THE IIE B M I3T O H Published every Thursday at Her. Balaton, Umatilla County, Oregon by Baymond Crowder, Editor and Man- M «r. Entered as second class matter, Daaambar 1906 at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon. ¿d iet tes Subscription Kates 62.00 .6100 Classified or Local Advertising 10 cents per line for first Insertion. Minimum charge 25 cent*. Sub*e- qoent Insertions 5 cents per hne. A CONVENTION OF PATRIOTISM H E R M IS T O N , NOTICE OF SALE UNDER EXECUTION Ihr WrnnWon ^rralù For One Year ____ ________ For Sis Months - ____ ____ Payable In Advance. HERALD, I 24 15 (Swv Ftefc) • a •••■ • ,/< )r -I ' IKlir.LJl v'l UM * jutyi.«.’! ’ÌU” The city of Washington hi:« Just finished entertaining the unnual eon- . vention of Shrlners, In a peculiar sense the nation 'was host, for Wash­ ington not only Is governed and fi­ nanced by Congress, but dlurlng the convention many agencies of the fed­ Send us the price of a year'i eral government actively participat­ inscription if you are in arrears ed to make it a success. FO R SA LE BY Furthermore, President Harding, M c K e n z ie & F r a s e r himself a member of the shrine cl H e r m is to n , O re . s ' 0» Columbus, Ohio, took an active part In all of the Shrine ceremonies, and, with Mrs. Harding, reviewed all par­ ades. The white house was thrown open and was daily visited literally by thousands of Shrlners in attend­ ance at the convention. Scores of delegations paid formal calls upon the President and tlie ladies of the , convention paid especial tribute to the First Lady of the Land. Postmaster General New, another noble, a member of the Murat temple at Indianapolis, established a Shrine 10 Entertaining Helpful Programs poet office and rendered 100 per cent efflcBnt postal accommodation to the hundreds of thousands of visitors dur lng the week. Secretary of Labol Buy Your Season Ticket NOW and Davis was a speaker at one of the Enjoy These Events Shrine meetings. One of the chief features of enter ' Ward Waters Company, Artells tninment were the exhibition drills | Dickson Concert Party, Harold R. and maneuvers of units furnished by Peat, National Trio, “The Shepherd the army and navy. The navy made ¡of the Hills” Play Company, Jugo­ addtional contributions by giving ex- slav Orchestra, Dr. F. E. Gordon, hlbitions on the Potomac river while Ruth Linrud, McDonald Birch, and both army and navy fliers gave aer­ Magic Circus. ial circuses each day. The show places of the federal government, ELLISON-WHITE CHAUTAUQUA such us the Congressional Library, Bureau of Printing and Engraving, etc., made nn especial effort to enter­ tain the visitors. But the outstanding feature of the convention was the patriotic fervor Of the delegations of Shrlners which was matched only by the enthusiasm You are hereby notified that An­ Odd Fellows Attention with which the tens of thousands of All 1. O. O. F. members please be na M. Harthrong iB the holder of spectators greeted such exhibition. present at Monday evening’s meet- Certificate of Delinquency number­ Over 100 bands furnished music al­ ng. Work in second and third de­ ed 1740 Issued on the Third day of most 24 hours a day. At a dozen grees. . Good time and good eats, August, 1921, by the Tax Collector of the County of Umatilla, State of different places in the city there was ’tanfii id teuni will be present. a band concert staged from morning M. L. Watson, R. C. ChalllH, J. S. Oregon, for the amount of Twelve Dollars and Fifty-one Cents (612.51) till night, not to mention the im­ Wert, Committee. the same being the amount then due promptu concerts furnished in hotel lobbies and on street corners. Yet Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. Rogers an dson and delinquent for taxes for the year patriotic airs were always received Sodney and Miss Eva Woodward, 1916, together with penalty, interest with roars of applause and cheers motored down from Union Sunday and costs thereon upon the real prop­ from the crowds. Whenever the or n two day stay. Mr. Rogers was erty assessed to you, of which you are the owner aH appears of record situ­ strain,, of the Star Spangled Banner looking over his ranch In Columbia ated In said County and State and were lifted above the blare of the particularly bounded and described Btreet, It invariably brought hats off Rend the Wand Ad». as follows, to-wlt: nnd hands to salute. The North One-half (N (4 ) of the It was during the parade, how­ Northeast Quarter (N E ’4 ) of the ever, that the hundreds of thousands Southwest Quarter (SW U ) of Sec­ who were in Washington furnished tion Twenty-six (26) in Township tho most significant exhibition of Five (5) North of Range Twenty- ♦ heir intense nationalism. Of course course every delegation was headed Author of “Private Peat” and Brilliant eight (28), East of Willamette Meri­ Speaker Coming to Chautauqua dian. in Umatilla County, State of by a color bearer with (he American Second Night. Oregon. flag nnd in many cases each unit of a delegation. Net a flag parsed the Not so many years ago a war hero You arc further notified that said reviewing stand that was not saluted • and famous as the author of his own Anna M. Harthrong has paid taxes by President Harding. Mrs. Harding i hook, “Private Peat," which reached a on said premises for prior or sub­ and others in (he sland. In this re Hu,° of over “ mlIllon copies; not un­ sequent years with the rate of in­ apect crowds were In one accord, for known to fame ns the correspondent terest on said amounts as follows: Yeur’s tax, 1917, Date Paid Aug­ they, too. saluted the passing nation­ ust 3, 1921, Amount 612.33, Rate of al colors. interest 12 per rent; Year’s tax But when the delegation from Chi­ 1918, Dnto Paid August 3, 1921, cago passed with several standards Amount 612.66, Rate of Interest 12 of the nuttnoul color,, and with thetr per cent; Year’s tax 1919, Date Immense drum bearing the Inscript­ Paid August 3, 1921, Amount 615.- ion 76, Rate of Interest 12 per cent; On heart, one hund. Year's tax 1920, Date Paid August One flag, one land, 3, 1921, Amount 618.55. Rate of In. One country leresl 12 per cent; Year’s tax 1921, those In seats arose and Joined with Date Paid March 29, 1922, Amount those standing In cheer after cheer. 664.66, Rale of Interest 12 per cent. | The spirit of America pervaded and Said Wilson S. Parks, as the own dominated the entire convention. er of the legal title of the above de- I There was no politics. There were scribed property as the same appears j no partisans. All were Americans. of record, and each of the other per­ As Thomas Jefferson exclaimed In his sons above named are hereby further flrat Inaugural address, “Every dif­ »otlfled that Anna M. Harthrong will ference In out ilo’t Is not a difference apply to the Circuit Court of the of principle. V... have called by df. County and 8tate aforesaid for a de­ ferent names brethren of the same cree foreclosing the lien against the principles. We are all republicans; property above described and men­ we are sll Fedei.,11 And so In tioned in said certificate. And you thia convention the outstanding fact ami »|>eclal writer for the New York are hereby summoned to appear with that although delegations were com­ World, Chicago Herald-Examiner, and in sixty days after the /Irst publica­ Associated Press; he waa. perhaps, the posed of Republicans and Democrats most gifted war speaker of all the tion of the summons exclusive of the crats, radicals and conservatives, soldiers, and was ftnnlly made chief day of said first publication, nnd de­ none of these distinctions were thnt of the speakers’ bureau of the United fend this action or pay the amount This due as above shown together with of because all were Americana with States Fuel Administration. whom the institutions of our nalion wealth of experience sharpened his costs and accrued interest and In ease mentality, and out of "Private Peat," and the honor of Old Glory the soldier-speaker, there developed of your failure to do so, a decree will first. Harold Peat, one of the brilliant plat­ be rendered foreclosing the lten of Hod the visiting thousands been form figures of the day. said taxes and costs aganst the land asked to give utterance to (he and premses above named. AT STANFIEID CHAUTAUQUA thought uppermost In their minds, This summons Is published by or­ June 28 to July 2 tbev would nn doubt have all sub­ der of the Honorable Gilbert W. scribed to the sentiments expressed Phelps. Judge of the Circuit Court by Daniel Webster In hts speech of SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN of the State of Oregon, for the Coun­ dedication of the Bunker Hill monu­ FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN ty of Umatilla, and said order was ment. • In the Circuit Court of the State of made and dated thia 26th day of “Our principal business Is improve Oregon, for the County of Umatilla April. 1928, and the date of the first meat. Let our age he the age of Im­ Anna M. Harthrong. Plaintiff, va. publication of this summons la the provement. In a dny of peace let us Wilson S. Parks, nnd any other 24th day of May, 1926. advance the arts of pence nnd the person or persons claiming sny All process and paper» In this pro­ works of pear«. Lal ns develop the right, title, lien or Interest In or ceedings may be served upon the un­ resources of our tend, rail forth Its to the within deserbed property, dersigned residing within the State powers, build up Its Instiintlons, and Defendant. of Oregon at the addrras hereafter promote Its great interests. Let our To Wilson 8. Parks, tha above mentioned. object be. onr country, our whole named defendant: Keator A Randall, country, and nothug but our coun­ IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Attorneys for the Plaintiff try.” , T 1» OREGON. Address: Pendleton. Oregon S7-7t DO IT N O W We Need the Money AND NOW COMES CHAUTAUQUA 5—Splendid Days—5 14—Big Features—14 Stanf ieid-Jun 28-July 2 HAROLD PEAT, FORMER WAR HERO, TO SPEAK Notice Is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution and order of sale issued out of and uuder the seal o j the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County upon a Judgment rendered and dock­ eted In said court on the 15th day of May, 1923, In an action wherein the First National Bank of Hermis­ ton, a Corporation, was plaintiff, md Llewellyn Brownell was defend­ ant, in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant for the sum of 6225 with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from March 22, 1922 and for the further sum of 637.50 attorney’s fees and 619.65 costs and disbursements, which execution was directed and delivered to me as Sheriff in and for said County of Umatilla, Oregon, and which execution and order of sale did direct that the real property in said action on the 2nd day of May, 1923, to-wit: Beginning at a point 1670 feet West and 1826 feet North of the common corner of Sections 9 and 10, 15 and 16, Township 5 North Range 28 E. W. M„ thence North 0 degrees 8 minutes East 814 feet to point; thence North 0 degrees 8 minutes East to a point on the meander line OREGON. of the Columbia river, thence West­ ward down said meander line to a point where the same Intersects the North and South center line through Section 9, thence South 0 degrees 6 minutes West to a point thenee South 0 decrees 6 minutes West 966 feet to a point, thence North 82 degrees» 5 5 minutes East 979.8 feet to the place of beginning, and there terminating, containing 34 acres, more or less, all being situ­ ated In the West half of the East half of fractional Section 9. Town­ ship 5 Noith. Range 28 E. W. M. be sold to satisfy the said judgment and all costs. Therefore. I will at the West door of the Court House on the 9th day of July, 1923, at the hour of 2 o’clock P. M., sell the above describ­ ed real property and all the right, title and interest which the defend­ ant Llewellyn Brownell had there­ in on the 2nd day of May, 1923, or since then has acquired or at the date of sale has, the proceeds of said sale to be applied to the satis­ faction of said judgment, attorney’s fees and all costs. Dated this 7th day of June, 1923. ZOETH HOUSER. Sheriff of Umatilla County Oregon. 39-ttc ■ æ a n e o noos X '4. i s Give the Hens a Chance I Nature made a hen to lay eggs. She will lay in winter and summer, if you’ll only give her a chance. A new, well-lighted, warm, sanitary chicken house is a real investment. It meana two things that make big poultry profits—early hatches and more eggs. u "1 : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ »V Call at this office and inspect plans of poultry houses which have been designed with the “more eggs” idea. THE PLAYHOUSE F R ID A Y , J U N E 22 LUCYPAKA Inland Empire Lumber Company ZZ A INiffht XT* 1 ■ in • I S a ua. the Orient” Hawaiia’s Favorite and Her Company Phon« 331 In the Fascinating Musical Novelty Entitled “ The Yard of Best Quality 1 H. M. STRAW. MGR. - « . o . a a w , Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IB B B B B IB B B U B B flB lIB B B B I An enlrancing combination of Mirth ar.d Melody Ranging from Ragtime to Grand Opera Something New and Different Admission, Children 25c, Adults 50c No Pictures S u b s c r ib e N o w -to th e- cdhmu^) f i r the dqy Y ou r d a y ’s w ork is shortened and m ad e easier w h en y o u h a v e a g ood oil co o k sto v e. B u m P ea rl Oil for fuel and y o u no longer h a v e coal and w o o d to carry or ash es to sh o v el out. Hermiston Herald and keep informed of the events and happen­ ings in your commun­ ity. Y ou w o rk w ith a clean c o n t r o l l e d h ea t th a t is concentrated d irectly u n ­ der th e utensil w h er e it is needed— and y o u r kitchen is kept cool and free from dirt. P ea rl Oil is the clean-burning, uni­ form, econom ical kerosene — refined and re-refined by a special process. D ea lers e v e r y w h e ie . Order by n am e P ea rl Oil. - The Herald STANDARD OIL COMPANY (C a lifo rn ia ) PEARL (KEROSENE) carries one of the best Want Ad columns of any weekly paper in the state. - -If you want to buy •-If you want to sell --If youjjvant to trade You find the opp ortun­ ity in The Her. ld ad­ vertisements. IF YOU WANT THE BEST THERE IS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES. rF YOU WANT MECHANICS—MEN EXPERIENCED WHO THEIR BUSINESS—TO WORK ON YOUR CAR— TRY NEIL T h e H e r a ld is $2 per year, or $1 for six months, payable in advance. KNOW A BAR­ KER’S GARAGE. AND YOU WON’T BE DISAPPOINTED. a ■ • a a ■ I ■ ■ ■ s ■