THE H E R M IS T O N HERALD, H E R M IS T O N , O R B tiO N , —r — - J LODGE DIRECTORY S o m e b o d y Is S a v in g B urt M u llin s V inkyakd lodge no . - Excursion Trf» CHICAGO T o all principal Eastern Ci tic* DETROIT CINCINNATI CLEVELAND TORONTO MONTREAL PITTSBURGH PHItADELPHIA WASHINGTON NEW YORK BOSTON on sale d a ily to S ep t. 15 F in al return lim it O ct. 31 and qf Hermiston Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit» Over $50,000 P. B. Sways«, Pres. R. Alexader, Vlce-Prea. A. H. Norton, Cashier W. L. Hamm, Asst. Cashier Ask for free booklet, descriptive o f these famous resorts F. C, Woughter, Agent, Hermiston, Oregon REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND Wm. McMURRAY, Genl. Pass. Agt. INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE­ ALTOR. J«-tfe WANT ADS “A dvertising is the education of the public as to what yon are, where yon are. and w hat you have to offer in the way of skill, talent or com­ modity. The only man who should not advertise is the man who has nothing to offer the world in the way of commodity or service.” — Elbert Hubbard. Doga Not a Commodity A FOR RENT—An up-to-date modern and spacious dwelling on Gladys Avenue. For further particulars see Mrs. Anna Strohm. 42 LOST— Chaufferg license No. 10163 somewhere within the city. Rea­ sonable reward If returned to this office. 40-tfc SHIRTS, nightshirts and pajamas made to your measure. 500 pat­ terns of the finest silks, madras, and flannels to select from. Made by Ferd Klaag Shirt Co. Imperial 38-tfc Cleaners. Phone 53-W. I have some good pasture for rent. Inquire First National Bank. Wil­ liam D. Prior. Burk Is hearqusrters Shoes. for Army Herald W ant Ad* B ring Ton Result» SMITH’S SECOND HAND STORE— You get more for your money; Isn’t that funny. Furniture, stoves and everything. J net walk In and forget to ring. 35-tfc Burk’s for bargains. WANTED— Men or women to take orders for genuine guaranteed hos­ iery for men, women and children. Eliminate darning. Salary $7$ a full time. fl.SO an hour time. Beautiful spring line. International Stocking Mills, Nor- ristowa, Fla. S»-20tp TRADE—Good Ford touring ear for fresh cowa or heifers. P. O. Box J»l. 19-tfc Some very beautiful choral music we heard recently reminded* us of a little speech Sir Henry Wood once mude to Sheffield choristers. “Now for your greatest fault I” he exclaimed. “Words I Words are your master. When you go and hear a bad comic opera and jou listen with rapt atteu tion to the principal corteuinn, what attracts you? You are able without effort to hear every word he singe. You forget that he has no voice. Now think when you are singing choruses nt the next festival what a delight It will be to the public If they hear every word you sing I" F L Y -D I i t n o n - p o is o n o u s , w ill n o t s ta in , a n d h a s a p le a s a n t a n d r e f r e s h in g o d o r . Y o u n e e d F L Y -D I a ll t h e y e a r r o u n d —a lw a y s k e e p a b o t t le o n hand. For Sale at M itchell D n ig Co. FLY- STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESS­ MENT GLADYS AVENUE Notice Is hereby given that In ac­ cordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 118 and the Charter of the City of Hermiston, a proposed assessment has been made for the purpose of proportioning the cost of the improvement of that portion of Glady avenue lying between the East line of First Street and the West lin© of Sventh Street described In said Ordinance No. 118. The whole cost of said Improvement Is the sum of $3871.99 and the disthlct to be assessed therefore Is all the lots or parcels of land having a frontage upon said portion of Gladys Avenue above described. Said proposed assessment has been apportioned and is on file In the office of the City Recorder and Is subject to inspection. Any objection to such apportionment thereto that may be made In writing to the City Council and filed with the City Re­ corder within 10 days from June 26th, 1926, will be heard by the Council on July 15th, 1925, before the passage of any ordinance assess­ ing the cost of such Improvement. Dated at Hermiston. Oregon, this 26th day of June, 1926. C. H. SKINNER, 4 2 -3 tc City Recorder, King1 a Power Nominal Celebrate In Milton-Freewater JULY : RACES Entertainment of A ll K ind* for Everybody LEVELING LAND—Bee Peter Caa- trle, experienced and reliable, $ mllee Berth of Hermiston. 