Gttp Wrmtflfcm W ralh < VOL XIX HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. 1925 ENOS MARTIN IS NEW WATERMASTER MISS RUTH AKTRR ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Ex-Hermiston High 8chool Girt Will Wed University Student A picture of Miss Ruth Akers ap High School Mirror 250 PEOPLE AT TEND RABBIT DRIVE No. 23 LINOTYPE AUDITORIUM SCENE OF VALENTINE PARTY Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools WILL ASSUME NEW DUTIES AT peared on the society page of last TWO DRIVES ARE MADE WHICH ABOUT 125 GUESTS ENJOY CARDS Voi. 4. Sunday’s Oregonian and w ith it the A break in our linotype follow ing: The engagement of Mias NETS 1200 RABBITS AND DANCING The game between Hermiston Hl Ruth M. Akers of Klondike, Oregon. occurred the first of the week. ____ An informal party was given last W ill T .V . M.. 'to Bert W. Halloway o f Leavenworth' teams and Hellx teams February 13 Saturday night at the home of Eliz We were unable to set any mt w „ j u Mey' W ash., was recently announced at ia ¡»niclpated to be one of the clos abeth Straw. About six couples A Large Number of Pendleton Sports type or even cerrect our! Ba^ itbX i i n T PrUte? ^ rBted er» Who Has Had the Position the University of Oregon. Both est and be8t games played on the were present and the evening spent man Are On Hand To Enjoy xir V J xv Valentln«* and Festoon» For Some Time. Miss Alters and Mr. Halloway are ,oca* Hoor. The probable line-up at dancing. Every one reported an The Fun. proofs. We have done the of Hearts. Stage Transform ---------- prominent student body members that- Coach King w ill send on the enjoyable evening. best we could under the ed Intd Living Room. At a m eeting of the board of dir- Mt8e Akerg „ a member of Kwam, ; floor are ectors of the Hermiston Irrigation ?lrl8. glee cIub Mot(jr A, pba Boys circumstances and ask that ------- Girls The rabbit1 drive staged In. the D istrict recently held Enos Martin Pbl and ,3 8ecretary of tbe 8tudent Zueskl F Pauline Voleker The children's operetta given last Columbia district last Sunday was you bear with US until such Monday evening, February 9, the was recommended for the position body. Mr Halloway aff,ila ted Ethmen Garrett F Hazel Stanton Saturday night was pronounced an well attended by people of Hermiston time as repairs can bfe made. Henn,8ton auditorium was the scene of watermaster of the Umatilla pro- wlth Bacheiordom. local fraternity. ! Rob«rt Toiler C Pauline Morris immense succesg both dramatically !of a lnrge and ve|Y dellghful dane- and surrounding territory. A large SEN. STANFIELD WANTS TO ject. It is understood that his ap- and ,s B member of tbe men’s glee Mabel Dorlson and financially. About' Bixty dol ing and card party. polntment is assured. club. The date for tbe wedd|ng hag Gall Alspach G Wanda Alspach lars were cleared which w ill go in number of Pendleton sportsmen mot ESTABLISH HOME-LOAN BANKS ... About one hundred and twenty Mr. Martin has been, connected not been s e t , Henry Campbell G Cassie McAlar to the student-body treasury. ored to this city early In the morn w ith the Reclamation service for a Mlss Akers we„ known t<J the ! ------------* - ■ ? - Senator Stanfield of Oregon h a s ! K"e9,s *"J°yed the hospitality of the ing and left with, the Hermiston introduced in the United States se n -!io,low ,ng ho8,!' and b081 e8Bea: Mr. number of years and no doubt the re8ldent, of Hermiston and vicinity. this up in near future. aggregation. At 9 o’clock there ate a bill to establish a system of and Mrs R B Mitchell, Mr. and experience gained from th is fact w ill hei. fatber at one tlme ow nlng a Guy Weaver, of Hubbard, Oregon, greatly aid him in handling the af- rancb , n the Coiumbla diatrIct. motored to Irrigon Friday morning was a long precession of cars load National Home Loan Banks to be or Mrs- A H- Norton, Mr. and Mrs. W. fairs of hlg office in a competent ________ r _ _ returning Chauncey Grim who has ed with men, women and children, ganlied ganized and operated under 'I' ^ arner. