HERMISTON DAIRY AND HOG SHOW-OCTOBER 9 AND 10, 1928 Sip Wrmwfcm fealh V0L x x 1 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, S E P T E M B E R 24. 1925 FREO SHARRARO STANMN6 OF CONTEST- IS HIT BY CAR ANTS QUEEN CONTEST Xàs High School Mirror Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools RIGHT LEG IS BROKEN IN THREE OPENING FOOTBALL | GAME FRIDAY N o. 3 MINNEHAHA T. S. TOWNSEND PRESENTED MEDAL Among the local people attending the Boardman fair were F. M. Gul- wits and Miss Guiwits and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rodda. Mr. and Mrs. Rodda went on to Arlington to visit UMATILLA MATCHED WITH LOC- Mrs. Rodda's sister, Mrs. H. M. Cox. GIVEN IN RECOGNITION OF SER There was a decided change In the Voi. 5. NO. 1 position of the contestants for the ALS ON GRIDIRON HERE queen thia week. Vague whisper Frederick Hesser, who has been, VICE IN BUILDING INDUSTRY Last Friday afternoon the H. H. S. Annual Staff News. ings of "big money" have been student body met for the first tim e' visiting at the home of his partns ..... ...... A meeting of the members already for the past month, left Wednes heard and it is rumored that Her this year. It Is starting work on on the staff of the Annual this year Coach Higbee Has Been Whipping day for Annapolis where he will re- Award Is Made at National Creamery John Mayen, Driver of Car From miston Is preparing to back a local many activities and from all a p -, was called to elect those members Santa Monica, Cal., Agrees to girl against all comers, no matter sume his studies at the naval acad Warriors Into Shape By Strenu Bnttermakers Convention Held pearances this Is going to be one of that would be needed for the differ- Pay Doctor Bill of In emy. how loud the other fellow’s money In Portland Last Week. the snappiest and busiest years In ent departments. The staff now jured Man. ous Workouts. talks. During the week Lorene ltg history. Some of the activities' consists of Anita Paulsen, edttor-ln- Lomax came to the front for first started are toot ball public speaking. chief; Issabelle Dodd, asst, editor; _____ i Mi. and Mrs. W. T. Wright of Ir- Lat Friday's Portland Journal con* „ , „ v ,, , j rlgon, were business visitors in Her- ’ talned the following account of the choice and _ Ada _ Soneson was a close work on the Annual and a high business manager. Ernest Parrish; Fred Sharrard, an employee of the Next Friday will .. herald In . the nnston „.hinn Tuesday. T.,.«aav ... . to T. „ S. „ Townsend — . at . second. The Legion and Community schoo, play. With the town’s back- assistant business manager, Joe Mc . . .v • presentation Oregon hotel, was fclt Wednesday of the football season when . . . . . . . _ ... are yet to be heard from with votes ,ng our hlgh 8chool QUght to the Naught; boys’ athletics, Florence opening ,5 , , . . , , „ --------- - i the Natloal Creamery Butter Mak- noon by a car driven by John May- the local high school meets Urns- The Minnehaha school district N o.1 „rs convention held there last week, for the candidates they have pledg- best in Eastern Oregon. Skinner; public speaking, Earl Ben- tllla here. era. of Santa Monica, California, and 115 opened for the year’s werk Moi- of a medal In recognition of his 45 ed to support, so It is expected there ; sel; dramatics, Edith Mlkesell; art badly Injured. In spite of the fact that only o n e day> Sept. 7, wlth Mrg. j. D e . years 8ervlce in heiplng t0 bulld up will be some heavy voting this week editor. Jack Smith; photography, letter man is on the squad this year, Mo88 tn charge. There Is an enroll- and develop the dairy industry. According to the story told by Wednesday was the first day of I The athletlc season -tickets are for Mr Mayers, Sherrard started to cross the giving of free votes by the mer- , ?ale now- Buf before It’s too late. Howard Reid. oach Higbie has an aggregation of ment of sixteen, a large lncrase over The portion of the article referr- the street Just opposite of the Ore chanty with purchases and Charles ; w .rrior. that are tough customers last year. to <he pre9entatlon ,g Rg fo,low8: _____ Last Monday Mr. Wakefield repre gon Hardware. The driver saw the Burk, one of the cities progressive -Coach Higbee’s call for men was senting a Seattle firm, visited