The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984, September 28, 1918, Image 1

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    THE H ermiston H erald
I y S Shrock, county farm agent,
I .ill come from Pendleton in a few
and together with President
I Sailings, will go over the project and
I »elect show stuf of all kinds to be put
I os exhibition at the Dairy and Hog
I Show October 18 and 19. They are
I also anxious io secure exhibits from
I other parts of the county and also
I from more distant points.
I The directors of the Dairy and Hog
I Show are to offer liberal prizes this
I year for competition among the horse
I men. Exhibitors will be expected to
I bring in tbeir stock for showing and
I judging by 8:30 a. m. Saturday, Octo-
I ber 19th.
I Prizes will be given for the best
I brood mares in two classes, over five
I years and under five years, the best
I draft team any age, the best yearling
I colt. This year there are some es-
■ pecially fine season’s coïts on the pro-
I ject and a liberal prize will be award-
I ed by the fair management for the
I best and second best suckling colt.
I la addition the owners of “Young Mil-
I ton,” registered Percheron stallion,
lire of many excellent colts in the
Hermiston vicinity, will give a sea­
son’s service for tbe best suckling colt
and a single service for the second
To add zest and interest in this new
department of the big annual show, a
hitching contest will be pulled off.
Teamsters will start with naked team
tied to a rack. The team is to be har­
nessed with regulation breeching har­
ness and bitched to a wagon, and sub-
stantia] prizes will be awarded to the
fastest man.
Hon. Walter M. Pierce of La Grande,
one of the state’s largest horsemen and
stock raisers, has been asked to judge
the horses and colts on exhibition and
io make a patriotic address in the
Conspicuous unto himself but
I conspicuous to others was a man from
I Boardman when we were at Pendle-
I ton last Saturday who at the time
I some years ago the Round-Up associa-
I tion was formed owned the controlling
I interest, so The Herald was informed
I once upon a time, and now information
I comes that he is a large land owner in
I the thriving town of Boardman, and
I it was his fertile brain that conceived
I the idea of scattering broadcast the
I assertion that through bls ingenuity
'■he red and green trail was marked re­
cently from John Day Ferry north
through Boardman, Hermiston and on
I to Pendleton.
Having heard all this, we imagined
we would see this man surrounded by
a halo at the Round-Up in recognition
I of the many public services he bad ren­
dered both the above association and
the counties of Umatill and Morrow
during his too long residence therein,
but we were disappointed.
In our researches to endeavor to
ascertain why this should be, we
asked a gentleman of our acquaint-
ance if it were possible that recogni­
tion was not extended to charter mem-
bers of the Round-Up association,
’hereupon he replied that it most
redi y was to legitimate charter
members, but not to the bogus one we
had in mind. As he talked he seemed
to be in "pain" andgot a little hot
under the collar, but readily vouch-
sated the further information that the
aforesaid bogus one is known as one of
the most colossal prevaricators in
these parte, and that be was of the be-
*f that the story of tbe red and green
trail was made out of whole cloth and
that somebody else owned the land
around Boardman.
Crestfallen, we
humbly bowed our head and moved
away, thinking only of "man's in-
Under pretense of attending tbe
Pendleton Round up so as to keep
their secret from their friends as long
as possible, William Brown, whom all
thought to be a pronounced bachelor,
and Mrs. M. Mendenhall went to tbe
county seat Wednesday of last week
and were united in marriage by Jus
tice of the Peace Parks. Thursday
they attended the Round-Up and Fri­
day they came home. Someone re­
turning that evening tipped it off that
they were married, and later the same
night the groom done the handsome
thing with the boys and men that took
it upon themselves to charivari tbe
happy couple. Tuesday evening of
this week the women friends of Mrs.
Brown gave her a charivari, and like-
wise they received a fine treat.
The newlyweds are well and popular­
ly known in the Hermiston valley, hav­
ing resided here for a number of years.
Mr. Brown is at the present time act­
ively engaged in the honey business,
being the owner and operator of an
apiary that brings him a good income.
They have taken up their residence on
the west side of town in the residence
house owned by the bride.