4-tfe S t u p e n d o u s F ir e w o r k s D is p la y a t N i g h t Polands for Profits. Stillings. $7tf GEARHART KNITTER— Anyone In­ terested please write Box 15$, Hermiston, Oreg. SOtfe Try Burk’s for bargains. QUICK SERVICE ON CLEANING AND PRESSING. We eall for and deliver. Imperial Cleaner*. PbOM W - I . »» « • STORKS w ill live ONLY in REPUBLICS —Or so people used to think in the 16th century. This is the 20th century. But we are still Superstitious! for example, when we pay fancy prices for ea stern lubricants in spite of the fact that the best crudes so far discovered for the manufacture of a motor oil are obtained from wells on the Pacific Coast. Experience explodes the anti-western oil superstition Zerolene actually lu b rica tes better—and because it does it lubricates more cars in the Pacific Coast states than any other oil m ade —low and high priced cars alike. The most advanced refining process is this Company’s patented high-vacuum process, during the use o f which Zerolene is submitted to 15 positive • checks for quality. Zerolene’s special filtra tio n through 40 tons of Florida Fuller’s Earth gives you an oil that’s absolutely pure and safe. Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office Phone Res. 712 Office 738 M c K enzie & lieuallen UMATILLA R ArtD TRANSIT CO Eye. Ear, Nose and Throat E. R. Pell, Umatilla, Oregon Phone Umatilla, 38 -J -ll Uaa reinovM from hia fo r m e r location in th« Bond to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland E m p ire Bank Bldg. Pendleton :: Oregon P E N D L E T O N MAKE YOUR LI ISA D Q U A R T E R 8 In the Matter of the Estate of Benjamin F Strohm, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad­ ministrator of the estate of Benja­ min F. Strohm, deceased and has qualified as the law directs. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same to me at the office of W. J. Warner, my attorney, in Hermiston, Oregon, with proper vouchers with­ in six months from the date hereof. Dated this 2nd day of April, 1925. GEORGE STROHM, (31-5tc) Administrator — AT— WESTERN AUTO CO. Cottonwood and W ater Sts. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— T ubes— Accessories VLWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. «■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ! J. L . V A U G H A N J « ? Electrio Fixtures and Appliances g 203 Phone 139 V. O o u r t S t . P e n d l e t o n , O r o . ¡ ic s s is iB s s s iia iia a i YOU MAY WIN $1.500.00 If you are able to make the most words out of the letters contained in the words ‘rTOILET NECESSITIES. A total of $3,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to competitors in this SEE H IT T Great WORLD-BUILDING CONTEST Send stamp for circular and yules. Address, Sheffield Laboratories, Dept. 12, Aurora, Illinois. — FOR— GUNS — AND— AMMUNITION R o u n d T r ip W hy pay tribute to a superstition? I n s is t on Z e ro len e—ask for it by name. Get the Facts! A series of independent and impartial reports showing the experience of large users with Zerolene has been collected in our booklet, “W hy Pay Tribute to a Superstition ? ” Ask any Standard Oil Company representative or Zero­ lene dealer for a copy. In sift on ZEROLENE even if it does LESS S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y 4 CALIFORNIA E xcursion Fares A F U L L L IN E T l t k a t l o n s a le «Säily t e S e p t. 13 K ansaa C ity S t. L