-TOB H E B M IST O K HKRALD, HERM ISTON, OREGON. THE H E R M IS T O N H ER>LD Mrs. Barham and Florence Hammon. P A JD B IG A. R. Flaher and son Ray have traded the|r holdings In this section for an Improved farm of 110 acres BERNARD MAINWARINO, EDITOR near Lebanon. Henry Nelson, the new owner of the Fisher places, was here Tuesday when the deal was Subscription Hates: One Year, Í2.OO; SI« Months, »1 00 made Both families expect to move as soon as possible. comewhat commensurate with the In ­ THE TAX REDUCTION FIGHT The campaign In Oregon for a re­ telligence and the years of training, Becauae of so much mines* In the duction of at least 25 per cent in the required to become proficient In the community there w ill not be a meet trade. pverhead expense of state and county The only Item entering Into the i n t ° ' N‘ ,«hborhood club government is making gains. . , , . nesoay, March 8. At least two candidates for Oover. cost of producing a newspaper that ( no are out for the reduction program has shown a material reduction since M r' and Mra- Joe Udey and Flor- — Stephens A. Lowell of Umatilla the war Is paper, and In the ease of a country weekly of the standard of the ,enCe and M r and M r* Marvin W at- county and Chas. Hall of Coos. Tax Reduction clubs are organis­ News this Item represents l-2 7 th o f i 8*”1 and Earl wer® Sunday dinnei guests at the 0. O. Felthouse home ing in all parts of the state and the the total cost. development of public sentiment is Farmers and merchants may have The Girls' Sewing club met last going forward by leaps and bounds. their problems but the publishers of The tdeajpf a small and undevelop­ newspapers have few to worry i Friday at the home of Mrs. Henry Sommerer, local leader, and the first ed county like Tillamook digging up about also. ; lesson was begun. Those present over a million dollars for the tax ben­ were Gertrude H all, president. Ina eficiaries is quite startling. A MOUTHFUL Lenhart, vice president. Kathryn The growth of¡tax burdens in T ill­ In the golden days of the Miselsnlp- _ ... .. , ... .. . . . . ... Rogers, secretary, Eutlce M u eker, amook county, (and the same is true pi, there used to be a steamboat w ith , __ , , ’ . . _. . . . . . . . - , Jesse Waugaman and Gladys W h t- of all Oregon counties,) Is shown by a six-foot boiler and an eight-foot i . . . . , . . . , .. . sett. The girls are showing much a comparison of valuations and taxes whistle. Every time the w h i s t l e ) . , __ , , ”, ” . • ,, ' Interest in this work and w ith a litt'e levied for the last 10 years as follows, blew, the boat stopped. encouragement are going to mnke 1912 valuation 915,123,473, tax In the golden days of post-war »41«,704.80; 1913 valuation 916.- prosperity, there was a businesa w ith much progress. A fter the meeting refreshments were served. 343,680, tax 9445,725.84; 1914 valu­ a six-foot Stiller and an eight-foot ation 920,851.847, tax 9417,729.10; advertising whistle. And the busi­ 1915 valuation 921,119,264, tax ness stopped. The Pig and Poultry clubs held 9412.729 69; 1916 valuation 920.- their organization meeting on tlie But neither example proves that a 644,224, tax 9427,574.36; 1917 valu­ Sommerer lawn Tuesday noon. Tho steamboat Idoesn't ( need a whistle, ation 921.276,967, tax 9458,300.77; boys and girls In these clubs are ex­ nor that a business doesn't need ad­ 1918 valuation 921,683.925, tax tremely interested and beginning vertising. 9485.284.29; 1919 valuation 922,- their work w ith more enthusiasm 057,680, tax 9617.484.84; 1920 val­ than ever before. One boy was heard READ THE ADS uation 922,808.615, tax 9805,304.08; to remark, "W e have the best org­ 1921 valuation 923.644.725. tax I f there’s anything you wish. anised pig club In the state of Ore­ Read the ads. 9920,825.43. Port district levies put gon ’’ W ith this feeling of Interest the total beyond a million dollars or From a hobby horse to fish. the boys and girls should continue Read the ads; over one lmndred dollars p* r capita the previous records made by Col­ Or a rocking chair or dish. umbia club members. Following are the names of those enrolled; Leroy PUBLISHERS HAVE PROBLEMS Motor