Slip Wrmwfcm VOL. XVIII HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE 19. 1924 No. 41 terlor and his engineers find, in con­ be approved for construction or e s t l.' H. A. SCULLEN, BEE SPECIALIST M. GOLDIE SPEAKS ON HIS formity with subsect'on (b ), and mates submitted therefor by the TO BE HERE NEXT WEEK EXPERIENCE IN RUSSIA make a finding in w riltn g that it la Secretary until information in detail feasible. Not unt'l then can the shall be secured by h'm concerning Tour of Project Planned and Demon­ Good Sized Audience Listen to In ­ money be expended. the water supply, the engineering stration W ill Be Held at the teresting Lector0 Monday Eve­ The gentleman from Ohio (Mr. features, the cost of construction, Buhman Apiary nin g at Hotel Annex Begg) speaks as though this money land prices, and the probable cost RECLAMATION RET.TT.F PROVIS­ were coming out of the Treaury. It of development, and he shall have BEG UIAR MEETINGS WILL BE H. A. Scullen, specialist in bee M. McLean Goldie spoke Monday THE FINAL COUNT IS SIXTEEN IONS SET FORTH does not come out of the Treasury. made a finding In writing that It is RESUMED IN SEPTEMBER culture from the Oregon Agricultu­ night to a good sized audience In TO TWO It comes out of the reclamation fund,, feas'ble, that It is adaptable for act- ral college, will spend Monday and the Hermiston hotel on his experi­ a special fund set apart for irriga­ ual settlement and farm homes, and ences during the Russian revolution. In a Ten Minutes Speech Before the tion purposes In the west, a fund that It will probably retu;n the cost Fall Opening M 'eting W ill be in the Tuesday, June 23 and 24, in Uma­ K tty Short was soloist singing "The Home Sinnott Pleads for Aid Boys are Playing True to Their Old that Is designed In some way to re­ thereof to the Un'ted States. tilla county. After a confeience Good Shepherd." Mr. Goldie was a Nature of a Floral Display and Form Again.— Henniston Play» To Reclamation Settler compense the west for the enormous with leading bee keepers It has been j member of the Root commission sent Subsec. C. That the Secretary Is Musicale. Five Prises to be Umatilla at Umatilla Sunday areas of land that you have with­ hereby authorised under regulstions decided to use Profesor Scullen In to Russia during the late war and Offered in Floral Display held from taxation in the wester^ to be promulgated by him, to re­ carrying out the following program; was in Petrograd when the full Washington, D. C„ June 9, 1924. states. quire of each applicant including Raymond Crowder, Editor, Monday, June 23, 9 A. M.— Meet force of the revoluton broke, heing The locals dsplayed some of their In my own state you have set preference right ex-serv'ce men for The Hermiston Herald, The Community club luncheon at ing at Lawrence Buhman's apiary, onee uken Prisoner but esaplng old time pep and ginger last Sunday aside as a wood lot for the Nation entry to public lande on a project, from custody. His listeners regret. when they defeated Stanfield on the Hermiston, Oregon. from 13,000,000 to 17,000,000 acres such qualifications as to industry, the Hotel Oregon Monday, June 16, Hermiston. Tour Hermiston pro. My dear Mr. Crowder: Ject following the meeting. 1 ted that h 8 lecture was cut short be home grounds 16 to 2. of forest land. Th*s little dole we was a lively and Interesting affair. I am enclosin herewith pages from get out of these appropriations will experience, Character, and capital, Tuesday. June 24— Tour Stanfield C“U8i ° f the tlme' a8 the tw0 hour8 Hermiston made four runs In the the Congresional Record of last Sat­ In some way recompense us for the as In h's opinion are necessary to Mrs. J. B. Knight read a paper on and Butter Creek apiaries; 6 30 P S*ven 8carcely enabled the speaker first Inning and from this time on urday (11262-11263), showing the withholding of that land from taxa­ give reasonable assurance of success the Wonders of the Columbia and M„ June 24, meeting Pendleton tO touch more than the h,Kh P®1“ 18 the services of a prophet was not by the prospective settler. The Sec­ Mrs. R. O. Horning spoke on Orien­ Johnson A Ingram apelary at Dr. C.’ ! Dr' Golde de8Crlbed h‘8 tr|P (r°m debate 'n the House on the Second tion. nereesary to predict the outcome. retary is authorized to appoint tal and Ancient Music. The club de­ Deficiency bill, carrying special ap_ New York to Petrograd, sometimes Hermiston garnered ten hits off Why do we want this today? boards in part composed of private cided to have a booth at the Fourth- W. Lassen's, R'verside. proprlatlons, and also the Reclama­ “Hope deferred maketh the heart Following the meeting at Hermls- | dwcll,nK. on the horrors of the dis- of Echo's twlrler’s, Jones, Shesley A vote of tion relief provisions. The settlers sick.’’ My state has put »12,000,- c'tlzens, to assist in determining of-July celebration. ton where Professor Scullen will dis and MttleBdorf getting two each, thanks was tendered the library cuss the most vital questions in con- I ,imeB speaklnK humorously. While In on the Umatilla projectf are par­ 000 In the reclamation fund which such qualfcatons. V. Waterman and Jones dividing Subsec. D. That the irrigable board for ther kindness in offering nectlon with honey production and Yokahama the party experienced the ticularly 'nterested In the relief pro­ comes from the sale of landB In my honors in point of runs both of them lands of each new project and new to rearrange the library hours so visions. We finally won out and state, and we have only received marketing, a tr p will be taken over ' wor8t ‘>1 boon In the history of •rossng hme plate three times. got a part of the appropriations and from that fund between »5,000,000 division of a project hereinafter ap­ that the library will not be open the project y'sitlng the various 1 Japan and Dr Goldle 8poke with Thornton pitched for Hermiston both houess agreed on the relief pro­ and »(,000,000, and yet the people proved shal be classified by the for exchanging books during com­ apiaries. Professor Scullen and Bee high praise of the Japanese grit and ind allowed four hits, striking out munity club meetings. This change Secretary with respect to the'r visions. but the filibuster In tlfe Inspector Buhman will make an ex- stamina. He considers the Japan, sir men. Hermiston had six errors In my state look across state lines Senate temporarily k lied the bill, and we look over Into another state power, under a proper agricultural will take place In the fall. Sihce the an,nation of some of the colonies In ese, after many years of contact with chalked up against them while Stan­ program, to support a family and club will now be allowed to have a them, a wonderful race and worthy but both houses have agreed on the that has put but »5,000,000 into the pay water charges, and the Secre­ piaryj in the library, the sentiment most of the apiaries. Announce­ field's column ronta'ned four. of consideration. relief provisions and that feature reclamation fund and we see that tary Is authorized to fix different of the members present was in favor ment will be made at Hermiston Umallln contnued her winning While quartered 'n Petrograd Dr. will become a law when Congress streak by defeating Echo Sunday. state enjoying »25,000,000, and we construction charges against differ­ of buying one. A committee was ap­ regarding the tour for Tuesday the Goldie saw and reviewed with the re-convenes. believe we are ent'tled to this fund ent classes of land under the same pointed to look into the matter and 24th. Next Sunday Hermiston plays I Officers of the Russian army, the You will find my remarks on page now. Umatilla at Umatilla.. (There are project for the purpose of equ'tably report at the next meeting wh'ch ’ famous Bataillon of Death, a body 11259. As the session was drawing two more games to be played with The erpenditure is well protected apportioning the total construction will be the floral display and musi­ I made up entirely of women and to a close time was very limited and • Umatilla, the league leaders, and the £ ! which he describes as one of the In control of the opposition. I was it you adopt amendment 58, the re­ cost so that all lands may as far as cale September 2. It was decided to * EXPERIMENT STATION boys are going out after both of - 1 finest tra’ned military organizations was alloted ten minutes, which was lief bill. The