n a ssBMisToir kbbald , hebmistojí . obxoox Eugene— Oregon State Drainage IN T S S CIRCUIT COURT OS T S Z association to hold annual meeting STATE OF OREGON TOR here December 11. UMATILLA COUNTY •vary TkursAa, at Har- Weatern Irrig atio n Company, a üm atllla Cowaty, Oregon kg Salem— School budget for 4251,- corporation, p la in tiff, va. W . 1 Crowder, Editor end Maa- 000 and debt of 162,000 authorized Bugg, Defendant. Summmona. Equity No. 1965. B itered aa eecond cleet matter, by school board. To W. W . Bugg, tha above named December 190» a t the postoffice at defendant. Hermiston, Oregon. MAKE TOUR WANTS KNOWN— In the Name of the State ef Ore­ Subscription Sates — TRY THE HERALD WANT gon, you are hereby required to ap­ T at One Y « r ..................... ......... S i 00 pear and answer the complaint In V M Six Months --------------------- 4 1 0 0 tbs above entitled suit w ith in six Payable In Advenes. weeks from the first publication of this summons and you w ill take not­ Classified or Local Advertising ice that if you fall to appear and 10 cents per line tor first insertion. answer or plead w ithin that time Minimum charge 25 cent«. Subse­ the p la in tiff, for want thereof, will quent insertions 5 cents per line. apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in its com­ Spends Nearly Four Millions in ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ plaint herein, to-wtt; Year to Lessen Burdens of ♦ OREGON WEEKLY * For judgment and -decree in favor of the p la in tiff and against the de­ Disabled Soldiers. ♦ INDUSTRIAL REVIEW ♦ fendant W. W. Bugg for the sum of 815.00 with Interest tberson at 4 per SERVES 63,700 IN HOSPITALS cent per annum from June 1, 152C Sheridan— North Pacific Com­ u ntil paid and the further sum of pany already baa 10,000 poundH cur­ 815.00 w ith Interest thereon at six Every Case Is Given Individual ed walnuts from 300 acres. per cent per annum from June 1st Service— Assists Families of 1921, until paid and the further sum Eugene— Eugene ranks fourth in These Men Everywhere. of 615.00 with interest thereon a< Oregon city bank deposits with 47.- six per cent from June 1, 1922 un­ 480. 325.65. Washington.—Tbs need of Individ­ til paid and the further sum of ual assistance by ex-service men and 615.00 with Interest thereon at six Portland— Oregonian w ill ad an­ their families from the Red Cross 1« per cent per annum from June 1st. other story to tts famous old news­ as pressing today as It was Imme­ 1923 u ntil paid and the further sum paper building. diately after the end of the World of 615.00 w ith Interest thereon at War. For six years this work has six per cent per annum from June Eugene— Estimated population of ' been foremost of all Red Cross ser­ 1st, 1024 u n til paid, and For a further decree that the said Lane county is 54000, gain of 17654 vices, and In emphasizing the steady public support of this work the Red sums are a first and prior lien upon ■Ince 1920. Cross National Headquarters urges the following described tract of land Clatsop county cranberry crop is the largest enrollment tbls year dur­ In Um atilla County, Oregon, to-wlt ing the membership campaign open­ Commencing at a point 660 feet 17,644 bushels worth 680,000. ing on Armistice Day, November I L East of the Northwest Corner Astoria— City budget calls for Nearly four million dollars of Red of Section IS, Township 4 North, 6396,383; 4138,038 for operating ex­ Cross funds spent for disabled veter­ Range 28, H. W. M. thence East penses. ans and their dependents during the 330 feet; thence South 1320 year ended June 30 last presents some feet; thence West 330 feet; Portland— Star lodge Odd Fellows Idea of the magnitude of thia work. The current year, It Is estimated, will thence North 1320 feet to the w ill build 635,000 hall on Borth­ call for still further disbursements of point of beginning, wick street. funds for the reason that the Red Cross, through more than 2,600 Chap­ under and by virtue of that certain Lakeview— H a lf billion feet of ters In as many communities In the contract and agreement entered In to by the defendant W. W. Bugg timber to be sold from Deschutes United States, .has been called upon to help the ex-service men In making w ith the Western Land and Irrig a ­ National Forest under perpetual re­ out their applications for the adjusted tion Company on the. 10th day of forestation plan. compensation granted In the so-called April, 1916 and which is Recorded bonus law. In Book 98 at page 487 of the Rec Medford— During past year 100,- 58,767 Soldier Cases a Month ords of Deeds of U m atilla County, 000 fru it trees planted In Jackson The Red Cross work for the die- Oregon, and county. »bled soldier la designated "home ser­ For a further decree of this Court vice.’’ for it gives Individual attention Pendleton— Um atilla wheat cror to the man and hla family approxi­ herein foreclosing the said