O. D. Burgess is getting along nice
ly at this writing from an attack of
typhoid fever, with which he became
ill about 15 days ago. Although not
entirely out of danger, it looks now
and is tbe hope of his many friends
that he will be on his feet within a
8 tsi
24 (1,
Every steel steamship turned out in our hundred and more
shipyards has more than a million rivets, and the rat-tat-tat of
the riveters’ "guns” swells in chorus with the clicking of the
machine guns in France to drown the dying German cheers
over their submarine exploits.
The clinking dollars of the Fourth Liberty Loan will add
a shriller voice to that chorus and further lower German
It’s easy to cheer for our boys in France. Make your dol­
lars shout in the Fourth Liberty Loan. Germany will under­
stand their voice without translation.
Every student in high school has
been working on a four minute speech
for the Fourth Liberty Loan. Every
student draws a number under which
they write on this subject. Ths best
composition will be chosen by the
faculty and tbe student who has
written it will speak it at The Movie
next Saturday night and next week
before tbe high school and grades.
Miss Dorothy Briggs returned
Thursday after spending three or four
days at the state fair as a winning
member of the pig club. She reports
a wonderful time and says the trip was
well worth working for.
ms —
Patriotism Is tbe male thought Io
tbe grades The United States soldier
is taken by the first grade children for
their ideal. Each morning they have
tbe soldiers’ "setting up” exercises.
Tbe object is to secure better standing,
sitting and walking positions. These
children are also learning the five
golden keys: Good morning. I thank
you. You are welcome, Excuse me,
Good night.
Tbe second grade pupils are very
much interested in War Saving® and
Thrift Stampe, and bave shown that
they are willing to do their "bit" by
If you have not already
sent in your subscription
to the Fourth Liberty
Loan, do it before noon
today so the committee
can complete their re­
Tbe committee composed of Mes­
dames Watson, C. S. McNaught,
Swayze, Todd and Hinkle, having in
charge the arranging of a reception
for the new teachers, announce that
they now have everything in readiness
and that the affair will be held Friday
evening, October 4, in the public
library. There will be a short pro­
gram and refreshments will be served.
A cordial invitation is extended to all,
and everybody Is expected to attend
and welcome the teachers.
trict. In the prime of health at 8 p.
m. Thursday evening, be went from
the bouse to fill his auto bus tank with
gasoline so as to have all in readiness
to bring the children to tbe Hermis­
ton school the following morning, he
having the contract for their transpor­
With him be took a lantern, which
he placed near by while he began fill­
ing the tank from a five gallon can.
It is thought the fumes caused ignition,
with the result that the can he was
bolding exploded, and the flames
spread over him. An agonized shriek
from the burning man as he rolled on
tbe ground in an endeavor to smother
the flames was heard by Mrs. W. M.
Wheeler, who immediately ran from
the home of ber parents tu his rescue
and gave what aid she could. Mrs.
Brunson came a minute later, and
soon the neighbors congregated, but
the unfortunate man was beyond help.
Deceased leaves a wife and child to
mourn his loss, and they have the
sympathy of the entire community in
their sad bereavement.
Funeral services will be held over
the remains of deceased at the family
home today at 1 p. m. under the aus­
pices of the local Masonic order, of
which he was a member. The body
has been embalmed by Undertaker
Prann, and will be shipped to tbe old
home at Fort Wayne, Ind., this after­
noon, accompanied by the sorrowing
wife and her little daughter.
The election held Thursday owing to
the resignation of Mrs. Strohm re­
To give as much publicity as possi­
sulted in the election of Miss Graham
as chairman and delegate to tbe board ble to people about the Fourth Liber­
of directors and of Mrs. Thomas Camp­ ty Loan, the proprietors of the Oregon
Hardware & Implement Co. have rigg­
bell as vice-president.
ed upa unique window display in their
Tbe material for the surgical dresses
store. This display consists of a var­
Mason Brothers informed The Her­
have arrived and there will be work
ied collection of attractive Liberty ald that with their machine they have
for all on Tuesday and Thursday after-
Loan posters neatly arranged, but ob­ baled 1300 tons of alfalfa hay since
More refugee garments are
scured from the view of the passerby June last. This is an immense amount
expected. A linen shower for French
by a paper window shade in which has of hay, but at that it only represents a
hospitals will be held the week of
been cut three circular holes, the low­ small amount of the tonnage of this
Sept. 30. We are asked to give bath
er one being the heighth of a child, class of fodder that has been produced
towels, hand towels, handkerchiefs,
the next abouta women’s heighth and on this project this season so far.
napkins and sheets of our supply.
the third reaching to man’s size.
