ÛHw Hermtfíínn Wralh VOL. XVII HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. APRIL 12. 1928 No. 31 The lambs were purchased for >10 CHINESE OPERETTA, per hundred and sold for >14.00 per “CRIMSON EYEBROWS” hundred in Portland, which was equivalent to >13.28 on the farm. Hermiston Commercial Club and Col­ Hermiston Hifch School Students in A profit of from >3.02 to >3.85 per umbia Farm Bureau Draft Set Cast of Delightful Offering hundred was secured on the gains. of Resolutions Including the first cost of the The people of Hermiston will be The Columbia Farm Bureau held IAMBS PAY GOOD RETURNS FOR lambs, hay and grain at the prices HAY GROWERS WILL STUDY THE given a real treat of home talent pro­ CLARENCE ROBINETT HAS ACCI­ Voting for the May Queen is pro­ a meeting last Saturday evening the given above with charges for labor, DENT HAY FED duction Friday, April 13, when the gressing satisfactorily. Judging by PROBLEMS PRESENTED purpose of which was to fight the lumber, dip and salt and shipping Chinese operetta, “Crimson Eye- the posfFT ballot list In headquarters proposed “oleo” referendum which expenses the total outlay was brows." will be given at the high window, there seemg to be a slight Taken to Hospital in Pendleton Mon­ the Associated Industries of Port­ Umatilla Experiment Station Feeds >2114.80, and the selling price was Interest Rate Charged by Federal school auditorium. The cast of char­ stagnation In comparison with the land are trying to bring before the >2417.80, leaving a balance of >303- day. Believed that No Perma­ acters was picked from members of Interest shown in the voting, but Lambs During Winter to Deter­ Government Will be Five and One people for a vote. 62. Or, from another point of view, nent Injury Will Result the high school student body and ac­ let no one be deceived, for it Is mere­ mine Feasibility half Per Cent The Bureau appointed J. II. Reid to determine the value of lambs as a cording to reports each one Is doing ly the calm before the storm. No to come before the Hermiston Com­ means of marketing hay, the costs one has been able to forecast the excellent In the rehearsals. other than hay were >1784.33, which Clarence RIblnett, who Is employ­ mercial Club and ask them for their The plot of the play centers about number of votes that will come in The advocates of the rural credit The Umatilla Experiment Station ed by the C. S. McNaught Co., of support in an endeavor to kill the at Hermiston during the winter fed deducted from the selling price leaves legislation which has just been ap­ the early history of China, when the the last two days, but there is a this city, caught his right hand In referendum. Mr. Reid put the mat­ lambs to determine primarily the >633.47 for 32.98 tons of hay which proved by the president have said throne was seized by a usurper, Wang grave shaking of heads and a predic­ the hay chopper last Monday after­ ter before this body last Tuesday. feasibility of marketing alfalfa hay is at the rate of >19.23 per ton for great things for it. This was true Many. In order to get rid of the tion that some tali voting is going noon. tearing the flesh and badly Dr. Prime, president of the club. ap. by using it to fatten lambs and sec­ hay. No small part of the returns of the War Finance Corporation, rightful heir. Princess Ting Ling to be done. People that you pointed a committee of two to onfer not included above was 46 tong of mangling this member. the court astrologer, told the prin- wouldn’t think would care a fig who which gave little if any relief to the ondarily to determine the relative The accident happened a few min­ with Mr. Reid in the matter. The value of the various grains as sup- manure which was left on the farm small farmers. The new bill, how­ cesg that she was Venus In another was May Queen of the Pageant have men appointed were 0. C. Young and It is believed that the manure and utes before quittng time. ever, was framed with the idea of existence and belonged to Neptune. gald they had a ten spot tucked away pliments to alfalfa for feeding. refuse hay would about pay for the Robinett was working around the L. A. Hunt. These three men have providing cheaper money for agricul­ The purpose of this was to lure her for the eleventh hour and were go­ Two hundred and fourteen head of feed consumed before the regular chopper and In some unexplainable drafted a resolution which will be tural production expense, cheaper to the sea to drown her. In the ing to use it. And remember, not Hampshire and Cotswold lambs used fedlng started. manner his hand came in contact sent to the Portland Chamber of money to finance livestock operations meantime Ting Ling meets Fan one, but sevearl have said this! for the experiments were divided with the sharp knives of the machine. Commerce, the State Chamber of In order to avoid