T H E HBBMISTOH TrwKAlD. HERMISTON, QlhEGOIf. W e have fe w F A R M A C C O U N T BOOKS left If you did not get yours ask for it BOARDMAN^SENIORS GRADUATE TONIGHT CLOSING EXERCISES IN PRO GRESS THIS WEEK THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON Hermutoa, Oregon FIRE INSURANCE Hay Fire Insurance Automobile Insurance Accident Insu Life Insurance Surety Bonds and Safety Deposit Boxes breth Are Graduates; 0 . A. C. Edna Broyles, W ilma and Leroy Gil- Professor to Speak Boardman, Ore., May 28— At a special Bchool board meeting a few days ago Miss Stella Gunter of Shel NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of by, Montana, was offered the posi Oregon /for Umatilla County, In tion of teacher of the fifth and sixth the Matter of the Estate of George grades for next year, arrangements A. Cressy, deceased. made to Improve the walk leading to Notice is hereby given that the the school building with a layer of undersigned has been appointed executrix of the last will and testa gravel and cinders, and permission FOR SALE ment of George A. Cressy, deceased, given to close class room work on and has qualified as the law directs. Wednesday of next week. FOR SALE— Young team horses, All persons having claims against Wednesday night was senior class weight 2800. Will sell cheap. Ho said estate are required to present gan Miller. 35-tfc. the same to me or my attorney, W. night. Thursday night commence J. Warner at his office In Hermiston, ment, with the address "The Call of I have for sale one team of mares, Oregon with proper vouchers within Civilization" by Prof. N. H. Cornish a good set of harness, your choice six months from the date hereof. Dated this 8th day of May. 1922. of O. A. C. There are three graduates, of two farm wagons and a Chevrolet Edna Broyles and Wilma and Leroy Augusta R. Cressy 490 chassis with 1922 license. The Executrix. Gilbreth. outfit can be seen at Irrigon. Will S5-5tc. sell all or part. The program follows: ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE W. R. Walpole. 35-3tc Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday, Notice is hereby - - given that the I May 21. fOR SALE-—40 acres, partly Im senior class night, Wednesday, proved Terms, W, A. Leathers. undersigned has been appointed ad- 25-tfc. ministratrix of the estate of Fred A. j ,ay 24 (Phelps deceased, by the County Court Plano solo ................Lorely— Seeling r0 R SALE— Solid Oak living room 1 !ni of Umatula Mrs E. E B. n v r a w to r u Oregon. Mrs. set in first class condition. Mrs. E. I i i m . i n , i . . County, , , , x A ll' . 1 Mrs- “ • Crawford erzvturu R. Crocker. 36-2tp. (Persons having claims against said Women ln Business ......Edna Broyles ----------------- -— ---------------------------- estate are notified to present same Plano golo ........ Valse Chromotlque— 'OOD MILCH COW FOR SALE— duly verified, to me at my place of Godaud ................... Mrs. Guy L. Lee »80. F. B. Pennock. 36-3tp _________________ __ residence. residence, at at Hermiston. Hermiston, Umatilla The Surviva, of the Fittest ................... Wilma Gilbreth •OR SALE— A Tweet toned upright County- OreS°n- within six months piano $185 Inquire at this office. from the date of this notice Quartette ................. Lltle Boy Blue— 34-9tp, Dated April 27, 1922. P ark s......Mesdames Lee, Crawford, Leila A. Phelps. Goodwin, Miss McNeil. OR SALE— Good saddle mare. Iron Administratrix of the estate of Piano Duet _____ ____ Celle— Philie Age potato digger, Moline riding Fred A. Phelps, deceased. 33-5tc. Belle Packard, Ethel Broyles cultivator. I. M. Allen, Echo, Ore. Commencement, May 26th. 6-3tp. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Piano Duet .......... Carless Elegance— Department of the Interior, U. S. Scheiffauth Mrs. Lee, Miss Runner 'OR PALE— Mower, rake, low wheel Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, Address ......The Call of Civilization wagon, spring tooth harrow. Dr. May 6, 1922. Prof. in N. . n H. . vwnusu Cornish Notice is hereby given that Chrit- ....................... rror. Peed. 36-2tp. topher D. Bruun, assignee of Pearl presentation of Diplomas W O. King A. Straw, of Portland, Oregon, who a .. , . . _____ M OR SALE— No. 1 grade milch cow. on January 6, 1910, made Desert Awarding of Honors ......M B . Signs Inquire this office. Bert