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. manner. He w ill take the place of been down there for a weeks’ visit. leaving thlg city for the drive The Federal supervision fcr the purpose ' " ayze and Mr- and Mrs. F. C. Me- (Too late for lest week.) “OLD MUGGS” PASSES ON George Meyers who has held the job Guy Weaver returned Teusday and start was made from the Waugaman cim aking loans at low interest -Kenzle- A double heade- game of basket for some time. Tbp staK“ was transformed into a Graham corners a little after 9:30. rates and upon favorable terms of "Old Mugs” is dead. Perhaps ball was played here Friday, Jan. Hugh Grim took hlg vacation, going Two lines were formed, men with payment to the people in securing cbarmlng living room where card to the Valley with Mr. Weaver. there is no one in Hermiston who 30 The Umatilla boys defeated Ir- clubs composing the first lin e and and paying for homes of their own. P,ayers beld forth at bridge and var- ODI GAL PARENTS OR A did not know Mugs.,He was only a rigon'g second tam by a scare of 14 The senator says: “The biggest lons card Kal™‘a Tom Chatterton arrived Tuesday ethers w ith guns brought up the PARABLE ON PARTIES dog and filled a very sm all nlch in to 7, which was played first. The ir. The guns were brought into thing our government can do in TbP ballroom was appropriately having returned from Honolulu th s world, but he filled it w ll, No Irrigon regulars defeated Pendleton (By a High School Philosopher) use only after rabbits had broken building American/ citizenship and decorated with valentines and fes- m atter under what circum stances Night Hawks,score 31 to 25. Some where the boat he is employed on Thre wer« certain parents that- thiough the fiist line. It is stated combatting the destructive forces of toons of hearts, making an effect- made a trip recently. you met him he was sure to greet of the best shbstltute8 were held lu had a son and daughter whom they . ... . „ .. , , that the gun section Inflicted whole- Bolshevism. Socialism, extravagance lvp background for the variously col loved very dearly. Now it happened y°" W‘‘h * hearty W° g ° f, h‘8 i « ^ v e for the big game and had it Mrs. N. Seaman and daughter ff l« slaughter upon the pests while and unemployment Is to aid men and ored party gowns. Music was fur- that, because of inherited qualities a"d P“ ‘ n° 8e UP aga’“« yOU, been PIayed in rever8p order a bet' Fredia went to Pendleton Monday the club line drove thm Into corrals women to secure homes of their »iRbcd by the Briggs orchestra and which is the only w ay a dog has of ter show ing would probably have and characteristics, ¡thente children and even a greater number were dis own. . favors for the danecs distributed by returning Wednesday. Raying how-do-you-do. Hope you been made by the second team were popular students in their high patched in th is manner. j MisB Jane Warner and Master Ger- are well and happy today.„Oftlmes against Umatilla. The boys have school. Of course all popular stu ! uld McKenzie. At noon a halt was made for lunch The Woman’s Club of Umatilla mortals and even dogs are too busily made use of the old school building To Swim English Channel dents! and who Is not popular in a at the Tabor place and the second At 10:30 the grand march was led gave a big dance in the Irrigon ball small high school) liked to attend engaged w ,th their own affa,r» to ‘his winter and practiced rgularly. drive of the day was started from by Mrs. W. J. Warner and F. C. Mc Saturday evening., The hall was .11 parties where they could m ingle eX‘ n e d a C^ " y the Mr. W illiams, manager of the regu- The two drives uetted Kenzie. The prize for the lucky jammed full. No larger crowd ever w ith those of their own age and edu- bas8prby' But "ot 80 ’ “ h M u ff, lars, saye he w ill claim champlon- circle waltz was won by Mrs. C. S. gathered in Irrigon to a dance. The aboub 1200 rabbits, catlonal ambitions. Accordingly the Everyone wa« b '8 W end and none ship Of Morrow and Gilliam countles McNaught and W. T. Roberts. students often held- .parties where ° ° ° bscure for h,m to pa“ hpy >'ay and dpfaa‘ tbam dur- dance was for the benefit of the One of the prettleBt spectacles of scholarship loan. N ew A rctic E xpedition they might dance or play cards or " ♦, n. ♦ w tbe moDth of Febr,lary- H e l s the evening was a moonlight bubble An Arctic expedition largely under, play games more suited to their „ " , 8 that “ T * trylng to arrange games w lth Ar’ waltz, in which the dancers carried taken by Oxford university, England, tagteg on ‘his earth he no doubt has bis lington. Ione. Lexington and Hepp- gay baloons and sang to the strains Rextn and Turpentine la about to start on an exploration . ' , troubles and disappointments as we ner. The faet that Pendleton Night As young folks often do, one . . . , .. of "I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles,” north Eastland, a large island, 90 Put to Various Uses of rilght these high shool students were " L n ” he h A t^ ^ 7 T ” Hawks de,Pated the Purble Oian,B miles square, which lies to the north the moon being in this case, a large Resin and turpentine have been pro east of Spitzenbergen. Two previous having such a good tlm that they ” 7 bB^ d * of Stanfleld a sb° re °< 35 34 Illuminated heart. did not wish to dismiss at an early ' “ T A * J Urther Tuesday evenlng’ 8P*aks for the duced on tills continent since 1062. attempts have been made to explore Punch was served during the eve These commodities were gathered and i t The first in 1873 was by the Nor hour, but they were forced to quit A „ . 