y r /$ , ■ <• Zr. THE HEBM ISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. = — — ---------- ■MMM LODGE DIRECTORY S A V IN G The person who saves and banka his savings will never have to dig down into every pocket in order to pay a bill. ' We pay 4 per cent interest on Time Certificates. FIRST NATIONAL BANK o f Hermuton, Oregon Don't fail to insure that hay. u e e n E s t h e r c h a p t e r n ©. 101. o. e . s .. I meets second Tuesday •veninjruf each month j at 1:00 sharp in Masonic hall. Visitiajr mciubers ' welcome. Sue D. Dubier. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Q UERM 1STO N LODGE NO. 138. A F . A A M * * meets in Masonic Hall on First and Thud Tuesday evening» uf each mouth. V isiting broth C. W. Kell©«*. Secy. \Z IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206, 1. O. O. F. ¥ meet« each Monday evening in Odd Fellow» hall. Visitinjr members cordially invited, t W. R. Loa<horn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N.G . P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S J. A . P E E D V E T E R IN A R Y WANT ADS FOR SALE T. D. Worater. W. M SUR G EO N Hermiston, Ore. A'complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, House Phone 21 wash bowles, and hot water t«nks and fixtures. If we havent what D R . R. G. GAGE you want, w e’ll get It. Repairing and Installing. I. E. Putman. P h y a lc la n a n d S u r g e o n Phone 783. Office— Gladys A ve. near F in * S t. ADDING machine rolls at the Herald office. Office Hours; 1U to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phono 641 FOR SALE— 3.0 ft. steel wind mill tower A l condition; and Jersey milk cow. W. W. Rogers. 48-ltp D R . F R A N C IS P. A D A M S HOUSE FOR SALE Physu ian and Surgeon Good five room bungalow for sale Eye« treated, tented and Glasers Fitted or w ill trade for light car. Albert 47-tfc Office over First Nation i l Bank FOR SALE- -Bartlett pears, 5 cents Smith, Hermiston. a pound. Henry Hanby. 48-4tc. OFFICE P H O N E .'« R. B. SPENCBR WILL BUY YOUR RESIDENCE PHONE. 595 fruit, eggs and poultry for cash Office Hour«: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. FOR SALE— Prunes will be ripe Three trips a week. Phone 18F2 Day or night calls ai.sweied promptly about Aug. 20. 2 M miles north 46-5tp of town opposite Judge Embry. F. W .JCuhn. 48-ltc. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY PRICES REDUCED FOR Office over F ir it National Bank FOR SALE— A Macey book case, a The Ladles Home Journal ......... |1 .6 0 Medicine Surgery chiffonier, a rug 9X12. Phone Saturday Evening Post ............. 2.00 Osteopathy 66F14. Mrs. A. W. Warriner. 48- Country Gentleman .......................1.00 Calls answered at all hours 2tc. Renew your subscriptions through Office phone 551 Residence phone 711 H. Pelmulder, Hermiston, Oregon, FOR SALE— A few w ell bred heifer Phone 312. ' 39-tfc calves. See Correll, 48-tfc. DR. C. 0. WAINSCOTT TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon Physician and Surgeon FOR SALE— Llnollum, kitchen cabi paper at the Herald office. X-Ray Specialist net, fruit jars, pump jack, bee sup plies, etc. Correll’s shop. 4 8tfc. ELLIOTT’S TIRE SHOP-American Phones, Res. 889-J— Office 8G6 48-tfc Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond Bld’g. Akron Tires. FANCY GRAPES beginning to ripen Pendleton, Oregon now. See Correll. 48-tfc. E. L. HALL Transfer. Call E lliott’s Tire Shop, phons 192. 48-tfc. FOR SALE— 6 good dairy cows, rang r ing from 3% to 8 years old. Al LOST— Medium sized bay mare. Find so three shoats w eighing about er please report to Frank Stone, D E N T IS T R Y 85 pounds. Anyone wishing to phone 394. 48-ltc. Hermi8ton, Oregon buy call on W. T. Knapp, Stan Bank Bid?. field, Ore., R -l. 48-3tp. CORRELL buys wax. 4 8-tfc. Office, Office Phone, 93 Office Hours D . F. V . P R IM E Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. ni. I FRESH COW for sale, 1 mile north * of town. N. B. Whitford. 4 8 -tc . USE OF TRUCK ON FARM WILL MEAN MONEY SAVED J. D . Z Ü R C H E R FOR SALE— Crab apples, 2 cents a pound. Pick them yourself. F. LAW YER L. Allen, Hermiston Ave. 47-2tc Products May Be Taken to Market in Good Condition and at Much Stanfield O re g o n FOR SALE.