T he H ermiston H erald VOL. XII HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1918 LETTER RECEIVED FROM WÄR ORPHAN'S MOTHER The first letter of appreciation to any of the numerous ones in Hermis- ton that have adopted war orphans of France reached here this week. It was from the widowed mother of a four year old eon that Mrs. P. B. Siscel, Mrs. Georgia Henderson and Mrs. F. A. Phelps adopted and are providing for, and the expression of warm sym­ pathy expressed therein by the parent for the money they have already sent for his maintenance is said by the above ladies to be ample recompense for the outlay. The letter was written in French, and was translated as fol­ lows by Mrs. J. F. McNaught: Sospel, 9 July, 1918 FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN DEVELOPED SLACKERS Four well known Umatilla county farmers are dodging their duty in fail­ ing to take an equitable share of the Fourth Liberty Loan bonds. In other words they refuse to buy their appor­ tionment, and for this reason have been yellow carded by the Umatilla County Patriotic Service League, and according to agreement among all the editors of papers in the county to pub­ lish the names of such slackers when called upon to do so by the above Madames: The American Fraternal Committee council, their names are herewith informs me that you desire to adopt, given: John Peters and Hans Pahl, both well for one year, my son Alphonse, a war known farmers of Pendleton; Higbee orphan. I eannot express to you, so far away, Harris, wealthy Milton capitalist, and the very great thankfulness I feel for Frank Hilbert, prominent Ukiah stock- such helo in the sorrow that has be- man. Should there be any slackers de­ fallen me. From afar, you are thinking of our velop in the Hermiston district after children and your country is sending the committees close up their work early next week their names will also her soldiers to us. Words do not exist be published in all the papers of the lothank such people as you are. I will teach my child to know your county. name, to love you; and as soon as he is able his little hand will say to you: “Thank you, Mamma Far-Away.” Just now I have not a photograph of him alone, but am sending you one taken with me. You can see him. He is not very strong for his four years, but time will strengthen him 1 hope, for he is very intelligent. As soon as possible I will have him photographed and send you a new picture. 1 would be very happy to re­ ceive your portrait. I have learned to know your heart. 1 would like to know your face. In repeating my thanks I beg of you, Madames, to accept the expression of my great gratitude. Widow Carlottl Josephine ELECTION JUDGES AND CLERKS APPOINTED The regular semi-monthly meeting of the city council was held in the council chambers in the library build­ ing Wednesday evening. In the ab­ sence of Mayor McKenzie, president of the council J. D. Watson presided. Routine business was transacted, and the appoint ment of an election board for the city election Nov. 5 was con­ firmed as follows: J. K. Shotwell, Mrs. H. G. Newport and Mrs. O. G. Sapper, judges; Mrs. J. H. Mortiti and J. H. Young, clerks. The city elect­ ion will be held in the library build­ ing and the state election polling place will be in Hinkle & Warner’s law offices. City Attorney Warner holding that until the county court changes the county precincts to conform to the city precincts two separate polling Thursday witnessed the departure of places will have to be maintained 3 S. McNaught, F. B. Swayze, H. litt and H. M. Straw, all armed and arrying many pounds of ammunition, or a ten days to two weeks hunting rip in the Blue mountains back of Jayton, Wash. This quartette of harpshooters was joined in Pendleton P. C. Jorgensen, who has held the »y Earl Couts, who will pilot the party position of butter maker at the Her­ uto the jungles and help them locate miston creamery for some time, left he deer and bruin. Tuesday accompanied by bis family It is safe to say that the stories they »ill bring back of hair-raising escapes for Carlton, Ore., to enter the cream­ rom bear, cougar, mountain lions and ery business there. R. C. Rasmussen of Pendleton is the new butter maker, luch like, will outrival those of the having assumed his duties in the local arty of huntsmen that recently re creamery Wednesday. urned from the Blue mountain region beyond Ukiah. ÛUR HERMISTON MEN GO ON HUNTING TRIP NEW BUTTER MAKER AT LOCAL CREAMERY LSER NOW WORK­ ING IN SHIPYARDS C. C. Salter, DAIRY AND HOG SHOW MEETING THIS EVENING This Saturday evening at the Library will be held a meeting of all the com­ mittees of the forthcoming Dairy and Hog Show, including the tent com- millee and the committee on arrange­ ments. Every person on the various committees are requested to attend, and all others interested should like­ formerly operator of water pumping ranch near the bast below Portland and moved, there ith his family a few months ago, has old the place and is now working for 'vie