7 ? , A , * Irr'S° n b° yS &nd g‘VeS them C° UraSe ning by MisaeH Jane Warner, Elea exported by the early colonists. While . had dug it up and stolen It from to tackle bigger teams. wegian Nordenskiöld, and wna only the place of innocent amusement. h , m Qr maybe a per8On whom „„ nor Briggs and Elizabeth Straw. they were originally used for caulking partly successful. A German expedi Continued meeting of the Farm wooden vessels and protecting rope rig At 12 o’clock a buffet supper was Young folks must have their fun so haf) mfit wgg # grouch an(J tion in 1912 perished ir. the attempt. tl>ey rode or parked around in cars on thJg d&y instead of gtrok, hlg Bureau Monday evening returned ging. thus gaining their name of “naval A specially designed seaplane will be served and at 1:30 the party dis most of the members of the previous stores,” chemistry has developed many u n til tw elve or one o ’clock. , . .. ». j . persed, ail vow ing the occasion to - a .. . . head as they had often done, give Monday night. Straw vote was tak uses for resin and turpentine, making used. It will have a closed cabin, carry a collapsible boat, and be Loving them as they did their h|m k,ck fnstead But Muga never have been' a huge success. them indispensable in a large number parents and the school officials plac- Jogt n a th Jn human nature Hg en to obtain the w ishes o f the peo of Important Industries, says the Mon equipped with floats so designed that landing may be made on the ice. The ed a taboo on all high school par- kep{ on w agg, htg ta„ and ple as to moving tUe ,oldl1 school treal Star. plane will be provisioned for five ties In the future, giving as their 8pread,ng gun8hine in tbe only way house closer to the new building Soap manufacture leads in consump weeks. The main equipment of the which can be done at th is time tion of resin, with surfacing of writing reason for so doing that young peo- (hat God ha<J ma)Je u po(wlWe cheap on account of house movers and printing paper ranking, expedition will be carried in two ves pie must have sleep, and th at there sels, one a 300-ton Norwegian whaler, a dog to do so. y THOM AS A KKL E-CLARK being in the district. The result Resin is also extensively used In the was no sense in such hours. “Look Last Wednesday morning Mugs was 36 to I I in favor of the move. manufacture of varnishes, waterproof the other a small Norwegian sealing Jean of Men, U niversity o f sloop. The expedition will be led by st us!” thev cried. “ We don’t do as you passed on. Yes, he was only a dog Illinois. It w ill noy be up to the school board ing compounds, rooting materials, George Blnney, leader of last year’s wen* to do ” but he w ill be missed just the same to do as they wish providing all leather dressings, lubricants, waxes, Oxford expedition. Knowing that father and mother al and if there is a heaven for canine« linoleum and electric insulation. Tur CLIIAHAM came to the town in which ways know best, the son and daugh where there are hundreds of cata suitable arrangements can be made. pentine Is an Important industrial fac The permanent wave is not perma he is now living a good many tor as a thinner for paint, solvent for nent, nor will tlie bob stay bobbed. ter consented to abide by the regu to chase and oceans and oceans of (•ears ago without friends and without inks, waxes, rubber and waterproofing The farmers warehouse question lations of the taboo. money. He was honest, hard working, bones to bury Mugs has entered that The war filled the world with Junk By and by, there came a time rea]m was discussed at length and agreed compounds, ns well as in chemical and ind dependable, and in time he got ou' pharmaceutical combinations. and the peace is filling It with bunk. in business. He made friends and he when the older folks got tired of that It was time we had some place married a sensible girl. He started a routine (a thing that young folks to store