THE H ermiston H erald THE UNITED WAR WORK DRIVE COMES NEXT WEEK ör Monday morning will see the ! the united campaign in Umatilla County, (AD TIIDgO TIDTIE as well as in all other parts UAl I UAN IUAILL Lf the Nation, for the raising of --------- the biggest gift fund in the his- Four of the luckiest young people on Lrv of the world. The goal set I the project are alive and well, thanks —9 . PAA Ann! to a kind providenca that saved them for the Nation 18 PL", when a Ford touring car they were in and Umatilla county is asked to turned bottom side up on a curve in intribute $45,000. the road just this side of the Butter The quota set for Hermiston is | Creek bridge over the Umati la river opening NO. 8 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1918 War Work NARROW ESCAPE WHEN last Sunday night. In the party were 875. two young men and two young ladies, The quota set for Umatilla is and all attribute the accident to de­ fective lights, which caused the driver 1150. Umatilla county’s part of the to miss the curve and climb a steep ¡tate fund during this drive is side hill. AH were urder the car after it turned over except the driver, Inly $34,200 but the Patriotic who lay half under and half out. In Service League has included in trying to extricate himself he managed the budget for this drive several to get a leverage with his knees and ther quotas assigned to this in this manner raised part of the c r county, in order that separate sufficient for the other young man to get out, and then it was an easy mat­ jrives may not be necessary. ter to liberate the frightened ladies. Ehe league borrowed $1500 last “All is well that ends well,” it has spring to meet the Y. W. C. A. been said, and therefore we withhold quota without a drive and oblig- the names of those who went through ated itself for $1980 rather than the thrilling drama. But in doing so conduct a separate drive in Sep- we issue a solemn warning, not alone to them but to all other young motor­ [ember for the Salvation Army. ists, to at all times keep both hands on The county yet owes $200 for the steering wheel—lights or no lights. smileage books and the league anticipated that its quota for the Armenian-Syrian relief fund in January will be between $5.000 and $7,500. I The prospects of early peace There was not much interest shown do not lessen the needs for this in the city election on tbe part of vol fund. Even though peace were ers Tuesday, the state ticket being the declared today it is estimated lui ing object. Thus it was that only that it would take fifteen months 31 votes were cast, but they were suffi­ cient to put back in the mayoralty and to get our army out of France aldermanic chairs six members of the during that time the work present council, with B. F. Knapp ad­ If the war relief agencies would ded as the seventh member. He was le most necessary. The organ­ elected in place of A. L Larson, who izations included in the drive are: in turn was elected treasurer to suc­ ceed F. A. Phelps. Several ladies were r M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., Sal- honored with complimentary votes, ration Army, Knights of Colum- there being ten of the 31 scattered lus, Jewish Welfare Society, around thusly. American Relief Association, War The personnel of the newly elected Lamp Community Service and council is as follows: F. C. McKenzie mayor, J. D. Watson, H. M. Straw, C. rmenian-Syrian Relief. S. McNaught, E. P. Dood, F. C. Wou- Although the drive in this ghter, B. F. Knapp, councilmen; C. M. ounty will begin Monday and Jensen recorder and A L. Larson Last all week, Hermiston will en- treasurer. ■eavoi to go over the top in one ■ay, and that will be next Wed- ■esday. The rating committee Bas fixed the amount which each tsto donate and the different ■hairmen of committees are How many of the readers of this Baking preparation for the drive. paper have a brother, a son, or a rela CITY TICKET WINS WITHOUT OPPOSITION and Scrapped by the Allies OREGON RETURNS M’NARY- WITHYCOMBE RE-ELECTED The state of Oregon by its vote Tuesday has returned Mc­ Nary to the United States sen­ ate. Sinnott to congress and pi t the stamp of approval on Withy- Here, as elsewhere through the combe by re-electing him gov­ United States, a glorious celebration ernor. Like Oregon, nearly over the news of the acceptance by every other state in the Union JJ Germany of the terms of peace as set -5 by the allies for that belligerent na­ has cast a strong Republican «t‘, tion to follow and the signing of an