PORTLANDMARKET If it’s anything In paint we have it WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TINWARE Portland Tinware Mfg. Co., 47 First St. Preservative Paints ALASKA PLUMBING A HEATING CO. AND Glidden Varnishes beat—the kind that lasts longer. Make our atore your headquarters In Portland. The BAILEY’S vary Preservative Guaranteed PAINTS "Srl.": $3.50 VAUDEVILLE--MEIRO PHOTO PLAYS Deck and Flour PAINTS ".Si..": $325 _ T _ LX T *=---=== BY PARCEL POST, your T 1\| "D ire Y laundry and send to us. You can get the quality our •mns de “ “ —I Portland trade get. Hotel Alder DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL 235 Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. Will rent you a room for 11.00 per day, or a room with bath for $1.50 to $2.00 per day? BAB’S RESTAURANE — - We pay return postage. — Palace Laundry Co. Portland, Ore. . Remarkable 50c luncheon at noon. Open 7 m.. 826 Stark St. Sixth street opposite The Oregonien and Al- T ■ (‘11. der street opposite Meir & Frank’s. The Best H • • "aree’a Eating place in the City. The Finest Coffee E — —0. and Pastry « Specialty. We want your egg shipments. We pay cash. No discount, prompt remittance. We will pay the top market price the day your shipment PAGE & SON, PORTLAND, ORE IJ,, O DA,RY‘ poultry , Broadway Feed Co. nCly OC C t I Ut 11 STOCK EEED o . PORTLAND. O regon . Home Comforts Abound” "Where Fitters and Makers for Fifty-five Years Portland. Woodlark Building PORTLAND, ORE. The pleasure of your trip to Port­ land will depend upon the hotel you select. Cozy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find in your own home town, await you at ihe Multnomah. Alder St West Park LET US FINISH WHAT YOUR KODAK BEGAN The experts in our finishing depart­ ments are as eager as you to get the most from every exposure. The benefit of their experience Is yours for the asking. Thev are ready at all times to suggest and help so you may obtain better results In the future We carry Eastman Kodaks and supplies at all times. Special Attention Given to Mall Orders Eveland & Lewis, 413 East Morrison St. Portland. Ore. A BUSINESS EDUCATION FREE Garage in Connection. Rebuilt Harley-Davidson MOTORCYCLES Same guarantee as new. From $200.00 up to $350.00, all late models, with 3-speed and electric equipment. Easy terms if desired. Pay while you ride. Send for literature. Motorcycle and Supply Co.. Harley Davidson Service Center, 200 3rd St., Portland, Ore., corner Taylor. “Watch Your Feet” Tired Aching Feet Can Be Relieved. Dr. D. W. ELROD, 1116 Selling Bldg, Portland, Specializing on Arch Supports, Honest John Truss, Seamless Elastic Hosiery, Abdominal Supports, Ankle Sup­ ports. Glasses Fitted. Repairing done by mail. Most modern equipment. Satisfaction guaranteed. Clark-Brower Optical Co., 112} 6th Street Eyes A Position for Each Graduate Write us today. ALISKY BUILDING RUBBER STAMPS and MARKING Examined. DEVICES. AUTO REPAIR PARTS ^Every^ thing for the Oifiee,f Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated In Your Own Home Catarrh. Constipation. Goitre. Female Disorders. Files, etc. Write for information. DR. N. C. HAMPTION, Physician & Surgeon 712 Dekum Bldg.. Portland. Ore. YES, “IT WILL PAY” to send us that RADIATOR for repair. Made like new for a moderate price. Expert work absolutely guaran­ teed. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. Cor Union & Hawthorne, Portland DR G. E. WATTS 212 Oregonian Building. PORTLAND. OREGON SPECIALIST Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS The Beebe Company Cor. 1st. and Wash. Sts. Portland, • Oregon DON’T HAVE A WISH-BONE WHERE YOUR BACK BONE OUGHT TO BE If you are not satisfied with your present income don't wish for something better to turn up—get ready for something bet­ ter and you will get it! Will the present high wages continue? No one knows, but It is not likely. If not, you will soon be looking for something with better pay. Let us tell you how you can qualify In a short time tor the newest and fastest growing profession— AVIATION. Day or night classes. Oregon ex-service men receive $25.00 per month for educa­ tional purposes. School of Aeronautics 105-107 North Eleventh Street Portland, Oregon Are painful and often dangerous. Our Hand-woven-to-fit Elastic Stockings, Belts and Bandages always give relief. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. "You Can Get It Ai Beebe’s" DUDREY AIRCRAFT CORPORATION SWOLLEN (Varicose) VEINS Satisfaction or Money Back. Send for Book and Measure Blank Today. If you cannot come In send for color card. Order by mail. Mall orders filled same day as received. Send for free catalog PISTONS—PISTON PINS—RINGS Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding. Auto­ motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK & GILL CO.. INC. 11th and Burnside Sts. Portland, Ore. Phone: Bdwy. 3281 NEW FLUFF RUGS AT HALF COST OF NEW CARPETS. Have your old worn out carpets and woolen clothes made into artistic revers­ ible FLUFF RUGS. Carpets and rugs re­ paired, steam cleaned. Rag rugs all sizes. Buy from factory and save money. Write for prices. The most modern FIREPROOF GAR­ AGE In PORTLAND. Storage, repair­ ing, paint1' g, washing, and. polishing. Rest room for ladies. EAST SIDE CENTRAL GARAGE East Sixth and Taylor INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogues supplied and com­ mercial inquiries cheerfully answered- Write any firm below I Do It newl ACCORDIAN PLEATING " Knife and box pleating, hemstitching. 10c yd. Buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Mfg. Co., Fifth street, Portland. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS New and Second hand Farm machinery and Im- piamente. P. E. Esbenshade, Portland.________ ART LEATHER GOODS Leather Leggins, Traveling Bags, Trunks, Portland Leather Co., 226 Washington, BOILER WORKS— New— Repairing East Side Boiler Wks, East Water * Main BRAZING, WELDING A CUTTING Northwest Welding A Supply Co., M 1st 8t CLEANERS, TAILORS AND DYERS Special attention given to mail ordere. REGAL TAILORS, 127 North Sixth St CREAMERY Willamette Dairy, Buyers of Milk. Cream and Eggs. We pay cash, 483 Union Av.N Oregon Creamery for Eggs, Cream 130 2nd CUT FLOWERS A FLORAL DESIGNS Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St DANCING EVERY NOON A EVENING Oriental Cafe. Chinese- American Kitchen Corner Broadway and Wash. PORTLAND DEFORMITY APPLIANCES K. E. Karisen A Co., 452 Burnside St DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN For rheumatism and chronic disease. Dr. Chybke, D. P., 323 Fleidner Bldg. Duckback Waterproofing Preservative Guaranteed for auto tops. Spring lubri­ cant and gasket compound. 306 Pine St ENORAVED WEDDING INVITATIONS Irwin-Hodson, Statio.lers, Portland, Ora FARM LOANS Devereaux Mortgage Co., 87 6th St_____ FLOWERS FOR ANY OCCASION Geo. Bets A Son, $97 Williams Ave. ____ FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison. 85% Accord Ian side and box Pleating, Hem- stitching. Buttons Covered, Braiding, etc. K. Stephana. 219-20-21 Pittock Block. DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN “ Nervous and chronic diseases a special- ty. If others have failed give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, 136 13th Street. Chronic diseases a specialty. Dr. W. N. Allen, 3rd and Burnside. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS for Catalog. 201 2nd St., Portland._____ . CLEAN I NG AN D DYEI NG 7 For reliable Cleaning and Dyeing serv­ ice send parcels to us. We pay return postage. Information and prices given upon request. ENKES CITY DYE WORKS Portland Established 1890 Frank L. McGuire, Abington Bldg. DOORS AND WINDOWS Ing, Paint, Glass and Builders' Hardware, direct at wholesale prices Write for prices before buying. Heacock Sask A Door Co., 212 First St., Portland. employment service, furnishes office wo­ men and help of all kinds. 329 Henry Blds, phone Broadway 4537.