TMJS H E B M IS T O N K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IK E - H IN M ia T O N 't H O U S I O F Q U A L IT Y A N O H E B A L P . H E B M IS T O N , O R E G O N . tion with their father on the ranch ' east of Hermiston. C Q , Waldon Rhea and sons Hugh and j Tom were in Hermiston Saturday. • ■ R V IC S '* Be an International Farmer R. Alexander is in town for a few days from Pendleton. Mrs. E. J. Wilson of Prineville ] spent the week-end at the H. L. | Ice cr»am social next Saturday Payne home on her return to Prine evening on the city lawn. ville from Pendleton where she had I been attending the Federation Club | Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Wainscott drove convention. down from Pendleton last Sunday. Bob Hornbeck and family, of I Base ball Sunday— Pendleton vs. Mai tenas, California, who have been Hermiston. 3:00 o'clock p. m. sharp. I visiting at the A. E. Meyer home the past 10 weeks, left Monday for Port-1 Mayor F. C. McKenzie was in Pen land to attend the Rose Festival. dleton Monday transacting business. Wm. Fritts left for Portland Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blessing and | nesday morning. He will accompany Mrs. Anna Sapper drove to Pendleton Mrs. Fritts, who has been in a local last Tuesday. I hospital, back to Hermiston the lat- J :er part of the week. C. O. Blayden and family of Board- f man were In Hermiston Wednesday I Mrs. Durfey and son Jarvis return and Thursday. | "d home last week from San Diego, California where Mrs. Durfey has Mrs. R. C. Todd was visiting her I been for several months. Jarvis, daughter, Mrs. Holt In Pendleton jthe | who is just out of college, went to first of the week. Ian Diego to spend a few days be ‘ore coming home. Born— To Mr. and Mrs. George I Prindle, on Wednesday, June 8th, an | H. Pelmulder drove his family over eight pound baby boy. io Walla Walla last Saturday where they will remain for a week. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Lochrle are ’elmulder returned the same day spending a few days In Portland dur md will go after his family the lat ing the Rose Festival. er part of this week. Bathing Season JA N TZEN , the real bathing suit. All wool and OREGON MADE. Prices from $4 to $4 Rubber Caps for men and women Copyright 1921, Jantzen Knitting Mills K IN G S L E Y TW O M E R C A N T IL E D E L IV E R IE S D A IL Y PH O N E CO. O N E -S E V E N -O N E Mrs. I. E. Putnam and daughter Ralph Evans, who recently pur Marjorie left for Portland Tuesday | chased the Casper E. Payne place, ar- to take In the Rose Carnival. ived here last Sunday with a car oad of household goods and stock, Mrs. O. C. Young returned hom< le brought eight more good dairy yesterday from Culver, Oregon wher- ows to the project and is now build- she had been visiting for a week. ng a dairy barn. Mr. Evans for- nerly resided in Corvallis. Mrs. L. R. Lawson returned hour Monday after spending a week ii George Robinson, who was prin Portland and other valley points. ipal of the public schools of Butte '’alls, Oregon, arrived here from Born— To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Got ’outhern Oregon Thursday morning ham of Boardman, Sunday, June 5 vith his family. He recently pur a seven and a half pound baby girl hased a place from Mrs. Lawson and vill begin to make improvements on Col. Emmett Callahan was a Her he place at once. mlston visitor for a couple of day the first of the week from Boardman Base ball Sunday—Pendleton vs. Mrs. George H. Root is expectei lermiston. 3:00 o'clock p. m. sharp home Saturday from Portland wher- she has been visiting for a couple oi weeks. XASH^CARRYÌ ■ ■ MONOPOLE GOODS ■ ■ ■ : ■ : ■ (ii ‘Quality Goods” W e carry a complete line of these goods STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. I c.... Phone 413 E cho F lo u r M ills SPEC IAL CO BKB8PO NDENCB J. H. Stilling went to Union, Ore gon with a few hogs to show in thi The rain of the past week stopped stock show at that place the first of baying to some extent, but little the week. larm was done as there was but a »mall amount down. Hay derrick.1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Garritson of Van •re being adjusted, sickles sharpen couvcr, Washington, stopped oL d and everything Is In readiness foi here to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Han he bumper crop of alfalfa, when In by last week. tacks will dot the project in all di- ections. Some hay is being baled rom the shock, the owners taking George Rayhill, formerly of thi. I city, but now of Portland, stopped ofl idvantage of the balers, who are not et rushed, being prepared to sell I here recently between trains to sn; nd ship if they so desire. I hello to old friends. Echo, Oregon -M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F - High Grade Patent Blue S tem Flour DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED ALUMINUM Special From June 11 to 18 inclusive, we will allow a special Discount of 15 per cent