W W W A T Aft LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES • Get 1 hinge in Shape for Fall and Winter Now IV S REPAIR TIME Will R. King, who at one time was chief counsel for the reclama tion service, and who has been re tained to defend Murray, Wlllos and Kelley, the trio who recently eecap- ed from the Oregon penitentiary, wax a visitor In Hermiston the first part of last week. ■ g SELECT LUMBER FOR REPAIRING Make up your mind what repair or building work you are going to undertake within the next few weeks. When you’ve figured out how much lumber you will need, tell us about it. We offer sd ect, carefully inspect ed lumber, shingles, lath, plank, fence posts, etc., at most reasonable prices. k Materially Tours Carl Voyen. Merle Phelps and Dad West returned the latter part of last week from a deer hunting ex pedition In the mountains. There was something evidently wrong with their trigger finger for ths part) failed to procure any fresh meat. , R. A. Brownson, Mgr. Phone 111 Mary Currie left the latter part ■ of last week for Athena where she ! will be employed as a teacher In the schools of that city. Delicious apples. Order your ap pie wants of F. M. Ouiwlts. Delic ious. Jonathan and Wlncsap. I AUTO PA R T S Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Blessing re turned Monday from a trip to Sil verton and Portland. NEW AND USED Come and see Us. Auto Clearing House, Inc. Pearl Ward and family left Mon day morning for Long Beach and ether points in California where they will visit relatives. They will make the trip by car and expected to reach Dayton. Oregon, the first night and spend a few days with the Payne family who traded their ranch here for a farm In Dayton. The Wards expect to be gone for about two months. 728 Thompson Street Pendleton, Oregon Night Phone 981 Phone 38 YOUR OLD CAR BOUGHT AMERICAN SHOE S H O P Hermiston (next door to postoffice) The F. B. Swayze family return ed Sunday from Camp Sherman where they spent the summer. Expert Shoe Repairing Parcel Post paid one way. All work guaranteed. Hugh Walker who Is salesman for the Fuller Brush company spent the week-end at his home in this city. J. H. FARRA When In Pendleton— If you want results and want them quick take HOLISTER’S GOLDEN NUGGET TABLETS— simply great for Constipation and Headache«. Mitchell Drug Co. Call in and let us tell you in person what we can do for you at this Beauty Shop. A satisfied ustomer is our best advertise ment. Come and see for yourself. All the latest methods are use I at this Beauty Shop and all work is done under sanitary conditions. W. II. Peck and daughter, Mrs. Homer Cyrus, of Culver, Oregon, were visitors at the Otto Pierce home Monday. SLOAN BONNET AND BEAUTY PARLORS Elinor Briggs left Wednesday for Monmouth. Oregon, where she will take a course In the state normal school. Marcelling, Facial and Scalp Treatments are Our Specialties Smart and Exclusive M'l'inery at Most Reasonable Prices. 649 Main St., Pendleton, Ore. Telephone: 380 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborn, brother of Mrs. Pierce, were guests at the Pierce home last week. Round-Up is Only a few days away Mrs, Mary Belachee. an ex-reel dent of the Columbia district, If here this week visiting old friends Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moll left Sat urday for points In Idaho where they will spend a two weeks vacation. Misg Lois Osborn, sister of Mrs Otto Pierce, of Portland, is visiting for a few days at the Pierce home. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESS ED FOR THE OCCASION. WE GUARANTEE ALL OF OUR WORK. WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENT IN THIS END OF THE COUNTY. GIVE US A TRIAL. Wanted— 100 men and women young or old, with pimples, head achee, sour stomachs, bad breath, constipation, cross, mean deposition to take HOLLISTNg’S GOLDEN NUGGET TABLETS— results guaran teed. Mitchell Drug Co. Imperial Cleaners Queen Esther Chapter O. E. S will hold Its regular meeting Mon day night. Sept. 21 Istend of Tucs day Mrs. Carolina Lewis. Worthy I rand Matron O E. S or Otegcn will make an off clal visit. By or dvr W. M. HERMISTON, OREGON A reception will be given In lion r <»f Mr. and M'1*». G.