the and will cause no little worry t o ' "J. D. Mickle. State Dairy and man and applied the brakes. At this merchants, has stated that he will answered with a turnout of about local high school and succeeded In opposing teams that meet them o n ! The Westland school district No. Food Commissioner of Oregon was this Juncture Mr. Sherrard seemed 8 opened Sept. 7 with Mr. and Mrs. charged with the duty of presenting give a necklace set with a genuine 22 of the most ambitions boys in obtaining an order from the seniors the field of battle. to change his mind and walked back The game will start promptly at Edwards In charge. Roy Attebury the gllver cups medals and other diamond to the successful candidate. high school. The boys may all be for their class pins which will ar towards the sidewalk. The driver three o’clock. i drives the Jitney from the south end awards. Three contests were on, Voting will close promptly on the green but under the wonderful rive In a few weeks. started up again thinking Sherrard of the district. 30th when the ballots will be coaching of Mr. Higbee who has fresh butter, stored butter, and then was going back the way he had « 4 4 4 ♦ 4 ♦ 4 4 4 4 -Ï 4 •> 4 counted by the committee who have had great success in his past years the judging contests, both among A reception was given Friday eve Z X " T , ‘^ T c h a r g e of the contest and of coaching, we expect our boys to The Hermiston bus is running Individuals and state teams. Then, ♦ * ning, Sept. 11, by Mr. and Mrs. • around and stepped In front of the FARM REMINDERS * from Butter Creek again this year too, a special medal the chosen maid will be given into show the old fighting spirit that has Cherry for the teachers of the Her * was presented car. The bumper hit the unfortu- starting at the Helstand Moore farm. to T. S. Townsend, pioneer cream- _ .v . i the hands of a committee appointed ' been present In the past years. Come miston school. After the teachers It picks a few high sc'iool pupils eryman and cheese maker of the m u L a ld e ‘hr,OW‘ng by the board of the fair, who have and see us play the first game of had become acquainted with each Tr on th < I n‘akln* » • « * plans for her a p .jth e season Friday. Sept. 25. from the south end of the district state who has been a dominant fac Artificial support for branches other they spent the remainder of ' er on the opposite side of the car.1 ' No. 8 and all of the high school pup- tor in building up the Industry here. pearance as Queen of the Carnival. the evening playing games. Later overloaded with fruit becomes press The driver admitted traveling in the ing just before the crop colors up, Is from 115. Art Schmidt is the "Townsend was born In Indiana delicious refreshments were served. The tug of war this year offered neighborhood of twenty miles per with the starche« largely turning driver, in 1851, early In life left an or All those who attended reported a Standing of contestants for Queen a great surprise to everybody, al hour at the time of the collision. to sugar as the fruit matures. Most phan he had but three months of though mostly to the sophomores. very enjoyable time. A gentleman whom Mr. Mayers had October 9-10, taken September 23: Jesse Richards has moved his fam common school education. In 1877 Oregon trees that have been rightly Lorene Lomax 1402, Ada Sone For the first time In the history of picked up In Pendleton and wag rid ily from the Butter creek farm to he moved to Iowa and three years The new subjects offered this pruned at the start get along all ing Into Portland, was the first out son 593, Nancy McNaught 410, Edna H, K. S. the freshmen outpulled llbrmiston so Neva and June can later built a creamery at Stewart, right without tying or bracing, as of the car and rushed to the side Wlsenor 382, Anna Stephens, Uma their bitter enemies the sophs. It year are biology, geography, world it 18 considered by growers and ex atttend the Hermiston school. Iowa. While here he received some of the Injured man who by this tilla 212, Edna Bokish 184, Lois was a touching sight to see the history and debate. Biology Is be periment station specialists a good help from Ames where many cream time was sitting up 4n the middle Jackson 179, Vivian Nation 51. Isa haughty