fiXSBMZBTOK, OBEGOM. »WTfi HBBM1STO» ECONOMY Is the First W ord In Today’q Struggle .<• > i YOUR LIVING EXPENSE IS ONE OF THE FOREMOST ITEMS THAT CONFRONT YOU. WHY NOT MAKE THE BREAK AND START THE MONTH OFF RIGHT. SA VE! THAT IS THE PRINCIPLE OF ECOMOMY! When you figure on a loan, no m atter how small or how large, do you pay 10 percent interest when you can get it at 8. That is only a saving of 2 percent Is it not worth saving? The same principle should apply to every expenditure that you make. You often hear the remark “1 only saved five cents on this or that. It don’t amount to much.” To show you that you are making a mistake ask yourself how many purchases you make weekly or monthly th at range from 25 cents to $1.00. The average family will spend $25 per month for groceries and the sales will range from 25 cents to 1.00 on the average. If you could save from 10 to 20 percent on these purchases would it amount to much in a years time? You walk into one store and they ask you 30 cents for two loaves of bread. You walk into another and they ask you 25 cents; you only save 5 cents but in percentage it amounts to 16 2-3 25 for a can of jam you coiild buy for 95 cents a saving of 30 cents which amounts to 24 percent If these savings are of any in u re st it will pay you to investigate our prices and compare them against the credit stores. We cla.m we can show you these savings on quality groceries. Special for F riday, S atu rd ay , M onday, Tues., W ed., Oct. 3 0 to Nov. 4 6 cans Peas for 6 cans Corn 6 cans String Beans 6 cans Tomatoes for Straight cases, per case Assorted, per case 92c 2 cans Standard Peaches 92c 92c 92c $ 3 .5 0 $ 3 .6 0 - - 43c 2 cans Standard A pricots 45c 1 can Sliced Pineapple - -2 7 c 1 can Fancy Peaches - 27c. Campbell's Soup, spec, can - 11c Dew Drop Washing Powder, absolutely guaranteed to give satisfaction, large size, 2 pkgs. 45c 4 2 9 2 2 2 Bars Mission Bell Toilet Soap, Special for Cans Old Dutch Cleanser, Special for Cans Sego Milk, large size, special cans R oyal Club Hominy for 32c 12 pounds White Beans for cans Royal Club Pumpkin 39c 12 pounds Red Mex. Beans cans R oyal Club Spinach 39c 10 pounds winter Onions 30c 23c $1.00 $1.00 $ 1 .0 0 32c Large size Instant Postum, Special 45c 5 pound can Cane and Maple 5 pound pails Karo Syrup, dark syrup . - - $ 1 .0 0 special for - - - 38c 1 med. size Log Cabin Syrup 5 pound pails Karo Syrup, light special for - - 63c special - 42c 1 large size can Log Cabin Syrup, special - - - - $1.22 SAPPHIRE FLOUR, STRAIGHT HARD WHEAT, SPECIAL $2.35 1 Pound can Ghiradelli’s Ground Chocolate, special for 32c 4 LB. PACKAGES SEEDLESS RAISINS, WHILE THEY LAST, spec. 43c Kerr’s Jam, 5 lb. can, special for 95c BULK MACARONI AND SPAGHETTI, SPECIAL 8c POUND Full quart iars sour pickles - 43c 1 pound can Calumet Bak. Pow. 30c Full quail jars dill pickles - 43c 2 ‘ lbs. can Calumet Bak. Pow. 59c Full quart jars sweet pickles - 55c 1 Carton Matches, 6 boxes for 23c 16 ounce can Red Salmon for - 27c 2 pound can Peanut Butter for - 55c 8 ounce cans, special - 2 for 35c 1 pound can Corn Beef - 19c CERETANA OATS AND WHEAT FLAKES, SPECIAL FOR 32c We Carry a Complete List of Groceries And can fill your orders. Come in and look the stock over and compare Our Prices. We pay the highest market price for eggs, either cash or trade. Bring Us Your eggs. HURLY GASH GROCERY Leo Hurly, Prop. Hermiston, Oregon Bring in Four Films O ur . finishing depart­ ment, through up-to-date methods and equipment and expert handling, can help you get the kind of pictures you want. To use a sk -xpres- sio n : “ We’re there ». the finish.” MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY Hermia'.on, Oregon ¥ T IS o u r desire to m a k e satisfiea ow ners o f g used car buyers. A ll re c o n d itio n e d used cars b e arin g th is ta g c a rry o u r g u a ra n te e a n d o u r pledge — b a c k e d by o u r s e r v ic e — th a t vott* are g e ttin g f u ll value fo r th e m o n e y v e n t . KELLOGG MOTOR LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES - Occurerve* o{ Interest Gleaned H-sre and There A bout th e City and Neighborhood P. pj. Yearout, field Scout ex©- cutive, with offices in Pendleton, was here Wednesday conferring with | those interested in the Scout move- , j ment. A troup will be formed here soon with Rev. Young as scoutmas- I ter. Hermiston Creamer PAYS THE HIGHEST p R. cl AND S P O T C A S H F 1»1\ YOUR CREAM. Mrs. C. H. Crandall is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Prindle, this week, from Union. Mrs. Nell Morrison of Union, was visiting In Hermiston over Sunday. JUST RECEIVED Mr. and Mrs. Oron Felthouse mot. ored to McKay creek dam and Pen­ dleton Monday. a fresh stock o f Mr and Mrs. W. M. Shaar were Pendleton visitors Monday. Mrs. E. E. Saville of Portland, visited at the F. B. Swayze home in this city the latter part of hte week. SH EET CELLULOID DON’T FOOL, WITH A COLD— Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, steaming hot, at bedtime. Your cold will be gone in the morning. ..litchell Drug Co. Bring in Your Curtains Mrs. Ross Newport of Portland, was a guest at the F. B. Swayze home over the week end. .3"? The Rebekahs and Odd Fellows will give an old fashioned Hallo­ we’en social at the lodge hall Mon­ day evening, Nov. 2. A program with refreshments Including pump­ kin pie, cider, etc., will add to the occasion. All members are cordially Invited. 1 • | 1 | 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shaar left Monday night for Portland by auto in response to a message apprising them of the death of Mrs. Shaar’s niece. New Fall and Winter Styles In children’s coats, ladles coats and dreses. Ladle«,’ men’s and child­ ren’s hosiery and underwear. Bar- cley corsets made to measure. Also coat and dress material by the yard. Mrs. Emma Johnson, third house east Catholic church. Not at home for businesg Wednlesdays. 7-tf Mr.H. Royce and wife have moved to Cold Sprngs. Mr. Royce Is em­ ployed on the section at that place. TO BE REPAIRED Before Cold Weather Comes Knerr’s Repair M c When In Pendleton— Call in and let ns tell you in person what we can do for yon at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied -ustomer is our best advertise­ ment. Come and see for yourself. A U the latest methods are use I at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Maroelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties Smart and Exclusive M’llinery at Most Reasonable Prices. 645 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 Clarence Shaw of McKay was a Cold Springs visitor Sunday. Coated tongue, bad breath, head­ aches, pimples, bad blood are nat- , lire’s danger signals— HOLLISTER’S Rocky MOUNTAIN TEA removes the cause by carrying off the poisons from the liver, kidneys and bowels. Strongly endorsed everywhere— : Positive results guaranteed. Try It. Mitchell Drug Co. j _______ Rev. J. K. Mumau will preach In the Free Methodist mission Friday, and Saturday evenings at 8 P. M., and Sunday morning. Sunday eve­ ning at Irrigon at 8 P. M. All are cordially Invited to attend these services. Quarterly conference will be held. Open for Business in New Location HEXT TO SAPPERS’ HARDWARE. IN OLD POSTOFFICE BUILDING AMERICAN SHOE SHOP L H. BERRY & SON Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunn were business visitors at Stanfield Wed­ nesday last. First Prize Comb Honey Awarded at Hermiston Dairy and Hog Show. Now for sale at 25 cents oer section. Mr. and Mrs H. Dunn and daugh­ ter Alice motored to Walla Walls Saturday to vlst their daughter Iva who Is attending Walla Walla high this year. Dorothy Tonies has so far recov­ ered from her recent tonallltla to he able to attend school once more. 1M>< BdtaJ SW J. Warner «ad ’Wkrned from Port- We hay and Sen fdi ttmh—Cream. Eggs, Poultry and Groceries h a n d Sunday. Baker— Mrs. B C. Hancock, of ’ Haines Record, issue« new weekly Baker County Record. ! ’ 11 ' ! ’ L. H. BERRY & SON [kt . 1 i PHONE 911