Shaw, Land Entry, No. 07485, for N%SE\4 [Vocal Duet ........Where the Warbling and Section 22, Township 4 North, Range Waters Flow— Richards ,...Mr. **" “"*• 36-3tp. 28 East, Willamette Meridian, has Mrs. Guy L. Lee, accompanist Miss OR SALE— Stubblefield stacker, filed nolice of Intention to make Fin Runner. McCormich new Big 4 mower, good al proqf under the act of March 4, 1915 to establish claim to the land shape. Will sell cheap. F. W. An above described, befote United States HERMISTON STEPS ON ECHO drews, Echo, 36-4tp Commissioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 27th day of June, 1922. (Continued from Page One) Claimant names as witnesses: OR SALE— 2 bred Duroc Sows, Elmer P. Dodd, Harry M. Straw good ones. Z. Pumphrey. 37-2tp. and Jacob L. Stork of Hermiston and was similar to the one here. The los James B. Beebe of Stanfield, Oregon. ers got an early lead which was over, 3R SALE— 2nd hand furniture In Carl G. Helm, corns and passed late ln the game. quire Chezik’s store. 37-tfc. 35-6tc. Register. The score was tied two to two In the IVALID’S CHAIR for sale cheap. seventh. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION „ In good shape. Mrs. J. A. Scott. Stanfield A ll Alone 37-4tp. Department of the Interior, U. S. Stanfield now has six defeats and Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, May 6, 1922. no victories. It is reported that she MISCELLANEOUS Notice is hereby given that Joseph will have some new players next Ganong, assignee of Stella A. 15 REWARD for recovery of set of W. week and will make an effort to stop carpenter tools stolen from J. Sko- Dodd, of Hermiston, Oregon, who, on Echo. Hermiston will go to Umatilla 26, 1913, made Desert Land vbo warehouse near depot and con March Entry, No. 011830, for S ^ S E li, for a game that will again occupy viction of thief. Branded I. X. Y., Section Township 4 North, Range the attention of the league. The three and also W. W. 37-4tp 28 East, 22, Willamette Meridian, has teams are again tied and Echo should L. HALL Transfer. Call Knerr’s filed notice of intention to make Fin. win next week. The other two will al proof under the act of March 4, 12-tfc. 1915, to establish claim to the land garage. Phone 152. have to fight It out at Umatilla. above described, before United States Umatilla has beaten Hermiston twice, SHOP—Gates TIRE Commissioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, LLIOTT’S but will have to play ball to take 62-ltc. on the 27th day of June, 1922. tires. another for the hoys are hitting their Claimant names as witnesses: Elmer P. Dodd, Harry M. Straw IE feeling or security is well worth the premium paid. How about and Jacob L. Stork of Hermiston and that Fire Insurance? See the E. James B. Beebe of Stanfield, Oregon. Carl G. Helm, P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc S5-6tc. Register. j. IE O. L. BENNETT for Auction NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION eering. 26-tfc. Department of the Interior, U. S. fPEWRITER ribbons and carbon Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, paper at the Herald office. April 21, 1922. Notice is hereby given that Henry JDING machine rolls at the Herald who. on January 2, 1919 made, Rec- office. J. Belscamper. of Hermiston, Oregon, lamation Homestead Entry, No 019- 469. for Farm Unit “A or Lot 1 of IEG0N COUNTY AGENTS ARE SW14, Section 32, Township 5 North, AMONG BUSIEST OF MEN Range 29 East. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three-year Proof, to erage Agent Has 1500 Office Calls claim to the land above beforo United States Commissioner in a Year; Holds 118 Meet at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 13th in gs; W rites 1160 Letters day of June. 1922. Claimant names as wi‘ne’'£ V ,nw Frank Beddow, George Beddow Do farmers use the county agents? Otto Heini. Willard W. Felthouse all hat do they want when they visit of Hermiston. Oregon. Carl G. Helm. e county agent? Register. The average county agent in 1921 ted 1500 calls at his office, made -SOMETHING TO THINK 6 farm visits, held or participated ABOUT” HERE SUNDAY 118 meetings, and wrote 1160 let- WANT ADS A vivid story with a theme Some light Is thrown on what the ■mere want by noting the activit- ing out in striking contrast to "Why Change Your Wife.” "Male and Fe in the office of W. B. Tucker, ent