However, they aver that should they
They must be clean and in fairly good
Nearly everyone who passes notices do as well this year as they did from
condition. They may be left at tbe
these boles, and immediately become September of last year on to the close
Red Cross room next week.
curious to see what is behind them, of operations they will have baled
We are also asked to save fruit pits, with the result they peek in and then close to 4,000 tons.
nut shells, tinfoil and scrap leather. become interested in reading the Loan
Receptacles fur these things will be advertisements, which adds patriotism
placed on tbe streets, into which they and creates ardor to buy of the bonds
can be dropped.
to their utmost limit.
There is also a call for tea towels
Had Foot Crushed
for the soldiers. Bring In to the work
room clean flour sacks, sugar sacks or
W. A. Shaw ver, an employe work­
J. D. Watson has a couple of goata
substitute sacks which will be hemmed ing io tbe pipe yards of tbe reclama­ that he is willing to contribute as mas-
by tbe school children. These should tion service, met with an accident cots to any of tbe boys going "over
be In Saturday afternoon, as tbe teach­ Tuesday afternoon that will lay him there” or elsewhere, for that matter.
ers are anxious to have Red Cross up for some little lime. He was us­ Tbe pesky little things took it upon
work for tbeir pupils.
ing a heavy tamper In pressing the themselves to anger Mr. Watson one
concrete in the moulds, and in some day last week, when they fussed over,
way made a miscalculation, the tamper under and on top of bls Oldsmobile
striking tbe mould, from which it auto while It stood In tbe yard at hie
Rev. M. R. Gallaher, the new pas­
glanced onto his right foot, mashing it ranch west of town, during which
tor of the local Methodist church,
frolic they left zig-zag, perpendicular,
preached hie initial sermon here Sun­
horizontal and nearly every other kind
day morning to a good sized congrega-
of a mark on tbe body of the car. For
In Naval Training Camp
tion, and in the afternoon at Columbia
this reason the aforesaid gentleman
school house. Himself and family ar
Navy life Is not complete without baa nothing but the profoundest aver­
rived the latter part of last week over­ The Herald. So says W. L. Kimble,
sion for these goats, and If he Is fortu­
land in their auto from Selah, Wash , a former wall known young rancher of
nate enough to get rid of them be de­
and have rented and are now living in this community who Is now In Com­
clares there will never be any more of
the house vacated by Rev. Graham pany 9 at the naval training camp at
their ilk that will get bis “goat.”
Seattle, Wash. Here’s bow be puu
and family.
it: "Naval life is great. Keeps one
Service Certificates
busy nearly all tbe time.
Seven certificates for service io the
liberty from Saturday noon till Mon­
war of tbe seven Odd Fellow members
Secretary W. R. Longhorn of the
day at 8 a. m. Only one thing I miss,
local 1. O. O. F. lodge received a pos­ and that is Tbe Herald. Here's a of the local order now serving their
tal the other day from Private Wm. dollar to pay my subscription awhile, country and an extra large one has
been received by the secretary, W. R.
D. Seilers, one of the members and a
so rush your weekly here at once Re­
Longhorn. These are made in exquis-
former Hermiston boy, in which be
gards to all.”
ite ecroll work, and will be filled out
says: “We are at Camp Meade, Mary­
with tbe names of tbe patriotic young
land. Arrived on tbe 19-h of August.
There are just seven days loft for men and sent them, while tbe large
This is quite a large camp, about 9000
men. Am getting on One, and expect those who paid half their tais lo the one will combine all their names, bo
to go across pretty soon. Had a talk spring to pay tbe balance before they framed and hung In tbe lodge hall.
become delinquent.
ago. He is in groat spirits. It's rain-
Mrs. L. L. Carlile left Thursday for
Mrs. H. Bryden and son Halford of
Ing hard boro as 1 write. Will close
River, being called there by the
Silverton, Ore., were guests In this
with beet wishes to all.”
city of their friends, Mr. and Mrs. A. serious Illness of her grandmother.
