I ) fT.T A i l ' l y. , 10. Librtn .OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 1923 GARDEN WEEK IS MARKET COMMUNITY CLUB a year ago. Col. McNaught OBSERVED HERE of About near Hermiston decided that if his GIVES LUNCHEON nàighttor, George Strohm, could make Those Eligible for May Queen •‘Three O’cleok in the Morning” llowlng 1 high ' school girls are The following (Sapper's Lyrle for song) eligible to receive votes for queen. The following parody written by You may vote for any*or all of them. Mr. O. G. Sapper and sang to the The bnliot boxes are in the various tune of "Three o’clock In the Morn business houses. Votes are one cent ing-** was rendered by Mise Mabel a success of the hog feeding and apiece. If you bave a favorito place Brown at the grade school enter DISPLAY IS ARRANGED breeding game, he might learn a few MRS. WADE, OF PENDLETON IS her name at the top of the Uet by QUESTION SETTLED AT TUESDAY tainment last Saturday evening. Below we print the standing of the TOK SEPT. 4 of the tricks himself, and that he. voting today.; GUEST OF HONOR MEETING haa succoededein his ambition is the A May Day Pageant Is coming, ' candidates In the voting contest for Mary Addleman, Edna Bokieh, May Queen. conclusion juetifed by the déclara- Beau Mini girls, not few. Ruby Beebe, Gertrude Belsse, Zona Lilt Includes Prizes for Growing AH ton obdKrt Whitman of the Pendle To save the committee the dunning The results given are taken from a BenBel, Irma Buchner, Elda Buhman. An Interesting and Well Rendered count of the votes on Wednesday Eleanor Briggs, Mabel Brown. o * i - Merchants are Azked. to. Refrain ton Packing & Provision Co. that Vote for your girl, wont you. ~Varieties of Flowers and Program is Thoroughly En From Distributing Individ two carloads of hogs from the Mc Shrubbery They're Hermiston girls and we night. gianna Briggs, Orrel Campbell, Mel. joyed By AU ual Calendar* Naught feed yards recently received love them • ______ ba Callahan, Clara Chrletophemon, by .the local qonqern are a boot as And we all know they love you. Alice Cllnrsmitb, Mary Currie, Len Garden Week has accomplished Its j r 0 * l M Have t|r « | bejrp jfrajighpered And if you love dear old Hermis Forty-five ladles attended the ore Dyer. Phyllis Byer, ’Kreta Fox, At last the Community calendar main objective in Hermiston— there here ton, do your bit, wont you. luncheon given by the Community Vldls Fox, Elaine Hunt, Inez Hunt la abundant evidence of new interest Col. McNaugJit purchased about club at the Hermiston hotel Tues Bessie Hammer, Florence Hannan question Is settled. in gaiMening. The prizes offered by 50 head of gilts , a®dj-.sows from Now is the real voting time. On last Tuesday at their luncheon day, The usual reports were given. Clara Hedwall, Bernice Jackson, Lolg the Community club for floral ex Strohm hist season. WtA this brood We’re cajllng, begging. the Commercial club Instructed the Jackson, Rita Loudermilk. 1 May Plans for the Pageant by Mesdames hibits and lawn Improvements have stock he produced something like Please wont you? That will be C. E. Baker and E. J. Kingsley, flow Meyers, Gertrude Mitchell, Pauline calendar committee to order calen met with a hearty response and the 350-head of fat hogs, the first car fine. er show plans, Mrs. Hinkle, federat. Morris, Edith MHtesell, Nancy Mc dars for distribution again this year. Floral Display which the flub will load Which cam / to the Pendle Vote for your choice girl In time, Virtually the methods used last year Naught, Vivian Nation, Anita Paul od clubs by Mrs. O C. Young, and sponsor September 4 promises to bo ton market more than a week since Say that there soon will be a May Mrs. Hanellne reminded the club of sen, Margaret Neary, Marte Pelmul in its Isuance will again govern the a fine feature for Hermiston. Any and the second lot, yesterday. Day Queen. the ml||iriery class to be held at the der, Marjorie Pelmulder, Madge distribution ths year. * resident of Hermiston and vicinity Col. McNaught has out quite an library April 5th from 10 o’clock on. Quick, Virginia Rodda, Georgia There has never been »ny appar is eligible to entry in the contest The acreage of eern »a his sn a k y goar Now vote for your girl at the drug Opal ent :,oppostlon to the calendar but M iss Kniily shotwell sang two beau Reeder, Arloulno Robinson, committee in charge of entries and Hermiston last year/ biij_il)Cf usgd store. tlful numbers with Mrs. Chezik at Sponner, Grace Sklhnerl Florence some of the business man took ex all arrangements pertaining to the corn and barley to top out his red the plailo. The piano duet by Eliza Skinner, Gladys Skinner, Marjorie ception to certain restraints