©Í jf lim uista limitò VOL. XIX BI6 RABBIT DRIVE PLANNED SUNDAY HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 29. 1925 COMIC ROLES ARE TO BE PLAYED A SECOND TIME J. M. CAMPBELL HOUSE ROBBED SATURDAY CAST FOR "MIKADO” CHOSEN TWO NEW ROADS ON 1 9 2 5 PROGRAM JACK WHITE WILL OPEN CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT 1 •» N«. 21 COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED FOR YEAR (By Princess Chrysanthemum) In the presentation of the comic Business W ill be Located on Main opera “The Mikado” the community Street N ext to Dodd’s Office of Hermiston i8 to be given a rare treat. 1 Jack White, who has been pro- BOTH CLUBS AND GUNS WILL BE The nervous, weepy Mrs, Whipple; ENTRANCE TO DWELLING GAIN Very few communities the size of BUTTER CREEK ROAD INTO HER. prletor of the Imperial Cleamers In MEN WHO WILL HANDLE THE AF the clue hunting Teesle; the mls- ours have the talent necessary to USED TO EXTERMINATE PESTS this city for the past year, will open ED THROUGH WINDOW chlevoug Maude)la; the appealing MISTON TO BE BUILT SOON give this opera. It is a real accom a new pressing and cleaning estab- FAIRS OF COMMERCIAL CLUB Sunshine girl; the tonie-lovlng Mr. plishment for towns many times the _____ Hshment on Main street next to the _____ I Butternlp, and the other unusual size of Hermiston, and it is there Start W ill Be Made From the Pear I real estate office of E. P. Dodd. The and amusing characters of “Sun Articles Stolen Returned Sunday fore a much greater accomplishment Muth Time and Money To Be SPent proprietors of the Imperial Cleaners A Program of Development W ill Be son Bauch, One Mile North of shine." the Junior class play, will N igh t B y Thief and Placed for this community. On Holdover Projects During Outlined To be Worked Out by The Reservoir have sold the equipment to R. H. i ne seen again on the stage of the One is apt to minimize the musical In Yard. Club During Coming Year Plersol of Wasco, who will take pos The Coming Year. high school auditorium Saturday talents of his own town and it is session Immediately. evening of this week. not until a real survey of the com A big rabbit drive has been plann Rehearsals for the second produc The residence of J. M. Campbell, munity Is made that one realizes ed for Sunday, February 8, by the Hnrry Straw, president of ths Only two additional road build tion of the comedy Indicate that It local Standard oil manager, was how much talent it really has and farmers In the east end of Columbia .* * Commercial club has named the dif ing projects have been formally In will be better than the first pre broken Into last Saturday night how well able It is to present an (♦ FARM REMINDERS ♦ ferent committees that will handle district. It will be a combination sentation, for the playern are more while the family was away attend opera of the caliber of the Mikado. troduced on the tentative program drive, both guns and clubs will be the affairs of the club during the of market road construction In Uma- j » « I thoroughly at home In their parts. ing the basket ball game. The solo part8 have all been as tilla county for 1925, according to a used. Fences are being put up and coming year. On the program com- The Juniors are reported to be mak The prowler pried open a back signed and the chorus will soon be Contlnuen success in Oregon honey mltteo are E. P. Dodd, chairman, J. other necessary arrangements mad.e. ing a serious effort to surpass the window and in tbts manner gained completed. Anyone desiring a part statement made by Judge Schannep. production Is not an accident, says’Skovbo and II. M. Schilling. Enter- The first drive will be from the The designations of the West Birch standards set by previous perform- entrance to the dwelling. An as in the chorus Is asked to leave his reservoir north across the Pearson, ... .... . creek road and the Wild Horse road the experiment station. It Is a com talnment and sports, H. E. Hitt, sortment of jewelry such as rings, name at the Herald office. Because were made yesterday by the county bination of good bees, good beekeep chairman, A. D, Crosland, W. M. and Laqibrlth ranches to the Balt 8choo, necklaces and stick pin8 were taken. many do not have phones we are court. ing, good qulpment, and a good lo Shnar. Industries and business de and Hannan places and tljen b a c k _________________ » Some time Sunday the thief either taking this means to call a rehear cation. track from behind tte Tabor and velopment, W. J. Warner, chairman, The fact that only two more pro TO PREVENT PNEUMONIA developed "cold feet" or was con sal of the chorus at the C. H. Skin jects have been named does not mean