gentleman from Ohio practicable bear the burden of such hold this meeting at the home of ♦ NOTES them in the hopes of pulling down (Mr. Begg) ridicules that b'll, and Mrs. F. D. .Callahan, who had gener. cost according to their productive he ever saw. He gave some h'nt of more than any other member had ❖ (By H. K. Dean) a peg Umat la’s percentage that yet that bill ha« been the subject of value. ously given her consent. In the scenes lr> Petrograd when 10,000 peo. I am also enclosing copy of the she haB been steadily piling up dur­ ♦ the thought and the care and the floral contest there will be five first pie were killed within Its limit« In Subsec. E. That hereafter the Defic’ency bill containing the appro­ • « ing the season. 8 hours and left details to the imag- priation Items and the relief bill counsel of the fact-finding commls. Secretary shall as to each irrigable prizes, -each one a potted plant, and Cost of Butterfat slon sitting upon It for six months, five second pr’zes, each a ribbon. ' nation of his hearers. acre of land in each new project, or provisions. You will find the ap­ SIMONS SHUTTER The Oregon Experiment Station Dr. Goldie has photographs he propriation !tema on page 34 The the Secretary of the Interior and Dr. a new division of a project, issue These w’j be gven for asters, dah Umatilla terns were taken care of Elwood Mead, the most noted lrriga. two public notices relat'ng to con­ lias, roses, gladioli, and for the beBt has recently completed an exhaustive too^ when detecdon'tn th act would Mr. Cuitls Simona and Miss Beu­ In the Interior department bill, tionlst in the world, who was pa'd struction charges. The first public general collection. In the general study of the cost of producing but- have been punishable by death. HI« which passed the House some time nearly »50,000 a year by the gov­ notice shall be issued when the land collection the artistic ability In dis­ terfat. While these studies were talk was punctuated by earnest pleas lah Shutter were quietly married at ago. On pages 79 to 87 you will ernment of Australia to go over is ready for settlement and will an­ playing the flowers, as well as the for Willamette valley conditions they to Americans, represented by his au. he home of the groom’s parents In find the reclamation relief provis­ there and superintend their irriga­ nounce the construction charge per beauty and number of varieties, will bring out certain truths which apply dlence, to interest themselves effect. Wnlla Walla Sunday afternoon, June to our conditions. It was found that Ively in measures that would prvent 15, at 1:30 P. M. Rev. Brumblsy ions. I am sure the settlers on the tion propos'tions, and yet the lrrlga- rrlgable acre. Thé second public be considered In the judging. the average production requirement a return of such horrors to any coun­ tied the nuptial knot after which the Umatilla project will be greatly In­ tionist from Ohio (Mr. Begg), with notice shall he issued when In the per pound of butterfat, covering try In the world. bridal party came to Hermiston, that air of finality in h's voce that opinion of the Secretary the agri­ PARADE NOTICE terested In know n? what they are. almost makes assurance doubly sure, cultural development of the project Any one with cars, and especially some 1500 cows, was succulents 34 With kindest regards, I remain, It s possible that Dr. Goldie, who where they are at home to their many tells us that this bill Is poorly draft­ shall have advanced sufficiently to Children with bicycle« or ponies that pounds, hay 18 pounds, grain and visited and lived in every, country friends. Sincerely yours, The b'rde possesses a pleasing per. ed; that we are going to reach into warrant the commencement of pay­ are willing to enter decorated par­ mlllfeed 8 pounds, labor 45 min­ of the world but one, will consent N. J. Sinnott. The following is taken from the the treasury of the Un'ted States ment of installments of such con­ ade July 4 please see some member utes. These feeds gave a better bal­ to give other lecture» here, some srnallty and Is a graduate of the Her anced ration than we usually fed. Illustrated by si des, on other coun­ mlston high school. The groom