i SSSSA A SSS»»»»» INFORMATION DEPARTMENT PORUANDflARKET A C C O R O IA N P L E A T IN G K a li« and box P a t i n e , he m s tltth ln c, 10c yd. Buttons covered. M a il orders a Portland* N o v elty Shop’ 85* F ifth 8 t * PhM» » » U n r u t. r > » Whm Aaswarlac These æ » . b r a z in g , w e l d in g a c u t t in g N orthw est W eld ing A Supply Co.. M 1st St C H IR O P R A C T O R A N O E L E C T R O . M A T IN E E S - 1 Sc to 50c. N IG H T S - 1 Sc to » 1 0 0 T H E R A P E U T IC S Except Sunday« and Holidays. Pre. B aker and Oleeon, 61T D eku m Bldg. C U T F L O W S R S A F L O R A L D E S IG N S C lark e Bros., Floriata, 217 M orrison B t DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL D A N C IN G E V E R Y NOON A E V E N IN G O riental Cafe, Chinese-A m erican Kitchen 286 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. Corner Broadw ay and Wash. P O R T L A N D Will rant you a room for 11.00 par day. or a with bath for 11.60 to 12.00 per day? F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K S Com mercial Iron W ork«, 7th A Madison. G U A R A N T E E D R E B U IL T MACHINES Remarkable 60c luncheon at noon. Oregon Typew rite.- Co., M - A 6ih S t - ■ ------- ---------------------------------- --------------Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m.. 2 » Stark 8L H A R D W OOD F L O O R IN G O a k -L e a f H ardw ood Floor Co., 231 S ixth street opposite T h e O reg o n ia n end A l 7 6 th S t N . Floors electric sanded d e r street opposite M e ir & F r a n k ’s. T h e Best M FGS. O F V U L C A N IZ E D ROOF P A IN T N ew roofs and repairin g done. Touag E atin g place in th e C ity . T h e F inest C offee and Woods. 1103 E. C aruthers SL and P astry a S pecialty. M FG S. O F R E C O F U R N IT U R E B uy Coast M ade Goods. Keed Specialty Shop, 319 W illia m s Ave. x-t t s W rite us for prices and market conditions on P Y O R R H E A D E N T IS T S Veal Hogs, Poo’trj, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc Smith Long Stevenson 910 Bush A Lane Bldg, SILOS ANO WATEK TANKS Portland, Oregon Forty Years in the Same Location. National Tank A Pipe Co., Portland. TYPEWRITERS—NEW OB REBUILT Rebuilt Typewriter C k .. IO4 Oak Street of Suggestive Therapy 1 DO YOUR OWN PLASTERING WITH A HAMMER AND A SAW D W r. elte T . r W System . Ayeru, 716 D ekum Bldg, W H O L E S A L E A N O R E T A IL T IN W A R E TTQF P ortland T in w a re M fg. Co.. 47 F irs t SL A L A S K A L F L U M B IN G ^ .j^ jE j^ T IJ M Q CO, Flum bing F ix tu re s and Supplies. Pipe F ittin g s , lowest prices. 363 E . Morrison MOTORCYCLES A N D PARTS A ll makes. Easy terms. E A S T S ID E M O T O R C Y C L E CO. 44-46 G R A N D A V E . DOORS A N D W IN D O W S W e can sell you Doors, W indow s, Roof P ain t, Glass and Builders* H ard w a re P l a s t e r V a l l s T h a t M il N o tC r a c h l d ing, ire c t W e are m anufacturers. W rite for rices before buying. Heacock Sash & ■>oor •oor Co., 212 F irs t St., Portland. ASK FOR SAMPLE AND INFORMATION. FA R M M A C H IN E R Y P. E. Esbenshade, 366 E. M orrison St. Portland. A g ricu ltu ral Im plem ents and F a rm M achin ery N ew and 2nd H and. P E RSO N A L M A R B Y iF L o N E lT Y f T o P results, try ms: best and most successful “ H om e M a k e r;’1 hundreds rich wish m arriage soon; s tric t ly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; descriptions free, ‘T h e Sue- CSTABUSHM KM T cessful C lub.” M r a N A S H , Box 666, Grand Avenue at Yamhill O A K L A N D , C A L IF O R N IA . PORTLAND. ORE. C L E A N IN G A N D D Y E IN G “Wkere Hoae F o r reliah)ebieañ?ng'aad"'15yeíng'ge'V - Ice send paresis to us. W e pay return IIJ U EXPERT Cosiorti Abeoni” postage. In fo rm a tlo x and prices gives upon requenL PORTLAND. ORK. E N K E S C IT Y D T I W O R K S Established 119# P ertlasd Th e pleasure of your trip to P o rt L E A R N tiU L T IG R A P H IN G land w ill depend upon the hotel you T h e C allan School, only recognized E X C E L L E N T SE R V IC E •elect. Cozy surroundings, moderate school on the coast. __r Ienced opera- Expert« ______ p« rates, and the welcome you find In By Parcel Post. Return Postage Paid. Write for tors alw ays in demand. 406 A rtisan s Bldg. your own home town, a w a it you a t Circulars and Prices. D R Ü G LE S S P H Y S IC IA N the Multnom ah. A t Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon 3 Mrfte S* k T «t 4 Innot S k I k T k Hotel Alder BAB’S RESTAURANT s L Cafeteria Page _ O O Ii PERFECTION W A LL BOARD PERFECTION B Dyeing & Cleaning “A t Your Beck and Call” Garage in Connection. T Y P E W R IT E R S Guaranteed Rebut Its. Rented or »old. Easy iy ments. Send for il lustrated catalogue B. Wkciesale Typewriter Ce. 321 W.stagtM St, PORTLAND. ORE’ RUBBEP STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. AUTO R E P A IR PARTS Send for fret catalog PISTONS— PISTON PINS— RINGS Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding. Auto motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK A GILL CO.. ING 11th and Burnaide Sts. Portland, Ore. Phone: Bdwy. 3281 U sed T ruck B a r g a in s 3 4 to 5 ton, $100.00 op. Write for complete list. W E N T W O R T H & IR W IN IN C . Oregon distributors G. M . C. trucks 200 Second S t P ortland, Ore. OUR GIFT TO THE BRIDE SWOLLEN (Varicose)VEINS Ar» painful and often dangerous. Our Hand-woven-to-flt Elastic Stockings. Balta and Bandages always give relief. Fitters and Makers for Fifty-fire Years Before you order your wedding announcements and cards, write or visit THE CHETOPA PRESS A request for samples entitles you to 50 beautiful calling cards in an engraved effect free of charge. Broadway a t Taylor Portland. Oregon “ A M oderate Priced H otel of M e rit» H O T E L C L IF F O R D East Morrison SL, a t B ast Sixth, the Principal E ast Side H otel, i m inutes from Shopping D lstrtc L F o u r blocks from B. P. East Side Station. E M B R O ID E R I N G A N O F L E A T I N G— A c c o ïîia ir s iiè V n d ^ b ô x ^ P iïa tin g r îfè m : stitching. B uttons Covered, B raiding, sto. K . Stephens. 319-20-31 P ltto ck Block. Are You Looking for a Dependable Produce Dealer? V eal P ork P ou ltry Honey B u tte r Cheese Eggs A ny P roduct G et our p R U B Y & CO. 169 F ro n t St. P ortland, Ore. Sixteen Y ears1 R elia b ility. ROH'SE S, M U t e 8 BO U G H T , !BO L 6 C rown Stablee, Inc., 236 F ro n t St.. P o rt land, Ore. Horses and m ule» for sale or hire. Special rates to loggers and con tra c to rs W ith or w ith o u t harness. P hillip Suetter, Pres. U. 8. S T A B L E S . 266 Union A t . D ra ft horses bought and sold.__________________ L. Chappell, 222 Union Ave. South. M A C H IN E R Y Bead us y e ar Inquiries fe r r an esyth yth la ing In tees or W eedvrsrklsg M scklasry isry. * Logging, Sawm ill, Cestractors’ Bqulpme pmsat, Leee- m o ttle .. B e lte r,, Buglsee, Crashers, B all, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery C e , 628 R ailw ay Exchange Bldg., P ortia»«, O i. Write far print aad term. 8COUT LOSES LIFE SAVING CHUM. K O D A K S L e t ue finish w h at your K odak began. Beat w ork, best service. Old established K od ak finishers, 12 years In Portland. M a il orders given special care. W e pay re tu rn postage. A ll prints made on Velox paper. R egular E astm an Dealers, all the Kodaks and sundries in stock. Kodak or Prem o catalog sent on requ est Eveland A Lewie, «13 E ast Morrison S t , Portland. BROOKE DRUG CO. 67 NMTN ____ CUT RATE M A IL ORDER DRUGGISTS. G Icon la Pile treatment, aold under guarantee. 38.00. no pain no operation. Chybke’a Tape worm Remover. 310. Chybke’, "Dermo Septine“ f<w .kin eruption, eczema. 36.00. Letters an.werad. P IL E S Same guarantee as new. From 9200.00 up to 9360.00, a ll late models, w ith 3-speed and electric eq uip m ent E asy term s If desired. P ay while you ride. Send for litera tu re. Motorcycle and Supply Co.. H a rle y Davidson 8ervlce Center, 200 3rd 8 L , P ortland, Ore., corner Taylo r. another lad who could not swim. Hls effort was successful, but Just at the last moment he himself became ex- baneted and sank. Pathetically enough, young Robinson had confided to hls NEW FLUFF RUGS AT HALF friends long before the accident that COST OF NEW CARPETS. It was the dearest wish of hls life to H ave your old worn out carpets and woolen clothes made into a rtis tic revers be a hero and to wear a medal of ible F L U F F RUGS. Carpets and rugs re honor from the Boy Scouts of Amer paired, steam cleaned. Rag rugs all sizes. Buy from facto ry and save money. W rite ica. Northwest Rug Co., 1 P O R T L A N O S H O E R E P A IR 8 , M A IL -EM D avis Bros., A m erican Shoemakers, 166 «th St. _________________ Model Shoe Repair. 373 W ashington BL R A ZOR B L A D E S R E S H A R P E N E D Razors ground and honed. M a ll safety blades today. Th e Grinder, C7H Sixth 8L SAN i T a R y B E A U T Y P A R L O R W e help the appearance of womea. T w e n ty -tire Inch switch or tlon. value 97 66, price 31 46 «06 to «11 Dekum Bldg. F R U l f C O M P A N Y , IN C ., W IL L E Y Portland, Oregon. W anted to buy, ___ JafjBL __ three c a r. fancy B H urbank u rt potatoes, two c a r. apple«, one car Union«. Consignments llclted. AU kinds of fr u it and produo. Second and Morrleon Sts., Portland, Ore. bought for cash. DR. C. J. D E A N EXHIBITS A TIBETAN SHRINE New York Museum Shows Figure of Buddhist Saint of Olden Time. New York.—A Tibetan temple shrine, complete in every detalL has been placed on temporary exhibition In the American Museum of Natural History, and for the first time students of Tibetan culture are enabled to study the Influences of Indian and Chinese culture on Tibetan religions art Bend.—Paving was completed la Bend Saturday under existing con tracts. The downtown section and two residence streets are now hard sur faced. Salem — Prunes in the hands of growers in The Dalles district were cleaned Bp Saturday for the first time in IS months according to reports received here. All fo the 1920 crop has been sold and the entire 1921 product has either been contracted for or delivered to .purchasers. Klamath Falls. — Decision as to whether sheepmen will be admitted to grazing privileges on the Modoc re serve is expected to result from In vestigation made last week by J, W Nelson, national chief of grazing for the forest service. Mr. Nelson's de cision is expected by the middle of October. Salem.—The Spaulding Miami Lum her company will open its timber camp near the town of Grand Ronde Mon day, according to announcement made by officials of the Charles K. Spauld Ing Logging company. Approximately 125 men will be employed in the camp and operations will continue through out the winter. Hood River.—E. B. Cloud, plant man ager of the Hood River Canning com pany, which last year began the mar keting of Clark seedling strawberries for confectionery use, worked for seven years in perfecting the process that results in a Btrawberry firm enough to be impaled on the forks of chocolate dippers and plunged into fondant. St. Helens.—Duck hunters in this vicinity met with fairly good luck on the opening day of the duck season and also Saturday. They reported that the lakes are frequented by many ducks, but they are very wild. Later on in the season when the ducks get real hungry the sportsmen believe they will be less wild and better shots will be the result. St. Helens.—W. J. Merrick, who Is in charge of the sawmill being built by the Western Spar company of Port land on their recently acquired prop erty at Columbia City, said the mill would be In operation by November 1. Twenty-two carpenters are at work on the mill foundation, and most of the necessary machinery has been as sembled. Salem.—The state irrigation securi ties commission, at a meeting held here Saturday, voted to guarantee In terest for the next six months on $500,- 000 of bonds issued by the Medford irrigation district; also the Interest on $275,000 of bonds Issued by the Payette Slope irrigation district. In terest on the latter bonds was guaran teed for a period of one year. Salem.—Salem officers Sunday had failed to find any clew to the two men who Saturday night held up Harry Brown of 171 First street, Portland and relieved him of $619 In currency, a valuable scarfpln and a watch. The holdup occurred on the Pacific high way a short distance from Woodburn while Mr. Brown was on hls way to Portland after attending the state fair. A d e lic io u s p e p p e r m in t fla v o r e d s u g a r J a c k e t a r o u n d p ep p e r m in t f la v o r e d c h e w in g g u m . W ill a id y o u r a p p e tite and TO BECOME SCOUT. Henry Stewart, seventy-four years of age. who baa visited Palestine, Tur key, Egypt, Russia, Spain, Italy. Switzerland. Austria, Hungary, Ger many, Norway, Sweden and England, has decided to settle down for a spelt at San Diego and take up boy scout work, which he thinks Is the next most Interesting thing In the world to traveling. He doesn't know yet what he will do when he la old. There will be plenty of time te decide that later. Most of the collection was looted over the Himalayas and forced T ib e from Tibetan temples by a Chinese tan recognition of the British emp're. expedition which penetrated Tibet The central figure la that of Padma after the British under Sir Francis (teacher) Samhhava, the first teacher Younghusband had left Lhassa, the of Buddhism In Tibet 800 years ago. Forbidden City. Alexander Scott, a Padma Samhhava wears a miter tipped British artist who made his borne for with a vulture's feather. The vul twenty-six years at Darjeeling, India, ture being the highest flyer of the on the highway to Tibet, owns the! birds, the feather Indicates that the greater part of the collection. He had I doctrine of thia saint la the highest wheedled his way into the country and , and most aspiring. was on familiar terms with Tibetan —----------------------- lamas and priests before the Young-1 Maine attracts more summer vleliors husband expedition fought its way 1 than any other state In the Union. d ig e s tio n , p o lis h y o u r t e e t h a n d m o is te n y o u r th ro a t. ga s » The Flavor Lasts Figs Excellent Food. L a d ie s K e e p Y o u r S k in Figs, we are told, were served on aristocratic Roman tables with salt, C le a r , S w e e t , H e a lt h y pepper, vinegar and aromatics. They W it h C u tic u r a S o a p were eaten fresh, or dried in ovens, or on hurdles in the sun. The Insti a n d C u tic u r a T a lc u m tute regrets to bo lacking In apprecia tion of the classics, but we recommend cream and sugar for ripe figs, Xerxes The Resurrection Flower. and Pliny, David and Philip, to the In Egypt Is a plant called the res contrary notwithstanding. And most urrection flower. It Is seen as a little delicious they are—if you can get ball hanging on a fragile stem, re them.—Boston Globe. sembling In color and shape a shrunk en poppy-head. Sleeping, but not dead, Pine Tree Flag Used In Revolution. the flowers are aroused by being im A flag consisting of a white field mersed In water, and then supported with a pine tree in the center and the In an upright position. Soon the fibers begin to stir. Slowly they unfold, un motto, “Appeal to Heaven,” was flown til, with petals thrown hack, It be by the first war vessel commissioned comes a beautiful starry flower, not by General Washington at the begin ning of the Revolution. It was called unlike an aster.—Brooklyn Eagle. the pine tree flag and originated with the Massachusetts colony. When Men Carried Handbags. There are very few articles of fem inine finery which were not first worn by the sterner sex. Earliest exam ples of the useful handbag were car ried by the gods, priests, kings and princes of Babylon. According to the scriptures they must have been very prettily embroidered, too. Melpomene, the Muse of Tragedy. Melpomene, In classical mythology, was the muse that presided over tragedy. She is generally represented standing, with her left foot raised on a rock, and holding In her right hand a mask, such as was worn by tragedi ans. No Feathers on Birds. Everything for the Motorcyclist. Young birds of some species possess Thomas R. Robinson of Camden, N. Salem.—There were five fatalities in no plumage at all In the nesting Rebuilt Harley-Davidson J , a thlrteen-year-old boy scout, re Oregon due to Industrial accidents MOTORCYCLES stage— not even a trace of down, says cently gave his life In saving that of for prices. F IS T U L A , F IS S U R E , Itc h in g and a ll oth e r rectal condition, except Cancer perm a ne n tly cured w ith o u t a surgical operation. M y method of treatm e n t saves the tlg - gtie Instead of destroying it. I t is pain- loss, requires no anesthetic and ia perm a nent. Th ere la no confinem ent to bed, no Interference w ith business or social en gagements. 1 guarantee a cure or w ill refund your {•<■>. * C an or w rite fo r bookleL M entio n this paper when w ritin g. WRIGLEYS Eugene.—Sixteen carloads of equip ment of the 91st aero squadron of the United States army, who have been located in Eugene during the past summer on forest fire patrol duty, Sun day were shipped to Crissey field at San Francisco, where the squadron will be located this winter. SCOUT8 IN CAMP. McDonald, national camp direc The Dalles Fruit & Produce Comp’y tor L. of L, the Satisfaction or Money Back. Boy Scouts of America, re Send for Book and Measure Blank Today. Wholesale Dealers in FANCY FRUITS and FARM PRODUCE cently gave out that there are approxi 161 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. mately two thousand troop and council WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. camps at present In operation In the S U P E R F L U O U S H A IR Portland. Do not be embarrassed with unsightly hair or fuzz United States, which means that over on the face, neck or arms. The American system Alder at Wmt Park Woodlark Bolldiag removes it permanently. No electric needle or 150,000 boys are enjoying this summer depilatary used. Eyebrows straightened. the benefits and delights of life In the THE AMERICAN SYSTEM. 427 Pittock Block. D R . G. E. W A T T S open under Ideal conditions of leader F ire Proof and Modern ship and equipment. All these camps 212 Oregonian Building. NEW HOUSTON HOTEL are under expert scout men and are PORTLAND. OREGON C. S. Richardson, M anager conducted in accordance with the re W e e k ly Rates to P erm anent Guests S P E C IA LIS T S ixth and E v e re tt Streets, T h ree Blocks quirements of the national camping de Female and Rectal Troubles and from N ew Postoffice, F o u r Blocks from partment. The scout law is the law Union Depot, Portland. Ore. GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS of each camp and every one of these E y e s E x a m in e d . G l a s s e s F it t e d . Used Ford Trucks and Touring Can 150,000 boys will come back home R epairing dons by m ail. Most little nearer the scout Ideal “physi Bargains a t all times modern equipment. Satisfaction UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE cally strong, mentally awake, morally * 9 9 9 * guaranteed. Used Fords Exclusively P R E -W A R P R IC E S Grand Av. A Yamhill Port straight.” C la rk -B ro w e r Optical Co.. 1121 6th Street land. STATE N E W S IN BRIEF. Watch Cuticura Improve Your Skin, On rising nn<l retiring gently smear the face with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off Ointment In five minutes the American Forestry Magazine. with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It This is well seen In the young of the Is wonderful sometimes what Cntlcurr hornblll of certain Islands of the East will do for poor complexions, dandruff, 'telling and red rough hands.—AdV. Indies. during the week ended September 28, according to a report prepared by the state industrial accident commission. The victims were Arthur Anderson, carpenter. Portland; James Fielder, They Liked Leeke. logger, Brookings; C. Atterbury, air Reading of Good Books. Owing to the fondness of the Celt brake man, Gresham; Robert Watt, A book we may read over and over logger, Tillamook, and John H. Pal- until we remember It; and, If we for ic tribes for the leek their descend mehn, teamster, Portland. get It, may again persue it at our ants, the Welsh, retain It as an em blem of their nationality. The leac or Medford.—An apple show for the pleasure, or at our leisure. So that Rogue River valley will be held In good books are a very great mercy leek was an Important vegetable and the Anglo-Saxons called their gardens Medford under the auspices of the to the world.—Richard Baxter. "leac gardens.” local chamber of commerce In October. Tough Luck. It Is estimated that the commercial No Longer Appropriate. Georgia Paper—During our absence apple crop of the valley will be In the An Indian named Man-Afrald-of- neighborhood of 100 cars thia season, some one set fire to our office, but breaking the tonnage in apples in the notwithstanding the fact that It was Nothing married a white woman In history of the valley, and due to the heavily Insured, the blamed thing Montana not long ago, and In one week after the wedding he applied to hls heavy rain of laat winter and spring would not burn.—Brooklyn Eagle. tribe to have hls name changed.—Bos the apples have attained remarkable ton Transcript Innocents at Home. size and fine quality. Mrs. Youngbrlde—Jack, dear, w e’ll Salem.—A total of 132,330 persons Emeralds In Aztec Treasures. have to send that refrigerator back. paid their way into the state fair Every time the Iceman puts Ice In It, Among the Aztec treasures of Mex grounds last week as against 80,118 It begins to leak.—Boston Transcript. ico exquisitely cut emeralds were found during the state fair held here a year and It Is from this source that the ago. according to the official report The Reward. magnificent emeralds now forming a completed by J. E. McClintock, caah- The reward of a thing well done, Is part of the royal collection of Spain ler. The recelpta this year aggregat to have done It.—Emerson. were supposed to have come. ed $106,754.30, as compared with $90,- 117 a year ago. Although not all the BEHNKE-WALKER Are You Satisfied? BUSINESS COLLEGE obligations contracted by this year's Is the btggesL meet perfectly equipped fair had been presented for payment Busmens T ra in in g School In tbs N o rth west. F it yourself for s higher position It was estimated by A. H. Lea, secre w ith mors money. Perm anent positions B A L L B L U E isurod qur O rsdu atM . tary of the state fair board, that the W rite fò r « s ta lo « - Fourth and YamhIU. Is n eed ed in e v e r y departm ent o f ___ net profits from the 1921 event would keeping. EquaOy good fo r towels, tabla exceed $25.900. s««. GreemSe. P. N. U. No. 41, 1921 R e d C ro ss I 1