any discussion as Chong, leader of the “Crimson Eye­ and to offer marketing organizations into 4 lots of 50 head each and 14 L. W. Furnas Dies He was carried to Dr. Illsley's office Commerce, the State Dairy Assocla brows," a band of young insurgents to the correct hour of closing it has certain finances at reasonable in­ and the doctor administered first tion and the Oregon State Grange, as f head ot cuIls were Placed in a lot Word has just been received an­ terest. rates. The farmers of the and she falls In love with him, think­ been decided to sound one tap of the by themselves. Grain was fed at the uM. Later he was taken to Pendle­ well as to different newspapers nouncing the death of L. W. Furnas, Irrigated districts have been giving ing him to be Neptune. A series of fire bell at 6 o’clock Monday night, rate of 1 pound per day per head ton and placed in a hospital in that throughout the state. an ex-resident of this city, who died this hill considerable study and have complicatloi^s arise In which the and at that time the three ballot when on full feed. One lot each re­ The following is the resolution city. built a certain amount of hope there­ army under the leadership of the boxes will be positively and finally ceived corn, wheat, oats and barley recently in California. adopted. young insurgent, enters the conflict closed and voting will stop. Votes Mr. Furnas moved to California on. It is believed that there are no per­ WHEREAS, The dairy industry and the cull lot received barley. All some time ago. and restores the princess to her will be posted every two hours Mon­ manent injuries to the ligaments of The Hay Growers Association have lots received all the hay they would throne. day afternoon so that you may know the hand and that the accident will of Oregon is one of major importance eat. The lambs were started on feed also been studying the problem pre­ not only from the standpoint of the The cast of characters is as fol­ where your candidate stands all the In no way deprive him of its use. sented by thls bill, with the hope of December 1 and fed until March 10, volume of business, but as the basis time, and after the boxes are closed securing better finances for their lows: of fertility for much of the state, and a period of 99 days. Half the grain an auxiliary committee of three busi­ Princess Ting Ling...Mabel Brown members than they at present enjoy. WHEREAS, The importance of was fed in the morning and half in ness men will go over the votes again Ah Me, cousin of Ting Ling...... Business men feel that if it is possi­ the evening and hay was kept before dairy products lies not alone in their ...................................Melba Callahan as a check on the counting. ble to obtain cheaper money for the economic value, but in the fact that them at all times. Thei test9 were special coasssroNDCNca Star Eye, Court Astrologer.......... small farmer, that every reasonable conducted In open lots without shel­ they are essential to the health and ................................ Michael McKern effort should be put forth to forward Miss Florence Hannan is absent welfare of the general public and es­ ter. The hay was fed through pan­ The standing Thursday A. M.: Fan Chong, leader of the “Crlm front school this week on account of pecially the proper development of els and the grain in troughs. The WILL VIEW THE UMATILA IRRI­ the movement. son Eyebrows"......Embry Warrlner GATION PROJECT ELEANOR BRIGGS ................... 752 illness. Just how desirable and just how Hlng Lee, an officer In the army the child; and where the dairy indus­ lambs had continuous access to fresh water and salt. accessible is this federal money, and try of the Northwest is seriously .................................Ralph Longhorn MELBA CALLAHAN.................. 830 Misses Verna and Alice Locke of menaced by the use of milk and but­ what must be done to secure It? Neptune............................. _.Roy Sllvey The average weight per lamb at Walla Walla, took dinner at the ter substitutes; and the beginning of the test was 51.2 D. W. Davis, Assistant Secretary at And is this within the reach of the Buddha........................... Anita Paulsen GERTRUDE BEISSE..................... 600 the Interior, and A. P. Davis, Di­ home of Charles Williams Sunday. irrigation farmer? WHEREAS, The act pased by the pounds except the culls which weigh­ Wang, usurper emperor..Earl Bensel rector Reclamation, Here May 5 ........ 557 last legislature relating to the adul­ ed 40.7. The avrage gain per head In answer to these questions it The chorus is composed of fifty NANCY McNAUGHT was 33.9 pounds which was at the The vaudeville act at the Farm Bu­ teration of milk products and the sale seems possible to state with reason­ high school pupils. ARLOUINE ROBINSON ............. 