HE HERMISTON HERIISTON, OREGON HERALD, : HERMISTON % — LOCALS = FISK NON-SKID TIRES Reduced in Price ~ P. B. Siscel spent Tuesday in Pen- dleton transacting business. CAR OF SALT W. J. Logan, north of town ran- . | cher, was a business visitor in Her- miston Thursday. Mrs. Eber B. Mossie left for Port land Monday to join Mr. Mossie in their new home in that city. Stock Salt Dairy Salt Table Salt Block Salt Herb Strohm this week purchased a new La Crosse tractor, to be used in ranch work and alfalfa hulling. Roy Alexander of Pendleton was an over Sunday guest at the home on Fourth street of his sister, Mrs. E. P. Dodd. W. L. Kimble was here from Pen dleton a few days the latter part of last week looking after his ranch a short distance east of town. When Time to Re-tire get our New Price on Fisk Non-Skid. They will surely interest you as our guaran tee with every tire is “satisfaction,” and if an adjust ment becomes necessary, we make the adjustment ourselves. Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Ochsenbein, former friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Raker in Omaha, visited here sever- al days this week while on a tour of the west. In any quantity WHOLESALE and RETAIL PHONE YOUR ORDER TO 171 Mr. and Mrs. N. Seaman and ily autoed up from Irrigon last day and viewed the sights in miston and vicinity from their car. fam Headcheese, Liverwurst, Weiners, Bologna and Special Pure Pork Sausage GROCERIES CANNED GOODS makes and Mrs. family are J enjoying the pleasures of autoing in a new Buick car purchased last faaammurumesucemwrerwerese week. For your horses, rolled oats or Miss Lois Green returned to her rolled barley by the sack or ton. home In Yakima, Wash., Friday of Leathers. last week after a fortnight’s visit in For Sale—Tested, acclimated this city at the home of her friend. “White Dent” seed corn. P. P. Sul- | I Miss Lila McMillan. livan. 32-tfc. Mrs. Waterman. A Full Supply of Freeze Her- miston. Consult him new free and be assured of good eye service. 36 Sr., : Rewna Waterman and CITY MEAT MARKET AND GROCERY Dr. Sun- regular visits to Her (WANT ADS. Ted Parks and William Kik auto For Sale Cheap—Team and har ed to Pendleton Sunday in the lat ness. Inquire or phone F. L. Kelly ter’s Ford car. and while there Mr. or this office. 33-tfc Parks visited his wife, who has been Ground barley, rolled barley, corn, in the hospital the past ten days. cracked wheat and middlings for your hogs. Leathers. Mrs. Philip Baars and little For Sale—Small quantity of loose daughter arrived last Sunday morning from Oregon City, Oregon, hay, third cutting. S. L. D. Ross. and joined her husband here. Mr. Wanted—To trade 20 acres un- Baars is proprietor of a West Side improved, with water on it, for good garage in this city. automobile. L. Hammer. 34tc Improved five acres for sale. In Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Jewett, north 34-4tp town quire at this office. of town ranchers, were in Cracked wheat, scratch food, corn Monday patronizing the local mer- chants, Mr. Jewett is making pre- or wheat for little chicks or old hens paratlon to start cutting his 45 Leathers. acres of alfalfa on June 1st. Buick 5 passenger touring car in first class condition cheap for cash Mrs. W. R. Ellis of Portland, wi- for a quick sale. Inquire at this of i dow of ex-Congressman Ellis, who fice. 34-tfc was well known by old timers in For Sale—Baled hay by the bale this county, is here from Portland or car load. Leathers. on a two weeks’ visit with her Late model 1918 Maxwell for sale. friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Baker. Phone 72, Stanfield, Ore. 35tfc Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith of Wasco Wanted—A second hand farm and Mr. and Mrs. Will Meiners of truck. Must be cheap, R. A. Ste- Cold Springs were Hermiston visi wart. 35-2tp. tors Sunday at the home of their old For Sale—Mower and rake. Wm. time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kennedy, R. R. 1, Hermiston. 35tfc Buhmann. Both parties came in For Sale—Four and one-half foot their motor cars. Deering mower. Otto Heinl. 