H. A . B X. R. u d s. Dr. F. V. PRIME EXTRAS SMITH'S SECOND HAND STORE— Tou got moro for your money. Isn't that funny. Furniture, stowen and everything. Jnst walk in and forget to ring. 35-tfc RECLAMATION L O D G I N o .] t t ö M Announcment STA N D A RD o n . COMPANY W ANTED-Mea or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hos iery for men. women end children. Eliminate darning. Salary $78 a week full time, $1.8$ an hour spare time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Nor 'S. ss -io tp Via Union Pacific between points in Idaho. Oregon and Washington. Bale dates December IS, 1$, 23, 23. 24 and* December 30 end 21; return limit January 4, 192$. For further particulars see local agent. 14-2tc LEATHER COATS M ake a F ive D ollar P urchase and g e t your sack o f Sugar. Sugar m ar k et has b een advan cing b u t w e h a v e n o t raised our price. FOR SALE— Stewart speedometer for Ford. F. P. Phipps. . 12-tfc 75 DOLLARS—Will exchange a $75 Gerhart knitting machine for a good shotgun. Box 265. 9-4tc — L IN E O F — SPECIAL! FOR SALE or trade 15 aeree, part alfalfa, part orchard, and some In asparagus. For partculars call at Herald offee. 7-tfc FOR SALE—Good light team of horses and set of harness, cheap. Apply at this office. 11-tfc CLOSING In the Matter of the Estate of \ • Benjamin F. Strohm, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the afternoon as the time, and the room8 undersigned administrator of the es of the above entitled Court In the tate of Benjamin F. Strohm, deceas County Court House In Pendleton, ed, has filed his final report with Umatilla County, Oregon, as the place when and where hearing is to be FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel the Clerk of the above entitled Court had thereon. All persons Interested logg Motor Co. 2-tfo and that the Judge of said Court has designated Saturday, the 2nd day of nre herey notified to then and there January, 1926 at 2 o’clock In the appear and show cause. If any they TO TRADE—Ford touring body in good condition, for roadster body ■■B E H E E E E H B M B E B H H H E H E E H H H H E Paul Miller. 14-2tp FOR 8ALE— 750 pound Primrose sep arator. Enquire Inland Empire I.umber Co. 4$ tfc u a a tm s o n n sad Mail Now For Christinas rostmaster Genera) Harry 8, New has Issued the following order: Postmasters will suspend all work at 12 o'clock midnight December 24 except to retain on duty Christmas day only such employes as are re quired to make the regular holiday dispatches of first class mall to the trains and to receive, but not to work. Incoming mall from the trains. There will be no rural delivery on Christmas day. The local postofflce will be open from 9:30 t0 10:30 A. M. December 25th. to diepatch mall but only special deliveries and spec ial handling mail will be distributed HURLY CA SH GRO CERY ■ ■ : St ~ TELEPHONE 31 L. F. M cA fee PATTS, W A IL P A P » , 1’T T I IP .. MOVI DINCS /.. D r 613 E ’fc St. 3S Thon; 15$ Pend' .on, C HEMSTITCHING, PIEAT1KG LUTTONS and BUTTON HOLES Mail orders promptly attended to. THE SMART SHOP Mrs. R. L. Parker, Prop. 822 Main St. Pendleton, Ore. — 1 ' • . '■