319 reau meeting Saturday night was thereof is well designated to protect late of .343 pounds per head per day. able accuracy that the interest rates D. W. Davis, former governor of which will be charged by the federal pronounced very good. The pig club the interests of both producer and The corn fed lambs gained the most LETA THOMAS ............................ 314 by 2.3 pounds per head above the Idaho and at present acting In the government will be 514 per cent. held a meeting with 15 members consumer; and present. Important phases of club- LUCILLE SULLIVAN .......... 270 WHEREAS. The Associated In­ average and the oats least by 1 capacity of special secretary of the This money must either be hand­ special ooaaasroNDBNca work were discussed, so the club is dustries of Portland have invoked the pound less than the average. The Interior, accompanied by A. P. Davis, led by a local bank or by a credit Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Howard and well under way. referendum upon this act; and gains of the wheat and barley fed director of the Reclamation service, organization formed for this partic. Ed. Williams, who has one of the P. C. Bishop were in Hermiston Fri­ will visit Hermiston Saturday, May 5, lambs were practically equal to the whereas this referendum is by no ular purpose, and Inasmuch as the day. largest henneries in the west end of according to reports received from allowance of per cent is not Jack Downing is slowly recovering means in accord with the proposition average, with the wheat slightly the. county, brought in a shipment of Washington, D. C. sufficient to Justify banks in taking from an operation for appendicitis often stated by the Portland Cham- higher than the barley. eggs from Hermiston to Pendleton The men are coming to the North­ Misg Carrie Skeils returned to her care of the matter, it seems almost The average amount of hay of­ in the hospital at Walla Walla. He j ber of Commerce that the agricultu­ yesterday.— Sunday Morning Pendle­ ral interests of this state are suffer- fered was 3.1 pounds per day per west on a tour of inspection of re­ certain that if any cheap money is school Tuesday. She was called to ton Tribune. is attended by his mother. I ing especially at this time; and head. The corn lot ate the largest clamation projects. They will ar­ to be secured for the small farmer her home in Portland to attend the rive In Klamath Falls May 1, spend­ in this district a credit association funeral, of her grandmother, Mrs. A delightful surprise party was where as the Portland Chamber of amount with wheat, barley and oats Don't fall to see Jane Warner, ing a day investigating conditions Carrie Selleck. Her mother, Mrs, staged by a group of Columbians last Commerce are now professing them- j following in the order mentioned, there. They will leave Klamath must be established. Margaret Watermnn and Dorothy T. H. Skeils, accompanied her home Such an agricultural credit corpo­ Wednesday night on Mr. and Mrs. selves to be the friends of the agri- ; The average amount of hay refused Falls for Portland arriving In that and will spend some time visiting In Straw Interpret “Valse Gracleuse" at Donaldson and son Francis Games cultural lnterestg of this state; now , was 26.7 per cent. It lg believed city on May 4. The following day ration must have a minimum capital Irrigon. Melba Callahan’s show, April 19— i that the refuse was cleaned up too stock of >10,000. The subscribers were In order after which refresh­ therefore be it, Adv, they will reach Hermiston. Umatil­ RESOLVED, By the Columbia close and that the amount refused to this stock could be assured only ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. James Warner and son Harvey la will also receive a visit from the nominal interest upon same In the Donaldson are soon to leave for Hood Farm Bureau and the Hermiston was larger than necessary. were Hermiston visitors Friday. officials while in this territory. Since the first primordial savage Commercial club, both of Hermiston, The average amount of hay requir­ early years of the corportlon, as It River. From here they will go to Spokane. would seem advisable for their pro­ whirled round his fire in the night, Oregon, that we go on record as en­ ed to make 100 pounds of gain wqs Mrs. W. T. Eggleston spent the humanity has danced its way through dorsing the bill as passed and de­ 905 pounds and of grain 276 pounds. Three days will be given for an in­ tection that the full 1% per cent be A. E. Meyer, who recently moved nounce the referendum as a move­ The corn lot required the same as the spection of the Columbia Basin irrl charged and that any earnings from week-end vlBlting her husband in the ages. Since then the dance has from here to Portland, has taken up Pasco, Wash. told what speech has failed to utter. ment unfriendly to the agricultural average amount of