feed and bey in car loads. Birthday Party Robina are optimista. In the roldst little greenhouse out on the edge of ehottld never do) and decided to In A comm ittee of five was appointed A birthday party was given Mrs. A n a ly ze Flowing Gas of house huntlng they have time for town, going into debt for the land and dulge |n the innocent amusement of E. P. Illsley on the evening of Feb. by the chairman to investigate the Determination of the amount of car a song. (or the equipment, hut he had a good a dancing and card party. Easiness und the future looked prom 7 at the home of Dr. W. W. Ills- different ways of financing and bon dioxide gas in the flue gases from They rented a great hall and In- ley. The occasion was in the nat- construction and to report when blast furnaces is an Important method Wonder if angleworms are present ising. rifed all theiri friends— people ,of ure pf a surprlse and thoee who con. ready. F. C. Frederickson wae nam of furnace control, but It has al in the garden a man Is turning over He hail one recreation—music. He rould slug and he could play the their own age and am bitions— for trlbuted toward makln g It one to ed a8 chairman of this committee ways been a difilcult job to get sam Just to tantalize him? they were determined to have t h e ' remembered were Mrs. Longhorn, with H. W. Grim, C. T. Saling, A. ples of the hot gases for analysis. A Miss Helen Wainwright, America'!, violin marvelously well. It was his It Is now generally agreed that the ell-round champion mermaid of 1924, m e talent, and he used It skillfully for best tim e possible. There w as a n ! Mrs gklnner Mv8 W est, Mrs. D. H. Yerkins and N. Seaman assisting. German Arm has now invented a meth od of using electricity to make con way to reduce Are losses is by having will undertake to awlin the English Ids own enjoyment und for the satis orchestra and lots of eats. A ll of Cook Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Mumma, Mrs. The North Morrow County Fair tinuous analyses of the flowing gas fewer fires. channel, coveted goal of the world’s faction of ills friends. the people had on their party clothes. Botkln Mr„ gkovbo. Mra. Shotwell, question was discussed and motion Different gases have differing powers Then one unlucky spring day a cy greatest long-distance swimmers, next Some of the fairer sex had new d ress-: M)sa c]ara Ha„ Mrg Wagner and carried to have chair appoint com of heat transmission. The latest labor-saving device Is that Electrically summer. The decision was reached al clone struck the town and laid waste es for the occasion, and marcelled Mrg w w illsley mittee of five to solicit slgnaturs heated wires are passed through an Philippine earthquake which shook a meeting of the governors of H ip a considerable part of the residence hair and ever’thing. I as to w hat aid they can depend on air chamber and through one filled dov/n all the coconuts. Women's Swimming association, when district and left Graham’s greenhouse W ell the party was a huge sue- j q R ni M find W ifT R etu n iS to to assist in putting on thlg fair and with flue gases. Electrical resistance Miss Charlotte Epstein, chairman of a heap of tangled iron and broken Statistics show that gum chewing if people bind themselves to assure of the wires changes with the temper cess! An observer said that he had the sports committee, was author glass, ills dwelling house, which was H am ilton. fell off In 1923 to the amount of $13,- lzed to make ull arrangements for tin adjacent to the greenhouse was torn never seen such furious dancing in its success, to go ahead and make ature, and since the relative heat losses J. G. Knight, who is known to a measure the amount of carbon dioxide 000,000, or quite a w ad. Into fragments by the swirling wind trial. a ll of his stay in that town. Why further arrangements w ith the In the flue gas, that percentage can und there was not n piece of glass left host of friends in th is city a s , Boardman people. Chairman Glas be easily measured by determination one dignified business man of no The native of Punxsutawney gets a In the greenhe&se us big as a man's “Brownie” , returned to Hermiston Sir Edwin Lutyens gow did not name this committee of the electrical resistance. less than fifty and no more than lot of fun out of such funny western hand. from Twin Falls, Idaho, the latter names aa Walla Walia. at the m eeting but expects to make sixty years whirled his wife— and Graham’s wife and his three chil part of last week Mrs. Knight dren were