pas Aides K —, THE HERMISTON .HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON ___________ ISN’T RIGHT NOW A GOOD TIME TO TAKE STOCK of your financial condition? During the past two years of prosperity how much of your income have you saved? » Not so much as you should? Why not start 1920 right by opening an account with this bank and conserving your future income. JOHNSTON (Massey-Harris) MOWERS POOR HATCHES IN INCUBATOR Carelessness in Manipulation of Ma­ chins Is Sure to Bring Dis- astrous Results.. Friday, April 23rd, ar. Dr. Freeze, the Eye cs Specialist, will be at (5 Oregon Hotel. Her- miston, to practice PT his profession. Headaches, crosseyes and other eye troubles given careful attention. Have you seen the new Bifocal lens which gives clear vision for your reading and also for distance. They are almost perfec­ tion. Call for free demonstration. At Echo 21st, Stanfield 22nd, one day only. 30-2tc WANT AOS. 160 acres Yellow Pine timber in cruise Central Oregon, certified 3,350,000 feet; will exchange for good land near Hermiston. R. O. 22tfc Horning. For Sale—Big type Duroc-Jersey hogs. Geo. H. Root. 49tfc Wanted—Your subscription for The American Boy, 32 per year. Ed. H. Graham. ' Itfc Fire Insurance, Notary Public and typewriting and stenographic work. See Edile M. Johnson at Dodd’s office. 3tfc Wanted—Your subscription for The Saturday Evening Post, $2.50; The Ladies Home Journal. $1.75; The Country Gentleman, $1.00. Ed. H. Graham, Hermiston, Ore. 35tfc. Spices and Extracts for the House­ wife—in fact everything in the Watkin® line. Mall your orders, or call at my home, one door east of Tum-a-Lum lumber yard in Hermis- ton. Ore., and make your selections, W. A. Mikesell. lltfc Locally grown alfalfa seed for sale. Tests 99.39 purity and Oregon standard for germination. j. j. 24tfc Neary, .Hermiston, Oregon. For Sale or Trade—Two h. p In- ternational gasoline engine. R. D. Miller. 24tfc One ton Smith-Farmer truck in good running order for sale. Inquire of 0. H. Warner, Boardman, Ore.24tc Fire Insurance In three strong companies. See Edile M. Johnson at 3tfc Dodd’s office. For Sale—Big Type Duroc Jersey boar, farrowed June 1, 1919; can be registered. Inquire of F. N. Whit- 17-tie ney, or phone 181. See Bennett for autloneerlng. 16tfc For Schweizer’s imported high grade exclusive dress materials and embroideries for spring and summer 22tfc see Mrs.'Burgess. For Sale—Five acres of apple or- chard in good stand of alfalfa, Six room house and good barn. C. 8. 27-tfc McNaught. For Sale—Wheat Land in Oregon and Washington for trade. Can take good irrigated land as a part payment and easy terms on balance, or sell with small payment down and long time on balance. Oregon-Wash- ington Ranches Co., Ross C. Lashley, Manager, Pendleton, Oregon. Bowman Hotel Bldg. Phone 542. 27tfc Ford car in good condition for aale cheap. Inquire at this office or see 17tfe Harry Kelley. For Sale—17 % acres Joining Co­ lumbia school and Columbia Park; ten acres in alfalfa. Finest location in east end of project. Call on or write A. R. Fisher, Hermiston, Ore. 19tfc For Sale—One dehorned Holstein cow and 1 Jersey cow, both now milking. Phone 4762. C. D. McNur- 30-4tp lin, Umatilla. For Sale--1918 model Velie, good' as 31tfc B J. Nation. new. Monogram Oils and Greases In bulk and in cans. Hermiston Auto Co. 30tfc For Sale—Brand new house, with lot, on West Side. See A. E. Pierson 26tfc or call at this office. For Sale—Modern 5 room house 2Ctfc with bath. E. W. Mack. We can aell your, land for you. Write to us and tell us what you have, and list your property with us for quick sale. We have buyers waiting. Oregon-Washington Ranches Co., Roes C. Lashley. Manager, Bowman Hotel. Pendleton, Ore Phone 542. 27tfe home, or anywhere; everything fur- niched; 330 weekly, up: men—wo­ Co., 5 , Pa. South 28 ore The Marquette1 Luggage Carrier is attachable to any length running board. Come in and examine them. Hermiston Auto Co. 30tfc Fine registered Poland China boar, service 32.50. J. H. Wins- low. 28tfc Going to build? Them get my prices on ready cut lumber for any kind of a house. Write me,.I will 29tfc call. C. W. LaBarre. For Sale—Light buggy harness. C. D. McNurlin, Umatilla, Ore. Phone 29tfc 4762. Used Cars—We have some good ones to offer cheap; Fords particu- 30tfe larly. Hermiston Auto Co. Good house for sale. See Cressy. ‘ - 30tfc Elliott’s Tire Shop. For Sale—One redwood chest, .two pair new curtains, some Japanese plates, cups and saucers, also other china. Mrs. R. Stewart, Motor Route A., Hermiston. 