HXBMWTOH. OM5QOX 9Ip9»nntalaa i m i ) Published avery Thursday at H er. mlston, Um atilla County, Oregon by Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man ager. THE FEDERAI RESERVE ' A NATIONAL PROBLEM Uli ber, 1911, term of this Court, nt ths court room of this Court Is Pendle William Tilden the tennis giant ton. Um atilla County. Oregon, as c a n t in e e s ta the time and »lace for hearing say amass the devo and all objections to said petition lees of the gamr and the granting of said order and by his brilllan' license of sale. Therefore. work. In the Name of the State of Ore gon, you, and each of you. are hereby Instructed, directed and required to be and appear at said time and place nd there show cause. If any you have, or If any exists, why an order of sale should not ue made as in said petition prayed for. and why said petition should not be granted and said order and license should not issue. Witness the Hon. I. M. Schannep. Judge of said Court and the seal of thia County affixed thia 31st day of August, 1925. R. T. RROW N. E a r ly C o ffe e H o a e e t Cottee houses were places of re (3 -5 tc ) Clerk. freshment first opened in the Six teenth century In Constantinople. In NOTICE London they were, so to speak, club Notice Is hereby given that the houses, free to all who could buy a cup; and yet each was known for Its assessment for the improvement of special circle of visitors, literary, that part of Gladys Ave. in the City scientific, religious or political. In Hie of Hermiston, Um atilla County. Ore absence of newspai»ers they were a gon, lying between the east line of great means of spreading newa and of First St. and the west line of discussing public questions. Nearly Seventh 8t. embraced in Improve all of the middle and higher dassea ment District No. 10 and Improve attended them dully, and they came to exert so powerful an Influence In ment Districts Noe. 11 to 30 Inclu politics that in 1675 Charles 11 at sive, has been made and a statement tempted to suppress them, but *n vain. thereof entered In the City Lien Docket. The whole cost of said Improve ment is the suin of > » 7 1 .9 9 and the boundaries of the district assessed therefor include all the real proper PENDLETON ty abutting upon that part of Gladys Ave. lying between the eaet line of First St. and the west line of Seventh St. extending on either side from the marginal line of said street back to the center of the blocks abut SPECIALIST ting upon said portion of Gladys Ave. in Internal Medicine for the The number of the ordinance declar past twelve years ing said assessment is 120 and Its title is as follows: "To declare an DOES NOT OPEBATE assessment and designate the street improvement for which the same is Will be at levied, and number of the assess DORIAN HOTEL ment roll and the cost of the im SUNDAY, OCTOEB 11 provement. Gladys Ave. Improve Office Hours; 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ment.” The said assessment Is now due and payable and shall bear interest ONE DAY ONLY from Septembr 11, 1925. and w ill No Charge for Consultation be delinquent September 11, 1925. C. W. KELLOGG, Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu 52-3tc City Recorder. By W ILLIA M K. KNOX President American Bankers Associa tion The Federal Reserve situation Is the paramount problem before American ban kins today. The time Is approach- Snbicription Bates lug when It win be necessary for One Y e a r ................................~ ~ >2.00 the nation to EU Months ............ ....................- >100 consider th e (Payable In Advance) question of re- chartering I k e Federal Rase rva Banks. T h s Federal Reserve System m u s t ba pre served. ll Is one W illia m E. Knex m ost the On Carrying Checks Around scientific banking of systems In ton world. During the last ten years, “Have yon heard about the trouble through all the stress of war. Inflation, Jim Sykes Is In. Aunt Emmy?" asked depression and revival. It served this Molly, who dearly lored to talk about country as no country was evsr served by a banking system. We know that her neighbors. without It our nation would have had "Why. no,” answered Aunt Emmy; a financial disaster far mors devastat -what is it»“ ing than any that aver assailed IL "Well, Aunty, you know how proud While we have this great loyalty he was to get that building Job from and obligation to the System, we must Mr. Parker. He needed the money recognise tbat among Its friends there so much. When it wag finished Mr. has risen serious controversy over Parker gave him a check tor >3.000 many matters of detail. Thera are Of course Jim bad obligated himself many demands for change la the methods of its management and In de to pay a lot of tbat out for materials tails of Its operation. Where these and things. Well, you know what an demands represent broadly the great old slow poke Jim Sykes Is. Instead est good of the greatest number wa of taking the check to the bank right should support them. Where they away he carried it around in his pock represent merely narrow, diverse In et and then poor Mr. Parker died terests of one part of the country or Now he must wait until Mr. Parker’s one type of business or finance, they estate is settled, and tbat may he a should be subordinated to the common couple of years before be can cash good. We should meet on the great tbs check. Poor Jim, Isn't It a broad ground of the common wel shame!