lien aad mating the Interest and loving care estimated at 4,500,000 bushels foi of the home. Such service in the hos­ directing that ths real property lb said contract and hereinabove des­ 1924. pitals, camps, soldiers’ homes and cribed be sold In tha manner pro­ sanatoria, averaged 33,951 cases a Portland ...Owing to great dem­ month during the year. Assistance vided by law for the sale of real pro­ and for rooms, new Medical arts to ex-service men and their depen­ perty under lien foreclosure under building w ill be built with eight dents averaged 68,767 casea a month. execution to be lssuod upon such de­ In addition, the Rad Croat In tha last cree; that the proceeds of said sale stories Instead of proposed six. twelve months provided 83,050 recre­ shall be applied as by law provided. ation and entertainment events In tha And for a further decree for such Astoria... Standard O il storage hospitals sad campa othet and general relief as to equity Thus the Red Cross, symbolised as tanks and pipelines being rushed at the “Greatest Mother,** still watches shall seem meet and proper in thr port of Astoria. over these many thousands of non, premises. Grants Pass— Orchard avenue pav­ comforts them, helps to lighten tha te­ This summons Is published pursu­ ing completed at cost of 410,836. dium of their physical reconstruction, ant to the order of the Hon. Gilbert and In their homes lifts some of the | W. Phelps, judge of the above en tit­ Portland— Building permits for burdens from tbelr “own people." led Court, duly made and entered on October numbered 1465, for 42,450,- Work In Communities Increases [th e seventh day of October, 1924, di­ 276. October 1923 called for 1879 The home service of the Red Cross was the most pressing duty of 2,600 recting that publication herein be buildings worth $2,136,360. Chapters, an Increase of 152 communi­ 1 made once a week for a period of six Albany har Ju«t oren^d a 460,000 ties where problems affected by the consecutive weeks In the Hermiston war veteran’s condition required —■ community hospital for whlrh the lutlon through Immediate and IntelU- Herald, a newspaper published in public subscribed 436,000 and the gent assistance. The Chapters alone Hermiston, U m atilla County, Oregon, physicians of the city gave 425,000. ezpendal soma 42,000,000 la thia and the first publication herein if made pursuant to said order on the Civic and fraternal organizations work. The transient disabled soldier, usu­ 23rd day of October, 1924. contributed the furnishings. One of ally suffering from disability or tuber­ Ra’ey, Raley A Stelwer A H . J. W ar­ the physicians gave the surgery culosis, la almost everywhere a grave ner, Attorneys for P lain tiff. equipment worth 42.000. The build­ problem. From national funds tha ing la modern, has 21 rooms and past year 8173,076.35 was expanded in Port-office Address; Pendleton. Ore­ gon. 7--7tC wards and Is a community monu­ helping the Chapters to oars tor these Slp gmntatoa grralft RED CROSS DUTY" TO AIDVETERANS wandering man. According to government report there are 4,304 veterans In civilian In­ Portland— Eight story annex to stitutions, and In tha national homes Congress hotel w ill cost about |2 0 0 ,- tor soldiers tha complications are In­ 060. creasing. Tha large groups of pa­ tients whose claims have keen disal­ lowed, of veterans of foreign wars, Baker— Ore from recent Salmon and the great number of men perma­ creek discovery shows samples up to nently resident In these Institutions 46,000 gold per ton. call for Red Cross work which caa- not be avoided nor denied. Definite Service to 73,700 Prairie City— W. O. Chandler of Of a total of 84.500 ex-service men Canyon city buys Grant County Jour­ In hospitals and other Institutions 73,- nal. 700 were rendered a definite and spe­ cialized service by the Red Croea. Medford Pipe arrives for Ir r i­ In a single month 4,185 new eases gating M ira Vista orchard by pump­ were presented and a total of 34,135 ing system, water to be pumped 3 44 was acXed upon—figures which serve feet high at only little greater cost to Illustrate the magnitude of the In­ formation and claims service engag­ than gravity ditch costs. ing the attention of Red Cross work­ ers. New veteran legislation amend­ Tax reformers propose cigarette ing the War Risk sot which extends tax of 2 cents per packuge. many additional rights to disabled ex- service men will reopen thousands of THIamcok highway through Wash­ cases and require still greater Red Cross service. ington county to b- built. When Congress granted a charter to the American Red Croea It charged Lone county rlay successfully the organisation with tha duty to act made I; t . [o tle iy n California. as "tha medium of communication be- tween the American people and their Salem Slate board of control Army and Navy.“ This responsibility to the enlisted men and their families balking at new 4376000 boys’ re­ Is met every year without rostrlctloa. form school near Woodburn when Ssrvta Men on Active fisrvloe pree-nt plant is handling wayward The extent of this Rod Cross activ­ boys. ity during tha last year embraced a total of 195.344 cases. Thera were Union high school proposed al 36,995 separate soldlera’ and sailors’ Milwaukie. claims: 30,316 Investigations of home conditions; 11,431 cases related to dis- Assistance Salem building permits for Octo­ chargee, furloughs, etc. ber were 4256.000. passing 40 went-I was given in 39.6(3 Instances for per­ sonal. business or family problems; ern cities In per cent of g u ilt . 744.320 visits were made to tha alrk or disabled, and nearly 46,000 letter, Deschutes county has 2074 child­ and telegrams dispatched to tha homes of enlisted man. ren registered in county schools. From Juaa to September at tha an- merous military training eamps tha Bend fiend* population In nos ! Red Cross provided Information sad 8.832 where It was only 168 2 In home eervtce to the trainees, also In­ 1520. struction In First Aid and IUfe-Savlng. The entartalament and recreation Klamath Falls— Klamath county areata at tba various Army and Navy votes 6125,000 to complete The hospitals reached aeerly 9.560 daring the year, and occupational therapy In Dellcn-Callfornla highway. nine Naval hospitals gave conatrnn- tlve and beneficial raselta and Pr ndletonr—Um atilla county ship« pled the time of patleata la the mh first full carload of turkey, to east­ tag of useful gad ornamental things. ern markets. ment. tha first publication thereof la mads ■ B B B B B B B B B S IM B B B B B B B B I3 I B B B B I pursuant to sold order on tho 28rd day Of October, 3834. R aley, R aley A S telw er, and H. J. W arner, Attorneys for P lain tiff. Postoffice addreao, Pendleton, Oregon 7 -7 t. 8 Coal Consumers ] W h en you have a job in our line give it to th e h om e prin­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Take Notice Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore­ gon, Nov. 20, 1934. Notice Is hereby given that W il­ liam J. Landon, of Hermiston, who, on January 4, 1921, made Home­ stead Entry, Act 12-29-18. No. 020206. for all of Section 12. Tow n­ ship 3 North, Range 27 East, W il­ lamette Meridian, has filed notice -if intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United States Commissioner at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 29th day of December, 1924. Claimant names as witnesses D. H. Shaw. W ilb ert P. Smith. C. H. Shaw, John D. Fisher, all of Hermiston, Oregon. CA RL.G . H ELM . Register. ter. T he salesm an from W e have taken th e exclusive agency for the F a m o u s U ta h Aberdeen Coal. out-of- tow n concern m a y give you an oily line o f “bunk” but the hom e printer is I ORDERS SOLICITED SH E R IFFS SALE an Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of a w rit of execu­ tion Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon In and for the County of Um atilla, under (he aeal thereof, and to me directed and delivered upon a judgment and de­ cree rendered and entered In said "ourt on the 17th day of November, 1924, In favor of Frank Woughter, as p la in tiff, and against S. E. W a l­ te r and Mary J. W alker h lR wife, and Charles Spencer and Gertrude Spencer his wife, as defendants, whereby the p la in tiff did recover a •’ersonnl decree against the defend­ Phone 331 ants S. E. W alker and Mary J. W a l­ ker his wife, for the sum of 8100 00 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” with Interest thereon at the rate of H. M. STRAW . MGR. 7 per cent per annum from the 11th Exclusive Representatives of National BuHdors Bureau day of March, 1922, and the further um of 8500.00 with Interest there­ VOTE 3C6 YES— And save the Dairy Induitry. on at the rate of 7 per cent per an­ num from December 8th, 1920, and the fu rth er sum of 6100.00 attorney’s fees, and the costs and disbursements (axed at 453.95 and whereby it was decreed that the mortgage dated on the 11th day of March, 1921, exec­ uted by 8. E. W alker and Mary J. W alker his wife to E. P. Dodd and by him tsslgned to p la in tiff, upon the following described real property in U m atilla County, Oregoa, to-w lt: S E U of N W >4 of N E U Section 5. Twp. 4 N. R. 29 E. W . M., which mortgage was recorded on March 11, 1921, at page 252 of book 70 of the ecords of mortgages In the office of the County Recorder of U m atilla Is b ro a d c a s tin g to a ll th e County, Oregon, should bs fore- (W orld th is seaso n -losed, and the said real property sold “ Come! by the Sheriff of U m atilla County, th a n e v e r to e n te rta in jm a I Oregon, to satisfy said judgment and y o u r v is it a ' i l l costs; therefore I w ill, on Satur­ If you have never been to California it should be day, December 20th, 1924, at two the effort o f your life to go. When you are ready o’clock In the afternoon of that day. to plan the trip let the at the front door of the court house In the city of Pendleton, Um atilla County. Oregon, sell all the right, heh>. Send word to th e undenigned b y phone, or m ail or title, Interest and estate which the call. I w ill give you the benefit o f m y personal knowledge said defendants, S. E. W alker and and experience, or I w i l l sc im I y o u t h o m e e t “ “ “ ‘ p r i n t e d w .