THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OBUGOA. ib b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ib b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b i K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E ^ ■ R M liT O N « HO U»K O F Q U A L IT Y AN D Hermiston Locals C Q , B K R V lC C JOIN THE ARCOLA CLUB ! “Peck's Bad Boy," will be a feature at Pound’s theatre, Umatilla, next Tuesday evening and at Hermiston Play House next Wednesday evening. Special Club Prices The many friends of R. A. Brown- son will he glad to learn that he has passed the danger point in his Ill­ ness and is making rapid progress toward recovery. Mrs. E. H. Mackley became seri- ously 111 this week and was taken to the hospital yesterday for an opera- tion. 2 fo r 2 5 c To the First Six Buyers of 5 I P en d leton K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E ''H IH M ia T O N B M O U »< Mrs. Jess Gossage’s baby has been very ill this week, but is reported to be improving. B ak ing Co. O F Q U A L IT Y A N O The marriage of Fred Crawford and Mrs. Catherine Wight occured in Walla Walla last Saturday, Rev. M. E. Bollen of the Baptist church of- ficlatlng. Q O , B K M V IC B ” Thos. Campbell, C. S. McNaughl, E. J. Kingsley and J. F. McNaught were in Pendleton Wednesday in con- nection with the Butter Creek road. DA RK MORNINGS are with us to stay for some time For Farm* and C ou ntry H om es, O ffices, Stores, Schools, Factories, etc. APPROXIMATE PRICES COMPLETE, INSTALLED READY FOR USE ■ J g. |g ■ g ■ J Regular Price. x For 3 room house; Arcola and 2 Radiators *215.00 *200.00 For 4 room house; Arcola and 3 Radiators 305.00 287.50 For 5 room house; Arcola and 4 Radiators 365.00 342.50 For 6 room house; Arcola and 5 Radiators 435.00 410.00 » We have ones that will wake you up for $2.00 and one that will make you get up for $4.00 Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Swayze, Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kingsley and Mr and Mrs. C. S. McNaught were in Pendleton for the Marcus show Tuesday evening. WM. H. OGDEN C. S. McNaught will go to Pendle­ ton Friday as a member of the county budget committee. JEWELER. & WATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END E. R. at Cold i Captain side of H e r m is to n , O re g o n Shaw who has been living Springs has moved to the Dobler ranch two miles this Umatilla. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Club Price Larger Sizes for Larger Homes W. A. Leathers was a county seat visitor Wednesday. Do You Need an AlaYm Clock? ■ ■ ■ Hot Water Heating Outfits C. M. Edmonds lost a fine cow last week. LL l Ideal-ARCOLA _ ■ ■ ■ ■ The Ideal-ARCOLA Hot Water Heating Outfit gives Healthful Heating. Fuel Saving. Cleanliness, Safety, Comfort and Satisfaction. You make a grave mistake if you do not at once take advantage of this exceptional offer and be PREPARED FOR WINTER! The Ideal-AltCOLA is the latest and greatest Heating Invention of the Age. We Guarantee SATISFACTION. Com e in an d g e t our price* on h e a tin g your h o m e w ith th e w o n d erfu l Ideal-A R C O L A OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a The Babtist ladies aid will hold a cooked food sale at Sappers’ store Saturday, November 5. The Pen­ IK BB „« Y O U C A N B U Y A ■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB. Baptist Church Notices dleton Baking company is donating R. V. Ashmun, minister. Residence a fine cake to the aid. Mrs. Callahan 3 BIG STICKS OF president of the organization will first house east of the library. Sunday school at 10 o’clock. Ed. present the cake to the person mak­ 3 CANDY ing the largest purchase during the Bensel, superintendent. a B i A class is being organized for re­ day. a B ligious instructions for which credit a With 3 pound tin * f o r th e remaining a K. E. Ericson returned from Port- ^e given at the high school, a four numbers of the VACUUM PACKED land Monday morning. ‘ class is being formed to meet ______ a demand on the part of the young Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime and J. Jeopl®- Mr. Bensel will teach the j F. McNaught were Pendleton visitors class. Monday. ■ Tbe attendance is climbing. Como ______ and join the ranks. 1 pound can .......................40c Mrs. R. O. Horning returned Sai- The junior B. Y. P. U. which urday from a two weeks stay in mccets in the basement during the 3 pound can $1.20 ■ K ü G ET O N E NOW Portland. Her mother, Mrs. Vera morning worship hour broke its at- a 5 pound can $1.90 q Boswell returned with her. Mrs, tendance record last Sunday. Parents B B Bo»we,b whose home is in Ontario aie «rged to encourage their child- PENDLETON BREAD, 2 for 25c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wni remain here a few days. ren to ,ake advantage of this training Royal Bakery Bread, 2 for 25c ® ______ under competent leadership. Creamery Butter, 55c lb. a The Hermiston post office took * be senior B. Y. P. U. meets at SR » ». » M w B in *546.06 from stamp sales alone Leader, Miss Mabie Brown, during the month of October, which l°Pic. Thy will be done with my will show that Uncle Sam’s business m°ney. A cordial invitation is ex- is benring up pretty well in the face tended to all the young people not a R. C. CHAL1IS, Prop. 5 of all the hard times talk. And its attending elsewhere. ■ B Morning worship at 11 o’clock. all cash business too. 1BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKBBBBBBtt Union services. Rev. Wann will The Baptist and Methodist church­ preach on limitation of prominent. es will hold a union service together There will be an anthem by the ladles at the Baptist church next Sunday chorus. We will sing from the new H EPPNER, O R E G O N morning at 11 a. m. Rev| Harry hymnal. A. Wann of the Methodist church Evening worship. "The souls Will pay highest market price for butterfat. will preach. This is a special service eclipse”. Sunday Noon and Evening in honor of Armistice day which 1 be Baptist ladies aid will hold a Honest weights and test. Give us a trial shipment. Price 60 cents comes next week. It is also in re- vuuked food sale at Sappers’ Hard- sponse to President Harding’s re- "are Saturday afternoon. quest that disarmament be featured Prayer meeting Thursday evening in sermons at his time as the big a* 7:30. confidence opens in Washington next M R S. M I L L I E D E C K , P r o p . week. Wm. Shaar and Burt Mullin are both harboring in the Shaar building Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Glasgow of Ir­ The building which was partly de­ ■ b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b ■ » rigon were In town Tuesday. stroyed in the fire was ready to oc­ cupy the first of the week. They are A new Free Methodist pastor is ex­ running two ehairs all the time and pected here within a short time. Rev. Maxwell resigned the pastorale here LYCEUM TICKETS FOR SALE this summer to enter work in Chicago Adult's season tickets to the lyce- Frances Price of Boardman was in um can be secured for *2.25, child­ town Tuesday. ren's tickets *1.00 for the remaining FREE S e a s o n T ic k e t fo r $ 2 .2 5 FREE Royal Club Coffee W in te r L y c e u m C o u r se Morrow County Creamery Company Cold Storage Market & Grocery ■ FRIED CHICKEN DINNER Oregon Hotel Cafe W. C. Cox, Manager 3 : I B B a One-third of hour Lite is spent in bed WHY N O T A -G O O D SPRING The “Ki .mney V Rome” De Luxe Moulds to the contour of the hotly . Jjray enamel finish baked on. B B Reg. price $ 2 5 -- Our price $21 SA PPER S’ INC. Farmtwr* four numbers by applying to O. C. The Baptist junior B. Y. P. U. Young at Dodd’s office. 7-tfc. J held a Halloween social in the basc- B nient of the church Saurday after- it ,*<, ■ noon. Twenty were present and b0