» NNgarins ~ is
Mrs. Ed. Hilt left for ber home io
Carlton, Ore., last evening after a
visit bere since Monday with relatives
and friends. Accompanying ber was
Miss Yudith Kelly, who will pass a
couple of weeks on tbe coast with Mrs.
Hilt and relatives in Portland. Tbe
evening prior to tbeir departure Mrs
some Hit was tendered a surprise party at
last snturdoz.eferpoon .br°wo"een. googeapoy—mouniains, sod/they are
contractor BF Surohm
Tb« r—Kh <™>« I« busily
E W. Mack has bad the front of bis
take a trip to the butte
ek building on Main street in which man, where be nao oeeu )
"located his variety store and the building and arranging shelving and soie to"
All the work is well or
Sty Meal Market decorated with a bookcases in the school building bepe "aa.ea“now and classes are started
for the reception of the lib
“Dessfull, for the year in all gradeo.
installed therein.
This community was shocked and
horrified Friday morning on learning
of the death at 5 a. m. of F. A. Brun-
son, tbe well knownand popular young
rancher reaiding tn tbe Columbia
hope soon to be orgsnized.
The second band store heretofore lo­
cated one door east of the Oregon
The first car of alfalfa meal was
shipped Wednesday from tbe new mill Hardware * Implement Co. is to be
? the C. 8. McNaught Co. in this city-
The consignment was billed to Port-
and, and from now on steady ship-
mente will be made of this commodity,
the demand for it being strong on the
Portland market.
Dr. Blakney, head of the Greek de­
partment of Whitman university, paid
the high school a visit last Monday in
tbe interest of the government student
army corps. He explained how boys
between the ages of eighteen and
twenty inclusive and who are high
school graduates, are given an oppor­
tunity by the government to take mili­
tary training and at the same time
pursue their college course. They
will receive food, clothing and books
besides 830 a month. Bovs not high
school graduates have tbe opportunity
to enter vocations! schools and take
military training.
Basket ball practice has started and
every boy and girl expecting to play
must come. A match game will be
played between the eighth grade and
high school girls as soon as possible.
Lawrence Bryant is captain and man­
ager of the boys team and hopes to
have all the boys out to practice so
that games may be arranged for.
short time.
Typhoid fever cases are almost un­
known here, and the attending phy­
sician is at a loss to understand where
Mr. Burgess picked up the germ that
has made of him a very sick patient,
unless he became innoculated while
All the girls interested in singing
met with Superintendent Voelker in
working on the drain ditch put in near___
Stanfield by the Newport Construction assembly last Wednesdsy evening. A
Co. a month ago.
| girls glee club is tbe object and they
“Hints from a practical farmer to
tbe settlers on the projects of tbe U.S.
reclamation service,” is the title of a
booklet containing 137 pages of irriga­
tion knowledge that will be distributed
among local farmers of this project
that call for them. There are about
100 to be given out free of cost at Her­
miston reclamation service offices.
E. A. Hobbs on Wednesday of this
week sold his improved twenty acres
situated three miles out of town on
North Ridge to A. E. White of Madras
Possession will be given the new owner
about the first of November, when Mr.
Hobbs and family will move to Port­
Two more Madras men have become
property owners here within the past
week, they being F. M. McClintic,
who purchased the improved 25 acres
known as the Bert Smith place west of
town, and John F. Fox, who bought a
partly improved 20 acre tract to the
southwest held by the Hermiston Bank
& Trust Co.
The above sales were made through
the real estate firm of Dodd & Knapp,
and the purchasers feel that they will
have bettered their condition when
they move to this irrigated project
from the dry farming belt surrounding
NO. 2
nice affair.
L Larson, last Saturday while on
Questionnaries are being received
their wav borne from an auto trip daily now by those of the Hermiston
through Eastern Oregon,
district who came under the recent re­
gistration order for service In the
In order to clean out tbe ditch that
conveys waler from Minnehaha Springs
H. Spinning returned Tuesday from
to the power pieni of tbe Hermiston
’s visit to bis old home In Ta-
Light A Power Co. for generating pur-
poses, both power and lights wore of coma, where Mrs. Spinning still re-
moot of the day last Saturday. Other sidas. He says the coast country, es-
pecially in that vicinity, is booming
and that dwelling and business houses
further shutdown for a year or more.