THE SATISFACTION HERMISTON IIERALD, HIERMISTON, OREGON. COUNTY CONFERENCE TO BE HELD IN APRIL Issued Each Saturday by World Movement to Send Big “Team” Make Your Old Home Look New! M. D. O’CONNELL OREGON HERMISTON Entered as second-class 1906, Interchurch ALL AROUND The Hermiston Herald at the postoffice at matter, December Hermiston, Oregon Baseball meeting at next Tuesday evening. the library Here. The reclamation has various'small crews at work at present getting TO SHOW RESULTS OF SURVEYS turnouts, ditches, etc., in readiness for the turning in of water next month. All Local Proteatant Churches Co-opor a ting in Movement Will Bo Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Whitney and Just a few touches, and your old home takes on a new appearance. Modern doors and windows, pleasant porch, stucco half—it makes all the differ ence in the world. Represented. If you buy your Flume Lumber of us. We have just received a Complete Stock of the Very Best Mr. and Mrs. E. Miles motored to Pendleton yesterday, where the lad Early in April the Interchurch World ies visited while their husbands at Movement will hold its conference in tended to personal business matters. this county. Representatives are now being selected by the local Protestant Dr. Freeze makes Churches of denominations associated regular'visits to Her With the movement, and from present miston. Consult him reports the attendance at the confer free and be assured of ence will number well into the hun good eye service. 36 dreds. In addition to the representa tives selected by the churches, the conference will be open to all church Notice for Publication members and friendly citisene who Department of the Interior, U. Land Office at La Grande, Ore wish to attend. gon, March 15, 1920. The meeting place probably will be Notice is hereby given that Lil the county seat, and the attendance lian M. Davies, of Spokane, Wash will be composed of the membership ington, who, on July 20th, 1910, of the Protestant churches of the made Desert Land Entry, No. 08347, county. for NEY. Section 26, Twnship 4 The conferences will laat one day North, Range 28 East, Willamette only. During that day will be present Meridian, has filed notice of inten ed the whole program of the Inter tion to make final proof under the church World Movement for promoting Act 3-4-15 by purchase, to estab co-operation In missionary and general lish claim to the land above de church activities among the Protestant scribed, before United States Com missioner, at Hermiston, Oregon, on churches. Time will also be given to the 11th day of May, 1920. discussion of the local problems re Claimant names as witnesses: vealed by the Interchurch Movement’s Charles Skinner, W. F. McLick, E. P. survey of religious conditions through- Dodd, Lake Kelly, all of Hermistoh, out the United States. Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. This county conference will be just one of the 2000-odd to be held through- out the United States on approximate PROFESSIONAL ly the same dates. No Sidestepping of Problems. Phone 331 It will be, It is said, a very excep DR. ADAMS tional county that does not hear some Physician and Surgeon more or less unpalatable truths con “The Yard of Best Quality” OFFICE PHONE, 92 cerning unchurched areas, or wasteful RESIDENCE PHONE, 595 H. M. STRAW. MGR. competition, or underpaid and ab Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. sentee preachers. Not many counties, Day or night calls answered promptly it is stated, are able to show an aver age ministerial salary higher than the DR. W. W. ILLSLEY average for the whole United States, Osteopathy Medicine Surgery which is $937, while barely one-third iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin of the entire Protestant population of PHONE 711 the United States, according to esti Office at Residence all Hours Line = mates made by the Intsrchurch survey, < Ì Real dressy ones and made for comfort ; all sizes = has an opportunity for regular church D r .C.O. WAINSCOTT attendance. Office over First National Bank Besides a full consideration of local Full of Girls* and problems, the program at the county OFFICE HOURS: conference will present the outstand- and Small Children’ Shoes. Ing results of the world-wide survey of 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5 p. m., and by appointment ' religious, social and economic condi The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing is sufficiently = tions made by the Interchurch Move well known and proven to need no comment. = ment. the material for which has been Send your orders by mail or express and we will = DENTISTRY gathered from every corner of the prepay them back to you on short notice. = Hermiston. Oregon earth. Special emphasis will also be laid on the place of prayer in Christian Ofice, Bark Bldg. Office Hours: Office Phone, 93 life, the importance of assisting young 8 a. m. to 5 p m. Residence Phone 32 people In the right choice of their life work and the duty of laying aside * Chiropractic Relieves Where Other Methods Fai = Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Hermiston, Oregon definite proportion of income for re I use the Latest Painless Methods iïiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiinT ligious purposes. Lantern slides will Dr. LORETTA H. STARBA be freely used to illustrate the various CHIROPRACTOR addresses. Not Drugs. Not Surgery. Not Osteopathy The conference will be managed by House Address 703 E. Webb St. local committees, and the various top ics under discussion will be handled by Office 103 W. Webb St. Phone 583 Pendleton. Ore. a team of from five to eight men and women, recognized as church leaders in the county or state. This team, in addition to the local meetings, will be responsible for conducting the confer GLASSES GROUND TO FIT YOUR EYES Echo, ences in seven other counties. L enses DUPLICATED on S hort NOTICE Big Educational Campaign Prepared. AMERICAN NATL BANK BUILDING, This sertea of conferences repre Phone 609 sents only an intermediate stage in a PENDLETON ------------- MANUFACTURERS OF-------------- great campaign of intensive