“ fare—first to preserve the system la “It ’s too bad.” agreed Aunt Emmy, general as It Is now constructed, and “but quite in keeping with must folks secondly to bring about carefully and carelessness about money. People soundly, such changes as are required should be prompt In depositing checks to adjust It to circumstances of today. The task of considering, sifting, Aside from snch a serious thing as a weighing and co-ordinating discussion death, an undeposlted check is a nui sance to lots of people. Hanks and and suggestions regarding the Federal Reserve System has been confided to business bouses keep their books care fully balanced. If at the end of s the Economic Policy Commission of month a check that has been Issued the American Bankers Association. It is hoped that thereby the Federal Re has not been put through for collec tlon It means a lot of unnecessary serve System will be given the best bookkeeping for the person who Is thought and the best support of bank ing. There Is no greater service bank sued the check and for the bank. “Then, too, there is the danger ol ing can render the nation than this. loss. People often write their names It goes right to the heart of good across the back of a check and then management of the public economy of carry it around for a day or two be America. fore banking IL An indorsed check Is as negotiable as money. To be safe always Indorse It to your bank. Writ« •Pay to the Order of ------’ then the name of your bank and below that The -United States mints msks oth sign your name. That protects the check from being used, if It should er objects besides coins. All of the ate in medicine and surgery and is get out of your hands. But never medals for the army and navy are licensed by the state of Oregon. He waste any time about depositing turned out by the mints. Medals of does not operate for chronic appen checks you receive." all the Presidents, the Secretaries of dicitis, gazl stones, ulcers of stomach, “Not after what happened to Jim the Treasury, the Directors of the tonsils or adenoids. and after hearing you tell me all these Mints, have been designed and exe He haa to his credit wonderful things, Aunty!” said Molly. "I'd be cuted by the mints. Recently the results in diseases of the stomach, ■cared to keep a check a minute more mints Inaugurated the practice of liver, bowels, blood, skin nerves, than necessary.“—Anne B. Aymes. making medals of the Under Secreta heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, ries of the Treasury. Congress has catarrh, iweak lungs, rheumatism, DISPOSES IN 282 WORDS OF authorized the mint to make np 40.000 sciatica, leg ulcers, and rectal a il THE BANK GUARANTEE LAW medals to commemorate the arrival Of ments. the first shipload of Norse Immigrants Below are the names of a few of on board the sloop Restaur Atlonen. "Understand bank deposit guaranty which la to be celebrated at the Norse- his many satisfied patients In Ore being proposed In your legislature.” American Centennial In Minnesota gon: telegraphed R. B. Clnrk. president of next summer. J. L. Chambers, Roseberg, head the Bank of Tupulo. Miss., Io Paul R. At the last session of Congress aches. Brown, Secretary of the North Caro John W odtll, Waterloo, bladder lina Blinkers Association. "Such a there was a flood of bills seeking to law In any form Is a snare and a delu have commemorative half dollars and prostrate trouble. Mrs. E. E. Holman, Richland, kid ■Ion. It Is license and encouragement minted. The prior session authorized to Irresponsible banks and banking the minting of the Huguenot halt dol ney trouble. and penalizes capital solvency and lars and of 5.000,000 half dollars to W. S. Bennett, Oregon City, ulcer prudent banking. It creates a sense signalize the start of work on tbs of the stomach. of aecnrlty In the minds of the un Blone Mountain carving, which will R. W. Meyer, Shaniko, heart trou thinking and uninformed that Is false serve as a monument to the valor of and Impossible to be realized on ulti the soldiers of the South. On the Fed ble. Chas. H. Hoak, La Grande, gall mately. It tends to debauch one's era! coins appear Oenerals Lao and right and duty to be thoughtful and stones. discriminating. To compare It to Jackson, the two leaders of the Con Mrs. M. I. Olsen. Portland, appen legitimate Insurance Is without rea federate forces In the Civil War. dicitis. son and absurd. It Jeopardizes the A Flood of Coins Remember above date, that con solvency of all banks and the safety With tbs 150th anniversary of the sultation on this trip w ill be free of all depositors for the theoretical great battles of ths American revolu safety of a few. We have had It ten tion approaching, bills wars passed and thnt his treatment Is different. Married women must be accompan years, and the fund Is hopelessly In last winter to Issue coins commem arrears. Have been fighting for re orating the stand of the minutemen at ied by their husbands. peal and have made