Sam at the Peninsula shipyards • Portland, being employed therein as wise be present. his city’s domestic lant, who bought » machinist. In a letter to The Her- U he says: "I will be glad to get the paper gain, as it has been six weeks since I ad the last one. I thought I would o write to have you change the ddress until I was sure what it Resigned His Position F. O. Bradshaw has resigned his position in the local bank and left Fri­ day with his wife for Eugene to enter the third officers’ training camp. Mr. Opel has again resumed his duties in Rid be. We are all well, and hope the bank, being called from the work " the Hermiston people are enjoying of improving his ranch by Mr. Brad­ he best of health. I have not bad shaw's departure. AMERICAN PARADE SWINGS THROUGH LONDON GROWN PRINCE WILLIE WRITES HIS KAISER PAPA Here’s another one of thoae satirical letters on Kaiser Bill written by Ser­ geant Don McAndrew, of Des Moines, Iowa, and recently published in the Register of that city. Imbedded In Its comicalosity are a good many funda­ mental truths that will be readily dis­ The funeral services over the re­ cerned bv readers that have followed mains of F. A. Brunson, who was the trend of the war: burned so badly Thursday evening of ( “Somewhere in France, last week by the explosion of gasoline “On der run, all der time.” that enveloped him while filling his "Dear Papa: auto truck tank, and from which he “I am writing on der run, as der died the following morning, was brave and glorious soldiers under my tended Saturday at the home of the command have not seen der Rhine for deceased by everyone on the project so long dat dey started back dal vay, that could spare the time to leave their and of course I am going mil dem. work, quite a num ber also coming from Oh, papa, here has been some offel Umatilla and other nearby points. dings happened here in France. First This mark of respect showed the pop I started in my big offensive which ularity and high esteem in which Mr. was to crush de fool Americans, but Brunson was held by the people, and dey know so little about military was a fitting tribute to one who was tactics dat dey vili not be crushed just ever pleasant and kindly disposed to­ like I vant dem. I sent my men in ward all. der fight In big vaves, and ven they The local Masonic order took full got to der Americans dey all sed ‘boo* charge of and conducted the obsequies When Britain reached the end of the rainbow and found American yust as loud as dey could holler. over thelrdeparted brother, the ritual­ troops really pouring through her porta to France, by tons and “Veil, according to vat you have al­ istic sermon being very impressive, as hundreds of thousands, her heart welled up within her and a ways told me, de Americans have was also that of Rev. Faucett of Stan­ turned and run like blazes, but vat do welcome they will long remember was the portion of the arriving field. Sympathy in many ways was Americans. you link? Dem fool Americans don't, expressed for the sorrowing young know anything about var, and instead Above is shown an American regiment marching through London wife and their only child, a little of running de odder way dey come in parade. Mark your enthusiasm in their passage to the front in daughter: right at us. Some of dem vas singing your subscription to the Fourth Liberty Loan. The funeral cortege was nearly a about 'Ve von't come back till it’s all mile long as it wended its way from the ofer, ofer dere,’ or some odder foolish Brunson home to the local station, all song and some of dem vas laffing like available automobiles being used to fools. Dey are so ignorant. convey the people. The body was "But dey are offel reckless mil dere shipped to the old home In Fort Wayne, guns, and ven dey come toward us it An evening class in surgical dress ­ Last Friday afternoon Miss Laura Ind., from whence Mr. Brunson came Phipps, the winner of the Fourth ings will be started next Wednesday about seven years ago, since which vas den dat my men look a notion dey Liberty Loan essay contest held in the evening at 8 o’clock for the teachers time he had been managing the 90 vanted to go back to der dear old high school, gave her essay in the and those who find it impossible to acres included in what is known as the Rhine. Ve don’t like de little, dirty Marne river, anyhow. And, oh papa, assembly before the high school work in the afternoon. Wayne-Oregon Fruit Co. in Columbia dem Americans use such offel lan­ seventh and eighth grades. A talk -On Saturday of next week a super­ district. At the time of his tragic guage. And dey talk blasphemy, too. was also given by Dorothy Briggs on fluity and food sale will be held in the death be was 36 years of age. Vat you tick dey said right in front her trip to the state fair. The re­ work room at 3 o’clock. Donations of of my face. One big husky from a mainder of the time was spent in sing- any kind will be greatly appreciated. place dey call Iowa, he said—Oh, papa ing the songs arranged by the sub­ Proceeds to pay room rent. I hate to tell you vot an offel ting he committee on music for State Speakers’ Mrs. E. E. Shaw of Cold Springs has said—but 1 can't help it—he said, ‘To Committee to be sung at all patriotic donated to the Red Cross a pig which hell mil der kaiser.’ I didn't link any meetings. will be auctioned off during the dairy body would say such an offel ling. Tuesday afternoon of this week, Miss show. At the same time will be auc­ The trade acceptance is steadily "And furdermore, dem Americana Hall, a member of the high school tioned off a pig which Mrs. Shaw has gaining ground among business men can’t be much of a chentlemens. It faculty, gave a brief review of the war given to the Honor Guard girls and a of the northwest, replacing the open made me so mad. I vouldn’t stand and from the year 1914 to the present turkey and a chicken donated to the book account and furnishing a liquid hear such an offel ting so I turned and date. It was splendidly given and was Red Cross by Mrs. Brunson. asset in commercial transactions. run mil de odder boys. Vas 1 right? appreciated very much by all the stu­ Mrs. Voelker has been appointed Manufacturers and jobbers were first Vat? And, oh! Papa, you know dem dents and the other members of the supervisor of the Junior Red Cross. to take up the new idea though many breast pistes vot you sent us—can you faculty. A shipment of scrap books is expected of them still hesitate over the innova­ ■end us some to put on our backs? You Wednesday morning of this week and will be ready for the children to tion. That he use of the trade ac­ know ve are going de odder vay now Mr. Young, postmaster and member of work on next week. ceptance will extend rapidly is the and breast plates are no good—de the committtee on thrift and war sav- Anyone interested in adopting a prediction o' bankers who are watch­ cowardly Americans are always shoot- ings, talked to the whole school to French orphan can find out all particu­ ing the tr ind of events. They see Ing us right in der back. show us the importance of buying “Some of our boys took off der lars by seeing Miss Graham who now war activities daily making it more these stamps. We are behind io our important that the selling end of a breast plates and put dem behind, but has charge of this work. quota and as we have only three merchandise transaction has more im­ de fool Americans are playing 'Der months in which to bring it up, it is mediate capital for use. Under the Star Spangled Banner’ mit machine up to the boys and girls of this com­ open account the seller's money is tied guns right on dem plates. Can't you munity to go without candy and gum up 30, 60 or 90 days, while under the help us. You remember in your for a few weeks so that we can go over trade acceptance he has immediate speech, for you said nothing could SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE the top in this important part of help- use of the money and the bank carries stand before de brave German? ing to win the war. As a result of the burden as it properly should. “Oh, papa, I don’t believe dese ig­ Umatilla’s school was closed last this talk the high school elected two In brief the trade acceptance Is a norant Americans ever read your captains who chose sides and a contest week on account of sickness. negotiable paper passing between speech, for dey run after us like ve Mrs. E. E. Day is and father, T. J. buyer and seller for goods purchased. will be held between them to see vas a lot of rabbits. Vol you link of which can sell the most W. 8. 8. Miss Morrow, called at the Botkin and The operation is simple: A retailer dat? Won't you send dem some of your Ross is captain of the Golda and Miss Savage ranches Tuesday afternoon. buying a bill of goods, merely writes speeches right avay? Dey don't know Hinkle of the Purples. Supt. and The third alfalfa cutting having the name of his bank, the date when how terrible ve are. Can't you move Mrs. Voelker have announced their been harvested in Kiverton, several of he wishes to pay and his name across my army back to Belgium vere ve intention to entertain the winning our men are helping with the harvest the face of the paper which in itself von all der time. My men vili vip all around Hermiston. attests to the purchase of goods to the de vlmmen and children vol dem Bel­ side. The high school now has 11150 in Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Miller called to amount noted thereon. The accept­ gians can bring us, but dese Ameri­ see Grandma Sprague who is very ill ance is then returned to the whole­ cans are so rough and ignorant. Liberty bonds and $1750 in stamps. saler who also signs it. It is then "Vs can’t make dem understand dal on Tuesday evening. GRADE NEWS eligible for immediate discount at the ve are der greatest soldiers on earth, Another Riverton automobile is a The first grade pupils are buying and ven ve try to sing 'Deutschland thrift stamps and each child as he swell new Dodge car recently pur­ bank. In