education in practical Christianity preparatory to the united appeal for missionary funds and workers which will be held by the EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Protestant denominations co-operating in the Interchurch Movement between Oregon April 25 and May 2. The members of Penland Building Over Tallman Drug Store the team that will address the county conference were themselves trained as a “faculty" of specialists in the various DR. W. H. REYNOLDS aspects of the Movement at a series Chiropractic Nerve Specialist of state and pastors' conferences. Sim Rooms 1 and 2 Inland Empire ilarly. those who attend the county conference will in turn form a "fac Bank Building. ulty” for interpreting the message of Hours: 10 to 12 A.M. 1:30 to 5 P.M. the Interchurch Movement to their lo Phone 1018 Pendleton. Ore. cal churches. Thus it is expected that before April >0 the ideal of church co-operation ad vocated by the Interchurch World Movement, in place of church com VETERINARY SURGEON petition, and the program of evangel House Phone 283 Hermiston. Ore. ization that goes with it, will be fa miliar to every one of the fifty million Protestants in the United States. DIRECTORY New hardwood floors throughout your home would make a wonderful improvement. Beautiful, practical, durable, easy to keep clean and easy to polish—surely there is nothing that would add more to your home, and bring more comfort to the lady of the house than new hardwood floors of oak or maple. s. Perhaps you have often admired the built-in features or the beamed ceilings in some friend’s new home. Did it ever occur to you that these features could be added to your old home at very little ex pense? Flume Lumber See us before buying Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co Phone 111 R. A. BROWNSCN, MANAGER If you want to beautify your home and add to its value, convenience and attractiveness, give us a chance to help you. Suggestions for remodeling your home will be given upon request. CARDS Inland Empire Lumber Company FRANCIS P. il I, J 7 .SC Full of Ladies’ Shoes : You can’ t pull tho ifod off a Thermoid Tiro Line Eight features that make Thermoid Tires extra strong 1. Thermoid Tires, in many sizes, contain one more ply of fabric than is put in standard tires. For example: 37 inchtires are built with 5 plies of fabric, and 4%, inch sizes with 7 plies. the tread there is a different per centage of Crolide. 2. The fabric in Thermoid Tires is woven from 17′4 ounce long staple Sea Island Cotten. 8. The tread is held firmly in place by a special Tbarmoid interlocking arrangement ol the pliea of fabric. 3. Between each layer of fab ric is a special blend of Crolide Compound rubber. 4. Thecushion is also made of a special blend of Crolide Com pound rubber. 5. The breaker strip is made of specially woven fabric. 6. Between the cushion and 7. The tread is of Crolido Compound rubber—extra thick, and because of Crolide, tough and resilient. Weclaim, frankly, this tire will give you more mileage for leaa money than you've heretofore obtained. The Thermoid guar antee below offers you the oppor tunity to prove or disprove this claim for yourself without risk. tOOO mile» ¿uerantoed (Ford sizes 7500). s I For Those Who Value Style and Fine Quality To meet your demand for not merely style alone, but undoubted, endur ing style, the most dependable shoe store in the city has selected the very best quality of guaranteed shoes which we are sure will meet your approval In every way, In price as well as quality. We also have a complete repairing outfit in connection We wish to thank the people for their past patronage and hope to give you better service than ever Hahn’s Shoe Store HAHN’S SHOES THAT SATISFY BARBER SHOP French Restaurant Clean and Sanitary UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Most up to date restaurant in Eastern Oregon Hot and Cold SHOWER BATHS HOHBACH’S Baker y. Confectionery. Restaurant Pendleton BUTTER WRAPPERS—WF. SELL THEM ALL PRINTED | Oregon Pendleton, Hermiston Auto Company The Oak Tan Shoe Store Echo Flour Mills Dr. A. M. SIMMONS TIRES Boys* = = s High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour — The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack J. A. PEED LODGE EXTENSIVE SLIDE EQUIPMENT TO BE USED IN CONFERENCE Interchurch World officers having in charge the conference which will be held in this county early In April de clare the local church workers excep tionally fortunate, as the stereopticon slides and other apparatus used in the State Pastors' Conference in Oregon have been left for use In the county conference. The slides in particular are said to be exceptionally interest ing. covering very completely the re- suits of the world-wide survey made by the Interchurch World Movement, well illustrating conditions ESTHER chapter No. 101, o. e . s .. meets second Tuesday evening of each month at 8:00 sharp in Mack's hall. Visiting members ueen DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED SEE Q LERMISTON LODGE NO. IM ar 4 A M.. 44 meets in Masonic Hall on First Tuesday HITT CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY a w. Kellogg, Secy. VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O. F. • meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W.R. Longhorn. See. -FOR W. 8. Casady. N.G. inilllllHIIINIIIilllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I = J. ELECTRIC L. VAUGHAN 1 FIXTURES = = AND APPLIANCES = throughout the United States. Slides to illustrate hymns which wore used In the State Pastors* Con- ference by the New York “team" also iiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiniNiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii have been left for uae of the county KATHRYN SHORT conference. All In all. It la said that the equipment afforded for this county Teacher of Piano and Voice will equal that used at any of the Culture Mate conferences. Au experienced STUDIO HERMISTON HOTEL operator with highgrade lantern equip Telephone 161 . ment will accompany the team. GUNS ânna Suuntain And All Popular Soft Drink» AMMUNITION A FULL LINE ICE CREAM In Cona and Package»