____________________ HORSES, MULES BOUGHT, SOLD Crown Stables, Inc., 285 Front St., Port­ land, Ore. Horses and mules for aale or hire. Special rates to loggers and con­ tractors. With or without harness. Phillip Suetter, Pres. U. 8. STABLES, 365 Union Ave. Draft horses bought and sold._____________ C. L. Chappell, 222 Union Ave. South. LEARN MULTIGRAPHING " The Callan School,only recognized school on the coast. Experienced opera- tors always in demand. 405 Artisans Bldg MACHINERY ________ Send us your inquiries for anything In Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, Sawmill, Contractors’ Equipment, Loco- motives. Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Kall, Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Ce., 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. MAKE SOAP AT HOME 06900 las and equipment. Large profits. Easily made. P. G. Bowman. 24 Albina Ave. MEAT AND PRODUCE BOUGHT New Coolers installed assuri ng protec­ tion to shippers of dressed hogs, butter, eggs, etc. Try us. Brown A Co., 310 Hoyt. PAINLESS DENTISTRY Expert dentist­ ry. Saving of nearly 12. Out of high rent dis­ trict. N. E. Cor. 2nd & Burnside. MOTORCYCLES AND PARTS ------------------------------------A---------------------?------?-" All makes. Easy terms. EAST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44-46 GRAND AVE. PERSONAL " MARRY IF LONELY; for results, try me; best and moat successful "HOME MAKER"; hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. "The Successful Club,” Mrs. Ball, Box 566, Oakland, California._________________ PLATING NICKEL AND SILVER ERLE 2 J MARVEL SOAP __ _________ And Powdered Soap at your grocer's Ask for sample. MADE IN OREGON. 2 J Marvel Soap, 343 Russell St., Portland SANITA R Y BEAUT Y PARLO R — We help the appearance of women. Twenty-two inch switch or transforma­ tion, value $7.00, price 32.46.____• 400 to 411 Dekum Bldg. TEACHERS OF TRUTH Send 26 cents and self-addressed envel­ ope to the Gages, 406 Fleidner Bldg., re­ garding Health, Ha ppi n ess and Success. UMBRELLA REPAIRING ------------------ ---------------A--,---??-? Recovering, repairing done promptly and mailed back. Samples on application. The Surety Shop, 36012 Alder, Portland. WANTED—FIR FITCH We buy Fir Pitch in any quantity. Highest market price. Payment on de- livery. Writs for schedule of prices on pitch and equipment. Northwestern Tur- pentine Co.. 268 East Ninth St Portland, A TOWER OF SCOUTS. Multnomah Hotel Garage, 2d and Ankeny. guaranteed rebuilt MACHINES Orogon Typewriter Co., 94-A éth SL “A Moderate Priced Hotei of Merit" WARD WOOD FLOORING __ _ . Eisman Hardwood Floor Co. 389 E Wash. Oak-Leaf Hardwood Floor Co., 231 E. East Morrison St, at East Sixth, the 76th St. N. Floors electric sanded. Principal East Side Hotel I minutes from Shopping District Four blocks from S. P. East Side Hardwood Floor Co., Inc., 410 E. Burnside __________________ East Side Station. HEMSTITCHING AND PLEATING Susie Buckley, Power's Furniture Store. DR. FRANCIS M. STUMP, IAU THE TAILOR. Suits cleaned, $1 .25 Physician & Surgeon It I J We pay return Postage. Former Physician to the Portland Sanitarium. 2 • 104 Fourth St., Portland. Ore Diseases of Women and Children. Office hours, MFGS. OF VULCANIZED ROOF PAINT 11 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 p. m. Office phone Main 3079. New roofs and repairing done Young 602-603 Morgan Building, Portland, Oregon. and Woods, 1103 EL Caruthers St HOTEL CUFFORD DR. E. H. EAST in 2. * * f GETS KING’S SUIT ANNUALLY tile, Juan II., who changed suits with Great Ceremony Marks Historic Cus­ the duke's forbear on the battlefield of Rivadavia, where the king was in tom on Epiphany Day danger of being captured by his vic­ In Spain. Angel From Paradise Enlista. Kansas City, Mo. — "I‘m A. Angel torious enemies, but succeeded In es­ from Paradise," said a husky young man to Marine Recruiting Officer, Madrid.