of Crook county in January, male." "Don't Change Your Hus »ok county has fewer than 600 band” and any of his previous suc cesses marks "Someth.ng to Thing •mere all told. About,” Cecil B. De Mile's big Para There were 150 visitors during the mount picture which will he shown »nth and the information they de at the Play House next Sunday. ed was along the following lines: The idea of right thinking furnish callers asked for information on es the basic idea for the story. In tato culture, 15 in regard to land ,he early scenes the quaint rural lues, 10 for coyote poison, 22 In- characteristics of Luke Anderson, a rmatlon on dairy topics, 18 on tlacksmith. and his daughter Ruth, lere seed of good quality can be have a rollicking humor that is cap- rchased. 12 on poultry husbandry, tiviatlngly presented. When the about agricultural magazines, 12 daughter, already engaged to a rkh 1 growing sugar beets, 7 on dairy young man of the nethborhood. elopes irns, 8 on rabbit poisoning, and 10 with Jim Dirk, a handsome newcom i general cropping system«. er. the clouds of tragedy gather In Malheur county, L. R. Breith- ipt, agent, spent 18 days in the of- quickly. Then a series of swift climaxes de- ce and 13 days on the farms of the s.nty. Two hundred thirty persons Velope In rapid succession until will died at the office for personal as- power brings with it the restoration stance; 160 personal letters were of the heroine's happiness through 1 rltten in answer to specific1 re the instrumentality of her little nests: 32 circulars. Including 2153 iples, were mailed to farmers of the WANTED—-JACK RABBIT m W D„ you want to sell rabbit skins. mnty: 10 meetings were held, one w a discussion of plans on each line If so writs to Theodore Handman. f work being carried on. The altend- 144 Coleridge Street, San Francisco, nce at these meetings was 94 5. Sev. for he wants to buy them, so he n other meetings were participated writes to C.I. Barr of the Pendle », which were attended by 2019 ton Commercial association, it does not seem a very favorable time of arniem. Wherever there Is a county agent the year for the fur business, hot we here Is activity of a substantial and give the Information for whatever it may be worth. elpful nature. AB B H H. Todd 3b............. ............ 4 9 3 Mittelsdorf cf. ... 2 Voyen lb. ...----- 1 Shesley c. .....— 1 Durfey ss............. 0 Culver p......- ..... 0 Longhorn If......... 1 L. Todd 2b........... • H. Waterman rf. 7 Total .............. Echo AB It 0 Markham cf ........... — ...... 5 ...... 5 0 .......4 • • G Mitchell 3b............. .......4 .......4 ' 1 1 F. Hoskins lb ............... .......4 • L Mithell B8............... .......4 .......4 .......4 0 T n tn l .......... ................ 3 Summary: Base on balls 3, off Culver none wild pitch, King 1; 2 base hits, Voyen; struck out by King 15, by Culver 8; hit by pitcher, by King 3, by Culver 1. •THE LITTLE MINISTER.” TO SHOW HERE SATURDAY Noted Scotch Story W ill Also Be at Umatilla Friday; Story is Absorbing One For rare beauty of background few pictures that have been screened this season can equal the picture version of Sir J. M. Barrie's, "The Little Minister,” which Penryhn Stanlaws, the artist-director, produced for Par amount with Betty Compson in the role of "Lady Babbie,” made famous on the stage by Maude Adams. The picture, which will be shown at Umatilla Friday and Hermiston Saturday, gives many views of the pictureque village of "Thrums," (Kirriemuir, Scotland) Barrie's birthplace, in contrast with the fam ous Rlntoul Castle, built after the style of the old Norman Castles« with high ceilings, stone mullloned and leaded glass windows, high arch es and huge stone stairways. In the village the homes of the poor weav ers are shown as well as the town hall and kirk. The lookout scenes, taken on top of Mount Hollywood, al so present delightful silhouette studies. The story is an absorbing one and deals with the daughter of a Scot tish Lord Rlntoul, who plays the part of a gypsy girl and whose in- cogntto is revealed only after a series of thrilling events take place. George Hackathorne is the leading man and heads a large and capable supporting company. IN THE MATTER OF THE INCLU SION OF ADDITIONAL LANDS WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE WEST EXTENSION IR RIGATION DISTRICT the