which We all expect you to; display and contest is the club’s beauties. He will have another car For they’re the ones we are work beth Straw and Margaret Waterman Spencer, Lucile Sullivan, Hazel Suth the .more ardent advocates of the standing committee on civic Improve short time, and he now has a big lng for. were exceptionally well rendered. erland, Mary Super, Let® Thomas, calendar argued was necessary in ment whch consists of Mesdames ■vao on the market here with In « Success depends on you. Helen Upham, Gladys Wa/e, Ruth order to make the community calen They played a selection from Grelg’s Shotwell, Briggs, Hinkle, Pelmulder crop of plg3 that will be ready for Expenses are heavy but worth It. dar a success. “Peer Qynt” and for an encore"Ase’8 Woughter. and West. It Is hoped that prepara market next fall. At the present 'Twill be a vonderful day. —- Death.’’ The girls are to be congrat The bone ol contention seemed to tions necessary for competing In rate the colonel will be at qiarkg(- Surely *twl)l make a big hit ulated, not only on the application be idnethfer or not the business men these contests will be made now, ing abaut six carloads of fat hogs So vote (or yonr Queen of May. shown, but in the type of music for of l|prmlston should issue calendars every year. when the planting time is on. which (hey are cultivating a taste. as individuals. Some argued that it S P E C IA L C O R R E SP O N D E N C E Prizes given are those which will “We are securin ga nice lot of FLOWER GROWERS ATTENTION W. V. Prime gave a picture I ■ .waa their privilege If they saw fit to encourage a larger Interest in gar classy hog„ from the Hermiston dis reading on "The Gleaners,” which All interetsed in an outdoor garden do so, while others claimed that by William Graham left for La den work in succeeding years, and trict now," Mr. Whitman declares. was much enjoyed. Mrs. Chezik Grande last Saturday. dolag so the community . calendar club will meet at the library Tues secure a distribution of a variety of “The prices established by the Port, played two piano solos in her usual would not receive the consideration day afternon, April 10, at 2 o’clock plants on the project. The following land market are used as a bane* Or sharp. A tour of Inspection to two pleasing manner and Mrs. S. C. Loch- that ‘it rightfully should^ have. Laura Phipps. Rift Monday fqr W il is the prize list: our dealings. It is less trouble for or three nearby gardens will be ,, xr rle followed with the first paper on lamette. Nevertheless, last Tuesday a vote For best asters, collection at glad th e H erm iston breadar « here a)ke drama. Miss Clara Hall and was called for to ascertain If the com made. ioli; for best perennials, collection than to P o rtlan d , he g ets the sam e Mra. Brownson assl8ted the Paul Stocfcard came home for mittee should be instructed to dup of canna; for best roses, collection net price, and v t get - some-good’ — GUESS IT'S CATCHING mer giving a clever review of Eu extended visit last Tuesday. licate last year’ order of calendars FARM AND HOME WIRELESS of zinnia and aster seed; for best hogs, a good deal for all of us.” (By Mrs. Taylor) gene Walter’s “The Easiest Way,” and all present- voted for the meas READY FOR RURAL OREGON dahlias, collection of perennials; for Col. McNaught’s hogs have weigh and the latter a criticism of Perry A sedate buslnes man of Hermiston Many young folks gathered at the ure. The committee was instructed best zinnias, collection of dahlia e4 out slightly unde/ 20d'pounds.— Mackay’s “The Immigrant stopped before a store window yes Fox home last Sunday to enjoy a pic to carry out the wishes of the club. blubs; for general display of flowers, Tuesday’s Bast OeegMiiart Extension Service 0. A. C. to Brod- terday and reflectively scratched his Mri. Wade of Pendleton, who was nic on the lawn. A new picture will appear upon a set of garden tools; for window or cast News and Information to the chib’s guest of honor. In her talk, head. “Say,” he burst out, '’I’ve the calendar this year to take the porch box, a collection of potted Dr. Prime Acknowledges Communica- Citizens in the Country was enthusiastic in her praise of the bien to Hitt's and their voting there, There will be a farm bureau meet place of the U. S. Reclamation build plants; for best improve dyard dur- J i ‘/""i T tion plans and work of the Hermiston ing at the school house Saturday ing which was the subject last year. and here at Mitchell's their doing shrubbery. As president of the Commercial t"'2 V club. The meeting adjourned with night. again! First thing I know, I’m Farm, home and other rural com Contestants in the improved yard club I beg to acknowledge the letter the singing of America. going to get excited about this.” contest must report entry to the signed ”A Citizen” directed to me Reoeve License Money v munity news will be broadcast over And that’s about the way It’s act O. O. Felthouse wgs called to Walla Oregon by the Extension service from committee before April 17, that the stating their appreciation, with ac I A check for a little less than 323,- ing on everyone. No matter how Walla last Monday on account of the the O. A. C. radio station at Corvallis lawns or yards may be inspected at companying suggestions as to more Baptist Church 000 has been received at the office aloof they started out to be, the vot death of his brqthe.r in that city. this tlibe. beginning Monday, March 28. Farm space for certain data on the com of the county treasurer as Umatilla ing virus Is insidiously sapping Her. Thq Baptist church was well filled A number of club members have munity calendar. county's share qf the license money beginning Monday, March 26 and mlston’s most dignified residents of last Sunday morning to listen to the Miss Verna Locke was visiting signified a willingness to share an We assure you that we welcome for automobiles paid in between No each week thereafter until they give their feeling of splendid Isolation. over-supply of seed with less fortu your criticism and suggestions In Easter program given by the mem friends In Columbia district Sunday. vember 22, 1922 and March 15 of further notice, and tune up nt 360 Up to (he day voting .started there nate neighbors. These seed will be the spirit that It was wrttten.r,Wo bers of the Sunday school and to hear meters for the Oregon Agricultural were reported to be several “sure Mr. and Mrs. Paulsen and daugh this year. Thls payment represents college KFDO air service. taken to the library at the club meet, arq desirous of putting oufe^eauindar the beautiful Easter sermon that fol. one-fourth of the sum paid in loss bets,” but the moment the little blue ing April 17 for distribsticrr. Any that wHl be useful td those who re lowed. The Sunday school Is In ters Anita and Frances, returned Short talks on farm topics and on slips began to drop into the ballot chargee of admistratinn. Amounts creasing steadily both in Interest and from Portland the first of the week. who wish may respond in this help ceive them. However these forms paid In durin gtfie period for licenses nutrition and home Improvements, boxes, dark horses began to creep numbers, having more than reached ful way;---- ------- . are made by a. calendar house which" was about 3102,000. The sum re and brief bulletins on seasonal and up and “off again, on again” was the ¡ the goal set for themselves some time A group of young people enjoyed put out many thousands of same and cejvecL is greater than the same per. emergency waiters of lntereet to slogan from then on. School Children Give Interesting Ex- doubt very much our ability to get ago— one hundred members by Eas Easter Sunday at the home of Helen lod of last year by almost 35.000 ac growers, will be featured. Announ- Buslnes houses on both sides of the hihtion them to enlarge upon It without hav ter, In the evening a large audi Bennett. cment of (he service will be made by track have been placarded, and post cording to H. H. DeHart, treasurer. ence was present to hear the first of Quite a large crowd gathered in ing our own composition form which Paul V. Marls, director of the exten ers, banners and stunts are liable to East Oregonian. front of the Oregon hotel last Friday would of necessity cause a great in a series of sermons on the second The millinery elas will meet at sion service, and occasional notices meet one at every turn before the afternoon to witness the physical crease in the present expense. We coming of Christ. Rev. Davis will Mrs. J. H. Reid’s all day Tuesday and will be given of Important weather 16th. Mabel Brown sang a Pageant tralnng drll put on by the Hermston are pleased, nevertheless, to make deliver the second sermon on this Wednesday, the regular club session Notice to Masons and crop conditions, market reports, campaign eong during the entertain subject next Sunday evening at 7:30, schools. Guy Finch, of The Dallea, Masonic community gatherings and like mat these suggestions tb our calendar being Wednesday. A1 members to ment at the Bchool house Saturday taking as the basis of his address, The high school boys drilled under house that they might Improve their bring lunch, the coffee being furn instructor for thia district, will visit ter. evening. The tune was the famil The Metal Image. This Is a subject the direction of Mr. Arnold Gralapp forms in the future. !; Hermiston Masonic Lodge No. 138, ished by Mrs. Reid. “This new type of service will be iar one of "Three O’clock In the all are interested In and Mr. Davis their physical director. Each com Dr. F. V. Prime, Wednesday, April 11. Special meet of epeclal Interest to farmers and Morning” but the words were brand mand given was executed with mili Pres. Hermiston Commercial Club. .will have something to say that will The children of Columbia school ing. Refreshments served. other rural citizens who enjoy liter new and were written by Otto Sap be well woyth while for you to hear. tary precision demonstrating differ A, W. Agnew, Secretary were tested by two Pendleton doc ary and musical programs over their per. These are catchy and are be Miss Emily, Shotwell will sing. Come ent movements of the body that tend tors last Wednesday. The school receiving sets,” says Mr. Marie. ing published elsewhere In the Her end hear her. to promote health and quick think ♦ was found as a whole to be very Stated comunlcatlon of Queen Es- '“We hope it will be a welcome addl. ald. ♦ ing. good. J theit Chapter, O. E. S,, next Tuesday tlon to their radio service and make * O .A .C . FARM REMINDERS « In response to several requests the A phonograph was placed on the ,J Methodist Church night. Degree. By order of Wor their receiving sets more Interesting Herald Is publishing a list of the veranda of the hotel and the grade thy Matron. Watch Your Laurels Bakersfield Sunday sihool at 10 o’clock and girls In the high school. This Is and valuable.” pupils with Mr. A.E. Bensel as in Crab Apples H it by Seab moi*ning worship at 31. Epworth done to assist those not in close A man who registered at the Ore A good many farmers and others structor, exercised to music. It was Apple scab causing patches on :tl» j League at 7:30. Next Sunday the gon hotel last Friday is responsible A. V. Gulllland has purchased a outside of the larger centers of pop touch with school affaire but desln- lnteresttpg to watch the tots of the eaves and fruit, attacks crab apples newi Cole 8. According to reports ulation are said to have receiving ous of voting In tho contest. The lower grades go through the drill. causing the leaves and small fruit to services will be In keeping with the for the following anecdote; “I got Mti.j Gulllland will leave soon for a sets, and still others are planning Herald Is also taking a personal In anniversary of Dedication Day with On board the train at The IMlloA They were quiet and orderly at all drop. The use of a iimq-eulfur spray rtpi to South America. lie will to Install them soon. terest In the battle, as shown In an times and seemed to thoroughly en (1-30) just as soon as the cluster appropriate music. The choir 1 h do When the conductor eanie a round tq drive to Portland and ship his car ing splendid work and the music offer appearing this week. collect the tickets I asked him when joy each moment of the exhibition The 0. A. C. sendlag radius Is good ■ buds have opened so os to expose the rendered Easier Sunday was beauti we would arrive In Hermiston. We to gome point In the above named Mrs. Earl Kingsley, vote manager. The station is broadcasting two or tiny blossom buds in the center 1» ful. Monday, April 9 Is Clean-up ate due In the oil fields at 5:25 he country. Is posting the votes each night at three evenings a week at about 7:30 Grade School Entertainment Success recommended. Another application headquarters, the drug store, and A large and appreciative audience of the spray Is made Just before tho day with dinner In the evening. exclaimed.,r Thus we are aware to 8:30 or • P- nt. The program Don’t forget the Sunday school In you may vote there, also at Hltt’e or 1 rs Ada Ronesnn and Mrs. R. A. that our oil drilling operation« have gathered in Jthe high school auditor- buds actually open. This will prev from March 26 until changes are an Siseel'e. e were Pendleton visitors Mon nounced will be as follows: t-m last Saturday night, the erent ent tho attach of the scab and give a stitute April 18. Harry A Wann, extended beyond the city limits of Hermiston. day; being the grade school entertain Chance for clean fruit to set If prop pastor. Monday, farm and rural commun Can In» Flra Guard. ment given for the purpose of pur erly followed up by the latter sprays ity news; Tuesday, miscellaneous You've been In garages and chasing a phonograph for their use On susceptible varieties of apples matters; Wednesday, college music, In physical training. beginning at about 8; sometimes on those signs which read, “No Smoking.” these two scab sprays are absolutely Mechanics and customers standing un Both teachers and children are to. necessary for beet result,, and great Friday, phonograph records. der the sign light cigarettes. Out In be congratulated fqr the manner In est profite. These two applications a New Jeraey garage there Is one of which they presented the show. Ö. II. Warner, of Boardman, was those signs. However, the personnel of scab sprays are also file most ef A unique feature of, the show waa fective sprays for mildew. of the place contains one Individual a Hermiston visitor Wednesday. who sees to It that careless smokers the stunts pulled advertising various cause n<> damage. firms In the city. Each child or Corn makes a good crop for hogg Mr. and Mrs. August Belsse end If a »(ranger to the garage should group of children came upon the ing down. Hogs fatten in good family were In Pendleton Sunday to drop a cigarette on the floor he would stage with articles sold by the firm shape by this method and labor Is attend the sperlal services held in be atartled to aee a |>ollce dog rush at which they represented and with w e l(rreatly An aCTe COrn the Presbyterian church of that city hla feet. The average person to whom chosen words conveyed to the au di-, y,e,d,og 40 bushels to the acre will for the Knights Templar». Mr. thia happens Jumps Into, under or on ienee the merits of said article». j feed 20 shofes weighing J25 pounds top o f'the nearest car, and la astound Belsse Is a member of the order. During the course of the evening! 15 dayg ed to see that the animal la paying no attention to him, but Is furiously the lights went out caused by d e-1 feetve wires somewhere in the build The Henry Hitt house being con stamping on the cigarette etub with ita Swine can be fattened <m garbage paw«. ing, b u t. this served iu no way to from the Cities and fawns. Avoid ' structed on Mein street by contrac When he la satisfied It la out ha am dampen the ardor of either the per- FUC[, M may contain broken glass or ' tor Ed. Haugeberg, Is rapidly pro bles back to hla corner to lie with hla formers or audience. Other lights | washing powders gressing. According to reports the nose on a tire until the next cigarette were procured and the performance residence will cost In the neighbor Is dropped.—From a New York Letter continued. ... . , . hood of 36000 when completed. In the Pittsburgh Dispatch. One ton per acre increase In alfalfa ' yields obtained from applications oft : Transfer! sulfur fertilizers ha» made It possible Cleut-ap Day Obaerved Mrs. J. C. Ballenger waa brought Horace O. Newport to Nettie L. to keep owe more sow per acre, re- to this city last Saturday from Clean-up day was observed in Her Goodman, 310.3ft Lot 7, Mock 4; a Malheur valley dairyman. < Boardman to consult a local doctor. miston last Wednesday. Men, wom Newport's addition to Hermiston. 1 Mr«. Ballenger has been 111 for some en and children aided In the cam H. B. H itt te Wilbur W. Ulsley. A new mimeograph on the prog time. paign. As a result trash and debris 310.00 Lota 2 and E, 35 feet of lot Iren of sulfur inventlgatlone In Ore- of all kinds have been removed from 4, Hermiston. goa Is now available from the O. A. t Hazel Wolfe, little daughter of alleys and vacant lots. The town «•dt «I—— ’ n- C. Experiment station and a derailed' I Mr. and Mr«. H. C. Wolfe of Irrigon, looks one hundred per cent better. A power driven track sweeper report o f experiments Is bring pre- was hostess at an Easter party at her Let’s strive to keep It in this condi epn up and loads Into ears the la Millet la ton». ,f* j home Saturday afternoon, March 31. tion. accumulated dirt—Chiefly elude»», Various games a.->d refreshments were I 1 1 aabes and dust— w ^ k , fowl» j Auction Sole enjoyed by all. Among those Invlt Columbia Farm Bureau will hold the rood »her» poaker Jocoino-1 Hess and Little will sefl 10 head ed were: Claradee Grover, Eliza- a meeting at the school house Sat- tlvee are It operated at ab ou t,o f rows Saturday. April T. at t ft. n> bet h Grover, Doehla Oraybeal, Vlr- urday evening. In addition to dla- four mile« an hour nod cute tko-ooo : MJ0 h«*d at Dairy « Hog Show dle Leach, Lucy Wadsworth, Helen cuselng the "oleo” bill there will be -half whey« hand-tabor wm for j yards. 10 I» Beanett. aoctloper. Laraereaug. Anna McCarthy, Ruth I a vaudeville stunt put on In the way Doble, Vo#» J obos , J um Knight, ' m »»tertgfament footor«. COMMITTEE TO ORDER CALENDARS RESULT OF MAY QUEEN V0TIN6 nom ■ COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES Arouline Robinson - - - - 212 Leta Thomas - 202 Lucille Sullivan - - - - - 120 Melba Callahan - - - - - 100 Nancy McNaught ...................... 57 Margaret Neary - .......................47 Mary Addleman - ...................... 40