sophs crawling from the ing given in place of physiology and practice not to allow tile upright M 's. C. M. Jackson and sons Billy ery men have since taken full of the street. Sherrard was carried bell Dodd 31, Margaret Hower Uma- drain ditch wreated In water cress botany. Credit in glee club work limbs to bend down with their fruit and Bobby, are guests at the Me courses and in 1883 moved to Al Is also being given. to doctor Illsley’g office close by and tllla, 30, Gladys Thompson, Uma-(and slime, and an accomplishment and thus spread the tree. Masts of Pherson home In Pendleton during bany, Oregon, where he was in an ex-ray picture taken of the leg. tllla. 25, Bessie Stupler, Um atilla'of which the freshmen long can Round-Up. formed you couldn’t grow enough The newly elected officers of the 2-inch square' pieces, one end on The picture disclosed that It had 25, Gladys W ist 19, Magaret Wat-j boast. the ground, a few feet higher than feed to keep a cow and merchants senior class are president, Florence ____ *een broken In three places about erman 8. Mary Christian 6, Myrtle Mr. Frank Sllvey and family left thought him a wild stock salesman the tree with ropes tied to the Skinner; vice-president, Edna Bok Chritlan 4, Dorothy Shotwell 4. One midway between the knee and ankle Tuesday for Condon where Mr. Sll when he talked of creamery butter. ish: secretary and treasurer, Nancy branches needing support, are used New Supt. The suffering caused by the break vote each are; Jane Warner, Ethel vey will be engaged In farming. and recommended by the expriment In 1892 he built the first cream Mr. Cherry is our new professor McNaught; class historian, Edith was Intense and an anaesthetic was Grigg, Sylvia Evans, Nell Reeves, stations, though rather expensive in ery and cheese factory at Tillamook Mlkesell; class advisor, Mr. Math this year. He came from Idaho and administered while the hones were Maxiae Avery, Oral Campbell, Edna Mrs. W. A. Hinellne Is employed some districts. now world famous for the product Gould, Dorothy Straw, Alice Dyer. has taught school since 1908. He ers. set and splints applied. as teacher at the Cold Springs land he stnrted there. Later he built understands young people and has Contest closes at 8 P. M. Wed Mr. Mayers agreed to pay all doc In hill selecting next year’s pota Ing school which opened Sept. 7. The Junior class has elected the creameries and factories at Nehalm, already won the respect and friend tor bills and other expenses after nesday, September 30. following officers: President, Joe to seed hills that show green and Astoria. Salem, Lyons, Dalles, Gard ship of the ntlre student body. which city marshal Pankow released Miss Lois Jackson Is employed a:; ner and Portland as well as a few McNaught; vice-president, Elizabeth look vigorous later than the average him. Straw; secretary and treasurer, are recommended by the experiment assistant in Dr. Prime’s office. Lucretia Garfield cheese factories in Washington. He In the high school this year are Eye witnesses of the accident station for improvement In the Ore Isabelle Dodd. retired from active business during claim the car was making a speed enrolled 29 green young freshmen, The neighborhood cluh held Its I lie war, but since that time he be gon potato crop. The leaves should of close to thirty miles an hour a 17 bold bad sophomores, 31 lovesick The officers for the sophomore be normal for the variety with no first meeting of the year Thursday came interested In a creamery at few seconds before the collision. juniors and 16 stately seniors, a class are: George Davis, president; unusual wrinkling or mottling— In Sept. 10. at the E. L. Jackson resi Hermiston and Is still very active In total of 93 students. Vernon Harrah, vice-president: Cteo. dications of mosdlc. Mosaic leaves dence with Mrs. E. L, Jackson, Mrs. conducting It. Few men have such *Trs. CnUahan’s Dancing Pupils Will McKenzie, secretary and treasurer; have small areas less green and C. M. Jackson and Mrs. P. F. Hay a record as this in any dairy state Draw Larre Crowd. The girls’ glee club under the di Miss Turck, class advisor. more yellow than the healthy leaf. den as hostesses. After an after said Mickle In making the presen The directors of th© Hermiston rection of Miss Seyler, our new sing Some times these leaves appear to noon of pleasant conversation a tation.” Dairy and Hog show feel they are ing teacher, has been organized for The freshman class officers are have thin spots In them. Plants dainty luncheon was delightfully very fortunate In being able to pres the coming year. Much interest is as follows: President, Edna May with uniform green smooth leaves served. The meeting was well at ent to the public a number of Mrs. being shown by the girls in this Wlsnor; vice-president, Jewel Smith: are the best. They may be staked tended. The next meeting will b< Callahan’s dancing pupils In connec work. The club hopes to present secretary and treasurer, Dorothy now and dug later or dug now and held at the Dyer home. tion with the show to be held Oct. several operettas during the school Hitt; sergeant at arms, Carl Haddox; put into crates for storage on cool 9 and 10. This feature will prove Mrs. Chas, Kaiser, who has been year. class advisor. Mass Brown. ing out. Seed selection pays in the a big drawing card as her pupils commercial field and Is particularly at St. Anthonys hospital where the la v e established an enviable reputa baby has been receiving treatment, DIAMOND NECKLACE PABENT-TFACHERS WILL HOLD valuable for next year’s seed plot. tion among audiences In this end of is expected home the last of the TO BE GIVEN WINNER I he county. WHAT 18 EVAPORATED MILKT A RECEPTION FOR TEACHERS week. fll More cheap forage Is one of the PLACES BY ACCIDENT ^5Hon\¿ Floyd Kneer Buys Brown House A deal wag made recently whereby Floyd Kneer purchased the old Brown house on Gladys avenue. The dwelling is an old land mark in Her. miston being one of the first houses erected here. Mr. Kneer will remod el the house both inside and out and move his family from their present home to the new one. big problems confronting the Ameri Did you ever stop to figure out the Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Taylor who exact meaning of “Evaporated Milk”? can farmer Including many In Ore gon, specialists of the federal de have been away on a ten days’ vac The word “evaporated” may give you Queen. the Idea that In the process of evapo partment of agriculture report to ation, returned home Sunday. ration the milk has lost some of Its the experiment station. As pasture GEORGE W. VALLERY valuable qualities. It hasn't. It has this forage gives good yields and Charles G. Burke will present a lost only water. Sixty per cent of the costs little after the pasture has water la evaporated from the milk valuable diamond necklace to the after It comes fresh from tha cow. been established. girl who has the most votes in the The first step in processing the milk contest for queen October 9 and 10. is the evaporation, when a portion of Mr. Burke made the offer to a mem AL. ROBB RANCH SOLD the wnter content is removed. The ber of the committee last Monday G. W. McCoy of Enterprise, has second step is the homogenization, morning. The necklace will arrive Entertains With Bridge Party which Insures the cream being dis purchased the Al. Robb ranch west tributed evenly throughout the milk. In the near future and will be plac- Mrs. J. K. Shotwell of this city of town. Mr. McCoy and family The third Is the canning. The fourth ed on display. It is a prize worth entertained last Monday afternoon are now settled in, their new home. Is sterilization, which takes place In possessing and the lucky girl will at her home with a bridge party, The deal was handled through E. P. the can when the t n llk Is subjected to have something to be proud of. | About forty ladles were present. Dodd. sufficient lient to destroy the bscteria. Thus evaporated milk remains as puru and fresh in the container as when It foamed Into the pall In the farmer'* barn. Evaporated milk Is now generally recognized as the freshest milk avail able to those not living on farms and producing their own milk. For fresh ness In milk means purity. Transportation of milk from the dairy country to the city is well syste matized and rapid and yet owing to the immense quantities of milk that must he rushed In dally, much of It must he obtained at considerable dis tances and a large per cent Is neces sarily some days old when It Is de