Nelmeyer and adjoining ranches us Otto Pierce, R. E. Mitchell. Public scious smitten for Monday morning ner home on Tuesday night at 8:00 ing the eaae fence for center. Eliminate European foul brood In ity and correpondencc, Raymond that market road construction will (By Dr. W. W. lllsley) the stolen Jewelry wa8 found In the o’clock. It is arranged to have the gun line Oregon and cross bees by replacing Crowder, chairman, F. V. Prime, be confined to these two road8 he Man should be familiar with pneu The solo parts have been assigned back of the club section and the for monia as it has been known for cen back yard of the Campbell home. said. About the same amount of all inferior queens with good Ital Executive, 11. M. Straw, C. S. Mc as follows: Miss Bertha Compton mer to shoot only after the rabbits turies. But it is a persistent enemy work will be done as in the past, ian queens. This i8 one of the big Naught, W. W. Felthouse. Roads, takes the leading part Yum Yum, I are broken through both lines. and kills over 650 persons every SIX MONTHS IN JAIL but there Is a greater holdover pro gest steps toward success, say8 the F. C. McKenzie chairman, F. B, and Is supported by Mrs. A, L. Ora- Captains will be appointed to see Swayze, Jack Harmon. C a m p IS SENTENCE GIVEN lapp as Pltti-Slng and Mrs. W. W. gram from last year than usual, and experiment station. year in Oregon. Pneumonia cannot that both lines are kept Intact. The grounds, W. W. lllsley, C. W. Kel these projects will be finished. be placed under absolute control, lllsley as Peep-Bo. Miss Lota Pear rabbits in the section where the logg, chairman. Diversification, T. The contract for completing the but individuals may, by caring for Crop rotation where otherwise Driving a car while Intoxicated son as Katisha sings the leading drive will be made are numerous and themselves properly, lessen their (entered the lists as one of those contralto part. Ko-ko, the leading Butter creek road from the Pete practicable on Oregon' farms helps Fraser chairman, H. K. Dean, J. H. some real sport ig in store for those chances for contracting the disease things not to be done with impun imale role will be sung by Mr. Ray Sheridan place into Hermiston will to eradicate weeds, avoid Insect pests Reid. Railroads J. F. McNaught, who participate. Those who are by observing the following rules: ity, when Art Finley, well known mond Crowder. Mr. Hugh Walker be let within a few days. The five and plant diseases, and reduce tox chairman, Thomas Campbell, W. J. sponsoring the drive will have a Dress for the weather. When to local police, was sentenced to six as Nanki-Pooh sing8 the leading miles of highway graded last year ins. Other advantages listed by the Warner. Membership, Finance8 and good supply of hot coffee to pass coming out of the cold, heavily dress months In the court of Justice Berk tenor part and will be supported by on Weston mountain will be resur experiment station are conservation Dues, R. A Brownson, chairman, around. You are requested to Bert Mullens, J. M. Biggs, George ed, remove your heavy wraps im ley. Finley wa8 arrested following Mr. J. A. Reeves as Mikado, Mr. faced. The stretch of road south if of soil fertility through the differ bring your own cup and slip a sand Patterson.Reference and Advisory, mediately. If your clothes are wet a collision Saturday evening on West Wallace Reed as Pooh-Bah and Mr. Mission, now under construction ent demand8 of root systems of dif wich In your pocket before leaving F. B. Swayze, chairman, Thomaa remove them, dry the skin, and put Webb street near Ann street when John Waller as Pish-Tush. Mrs. will be completed. ferent crops, and by allowing re home. Henry Hitt will be captain on dry clothes. When going out in 1 the car driven by him and a machine Hugh Walker will accompany. Three miles of road will be add cuperation after crops that make Campbell, Carl McNaught. Calen of the Hermiston line. dar, Charles Skinner, F, C. McKenzie. the cold, dress warmly. After hav driven by a Mrs. Reiden came to ed on the present Pendleton-Despaln heavy demands on the soil. The start will be made from the A program of development for ing put on heavy clothing, go out gether. Both cars are said to have gulch road which extends from Pen Pearson ranch, one mile north of Mrs. Taylor Wing Clock Hermiston and Its outlying district* immediately; don't stand around been damaged and Finley suffered dleton to Holdman. Some work Is Beekeepers are urged to see that has been planned and the Commer Mrs. Charles Taylor won the clock the reservoir. and get overheated. tnjurie8 about his head. The occu given awey by Sappers hardware to be done in the Athena area, ac entrances In late winter are cial club will bend Its efforts tow Don’t exercise and then stand pants of the other car were not hurt, store. The lady held the lucky dial cording to present plans. A part of free of dea<j bees and rubbish so that OREGON POLTRY WORK ard this achievement. around or sit around with the same according to the police.