n a mcBMisTo» School Supplies A complete stock of supplies will be here by the time school opens. > You kids that are of school age, step in on the first day of school and get A LEAD PENCIL FREEH •< ?> 00 H E R M I8 T O N > H O U 1 E *nme period there wee smut dockage equal to 317,107 bushels of wheat valued nt 9117,130.25. making a total toes of the two, equal to wheat of 9229.327.60. With the sack lors I T b » A k e a t ÜM Ctt» u d added to these figures there fg a total loea of 9393.522.90 for*the 'full crop year. -?St d' W J. Warner waa in Pendleton For the four crop years, 1921 to Saturday on legal busineee. 1924 inclusive, the lose on poor Jack Harmon, who ha» been con­ sacks, dockage and smut totaled fined to hie home on account of 9940,312.32, and to this sum must sickneee. Is recovering and is able also be added freight. Insurance in­ terest, storage, cleaning and hand­ to be out again. ling chargee. The way to stop these great losses J. Lee Parker and Jack Biggs returned from Marshileld Thursday. is to clean the wheat on the farm, .Mrs. Biggs and children who have preferably at the thresher, with a been visiting around ■ Portland and portable disc cleaner, or with any vicinity, returned with them. Leo KOOd cleaner- at the granary This Hurley who motored down w th remove8 ‘he dockage for feed on the Biggs and Parker to Marshfield came ' farm- "»creases the market value of back as far as Portland and then th* Kra,n’ Provides clean wheat for sowing and saves freight charges. continued on to Seattle. LOCAL AND PI ■ BREVITIES The British Co-operative Union Is F. H. Blake of Portland, was in town Thursday looking after hl8 In­ , one of the world’s b'g cooperative terests here. Mr. Blake owns 120 successes. This organization has a membership of 4,680,(23 people, acres on the project. heads of families, who are actual D. L. Clark, of Walla Walla, was members of the Union, and in 1923 in Hermiston Monday looking over the organ zatIon did the trememdous the project with a v ew of locating business of 3711,330,000. The U. S. has nearly 700,000 farmer members In this section. of 43 farmer controlled associat’ons Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Spooner, of maketlng tobacco, cotton, grain and Ashville, New York, and H. M rice. One grain marketing associa­ , Spooner and w fe, of Pendleton, were tion reports 63,000 members. Sunday visitors at the M. B. Whit­ Ford used cars. Prices right. ford home. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. 48-6tc Spooner left Tuesday morning for Kellogg & Schimke. their home in New York. F. C. McKenz'e and family re­ turned the first part of the week Mr. and Mrs. Karl Kingsley, who have been visiting in Hermiston for from a vacation spent at Wallowa the past few days, returned Wednes­ Lake. Otto C. Pierce K I N G S L E Y ’S herald , hebmistok , oregqk . IN C . O F Q U A L IT Y A N D • E R V I C I " Legal Blanks at The Herald Office day to their home in Vernonia. Earl Mitchell and wife have re­ Mrs. Claude Upham returned from turned from their vacation. Portland Tuesday afternoon where ANNOUNCEMENT she had spent some time visiting I wish to announce to the ladies friends. that I have opened a ha'r marcelling George Patterson and family left parlor in my home across the street the first part of the week for a from the Catholic church. Mrs. J. B. Moll. vacation that will be spent in Port­ — land and the coost. TAKEN UP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have Mrs. H. J. Belscamper was a pas­ senger on the auto bus Wednesday taken up and kept for about six days at Leroy Sullivan ranch, one and one for Pendleton. half miles southwest of Hermiston, William Hoffman, an ex-resident the following described animal: One gelding, sorrel, white face, , ef Hermiston, but at present locat­ ed at Walla Walla, was a visitor in branded with circle on left shoulder, weight about 900. this city the f rst of the week. Said animal will be sold, unless Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thomas left for redeemed, at public auction to the Portland Thursday after spending a highest bidder for cash in hand on few days here looking over their the 8th day of September, 1924, at the above described ranch at 10:30 ranch property east of to#n. o’clock. Dated at Hermiston on this 21st We wish to thank Mr. Will Rhodes day of Aiigust, 1924. for a box of mighty f'ne Elberta S'gned Leroy Sullivan peaches that he brought th thiB of­ w « a> WE WILL HAVE A CAR OF BOX FACTORY WOOD SOME TIME THIS MONTH. IF YOU WANT SOME OF THIS WOOD PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US