acreage of the land described be low, all of which are shown on the plats on file In the office of the Project Manager of the U. S. Recla T R A N S F E R mation Service. Hermiston. Oregon and located In Morrow County, Ore gon: PHONE 152 Farm Unit "A", or that portion of the E ttE ttS E > 4. Sec. 14 Twp. 4 L e a v e o rd e rs a t North. Range 25 E. W. M. north of he Main Canal. Farm Unit “B”, or that portion of the W ^ E ^ S E K . Sec 14. Twp. 4 North, Range 25 E. W. M. north of the Main Canal. Farm Unit "C". or that portion of ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the W% SEU , Sec. 14. Twp. 4 ■ ■ North, Range 25 E. W. M. north of ■We Give S. 4 H. Trading Stamps* the Main Canal. Farm Unit "A", or that portion of the EH NEU Sec 20, Twp. 4 North, Range 25 E. W. M, north of he Main Canal. Farm Unit "B”, or that portion of the W 14NEU, Sec 20. Twp. 4 North, Range 25 E. W. M. north of the Main Canal. All of the N W tf, Sec. 23, Twp, 4 North, Range 24 E. W. M. That approximately all of said lands are susceptible of irrigation, and your petitioners propose that they be Included within the bound aries of the West Extension Irriga tion District. Our new brick shoe store is now open WHEREFORE ycur petitioners witl a new tine of goods. See us for pray that said lands be Included with in the boundaries of the West Exten SHOE REPAIRING sion Irrigation District. Perry A. Heater, Sr, OAK TAN SHOE STORE Perry A. Heater, Jr. l a m R o d s a rw , P r o p . Ambrose C. Partlow Walter G. Cohoou John H. PrtUer Sam T. Shell George E. Mefford Edward Ktinze Claude Myers State of Montana ss. Coal, $1 per ton County of Sanders Wood, $1 per cord THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the 26th day of April, 1922, before me, Trunks and Moving the undersigned, a Notary Public in W ill M a k e O u t a ld a T r ip e and for the State of Montana per sonally appeared Perry A. Heater, Sr. J. H. SC H R A M and Perry A Heater, Jr. to me known Elliott’s Tire Shop. Phone 192 to be the Individuals described in and who executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same as their free and voluntary act and deed for the pur- ( poses therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have SEE hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written. W. A. Barto, Notary Public for Montana My Commission expires March 10, 1924. Stale of Oregon cs. County of Morrow -F O R - THIS IS TO CERTIFY that on the 12th day of May, 1922, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public In and for the State of Oregon, personal ly appeared Ambrose C. Partlow, Walter G. Cohoon, John II. Pruler, Sam T. Shell, George E. Mefford, Ed ward Kunze, and Claude Myers, to me known to be the individuals describ .nJ ed in and who executed the attached petition, and acknowledged tJ me that they executed the same as theli free and voluntary act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal the day and year first above written. C. G. Blayden, Notary Public for Oregon. My Commission expires Nov. 14th, 1923. The above Petition will be heard by the Board of Directors of the West Extension Irrigation District at their regular meeting at Hermiston, Ore HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK gon on June 6, 1922. Chas E. Glasgow, See'y. Knerr’s Garage Truck Hauling bination of pure carbonate o f lead and oxide o f zinc, ground in refined linseed oiL Qual ity paints throughout Cheap paint is never satisfactory, the colors fade quickly, the paint wears off. Start right. Use the B -H kind straight through the job from priming coat to finished surface, and y o u ’ll g et a lastin g fin ish that is th e beat insurance for a n y w o o d w o rk . M a d e for o v t i 60 yeerv b v t ha " — v i.—. . . p a in t C o. o f San F ta n rta c o R a io g - n lte d e ve ry w h e re as th s . -P a in ts of F _____ (JERMISTON LODGE NO 138. A. F. • A. M . Pl mevt* in Miuunic Ball on First and Third Tueaday evening* ol each month. Vi.ilieg breth ren welcome. . _ _ . _ __ E. D. Dungan, Seer. _____ A. F. Bel«««. W. M 1/IN EY A R D LODGE NO. 21«. l . O . O- F. v meet» each M .riday evening in Odd Fellow* hall. V l.itlng member. cordially invited. W.R. Longhorn. Sec. A. Buhman. N. O. RECLAMATION LODGB Ne. 1 « . K. of P . meets each Thu m t ay .v .n in g in Mack's Hall, at 7:30 P. M. Vialttas brother* cordially invited. W. H. McMillan R. A. Bruwuon, K. R. and 8. C. C. PROFESSIONAL CARDS U R . R. G. G A L E P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e » *« Office—Gladys Ave. near First b i. Office Hours: 2 to 5; 7:90 to 9. Phone M l D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S PhyurUa and Surge«» Eyes treat p -1, tested and Glasses Fitted Office over First National Bank OFFICE PHONE. 92 RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 Offise Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 JO p. n . Day or night calls ai.nweied promptly DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Office over First National Bank Osteopathy A FULL UNE ® ■ D E N T IS T R Y Dental X-Ray and Diacnoeis P e n d le to n , O r e .J I■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Office Phone. M Residence Phono 761 Bank Bldff. Hermiston. Oregon kW. J . W A R N E R attorney at law H E R M IS T O N . O KKOON J. D . Z Ü R C H E R JL A W V K R Stanfield - • UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL Well and Modernly Equipped Special Rates in Maternity Caaea Miss Nell tendent. Kaminerlin, superin Edwards Building M c K enzie & lieuallen EYE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT H u removed from hi* former location In the Bond Bids, to Room. I. 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bid«. PENDLETON : OREGON O ptometrist ,nid optician cAmericiiVr Yiitiotuil Rml\ phono 60.9 - ffçndlctnn Ortf. DR. RAY LOGAN, Fhysican and Surgeon Umatilla. Oregon F . I). W A T T S , M . D . EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT H. Robinett, Prop. Heraisten, Ore. Special attention'to the fitting of leneee. Seeing ie believing. We Want Your Cream And will pay the high est market price. We have nothing but quality butter for the consumer. Every pound guaranteed. Hermiston Creamery Office over Taylor Hardware T h e F r e n c h R e s ta u r a n t BAKERY **J CONFECTIONERY EleKantly Fum i.hed Room, in Connection STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hohbach Bros., Proprietors Pendleton, Oregon A. D. CROSLAND Pendleton and Umatilla Stage LEAVE 8:00 12:00 4:00 Pendleton 9:15 1:15 6:18 Echo 9:30 1:35 5:35 Stanfield 9:55 1:55 6:55 Hermiston Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 8:15 6 SON LEAVE 8:00 12:00 4:00 Umatilla 8:20 12:20 4:20 Hermiston 8:45 12:45 4:46 Stanfield 9:00 1:00 6:00 Echo Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 8:15 A l l L in e s o f T r a n s fe r TWO TRIPS SUNDAY W. B. Beasley TWO trucks QUICK SERVICE Phone Sitcel’t Phone 785 193 I haul anything that can be moved ip.«. JVo n,*W o f K oU * no pain continu* work. Ask to Me Olo^vnl. Fil, Treatment. CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Delicious Wholesome Confectionery Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaving Umatilla 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Phone 888 722 Cottonwood We Deliver Parcels at Way Pointa Calk Answered All Hours Piles P re Í ief ?T * Legal ûuaraatee Giverv^ Tasty Stationery For Women P A R IS P e n iO e t o n to l e b « . 8 1 .0 0 P e n d l e t o n «o O ta n Z te ld , 0 1 .2 8 P o n d le t o n «o M o r m l.t O B , S I.IO P e n d l e t o n t o U m o t l l l o , 0 1 .7 1 Station at Hotel Oregon and Hotel Hermiston MITCHELL DRUG CO. W ATCHES are a necessity, especiaily when irrigating W IIY N O T buy a good one now and have the satisfaction of knowing what time it is. WM. H. OGDEN JEWELER and WATCHMAKER SAPPERS’ INC. Oregon Pendleton. Oregon g Phene 139 2 0 8 8 . O c u r t S t. P H O N R O R ia O N H A R O W A R B No. 48 Surgery ÜR. F. V . P R IM E I TRANSFER Medicine Calls answered at all hours Office phone 661 Residence phone 7U GUNS AMMUNITION Mian» I Kathryn L. Garner. Sac. H IT T To the Honorable Board of Directors of the West Extension irrigation District: Your petitioners represent as fol- ■J. L . V A U G H A N S ows: That they are the holders of title, ■ E L E C T R I C F I X T U R E S ■ A N D A P P L IA N C E S J >r evidence of title, to a majority of ■ The right foundation for successful painting is B-H Paints—permanent pigments, a base consisting of a com LODGE DIRECTORY E. U H A L L stride with some fast ball. The lineup here: Hermiston New» »land Cigar» and Tobacco ~ l--------BTTi HITS H o r m l t t . i l , O ro R O n " G IF T S T H A T L j l S T ' '