— East Ore which was four thirty. The clock the Sunnyside-Umapine road will be bees can have free flight on sunny SUBJECT OF TRAINING clothing on. gonian. was wound for the contest on last resurfaced, and the Saxe station road days. By lifting the back end of Don’t take a warm bath and then the hives the beekeeper Is able to Friday and stopped at four thirty will be built. Oregon’s rapidly developing poul go out In the cold. It is best to "The Toy Shop,” February 7. A new bridge will also be con determine by weight the amount of Wednesday afternoon. try lndutry has created a demand SPECIAL CUBELSPONDBNCa structed at Echo across the Umatilla store8 the bees have. for fuller knowledge along poultry finish the bath with cool or cold water. river to replace the present old lines. To meet this demand the Farmers throughout this district Dress in such a way as to gradu wooden structure. The cost of this Order the equipment now and members of the district farm bur college is offering poultry short ally accommodate the body to the bridge will be borne by the market have It ready for use when the eau and grange, also members of the courses from February 2 to March 14 road fund. spring rush starts, says H. A. Scud- Irrigon Commercial club, held a The courses aim to help those attend changes that would) otherwise! be sudden. der, Oregon beeman and bee special inass meeting here last evening last ing to meet the problems of the Keep fit, breathe pure air, take ist at the state college. There Is ing until midnight when the meet practical poultryman and to train Devoted te Ute Interest and Development of the Hermiston Sehools regular but moderate exercise In the much to do, and the one that has the ing was adjourned to be taken up the student In the methods and prac open, practice mouth hygiene, avoid Voi. 4. supers on at the proper time gets again next Monday evening. Prof. tices that make for successful poul No. 1 overeating and other excesses. Study try keeping. the most money. A. W. Wheeler of the Irrigon achool your diet and avoid constipation by The game last Saturday night Practical work on the college spoke upon the question of boys and choice of proper foods. Don’t over proved to he a very exciting one, ard. Earl Carson, Ernest Parrish, plant will be given. One day of each Hermiston Men in Car Collision Hugh Walker, Vernon Watermad, girls industrial cjub work and put heat the home or office; keep the and, as members of the boys squad Robert Woodard, Arthur Schmidt, Last Saturday night ’’Ole” Cros It up to the people for their accept week will be devoted to visiting the air moist. Always wash the hands will readily agree, almost a fatal Karr Lomax. Lee Christian being BOTH GIRLS AND BOYS TEAMS land and Harold Waterman started ance or rejection In. this district. leading poultry farms of the Btate at Canby. Junction City, Lebanon before eating. one to them. However by displaying absent did not receive his. t0 Pendleton In "Ole’s” Ford coupe. Mr. F. C. Frederickson, Mrs C. E. Pneumonia is'a reportable disease. wonderful team work and showing ARE VICTORS and Corvallis. It 18 planned to or When a few miles the other side Glasgow and Mr. R. V. Jones were Addleman received his fourth foot ganize the short course students In Assist in Its control by insisting that the "old fight,” which always ac ball award, Rhodes his third, and of Echo they saw another car ap elected a committee to arrange with to a club for discussion of live poul every case be properly recorded. companies a team representing Her Parish, Carson and Walker their sec proaching and dimmed the lights. state Industrial club leader to meet try problems.