—Good team 5-year-old Smaller Expenses mares. Price Is right. See A. W Agnew. 3 4-tfc. That the truck is the most practi FOR SALE— Royal Typewriter, No. cal method of taking farm products 10 in first class condition >50.00 to market Is being proved In Oregon, i O p tom etrist a n d O p tician 10-tfc points out the farm mechanics de j Glasses g ro u n d to f it y o u r e y e . i FOR SALE— 20 acres, Stanfield pro partment at the Oregon Agricultural F ifte e n year» e x p e rie n c e a t y o u r service | j ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced college. The farmer who has suf • A m e r ic a n N at. Bank B ldg. rabbit «wire, buildings and well. ficient work to maintain a truck Stock and furniture also for sale. can save money by using motor trans" P e n d le to n /O r e g o n Inquire this office. 42-tfc portatlon for he can deliver his pro ducts to market In better condition, SOME Small Horses for sale cheap cut down shrinkage and save time. H .S .M c K E N Z T E , M . D . I Shot well Contracting Co. 32-tfc The farmer must deliver his pro EYE, EAR, NOSE A N D THROAT FOR SALE— 40 acres in alfalfa, ducts to the market in the best pos Has removed from his former location in the priced very reasonable. W. W sible shape at the lowest cost price. Bond Bldg, to Felt house. 38-ttc Where roads are such that trucks Rooms 1. 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bids. OREOON FOR SALE— Small range, W hite sew can be used they have proved most P E N D L E T O N ing machine practically new successful. An experiment was conducted at princess dresser and a few smaller items. Call Oregon hotel. 43-tfc. Kimball, South Dakota by a farmer living 12 miles from town, which FOR SALE— Four small Duroc-Jersey pigs. C. H. Miller. 43-tfc. showed the value of the truck. This man had two cars of hogs to load. FOR SALE-—Transcendent crab ap Half of the hogs he delivered by ples, 4 cents per pound. Mrs. R. wagon and the others by truck. In PH O N E 192 A. Steward. 47-2tp. the second case enough was saved in L e a v e ord e rs a t FOR SALE— Good work horse cheap .hrinkage between the time they Wm. H. Ogden. 40-tfc were weighed at the farm and at the car to pay for hauling. FOR SALE— Aero motor windmill and steel tower, wheel 8 feet in diameter, tower 20 feet high, 1 The doctor who recommends pleas wide wheel McCormick mower, 1 new iron wheel truck wagon, 1 ant thoughts while eating should 8 Inch vineyard plow, 1 No. 12 edit the food prices.— W ashington HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK De Laval separator, li team, of Post. mares and harness, 1 3 horse pow TRANSFER er “Z” type kerosene engine, 1 The reason we hate an end-seat Acme power chopper, or will trade hog Is because He beats us to it.— i for cows, weaned pigs or brood p h o n i tail sows. W. A. Ford, Umatilla. 45- Providence Journal. tfe. Same Old Story Bnt a Good One MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Mahala Burns, Savanna, Mo., Hollis Percey, Prop. relates an experience, the like of Osving to the fact that the Coal , Hermiston, Ore. Mines atta h sight draft to Bill of which has happened in almost every Lading making all coal strictly cash neighborhood in this country, and on arrival, we are compelled to in has been told and related by thous stall a cash with order system to our ands ot others, as follows; "I used ei fter. «1. ^,* Beginning Aug. 10th, 1921. all orders for fuel must be ac a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy about nine years companied with cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. ago and it cured me of flux (dysent 48-tfc. Tum-A-Lum LumberCo. ery). I had another attack of the name complaint three or four years FOR THE BENEFIT of those who ago and a few doses of this remedy MUST BE KEPT BUSY may desire my services, I wish to "ured me. I have recommended it to announce that I have returned to dozens of people since I first used It I can give you better service and Hermiston to resume my pract and shall continue to do so for I cheaper rates than ever£before. ice. Office hours are from 2 to know It la a quick and positive Will haul anything. 