NOW. WE EXPECT THIS CAR TO BE SOLD BY THE TIME IT ARRIVES. MATERIALLY YOURS, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. R. A. Brownson, Mgr. Two Cars Collide on 8treet. ▲ car bearing a Missouri license and driven by A. Trammel, collided with another car driven by M. Jones of Umatilla, Tuesday, in front of Kellogg A Sch I mice's garage. Both cars were damaged. The case was heard Wednesday in Justice Todd’s court and Trammel was fined one dollar and costs. $50 for Painting W. W. Felt house and fam’ly, Dave, Mlttlesdorf, Harold Waterman. Mar­ garet Neary, Lucils Sullivan and Cur­ tis Simons and wife are spending an outing at Wallow« lake. $500 for Repairing Y o UTELL’ EM A 1000 per cen t Investm ent T h a t’s th e w ay to look a t painting—as an investm ent, not an expense. Look around you a t th e houses going to rack and ruin. W hat is doing it? T h e weather. There is only one defense against weather and that is fa in t. B u t paint, like weather, is o f m any k ircc. Beware of the fair weather paint. I t does n o t p io te c ,, it on ly deceives. Buy a paint that has proved its staying power. SWP (Sherwin-Williams House Paint, Prepared) has a fifty-year recowl. Its ingredients are what experience bas proved to l>e most Q n e rcà so n efficient in protecting property. It puts an armor between your buildings and the elements and also adds beauty and clcanün,-- th e e o o h T ry t s s h o r T o? H o^ es T oo m oney Pu l l n is O regon H ardw are & m o th h& S b e e n C e lla r s . Im plem ent Co. e ^ 'O R E G O N ïlilv a ww \ THF W ONDERLAND E very A m erican should sh a re In th e Inspiration of Its tow ering peaks. leaping geysers, grow ling grottos, boiling cauldrons, in the m idst of whieh are m agnificent hotels, ch arm in g co ttag e villages, 300 miles of m atch less boulevards and all th e com forts of home. Send fo r o u r booklet. It tells th a th rilling sto ry of n a tu re ’s w onderland. O ur w T h e U N IV E R S IT Y of O R E G O N co ntains:. TH R O U G H S L E E P IN G CAR T h e College of L iterature, Science and th e A r ts w ith 22 departm ents. O perated DAILY d u rin g the season T he professional schools o f A rc h i­ tectu re and A llied A r t s —Business A d m in istratio n —Ed uc; . , G i ad- u a te S tu d y — J o u r n a l s Low - M ed icin e— M i - P h ;cal E du­ c atio n -S o cio lo g y —Ex tc i i ¿on Portland and West Yellowstone b e tw e e n b y th e U nion P acific S ysten T L et our re p re sen tativ es explain th e v arious to u rs which enal le visitors to see th e Yellowstone at m inim um cnett also quote fares, p rep are your itin era ry and m ake your reservations. Call on fo r a catalogue or an# information fice and presented to the Editor F. C. W0UGHTER, Agent, Write The Registrar, UniOereit# o f SUMMONS Tuesday. They were of the best Hermiston, Oregon Oregon, Eugene, Oregon quality and the flavor was excel­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE or address lent. STATE OF OREGON FOR UMA­ The 49 th Year Opens September 25,1924 W . McMURRAY G eneral P assen g er Agent. TILLA COUNTY P o rtlan d , Oregon Henry Griffin, P la n tiff, vs. Rose 400444444444444444 ♦ p Mary Griffin, Defendant. ♦ STATE MARKET AGENT * To Rose Mary Griffin, the above r ♦ DEPARTMENT « named defendant. IBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBIOBBIBaBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBBO In the Name of the State of Ore­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ; ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ o o o o o o gon you are hereby required to ap­ A press dispatch to the dally pear and answer the complaint f l ­ newspapers this month, from Yak ed aga’nst you In the above entitled Ima, stated that M. McCallum, of suit within six weeks from the first Glasgow, Scotland, representing the publication of this summons and Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Soc­ you will take notice that If you fail i a o n o a a a e e a a O a a | iety, had been making a study of to answer or to plead here, 1 the marketing system of apples In In within said time, the the Yakima valley, and he declared plaintiff, for want thereof will ap­ that If his society could buy apples ply to the above ent’tled court for B direct from the growers of tho dis­ the relief prayed for In plaintiff's B trict a much larger distrlbut on In complaint fle d In said cause, to- Scotland would result, and a much wlt: for a decree of divorce d's larger demand for Pacific coast ap­ solving the bonds of matrimony O ur finishing d e p a rt­ ples would develop. Mr. McCallum now and heretofore