ou is . . C hicago . . D etro it . . C levelan d . W ashington N e w Y ork . B oston . . . $67.00 76.50 81 00 100.62 103.56 136.56 142.40 148.50 Corresponding farce to other im portant centers. Final return lim it October 31, 1925. Liberal stop-over privileges go­ ing and returning. Ztose N a t i o n « ! P n t U — Low summer furea to this new w o n ­ derland o f Color in Southern U tah . W h y not take i t in on your way East ? C A T A R R H A L DEAFN ESS 1» o fte n cau sed b y e n Inflam ed condUSan o f th e m u cou s lin in g o f th e E u e t a c n a Tube. W hen thia tu b e is Inflam ed you hnvg a rum b ling sound o r im p erfect hearing. U n le ss th e inflam m ation o ea be reduced, your h ea r in g m a y be de­ stroyed forever. H A L L 'S C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E w ill do w h e t w e claim for It—rid your sy ste m o f C atarrh or D e a fn e ss ca u sed by C atarrh. H A L L ’S C A T A R R H M B D |£ I N B b e e been s u c c e ssfu l In the trea tm en t o f C atarrh for over F o rty T ears. go ld by a ll druggists. F . J. C heney A Oo., T oledo, O, T a ll« w e te n « N atln seal F a r it M a y alar» be made as a side tr ip a t a small additional cost. Ask fo r free booklet desrriptiva o f theae famous resorts. W herever^ ou want to go. let us arrangements. I t costs no mure an d w il l save y o u r valuable tim e. all your — TRY THE HERALD WANT ADR— F C. Woughter, Agent. Hermiston, Oregon, Wm McMurray, General Passenger Agent Portland. ♦ ♦ S E R V IC E ♦♦ ♦ « YOU WANT ♦ « ♦ CALL 25 J ■> ♦ ♦ COUNTRY HAULS SO LIC IT« ♦ ♦ ♦ ❖ « T . H . G a ith e r ♦ ♦ TRANSFER AND DRAR ❖ $♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦$ « DON’T FORGET -------- U S--------- A u s p ic e s T w in C ity B a n d FOLLOW THE CROWD TO THE TWIN CITIES O ng« i: DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon A longer working life for your motor Zerolene will increase the gasoline mileage o f your car, reduce carbon accumulation and lengthen its working life. R ID IN G D E V IC E S FOR NEW AND USED CARS— Kel­ logg Schlmke. S-ttc A Hermiston NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Um atilla County. HO O D RIVER SPRAY COMPA1VY H ood River, Oregon In England the veto Is a remnant of the more extensive power former­ ly exercised by the king, but which has gradually been cut down until only the negative power of disapprov­ ADDING machine rolls at the Herald al Is left. Since 170S the right has office. never been exercised. Nonuse, how­ ever, does not Imply that the power does not exist at the present time, although the system ,ot responsible cabinet government makes Its use out of place. BASEBALL W .} '. W A R N E R Attom ey-at-Law Newa aland Cigara and Tobacco Effective March 15, 1925 DR. THEO. BELETSKL Leave— VAerinarian Umatilla..... 8:30A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Hermiston.. 8:50 A M. and 4:20 P.M I'reata all Domestic Animals. Inter­ Stanfield.. 9:15 AM. and 4:40 P.M. state Stock Inspector Echo.......... 9:30 A M. and 4:50 P.M Ar Pen......10:45 A.M. and 5:50 P.M. Leave— Pendleton. 1:00 P.M. and 6:30 P.M. Echo.......„. 2:10 P.M. and 7:30 P.M, Stanfield. .. 2:25 P.M and 7:40 P.M Hermiston.. 2:45 P.M. and 8:00 P. m ' Ar. Umatilla 3:00 P.M. and 8:20 P.M One round trip Sundays: Leave Residence second house west of Umatilla 8:30 A. M., leave Pendleton Catholic church. Phone. 82-R. 5:30 P. M. Fare— Hermiston to Pendleton, $1.45. round trip $2.45. WHEN IN flie s , b u g s, r o a c h e s, a n ts, m o s q u ito e s , and m o th s. FOR SALE— Good horse and harness WANTED— To buy, cattle, hogs and cheap. George Currie. 4 2 -lc s sheep, h e e n , a any nv n u a n t lt v . W A Tsuith- quantity. W. . A. Leath­ ers. 43-tfc FOR RENT— Six room modern house. W. L. Hamm. 42 PASTURE for horses or cattle, shade and plenty of water. E. P. Dodd. FOR SALE:— Child's wicker sulky cart in excellent condition. En­ 43-tfc quire at this office. 