THE HZBMISTOX HERALD, H3SBMZBTOH. OBTOOX, VfcrlrraW m Wrrali) Lot 14 (0 Feet, F. B. Swayss » I.H Block 8- Lot 1 26 t o t . First N atlosl •vary Thursday at Hsr- Bank ............................... .........»3.10 miston, UmatUla County, Oregon by Lot 2 25 Feet. F. B. Sways« )2 >S 26 Feet. Chas. Hahn >2.60 Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man Lot 26 Feet, 11. E. H itt.... >2.60 ager. B 3L 'et Lot Lot 25 Feet, Wm. Glasson 2.60 25 Feet, Page A Son >2.50 Uttered as second class matter, Lot 26 Feet, Page A Son >2.50 December ltOd at the postoffice at Lot Lot 25 Feet, Wra. Shaar >2.50 Hermiston, Oregon. Lot 13 54 Feet. W. J. Warner ...................................... >1.12 Subscription Bates Lot 2 11)4 Feet, Sam Rogers For One Tfcar____________ ..«I. OS ........................................ >1.1> For Six Months —________ ..« Lot 10 25 Feet, F. P. Adams >2.50 ■ WEST END FARMERS Have learned that The Herald prints the best butter wrappers. We have the large size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are— 100 200 300 500 for for for for i $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 When you have a R E M O D E L IN G ’*ob in our line give it to the home prin ter. The salesman from an out-of- is Now Here town concern may give you an oily And we want to figure your line of “bunk” but plans and tell you how much the home printer is it will cost to do it» entitled to your job work. The dollar If you have to replace or build you spe d e new flood gates or drop boxes, will some dai re- buy our Number 2 Cedar that turn to you. i i n L is selling cheap while it lasts. : dollar you se away is ever. Ou are stands* 1 t r Inland Empire Lumber Company is o be p Ph« >31 T IM E Lot 11 25 Feet, F. P. Adams >2.50 Lot 12 Bank Clawified or Local Advertizing 10 Cents per Uns for first Insertion. Lot 13 15 Minimum Charge 26 Cent«, Subse- Lot 14 25 Lot 15 10 F. Beisse >1.00 quent Insert Ions 5 Cents per lia«. Lot 15 15 Lot 16 25 I, J. L. Harmon >2.60 , E. O. Comegys CITY DtBUATION WATER ASESS- Lot 17 25 ...................„ ............................... >2.50 MENT FOR 1925 Many are buying them in the larger quan Lot 18 26 Feet. H. R. Newport DISTRICT No. 1 .................................................... >2.60 Notice Is hereby given that In ac tities, but we are here to serve you all. If cordance with Ordinance No 76 of Lot 19 25 Feet, E. O. Comegys ..................................................... >2.50 the City of Hermiston, an aeseesnient you want only a few we have them with 25 Feet, II. A. Frick >2.50 has been levied upon and against Lot 20 25 Feet, H. A. Frick >2.50 the following lots and parcels of Lot 21 out the name. These we sell as follows— 25 Feet, H. A. Frick >2.50 land In the Irrigation District here Lot 22 Block 7— tofore establshed In the city of Her Lot 1 50 Feet, Ruth M. Frick miston in the amounts set forth be __ __________________ >5.00 low. The total amount of asssessment Lot 2 60 Feet, Ruth M. Frick .................................................... >5.00 in said irrigation district is 91695.00. The contract price to be paid the Lot 3 50 Feet, E. P. Illsley >5.00 United States Government for water Lot 4 50 Feet, B. S. Kings ............................ >5.00 ley for the irrigation in said District is >1.50 per acre for two acre feet and Lot 5 67 Feet, Minnie Ray Taylor ......................................... >5.70 fifty cents per acre foot for all water Lot 6 50 Feet, C. W. Cralk >5.00 in excess of two acre feet. The co3t of operation and m ainte Lot 7 35 Feet, C. C. Durfey >3.50 nance of said Irrigation District is Lot 8 25 Feet. C. C. Dufey >2.50 Lot 9 25 Feet, C. C. D uifey >2.50 establshed at >1695.00. The City Council w ill sit os a Lot 10 25 Feet, O. G. Sapper >2.50 Lot 11 26 Feet. J. H. W illiam s board of Equalization at eight o’clock >2.50 P. M. on Wednesday, March 19, 