vote, and indications now are A . armistice was held Thursday afternoon that Republicans will have a Tbe ringing of the fire alarm brought majority in both houses at the out the crowd in a hurry, and soon the national capital. streets were black with people and Umatilla county, as always, automobiles Every available instru (0— showed its strong Republican ment was brought into use to make a "... noise. A procession formed, and after I tendency by electing E. P. Dodd celebrating loudly here for an hour the | and Cyril Brownell to the state whole bunch went to Stanfield and house of representatives, and Echo. In the evening auto loads from the two towns above named returned Dunning for county commissioner the compliment, and after another cele­ ran away ahead of his Demo­ bration here the three towns joined In cratic friend McIntyre nearly a procession and went to Umatilla, two to one. There is no change where they made merry for a half in the personnel of the county hour over the glad tidings with the offices, all of the present incum­ Confronted with the menace of a power which knew no inhabitants of that city. law but its own bestial pleasure, America had no course but to add But the following morning all were bents having been re-elected. its strength to the battle which should establish for tome centurie» befuddled when the morning papers ar­ Quite a little interest was that might is not right. On no other basis will peace last. rived from Portland, the Gregorian shown in the state election here claiming that the nation was the vic- at home and as a result voters tim of a heart’ess hcax and that the turned out to the polls fairly armistice report was utterly false, while on the other band the Journal of well. In the two Hermiston pre­ that city had flashed across its front cincts, Nos. 53 and 54, a total of page in glaring headlines that the war 297 votes were cast, 122 being Secretary of tbe Treasury McAdoo was over. So there you are. polled in 53 on the west side and But there is one thing certain, and With the Allied Forces in Flanders has announced that, no matter what 175 in 54 on the east side. Col­ —The fighting which one American tbe results of the pending overtures that is if it is not over it will be for » umbia precinct No. 55 had a detachment encountered at Spitaals for peace may be, there will be an­ certainty within a few days, and then total of 88 votes. Of these Dodd bosschen wood, southeast of Waer» other Liberty loan. To use bis ex­ we can have another celebration. pression, “We are going to have to received a total of 212 votes in ghem, in Belgium, was probably th* finance peace for awhile juat as we the Hermiston precincts and Miss Todd in Canteen Service hardest it has experienced in the have had to finance war.” months it has been in France. Miss Virginia Todd, formerly of Brownell 118. In Columbia pre­ There are over 2,000,000 United This unit of westerners had come States soldiers abroad. If we trans­ Pendleton, and active in all war sell cinct both led their Democratic from a section of the line where it had port these men back to the United vities while here, is now in Seattle 1 opponents. •een some bitter engagements, but the States at tbe rate of 300,000 a month, awaiting word from Washington, I) The neighboring town of Uma- major who was leading the battailor it will be over half a year before they C., to go to France in the canteen ser tilla, which gained much fame which was outflanking the wood or are all returned Our army, therefore, vice Miss Todd has passed the physi- two years by electing the north, and who was wounded must be maintained, victualed, and cal examination and has been vaccipat- two years ago age) —==1= a » full , stated that the early stages of th* clothed for many I months alter peace ed for smallpox aud typhoid fever, woman council, has again elei to battle were heavier than anything hi* is an actuality. She is exp cting to go across any day. i a woman to the mayoralty chair. WAR END CELEDRATION ALL OVER THE NATION YANKS ENCOUNTER ANOTHER LIDERTY LOAN IS COMING FIERCE FIGHTING COME ON WITH FRUIT PITS TO SAVE THE HOYS tlve in tbe army? Nearly all the read ers have. Do you want to see him Old Couple Beat "Flu" choke to death or burn his lungs out P. F. Ward this week received as a result of a German gas attack? letter from his father and No, not if in your power to prevent. other, who reside in New Mex- All right then, it is within your power », in wich is conveyed to him to prevent, says M. S. Shrock, county he good