on Anything in the Store "Made of Aluminum Mrs. Leah Holland and daughter Willard Felt house, who owns and I Dorothy went to Pendleton Tuesda; iperates a baling machine, Is baling Ion the auto stage for three or foui ind having his hay hauled to town days business trip. I ' he past week. Thomas Campbell, Thomas Fraser I Mrs. Joe Udcy who had a very fine C. M. Ja'ckson and George H. Roo. I crop of strawberries, has contracted went to Pendleton Wednesday In th. , ier entire output with a Wasco firm j interest of the Dairy and Hog show The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes B etter Bread Try a Sack = In addition to this 15 per cent, we will allow an extra 5 per cent for cash sales. Ju st a special for you to consider for the coming week. We have also marked Wash Boilers down as much as $1.75 each and have greatly reduced the price on one gallon and five gallon oil cans. SAPPERS’ INC. The box social held at Columbia S. Jensen has secured a contract ichool last week was well attended I for about 350 yards of plastering ii and a sum sufficient to send one del- I Boardman, and expects to go then gate from the boys and girls clubs the first of the week to do the work. to the summer school at Corvallis was raised. Musical numbers were Don't forget the Ice cream social provided by Pendleton ladles and to- I Saturday evening in the city lawn ether with drills and recitals a very from 6:00 p. in. on. The social Is nterestlng program was presented. being given by the Baptist young W. W. Green, county school super- people. ntendent was present and discussed a plan which would unite with Her- Mazie, Frankie and Emma Knap niston the surrounding districts into I ton arrived from Pendleton this >ne union high school. Fred Ben week and will spend the school vaca- a ion gave a talk on boys and girls lubs The baskets went like hot cakes I Recommends Chamberlain's Tablets. and cocoa was served in addition. "Chamberlain's Tablets have been I used by my husband and myself off Mrs. O. F. Jones, who has been and on for the past five years. Whan visiting In the Columbia neighbor I my husband goes away from home he always takes a bottle of them along hood. left Wednesday for Baker City. I with him. Whenever I have that While here Mrs. Jones superintended heavy feeling after eating, or feel the painting of her farm house and dull and played out. I take one or did other Improvements of much val I two of Chamberlain's Tablets and ue. She will be Joined In a few I they fix me up fine," writes Mrs. weeks by her son Norrts who is at Newton Vreeland. Minoa. N. Y. Take present spending part of his vacation I these tablets when troubled with con- here. Istlpation or Indigestion and they will Mrs. Wallace Spencer and baby are do you good. expected home from La Grande Thursday where they are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tilden, parents of Mrs. Spencer. Percey Sisters Will have a sale on All Trimmed and Un trimmed Hats, Waists and Fancy Work Goods The H « m That Doe. Thing* First HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS Beginning June 3 and ending with June 17 What an Experienced Farmer Knows Any farmer of experience can tell about how long his farm ma chinery will run before the parts that need replacement will wear out. These include, with many others, shares, shovels, guards, knives, sections, blades, teeth, etc. Order Repairs Early All these items should be listed and ordered'early far In advance of the time when they will be needed. You will save time and money by ordering all the repairs at one time. This wjll save you money later in the season, when you may be obliged to pay for long distance telephone calls, and express or parcel post chaig es on numerous small orders. When Delays are Exper sive And, what may later prove much more costly than these charg es, Is the time lost waiting for repairs just when the implement should be working to capacity in the field. Aa. the International Dealer, W e M aintain an In ter national Service Station for Your Convenience P R O F IT B Y IT Oregon Haraware & Implement Co. For the June Bride COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES i PHELPS cash GROCERY I ■ Buy International machines for the most successful operation of your farm, then keep them 100 per cent International as long as they last by using only Genulnd I H C Repairs Be an Inter national Farmer, and we will back you up by International Ser vice, which is prompt, dependable and permanent. H. J. Stillings left Wednesday morning for Union to attend the Live Stock show and Cattle Show which was held nt that place the 8, 9. and 10th. Mr. Stillings shipped six head of his Poland China hogs which weijf placed on exhibition there. FOR SALE—Gas engine and pump Jack, wagon, disc and second hand Ford. Mrs. H. M. Gunn. 39-lt Silverware and Cut Glass are the most appropriate as they arc— “ Gifts that Last” W M . H . O G D E N JEW ELER & W ATCHM AKER TO THE WEST END ». H e r m is to n , O re g o n