The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984, February 12, 1925, Image 2

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W hereas th e C ity Connell doee
deem it expedient and necessary to
■bed every Thursday at Har-
im prove th a t portion of Oladys ave­
stilla County, Oregon by
nue in th e City of H erm iston lying
Crowder, Editor and Man-
betw een the E ast line of F irst stre e t
an d the west line of Seventh stre e t
by grad in g and su rfacin g w ith cru sh ­
er screenings and co n stru ctin g c u rb ,
a n d sidew alks from F irst to T hird
stre e ts ; by g rad in g and su rfacin g
Subscription Bates
w ith cru sh er screenings and con­
Year ...._______ ---
stru c tin g curbs on both sid e , and
Months __________
sidew alk on the N orth side from
T h ird to F o u rth street. By grad in g
. :i«d or Local Advertising
and sietedng with crusher
< cents per line for firs t insertion, ings and co n stru ctin g curbs from
mum charge 25 cents. Subse- F o u rth to F ifth stre e ts ; by g rad in g
fnsertlons 5 cents per Lae.
an d su rfacin g a s trip 16 feet wide
in th e cen ter w ith cru sh er screen­
ings from F ifth to Seventh street,
and has required of the City E n g in ­
eer plans and sp ecificatio n , for an
ap p ro p riate im provem ent and esti­
Dean of Man, University of
m ate of th e w ork to be done and the
probable cost thereof, and w hereas
th e City E n g in eer has filed such
HEN Jack came to Seattle with­ plans, specifications and estim ates In
out acquaintances and with th e office of th e City Recorder, now
very inadequate finuncial resources, th erefo re,
1 w as Coulter who took him into ids
It fs resolved by the City o' Her­
ifflee, gave him a Job, made friends m iston th a t th e plans, specifications
’or him, and set him on ills feet. The
»Id man was proud of the boy, for and e stim ate, for such stre e t Im­
lack had a good physique, he hud provem ent filed by the City E n g in ­
trains, be wore his clothes well, and eer, and th e sam e hereby a re ap ­
proved and adopted, and the City
be was well-mannered.
He made friends easily. Ills post- d o ts hereby declare its in ten tio n to
■ion in Coulter’s office made for him im prove said p a rt of Gladys avenue
I wide circle of acquaintances, and it at a probable cost of >3204.00, and not long until he had joined a does hereby establish Local Im prove­
;lub, was into society and became one
m ent D istrict No. 10 em bracing alt
®f the well-known men of the town.
Then he gradually drifted away. the property specially b en efitted by
Honey w as more plentiful, social such Im provem ent aR follow s; All
pleasures attracted him, he had little the land between the termini of such
;o do with his old friend and almost, Improvement a b u ttin g upon th e said
If not completely, forgot who It was p art of Gladys avenue proposed to
who had given him a start. Ultimate­ be Improved extending on e ith e r
ly he went off to a distant city.
“What do you hear from Jack?" I side from th e m arginal line of such
asked Coulter one day when I was In stre e t back to th e c en te r of the
blocks a b u ttin g on said p a rt of
tris oince.
“I haven't heard from him," he re­ Gla<|ys A venue proposed to be Im­
proved; and for th e purpose of ap-
“W hat’s he doing?” I Inquired.
oortlo n ln g th e cost of Im proving the
“I'm ashamed to say it, but I really cross sections of stre e ts contained
don't know. You see, he never told n said Local Im provem ent D istrict
me, he never even said good-bye to
No. 10 does hereby establish,
• ie when he went away, and I haven’t
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 11
ht d a word from him since he left.”
“B ut he owes almost everything to com prising th e N E(4 of Block 7 a b ­
you,” I said. "I should think you’d
u ttin g on Gladys avenue.
,ose faith and never help a boy uguin,
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 12
when you get no gratitude, no appre­ om prlslng th e N W tf of Block 8
h u ttin g on Glays Avenue.