news that they had just agricultural agent. The American army gas mask is tbe ecovered from a severe attack most effective mask made. No deaths f influenza, The couple are 70 have resulted when masks were nd 69 years of age, and they at­ promptly applied. It is the shortage ribute their recovery to a rem- of the material with which to make dy prescribed by their family these gas masks that prompta this to you. hysician, the principal ingre- appeal Charcoal made from cocoanut shells Hent of which is laxative qui- was formerly used as an absorbent line, together with camphor ice for the poisonous element. But the n the chest. They said that all gas defense division have used up all hose who persisted in eating ap- the available supply of cocoanutshell*. must resort to other hard nut Hes during any period of illness They shells. Walnuts, peach and prune pits rom the disease are dead, five are the things they must have if we laving passed away from this are to continue to supply our boys the ause in their immediate vicinity. protection we have promised them. Peach pits, prune pita and walnuts seem unimportant things to us at home, but to tbe boys in the trenches There has been no new cases and to the war department they are ' influenza during the week, vital. Gather all you can and brits nd indications now are for an or send them to the Red Cross head- irly raising of the quarantine, quarters here or at Pendleton. Do not send io peanut shells, almond hou Id there be no more cases shells or »corns, as they have no men had been through. This forest, which covers a consider able tract, was literally a network ol barbed wire entanglements, among which there were great numbers ol machine gun nests dominating th* American line in front of it. Into the advancing forces rapid fir •re poured a vicious fire from con sealed positions in the woods. Even farmhouse and haystack along th* way— and there were many—contained Its machine gun, which was chattering rapidly. Each of these had to be sur rounded and subdued in turn as the Americans moved forward. The wood was taken after severa hours of fierce fighting and all the Germans cleaned out The American people, therefore, Cessation of hostilities will probably the lady being Mrs. R. F. Paulu. having supported the Liberty loan not affect her departure as the ned The balance of the council will with a patriotism that future histor- for canteens will continue. Mies Todd he composed of A. B. Stephens Ians will love to extol, will have an has been as-istiog in the Red Cross opportunity to show the same patriot­ work rooms in Seattle while awaiting Jr., R. L. Merrick. Mrs. Zella ism in financing the just and conclu­ her call. She is » guest at the home Brownell, two year term, and sive victorious peace whenever it other aunt, Mrs. F. W. Keys. East Mrs. Iona Stephens and R. F. Oregonian. Paulu, one year term. For the comes. N t for a moment, however, is the other member of the council a U. S treasury acting on any assumpt­ tie vote is to be decided between ion that peace is to come soon. Until Frank Cline, Robert Brownell peace is actually assured the attitude , Mrs. Bertha ot the whole United States govern­ ment is for the most vigorous prosecu­ ______ Cherry was elected recorder and tion of the war, and the motto of force If the truth is contained in a Mrs. McKenzie treasurer. against Germany without stint or limit will be acted up to until peace is dispatch from Des Moines, Iowa, to the Christian Science Monitor, an absolute accomplished fact. One more Liberty loan, at least. Is handed us the other day by a certain. The fourth loan waa popu party in this city, then fear of called the “Fighting Loan;" the TURKISH SURRENDER TOTAL larly the disease has a great deal to next loan may be a fighting loan, too, do with people contracting it. A new poison bait for the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus to Be or it may be a peace loan. Whatever ‘‘A course in common sense and pre the conditions, the loan must be Opened. eradication of gophers has just cer London—The armistice accepted b pared for and its success rendered pre the basic ideas of Christian come to light, according to Prof. ■Science, and an editorial policy Sykes of the O. A. C., which Turkey amounts to "complete and un tain and absolute. Begin now to for newspapers directed against farmers can try or leave it alone, conditional surrender.” This statemen’ pare to support it. was made by Lord Robert Cecil. as fear,” the dispatch says was just as they see fit. About once alitant secretary ot state for foreign urged at a meeting in the above a year regular, generally „When affairs. , . city recently. The fact was the gophers are “lulled up” for The terms of the agreement include SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE cited by speakers that officers the winter, a new treatise on the freo passage of the Dardanelles t and soldiers at Camp Dodge who how to get rid of the pest is dis- Hay baling is over for the Tilla ­ the allied fleet, and also comprise the occupation of the forts of the Dardan mook Co. as they finished M. E. Mar are Christian Scientists have not covered by some professor or •lies and Bosphorus necessary to se tin’s place Saturday. been affected by the epidemic.. other person with a highfalutin cure the passage of the allied war Flu has flew the creek, so it seems; | Dr Witte of Des Moines, in ■hips through th» Bosphorus to the at least no new cases have been re addressing the gathering, said: prefix to his name. But laying all jokes aside, this Black sea. ported. . * » Mnnii “There is no question that by a might be just the right dope, I D. Basey returned from Monu- -Er.) mans Saturday and says the country right attitude of mir 1 U. 8. Troop» In Terrific Fight and as it does not cost much to With the American Army on the looks fine to him for fall weather, and people have kept prepare—just a half cent for thinking of locating there nes nex from illness. 1 have no doubt each gopher-it might be well Sedan Front,—Bitter fighting is tak he I* i- thinking tng Place along the Meuse river soring. that many persons have soring. for the local ranchers that are American patrols again have succeed Mrs. Chae Kunze returned Saturday tracted the disease through fear. — —A ev can deceive themselves troubled with the rodents to try ed In crossing the river at Brieullet from Tillamook and is clad ’ to say that that it on them next spring. The on a pontoon bridge constructed un ber daughter is better. der fire. The town of Poullly, in the prescription is a mixture of bend of the Meuse northwest °1 dandelion and strychnine with Stenay, was capturad by th« Ameri licenee. Now evervone look out, for less many of them have thous Irish moss spreader, and the cans operating west ot the Meuse the lady will soon appear. themselves into their graves. proper amount of each of these The . west bank —. of the river now I* ditch work is progressing rapid- ; Whether one does or does not FEAR CONDUCIVE TO CONTRACTING THE FLU ana "AgnesFallen. HERE’S NEW ONE FOR THE GOPHERS BUTTER CREEK ITEMS themselves con- people held in its entirety “ far 15. ihe camp at present at the believe in the faith, it must evelop within the next week it value. . i Pouilly. Gowen place. nevertheless be admitted that 1 probable that schools now This is an appeal to every citizen- I James Ware has been hauling "000 there is some sound logic in the This appeal has been renewed because losed on the project will open a Must Convert Bonds Before Nov. * from the Umatilla river- the response has not been what was above assertion that through eek from Monday next Washington.—The privilege of con expected. Alton Basey has been dizging bi fear of a possibility of contract­ verting 4 per cent bonds of the first --------- Liberty loan and 4 per cant bonds of potatoes on the Hinkle place- The day light saving plan saved ing disease or becoming ill many Mrs. J. Grave» and daughter Bettie second Liberty loan into 4* pet ------- - ------ 7*. have brought on themselves an 250,000 tons of coal to the na- are guests this week at the home of the cent noun» bonds expires on November 9 Henry COIL tli ’ury A 4** Hooker was into" X , So let’s start a ion, according to the U. S. fuel their friend, Madam Be laca roper, out gacretary or the Treasury McAdoo an terday proving up on his homes to dip early demise. to banish this dual "ministration. This saving has In Colombia district. | nouncod. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Columbia district with""," campaign to sen mainly in Eastern cities, The maximum temperature for the Either une United Press or the As z"““X““uEKeOn ana F. P Phipe enemy, fear- - so exact figures are available •__ .7.4 *ra lying oo war new». --+9 _ sociated Press are lying on ingredients to mix up a batch and place it properly is given in an instructive bulletin that can be had free from the above col- lege on request. Anyone who tries it will please let us know how it works. Make use of the dampers in regulating the furnace. Bat VOL. XIII