*org»* Putters >n r XI Monday ev nlng, Sept 21. at the M. E. cbm The public I. •••rt’lally Invited to attend thlh fare w- I to this pi >n»cr c uple. Legal Blanks For Sale at The Herald Office jn ■ ■ ■ << Science for Service99 Through the Experiment Button, the Extension Service, and Resident Instrustlon Oregon Agricultural College SERVES the FARMS, the HOMES and INDUSTRIES of OREGON ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ It efiers a college education In Agriculture, Commerce. Engineering. Forestry, Home Economics, Mines, Pharmacy, Vocational Education, Chemical Enyineering, Military Science and Tactics The School of BASIC ARTS AND SCIENCES provides the foun- datton for all technical couraca. The training Includes Physi cal Education. Industrial Journalism. Social Science and Music. ■ ■ ■ Fall Term Begin« September 21, 1925 ror Illustrated booklets and apertile Infarmatlsn. writs to tho REGISTRAR, Oregon Agricultural Collega Corvallis, Oregon g— AFTER SEPT. 17 ••-we will give--- Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Nlch ola of Umatilla on September 8, a ten pound boy. Mrs. Nichols war formerly Lotys Davie, of Riverton on-the-Umatllla. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. You can save money and time here. H SB M X & T O 3T , O H B G O JT . ggW q y j| The Community Club will hold a i cooked food sale at Sappers' store i Saturday afternoon. Sept. 26. Lay j In your Sunday supplies. Mrs C. L. Durfey returned Wed nesday morning from a three month« i visit with relatives In Montana and | a trip thrugh parts of Canada. Her niece, Kitty Short, returned with i her and will be here for a short ! »lay. D ISCOUNT For Cash On All Orders Marian Briggs left Wednesday for i Portland where she will visit for a time with relatives after which she flM go to Albany where she »s employed as a teacher. Th„ government erew tinder Jack Smith has been employed eonstruct- j Ing a bridge across the Umatilla rlvaf gt Ike Dlveralon dam. , r KELLOGG MOTOR C o . of $1.00 or More For Your Protection (exclusive of Flour and Sugar) OUR BRANDS OF MEATS ASSURES YOU OF THE BEST Fresh Baked Fig Bars 20c lb. We cater to the trade of particular people for we know our products satisfy, WE HANDLE SIMON PURE LARD Fresh Ginger Snaps 25c lb. 2 lbs. 40c “The Lard That Cannot Be Beat” Give us a trial and you will become a steady customer. r HERMISTON MARKET CASH SPECIAL For Friday and Saturday only C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E S O C IE T Y O F H E R M IS T O N . O R E G O N ANNOUNCES A F R E E L E C T U R E O N C H R IS T IA N S C IE N C E BY H O N . W IL L IA M E. B R O W N . C . S . B .. O F LO S A N G E LES 7 Bars of White Wonder Soap for 25c MEMBER OF THE BOARD T H i F IR S T IN OF C A L IF O R N IA L E C T U R E S H IP CHURCH BOSTON. OF OF C H R IS T . T H ( M OTHER CHURCH S C IE N T IS T M ASSACHUSETTS IN T H E A U D IT O R IU M SU N D A Y. SEPTEM BER 2 7 . 1923 29 Bars for $1.00 A T 3 O 'C L O C K P. M THE P U B L IC IS C O R D IA L L Y IN V IT E D TO A TT E N D Subscribe for the home paper We have a number of . USED CARS YOU TCLL EM ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ' ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ •> ♦ ♦ that we are selling at I* * ♦ A Ridiculously Low Figure It would surprise you to know THE BARGAINS THAT A W A l l YOU HERE. ❖ * Some fellows could swallow spoon and still be unable to stir. a ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ » ♦ ♦ You will feel more Hke '"stirring” when you have some GOOD WHOLESOME MEAT for dinner— and the place to get just what you want Is at this mar ket. CITY M EAT MARKET JOHN ELLIS, PROP. 1 Dodge louring 1 Ford Sedan and Others i E R. Crocker returned this week from a trip on government business to Canada and points along the boundary. OU can d ep en d upon th e U sed Car Guaran* tee o f an A u th o rized Ford Dealer. I t is hie ex p ert opinion th a t th e car i t w orth th e price asked a n d th a t it w ill give good service. Ws 9 back our opinion w ith a th ir ty day guarantee. Come in and Give them the Once Over Black & White The Small Things o f Life are the things that make us prosperous and happy So it is with us— the pennies that we can save yon are pennies made for yon: they make for happiness and th rift WE DONT DELIVER. WE ARE A CASH AND CARRY STORE. i ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