"Kindness shown to others, like
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 13
erlty,’’ he replied, “is its own re-
rd. I leurned long ngo to do what
o m prlslng th e NE*4 of Block 8
ould to help young fellows and to
b h u ttin g on Gladys Avenue.
u content with the personal satis
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 14
lactlon th at comes from knowing that
om prlslng th e N W « of Block 9
1 have done a worthy thing. I never
xbbuttlng on Gladys Avenue.
expect gratitude. Sometimes it comes,
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 15
and this unexpected appreciation that
one gets from having helped a man com prising th e N E% of Block 9
Is the sweetest sort of reward, but I a b b u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
am never disappointed if I fall to re­
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 1«
ceive it.”
« i .prising th e NWVi of Block 4
And be was right. Youth is thought­ • b h u ttin g on G ladys Avenue.
less, selfish, and often ungrateful. It
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 17
should be enough rew ard to any mnn x o n p rlsln g th e N Et«i ‘of Block 4
to realize that he has done w hat he
could in giving every young fellow a ib h u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 18
(© , 1134, W«Btern Nowiipaper U n ion .)
■omprlslng th e N W « of Block 5
■bhutting on G ladys Avenue.
The only time young lors can appre­
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 19
ciate the statem ent tlmt time tiles Is
omprlHlng* the1 NE>4 of Block 6
a t the end of vacation week.
b h u ttin g on G ladys Avenue.
Bobbed hair certainly goes to ex
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 20
enies. It makes the young look ■omprlslng th e N W « of Block 8
lunger and the old look older.
ib h u ttln g on G ladys Avenue.
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 21
YY’hat ling become of the ohl-fash-
prising th e S W « of Block 1
ioned agitation against tainted money?
ib h u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
O r is the world reconciled to It?
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 22
com prising th e SE *4 of Block
I ab b u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
• Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 23
com prising th e S W « of Block 2
An optimist Is a person who thinks
ab b u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
men and women will agree Just be­
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 24
cause they happen to be on the same
I com prising th e SE^4 of Block
I ib h u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
As fa r as a locomotive Is con­
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 25
cerned, the railroad’s right of way at comprising! th e SW ’A of Block 3
the grade, crossing Is thoroughly e» ab b u ttln g on Gladys Avenue.
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 28
Alnddln had a wonderful lamp which com prising the S E U of Block 10
afforded him ecstatic happiness. But, I ab b u ttln g on G lady, Avenue.
It will be remembered, there was no
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 27
oil in IL
'•omprlslng th e 8 W « of Block 10
ih t u ttliig on Gladys Avenue.
It might save a lot of time and
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 28
money to pass a law, automatically
making insane any one who happens com prising th e SE >4 of Block I I
I ib h u ttln g on Gladys • Avenne.
to kill another.
I I.oral Im provem ent D istrict No. 29
Wur clouds are again rumbling In om prlslng th e 8W«4 of Block 111
the Balkans, but It is encouraging to I ib h u ttln g on G lad y , Avenue.
know that no arm ies will be doing
Local Im provem ent D istrict No. 30]
(he goosestep.
•omprlslng the SE *4 of Block 13 |
haven’t i ooey to burn, ib h u ttln g on Oladys Avenue.
ige points to the fact ] And th a t th e City R eorder be. and ,
among the best buyer* be Is hereby directed to give notice i
bv publication a t least once a week j
I for tw o consecutive weeks in th e [
Sometimes the ci r ,- » « le n ir rails
the simile u spade nnd again he re­ H erm iston H erald of th e passage of
s ta tin g th e J
fers to It ns nn Implement' devised this resolution
boundary of th e proposed Improve-1
to raise blisters.
m ent, th e D istrict and D istricts to j
he asneeeed and the estim ated eoets !
■peaking of the "diabolical ray'
calls the fellow who u- id to tai
Passed the Connell Mils Fourth
m irror and flash suni, ,'it hi your ,
day of F eb ru ary , 1925.
' a s indignant women suggest, th<
A tteet: C. H. S k in n er.
“third degree" has no honest part In
City Recorder.
the adm inistration of the eriiulnul laws.