Is Congressional Record and glves Mr. and deplete that treasury; and the struction charge. The second not’ce of the following committee. I t ’s im­ gentleman' from Texas (Mr. Blan­ shall fix the date when payments portant that all who can enter this The more nearly a ration Is balanced tries He is a forceful and interest­ employed by the Hermiston Light tc Slnnott's speech tn detail. Mr. Sinnott. "Mr. Speaker, 10 ton), whose state was wise enough will begin on construction charge an_ parade to help make the celebration to the cows requ'rements the more ing speaker and his return will he Power Company. Both are popular economical Is the product’on so It Is with the younger set, thirty of whom minutes to represent the hopes, the to keep Its own public lands, ridi­ nounced by the first public notice, a success. welcomed likely that the total nutrients re­ •urned out to chtvaree them oa Committee— which date shall be not more than aspirations, and the longings of peo­ cules the hill. quired to produce a pound of but- Tuesday evening. The Herald staff Would that the people of the five years from the date of the first JENS SKOVBO, ple who have been waiting many officials will terfat under our conditions, where extends best w'shes and congratula­ TOM FRASER years for approprlat’ons for these Northwest Territory, when they public notice. VISIT HERMISTON In general we do not feed succulents tions. RALPH BROWNSON. Subsec. F. That hereafter all projects, and also for the rel'ef leg­ came Into this Un'on, when they or grain, fs rather high. The limit­ islation expresed in amendment 58, wrung from England at the Cham- project construct'on charges shall The members of the reclamation ing factor In our dairy success now poeg meeting In Oregon in 1852 the be made payable in annual install­ seems to me like a travesty, like a Girls Sewing Club Hold Picnic and land settlement committee of RED CROSS TO HELP EX-SERVICE Is feeding. Until we have root crops MEN CONCERNING BONUS LAW burlesque on representative, deliber­ Rtates of Oregon, Washington, Idaho ments based on the productive power The Hermiston unit of the State the state chamber of commerce will and parts of Wyoming and Montana of the land as provided In this sub­ Sewing Club for Girls held a pic­ or silage for winter feed and pas­ ate governent. be In Hermiston on Friday to drive would that they had had the sag­ section. The installment of the nic at the reservoir last Frday. tures for summer the ultimate suc- over the Umatilla project, Includ I have beard comment« on the' Advance information received by bill which made me think of last acity of the pioneers of Tera« and construction charge per Irrigable Aquatic sports filled a pleasurable cees of the dairy Industry Is doubt­ lng Stanfield lands, the WeBtland Ir the Umatilla County Chapter of the Tuesday, when this House rebuffed retained the’r public lands. Then acre payable each year shall be 5 afternoon and evening which was ful. rigutlon component« and other lands Ted Cross In regard to the new the petition of the dry farmer from we would not be here asking you for per centum of the average gross an­ enjoyed by many girls, members of which come under the McKay creek "Boiiu« Bill’’ otherwise known as Baptist Aid Have All Day Meet the west and the middle west in the proceeds from this land to dev nual acre Income for the ten calen­ this club. They were chaperoned by reservoir, with a view of investlga the Adjusted Comensatlon Act, states The Ladles Aid of the Baptist tlon to aid In settling the same. behalf of the McNary-Haugen bill, elop the land that thoee proceeds dar years first preceding, or for all Mrs. Phipps who Is the club leader. hat tho war department Is turning and now we are asked to rebuff and were Intended by the God of Nature years of record If fewer than ten Those who kindly tendered the^n church combined business with pleas­ A luncheon will be given the vis over approxlmaely sixty per cent of years are avallabe, of the area in cars and t'me to make the party a ure last Thursday when several well ttlng memebers by the Commercial the Initial supply of application deny the appeal of the wet farmer; to be expended upon. I wish I could take