1925, Ixit 12 .......................................... Feet. M. S. Kern >2.50 and w ill at said tim e examine the Lot 13 25 25 Feet, M. S. Kern >2.50 assessment roll and correct all er Lot 14 26 Feet, M. S. Kern >2.50 THE HERMISTON HERALD rors therein. Any person feeling Lot 15 ¿ 6 Feet, Fraser A Mc him self or herself aggrieved by such Kenzie ...................................... >2.50 assessment may apply to the City Council when that body sits as a Lot 16 25 Feet, A. F. and A. M. Lodge No. 138........................... >2.50 board of equalization and an oppor i tunity will be given them to have Lot 17 25 Feet. A. F. and A. M. Lodge No. 138 ...................... >2.50 euch assessment changed, if, in the Lot 18 25 Feet, A. F. and A. M. opinion of the City Council, such The Yard of Beat Q u B tj” Lodge No. 138....... ............... >2.60 changes ara just. H. M. STRAW. MGR. The amount of the assessment ap Block 8— portioned and assessed against par Lot 1 50 Feet, C. H. Skinner ticular lots and parcels of land is .................- ................................. >5.00 Exclusive Representatives of National Builder» Bureau ’ as follows: Lot 2 £0 Feet, C. H. Skinner (City of Hermiston according to ............- ...................................... >5.00 plat filed with the Recorder of Uma Lot 3 50 Feet, F. L. Kelly >5.00 »ilia county November 23rd, 1904 Lot 4 50 Feet, Rena Waterman Block 1 Name Amount ............- ...................................... >5.00 Lot 1 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 5 50 Feet, Rena Waterman Lumber Co................................. >2.50 .................................................. >6.00 Legal Blanks For Sale at The Herald Office Lot 2 26 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 6 60 Feet, R. E. Mitchell Lumber Co................................. >2.50 .................................................... >5.00 Lot 3 26 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 7 50 Feet, R. E. Mitchell Lot 6 25 Feet, F. B. Swayze >2.50 .................... >2.50 Lot 4 25 Feet, C. W. Kellogg Lumber Co................................... >2.50 Lot 9 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman part of Gladys avenufe proposed to .................................................... >5.00 Lot 7 25 Feet ,W. W. Illsley Kn . - ___ Lot 4 25 Feet, Mary B. Oaks Lot 4 26 Feet, Tum-A-Lum >2.50 ba improved extending on either Lot 8 60 Feet, R. E. Mitchell Lot >2.50 5 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee ...................... >2.50 Lot 10 20 Feet, F. V. Prime. >2.00 Lumber Co................................. >2.5f ................................................. >5.00 Lot 8 25 Feet, W. W. Illsley Lot 5 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman Lot 5 25 Feet, Tum-A-Lum Lot 11 20 Feet, F. V. Prime. >2.00 side from the marginal line of such Lot 9 25 Feet. E. W. Mack >2.50 .......................................... >2.50 ....................................... . >2.50 Lot 6 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee Lumber Co. ......................... >>2.50 Lot 10 25 Feet, B. W. Mack >2.50 Lot 12 15 Feet, F. V. Prime. >1.50 street back to the center of the Lot 9 25 Feet, W. W. Illsley Lot 15 Feet, J. D. Lowman >1.50 Lot 6 53 Fedt, Tum-A-Lum Lot 13 15 Feet. F. V. Prime. >1.50 blocks abutting on said part of Lot 11 25 Feet, E. W. Mack >2.50 .......................................... >2.60 Lot 10 Feet, H. R. Newport Lumber Co................................. >5.30 Lot 12 25 Feet, E. W. Mack >2.60 ¡Lot 10 Lot 14 10 Feet, F. V. Prime. >1.00 Gla<b'“ ' - Lot 7 25 Feet, Chas. McNamee proposed to be im- 25 Feet, W. W. Illsley ......................................... >1.00 Lot 7 57 Feet, C. W. Kellogg >5.70 Lot 13 25 Feet, Georgia Hender- Lot 15 5 Feet, F. V. Frime > .50 ‘he purpose of ap- .......................................... >2.50 Lot 7 25 Feet, H. R. Newport — Lot 8 60 Feet, C. W. Kellogg >5.00 Lot 16 5 Feet, F. V. Prime. > 50 son.... ... .................................. >2.50 Lot 11 25 Feot, School Dist. Lot 8 25 Feet, Lowm<xii & Pelly of Improving the Block 2— ..................................................... >2.50 Lot Ì 8 30 Feet, Geo. Briggs 13.0^ Lot 14 25 Feet, E. J. Kingsley No. 1 4........................................ >2.50 Lot 8 25 Feet, Syndicate Build t o t 1 50 Feet, Minnie Brown >5.00 Lot 19 25 Feet, Geo. Briggs |2.E streets contained Lot -9 30 Feet, Lowman A Pelly ......................................... >2.50 Lot 2 60 Feet, Minnie Brown >6.00 Lot 15 25 Feet, C. H. Crandall .................................. >2.50 ing Co Lot 12 25 Febt, School Dist. Lot 20 25 Feet, Earl Boynton >2.50 1 m a«iu nuvel improvement D istrict Lot 3 50 Feet, Minnie Brown >5.00 Lot 21 25 Feet, Earl Boynton >2.50 No. ,10 does hereby «etahliah. No. 14..... ......................................... >2.50 Î.50 Lot 9 30 Feet, Syndicate Build Lot 10 25 Feet, J. D .Lowman Lot 4 60 Feet. J. 9. West. .. >5.00 Lot Ï4 25 Feet. E. W. Mack >2.50 ing Co......................................... >3.00 Lot 22 Lot 13 25 Feet, School Dist. ................................... 12.50 Lot 23 25 Feet, F. V. Prime.. >2 Lot 5 25 Feet, J. 9. West. .. >2.50 Lot 17 Lots 10 to 15. 150 Feet, City of Logal Improvement D istrict No. 11 ■26 Feet, F. V. Prime.. >2. 25 Feet, M. W. Sharrard No. 14..... >2.50 Lot 5 25 Feet, Bert Mullins >2.60 Hermiston ............................. >15.00 Lot 11 25 Feet, J. D. I.owman Lot 24 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman comprising the N B U of Block 7 ab- .................................................... >2.50 Lot 6 50 Feet, Bert Mullins >5.00 Lot 14 26 Feet, School Dist. Lot 16 25 Feet, City of Hermis .......................................... >2.50 buttlng on Gladys avenue. Lot 12 25 Feet, City of Her- Lot 18 26 Feet, F. B. Swayze >2.50 Lot 7 50 Feet, Tum-A-Lum ton >2.50 No. 14..... miston .. ................................... >2.50 Lot 25 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman Lot 19 25 Feet, John Schimke >2.60 Local Improvement D istrict No. 12 Lumber P o.................................. >5.00 Lot 17 25 Feet, City of Hermis ..................................................... >2.50 Lot yB 25 Foet, School Diat. Lot 13 25 Feet, City of Her-, Tx>4 20 25 Feet, John Schimke Lot 8 60 Feet, Tum-A-Lum ton >2.50 comprising the NW H of Block 8 Block 12— miston .. .................................................... >2.50 No. 14..... Lumber Co................................. >5.00 Lot 18 30 Feet, J. D. Lowman Lot 1 30 Feet, Lowman A Pelly abutting, on Glays Avenue. Lot 14 25 Feet, F. C. Woughter Lot 16 25 Feet, School Diet. Lot 9 60 Feet, Henry Hanhy >5.Of Lot 21 26 Feet, John Schimke ................................... ................. >3.00 ....................................................... >3.00 .................................................... >2.50 Local Improvement D istrict No. 13 Lot 10 60 Feet, Henry Hanby >6.00 Lot 19 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman No. 14..... Lot 2 25 Feet, Lowman & Pelly Lot 15 25 Feet, F. C. Woughter Lot 11 60 Feet, R. Beasley. .. >5.00 Lot 22 26 Feet, C. S. McNaught ..................................................... >2.50 Lot 23 25 Feet, Mrs. G. A. Creasy ..... ................................................. >2.50 ■comprising the NE% of Block 8 .................... ............ >2.50 ....................................... ............ >2.50 Lot 12 60 Feet, R. Eencley.... >5.00 20 to 23, 100 Feet, City of abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 3 25 ^ eef, Mrs. J. W. Lot 16 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman - ..................... ,.......................... >2.60 Lots Lot 13 50 Feet, Chas. Ecneon >5.00 llo ck 9— Hermiston ............................. >10.00 >2.50 Local Improvement District No. 14 Ralph ....................................... Lot 24 «25 Feet, Mrs. G’. A. Creasy ................................... >2.50 T<ot 1» 60 Feet, Chas. Benson >5.00 Lot 1 60 Feet, H. R. Newport 24 25 Feet, Violet Slllltoe Lot 4 25 Feet. Mrs. J. W. Lot 17 30 Feet, J. D. Lowman - ................................................. >2.50 Lot .................................................... comprising the NW% of Block 9 Lot 16 50 Fest, Chns. Benson >5.00 >2.50 ..................................................... >5.00 Lot 25 26 Feet, Geo. C .Patter- Ralph Lot 16 60 Feet, Chas. Benson >6.00 zit 2 50 Feet, H. R. Newport abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 25 26 Feet, Violet Sillitoe Lot 5 25 Feet, Mrs. J. W .............................................. >2.50 Block 3— ..................................................... >2.50 Lpt 18 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman 1 Local Improvement District No 15 .................................................. >6.00 Lot 26 25 Feet, Geo. C. Patter- Ralph ................................... >2.50 Lot 9 50 Feet, John 9chlmke >5.00 j°t 3 50 Feet, City of Hermls- Block 3— Lot 6 25 Feet, City of Her comprising the N E ’4 of Blcck 9 Lot 19 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman ■°* .............................................. >2.50 Ix>t 10 50 Feet, Hugh Taylor >5.00 °n .................................................. >6-00 Lot 1 50 Feet, City of Her miston Lot 27 25 Feet. E. R. Crocker >2.50 abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 11 50 Feet, Hugh Taylor >6.00 Lot 4 60 Feet, City of Hermis ....................................... >5.00 LOt 20 25 ................................... ......................................... >2.50 Lot miston Feet, R. McLane >2.50 Lot 7 25 Feet, City of Her Lot 12 60 Feet, Hugh Taylor >5.00 Local Improvement District No 1 6 2 60 Feet, M. 8. Kern >5.00 ton ............................... >5.00 Lot 28 25 Feet, E. R. Crocker miston Lot 21 25 Feet, R. Mebane >2.50 Lot 13 50 i, J. McCoy.... >5.00 r-ot 5 50 Feet, City of Hermis 50 Feet, M. S. Kern >5.00 Lot 22 26 Feet, City of Her- prising the NWV( of Bloek ■ Lot Lot 8 25 Feet, City of Her ......................................... >2.60 Lot 14 50 Feet, Lois Newport 60 Feet, C. S: McNaught Lot ton >6.00 Lot 29 miston abbutting on Gladys Avcnvo 25 Feet, J. N. Smith >2.50 miston.... .................................. >2.50 Taylor ’ ...................................... >! ..................................................... >5.00 IjO t 50 Feet, E. MunHnt >5.00 Lot >0 Lot 9 25 Feet, City of Her Local Improvem~"t TV-' 25 Feet, J. N. Smith >2.50 Lot 23 25 Feet, City of Her- Lot 15 50 Feet, Lois Newport Lot Lot 5 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught 50 Feet, E. Mumma >5.00 Lot 11 miston miston.... .................................. >2.50 25 Feet. J. N. Smith >2.50 comprising the N F ’ - Taylor ...................................... >6.00 Lot ..................................................... >6.00 Lot 10 50 Feet, E. Mumma >5.00 Lot 82 25 Feet, City of Her Lot 24 25 Feet, Mrs. G. A. 25 Feet, J. N. Smith >2.50 Lot 16 50 Feet, Lois Newport abbutting on Gladys Avenue TiOt Lot 6 50 Feet. C. J. Hahn >5.00 60 Feet, E. W. Mack >5.00 miston Cre8sy ................................... >2 50 Lot 11 25 Feet, City of Her- Î.50 Taylor.......................................... >5.00 I Lot 10 60 Feet, E. W. Mack >6.00 Block 12— w. Lot 7 60 Feet, C. S. McNaught Local Improvement Dlstri-* N - ' ' Block 4— I Lot 11 50 Feet, E. Mumma >5.00 Lot ..................................................... >5.00 Lot 25 25 Feet, City of Herrn la- miston 2 25 Feet, Minnie Ray com prising the NWM 0» v - ton ... Lot 1 50 Feet. T. M. Rankin Lot 12 25 Feet, E. Mumma >2.60 .................................. >2.50 Lot 12 25 Feet, City of Her- Taylor .......................................... >2.50 Lot 8 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught abbutting on Gladys A”e~’ ..................................................... >5.00 Block 8- .................................................... >5.00 Lot 11 25 Feet, Jens Skovbo >2.60 Lot miston 3 25 Feet, Minnie Ray Local Improvement D i'tr i— - Lot 2 50 Feet, T. M. Rankin I Lot 13 60 Feet, Jens Skovbo >5.00 T a y lo r ...... .................................... >2.50 Lot 9 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught Lot 1 30 Feet, C. C. Durfey >3.00 Lot 13 25 Feet, John C. Rubner ..................................................... >5.00 Lot 2 25 Feet, C. C. Durfey >2.50 .................................................... >5.00 Lot 14 50 Feet, Russell Brown- LzJt 4 26 Feet, Minnie Ray .......................................... >2.59 com prising the NE% of Block 5 ................................. ........ >5.00 Lot 3 50 Feet, W. W. Illsley «11 Taylor .......................................... >2.50 Lot 10 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught Lot 3 25 Feet, C. C. Durfey >2.50 Lot 14 25 Feet, John C. Rubner abbutting on Gladys Avenue. >5.00 I Lot 15 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught ..................................................... >5.00 Lot 4 25 Feet, R. Alexander .......................................... »2.50 Lot 5 25 Feet, Minnie Ray Local Improvement D istrict No. 20 Lot 4 H 2B Feet. W. W. Illsley .......................................... >5.00 Taylor .......................................... >2.50 Lot 11 50 Feet, C. S. McNaught Trustee . .................................... >2.50 'Mt 15 2 5Feet, E. F. Parrish >2.50 comprising the NW>4 of Block 6 ..................................................... >5.00 Lot 5 >2.50 I Lot 16 50 Feet, C. 8. McNaught IiOt 16 25 Feet, E. F. Parrish >2.50 Lot 6 19 Feet, Minnie Ray 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 4 54 26 Feet, H. E. H itt >2.60 —................................... >5.00 .................................. >2.50 Taylor ........................................ >1.90 Lot 12 50 Feet, Wm. Kennings ..................................................... >5.00 Lot 6 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman Lot 6 50 Feet, H. E. Hitt.. >5.00 Block 10 (Continued on Page Three) Lot Local Improvement District No. 21 Lyle Tilden Lot 6 60 Feet, Ella B. Percey Lot 1 25 Feet. Mildred M. Til- Lot 9 .................................. >2.50 Block 4— com prising the SW% of Block 1 Lyle Tilden >5.00 den .... ......................................... >2.60 Lot 10 Lot 7 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman Lot 1 50 Feet, City of Her Lyle Tilden abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 7 50 Lot 2 25 Feet. Mildred M. Tll- KESOLUTIOir Lot 11 .................................. >2.50 miston ....................................... >5.00 Lyle Tilden Local Improvement District No. 22 IvOt 8 50 Feet, Page & Son >5.00 den .... Lot 8 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman >2.50 Lot 12 182 54 Feet, Lyle Tilden Ix>t 2 50 Feet, City of Her Whereas the City Council does Lot 9 50 Feet, Stndard Oil Co. comprising the SE% of Block 2 Lot 3 26 Feet, Mildred M. Til- ................................. >2.50 miston ....................................... >5.00 ..................................... ........... >18.25 deem It expedient and necessary to .................................. >5.00 don ..i. ......................................... >2.60 Lot 17 26 Feet. F. C. McKenzie Lot 9 30 Feet, R. Alexander abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 3 50 Feet. City of Hermis Lot 10 50 Feet. Standard Oil Lot 4 26 Feet, Mildred M. TII- Trustee .................................... >3.00 improve that portion of Gladys ave ton >5.00 Local Improvement District No. 23' . ..................................................... >2.50 Co. . .................................. >5.00 don...... ........................................ >2.60 Lot 18 25 Feet, F. C. McKenzie Lot 10 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman >2.50 nue In the City of Hermiston lying comprising; the SW>4 of Block 2 Lot 4 50 Feet. City of Hermis Lot 11 50 Feet, Standard Oil Lot 5 26 Feet, E. P. Illsley >2.50 . ........................................... ......... >2.50 Lot 11 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman ton >5.00 between the East line of First street Co. .. ..................... >6.00 Lot 6 25 Feet, E. P. Illaley >2.60 Lot 19 12 54 Feet, F. C. McKern .......................................... >2.50 and the west line of Seventh street abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 6 50 Feet, City of Hermis Lot 12 50 Lot 7 25 Feet, E. P. Illsley >2.50 12 25 Feet. S. C. Lochrle >2.50 Lot ton >5.00 Local Improvement District No. 24 »1’ ................ ............................... >1.25 ........... >5.00 Lot 8 26 Feet, W. L. Hamm >2.50 Kern's Add. "A' Lot 13 25 Feet, S. C. Lochrle >2.50 by grading and surfacing w ith crush com prising the SE U of Block Lot 6 40 Feet. City of Hermls- 3 Lot 13 60 Newport Lot.9 25 Feet, W. L. Hamm >2.60 Lot 1 16»4 Feet, M. S. Kern >1.65 4on ................... - ........................ »4 oe Lot 14 25 Feet, Clara G. Hall >8.50 er screenings and constructing curbs, >6.00 to t 10 12 54 Feet, W. L. Hamm Lot 8 4 0 Feet, R. Boswell >4.00 Lot 15 25 Feet, Clara G. Hall >2.50 and sidewalks from F irst to Third abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 2 16 54 Feet, M. S. Kern >1.65 Lot 14 60 »rt Local Improvement District No. 25 ............................................ >1.26 Lot 3 1654 Feet. M. S. Kern >1.65 Lot 9 50 Feet, R. Boswell >5.00 Lot 16 25 Feet. Ella Cook.... >2.50 streets; by grading and surfacing >5.90 Lot 10 12 H Feet, E. T. Erlksen Lot 4 1654 Feet. M. S. Kern >1.65 Lot 10 50 Feet, R. Boswell >5.00 Lot 17 30 Feet, Ella Cook.... >3.00 with crusher screenings and con comprising1 th e SW U of Block 8 Lot 15 50 Tum-A-Lum ......................................... >1.25 Lot 5 1614 Feet, M. S. Kern >1.65 Lot 11 50 Feet, R. Boswell >5.00 Lot 18, 25 Feet, City o fHermis- abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lumber C, >6.00 T-ot 11 25 Feet, E. T. Erlksen Block B”— ......................................... >2.60 structing curbs on both sldes and ton Feet, R. Boswoil >5.00 Ix>t 12 50 Txit 16 50 Local Improvement District No. 26 sidewalk on the North side from Lot 19 25 Feet, City of Hermls- ........................................ 12 50 Lot 1 60 Feet, 0. W. R. A N Rlock 5— Block 5 Third to Fourth street. By g ra d in g ' C° ‘npr,slnK the S E * ° f Block 10 Ixit 12 25 Feet. E. T. Erlksen Co. ................................... >2.50 »5.00 B osvell ton . sn Feet. X. 1 Lot ................................. >5.00 Txit 1 ?5 Sbbutting on GIadyg Avenue. .............. - ........................ 12.50 Block ”C”— Lot 2 50 Feet, R. R-wwcll JR.00 Lot 20 25 Feet, City of Hermis- Lot 2 75 Feet, F. I*. Adams >2.50 screen ................................... >2.50 and surfacing with crusher lx>t 13 25 Feot. M. E. Church p PoMWCÏi ÜF AO ton . Lnt 3 FA Local Improvement District No. 27 Lot 3 26 Feet. John Fchlmke Lots 1 to 8. 194 Feet. M. R. Kern ings and constructing curbs from .................................... .. >2.50 4 50 Feet, R. Boswell >5.00 Lot 21 25 Feet, C. C. Durfey >2.50 ................................. »2.50 Lot 14 25 Feet. M. E. Church .................................. - ................ >12.50 Lot in 50 Feet. R. Boewell >5.00 Lot 22 25 Feet, C. C. Durfey >2.50 Fourth to F ifth streets; by grading comprising the S W tf of Block 10 Lot 4 25 Feet, E. J. Kingsley abbutting on Gladys Avenue. City of Hermiston according to ......................................... >2.50 11 50 Feet. R B o r w f II »5.00 Lot 23 25 Feet, City of Hermle- and surfacing a strip 18 feet wide »2 80 | Lot 15 25 Feet, M. E. Church ................................... >2.50 plat filed with Recorder, Umatilla ton .. Boswell >5.60 R. Feet, 60 Local Improvement District No. 28 12 Lot 5 25 In the center w ith crusher screen , Knights of Lot 34 25 Feet, David H. Cook ............................... - ....... 82.50 County, April 5. 1905. Pythias ........................... Block 6 T— ings from F ifth to Seventh street, comprising the SB U of Block 11 >2.60 !x)t 18 26 Feet, M E. Church ______ _____ ___ ___ 82.50 Block 1— ? Lot 6 25 Feet, Knights of Ixrt 1 50 Feet, Genevieve Kim and has required of the City E ngin abbutting on Gladys Avenue. ......................................... 82 63 Lot 1 30 Feet, Lowman A Pelly Lot 25 25 Feet, R. Alexander, Pythias ..................................... >2.50 ball -................................. >5.00 Lot 17 25 Feet, E. W. Mack 82.6« Trustee ..... ........... ................... 82.50 Local Improvement D istrict No. 29 eer plans and specifications for an Lot 7 25 Feet, Pacific Tele, »3.00 Lot 2 50 Feet. Genev'nvo Kim Lot 18 25 Feet, E. W. Mack 82.60 , Lot . ........................................... appropriate Improvement and esti comprising the SWM of Block 11 2 26 Feet, Lowman A Pelly . Cp — ..................................... >2.50 Lot 19 26 Feet, W. W. Illaley b a ll ...... »5.00 Block 9— Lot 1 50 Feet, J. D Lowman 85.00 mate of the work to be done and the abbutting on Gladys Avenue. Lot 8 25 Feet, H. R. Newport >2.50 Lot 3 60 Feet, City of Hermis >2.50 . Lot - .................................................. 3 25 Feet, S. R. Oldaker ton - >5.00 Lot 2 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman 85.00 probable cost thereof, and whereas . ..................... ............................ >2.50 Lot 20 25 Feet. W. W. Illsley Local Improvement D istrict No. 30 Lot 9 25 Feet. E. W. Mack >2.50 Lot 10 26 Feet. J. D. Lowman 82.60 >2.50 Lot 4 50 Feet, City of Her ......................................... >2.50 . Lot ..................................................... the City Engineer has filed such comprising the S E U of Block 12 4 25 Feet, 3. R. Oldaker Lot 10 25 Feet, E. D. Dungan Lot 11 50 Feet, J. D. Lowman miston ....................................... >5.00 Lot 21 25 Feet. Laura S. W al .................................................... 85.00 plans, specifications and estim ates In ! abbutting on Gladys Avenue, • • • • ” .............................................. >3.50 Lot 5 50 Feet City of Her . ..................................................... >2.50 ler 82.60 . Lot 5 26 Feet, Tom Marxen >i.50 lx»t 11 25 Feet. E. S. Taylor >2.50 the offlee of the City Recorder, now ! And that the City Reorder be. and miston ....... . ........................ >5.00 Lot 18 50 Feet. J. D. Lowman Lot 22 25 Feet. Laura S. W al Lot 25 Feet, Tom Marxen >2.50 Lot 6 50 Feet. City of Her ........... ......................................... 85.00 therefore, Lot 12 28 Feet, Dick Hardison 32.50 he is hereby directed to give notice ler »« 50 I Lot 25 Feet. Lowman A Pelly Block 10— Ix)t 13 25 Feet, If. R. Newpoit miston ....................................... >5.00 I-ot 2» 25 Feet. O. E. Ryder 82.50 < it la resolved by JtheJSitv Her-; by publication at least once a week Lot 1 15 Feet, R. C. Todd..... 81-50 ....................................... >2.50 Lot 7 60 Feet. City of Her . >2.5O|lx»t 24 26 Feet. O. E Rydr 12.60 mlaton th at the plans? specifications for tw o consecutive weeks In the 25 Feet, Lowman A Pellv 25 Feet. R. C. Todd ... 