seriously, if not fatally. the wives of other men— around the accompanied hr husband. Up until Injured, nnd the whole family was In floor so rapidly that they were sick- some months ago "Brownie” was the hospital, he with a crippled back enet near unto death, if you know and a broken arm and a spirit pretty w hat I mean, like one som etim es is owner and proprietor of the Imper «ell crushed. Ije was ulmost wrecked ial cleaning establishm ent in this on a ship in a heavy sea. The music physically, hut a few days after the V »8 bo entrancing, any way some- city. He sold the business to Jack storm he was driven out from the hos th in g was so entancing. that they WhUe a "d ‘eft fOr Twln Fa,ls Where pltal to see the remnants of what was just didin't notice how tim e was he w“s ° " ered a poa,tion Wlth a once home. It was a bizarre sight ot slipping away. . slm -,8r bus,ne88’ A few daya a* ° broken glass, twisled window frames and withered vegetables that met When they returned home at one- he re9'gned and dr0Ve through frOm his gaze. Nothing left; he had thirty, son and daughter were sleep the Idaho city. Mr. Knight Is un notiilng wllli which to sturt anew, decided whether he w ill take over ing soundly, in fact, they had been nnd he was three thousand dollars In the Imperial cleaners here or go to in deep slumber ever since nine at debt. Pendleton on a proposition that has which time they had finished their He would lur e shot himself, he said, been offered him there. ami ended his troubles at once. If he preparations for the next day’s hail had a . tin. Then suddenly as he was school lessons. Father and mother I silting d' -point nl lu the midst of the Community Club Meeting tip-toed in stealth ily and w ent to I ruin of his po> -sious. a robin came T he Community <£ubi w ill m eet bed without making a sound. It i nnd perched . "on the broken branch in the library basement Tuesday, would be a shame to awaken the „ of u fallen maple tree and began to children, and then if they knew of P*™ary2 7? &t 3 * sing riotously and courageously. And the hour they m ight fly into an aw y w **** * talk on then nearby he saw a torn nest, the ■‘Adolescence,” a subject which w ill little birds within It dead. It was an ful rage and taboo all social gather be of interest to alt. It Is hoped j other home wreci.ed. 'Tears came into ing*, of whatever sort, | nthe future. that many w ill take advantage of j his eyes, and courage crept back Into However, the children heard the ' ids heart, and lie pulled himself to this opportunity to get some valu reports the next day. The party gether. able information on the subject. was the best ever held! “W hy. we “If that bird cat. sing." he said to Mrs. W. L. Hamm w ill give a paper were as chipper at one o’clock as himself, “by God, I can sing too,” and on "American Sculptors.” |4ir Edwin Lutyens, it. A., vice p ro when we started,” some declared. be did. ! Ident of the Itoyul Institute of British Mrs. Fred Callahan w ill talk on Friends came to his assistance, he Bon and daughter heard all this "Personal Experience in B eautify : Architects, who bus been awarded tbt made a new start, and today business with some amazement. Had not gold nndfil of the American Institute i 1« liourlsblng. And still lie sings und ing Home Grounds.” father and mother made them stop of Architect« In recognition of hi« re plays the violin. a!! of thir parties at eleven sharp, marknhle work. Till« 1« th« flr«t time ( t , l: t / V. t' ru N w ¡» p e r Uniont Baptist church— Services for Sun And mother was Just over to see day. February 15: Bible school at in 17 yc«rs tlmt thi« honor hn« gone the doctor yesterday: kidney trou- to nn Eovli«hin«n. Sir Edwin 1« th« . . . . . . . . 10 o’clock, classes for all. Preaching d(*«.goer of the ccnotHph In London. hie. Maybe father and mother had „ A M gBd 7 . J0 p M changed their minds; people may do SubRet foy mornlng -.Ood., its often com that som etim e. Maybe they w eren’t rx,Tenan, W |th braeI .. A. mented upon thet ro anelent after altl. w„rth pagtor th* biggest famblles At any rate they were r ig h t ., _______ are among th* poor. Father and mother are always right. j ay Orlgg* and Jess Lower of S h u ck s, though. Local talent is usu We young folks should follow their Boardman, were busineaa visitors In ally more local than ! lin t’s sintph- thet’s why they're poor. • u m p le and not stop before one! Hermiston Monday afternoon. ONCE IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS MUSIC Fat h e r S fs y j