Approved by the Mayor this Fourth
T hat four-year-old Itn shin who has day of F eb ru ary , 1915.
A. W, Prsnn, A "ting M
a full heard and the sirengih of a man .’.’-2»
probably will die of old age before he
1* ten.
QHp tyrmtaton Srralii
A powerful light Hint would kin In
w ar is reported to b are been dlseor
ered. It sounds tike a relic of the
Some of the kalsoinlned eonnto-
nance* fh«t members of the falr sex
affect are almost ns concri
oriental veils.
The posslliillly that Amerlcs’s naval
■trength may he slightly less thsn that
of Oroiit Rrttaln in n<> excuto for in-
ootnnlft Io this country.
Crop Meter Is Newest Farm Device
A n d we w ant to figure your
pia? s and tell you la
it u il! cost to do it.
Looks like an adding innehine, this
attachm ent on the fprm er'a autom o­
bile. but Il’s really a crop meter which
enables the farm er to estim ate his
crop by pressing the button and driv­
ing along his Held. The meter is the
Invention of George F. Betz of the
D epartm ent of Agriculture.
th e h o m e p r i i t r
I fy ; ,: ’ have to replace or build
new flood gates or drop boxes,
buy our Number 2 Cedar th a t
selling cheap while it lasts.
E. Jones
Spring Neckwear
Makes Its Entry
s n tit’ r!
usive Représentatives ef National Buiid-x
It appears tlmt stylists haven’! tir
faintest notion of opposing the fond
ness developed for simplicity In da,'
frocks, either In the tailored or tut*
varieties. Now th at these frocks are
coming in for spring, the tailored
dresses reveal the revival of navy
blue and the survival of the straight
silhouette—but there is great variety
In neck lines and neckwear grows Im­
portant. All sorts of collar and cuff
sets, vestees, jabots, ties and scurfs
stand ready to contribute sm art style
touches to the inconspicuous new
frocks. A collar and culf set is shown
here. It makes a cheerful addition to
sedate day frock or suit.
Sea Cucum ber a Fish
The sen cucumber Is really a living
creature and not a vegetable. Its other
names are the trcpi'.ng or holothurinn.
Tlie body "of tills strange dweller In the
sea Is composed of a muscular tissue
covered with w arts or spines, and which
generally resemble in shape th eir vege­
table namesake, gays the Boston Globe.
Sea cueumhej/ is consul l id a great
luxury among tie Cliinese. Malays and
other Eastern ife'-ples, and Its gather­
ing and preparation for the m arket I r
n flourishing industry among the
Islands 'of tlie P.o hie. W hite men who
have eutin scu-cucuinoer soup declare
it to he delicious. Tlie trepnngs. which
grow from ten to fifteen indies long,
are gathered from coral reefs. They
are then boiled, dried In the sun ami
hung over a fire, which gives them u
smoky taste.
YES—And save the Dairy Industry
■ ■■■aaBPnaiiH B saaaH isK o b m b k . il .
Founding of a university in Alhnniu
Is projected according to American de­
sign ami will) American financial sup­
port, It has become known in Chicago
ivlib the appointment of Dean Elmer
E Jones of N orthwestern university
Lsgal Blanks For Sale
us one of the trustees. The establish
ment of this school, attracting students
from all the Balkan countries, is ex­
pected by Professor Jones to prove
more effective th in any other means
In advancing harmonious relations.
Christian ideals will he taught, he
T h is Gcr:ei a lia n fih :y See
nays. The university will be known,
according to rep ot, as (he Albanian
R e tu rn is K nee K raec'.ss
American Sehr/ii of Agriculture and
Men, It's Just a 1 1 0 more than a
Mechanic Arts. C. Telford Erickson century ago since long Housers began
of New York city has been selected to come into fashion. I. au Brummel,
as its acting president. Funds will be ilie celebrated i. dish
eiety leader,
raised for it in this country.
had Introduced them a lew years be­
fore. His daring example had been
C ouldn’t Be Fooled
copied by the “dandii S” of the day.
When Hobble was six hs was given a Hut most men Ivld buck, especially the
real watch, which, regardless of qual­ conservative "substantial” ones.
ity or accuracy, hud u delightfully loud
They considered long trousers a child.-.
tick. Naturally, the little fellow was Ish form of lnauqu rade and were
inordinately pruud and would stroll up afraid they would look ridiculous if
and down Wilijhire boulevard, stop
I hey abandoned knee-brervrès.
ping every moment or two to draw I tie
Today it’s the other way around.
timepiece from his pocket and regard
A fter a century, the peudulum
it gravely.
swings and knee breeches are said to
Every passerby got a real kirk out of
be coming back. They are worn by
Bobby’s performance, but tlie climax
golfers, engineers and other men of
came when Betty Compson tripped
the outdoors, and on camping trips
along and asked the little chap what
and hikes.
time it was.
Judging by ease and comfort, a
Hobby regnrded his watch perplex­
great many men—if truth were known
edly for a moment and then repliaxL,
—would like to wear "knee pants" all
wilh dignity: "Two inches to four."—
the time.
Los Angeles Times.
Why not 7 Alas, In their community
association men have acquired a
timidity and sense of shame in any­
thing not conforming to the crowd.
Long trousers are “the go” ; and It’s a
brazen male who dares fly In the teeth
of convention.—Washington Post.
new w in te r “Red C tuw iTis
extra comfort for the m a n at
tlie wheel. Quicker starting-
one touch of the starter but­
ton is enough/ Just a iitrlc nudge
on the accelerator zips you a-
head in tragic w ith pow er to
spnre.Try sxrankful o f the new
winter*jteti Crcwn’- “in every
w ay thebest b u y in town?
( Ctlifinnw
Buy it anywhere you see the red,
white and blue pump—at Standard
Oil Survice Stations and at dealers.
H im alayan H orsechectnut
The original horsechestnnt? Acsulus
Hippociistanum, is the handsomest of
the whole genus and one of the most
beautiful trees in the world, says a
bulletin of the Arnold Arboretum. Il
was brought to America at least 100
years ago and there are many noble
specimens in cities and towns of the
eastern states. The Himalayan horse-
chestnut and toe species of central
Chinn are not hardy here, and the
Arboretum has not succeeded in oh
lalnlng seeds of the north China
species, Aesenlns chinensis, which will
probably flourish in this latitude.
Crab Found in Booh
la the m atter of odd bookmarks be­
tween the pages of a returned volume,
one lihrnrhin claimed the blue ribbon
by citing a slice of raw bacon which
one of bis assistants hud salvaged from
a vopy of Mr. S en ice’s poeius.
B ut Ills claim was instantly given
second plnce when tlie chief of a fa­
mous library In a great manufacturing
city countered with a soft-shell crab
which turned up between the leaves
of a book on engineering.—The O ut­
at The Heu d
A l A e d í O Ü .Ü
H a v e le a rn e d t h a t T h e H e ra ld p r in ts th e
b e s t b u t te r w ra p p e rs .
size, 9 b y 12 in ch es.
W e h a v e th e la rg e
O u r p ric e s a r e —
M a n y a r e b u y in g th e m in th e la r g e r q u a n ­
titie s , b u t w e a r e h e re to s e rv e y o u a ll. I f
y o u w a n t only a fe w w e h a v e th e m w ith ­
o u t t h e n a m e . T h e se w e sell a s fo llo w s —
Herd to K e r o It
Mother- "'here did you get that
Willie— You gnve It to me for the
Mother—Then why dl(j you keep It?
Willie—Welt, tea« her said I was a
heathen.—Montreal < 1 azette.
AN ' I t t MIT YOU \ AN I I I V » IL
on tmc n o s e i»
/ tou , b illy
S W IN N era IF
m t P lay w / ith
W A G O N Á you d o n t let
S M t ALONE. >
N ow
B U D D Y , I auAtBr
b ; a a p p iè
«on v o u e
T O N lO N r
'to u
A P P lf
D A Y K E E P S T h B D O C ToO
— -,
/ -
EAT io keep billy