35-2tc We are now in a position to buy all your Beef, Pork, Mutton, Poultry, Veal and Eggs C. II. Rehberger, of the firm of Rehberger & McMillan, operators of the mechanical department of Lays' Garage, made a trip this week to Spokane, where he met Mrs. Rehber ger on her return from her eastern visit to her parents and accompan ied her home. Delivery Twice a Day Morning and Evening DON'T FORGET THE PHONE—NO. 131 MEATS RETAIL & WHOLESALE REE!! W S. Nelson, traffic manager of I the Libby, McNeil & Libby Fruit I Co., of Yakima, was here over Sun- day visiting at the home of his sis ter. Mrs. W. G. Phelps. While in | the city he met an old friend in the | person of 8. R Oldaker. and togeth- er they had a pleasent chat over old times. For Sale—100 stands of bees, al so honey house, extra hives and su pers. one super for each hive. Wil liam Brown. Hermiston, Ore. 36-ltp. Lost—Stallion service book. Find- er please leave at Hitt's confection- ery store. Reward. 36-ltc. G. F. Elliott will do your vul- canizing on tires, tubes, rubber boots—anything. Gates' half sole, tires and tubes. 36-tfc. Lost—At Hermiston high school exercises Thursday evening or be- tween Hermiston and Stanfield, a light colored mink scarf. Finder piense notify Mrs. C. W. Connor of Stanfield or leave at this office. 36tc Wanted—To buy a Jersey milch C. E. Hensley, well known Singer cow. Geo. Beddow. R. R. 1, Her sewing machine agent, returned miston. near Columbia school. 36tfc home Wednesday after an absence of three weeks, during which time he covered most of the territory in Mor- row, Gilliam and Wheeler counties. Monday he leaves for Pendleton to work in that part of Umatilla coun- ty for a time. NOTICE Now is Logical Time to Build Authorities Agree it is Folly to Hold Off for Lower Prices Begin Now on that— Chicken House Machinery Shed Milk House Hog House Barn Or Silo CEDAR FLUME STOCK Good Assortment Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone Main 33 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW, MGR. Hermiston Drug Company Has a Complete Line of Guaranteed Jewelry Ivory Toilet Articles Wrist Watches Waterman Fountain Pens Ever-Sharp Pencils (Nice for graduating presents) We have a very useful household article that would cost any one 15c in the stores of any city, but we are giving these free to any woman who calls In person for one. We away have but 150 of them, with three times that many women in the vicinity of Hermiston, so make It a point to atop for thia useful article soon, so you get one. You will find you need this EVERY DAY OF EVERY WEEK. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE Phone 192 IMPLEMENTS I I “the And Week-end Packages for the Young People Mero CALL AND EXAMINE THEM I s or I ghon ers Pre PHELPS GASH GROCERY Phone 413 “The Monopole Store “MONOPOLE” goods are first-class in every respect the pole heti s fe Uni ara tary in c I Pro: hion I pur I men told T I a vi eaci Oïcl 1 Sent Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the Stae of Oregon for Umatilla County In the Matter of the Estate of A. L, Wentworth. Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per- ! sons whom it may concern that Will M. Peterson of Pendleton. Oregon, has | been appointed administrator of the | estate of A. L. Wentworth, deceased. I and has qualified as such. All per- | sons having claims against said es- | tate are required to present them I with proper vouchers to the said I Will M Peterson at his law office In | Pendleton, Oregon. within six | months of the date of the first pub- | Beat Ion of this notice which is made | on the 17th day of May. 1919. Will M Peterson. 35-39 Administrator ■ I This is to notify patrons of the discontinuance of the laundry de partment of this store on the first of June. Our Guarantee back of Every Purchase Royal Bakery Goods from Portland Cakes, Doughnuts, Rolls, etc., Wed’s and Saturday’ lati App timi Pur per hala pay be f reed for Afternoon Delivery to Any Part of City Fresh Vegetables Notice Special Communication of Queen Esther Chapter. O. E. 9.. next Tues day evening. Degrees. By Order of Worthy Matron. Tuesdays and Frida Wanted—Your subscriptio" The Saturday, Evening Post : The Ladies Home Journal., The Country Gentlemen. $1 " H. Graham, Hermiston. O* pute cont trae cant