—Great ceremony attends caping In his vassal’s suit. The state coach, accompanied by Lieutenant Erskine. the gift of the suit of clothes worn by "S’that so?" stammered the officer. the king of Spain on Epiphany day, royal footmen In ancient liveries and to which suit the duke of Allaga, bearing staves, conveys the suit, to "Well, I'm old St. Peter, and you’ll count of RI va da via. possesses the he­ the Madrid palace of the duke, who wait a minute. I will have you meas­ receives It with due deference and ured for a harp and a pair of wings. reditary right. This he Inherited from an ancestor adds It to the considerable museum be Now, what's your real name?” “Abbott Angel of Paradise, Kan.” of the fifteenth century, who obtained possesses, which forma a historical about to part forever with her sweet­ heart: “Say,” said the woman behind us to her friend : dishes? "Do you break many know I’m awfully un­ You lucky that way,”—Detroit Free Press. A Dream. A Boston banker says we are an ex­ travagant nation. In this he makes no reference to us personally. One of our fondest ambitions is some day to be able to have enough gathered to­ gether so that can go out and we try what it is like to be extravagant.— Detroit Free Press. Wanted Doctor In a Hurry. Richard broke two bones in his leg. When his father went to the telephone to summon a doctor the little chap "Please, daddy, tell the doctor said: to come in a flying machine instead of his auto so he can come quick, ’cause it hurts me so.” Cuticura Soothes Itching Sca'p On retiring gently rub spots of dan­ druff and itching with Cuticura Oint­ ment. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Make them your every-day toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands.—Adv. friends of a certain first-day closing exercises: “Ye cannot serve God and mamma.” — Friends’ Intelli­ gencer. Grease in Wallpaper. Press a cloth moist with high grade gasoline against the paper for about a minute. singla Do this repeatedly, as a will application remove only a part of the grease. tire - Seem* Queer, Sometime*. Jud Tunkins says a friend some­ Green Feed la Quito Essential to the Production of Eggs In Winter. times takes the liberty of telling you In feeding poultry a valuable lesson may be learned from nature. In spring the production of eggs on the farm Is an easy matter. Fowls at liberty to roam find an abundance of green and animal feed on their range, which with grain furnishes a perfect ration for laying hens. In addition to this they get plenty of exercise and fresh air. So far as Iles within his power, then, the feeder should aim to make the winter conditions springlike. der so much about your faults you won­ how The hen that eats her own eggs and those of other hens has formed a habit that cannot be broken. Cut off her head with an ax. A depraved appe­ tite may be acquired by seeing some other hen eat an egg. as one hog learns from another to eat chickens. A lack of food or of grit, especially of meat scrap, may be a contributing factor. Sheep do not require expensive buildings, but should have some pro­ tection from wet weather. A shed open to the south with a well-drained yard is excellent quarters lu which to house sheep. manages to remain The Chinese Year*. Like our own leap year, every third year in China is longer than its pred­ ecessors, but the Chinese add a whole month, instead of an extra day, to make up for tho time lost, accord­ ing to the calculation of the calen­ dar. Grain's Many Name*. Corn is a term often used for the Important cereal crop of a given re­ thus in England gion; wheat; corn usually in Scotland, oats; in Ireland, barley, while in this country it means maize. In Any Trade. "A dress designer,” says a Camo­ mile street dressmaker in the London News, “must be born.” We always think this Is an advantage.—Punch. Easy Method. You can Judge whether apples are fresh or not by the sass they give you.