- Members of the col miston high, they captured the ond, Seven letter men will be lost Boys Score 19 to 16; Stanfield Girls The lights on the other car was also this committee at his convenience lege staff will also take part In these LAND CLASSIFICATIONS glory by defeating the Stanfield team by graduation. The team scored 225 dim and the blinding snow storm and perfect an organization here If Lose 18 to 4 FARM APPRAISAL, TAUGHT 19 to 16. discussions. made It impossible for the drivers possible. points to the opponents 71. The The girls, also, displayed great fastest scoring ever done by a Her Courses offered Include breeds and to see. The coupe collided with a C. E. Glasgow, secretary of this breeding in which origin, history Assessors, Realtors and Securty Ap- team work, winning by a score of 18 Stanfield proved a worthy foe Ford driven by a Mr, Stewart, a Irrigation district who was reprwen- miston team occurred at Athena, end utilltv value of the common to 4. when they met Hermiston’s basket highway employee. “Ole’s” car tatlve of the Irrlgon-Boadman dls- raisers, as W ell as Farmers, whqn two touhdowns were made in poultry breeds Is studied. Practical Thursday night of this week the three minutes. tossers last Saturday lnght. at the came out of the wreck minus a front tlct to recent conference of the re B enefit by C ow ie. local boys team will meet the hoy’s commercial methods will be seen and Hermiston auditorium. The fan8 wheel and other damages. Both cars clamation service at Denver, render studied. Actual work on Judging “Property in Water Rights in Re team from The Dalles on the home who attended the game were treated were towed Into Echo. The boys ed his report In detail and explain and culling the poultry flock will be lation to Land Values" will be a court. A very hard fought game Is At the last meeting of the Forum to an unusual amount of thrills and caught a ride and continued their ed what the water users may expect given In a course on judging and feature lecture In the farm appraisal expected since the visiting team has held January 21, the new officers the contest was never cinched until Journey to Pendleton. from the government In the way of culling. The student may hatch and and land classification course given competed for state championship in were elected and Installed for the the last whistle blew announcing the extension of payments and relief brood his own chicks to take home at the college February 2 to 7. This previous years. The local team Is new semester. They are as follows: end of the fracas. from errors of construction charges. SECOND HAND STORE with him in the cousee on Incubation course will be of Interest to assess preparing for a "regular scrap,” Frank Swayze, president, Earl Ben- The boy8 won their game by a CHANGES HANDS The rule being applicable to all ths and brooding. Actual feeding of a ors, realtors, federal and joint stock keeping in mind the foot ball game sel, vice-president, Reta Loudermilk, score of 19 to 16, while the girls projects throughout the United flock as well as a study of the com land bank appraisers, investment played with that school at the last secretary-treasurer, Beatrice Bensel, defeated the Stanfield girls by a 0. E. Ryder Sells Business to A. M. States. mon poultry feeds and the mixing baskerJ, appra'ser, the state an! of the season. sergeant-at-arms Hugh Walker, score of 18 to 14. Discussion of rodent control was Smith, of This City. and balancing of rations will be for security companies, and to pros critic, Mr. Oullfoll, faculty advisor. the main Issue. Mr. Frederickson' given In the course in feeds and feed pective settlers and land owners. The following named boys of the In a deal made the latter part of chairman of Ihe district rodent con Marshfield— New 2200-acre game Feasibility surveys of practically high school were awarded the foot ing. Be sure to not miss your last preserve established south of Ban- last week O. E. Ryder proprietor of trol representing the farm bureau, Consruction work on poultry all of the Irrigation projects and ball ”H” on Thursday morning, Jan. chance to see the Junior play “Sun-'don, and 4235 acre Simpson and the Hertniston second hand store, W. T. Wright of the Grange and M. buildings, the location of poultry detail Boll surveys of 80 per cent of 22: Ernest Addleman, Chester' shine” to be given Saturday, the Dyment reserves renewed near Myr- sold the establishment to A. M. | F. Caldwell who has been assisting buildings and the various types of the Willamette valley will be avail Rhodes, Don Shotwell, Victor Stock- 31st, at 8:15. In the recent conlro work In this tie Point. Smith of this city. poultry houses are treated under able for this course for the first According to rporta Mr. Ryttyjr district, estimated that a saving of courses on location and housing. time. Other new features will be a at least 814.000 had been effected will remain In Hermiston. Practice work In killing and dressing lecture on “Tax Distribution In by the rodent control work In thia fowls for market and In candling Relation to Land Values” and one district alone. It Is variously esti FOUR FACTORS ESSENTIAL and grading eggs i8 included In the round table meeting devoted to IN PRODUCTION OF HONEY mated that forty or fifty thousand course on