progress. Only Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Los repeal can save our state system of Lezlngton and Concord and the battle Angeles, California. hanks. Many of the best are nation of the Green Mountain patriots at Ben allzlng even now. Guaranty schemes nington In VermonL Proposals were always have been, are and always will made to pay tribute In a similar way TAKEN UP NOTICE Notice in hereby given that I have be Impotent, futile and disastrous to the battle of Bnrker Hill, the vic Consider Oklahoma, Texas, Nebraska tory at Yorktown and other events taken up and have kept for about Mississippi and others. It Is nol American history, aucb at the 200th 5 days at the L. Hammer ranch, 4 new. Has been tried, failed and dis anniversary of the founding of Stough oullia east of Hermlaton. the follow carded at Intervals for more than 100 ton. Mass., and ths 50th anniversary years In this country. No well-ln of the admission of California to ths ing described animals: Two spotted Holstein heifer year formed, honest and Intelligent mine Union. can accept it In principle or practice Fearing that the growth of this lings, no visible brand or distin Well paid Intelligently competent su practice would open the way to conn- guishing marks. Said animals w ill pervlslon. restriction of banks to ter j terfeltlng and make the protection of be sold, un'esn redeemed, at public rltory that will warrant sufficient enp the Integrity of the coins more dlffl auction to the highest bidder for Ital Investment and encourage sur cull. Secretary Mellon openly opposed i , , . . ,. plus accounts Is the only sane and the creation of these special coins, but i raFh ln hn,,d on ' e 9th d y 1 honest course and wtll afford all the i was not entirely successful In hit sf : October, 1925, al the above des guaranty the depositing public is en forts. He instated that the practice crlbed ranch al 2 o’clock P. M. titled to as comparel with all other Introduced confusion Into our system Dated at Hermiston on this 24th human affairs. Arouse your people J of coinage, brought about an unoeces- ,)Ry oj September. 1925. and crush the misguided effort for all i sary expense and satisfied a very lim Signed, L. Hammer, time. To do so wtll be wo:th what ited demand because the public gen 3 -îtc ever It may cost, end ths value will erally haa never shown a special lik be to your people generally more than ing to the commemorative coins IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE to the banks.” , However, Congress felt that these STATE OF OREGOF. FOR The bill was reported unfavorably. great events were worthy of commem UMATILLA COUNTY oration and authorised the coins—all In the M attter of the Estate O d d tfrtfts A I n d u s tr y of which are to be sold at a premium of Citation. “1’rudglt.j” Is a recognized Industry so that the promoters of these eveats In English ports. The professional may raise funds by this extra charge James Alexander Craig Thom. “dredger" with the aid of long and to defray part of the expense attach Deceased. specially constructed poles called ed The records of the Treasury show To John M. Thom. George I. Thom, “hitchers," solves coal during the proc that the special coins, as ■ general ess of coaling ship The "dredging’' rule, are seldom absorbed la clrcula- Thomas R. Thom, Richard H. Thom, Robert K Thom, John M. Thom. Jr., “ 4, a collection „ of . queer little broad ! tion. The Monroe was a a--------------- J a B IM U . Iliff m u u iu v L coin U IH t Issue aa u v W « iiT J ’ > WWk nl failure—«17.000 of (bo « 7 4 ... , Frederick C. Thom, Georgia Thom an waterside places where ships take struck off were turned hack to the ¡ • Bl* Nellie McNurlen, and all other In coal or discharge It. A certain ! I T ro .a .rv for e ltln . up Treasury for m melting up — Journal persona Interested In said ««tats. amount of coal falls overboard Into the Auisrlcau Bankers Association. Whereas application has been river or harbor mud. from which It Is made In due form to the above en retrieved by the •’dredgers,” who wash Costly Funerala It, take It ashore, anil tell It to house History shows the lavish expendi titled Court on the 29th da; of Aug holders at s low price. Coal "drudg ture of public funds when royal funer ust.. 1925, by John M. Thom, admin Ing" Is a skilled neeupatlon, and one als were held In European countries. istrator of said estate, for an order that Is handed do«n from father tu The most expensive funeral In mod authorising and empowering him to! ern times was that of old Emperor sell the real estate belonging to William. It.cost ths city.o f Herlta said deredent and described as fo l-' O rig in o f S la n g times wlih real conviction, sometimes lows, to-w lt: All that part of the | Originally, slang stood for the Jar with excuses to avert ths arrows of REM SGU and the N H SW % S E U i gon deliberately adopted as a kind of destiny. Popular opinion may even change as to the good or had omen ,jr,nK north of the A Line Canal secret language by certain classes Ths word, for Instance, lias been of some charm. Opal, for Instance *n Section 13. Tp. 4 N, R. JS K. W. traced back to the “slang" or letters was ■ good-luck charm for many M. In Um atilla County, Oregon, and worn by convicts, and the word» years, until W alter 8cott, Is un» et Whereas said Court fixed on the which they used to mislead their war bis norslp, attributed bag luck to (tw 7th day of November, 1925. at 2 deqj. b£e»nte known as slang Entered an second class matter December, 1909, at the postoffiee at Hermiston. Um atilla County, Oregon. STRAIGHT TALKS WITH AUNT EMMY o’clock P. M. nt the regular Novem Lands for Trade : FIGHT THE 40 «ore» Boise-Payette Project. AD improved and buildings. Clear. $6.000. Want something here. 120 acres south Idaho. Well im proved. near town. $10,000. Clear. Want something in Eastern Oregon. 160 acres mixed faxining in Baker county. Irrigated wheat, alfalfa and dairying. $12,000. Wants tow er altitude. 200 acres G.aude Bonde valley. 88 in cultivation, balance in pasture. Buildings and fenced. Wants irri gated tract. $8 000. 297 acres near Medford, 78 irri gated. good buildings. Fine farm. $28.000. Wants Eastern Oregon place. 400 acres near Eugene, highly im proved. 2 sets buildings. Wants al falfa land for part or won lid take two tracts. $30,000. I have numerous other such list ings. If you want to trade come and look them Over. I have business arrangements in a score of towns in the Northwest and can find anything to match. In waging your battle with the house fly start early and"make it successful by using the screen doors and window screens of In la n d E m p ire L u m b e r C o. W e have just received our new stock in and would be pleased to show them to you. E. P. DODD HERMISTON, OREGON ■ a s B In la n d E m p ire L u m b e r C o m p an y Dr. Mellenthin Phons 331 The U N IV E R S IT Y contains: vi OREGON The College of Literature, Science and the A rts with 22 departments. The professional schools of A rc h i tecture and A llie d A rts — Business Adm inistration—Education—G rad uate S tud y— Jo urnalism — Law— M edicine— M usic— Physical Edu cation-Sociology— Extension. For a catalogue or any information urrite The Rcgiitrar, UniVeriity of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon The 50tb Year Opens September 24,1925 ■ B V “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW . MGR ■ ■ Exclusive Representatives of National Builder* Bureau ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ M B MMM I l - h : WEST END FARMERS H a v e le a rn e d t h a t T h e H e ra ld p r in ts th e b e a t b u t te r w ra p p e rs . W e h a v e th e la r g e size, 9 by 12 inches. 100 200 300 500 for for for for O u r p ric e s a r e $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 M an y a r e b u y in g th e m in th e la r g e r q u a n titie s , b u t w e a r e h e re to s e rv e you all If y o u w a n t only a fe w w e h a v e th e m w ith o u t th e n a m e . T h e se w e sell a s fo llo w s — D o th e ESKIMOS HIBERNATE SIX MONTHS o f the YEAR? ERODOTUS, the ancient geographer and his torian, thought so. W e moderns know better, but som e of us are still superstitious. For ex ample, w h y do som e people still believe that there is something m ysteriously “better” about "eastern” motor oils m erely because they cost more and are made in the east? H * 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents “ T h e H o m e o f G ood P r in tin g ” O il Sufrerstition Fast Losing Qround Zerolene ooata less because it’s made in the W e s t— but t h a t doesn’t make it better; it’s b e t t e r because in practice it actually lu b r ic a tea better. That’s w h y Zero lene is successfully lubricating m o r e cars in the Pacific Coast states— high priced and lo w — than any other oil m ade. THE HERMISTON HERALD Zerolene will increase the gasoline mileage, reduce the carbon removal operations and maintenance costs and lengthen the life of any car in w hich it is used. TENTS AND AWNINGS 4 M ade from Sele&ed 'Naphthenic Crude Zerolene w ill do the sam e for your car. It is made from selected w estern naphthenic base crude (the best crude so far discovered for the manufacture of motor lub ricants) by our high-vacuum process, checked 15 times for quality, and specially filtered through 40 tons of Florida Fuller's Earth to give you an oil that’s absolutely pure and aafe. W h y pay tribute to a superstition? Insist on Zerolene. A lw ays ask for Z e r o l e n e by n a m e . Q et the Facts I A series of independent and impartial reports sh o w ing the experience of large users w ith Zerolene motor oil has been collected in our booklet, “W h y P ay Tribute to a Superstition?” Ask any Standard Oil Company rep- resentative or Zerolene dealer for a copy. Do you need a new tent or aw ning! Measure your window or front, mark sixe on this cut, mail to ns an d we will give you prices. WE ABE GROWING -j day by day. T hat Is because wo please our customers w ith tho kind of vulcanizing* work wo do. Our up-to-date vulcanizing machines together w ith good mntrtnls and workmanship turns out n first class Job. Insist on Zerolene—even if it does cost less V U L C A N IZ IN G STANDARD a ■ B V a B « i Coming to The Mint’s Sidelines 9 I ■ O IL C O M P A N Y PACIFIC TIRE COMPANY 206% E. Alta St. Pendleton, Ore. (C A L IF O R N IA : C A N C ER SPECIALIST ABRAM METHOD OP BLOOD TESTING AND TREATMENT Dr. B. B. Brundage PENDLETON, OREGON