you out Into cultivation fn the division or sub­ success were the families of Brown- laden Fords and other varlet es of club of thl« city. at least that would seem to be the blanks to the American Red Cross. cars traversed the country to the sltuat'on Judging from the com- my country and show you that the division thereof of the project In son, Warner, Straw and Phipps. The local chapter Is preparing to Some of those who are In the party home of Mrs. A. A. Paulsen. The are: Whitney L. Boise, director of isslst ments which have been made by Almighty himself meant, the snows which the land Is located, as veterans throughout the day was spent in visiting, sewing the state chamber of commerce; F bounty wih their claims. A number several gentlemen, especially the com upon the ountalns should be wedded found by the Secretary annually. and consuming a dieliclous picnic E. Favllle, editor of Western Farm of volunteers in various communities ments made by the great irrlgatlon. to those broad areas of fert'le vol- The decision of the Secretary a« to dinner. Those who attended were er; A. 8. Edmunds, traffic manage' have already offered their services 1st from Ohio (Mr. Begg), who only can'c dust. I wish you could see how the amount of any such instalment amphitheatrelike the hills rise and shall be conclusive. These annual Mrs. E. P. Illsley, Mrs. Longhorn, of the Union Pacific; Marshall Dana; In connection with the applications demonstrated the fact that— A little learn nfe Js a dangerous radiate from the Colorado and the payments shall continue until the Mrs. J. K. Shotwell, Mrs. Norton, John Daly, president of the Hlbernle and it Is antlc'pated that a conslder- Columbia to the cardinal points. total, construction charge against thing: Mrs. Chas. Sk'nner, Mrs. J. L. Har- National bank: Howard Elliott, edl ible corps of workers will have to be Drink deep or taste not the irri­ How h'll8 pile on hills, how they each unit 1« paid. The Secretary is mon Mrs Wm. Shaar. Mrs. W. W. of the Union Pacific Magazine: pressed Ito service to take care of the W L Pet. Illsley, Mrs. Geo. Waggoner, Mrs. ter rise in the purple haxe of twilight authorized upon request to amend gation spring. Roy T. Bishop, director of the Port­ work. Those who are willing to 1 .900 Richards, Mrs. Crowder, Miss Kate land and state chamber« of commeice help are urged to communicate with 9 (Applause.) He ridicules those s'X like billows suddenly stilled on the any existing contract for a project Umatilla projects and says they have not been crest; how the rim of the amphi water right so that it wll provide H ermiston 4 .600 Moore, Miss Edith Prann, Miss Doro. and trustee of tho »300,000 develop Miss Purcelle Peck, chapter execu­ 6 Investigated, while the fact is gen theater and the horlson la pillared charge thereunder In accordance Stanfield tive secretary, at the rentrel office .3 0 0 thy Shotwell, Miss Eva Skinner, MI sr ment fund. 7 3 Anita Paulsen, Virginia Illsley and tlemen of the House, that every one with a dozen lofty, eternally snow­ n Pendleton, so that she may en­ Echo 2 .2 0 0 8 (Continued on Page Three) of these six projects ha« been thor­ capped peaks, once biasing beacons, J'mme Prlndle. • roll them In the list of volunteers Artesian N ot Mountain W ater oughly Investlagted for 10 or 20 now only reflecting above the dust Recent report on the local oil well available If needed. years. The two projects In my state of the valeyg the soft glow of the The earliest possible date for cash states that the temperature of the the Owyhee and Warm Springs pro­ setting sun as the day drope into the water indicates the artesian flow payments, which will be made to ject, have been investigated, and western waters of the Pacific. These is not from mounta'n sources but It those eligible only for amounts of »100.000 has been expended in in­ enowcaps eternal are oUr reservoirs, from subtereanean depths and has 850.09 or less, Is March 1, 1»25. vestigating these projects. Those the Almighty Invitee us to wed the flowed upward through flssurer The earliest posible loan date on the projects have been approved condi- snow on thoee mountains with our caused by the upheaval that created nsurance policies Is January 1, 1927. tlonaly by the Secretary of the In- vast area of fertile, volcanic dust, the anticline. In other words It 'e Ex-service men are therefore re. ter or and by his engineer. They and this hill. If It Is passed, will al­ greater evidence that the well Is act quested not to be Impatient to file were sent down to the Budget Bur­ low us to do that In a very small ually on the structure and that what applications, since no benefits can eau and there held up. It is also measure wthout taking a dollar from has heretofore been pronounced an he received as yet. Veterans are es­ true that every one of these sir pro­ the treasury of the United States, oil structure here has greater proof. pecially urged to refrain from writ­ jects has been approved by the Sec­ and I hope the members of this The president of the company reports ing to the war and navy departments retary of the Interior, subject to fur- House will not today rebuke the wet that the company has plans for fur­ or to the veterans bureau to Inquire th r investigation, but they have all farmer of the west as you rebuked ther drilling that will probably be about bonus payments. been held up by General Lord, of »he dry farmer fast Tuesday. (Ap­ Information will be published In In action In August. the Budget Bureau. They have been plause. ) the Hermiston Herald regarding the Investigated for years. Below are the reclamat'on relief «xact procedure to follow, as soon RIVERTON-ON-THE-UMATILLA The chairman of the committee provisions. as application blanks and Instruct­ read what Dr. Mead had to say, and (58) 8ec. I. Subsection A. That Miss Arietta Willaby. of Condon, ions are Issued by the War Depart­ here Is the substance of Dr. Mead'« when need in this section— who has been visiting at the home ment. advice to-dUm: That he would not (a) The word "Secretary" means Arrangements will be made by the of her uncle. Mr. V. E. Wlllaby for Justify thene appropriations unless the Secretary of the Interior. Red Cross with Amer'can Legion , the past month, returned home on they were tied up with certan pro­ (b) The w ord s/‘reclamation law” posts, postmasters, and others who Sunday. visos. mean the Act of June 17, 1902 may he handling the filing oi clrlms ■ Mr. Howard of Nebraska. Will (Thirty-second Statntee, page » ( • ) , so that there will be no duplication Mr. and Mrs. Archie B. Nichols of work on the same appllcat’on. the gentleman yield? and all Acts amendatory thereof or and Ralph Nichols, of Umatilla, were Mr. Sinnott. Excuse me; I can­ supplementary thereto. A special effort will he made to Sunday guest« of Mr. and Mrs. E. see that applications are filed for not yield now. (e) The word “reelamat'on fund” When Mr. Mead was before the mean the fund provided by the re­ I E. Davis. ex-service men who, because of slck. chairman of the Committee on Ap- clamation law. ______ i ness. mental Illness, or Inability to propr'atlons he was talking about (d) The word "project" means a Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wlllaby and j and wr te, cannot Initiate thetr appropriation« under the old recla­ Federal Irrlgatln project authoris­ sen Lionel, daughter Dorothy and , nwn claims. mation law. If vou adopt amend- ed by the reclamation law. brother Dean Wlllaby. of Condon, ____ __ - the new recla- ment 58 In 'hjs bni |r (a) The words "dlvta'on of n pro­ were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs f o r D riving Car W ithout mation relief iund. then' evwry one ject" means a suhatantal Irrrigabie V. E. W llaby. , Thomas Wilson and Roy Buckles of the rpproprlat'ons will be safe­ area of a project designated an a - ■ ■ ■ r»f this elty pleaded guilty to drlv- guard, 1 and not a cent can be ex-i division hr order of the Secretary. Mrs. C F St any as was a guest Ing a car without license In Juet'cn pended a » - ’ anv one of these pro- j Subtree. That lset week of Mrs. Oeofge Pstler«on : Todd's court Ssturady and received Jeds OBtl! the Secretary o f ths Is- or » • * dlrision •h*n nf Hermlstoi», i a fin? of »1« «•«»• t-.. SINNOTT WRITES CONCERNING BILL COMMUNITY CLUR MEET AT HOTEL STANDING OF TEAMS IN THE IRRIGATION LEAGUE c F o c u s in g HERMISTON WINS FROM STANFIELD