car or L illie Gish, If there's anything you wish, Gulslnger, president, W illiam W aug­ Northfield (Minn.) News Read the ads! aman. vice president, Gladys W h it­ Receipt from advertising and sub­ sett. secretary. Pearl Gulslnger, Gen­ scriptions during 1921 fell short of eva Gulslnger, James Waugaman, meeting the cost of producing the I f you want a railroad ride. Read the ads. Donald De Moss, Larvell Stockard, Northfield News by 81,663.20. Or a raincoat or a bride. W lllla rd Felthouse. The cost— Including mechanical Read the ads. Pig club: Francis Donaldson and editorial expense—-of producing Or a coat of camel'H hide, presrdent, Carl Haddox, vice presi- an average Issue of the News during Or a fattened porker’s side. der t, Larvell Stockard, secretary, 1921, was 9275. W illiam Waugaman, James W aug­ The total receipts from subscrip­ Or the ebbing of the tide. Read the ads! aman, W alter Ott, Tllford Stillings, tions at two dollars a year would pay I f you want some place to go. Charley Matts, Lester Carson, Owen the cost of producing nine issues of Read the ads. Hunt, Harvey DeMoss, Thomas Len­ the News. i hart. Advertising receipts must make up Published every Thursday at Hermlstun. I matiUa C ouaty, Oregon, tn th m h e a rt of White Men In South Africa Hardly Recompensed by Appellation of Oregon's great Irrigated aBalfa Balds, by Uw Herald Publishing B ra v e a n d N o b le INCREASING EGG PRODUCTION Poultry Keepers W ill Do Woll to Keep In Touch W ith What Leadore A r t Doing. (P rep ared by th e U alted Btatee D epartm ent o f A gricu ltu re.) The methods favored by large poul- trymen for Increasing the productivity of their flocks are often applicable on the general farm or In the back-yard poultry plant. Every poultry keeper will, therefore, do well to keep In toach with what the leaders are doing to Increase their profits, says the United States Department of Agricul­ ture. Certain localities In California, for Instance, have become famous for their poultry and egg production, and the study that Is given to these prob- Obtaining High-Class Breading 8tock Is Easier for the Small Poultryman Whan Sales Are Held. COLUMNA NEWS NOTES ■ ■ ■ a In d u n a a . Their adventure In Swaziland Is told by a doctor who Just returned from a ten years’ sojourn there and who, with two other white men. was made sub-chief In the Hwazl Irllie of South Africa negroes. The white men were not eager for the experience, and the Initiation was fur from an Inducement, the rule requiring that they should spend ten days of puri­ ficatory exile from human society. In native dress, with only native neap ons, depending upon their skill in the use of these for fisid. The doctor told with considerable feeling how they were stripped hy the lending medi­ cine man of every shred of clothing, given Swazi warrior costumes and conducted Into Die hills. They were bitten hy Insects, scratched hy thorns, frozen at night, scorched hy day, their hare feet bruised and abraded until they were In agony, kept In constant fear of the many poisonous snakes— but, most of all. hungry. In spite of L'Tunga’s tutorii g in native methods of taking game, the white men, used to depending upon the rifle for such purposes, nearly starved. However, wheu the chief medicine man and hls assistants came to conduct them hack te the kraal of the queen, the fam­ ished, dirty, desperate looking white men, with ten days' growth of beard, were acclaimed bruve and noble tn- dunas. Didn’t Flay the Game. She Is a young woman of artistic tai cuts and makes a snug bit of change manufacturing dainty hits of embroidery and fancy work. She was displaying samples of her handicraft In her borne, the purpose being to sell tier wares for Christmas gifts. The other day an interested caller looked over the various displays. “Here ore some bridge table covers that many of my patrons admire,” said the young woman of artistic tal­ ents. “Not for me," the prospective cub turner replied. “I only play euchre.” —Indianapolis News. GIRLS ORGANIZE The officers and some of the mem­ bers ot the G irl's Purity Protective and Patriotic Assembly were down Pendleton Saturday afternoon and organized a chapter here, whleh la Assembly No 4. Eleven girls ware present making the charter members of the chapter. The following o t- fleers were elected: Dorothy l)0ea, president; Irva Buchner,‘ Vice-presi­ dent; Edythe Reeves, Treasurer; V i­ ola Crandall, secretary; Stella Payne protector of property. AH girls bo- tween the ages of 13 and 29 married or single are eligible to Join and are urged to come and bring thalr moth­ Seek Cheap Power Alcohol. Gasoline users will he Interested to ers. The next meeting w ill he hold o t know that the search for cheat' the home of Miss Dorothy sources of power alcohol still con Thursday. March 9. tinues. A recent writer In Nature suggests that foodstuffs are too valu Excellent Remedy for Constipation able at present for such uses, but It would be hard to find a better thinks that waste land In Ireland might be used to produce crops to be remedy for constipation than Cham­ utilized In this way. Arrowroot, berlain's Tablets They are easy to cassava and corn are possibilities In ake and mild and gentle tn effect tropical countries; and a number of Give them a tria l when you have need cellulose materials, such as straw and sawdust, offer possibilities In Indus Mrs. M. A. Brown spent Bunday In trial regions. Pendleton. Hibernating Fishes. Cold weather lias a marked effect lems by furniers, and the owners of big plants, has resulted In a great Im­ provement In their practices. The county extension organization in Alameda county, California, has taken steps through its poultry divi­ sion to raise the standard of all poul­ try In the county by Improving the quality of fowls used In breeding flocks. Owners of hatcheries In the county have entered Into an agree­ ment with the county extension or­ ganization to use eggs for Incubation the balance— and in 1921 the reve­ from selected breeding stock, exclud­ Mr. and Mrs. O. Heinl and Mr. and ing the Incubation of eggs from the nue from this source fell considerably Mrs. O. O Felthouse were guests at general run of fowls In the locality, short of meeting the total cost of pro- tho W . W . Felthouse home Tuesday with the understanding that the coun­ ductln. ty extension organization shall fur­ Ray Fisher left for Salem laat Thu­ evening. I f subscribers were to pay an nish Judges to pass on the desirability »molin’ needed to meet the cost of rsday on • combined business and of birds selected for breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Myern and daughter production, the subscription rate In pleasure trip. This method of controlling the 1921 would have been 87.65. Marie have returned from an extend­ quality of the poultry In a county Is Mrs. W . O. Fritts and Mra. W .8 . ed visit In Portland. Confronted by this situation, which expected to result in a rapid general Is typical In the country newspaper Canady were Pendleton visitors Sat­ improvement in the productivity of field, publishers cannot reduce sub­ urday, Mrs. E. Van Deusen, homo demon­ the flocks. I t should also give the scription rates, no matter how keenly stration agent, announces that she county a good reputation wherever they might wish to do so, without Miss H attie Graham has been un­ w ill be in Columbia April 3 and 6 io hatching eggs or birds are sold. Promising development that Is being courting financial disaster. Neither able to be at school this week because hold a mlllnery school. Mrs. Van can a cut In advertising rates be ln- b f Illness. During her absence Glad­ Deusen w ill bring frames, trimming encouraged In the famous Petaluma tioduced u ntil production costs de­ ys W hitsett and Vidis Fox have been and some material and requests that poultry district Is the consignment -tale of cockerels. In this the poultry cline. This cannot be brought about teaching In tho primary room. those who wish to Join the school breeders have been following the lead quickly as trained printers are not a have their silk cleaned and pressed of other groweoa of .high-class live drug on the market; In fact for years There has been quite an epidemic ready for use. stock. Cattle breeders have been this has been an underpaid profession W flu and la grippe In Columbia dur­ A similar school w ill be held in holding bull sales for a number of to such an extent that new recruits ing the past week. Among those 111 Hermiston March 14 to 16 and in years; sheep breeders have ram sales; were not attracted to it During the are: Mrs. W. 8 Casady. Mrs. H. J U m atilla March 13 and 15. Anyone hog breeders have sales of boars and war printers’ wages reached a level Ott, Mrs. N. W . Bloom, Robert Hobbs, who wishes an earlier date than of bred sows. In the esse o f cockerels thoee assigned to Columbia Is wel­ no pedigree papers are supplied, ns come to Join either the Hermiston or they are with other kinds of purebred &■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! live stock, but sworn affidavits as to Um atilla class. breeding go with each bird. A White Leghorn cockerel sale was In the contest offered last spring held In Sonoma county (the Petaluma by the Commercial club for the yard district) October IS. The 14 Pacific which showed the most Improvement coast breeders who consigned birds for the season, the Marvin Watson gave sworn statements as to their yard was awarded first prllze while breeding. According to the county the O. O. Felthouse yard was given agent, who was Instrumental In put­ second. The first prize was 815.00 ting on this sale, most of the 52 worth of shrubbery while the second cockerels consigned represented un­ usually high breeding, many of them prize was 810.00 in shrubbery, the having pedigrees extending back eight winners to make their own selection. or nine generations with trap-nest rec­ Both of these places showed remark­ ords. Most of them had Inheritance able Improvement for land Just one records of more than 275 eggs In a year from the sage brush; In fact year and some more than 300. The they are already more improved than fact that 1,000 catalogues were Issued shows the Importance given to the many older places. first sale of this kind. These two methods of flock Improve­ SHARKS TAKEN OFF NEW YORK ment ought to he popular among poul­ try raisers In all parts of the country Their Capture Said to Hava They are practical, aay the poultry, Regular Thing Prior to and men of the United States Department During Year 1S15. of Agriculture, and they help to make good stock available to the average A shark nowadays even on the moat poultry raiser who tn the past has had exposed beaches of New York and the no assurance, other than the breeder's ■ R. A. Brownien, Manager PE om 111 metropolitan area Is a rarity and a word, that he was getting birds of curiosity, but there was a time when superior performance merit. Few these flah used to be caught off Cath­ dairymen, hog growers or beef-cattle arine slip, says the New York Sun. raisers are also good live-stock breed- This was about 1815, when the Ashing era, but methods have been developed smacks snd flah cars used to unload that make It possible for any good and load off this wharf In the East farmer to build up an excellent herd. river and the dead fish thrown out Into It Should be Just as easy for a poultry the water need to attract the sharks. raiser to Improve hls flock. An old man, Sam Way, a porter In S3, the old Catharine market, earned a reputation as a master shark catcher. PREVENT SPREAD OF DISEASE "Shark around the slip," was the cry that was raised wlien a shark was Reup and Other Contagious Ailments sighted off the pier and then Sam Are Difficult te Control— Sep­ would drop his broom and put out his arate Blok Birds. chain hook and soou would have the giant flsh struggling on the dork. He Cold, damp, poorly lighted and la said to have hauled In as many as ventilated poultry quarters favor the seven In one day, some of them four­ spread of such diseases as roup. teen feet long. Such contagious dlteBtes as these are Devoe, the historian, tells an Inci­ difficult and sometimes Impossible to dent which Is passed on her«« Ith with­ control unless given attention In the out rondrmatlon; early stages. Wherever preventive "One day Sam hooked a big one and measures fall, separate sick birds from ha climbed Into a skiff which lay tied (he flock as soon at there la evidence to the end of the slip; the shark