42-tfc USED CARS FOR SALE— Terms “Rusticus,” author of “Bucolic Beat­ given. Prices right. Kellogg & itudes,” has only contempt for those Schlmke. 11-tfc who buy and sell dogs. “A dog,” he says, “should never be purchased, FOR RENT— Five room house on should never be made the subject of Gladys Ave., next to library. En. barter and dickering. A dog r^ay be quire A. W. Agnew, Phone 21-J-2. rescued from abuse, he may be found 29'tfo and kept, and. In cases of real neces­ sity, he may be stolen in a dignified manner; but he should never he F o r S a le —T ea m s c a le s . W . bought. I have heard of men that L e a th e r s . 40vfc make a livelihood from the purchase and sale of dogs. I cannot conceive FOR SALE:— 750 pound Primrose sep­ of them as good husbands and kind arator. Enquire Inland Einpiie fathers, but they seem to me Inhu­ Lumber Co. 43 tfc man monsters engaged in a sinister traffic.” USED PLAYER PIANO in perfect condition, with large selection of Tiger Talk, Etc. music rolls; real bargain. Pendle­ The mating call of a tiger, the ton Music House. 43-2tc mournful, whining “ah-woongh,” re­ peated five or six times In succession at Intervals Is really a very loud "miaow," and when mating, tiger, or MISCELLANEOUS tigress, will roam the Jungles for miles, miaowing all through the night, GOOD BLUE GRASS PASTURE, with and sometimes till as late as noonday. shade and water. W. A. Leath­ But when a tiger Is angry at being ers. 43-tfc disturbed, especially a tigress with cubs, it gives a low, humming, mur­ AGENTS— Sell guaranteed hosiery muring growl, very cat-like, and fol­ direct from mill to wearer; all lowed by a long-drawn "h.ia-eeh.” A tiger will often give Its “nh-woongh,” •tyles and colors; salary paid for and a leopard Its sawing roar, when full time or spare hours; no money on their way to their kills. needed for samples. International Mills, 1038, Norristown, Pa. W ordat W ordal Evenings and Sundays by Appoint, ment. Operating Stages Between Pendleton and Umatilla WANTED— Phone, write or see W. A. Leathers, when you have alfalfa hay for sale, In any quantity. Phone 40-J-3. »-tfc for sale Dentistry WHAT IS ADVERTISING? E to a N a tio n a l Y a lls w e t n a e N a t ls a a l Dr. F. V. PRIME Hermiston, Oregon T h e B est in C an d ies Low fares also to F ir s t N a t io n a l B a n k o f P.. m eet* each Thursday evening in M a c k ’s H a ll, a t 7:30 P. M . V ia itln « brother« cordially invited. W . H . M cM illan R. A . Browaaon. K. R. and 8 . C. C. K r a u se ’s C h o co la te s Liberal .topover privilege. or returning Visit th e folk» " b a ck E ast" n ow w h ile th e /area are low RECLAMATION LODGE N < KZ7. < . I h a v e p u rch a sed th e c o n ­ fe c tio n e r y k n o w n a s P a t ’s P la c e an d s o lic it a s h a r e o f y o u r p a tro n a g e. T ic k e ts m, i . o . o . f . V meets each Monday «venin« in Odd F a lla v a hall. V i . i t In a members cordially invitad. W .B . Longhorn. Sac. M . L . W aiao n .N . O . A nnouncm ent DENVER OMAHA KANSAS CITY ST LOUIS a. IL CONFECTIONERY ST A T IO N E R Y T f ip f Dldoyu kno wthat last year tha savings of the people of this country amounted to <,938 million dollars? This is 334 mlllon more than a year ago, and BOO mlllon more than two years ago. So SOMEBODY is saving, that's sure. Are YOU? That's the ques­ tion. The huge advance In savings may be due to prohibition or many, other causes, but It sows that our people are beginning to "salt down" more money than In really prosper­ ous times. We Invite you to open an account at our bank and join the WISE crowd. Q UKXW E8THEM CHAITEK Na. at MJ. * . a. m .a ta aacoad Tiiaaday avaohie a e m aaaetk a t B:00 sharp in Masonic hall. V ie ltia * M aben _ Ahaa C. Sbotw ell. W. K a th ry n L O ain a r. Sac. — RFAP TI?r ’¿ AMT ADS— When you need any­ thing in the fine of neat and attractive Printing. ♦ <• <> IF IT S