82.50 miston ......... .................... Lot 14 25 Feet, II. R. Newport >5.00 Lot 2 lx>t 25 25 Feet, O. K. Ryder 82.60 | ......................................... >2.50 Lot 8 50 Feet. City of Her Lot 3 25 F«et. R. C. Todd.... 83.50 and estim ates for such street im- Hermiston Herald of the passage of ....................................... .. >2.50 Lot 26 25 Feet O. E. Ryder 12.50 Lot 9 30 Feet, Lowman A Pellv Lot 16 25 Feet, Cole A Swnyze ............. ................ >5.00 Block 11— miston Lot 27 25 Feet. .Tone Skovbo 22.60 provement filed by the City Engln- j th is resolution and statin g the B. Felly.... 83.00 .................................................................... >3.00 Lot a 30 Feet. W 9 50 Feet. City or Her . - , .......................... >2.50 Lot 28 25 Feet, Jene Skovbo 22.60 eer. and the same hereby are ap-1 boundary of the proposed improve- Lot 10 to 17, 200 Feet. City of Lot 2 28 Feet. B. P elly ... «3.50 Lot 16 26 Feet, Cola A Swayze miston ....................................... >5.00 Lot 29 25 Feet. Harry Rogers .............................. >20.00 Ix't 10 50 Feet. City of Herml«- proved and adopted, and the C ity , m ent, the District and D istricts to Lot 3 35 Feet. E. J. Kingsley ................................... »1.50 ...................................... 82.50 lx»t Hermiston 18 20 Feet, J. D. Ixiwmsn >2.00 y .................................................. 83.60 does hereby declare Ite Intention to ■ ** assessed and the estimated coats ♦o*» ............................. »6.00 Txit 17 25 Feet, E P Illsley >2.50 Lot 30 25 Feet. Harry Rogere Lot 17 26 Feet, J. L. llarmon >3.60 Improve said part of Gladys avenue thereof. ......................................... 83.50 Lot I t 25 Feet, J. D. l.owman >2 50 Lot 11 50 Feet, Sappers' Inc. >5.00 Lot 4 25 Feet. E. J. Kingsley ........................................ 82.50 Ix»t 18 50 Feet. F. B. Swayze >5.00 IjOt 31 25 Feet. M S. Miller 83.50 Lot 20 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman >3.50 Tx<t 13 50 Feet, Genevieve Kim at a probable cost of 33204.00, and Passed the Council this Fourth lett 21 25 Feet, J. D. Lowman >2.50 25 Feet. Genevieve Klm- Lot 19 50 Feet, H R. Newport Lot 5 ball .......................................... >5.00 lo t 32 25 Feet. M. S. Miller 82.50 Ixit 22 25 Feet, J. D. Ix>wm«n >2.50 Block 7 »2.50 doe« hereby establish Local Improve , day of February, 1925. ball . ________ . ............-» •.................................. >5.00 Block 11 26 Feet C.ity of Hermis ment District No. 10 embracing all . A ttest: C. H. Skinner, Lot « 25 Feet. Lowman A Pally Ix»t 20 50 Feet, J. L. Harmon Let 1 30 Feet. C. W Kellogg Lot 25 Feet. F. B. Swayze >2.50 Lot ton 23 .............................................. »2.50 c ity Recorder, ..... ......... 82.50 the property specially benefit ted by I ................................................. >3.00 ................................................. 15.00 Ix»i 25 Feet, F B. Sway»« »2.50 Lot 24 25 Feet. J. D. Lowman 22.50 Lot 1 25 Peed. C. W. Kellogg Lot 7 25 Feet. Lowman A P elly Lot 21 60 Feet. E D. Martin 15.00 I/Jt 25 Feet, F. B. Swayze >2.50 such Improvement a« follows: A l l . Lot 25 25 Feet. J. D. Lawman >2.50 Approved by the Mayor this Fourth Lot 22 50 Feet. E D. Martin >5.00 Tx>« ........... - .............................. — »3.50 ............................................. >3.50 25 Feet, F. B. Swayze >2.10 j_ _ the land between the termini Lot 3 25 Feet. C. W. Kellogg Lot 23 50 Feet, F. B. Swayze >5.00 Lot Lot 8 28 Feet. J. D. Lowman such I day of February. 1P25. ;6 Feet. F, B. Swayze >2.50 ¡Ud 3 38 Mary B Oakes «3.50 improvement abutting upon the said ' 2>2t ---------- ------ --------- ----------«1.50 A W Prann. Acting Mayor Payable la Advance. 12 30 62 100 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents “The Home of Good Printin?” Legal Blanks at The Herald Office can do it figure v ’ ’ ^■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBai HERM IS i u HERALb