r, oRgqoy. HEBMISTOfr mpLAJLP, Bring in Tour Films S A T U R D A Y SPECIAL Special Bargain Sale Saturday, June 6 Cut G lass W a te r Sets You need not wear fa d e d overalls SHKOSH B’GOSH Overalls do not fade no matter how often th ey’re washed. T hat’s guaranteed! Also, they’re the only genuine Mill-Shrunk over­ alls. So when you want a real overall — union m ade, husky, no-fade and mill-shrunk — bang your fist on the counter and insist on— O hr I* .11” O v r fin is h in g d e p a r t ­ m e n t, th ro u g h u p -to -d a te m e th o d s a n d e q u ip m e n t a n d e x p e rt h a n d lin g , can h e lp yo u g e t th e k in d o f p ic tu re s you w ant. These sets are in assorted shapes and designs and are of an extra good grade of genuine cut glass. The tumblers have the beaded edge which prevents being easily nicked or cracked. These sets regularly retail a t $3 per set and we have specially priced then for— T o use a sla -«g expres­ s io n : “ W e ’re there a . finish.” the Saturday Only $1.75 P er Set MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY Hermiston, Oregon See our new patterns o f open stock English Dinnerware BUSINESS LOCALS S e. C. D. Porter tor »11 kinds ot Insurant:.. At Dodd’, offflce. 21-tfc - We are giving Special Bargains every Saturday. See our ad- in , this issue. Oregon Hdw. & Inipl. Co. Ore. Hardware & Impi. Co. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL Everyone having work at my store MEETING Is requested to call for same at once Notice is hereby given to the legal as I am closing up tke business and voters of School District No. 14 of wish to have these off my hands. Umatilla County, State of Oregon, Wm. H. Ogden, Watchmaker. that the Annual School Meeting of Headaches and Constipation make said District will be held at the life miserable— HOLLISTER'S GOL­ School House; to begin at the hour DEN NUGGET TASLETS will free of Two o'clock P. M. on the third iyou of Headache and Constipation. Monday of June, being the 15th day of June, A. D. 1925. Mitchell Drug Co. The meeting is called for the pur­ pose of electing One Director and F. B. Swayze and Jack Biggs were One Clerk and the transaction of business visitors in Ione Monday. business usual at such meeting. Dated this 23rd day of May, 1925. Bert Nation and boys made a trip Attest: R. A. Brownson. Dist Clerk. Saturday to thè John Grlnqr ranch W. J. Warner. at Toppenish, Washington. Mr. Chairman Board of Directors. Y ’S I N C . Grlner, who is an ex-resldent of the project, hag a turkey ranch at Top NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Q U A L IT Y A M O S E R V IC E " pentsh and is this year raising three Department of the Interior, U. S. thousand turkeys. Mr. Grlner says Land Office at The D’llles, Oregon, his turkeys has netted him a nice May 22, 1925. little profit each year. Notice is hereby given that Mar- ;aret Johns, widow of Cato J. Johns, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Stagnant, decayed matter in the f Hermiston, Oregon, who, on May stomach and bowels may cause ser­ ■ BREVITIES • 0, 1922, made Homestead Entry No, ious trouble. Constipation under­ Occurence» of In tereat Gleaned Ité ré 124391 (La Grande No. 021330) for and Th e re A bout the C ity end mines your health, decreases your '% NW %, N% SW U. Section 22, Neighborhood resistance, impairs your vitality— HOLLISTER’S GOLDEN NUGGET Township 5 North, Ra ge 28 East Willamette Meridian, has filed not- Ernest Waterman drove his new TABLETS will rid you of constipa­ 'ce of Intention to make final three Ford coupe to Portland last Satur­ tion. Mitchell Drug Co. year proof, to establish claim to the day. He returned home Sunday. Mrs. I. E. Putman and adughter ■and above described, before W. J. are visiting at the W. A. Leathern Warner, United States Commissioner, Dorothy Shotwell returned home ranch near this city. Mr. and it Hermiston, Oregon, on the 9th with her sister, Mrs. Schuyler Ed­ day of July, 1925. wards who lives at Port Townsend, Mrs. Putman are x-resldents of Claimant names as witnesses: Hermiston. Washington. Mrs. Edwards has Frank Jewett, W. T. Roberts, F B. been visiting her mother and father Swayze, Harry Spinning, all of Her Albert Hcdwall returned to Port Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Shotwell, in this miston, Oregon. land Sunday after a two weeks' city. J. W. Donnelly, Register. visit with relatives. Karr Lomax has left for Eugene Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Shaar re where he will work with his father who Is employed in a logging camp. turned Sunday from a visit with rcatlves at