5 and j : 3 0 to 9 p. m. In the fu cure for bowel trouble.’’ Baled hay a specialty. ture these hours will be kept with strict reguarity, except when 0 .0 . Felthouie Phone 404 railed out in an emergency. Dr. Husbasd’i Story Will R. G. Gale. 47-4tc. Amaze Hermuton Dr. Dale Rothwelll E. L. H A L L TR A N SFER Elliott’s Tire Shop T w o T ru c k s He says; "Adler-1 ka helped my •TOR JOB and Cabinet work see 47-4tr wife for gas on the stomach and sour Boynton. Phone 192. ntomach In TWENTY MINUTES. I» GENERAL HOUSEWORK wanted works beyond greatest expectations.” by a girl. Inquire at this office. <dier-i-ka acts on BOTH upper and . 4« 3tp lower bowel removing foul matter which posioned stomach. Brings out CASH Paid for second hand good« Correll's Shop. 17-tfe all gasses and sour, decaying food. EXCELLENT for chronic constipa THE feeling of security hi well worth tion. Guards against appendicitis. How about Adler-l-ka removes matter you never the premium paid, that Eire Insurance? See the E 11-tfc thought was In your system and P. Dodd Agency. which may have been poisoning you T. L. Hall, transfer. Call E lliott’s for months. Mitchell Drug Co. Pd Tire shop, phone 1*3, IJ-tfc Adv, Hermiston Barber Shop U N D ER NEW MANAGEMENT BERT MULLINS, Fro». Agent for Domestic La «adry Bosket loaves Tuesday, returns Saturday A share of Your Patrotup* S d irik d SHOWER BATHS • T h e S to ry of I O u r S ta te s Pound’s Theater The Play House UMATILLA. OREGON HERMISTON, OREGON Friday, Aug. 12 Saturday, Aug. 13 By JONATHAN BRACK XXV.—ARKANSAS rkansas nam A ed was after the r i v e r which flows diagon ally through this state and la one of the chief tributaries of the Missis sippi. It is said that the early settlers found In this territory, an Indian tribe named Arkansas, but the actual meaning of the word is not known. It probably has some relation to the word Kansas. There has been much confusion as to the correct pro nunciation of Arkansas. To re move ibis as far as possible a resolution was passed by the state senate in 1881 which speci fied that the true pronunciation was “Ar-kan-saw.” Originally Arkansas was a part of the Louisiana Purchase. Its first settlement was made by the French about 1686. Except for the few years during which by secret treaty it was ceded to Spain, It remained under French rule, until purchased by the Uni ted States In 1803. For nearly ten years after this. It was a part of Louisiana territory. With the admission of the State of Louisiana In 1812 this northern section was formed Into the Mis souri territory. In 1819 there was another partition and Ar kansas territory was created, which included the present state and what later was called Ind'an territory. Due to the reports of an early explorer named Pike, who visited this region in 1806, the Incor rect idea was generally accepted that most of the expanse of plains east of the Rockies was a vast desert. This idee, per sisted to such an extent that as late as 1860 the western plains were called In the school geog raphies “The Great American Desert.” Adventurous settlers, especially from the South, found conditions in Arkansas quite oth erwise, however, and by 1838 Arkansas was admitted as the twenty-fifth state of the Union with an area of 53,335 square mllea. The natural resources of the state are considerable. There are the mineral springs of me- diclnal value, which have been placed under governmental con- trol at Hot Springs. JANE NOVAK JANE NOVAK in In “THE GOLDEN TRAIL” “THE GOLDEN TRAIL” A Story of Alaska Sunday, Aug. 14 “RIRED AGAIN” The Play House announces a show, Al St. John ing of the famous story “THE FLAME OF THE 15c 35c A Good Show Every Friday DESERT” 8:00 P. M. Also a Good News Reel Wednesday, August 17 MILDRED HARRIS CHAPLIN IN •‘POLL Y OF THE STORM COUNTRY” The GOOD Maxwell New Maxwell Prices $1035 For either roadster or touring cars delivered at Hermiston. W e have a fe w cars availab le for im m ed ia te delivery (© by McClure N ew spaper Syndicate.) T h e S to ry of j O u r S ta te s N eil & Barker Co. We Wald Anything but A Broken Heart Hermiston, Oregon Phone 264 By JONATHAN BRACE XXVI.— MICHIGAN IB French missionar ies and fur traders were th e f lr a t whites to pen etrate into Have that watch fixed that has been out of order M lc h ig a n . Their first visits to this region or not keeping time. What good is a watch that does date back to 1610. It was not until 1668 however, that the first not keep time? actual settlement was made. This was the mission at Snult Sainte Marie, founded by Father SA T ISFA C T IO N Marquette. Mackinac was es tablished a few years later, and or your m o n ey back Detroit's growth was slow. After the French and Indian wars the English took over this territory, and in 1774 it was for mally declared a part of Canada. Detroit rapidly grew in lmpor- JEW ELER & WATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END tanee and during the Revolution H e r m is t o n , O r e g o n was the base of operations for many raids by the British and Indians against the Americans. By the terms of the treaty of sallsfled individuals. “SO LONG LETTY” PICTURE Paris in 1783 this region became WILL BE FULL OF “PEP” a part of the United States. U. P. TRAIN SETS FIRE NORTH What is now Michigan, Wiscon sin, a part of Minnesota, Illinois, OF TOWN; HOUSE IS SAVED Excellent Cast Has Many Opportun Indiana and Ohio was known ss ities to Display Their the Northwest territory. After A fire that narrowly missed taking Prolific Talent Ohio.was set off as a separate the C. L. Wight homestead a mile a n l state the Lower Peninsula of One of the best comedy dramas of a h;.lf north of town was caused by Michigan was joined to Indiana the screen is “So Long Letty," the sparks froi- a U. P. gravel train last territory. In 1805 Michigan be came a separate territory with Robertson-Cole super-special which Monday evening. shout its present boundaries. It happened early In the evening will be shown at the Play House There was, however, a great Saturday, August. 20 In adapted to and all the neighbors got on the Job dispute over a small atrip of the sliver sheet from Oliver Morosco's right away. No serious damage waa land In the extreme southern famous and successful stage play of done, but if It had occured a few portion which was claimed by the same name, "80 Long Letty” ap hours later when people were in bed Ohio. This almost led to blood pear« to better advantage on the the house would probably have been shed, but was finally settled by Michigan releasing her claim to screen because o t the wider scope t f burned. the disputed area and receiving The Incident should bring the rail the camera. as compensation an addition to A1 Christie, producer and director road company to realize the need of the Upper Peninsula. On this of "Letty,” Is pleased Io believe that catching the sparks from their basis Michigan was admitted to the scieening of the comedy-drama Is smoke stacks. There was also'a fire the Union In 1837 and became the best work of his career. Aaide at Irrigon this week from the same the twenty-sixth state. from a number of bewitching bathing cause and damage bills sometimes Michigan has a unique situa tion, aa It is hounded by the girls who did not waste any material come heavy. three largest of the Great Lakes, when making their bathing suits, Mr. and divided Into two penlnaulae. Surprise Party Thursday Christie has selected four excellent Thia gives It a coast line larger artists to play the principal roles. Thursday evening a group of girls in proportion to Its area than They are T. Roy Barnes, Grace Dar- gathered at the home of Lucyle Sul any of the other states. It la mond, Colleen Moore, and Walter livan, the plan being to surprize named after Lake Michigan, Hlers. Zona Bensel who was her guest. Be which is the Algonquin word, “Mlchi-gan,” meaning “great The story of "So Ixmg Letty" has sides games and dancing Zona Beit- sea.” It Is entitled to 16 votes to do with swapping wives, dis eel recited several entertaining In th e e le c to ra l college. gruntled husbands, home cooked pieces. Eldora Kingsley entertained ( © b r S c C i t o N «»»a«a«r S rad lesta ) meals. Paris gowna. cabaret«, ging the girls with a clever dunce At the ham dreiees and sardines. Likewise close of the evening • dainty lunch it teaches a lesson to perpetually dla- was served, r DO IT NOW WM. H. OGDEN