hay per 100 gation project. this source be thrown into a reserve contracting In that city. Conceptions of beauty, unrevealed interests of the whole state, and be pounds of gain while the wheat lot fund. This corporation would have Mr. B. T. Locke returned from St. Prof. C. F. Grover and family ac­ mysteries of nature, murmurings of Bee Men to Hear Lecture It further . required more and the oats and bar­ a rediscount privilege with the fed­ Anthony’s hospital In Pendleton last Bee men of Umatilla county will eral Intermediate credit banks of companied by Miss Corrigan, spent inspirations, and all the dormant RESOLVED, That we call upon ley lot less. The corn lot required Sunday evening. Saturday shopping in Peudleton. dreams, have been narrated through the Portland Chamber of Commerce the lowest amount of grain per 100 on Wednesday and Thursday of this ten times its capital stock. the rhythmic poetry of art. The week see demonstration work by to announce to the general public pounds gain while the requirement Farmers desiring loams through Batle Rand was In Hermiston on perfection of the dance lies in the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Nelmeyer were the names of those who compose the Increased directly from the wheat, Professor H. A. Scullen of O. A. C. this association would be entitled to home Sunday from the Sheridan so-called Associated Industries of barley and oats fed lots. The total Professor Scullen will also lecture to three years time upon paper proper­ busines Saturday. graceful whole, the “tout ensemble," ranch where Mr. Nelmeyer Is work­ Portland, that the whole state may amount of hay fed was 32.98 tons the honey producers. On Wednes­ ly secured for the purchase of live­ he turn of the head, the soft finish Mrs. Jay Berry Is seriously 111 at of the arm work, the bend of the ing. day a visit will be made to the de­ stock for winter feeding. There also Judge to what extent the Portland and the grain9.55 tons monstration apiary conducted by L. seems to be no question but that It the home of her parents, Mr. and body, and other features of the dance Chamber of Commerce is back of this The costs of gains have been com­ Mr. and Mrs. Stokes and son Ed. referendum, and be it further Imple, yet absolutely esentlal to D. Buchmann, county Inspector. All would provide money for farm oper­ Mrs. J. E. McCoy. The latest report puted valuing hay at >10 per ton, from California, are visiting at the its graceful exposition. Miss Melba bee men are invited to attend. Thurs­ ations within reasonable amounts, is that she is Improving. RESOLVED, That copies of theBe corn hnd oats >37.50, wheat>40.00 Harr home this week. They expect Callahan, who gives a vaudeville resolutions be sent to the Associated and barley >35.00 per ton. The day will be spent In visiting apiarle3 and funds for cooperative marketing Mrs. Jesse White, who was sudden­ to remain here permanently. Industries of Portland, the Portland cheapest gains, >9.43 per hundred, at Hermiston, Stanfield and on But­ associations. The saving would be ly taken Til last week, was moved to show at the Play House Thursday, A number of Hermiston high April 19. will do some beautiful In- ter creek. found in the difference between 7 the Pendleton hospital where she will |erprettye rtnnr,* g Besides these school juniors gathered at the home Chamber of Commerce, the State were made by the corn fed lambs and per cent and the rates now paid. Chamber of Commerce, the State the next higher >9.45, by the barley receive medical attention. Mrs. numbers there will be a splendid pro- of Claude Haddox Tuesday night to Don't forget the parade on Main This subject should have consider­ Dairy Association, the Oregon State lot. The wheat lot gains cost >10.26 Smith wil care for the baby during gram and a first-class two reel pic­ make candy for the operetta. street Saturday afternoon at 2:30! able further study by every Interest, her absence. Grange, the various business organ­ and the oats gains >9.73. The cull ture comedy. Remember the date, ed farmer, and if it shall prove to be izations ot the state, and to repre­ lambg gained less, required more hay Mrs. Ed. Hobart and small son are sentatives of the press of the state. April 19. Admission 50 cents, child, Jay Pelmulder returned the first as desirable as it now appears, there and grain per hundred pounds of Mss Inez Beneficd returned Sun­ ren 25 cents.Adv. visiting at the Fox ranch this week. — Columbia Farm Bureau. gain so the gains cost more than the of the week from the Willamette should be no real difficulty in finan­ day from a several weeks’ visit at Mrs. Hobart is a sister of Mr. Fox. Valley where business had taken him. cing such a corporation. By J. H. Reid other lambs. Walla Walla. Mr. C. Williams is visiting at the Hermiston Commercial Club. Rev. J. K. .Mumma, pastor