France the trade acceptance, be­ Uber Alles’ dey laf like a lot of mon- chased by 8. C. Nichols who in his en ­ buys a thrift stamp has h's name put sides Its familiarity In the jobbing keys, but ve are getting de best of do on a war poster for the room. The deavor to learn its manipulation is trade, is used by thousands of retailers Americans. Vo can outrun dem, papa. leaving numerous geometrical designs second and third grades are still bav- In transactions with their customers If ve are not der best fighters on on the “ sands of time. ” ing thrift stamp talks. They now for amounts often not exceeding one earth, ve are dor best runners. No­ have 8267 in stamps. body can keep up mit us ven ve link dollar. ________________ A. E. Campbell, who last spring The fourth grade had a picnic on of der old Rhine, and my army never the butte Saturday. They report a purchased 20 acres of land near Colum­ did link so much of dot old Rhine, good time besides learning how the bia school house, is making prepara­ Whereas, The Supreme Architect of eder. Let us know vot to do right tions to put the whole tract in alfalfa. butte and rocke were formed. the universe, has through his silent avay by return post office. There will be a special call meeting messenger death, removed from our Everybody enjoyed the exercise Crown Prince Villie” given by the fifth grade at The Moyle of the M. E. Ladies Aid Society al the midst our much respected friend and last Saturday night. The sixth grade home of Mrs. M. R. Gallaher at the brother. Fred A. Brunson. There­ will give a sailor eong Saturday night parsonage next Wednesday afternoon fore be it Roselawn Farm orchard tract south­ MANY PEOPLE ATTEND DRUNSON FUNERAL RED CROSS HIGH SCHOOL NOTES TRADE ACCEPTANCE PLAN IS EXTENDING RIVERTON-ON-UMATILLA The seventh and eighth gradee have al 2:30. "I bay fever this year, I am thank- " to say. Well, I suppose I will get " the news when I receive The Her- All members are especially The Baptist Aid will meet al the chosen their basket ball teams. Mary urged to attend. church next Wednesday afternoon, Curry is captain of ibe girls and Herb­ Il is urgently requested that every ,80 will ring off for this time with Oct. 9- AU members are requested to ert Hanel ine of the boys team. This Odd Fellow belonging to Vineyard est regards to all.” grade now has $488.75 in thrift and Lodge No. 206 attend the meeting of be present Geo. H. Gould, a rancher from Gate­ war savings stampe aod 8350 in Liberty the order this Saturday evening, as WEATHER REPORT there is business of vital importance way, Oregon, this week purchased 20 bonds. Mr. Green, county superintendent of to be taken up al that lime. There were little showers of rain at acres of land from Prann Bros, of this 4 intervals during the week. The city. The trad is situated one-half schools, was a visitor to the school. If the finder of a «10 bill that was Mimura temperature was 92, mini- F® 41 and rainfall .13 of an inch. e regular monthly meeting of the miston Commercial Club will be at the library next Monday eve , at which meeting every member He met the new teachers lost on the streets of Hermiston last ' and has promised his hearty co-opera- Saturday by Miss Doris Percey will re­ it is ia alfalfa. tion in making ibis school year a very turn it to her a suitable reward will be An enjoyable party waa bold at the successful one. home of Mr. aod Mrs. E. A. Hobbs mile southwest of town, and 16 acres of Tuesday. last Monday night in honor of their daughter. Mrs H. Miller, and her husband, Portland visitors Refresh- NO. 3 The annual business meeting of the Baptist church will be bold Thursday leased the F. C. Davis ranch of 20 evening, Oct. 10, at 7:30. All mem- acres east of town and will move there- bort urgently requested to bo present. Mr and Mrs H. J. Belscamper have on about the first of November. Resolved, Thal through bls untime­ ly demise Hermiston Lodge No. 138 A. F. and A. M has lost a faithful mem- ber and the lodge light has been dimmed. Be II further Resolved, That we as a lodge and each as individuals extend to bis wife and family deepest sympathy in their great loss and ahare their grief and sorrow in the hour of affliction. Be it further resolved that * copy of these resolutions be sent to bis wife and family and the also be published sod enured la the lodge records. A. P. Garner E. L. Jackson A. Beisse west of Hermiston to Z Pumphrev, and on Monday departed for her old home In Decker, Michigan, to reside there indefinitely. Accompanying her was Mise Olive Bracken, her niece.who has been visiting here for some lime. Mr. and Mrs. Hogan Miller, former residents of this community, came up from Portland the latter pari of last week on a viali to the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hobbs Mr. Miller, who Is employed in one of the shipyard plants at Portland, returned to his duties Tuesday morning, his wife re­ maining to spend the week at the par entai home and with her sister, Mrs. Committee F. Bilder back.