marketing poultry pro ‘Orderly Methods of Land Settle rabbits were killed In the summer ducts ment." Four factors essential to profit- ! campaign and many more thousand 60ESS I Training to Identify soil types In able honey production are listed by!', ',r,nK the ” Kht "now ,a” ln Dpcpm- the field and to make a reasonable BLUE MOUNTAIN SECTION 60 Keep ¡11. A. Scullen. Oregon beekeeper and:bPr- Ma"r farmers In the outlying HAS GOOD POTATO LANDS appraisal of agricultural lands for state college bee specialist, as folowst ] “rM" wo,ll<1 bavp bppn rompelled to SH0V6LIN6 COAL various type« of farming Is the aim Suitable weather for the bees to (abandon ranch« had the control not of the course. work in when the season of the main bpp" Resolutions wer. 2 AWHILE. S"ed for Certification Is Successfully , .. , on. 'adopted and will bn Rent to the ■ hon^y flow Grown at H igher Altitudes. H ay W ill AU Be Sold Honey producing plants seretlng | p e r n o r and other agents of ths Good Cash Crop. That hay produced In the west nectar In abundance. ,hp r"n‘,n,,a"°" of th . end of the county will all be sold A strong force of worker bees - "‘»tp co’“ r<” moneys for the this winter and that ranches will 75,000 to 100,000— st the beglnn- ° A C px»onsh.n service and tT. The Blue mountain section at an be practically bare of hay until the I ng of the honey flow. S- bloIo«,cal survey co-operative rod- elevation of 2600 feet or more has firat cutting of the 1925 crop la Colonles that devote all their e n e r 'p"‘ It was shown that until proved to be a very successful part of harve8ted. was the statement yeater gles to g ath erin g honey and » t o r - ; ^ Oregon for growing seed potatoes for day of Car, McNaught, manager ot Ing, rather than to swarming. The ive methods for summer poisoning certification. ! growers' association of Hermls- ] storing instinct must outweigh the the pests were getting more numer As a cash crop the potato has been Practically 80 per cent of the I ous. ¡swarming Instinct, competing with grain, hay, oata and 192< crop and th« balance of the] The question of holding a fair Is wheat. Because of a sticky soil and j 923 crop ha8 now Mr. j north Morrow county alternately at Why Men W ill Not Leave Home early fall raina. It Is a serlov8 prob- McNaught said. Livestock men are j Irrigon and Boardman and some plan I Smith and McMillin, agents for | lem to aolve when the marketing of j n possession of les8 feed than us-I |of financing continuation of farm the Crnsley radio, Installed a set In the crop Is considered. As soon as llal and are a m b lin g that the re- j ers warehouse at Irrigon come up for the editor’s home last Saturday. We the potatoes are dug th«y are put (mMnder of the winter will continue l discussion next Monday evening. have had oceans of enjoyment and Into pits and the snows serve aa a m ud. a period of real cold weather ,entcrtalnment listening to the var- protection from the frosts. Th»se . WOnld stimulate demand from this Resolved. That the members of programs that have been broad- natural cold storage conditions keep eource. The greater part of tales la the Irrigon Farm Bureau do M r* cb-tcd. This i„ the reason why the them dormant so that they are first being made to California markets, by thoroughly endorse the cooper»- editor has not been seen at night class potatoes when they reach the which, while not high as compared | live rodent control work of the IT. j frequenting the corner grocery and 8. biological survey and the O. A. C. potato growers In Yaktsna county. with peak prices of other years, other places where loafing Is per- Waali «'-ton .extension service, and have offered stable prices for the mlssable. So far the set has lived The sup'-t iff table and quali tonnage, Mr. McNaught said.— Bast Whereas, crops In the Irrigon dis up to Its reputation of being one ties PC the B it- Mcun’ain nctl«d Oregonian. trict during the summer of 1924 ¡of the best of Its kind on ths mar «eie !»•> esta jt-cb *d an envlatle •- were threatened and partially dsn- ket. Moral to married women: potation for these growers so that St. Helens— Four steamers with toyed hy hordes of rabbits; Buy your husfcrid a radio and you they will alway have a ready mar 2,100.066 feet of lumber sail in one , Whereas, all methods of confrol- ¡will be u nab loft get him away from ket for t>»ir surplus seed potatoes. week for California. ¡horns with a stick of dynamite. (Contlnued on Page two) Amusing Characters of Junior Play W illLive A gain in Saturday N ight Production IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS läs High School Mirror HERMISTON WINS FROM STANFIELD G ro u n d H o g D a y k w P ack amp OH