—Boston Transcript. Thought and Art. "Poetry," says Matthew Arnold, “i* thought and art in one.” Cuticura Talcum Fascinatingly Fragrant — Always Healthful Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Strong n&PHeaE.F. they Tire, Smart, Itch OrC Burn, if Sore, Irritated, J Lo Inflamed or Granulated, often.: Safe for Infant or Adult gists. Write for Free Eye Book, lemedy Company. Chicace. U.S.A PROPER SHELTER FOR SHEEP Animale Do Not Require Expensive Buildings but Muet Have Protec­ tion In Wet Seasons. he friendly. REMEMBER TO.PLANT TREES. for the ute of the play when the heroine was ■ yields him fruit, fuel and timber shelter, as a living perpetual resource is a patriotic, service, and duty." at great earnestness repeated during the Owner Should Mako Good Use of Ax on Hen That Hao Acquired De­ praved Appetite. “The scout is a lover of the out-of- doors,” says A. C. Wessel, writing of “Forestry for Scouts,” in Boys’ Life. “Trees, singly or in large groups, of­ fer him many attractions and pleas- urea. He must not lose sight of the fact that to help plant and conserve our trees and to rate the forest which them school were astonished at the next given by a small girl, who in a tone of CURE FOR EGG-EATING HABIT To Show Strength and Stability, the Tower Is Carrying Approximately 12,500 Pounds. front of Speaking of Manna. Red mites are blood-sucking insects that live In the houses, in the cracks about the nests, droppings boards, and perches during the day and crawl onto the bodies of the birds at night, doing serious injury. Red mites low­ er vitality, produce anaemia, lower egg production and greatly annoy the hens. They can be easily gotten rid of by painting the infested places in the house with gas tar, diluted with equal parts with kerosene, or by carbo- llneum, or one of many good commer­ cial perch paints. It should be kept In mind that the place to fight the mites Is the house and not the birds themselves. Thr I in It was during the tense min­ theater. means Eye and Eye Glasses Care record of men’s fashions dating back a long time. Why the Snort. sat We The Insects Lower Vitality, Produce Anae­ mia, Reduce Egg Production and Annoy Fowls. Free Music Lessons the giant from the then king of Cas- (Prepared by the United States Depart­ ment of Agriculture.) On the feeding of the flock depends to a large extent not only the general health of the birds, but also the economy which promotes success. It is a subject, however, which should be studied with a large amount of com­ mon sense, for there are no hard and fast rules which can be laid down as applying to every case. The price of feeds and the general environment should be considered in determining the right rations, say poultry special­ ists of the United States Department of Agriculture. For the largest profit a good pro­ portion of the eggs should be secured during the winter. If two extra eggs a week can be obtained from each hen a good profit will be made, while if the product is increased by only one egg a week in winter, this one egg will pay for all the feed the hen eats. To obtain this greater production not only should the fowls be young and of a good laying breed, but the feeder should have full knowledge of the proper feed and its preparation. The nutriment in the feed of laying hens serves a twofold purpose—to re­ pair waste and furnish heat to the body and to supply the egg-making materials. As only the surplus over what Is needed for the body Is avail­ able for egg production, the proper feeds should be fed In sufficient quan­ tities to induce this production. In supplying feed to fowls there are three kinds of constituents which should be present in certain fairly well-fixed proportions If the desired results are to be obtained most eco­ nomically. These constituents are mineral, nitrogenous and carbona­ ceous ; all which are contained In corn, wheat, oats and barley, but not in the right proportions to give the greatest egg yield. In addition some animal feed and green feed should be sup­ plied. RED MITES VERY INJURIOUS Glen Haven Rest Home PORTLAND RUG CO. Matter of Feeding During Cold Weath­ er Entails Use of Large Amount of Common Sense. lights 31Í0 each Parts nickeled. Hard­ ware refinished. California Plating Wka., Cor 2nd and Salmon Pts PLUMBING «'PLUMBING SUPPLIES " We can supply you with any kind of plumbing