existing between m ent, through u p -to -u .tr staled that tho society had a mem­ the plaintiff and defendant and for bership of 700,000 members, spend­ an absolute decree of divorce in methods and equipm ent ing 21.000.000 pounds sterling an­ favor of plaintiff and against the and expert handling, c:.:i nually within the organ zation. defendant. help you get the kind o f This Is a matter that should be Thla summons is published pursu­ worth considering, not only with ap­ ant to an order of the Honorable pictures you want. ple growers, but with producers of Gilbert W. Phelps, Judge of the other export products. Organiza. above entitled Court duly made and T o u se a sk ‘\pres- tlons should take over the functions entered on the 2nd day of July, of the m ddl j men. Cooperation 1924, directing that publication be sion : B B could deliver apples and other pro­ made herein once a week for a per­ “ W e’re th e n - . the "¡■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUBIIBBB I b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ? ducts direct to Europe direct from iod of six consecutive weeks In the finish.” producers, lowering the price and Herm'ston Herald, and the first pub. Increasing consumption. The worst lteatlon hereof Is made pursuant to MITCHELL DRUG COMPANY enemy of the farmer and of co-oper­ said order thls 10th day of July. Phone 101 Hermiston, Ore. ative marketing Is the farmer who 1924. Y O U Tfcn ' em w 11 not cooperate. He Is the joy- W J. WARNER. ilder and the holdback of the move ADVERTISE YOUR POULTRY Attorney for Plaintiff. ment and becomes an active factor P. O. Address, Hermiston, Oregon. IN THESE COLUMNS and aid to the speculator In his 44-7tc i With the regular season for iuminer goods about half gone, we fight against the producer. are going to offer reductions o f from 18 to 28 per cent for the balance of the summer on the following items: L*«t year the farmers of four spring wheal states hauled 11.800.- 1 Electric Fan, Regular $5.00, Special $4.00. ♦ 000 bushels of dockage to market TO THE 1 Electric Fan, Regular $6.10, Srecial $8.00. ♦ ♦ with their wheat, states the U. S. 1 Thermalwan Jar, Regular $ 5.50. Special $4.68. ♦ department of agriculture, 3675,- (This item is a wonder in camping out) (000 waa pad for threshing this Oil Stoves at 15 to 25 per cent off. dockage; 3800,000 In , freight waa Refrigerators at 20 per cent off. paid on it by w«ed seeds lowering ♦ joj Juiqi agj W ) r) Regular | 14 qq Ike grade and by losing the feed 4 Coleman Camp Stove (a wonder $7.78, Special $4.90. value of this dockage. The state The freedom of the seas has noth­ ♦ Shoulder Spray Pump. Regulapotato bugs) grain inapectlon department of Port— ing on the freedom of the beaches. ♦ Gerden Hose and Lawn Mowers, 15 per cent off. for comfort and rest and health and the land, gives out these startin g 1: I Garden Wheel Cultivator with extra tools, from $8.80 to $8.90 simple life, all in pleasing variations at figures: For the crop year of (A real bargain at full price) There ii ‘nothing” aere 4 licioni HOBTB BEACH, CLATSOP BE4CRES, 1923-34 for the district of Portland, Farm Implements at Specai Frier, and terms for of than a TILLAMOOK BEACHES er NLWPOBT there were 1.433.0(4 bad order grain t h e -------- sacka. aaseesed at three centa each, » ^Y*11 p w a x ' to the t e f e N -v tk w ra t* GOOD ROAST TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE DOLLAR SAVTNG8 AT vA*evon Outdoors and they w ill tell te ll you you they th a w hnk» a*«ww totaling 943.961 93. There were will 377,916 re-sacks at eight cents each j ticket via Buy your MEAT here and you can totaling 933.333 33. or a total loss I* he cure you are getting j u t exact­ of 961.196.30, largely due to negll- ( ly what you wnnt. genre by the growers in not having d* r tu * ’ h">u»h t h e b s h ia M s »fre e Gorge. good sacks at ahpplag point. For the same crop year there was F. C. Woughleir. Agent, shipped to the Portland ports foul Hermiston. Oregon. dockage equal to 143.343 bushel« of McMurray, Gcal. : wheat, value at 76 eeqts per bushel, totaling 9120.09T.3f, During the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W 4♦ 4 4 * 4 4 4 4 * 4 9 6 Phone 0ne-0n:-0ne. Bring in Four Films ¡When You Smile:* ■ aaAaAmfrÜÜ ■ 8 8 ■ ■ ■ ; W ith K elly-Sp ringfied T ires ’ It is because you realize they are ■ the best money can-buy. » COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF ALL KINDS We Sell Them THE HERMISTON HERALD : Pearson’s Garage Mid-Season Special ♦ ♦ D O kW ♦ ♦ gpecia, j, w SA PPER S’ IN C UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