Pullman, Colfax and Walla, Walla^ Wash. Mrs. Frank Bilderback has return­ ed home from a visit with friends Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Ford were in Portland. ) week end visitors at the Earl Boyn­ ton home. Mr. and Mrs. Ford live Dorothy Briggs who has been in Wasco. teaching at Prineville has returned to her home here for the summer Mr. and Mrs. Ted Boynton are vacation. visiting at the home of Mr. Boyn­ ton's mother, Mrs. W. S. Boynton, Mrs. M. A. Brown of Portland, in this city. visited the week end with her laughter, Mrs. Julius Glmble, who Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sapper, of Sil­ lives here. | verton, was in Hermiston Saturday U ta h and Sunday. Nothing like it on earth. Few have Mr. and Mrs. Gurdann, of Pen­ been there— the trip was too hard. But dleton, spent Sunday at the home About thirty ladles gathered at now you can see it in perfect comfort of Mr. and Mrs. George Pattcr»on. the W. A. leathers ranch last Fri­ via Union Pacific—sleeping cars, motor tours over good roads, good living ac­ day the event being a bridge party commodations. Low Sum m er fares Mr. and Mrs. Vane Boynton mot­ at which Mrs. Leathers was hos­ Personally escorted all-expense tours ored to Pendleton Saturday. tess. An enjoyable afternoon was Side trip to Kaibab Forest and North Rpent playing bridge after which re­ Kim Grand Canyon. Mrs. Anna Strohin left Monday freshments were served. l ta r Free le e k Tor Hood River where she will Illustrated In natural colors. I t will 'pend some time visiting at the Chas. Boggard of Stanfield, was a help you plan the most satisfying vac» home of her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Hermiston visitor Tuesday. tlon of your life. Isbell. F. C. Wougbter, J. E. Archer, of Malden. W . ash- la r i McNaught is a business vis- ington, who recently bought the 5 Agent. Itor in Portland this week. |aere tract of Jens Skovbo north of Hermiston, Oregon. I town, has moved his family here Mias Fanny Todd was a week enj^.,n(| taken possession of the place, visitor from Pendleton at the home [ _____ of her father and mother, Mr. and H. C. Wood of Ione, was a visitor Mrs. R. C. Todd, near this city. I here Saturday. C. W. Stock», of Chamberlain. 8. I ______ Legal Blanks F o r S a le a t Th< H «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■i ADAM GOOD TIMEK O tto C. P ierce K IN G S L E H e a M Ib T O N 'I H O U S E O F Make The Hens Keep You Good housing Is necessary to the health, comfort and consequent pro­ duction of the flock It saves labor. Increases profits and adds to the Joy of the owner. Many hens go on a strike each year because the place In which they have to lay and rrostl »unsuitable. Poor lien houses or none at all, are the ten on s why many hens do not lny ns the owner thinks they should. Come In and talk to us about hen houses; we have the best kind of hen house lumber and some Ideas about poultry house plans that you may decide to adopt. , Materially Your» , Turn-A-Lum Lumber Co. R. A. Brownion, Mgr. Announcement The Undertaking Busineu former, ly owned by J. T. Brown, at 704 Thompson Street, Fendleton, has been tek»n ever by T. B. Bomboy, and will he conducted at the same place, l ’honc 03. Lady Assistant. A Snappy Spark Every Time s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ S Easy starting In cold or wet weather. Fool Proof. More Power. Smoother running motor. Starts your motor on the mag­ neto. It Is a positive Make and Break Timer, usiiU Genuine Tungsten points, the same as used on high priced cars. It Is self lubricating and require no grease or oil Inside the shell. Put it on and forget It. Guaranteed for one year THE ADAM GOOD TIMEP IS PC?’ TIVELY WATER PROOF P ea rso n ’s G ar* '’i - , • YOU TELL LM V ♦ ♦ ♦ •> , ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ The only thing th a t keeps boot­ leggers in business is customers. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Is what keeps us In business!....It Is our aim to help you cope with the High Cost of Living by giving you just what you want in high quality... CITY MEAT MARKET JOHN ELLIS. PROF. » ♦ nnovo namen city to Hermiston tne q . Felt house and wife motored to first part of the week. Mr. Stocks Holdman Sunday on a Dicnle. «■■■■«■■■■■■■■■I and Mrs. W. 8 Miller and will spend Jim Pearson made a trip to Echo some time here visiting the two. The | Tuesday afternoon, seven days from Chamberlain to Her- ants, mosquitoes, and moths. : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i H O N E Y LABELS s To Your Order and at Reasonable Price« THE HERMISTON HERALD