supplies at wholesale prices. We will gladly estimate coet of any job. Write for prices. STARK-DAVIS CO., 188-190 4th St., Portland GARAGES AND AUTOREPAIRING C oro NA CAUSE HENS TO LAY BETTER YOU’RE AN EASY PREY, with your flesh reduced below a healthy standard, for grip, pneu­ monia, and other dangerous dis­ eases. And it’s for just this condition that Dr. Pierce’s Gold­ en Medical Discovery is especi­ ally valuable. • If you’re thinner than you ought to be, whether from wast­ ing disease or defective nutri­ tion, the “Discovery” will bring you up to the healthy standard—by restoring the nor­ mal action of the deranged organs. A strength-restorer and flesh­ builder. Liquid or tableta. "Headlights resilvered, $8.00pa.r. Spot Northwest Rug Co., MFGS. OF REED FURNITURE , . Buy Coast Made Goods. Reed Specialty Electric and Steam Cabi ­ Shop, 31» Williams Ave.____________ FIREX A S uccess net Baths, Shower Baths, M onuments —a. 3d and Pine Sts. , Every auto, truck, tractor and Otto Schumann Granite A Marble Works Massage and Hydrother ­ home should be equipped with Fire, the new 32.50 Instantaneous Fire Ex­ apy Applied as Physician NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIAN Nervous and chronic diseases a special­ tinguisher—harms nothing but FIRE directs. ty. Dr. J. W. Batdorf, 304-10 Dekum Bldg Complete Extinguisher ready for use Transient Patients treated. mailed to any address In Oregon or NURSERIES. 115 EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET Washington on receipt of price. Corner of Alder Russellville Nursery, R. F. D. L_______ - Needed everywhere, any climate, Phone East 4222 Portland. Oregon East Side Nursery, 51 Union Ave. N. guaranteed. Agents wanted. FireA Company, Portland, Oregon. NURSERY StOCK _ , , Villa Nurseries, R. No. 1, Portland. OREGON FLUFF RUG CO. J. H. Lehmann. Prop. 1984 East Stark The Personal Writing SCHOOL OF WELDING Machina Weight • Iba Officially recognized by state and fed­ Manufacturers of Price MO M case Included eral board as The pisco to learn welding FLUFF and RAG RUGS a Specialty all metals. Commercial School of Weld­ Fold k Up Take with You; Typewrite Anywhere. OABPET CLEANING, LAYING * SIZING ing, 611 East Grant, Cor. 11th, Portland. E. W. PEASE, 119 Sixth, Portland, Ore. 1672-1674 East 17th Street PYORRHEA DENTISTS Write for folder “G” Smith Long Stevenson 110 Bush A Lana Bldg.___ TIRE REPAIRING ANO RETREADING, Used and new tires bought and sold. AAH Tire Shop, 389 Hawthorne Ave. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON TYPEWRITERS— NEW OR REBUILT Specialties: Goitres, Diseases of Women ____ and Maternity __ at your home by our expert teachers. Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak Street Office Morgan Building Portland, Ore Learn to play piano Free by simply be­ SALVATION ARMY RESCUE HOME coming our regular customer for sheet Will help freindless girls. music. Latest hits 15c and up. Send $1 D A M. car, Mayfair A Alexandria Sts. today for our note reader and learn to SIL08 AND WATER TANKS read music. FREE Lessons until you National Tank & Pipe Co., Portland. know how Educational Music Co., Cor. ’ ___ . , Dept., Lock Box 384, Portland, Oregon. TINSMITHS Willamette Sheet Metal Wks Auto Work Specialty._106 N. 3rd BL______________ WANTED—AGENTS 0 In your locality for Cla Cleete face my specialty. Consultation free. products. Newsst out 326-7 Fleidner Bl A AND - Satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. B Welter System of Suggestive Therapy E MORRISON STS. A. Bedynek, 508-9 Pittock Block. Dr. T. W. Ayers, 715 Dekum Bldg. $ “yyo Plumbing Fixtures and Supplies.” Pipe Fittings, lowest prices. 363 E. Morrison EMBROI DERING AND PLEATING— Ara Yaa C-6-G,? BEHNKEWALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE la the biggest, most perfectly equipped Business Training School In the North- west. Fit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduate*. MC IM oalsnee: Write for catalog—Fourth and Yamhill, Portland. ---- —. P N. U. ——— ■ '■ — No. 18, 1921