30tfc Want to trade 40 acre ranch for residence in Hermiston. Good build- Ings and well on the place and one- half in cultivation. Address W. B., care Herald. 3 Otic T. L. Hall Transfer—City and country hauling. Leave orders at Elliott’s Tire Shop. Phone 192. 30tfc For Sale—2 good cows, 1 coming fresh May 4; must sell account of ill ness. F. W. Whiting, 1 mile west of Swayze’a corner. 31tfc Real estate. C. W. LaBarr. 31tfc Ready cut houses. C. W. LaBarr. For Sale—Just received a few tons of baled alfalfa hay that is now on sale at warehouse. Leathers. 3Rfc For Sale—Columbia Vlctrola and Steger Player Piano. Inquire Yudeth Kelley. 32tfe Strayed—From Umatilla April 15, one gray filly, branded TZ on left hip. Notify owner, C. E. Smith. Umatilla, Ore. - 32tfc For Sale—Team of mares with harness; weight 2400 lbs; good workers. In Lock pasture. See G. L. Bennett on Beddow place. F. L. Jew­ ett. 32tfc Strayed—From Leathers’ Ranch, brown gelding with white hind feet and young brown colt by side. Any­ one finding same take up and notify W. A. Leathers. 32tfc For Sale—Five M. B. turkey hens, good ones; also sow and eight nice pigs. Z. Pumphrey. 32-ltc Representative Wanted—To write livestock news of Umatilla county for the Western Stock Grower, the only publication in the northwest owned by and published exclusively for live­ stock growers. Prompt and liberal payment for your spare time. Write today for our proposition. Address Western Stock Grower, Prineville, Oregon. 32-ltp Many causes for poor hatches of chicks in incubators can be traced to the operators not educating themselves on what Is necessary In the way of fertile eggs, saving eggs for incuba­ tion and taking care of them. Eggs for incubation should be kept in a well ventilated room with medium tem­ perature. All eggs should be turned at least once every 24 hours, and no eggs should be over ten days or two weeks old at the outside. One should be careful to strictly fol­ low the direction« accompanying the incubator. The directions for one make of machine do not always do for that of another make, for the ventilation, regulation, etc., may be different. The principal reason why young chicks die in the shell about the eighteenth day is a poorly ventilated room. Other causes than poorly ventilated rooms are poorly ventilated incubators, and eggs are not properly fertilized. Añ egg poorly fertilized will start to grow and die for lack of vitality. Opening up the incubator during the latter part of the hatch, or about the time the chicks begin to pip, lets out the moisture and dries the chicken up In the shell, or. In other words, stops the pores of the shell, and causes a great many to' die. Under no con­ dition should the incubator be opened after the eighteenth day until the chicks are entirely hatched. As a rule, beginners’ with incubators do not read the book of directions properly. Many a person who has seen an incubator, and probably run a hatch of some other make thinks he knows all about it, does not read the directions and makes a flat fail­ ure every time. Sometimes no consid­ eration Is given to the ventilation of the room in which the machine is placed. Possibly there may be de­ cayed vegetables therein, or the air Is stale. There are few failures nowadays by poorly regulated incubators, except in the cheaper line of machines where the temperature will change 10. 12 Last year we sold 32 more pt these mowers in addition to those pre- viously sold by us o the project, making a goodly number of these out under all conditions and all making good. We also last year discovered one of thèse in use here that has been used every year in alfalfa since 1910 and still a good running machine and doing very satisfactory service. Better investigate these specially-built-for-alfalfa mowers. Phone 671 SAPPERS’ INC Phone 671 IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE The Herald prints calling cards. BARBER SHOP Clean and Sanitary Echo Flour Mills Hot and Cold SHOWER BATHS MANUFACTURERS OF WM. SHAAR High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour French Restaurant UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT S Most up to date restaurant in Eastern Oregon