took of disease and then obtain expert sd to pulling and broke loom the skiff vice to effect a cure. with Sain In, and sway be went down ■ ’ Found a Cure for Indigestion the river at reee-horse speed, nearly “ I use Chamberlain's Stomach and a t far as Red Hook before he tired out, or Sam could hold him up. He, Liver Tablets for indigestion and find We L ik e to T a lk Q u a lit y R a th e r T h a n C h eap o eM however, mastered him and brought they suit my case better than any him back, and Sam after that eon- dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried Haded not to be run away with again. and j haTe UBed many dlMeren, medl ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ PRICE FOR TITLES on some of the fresh water flsh at the uquarlum of the New York Zoologi­ cal society. When the temperature of the fresh water flowing through the tanks of the aquarium fulls below 40 degrees, certain flsh become very sluggish. The young yellow perch lie quietly at the bottom of the tank, as evenly spuced us if put there hy their keeper, and hike little food. A low teniperuture uffeets young black bass In quite a different way. They stay poised somewhere above the bot­ tom, hut crowded close together. Fifty or more will often gather in a com­ pact mass, ail facing in the same di­ rection. The aquarium lias several tanks of young black buss, all groups of which show tlie same curious habit. L iv e E lectric Plants. T h e re ure In a ll about 50 species a f ele ctrica l flsh, but the electrical prop erties o f only five or six have been studied In d e tail. The best known are various giieeles o f torpedo, belonging to tlie skate fa m ily found In the M e d ite rra n e a n and A d ria tic seas: the gyiunolusti. an eel found In the region o f the Orinoco In South Atneri c a ; the m slsp teru riis, the raash or tb nn derer flsh of the Arabs, a native nf the N ile, the N lqer. Senegal and olh er A fric a n rivers, and various species of skate found in the seas around Great B rita in . DON’T FORGET ------- US--------- I ill I Plan This Winter BUILD IN THE SPr lN All indications show t W lumber prices havereav - ed rock bottom. Th are so many new homos needed that it is only rea­ sonable to expect build­ ing costs to increase with spring demand. Select a design for your new home. Place the con­ tract for the material now. Build as soon as the weather will permit. Inland Empire Lumber Phene 331 W hen you need any­ thing in the line of n e a t and attractive Printing. " T h e Yard o f Best Quality " H . M. STRAW . MGR. Exclusive Representatives o f National B u ild c ■“I NUT COAL The best and most economical for range and cook stove at $1.00 per ton less than the lump and egg coal. We have plenty of coal now, a new stock of the best and it is the best. : TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY W e are Showing Spring Styles of Gordon Caps for men and boys a t popular prices; $1.50 to Gordon Hats in New Spring Blocks and colors in Gordon quality, $5.00. Cluett Shirts Standard anywhere in thia country. No guess about this class of merchandise. Cluett collars at 20e. We are sole agents for these in this district Just look over our exclusive lines of merchan­ dise and you will find the best merchandise obtain- abl - and at reasonable prices. H e r m is t o n P ro d u ce & S u p p ly C o. TAe f l - ( V C ^ W . ‘ E 2 * 7 V " n* r,i one yea” * ___ »«• and have suffered a great deal Not from Indigestion. I can eat almost Jud Tank In. n o there he*. anJ’ hln* 1 want «"• now.’’ writes (MBS specimen. e f p- r ngarrts Omt Geor» e W Emory. Rock Mills. AU. ran coaldn’t attack any more Im- T1lesa tnblets contain no pepsin but partaaca to than you cuwtd te a rat- strengthen the stomach and enable It ¡to digest the food naturally. And That is mi ~ U N IO N , P A C IF IC ¿ SYSTEM g If Lb i i U nion P acific S ystem hotel rites, railroad (zres. through car service, the famous Circle Tour ihroueh t e Francisco and Salt Like Gty or a peri of the -ay by nceantnofto equal interest m Amt n c a * to u rn e y « Call on or address F. C. Woughter, Agent, Hermiston, Oregon Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon