THE H BSM lgT O y H-EBALP, HERMISTON, OBEOOlf. t. K auetton sale on the Arnold Buhman or old Sprague place one and a half miles west and a half mile south of Hermiston. The sale will be held on Donald Shotwell has been sick the March 6, 1922, commencing at 1 p. past few days. m. O. L. Bennett will be auctione er and F . B. Swayze clerk. The Fred Callahan family are on The Misses Lucile Myers^Lena An the sick list drews and Gladys Tate, who have been visiting at the home of Miss Mr. Murphy of Stanfield was in Myrtle Sllvey left for their home in Hermiston Tuesday. Wasco Monday. Hermiston Locals PLA Y H O U SE T H E A T R E Tuesday, M arch 7 GOVERNOR DAVIS of Idaho Nida Patrick entertained a few of ! Herbert Sullivan arrived in Herm. her friends Saturday evening. iston Sunday. Under Auspices of Hermiston Lyceum Committee »tins Doris Swayze has been forced M. E Weather Forecast—Shower! out of basket ball for the season on Shower! Shower! Be prepared as it account of injuries. will appear as predicted. Watch for announcement of date. Gordon Shotwell has returned to O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Lochrle enter tained the following at dinner on Miss Alice Beasley of Hermiston Is the evening of Feb. 18: Mr. and Mrs nt the Umatilla hospital assisting the W. A. Leathers, Mr. and Mrs. 1. E. other two nurses in the regular rou Putman. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wann. tine work. He has a message that is worth while to everyone on the project Special Prices Students, 25 cents S herwin - W il l ia m s house PAINT How SWP <wp cuts painting cost The only way to buy paint economically is to forgetgallon price and figure costs by area covered and years of life. S W P covers one-third more area than paints which are cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without repaint ing, so requires half the material and costs half the labor price (for painting and repainting}. So price per gallon mean, nothing. Area covered, Weather resistance, and years of life are the real things that deter mine price economy. On that basis S W P is the cheapest per-gallon outside paint you could buy. SW P has been the leading prepared house paint for half a century. You will find a complete line of it at our store. Let us figure with you on your house-painting. Ross Newport returned Thursday n “ ‘"i* °ir “ ** from a business trip to Portland ° regon h° te‘ le,t ’Mt n‘ght ior Uma' lilla where she will submit to an op- Miss Melba Callahan Is spending er“" ° n *' ¿ 7 “ ' ? h° ^ ' ‘aL ? the week-end in Portland the guest W'n pro*Bb,y ** ten daya befOTe 8h* of her grand parents who are there return3 ome’ front tho south. Adults, 50 cents A rrangem ents have been made so th a t there will be room for all. Come! UMA TILI A SICK , “ M -m -m W hat is as delicious and satisfying when you are really hungry, as a thick juicy steak, a savory roast or a tender breaded veal cutlet? Meats that Make the M e a l- are the sort in which we specialize. Choicest cut sold a t honest prices, are the goods upon which our trade is built. SMELTS, 4 LBS. 25c., ALWAYS ON HAND The committee on furnishing the M. D. Scroggs was here Saturday and Sunday last superintending the hospital room met with the hospital moving of his household goods to board and got a complete Het of Sunnyside, Washington, where he Is Items needed.They have been busy now located, getting prices and will soon have the room ready for occupancy. Mrs. Pat Mooney and daughter, from Arlington were guests at the Miss Agi^s Fallen, who has been Ixtiiis Sikey home the latter part of ill with flu is up again and nearly last week, returning home Sunday. well. CITY M EA T M ARK ET SIKEY & HENDERSON, Prop. Why Go Home for Lunch Chas Hill of Pendleton was in Her We serve the best to be had. All kinds of sandwiches and anything else you w ant a t m oder a te prices. E a t as much or as little as you w ant. miston W ednesday. Mrs Isaac Jay was a Pendleton vis, itor the first paît of this week. D E C K , F ro p . ■ K S /.i The Hermiston Herald--$2.00 SUBSCRIBE NOW E c h o F lo u r M ills Echo, Oregon M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F ---------------- High Grade Patent Blue S te m F lour Farm Reminders A small egg hatched may product | a large pullet but she in turn may lay nothing but small egg». Select I the two ounce eggs for hatching, as that is the size the market demands. — O A. C. Experiment station. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Nothing So Good for a Cough or Cold “Everyone who has used Chamber- ! Iain’s Cough Remedy speaks well of ; It.” writes Edward P. Miller, Abbot tstown, Pa. People who once use this preparation are seldom satisfied with any other. It Is excellent to allay a cough or break t ip e. cold. SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice Is hereby given, to the leg al voters of School District Number 14 of Umatilla County, Oregon, that a special meeting of raid District will ho held on the 10th d:..v of March 1022, at 1:30 o’clock in tho after noon at the school house in said Distiicl for the following piupnee: To 8tihmlt to the legal voters of said School District Number 14, a question of uniting School IJisiiicts Numbers 8, 14, 26, .112 and 115 foi high school purpose only, thus form ing a Union High School Dlsirict. Dated tjiis 18th day of F eb ru ary , 1922. F. 11. Swayze, Chairman, Board of Directors. Attest: R A. Brownson, District Clerk. 23-2tc. HEATER BARGAINS Mrs. J T. Hinkle and Mrs. F C. ¡J McKenzie motoied to Pendleton “ Wednesday. "»■■■■"■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■HI ■ H a C r . WE GUARANTEE WM. H. OGDEN The Old H ay- JEWELER and WATCHMAKER H t r m l i t o n , O re g o n The New H c j as will be used by the Hermiston Cream ery Company with the latest improved methods—and will be operated strictly along business lines. Nothing but straight forwrd b usiness. Bring in Your Cream and Get Highest Market Kt Mrs Anna Strohm, who has been Heaters—25 ■ ¡II tbe past week days. Is getting ■ along nicely at the present time. ! Rem em ber also these reductions apply from the present regular prices, not from the high w ar prices. Special of Coal Hods, Stove Boards, Pokers The Epworth league member« and ether friends of Mr». Marshall Artie 'I hompson whose marriage was an event of last week, will entertain In her honor at the Methodist church Friday evening. and other stove items S A P P E R S ’ IN C . FURNITURE ■ ■•■■■■■■CCBBC<(||F«30i;aBKBBCBC!: = ^ = GBSBX± Rev. Harry A Wann left Wednea- dny morning for Walla Walla where , he Is attending a three day minister- al conference. The conference, which is Interdenominational, will be ad dressed by Rlshop Sheppard of Port land and President Penroee of W hit man college, It cloeee today. HEPPNER, OREGON TOWNSEND & SWARTOUT Will pay highest m arket price for b u tterfat. Honest w eights and test. Give us a trial sh ip m en t Pendleton and Umatilla Stage UMATTI LA U m a tilla F rid a y H erm iston S atu rd ay W. C. Cox, Manag er LEAVE Constance Talmadge “In S earch of a S in n er" ------- Mr and Mrs. Geo. Patterson and Mrs. H. M. Schilling were Pendleton ■ visitors last Thursday. Morrow County Creamery Company Price (’. W. Tilden Is erecting a barn on U m a tilla > r. Sunday m . Marm ialeu 7.1S-0 r. m . Charles Dickens Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 5:15 Stanfield 9.30 1:35 5:35 Hermiston 9:56 1:55 5:55 Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 6:15 TWO TRIPS SUNDAY Delicious Wholesome C onfectionery rang* O o n O lo to n t o l e t * . . 0 1 .0 0 P e n O le te n te S tO n H o M , S t.lg P o n O lo t o n « 0 M o r m lo t o n , Ot.ZO P e n O t o t o n t o W m o t l ll« , o i . t g Wotck for Adrertmag Oa Wednesday's Prograa LEAVE Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. Leaving Umatilla 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. TJt Cottonwood Phone 888 We Deliver Parrels at Way Points Tkc Mystery gfEJwta Dread S’isrrl C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:45 Echo 9:00 1:00 5:00 Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 6:15 Statiaa at Hotel Oregea an! Hetel Hermiston Tasty Stationery For Women News stand Cigars and Tobacco 5 lTEBV Tb* H JtttM IfeJLO / 1 a 2 ■ a A m 2 ■■ ■ ■« ■ ■ ■ ■ : ! CASH ALWAYS TALKS W H ER EV ER YOU GO ■ ■ Cold Storage Market & Grocery I s R. C. CHALLIS, Prop. I The Phone is 413 And Our Prices are Reasonable THEATRES HERMISTON per cent discount from these prices as a special ■ ■ cash bargain price. a IMPLEMENTS I t is nearly th e first of the m onth a^d if you give us a trial for ju st one m onth on a cash basis we will show you th a t you can save from $5 to 810 on your n ex t m onth’s grocery bill by paying cash and g e ttin g your 5 per cent discount on all you buy. Come in and I will show you in black and w hite th a t you can pay cash ju st as easy as you can g et it charged. I f you can pay cash you will save a m onth’s grocery bill every third month. If you pay cash, we can pay cash, so it gives us a chance to buy for less, and we give you the sam e opportunity to buy cheaper. A ll our Work to be of the Very best Pendleton visitors on Tuesday were Mrs. Fred Eaton was taken to the i he Mesdames F. C McKenzie. F. V. hospital on Monday afternoon. Prime, Earl Mitchell. H. T> Fraser, and C. S. McNaught. WANTED— Turkeys, address box 95 Pendleton, Oregon. 25-ltc. R. E. Dllly, the genial salesman of ihc Snydcr-Crecolus Paper company LOST— Double buggy robe, black on «as in town again yesterday, fie one Bide with red design on the was accompanied by Mrs. Dilly. other. Lost between Hermiston Auto Co. and Shotwell’s corner last 8. R. Harper and sons, of Walla Thursday night. W. A. Leathers. Walla, are In town this week. 25-ltc. ■ B hln p roperty hete. ■ ■ -------- ■ AH Universal H eatert-33 1-3 per cent discount for B a Methodist announcements for the ■ ■ coming week are as follows: Sunday ■ cash sale while present stock lasts. ■ ■ school 10 a. m„ preaching 11 and ■ 7:30 In Hermiston, 3 p m. at Co- ■ All Oak Heatera-25 per cent discount for special cash H B ItMubia, Epworth league at 8:30. ■ ■ ■ ------ - bargain prices. HARDWARE The Place to Trade is-- Where You can SA VE Money • a J Regular $3.50, $4.25 and $6.25 Wood ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■ 1 » (A s it used to be) DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED ■ ■■■IB Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. M ih ^E. P. Dodd entertained Tues Everyone at the hospital 1 b on the day for Mrs Burdick. and will soon be up again. The Supcrirr Product of Scientific Milling Makes B etter Bread Try a Sack i ' Mrs. Helen Edmonds and Miss Gladys Nugent went to Portland Tuesday to be gone several days. Mr. Moody of the P. F. B. Co. was in town last Friday to look over Co J. J. Neary who spent last week in business. C Portland returned Friday morning. The new home of Mr. and Mrs Miss Merna Query returned to Fred Dixon is nearly finished and school Wednesday. the young couple expect to be able to occupy it by the 5th. It is a good Mrs. E. R Crocker is confined to looking little house and adds to the her home on account of sickness. appearance of the street It is located on. The Wm. II Ogden family are on i he sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Llewellyn left for Portland on Sunday night to be Among those registered at local ho gone several days transacting busi tels this week are James McKetter- ness. They are starting to build on nlck of Spokane, J. Davis of Dayton, the highway as Roon as weather per Wash., Miss Laura E. Inghanj of ratta. Washington, Iowa, J. W McMueller of Wheeler. Wash., and Clarence Car Mrs. Jessie Smith has been ill and on of Hermiston. at present Is In Hermiston taking treatment from Dr Illsley. T. P Townsend of the Hermiston (. reamery has left on a business trip The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. which will take him east to Pendle- Fred Davis, was operated on by Dr. 1 ton and La Grande and also down to Pearce on Sunday for tonsils and I Salem. adenoids T he Oregon H otel s i (Continued from Page One) The Albertina Kerr nursery for Mrs. George Elliott, who has been sick the past week has been recover orphan babies and unfortunate girls has appealed to the Home Bureau ing slowly. for aid and asks the ladies to do some sewing for them. The babies need Tho Stanfield American Legion post will present, “Nothing But the diapers and gowns and the mothers Truth,” a snappy three act comedy are in need of: house dresses. If at the high school auditorium on the each member subscribes 15 cents evening of March 4 A number are enough money can be raised to get the material and they will all get expected to go over from here. together and sew. A social hour will O C. Young Is out again after an ■be enjoyed as well as a great deal of worthy work will bo done. attack of flu but missed the I. O. 0. F. convention by two days. A mllinery school fcr Home Bureau Friends of A L. Larson In this city members only will be held some time have received word announcing the in Maroh as soon as the ban is lift birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Larson ed. Mrs. Edith Van Deusen will be In charge. at their home in St. Paul. Sm ell that R oast” M R S. M IL L IE Fred Chezik went to Portland last Saturday on business. To Trade Alfalfa 160 Arres near Prineville, 80 ____ developed, buildings, balance fenced pasture, price 85.000. Federal Ioan 81.000 on place and will aeeume 82,500 here. , 200 Acres Pine Valley, Baker j county, near Snake river. 80 aerea subirrigated and Is moetly in. Six acre orchard, fair buildinga. price 810.000. 160 Acres. Jackson county, near Medford. 40 acres In cultivation, bal ance grazing and near outside range good buildings, water piped in home, »mall orchard, telephone, good neigh borhood. Clear, prlc® 88.000. 10 Acre orchard in Yakima valley. Produced 161.000 pound« of last year. Price 86.500. W'e have other trade». C na _ *** them or tell us what you want E.P.