s. Try our 35 cent dinner The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack HOHBACH'S- Bakery, Confectionery. Restaurant Pendleton BETTER LAUNDRY SERVICE Wm. Sharr has taken over the agency of the Troy Laundry, and as­ sures patrons of prompt attention and good ser­ vice. He advises leav­ ing packages Mondays and Thursdays of each week as there will be a twice a week delivery. « > MACHINIST LATHE WORK AUTO REPAIRING ACETELENE WELDING THE TROY LAUNDRY Motor and Generator Work THE TROY LAUNDRY TRANSFER LONG AND SHORT HAULS PHONE 192 ELLIOTT’S TIRI SHOP 2 AGENTS FOR THE NOVO GAS EÑGINES Bring Y»ur Ga» Engine Trouble to Us FARM MACHINERY Echo, Oregon, Rear of Echo Hotel • >•••••••••••••••••••••••••• FORDS! FORDS! FORD TOURING, good tires, new top and back curtain; just $280.00 overhauled FORD DELIVERY, good tires, first class shape. $325.00 BEST BUG in town for $250.00 You Can Save $100 on Any of These We want to move them.’ Will you be lucky? Also Favored. One of the best methods to keep poultry free from lice Ie to provide • “dust bath.” This may be made of a box large enough to accommodate sev­ eral fowls at a time snd partly filled with road dust, tobacco dust and sul­ phur. according to the following pro­ portion: Road dust, six parts; tobac­ co, one part sulphur, two handfuls. Dipping chickens In a two per rent cotation of chiorine Is also recom- a .* Echo Engine and Machine Works Will Make Twice a Weak Delivery to Houses All packages collected by the deliveryman will be delivered by him and all packages going through the agency must be call­ ed for at Shaar’s Bar- ber Shop. 3 104 DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED - Notice for Publication Department of the Interior; U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore­ Splendid Hatch From Incubator. gon, March 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Lil­ and IS degrees. One point I have no­ lian M. Davies, of Spokane, Wash­ ticed here at home by having a green ington, who, on July 20th, 1910, made Desert Land Entry, No. 08347, hand set an incubator, says a writer in for NE %. Section 26, Twnship 4 an exchange. He reads the directions, North, Range 28 East, Willamette maybe thinks he has learned them Meridian, has filed notice of inten­ by heart, sets his regulator as soon tion to make final proof under the as the thermometer gets to 103, turns Act 3-4-15 by purchase, to estab­ the thumb screw where be supposes lish claim to the land above de­ Is right, and places the eggs In the scribed, before United States Com­ machine. missioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on Now, the thumb screw and regulator the 11th day of May, 1920. Claimant names as witnesses: la a very tender affair, and one turn Charles Skinner, W. F. McLick, E. P. of the thumb screw will cause a change Dodd. Lake Kelly, all of Hermiston, tn the atmosphere Inside the incuba­ Oregon. tor of three to four degrees. It should be turned slightly, about one-fourth of C. 8. DUNN, Register. the way round, so the temperature stands Just at 103. Notice for Publication A great mistake is made by paying Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at La Grande, Ore­ too much attention to an incubator. I never see to my machine more than gon, April 15, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Salvan twice a day, once In the morning and T. Carroll, of Umatilla, Oregon, who, once In the evening. I see that the on June 14th, 1916, made Reclama­ regulator la set properly and every­ tion Homestead Entry, No. 016014, thing running nicely before putting for St NEU. being Farm Unit “A,” In the eggs, and then place the eggs Section 22, Township 5 North, Range In It and do not touch the regulator. 27 East, Willamette Meridian, has At flrst It will lower the temperature filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish a little when the eggs are put In, claim to the land above described, but If the regulator is properly set, before United States Commissioner, the temperature will rise to the prop­ at Hermiston, Oregon, on the 9th er degree. day of June, 1920. Claimant names witnesses : Arch E. McFarland. Effie Bullock. TREAT POULTRY FOR VERMIN Frank Rider, Perry Pike, all of Uma­ tilla Oregon. C. 8. DUNN, Register. phur Is Excellent—Dipping Ie HALL w’A LAYS OARAGE We have a stock of fifty different springs Your style at hand.