of the home of Charlie Williams. Mr. Wil­ Free Methodist church, will finish By F. V. Prime Marshall Markham and Wesley liams Is planning on an extended his conference year next Sunday and Chaney spent the week-end visiting ylsit through the summer. will leave next Wednesday morning Younger Set Entertains | at Irrigon. for Walla Walla where he will attend The Misses Gertrude Beisse and thn annual conference of that de­ Pauline Morris entertained a num­ Meeting for May Day Parade Mr. and Mrs. H. Walpole and son nomination. Parents wishing to enter their ber of the younger set at a card and Robert were in Umatilla Sunday and children in the May Day Pageant dancing party last Saturday night while there attended the show. Mr. Tabor, who resides in the Co­ parade are requested to meet with at the home of Miss Beisse. Honors in 500 went to Miss Lenore the committee in charge Saturday Beecher Lewis was visiting friends lumbia district, was brought Into Hermiston Wednesday for medical afternoon In the library at 3 P. M. Dyer and Earl Bensel. and relatives in Irrigon Sunday. At the onclusion of the card play­ _____ treatment. While using a knife Mr. All children under school age are The Farm Bureau held Ito regular rab°r In some manner let It slip and asked to enter with some sort of ing dainty refreshments were serv­ ed. i meeting Saturday evening, April 7. cut a rteeP *a"h ln his ,e« Dr> vehicle, both boys and girls. The guests included the Misses Considerable business was tranacted Adams attended the man. Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mrs. W. J. War­ ^nita Paulsen. Zona Bensel. Bernice ner, Com. In spite of the fact that there was i ' _________________ Jackson, Arlouine Robinson, Elea- I a small turnout. A carload of corn John Young, ex-resident and post- Ordinaace M o t be Otaerved I "°r Br£ gs’ Br* « 8’ ! was listed and will be ordered a t ' master of Hermiston, but now resld- l nore Dyer, Mabel Brown, Mary once. The corn will be >36.50 f. e. Ing In Hod River, was in town Wed- The ordinance governing the keep-, Super j ^ g j aekson> Helen Upham. h. Irlgon. They also designated Fri- nesday. Ing of livestock within the city llm- Elyn Eiy Nancy McNaught, Edna day, April 13, as clean-up day for —— — Ito must be observed. There la a Bough, Ethel OriKgB. Irma Buchner? tlM park. Roy Sprague, of Maupin, Oregon, tendency among some people to com- Marjorie Pelmulder and Pauline Voel _____ arrived In Hermiston Wednesday to pletely ignore thia ordinance. Fur- ker The Messrs Donald 8hotwell. Mr. Price, the new county agent, be with his mother who recently suf- ther details of the ordinance will be Norman Rubner, Arthur Rubner. and Prof. Scullen of the Oregon Agri- fered a stroke of paralysis, published in the next issue of The Frank SwayI, Embry Warrlner. Earl cultural College, demonstrated th<- ______ Herald. . Bensel, Lawrence Winslow, Ralph i handling of bees at the Glasgow Julian Morfltt and Napolean ' Longhorn, Howard Reid, Karl Lo- ranchTueeday afternoon. A number! Neadeau were Pendleton visitors on E. R. Crocker Appointed Chief Engi- max, David Ely, Leo Smith, Herbert of bee culluristo took advantage o f ! Tuesday. neer . Haneltne, Craig Percey, Dan Wine- this opportunity to get new pointers j _____ Word has been received of the ap- sett. Vernon Waterman, Wallace on the business. B S. Kingsley Is here from Port- polntment of E. R. Crocker, resident Reid and Ralph Williams, - land this week visiting his son, B. engineer of the Umatilla project, as ___________ George Hendrick and son Ishmad J. Kingsley for a few days. He re- chief engineer ot the Umatilla Rap- Professor A. C. Voelker, principal have rented the McGill and Pat ports the prospects for a bumper fruit Ida Investigation. The appointment of the Hermiston schools last year, places for the season. crop In the valley are godd. comes from Washington. D. C. Mr. and at present occupying a like Crocker has been with the Reclame- position with the Helix school, pre- Miss Margaret Smith of the O. A. Harry Connor made a busine i strip iton service for the last fifteen years sided over the high school division ’ C. will give nutrition lectures and ’to Boardman Tuesday, The enviable record that Mr. Crocher of the county declamatory contest demonstrations at th e auditorium on | , holds in thin line nt work la responsl- held last Friday night at Pendle April 17 and 1). Don't forget the Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Harr motor- bin tor bis eppointn ton. date. ed to Pendleton Saturday. CATCHES HAND IN HAY CHOPPER COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES CLUBS TO FIGHT THE “OLEO” REFERENDUM EXPERIMENT STATION FEEDING RESULTS RESULT OF MAY QUEEN V0TIN6 RURAL CREDIT BILL TO AID SMALL FARMER WASHINGTON OFFICIALS TO VISIT HERMISTON IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS