THE HERMISTON HERALD. HERMISTON, OREGON. ■ ■ ■ W e have received thia week ■ “ THE H E R M IS T O N '' HERALD Published every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, In the heart of tastern- Oregon’s great Irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. BERNARD MAINWARING, EDITOR r.nU'teU mm ______ Meenud -etaaa matter, liw tiu lM i », nau, a t th e po.u>tnc* a t Henaiatou. OrMcon Subscription Rates: One Year, <2.00; Six Months, 51 00 A CAR BOXES ■ ■ PORTLAND 1925 INCLUDING Apple Boxes Peach Boxes Tomato Boxes ■ s : Grape Crates Honey Cases 8 If you need any of these you had better place your order before this stock is gone * TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. ; R. A. Brownson, Mgr. " PHONE H I a ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ W e have Just received advance shipm ents of Men’s Leather Vests Just the th in g for early fall wear. These are th e Gordon V ests nothing better made and priced at *.50 to 517.50. You w ill make no m istake in picking out your sire and sty le early a» these garm ents are p r ie d right. We are determ ined -not tc carry over a sin gle pair of Men’s Oxfords and we have a tew pair sm all sixes, m ostly 6 and 6 InGun Met­ al and patent leather to close at 52.00. W orth 55.00 to 55 50. These are real bargains If you can find your sire. In the ladles wear we have just five Middie Blouses just the th in g for the season, to close at 51 50. w orth 53.50. a real bargain. .»V i »4 Holeproof Hose, Silk Black, w hite and brown at 51.60. H oleproof S ilk faced Hose, a tne durable quality and looks as good as pure silk at 51 00 a pair. Colors W hite, Black, Cordovan and Gray. H erm iston Produce & Supply Co. " T h e Rest o f G ood Service“ There is meat - and meat. Just the looks of some meat is enough to take away the appetite. Our meats meet the approval of all buyers. Our animals are properly slaughtered and from the pen to the customer the meat is handled with a view to keeping it perfectly clean and sanitary. We specialise in the finest OUR M EATS MEEf FA VOR I » I Beef. Park, Mutton, Fish and Cured Meats For the best in meat, come to the house that sells the best City Meat Market MOONEY A SIKEY. Prep. Portland w ill g et her exposition in 1925. T h is w as assured when President Harding signed the exp osi­ tion bill w hich gave the governm ent's upprovul to the big fair. I t may he said that Portland w ill g e t " most o f the benefit and that is true but she w ill by no m eans gel all the benefit. The en tire 'const w ill be helped by a w orld’s fair in Portlund. It w ill g iv e every section of th is western cou n try a chance to advertise itself and its products to the world. Portland w as m ighty fortunate to get the governm ent's approval, for Philadelphia w ants an exposition in 1926 for the 150th anniversary of the declaration of Independence and the Quaker city Is supposed to have a lot of "drag" around W ashington, but western pep beat eastern slow n ess and Portland got in ahead w ith he» plans and w ill now put them through regardless of what happens to th e P hiladelphia project. The. big exposition w ill mean som e­ th in g directly l a H erm iston. We have seen the trem endous auto tra f­ fic th is sum mer and th is w ill prob­ ably be greater in th e com ing years. In 1925 th* tourist travel through here to P oitlan d w ill he far greater than an y th in g ever seen before. If at that tim e we have a really good tourist park. Herm iston b usiness houses w ill do many thousands of dollars worth of b u sin ess w ith tran ­ sien ts who pay cash and are very desirable custom ers. People w ho an* not In business should not get the idea that th is w ill not b en efit them It w ill benefit everybody for w h en ­ ever one business prospers the w bon tow n is helped. So let's not allow Portland to grab a ll th e houors in 1925. out o f hotels tends to confirm a grow ing suspicion on the part of the traveling public. La Grande Ob­ server. Some men die of natural causes; others eat green corn. The D alits Chronicle. The railroads' earnings are held to tie non il again. oN ot so w ith the people's earnln s. for they are far b e­ low normal. It looks like it w ill be imp* sible io strike the happy med­ ium and the pretty balanced condi­ tion in railroad operation that Jim Hill once had.— La Grande Observer. ------------------------------------- Inland Empire Lumber Company r Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW . MGR. It c t. the public tw o m illion dol- lai annually to care for dependents in Oregon. Even so, the independ­ ent.- have the best of it.— W eston Leader. ’ Some husbands have quit stayin g home al night because they hate to e alone - Omaha D aily News. Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau SEE V- S . & i « r l H IT T -F O R - GUNS — and— T he man w ho invented the camera is ch iefly responsible for th e bathing n il.— Itidianauolis N ews. And a few years ago th ey told us war clou d s were caused by reigning m on arch s.--B irm in gh am N ews. Lima Beane says the b ill collector may not have a handsome face, but bis back looks beau tifu l.— Toledo Blade. AMMUNITION A FULL LINE Indiana people should read th« article on the first page ask in g them to leave I heir nam es at Sapper's f . W hat has become of the fussy the Hoosier picnic w hich is being planned for Septem ber. The idea it man that used to grum ble about the a good one. If you are from Indiana racket mpde by the pneum atic riv­ eters?— Syracuse Herald. pitch in and help put it over. The big bc>p» for the doctrine of U m atilla county is now up to da’» i he freedom of the seas ties in the w ith a sen sation al murder case all its fact th at P us-yfoot Johnson is no very ow n, over near Milton. fish.