livered by the milkman. Evaporut'd milk on the other hand. Charles G. Burke Donates Prise For Miss Lucretia Garfield, daughter of President Hnrry A. Garfield of Wil Parts of the great province of liams college and Mrs. Garfield, whose Kansu, China, are so dry that rec engagema»«’- lias been announced to ords recently found printed on silk Jchn P. Cmner. professor of political and covered only by a few feet of science at the Southern Methodist col gravel are still in good condition lege In Texas. He Is to become as- slstant professor of government at though made nearly 2,000 yeais , wulIanj, thlg fa„. ago. “Truth in Meats’ To honor the teachers, the Parent- Teacher* Association, assisted by the Community club, will give a recep tion at the school house Friday eve ning, Sept. 25, at eight o’clock. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. A program has been arranged for the occasion. Is Iasi niglc'x From thi id f>. .< morning's tnllk. d a ir y rigid Ins » i l i o n I A B E R D E E N -A N G U S S T E E R “ Q U E E N M E R E 2 4 T H " •ra n d C ham pion P a c ific In te rn a tio n a l Livestock Exposition. 1*24. e xh ib ited by Congdon and B attles , Y a k im a , W ash. B rad, fad and At the Pacific International Live- from the packer to the retailer. Farth- Stock Exposition to be held in Port- er down in the refrigerator, will be Sand this year, October 31st to Novem- shown the regular wholesale cuts of her 7th, ft Is proposed to give a demon- meat usually sold in the trade. These, stration which will carry out the idea too, will carry their proper pricing as of “Truth ta Meats.’’ regards the various grades. Assisting In this work will be the Finally, In a counter will be seen Department of Agriculture, colleges of all the retail cuts from these various Oregon and the Pacific slope, parking- packing-house lots; they in tarn show- people. stock-ysrd officials and Ing exactly what a choice cut front the ntsslon men, and retailers as well, choicest animal should sell for; bear- 81x to eight live animals, nicely bed-, Ing in mind all the time that the over- aad properly cared for, wilt' bead in the retail store Is Just as from prime* to enmmtss. and mach, pound for posnd, oa a common over the head of each 'will be posted animal as it is on a choice one. the price on foot at which Its hind Ini The purpose of this entire demon- ■elllng In the stock-yard» that week.! stratlon will not be to prove that the ! Directly back of them. In a refrlgera- retailers are getting too little or too tor, will be shown carcasses from ani-! much for their meat, but rather to of a similar lot. These car-¡show the relative value of prime M will also show the selling pricej compared with common meat. George W. Vallery Is the new grand master of the Knights Templar, hav ing been promoted to that olfice at the conclave In Seattle. Indians of Glacier National park raided enough wheat last year to keep two government-built flouring mills grinding this grist. .•n. ui'.'.'ays ander 's l’orried h« fnrm- t<,' » the In urt of ers lo f i' urite I. the dr j nut ! 1 ur ' M lv -re o win i. mill ... ni'intsl It is fre it I'».lì i moni« - t ’’ «„.m Jnst t l i s ite It Is n «ver It I II Hs Ti • r h««! proc •I alio cd to pss fron: »W t" i an ri »••.ire «nly u ; Le He«-«« ting t<» few hours. I ierilir.'ng know tliut the pr takes place after th. mil' «las h-M-n Postmen of Norwestern Alaska set' d In Its containers t ice in its sterilized rontaii’ers, there Is Co pos often drive reindeer to haul their sibility ol de’ erloratlon. ! load of mail. Tlie steril'zlng of eviiporstetl milk Insures its purity— It »nukes a safe A piece of linen. 6,000 years old. milk for the children. Evaporated recently examined by the chairman milk Is boiled milk, und this makes It i of th Irish Linen Society, was found more digestible. It may be used for any milk need | io be as perfect structurally aa are with safety and economy. the linens made* today. For ordinary cream needs, use It Just ns It comes from the tan. When No one knows who discovered that( g mll|( „ rpd add an eqna| the world Is round, but Jt was after! part llf water. For cooking and bak- ihe time of Thales and before the ing, two parts water and uue pert time of Aristotle. 1 will JVMll/. sufik^ .