- .t t e r t o b o h a d . I know every ro M ary J. W alker his wife, and all train, every kind o f equipm ent and the exact cost. •ecure your sleeping car accommodation«, provide y o o with persons claiming and to claim by, an ou tlm s o f your trip, and deliver your ticket«. Y ou need r^ t 1 ave your home or your office to attend to t " through or under them, or any of de tail«, I have the best there 1«, , and it i t i* « h a ll ba yours m om ent I k now you desire it. them, had on the 11th day of March, 1921, or since then have had, or now F. C. Woughter, Agent, have. In and to the above described Eers-.lston, Oregon real property and every part there­ of. at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, the pro­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ceeds of such sale to be applied In ■ B B B B B B B B B B B a B B o a a s iB t i« a a a a B B a B B B B a a a a B ■ 1 ■ STATE OF OREGON FOR satisfaction of said execution and all UMATILLA COUNTY coats. B First National Bank of Hermis­ Dated this 17th day of November, B ton, P la in tiff, va. C. J. Flynn, De 1924. fendant. Zoeth Houser, Summons, Law No. 3088. Sheriff of U m atilla County, Oregon. To C. J, Flynn, the above named 10-6tc By W . R. Anderson, Deputy. defendant: In the Name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear T o Y o u r O rd e r ar.d a t Reasonable Price* Come in an. and answer the complaint In the above entitled m atter w ithin six renew it nex week, from the first publication of time you an this summons, and you w ill take no- In town Ice that If you fall to appear or ans­ wer or plead w ithin that time, the p laln tirf for want thereof w ill apply to the above entitled court for the S relief prayed for in Its complaint 'B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 9 B « B B B a B B B B B B a B B B B B B B B B B ff herein, to-w lt: for judgment and de­ cree against the defendant for the sum of 6286.12 together w ith Inter­ est thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 12 day of September 1924 and the further sum of 49.91 w ith Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from th^ 12th day of September 1924 and for the further sum of 65(?.OO a t­ When you need any­ torney’s fee, and for plaintiff's coats thing in the line of ■ nd disbursements of this action. neat and attractive And you w ill further take notice Printing. that the p la in tiff has heretofore caused to be attached under w rit of attachment Iseued In the above entitled court the following described t " real property to-w lt: The west h alf of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quar­ ter of Section 15, Twp. 4 North. Range XI. E. W . M , located In U m atilla county, Oregon, and that p la in tiff w ill apply to the above entitled court for an order directing the enle of said property in satisfaction of p lain tiff's Judg­ ment herein. This summons la published to tha order of the Hoa. Gilbert W . Phelps, Judge of the shove entitled court, duly made and entered on the 14th day of October. 1924. directing that publication heroin be made once a week for a period of six consecutive vreakq t | tho Honnlston Herald, and Let us know your needs Inland Empire Lumber Company entitled to your job work. The dollar you spend he e will some day re­ turn to you. Thi dollar yoa se-d away is gone fo - ever. Ou- pric s are standard. If if is to be printed we can do it t 9 figure with you. HERMISTON HERALD V isio n Pacific i a T H E H ER M ISTO N H E R A L D We Want Yon to keep in mind the fact thqt in addition to printing th is news* paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure ANYROOM in the house! a HONEY LABELS Has Y our Subscription E x p ire d ? ¿Xow we can warm DON’T FORGET ------- OS-------- A fte r the wastefulness o f other forms o f heat— you can’t help but boost for efficient Pearl O il. A room ful o f heat in a jiffy , with no oily smell. Pearl O il isn’t just kero­ sene. I t is the Standard O il Com pany’s refined and re-refined product, the best fuel obtainable for your heater. O rder by n a m e -’’Pearl O il.” STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) T o See Us W hy Ship Cream Away ^jrHEATfe LIGHT W e g iv e fu ll w eigh t o f cream . W e g iv e “e x a c t” test o f butterfat. W e p a y for cream prom ptly. H erm iston C ream ery B utter has a good reputation w hich A LL D airym en profit by, and w e need the cream to fill our butter orders. HERMISTON CREAMERY COMPANY