— P hiladelphia North American. A m agaxine w riter says retired of­ fice holders enjoy loafin g in W ash­ ington. T he enjoym ent isn't lim it­ ed to th e retired ones___Sioux City Journal. T hey’ve put a ban on "throwing rice" in the depot at W ashington Now for a ban on "th row in g th e bull" a few blocks d is t a n t — Grand R^psia Herald Dirne-Jersey Hog Exhibit Will he a Special Feature: Some From Here May Compete C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y ’ Delicious Wholesome Confectionery Tasty Stationery ror nomen News stand Cigars and Tobacco AASCO K O D A K S Films developed-- Enlargements made w The ex-Crown Princess C ecelie has only a pony and cart for her children But. oh. thipk o f the donkey she hasn't g o t.— Columbia S late. “T rained hogs to sam ple hoove.” is the Intest schem e of the dry agen ts Boardman is p lan n in g a cheese But w here w ill they find th e hog. factory. Boardman won't be the born a h oe that w ill touch IL— A t­ first tow n that milk cow s have put lanta C onstitution. on the map. T o o m any dam failures." say» T he latest Silesian settlem en t is The L iterary D igest. E qually trpe said to be u nsatisfactory to G erm any, w ith a sligh t ch an ge in the order of w hich is the first really good thing the w ords.— Boston Herald. we have seen said for it. Never put o ff till tomorrow w hat you ran do tod ay—-It may be prohib­ An eastern paper asked the ques­ ited th en .— Boston T ranscript. tion. "W hat Is th e most glorim»» word in the language?" The best answ er Tecetved » a s , "Please find BIG LIVE ^TOCK SHOW WILL check en clo sed " BE IN SPOKANE OCT. 27 Oregon Press Comment ' The superior building service ren­ dered by this company has been obtain­ ed for the exclusive use of customers. This makes it possible for you to step into this office and inspect hundreds of designs of modern homes and other buildings before you build. All the guesswork has been eliminated because * the designs have actually been built and many of them are hand colored photo­ graphs. A complete set of blue prints, specifications and an accurate and com­ plete bill of material will be supplied with any design. All this is free to customers. For your individual satis­ faction call at this office. No obliga­ tion. We find the old conundrum, “W hy does a hen cross the street?” In an exchange, w (jleh entirely Ignores the faet that the hen now run over Iwfon she gets across the str e e t.- • Medford Clarion. Brief and to the Point The su ggestion made at the ed itor­ ial convention at Bend that Oregon new spapers adopt a code o f eth ics and quit running other people's w rit­ in g in th eir own colum ns as th eir ow n, is m eeting the w ide spread ap­ proval that a good idea merits. The Herald receives en ou gh propaganda most every day to fill its good sired w aste basket and th a t’s where it goes. Our reason for k ick in g is that the stu ff accum ulates and the other day we had to burn it in the office stove, thereby su fferin g for sin s not ixir ow n. H ave a heart. Colonel H of­ fer. 1 ■ Homes. Churches, Schools, Gar- ages, Barns and other buildings The dancing masters are trying to introduce a revolutionary principle into next season’s dancing. They w aul people io dance w ith their feet. — A lbany Democrat. "1 would rather be hanged than a l ten years or life," says Janies E. THE BRUMFIELD CASE Mahoney. Seal lie w ife m u rd erer.-- Brum field has been captured. Ii which ought to make it unanim ous. seem s th a ’ fortune is alw ays again»' ■— W eston Leader. the fu g itiv e from ju stice. He a l­ w ays m akes some m istake or leav. some track uncovered and it proves h is undoing. Brum field w as In Can­ ada and supposedly safe. There w asn't a clue as to h is w hereabouts. T hen he .Tot th e idea that he must Some men for the speckled beaut- have a box o f express w hich he had shipped to S eattle, so he ordered it ie.-. som e for the freckled.— Boston sen t in th e name he was goin g by in Herald. h is w andering. Of course J be a u th o rities needed no b elter clu e than that and he w a - taken alm ost im m ediately. Brum ­ field's case is a stran ge one and only the trial and perhaps not that can bring to light a ll th e details. The fall o f the supposedly respectable professional man h as a tw o sided­ ness that recalls th e strange case r f Dr. Jeck y ll and Mr. Hyde ^»tiich Stevenson im m ortalised. " Over 500 Designs From Which to Choose About six w eeks and the school children w ill be buying tab lets again. The school bell is good m usic and the days of learning are the best of all.— Aurora Observer. Lord N ortheliffe has ridiculed pro­ hibit! a in the U nited States. It probably w ill not occur to his lord- hip that the prohibitionists of Amer­ ica can make Just as much fun of him as he can of th em .--O regon Journal. ' M ake he richest woman ing prospective herds to he entered party Tuesday even in g of last week when a group of friends called to In En -.laud says she made her money io the com ing sxhihitlpB . P e n d le t» » . O re g e s 'su rp rise Mm. Pc K ILiyjicn and Mis, p. P. S u llivan who» birthday» weiw on the sam e day." A w r y pleasant even in g w as enjoyed by ail after w hich dain ty refreshm ent* were serv­ ed. CARD OF THANKS W e wish to thank the m any kind friends and neighbor» for their help and kindness during ilie slekne»s and burial of our beloved m other and sis­ ter. Your kindness w ill long be re­ membered by ns. R. C. Goode Mrs. M M »hockey J. W. Craik. Cause of Appendicitis W hen the b ow els are constipated. the low er bow els or large Intestines become packed w ith refuge m atter, that is made up largely of germs Phene germ s en ter th e verm iform ap­ pendix and set up Inflam m ation, w hich is com m only know n aa ap­ pendicitis. Take C ham berlain's T ablets when needed and keep your bow els regular and you have little to fear from appendicitis, r