$ Used Cars $ Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. • 'Tíust tn mieli ynu a íflrrrg (Chrtahnaa ¿mil a Ifappy ani» Prnaprrm u Nrtu $rar. : ; : §>appna’ «Uttr. : : : 3 We have some exceptional bar­ gains to offer. wishes you - A Merry Christmas Come in and look them over. and a Happy Prosperous New Year H. T. F raser F. C. M c K enzie The Hermiston Auto Co. No Farming Locality in Northwest is More Prosperous Than Our Alfalfa Belt Hay Next Year Will be Good Price BUY ONE OF OUR SNAPS Real Estate--All Kinds Some Good Trades Offered We Will Open Year With Campaign for Business E. P. D O D D Wliat Better IS A fter th a t big Christmas dinner Than a Good Cigar? Get him a box for Christmas Hermiston, Oregon Cigars, Oigarettes and Tobaccos Special Holiday Supply No Christmas is Complete Without the Meat Order THE CITY MEAT MARKET Can supply you with any and every kind We extend you the Season’s Greetings Sikey & Henderson. Props. -y H. E. Hitt IMAGINATION and VISION i a # ? « > '»-j - The story teller's fancy created Hop-o’- My-Thumb and the seven-league boots— the step of twenty-one miles was the limit of his imagination. Accomplishment as wonderful as the imagery of the fairy tale has followed the vision of Alexander Graham Bell— the instantaneous transmission of the human voice a few feet or thousands of miles. The seven-league hoots exist only in the minds of "the little folks.” Over 33,000,000 conversations a day in the United States testify to the value and im­ portance of the telephone in the elimina­ tion of distance in the social and business activities of a nation. Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company Get th m a R ox of Cigars for Christmas, Or get Her a Box of Candy. IVe have a nice Assortment of Christ­ m as Candies, Mixed Nuts, Cigars and Cigarettes. Look over our Line of Fancy S ta tio n e r y P . B. S1SCEL.