THE On account of our increased amount of work, we find it necessary to change our closing hour from 4 p. m. to 3 p. m. The First National Bank of Hermiston Capital & Surplus $30,000 professional cards OREGON HERMISTON,, J. T. HINKLE OREGON HERMISTON, HITT Can fit you out in what­ ever you may need in the === way of—— ■ = HUNTING or FISHING EQUIPMENT DENTIST Hermitton. Oregon Office Hours: 8 to 6; Sundays a eve- nings by appointment. office. Bark Bldg. Office Phone, 93 ALEXANDER REID Physician and Surgeon Hours: 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 P. M. Complete line of Base Ball and other Sport­ ing Goods Confectionery Ice Cream and Soft Drinks Office Phone: Main 92 Residence Phone: 191 Office in Bank Bldg. DR. R. G. GALE Physician and Surgeon First Clas Billiard and Pool Tables Office Hours: Phone 551 VETERINARY SURGEONI Office Phone 482 Hotel Phone 61 DALE ROTHWELL OPTICAL SPECIALIST The Auto Truck ALWAYS ON THE JOB LONG AND SHORT . HAULS Give Ue A Trial Hermiston Transfer Company Office. Cor. Main and Second Sts. R m .. »Fl Phone 152 Glasses ground and fitted. Lenses duplicated. American National Bank Building Pendleton. Oregon HERMISTON, Subscribe for The Herald. Echo Flour Mills We are offering a nice line of Cluett and Monarch Dress Shirts at $1.00, worth $13.50 per dozen wholesale today. ' While they last $1.00 each. The city council has purchased a road drag with which it is proposed to put the streets of the city in the best possible condition. Work has already begun on this undertaking, and good results from the operation of the drag are already noticeable. The annual yearly invoice has been begun among some of the business in stitutions in this city. This will con­ tinue throughout the month so that most of the concerns will know to a dot how much stock they have on hand with the beginning of the new year. Quite a good sized audience attended the lecture on the “Idealistic Concep­ tion of Modern Socialism" delivered by Dr. De Quer in Mack’s ball in this city Friday evening of last week, at which time the speaker gave a clear version of social and economic condi- tions as they appear today. Mr. De Quer is billed to speak here again next Wednesday evening. O. E. Bergman recently traded his property interests here to his brother- in-law, F. L. McMahan, for the latter’s farm interests near Cambridge, Idaho, with the result that the former gen­ tleman and his family left here last week for his new home, and the first of this week Mr. and Mrs. McMahan arrived and are occupying the Berg man borne in this city. Shortly after arriving here Mr. McMahan took up his duties as a partner with Jake Stork in the blacksmith shop. The smiling face of Attorney W. J. Warner is again to be seen at his office on Main street. He returned last Saturday with his family from Chemawa, where be had been the past two months acting as foot ball coach for the student team of the Indian school located there. From a casual glance at “Bill” you wouldn’t surmise that he was some foot ball star several years ago, but his record on the grid­ iron shows he was. OREGON TO CLOSE OUT The Methodist Bazaar today. John Matthewson, who purchased the Hancock ranch io the Fourth unit last spring, is having a fine large resi­ dence house built on the place. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McNaught have this week bad Contractors Strohm and Callbeck attending to the work of building a screened in kitchen porch on their residence in the western part of town. Just recently August Beisse completed a contract of putting a con­ crete basement under the bouse, and this, together with the latest improve­ ment, makes of the residence a modern and comfortable dwelling bouse. Rooms 1 and 2 Bank Bldg. 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. HERALD, LOCAL BRIEFS SPECIAL NOTICE W. J. WARNER HERMISTON NO RETURNS OR EYCHANGES = = . ======== = MENS’ WOOL UNDERWEAR In two piece garments at old prices, 50 per cent under present cost. LADIES WOOL UNDERWEAR • High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED sizes. CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR 4 In both union and two piece garments, at last year’s prices, while the stock lasts. NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGES Hermiston Produce & Supply Company suitable for a place in the beat room in the house It is given to all readers of the Youth’s Companion who have paid their subscription for 1918. NORTH RIDGE NEWS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hood had as guests to Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dobler and Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Palmer. Oscar and William Sanders were superfine hosts at a supper given by tbem at their home Thursday of last week to Mr. and Mrs. T Parks, Miss Simmons, L. Brownell, Wm. Kik and Judge Embry. be thankful for, regardleu of building operatioru And there’s mU^ to which haoe been be ow par. During the past year our country has attained a mations Which ^11 ultimately be of direct or indired valueto ever business. It I only a question time when the States lead cero other nation in world-commerce, finance and pouper. , has placed in our hands the "balance of power ad is now at FURNITURE Hermiston Auditorium of all kinds. EACH WEEK Sunday school, 10 a. m. F. C. Bruce, Sopt., Morning service, 11 o'clock. “Marshaling of the Nations." Prayer meeting Thursday eve , 7:30. B. Y. P. Ü., 6:30 o’clock. Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. Subject. ' Evangelism ” Strangers are always welcome to the services of this church. Special music. L S. Chapman Pastor communication has reduced the cost and increased ine METHODIST CHURCH the Second Hand Line for Sale CALL ANO INSPECT OUI STOCK M. DUTY, PROPRIETOR THE Hermiston Herald 1 F ---- —---------- ia The Oregon Farmer - Opportunity to its Readers Offers« MONG our large circle of readers terested directly or indirectly in fruit growing, dairying and other naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag- waged for the measures Oregon farmers want and against all sorts of schemes that interests of this state. MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, subscribers and who ________ ___ to THE OREGON FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE OREGON FARMER to combination with __________ as well as to all new subscribers. If you are interested di­ rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, do not miss this unusual opportunity, but THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm paper which is devoting itself exclusively to the farming activities and interests of ; and ft has the backbone to at- bad legislation, and support honest leaders Sunday schnol 10 a. m Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League 9:30 p m. Columbia—Sunday school 2 p. m , preaching 3 p. m. Subjects. Morning, “The Call and Commission of a Great Leader;" eve- ning, “Some of the Wonders of the Bible.” Don’t fail to hear this ser- TWO PAPERS FOR THE PRICE OF ONE $1.50 The Hermiston Herald, one year 11 MI Let tu observe Thanksgiving thù year sedation of the wonderful adjuges « eryoy Sincerely youn, THE TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO I We have Nearly Every Kaewa Article in Suuranior of the permantnl peace of the porlf înehe lnousand OF wean of soorld hatero the pvesensseperofon,” the fma to see mams mastery of the hethe of theott, onddeptrz.h the Let us know what household goods vou have to eell TWO GOOD SHOWS BUTTER WRAPPERS For Sale at Herald Office BAPTIST CHURCH at hand. SECOND HAND Mr. and Mrs. Egbers went to Wash- ington state last week to attend the marriage of their son. ser- SECOND HAND STORE “The Movie” Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Mr and Mrs. F. Chezik and Frank Knapp spent Sunday visiting at the Bodkin home. Coyotos are becoming numerous and bold in this section, one tackling a dog belonging to Mr. Lacey last week and in the melee the gentleman dis­ patched the animal with a club. Ted Parks shot another and William Sanders did likewise, both animals be­ ing close to their ranch bouses. While Ruth Hobbs was on her way to Hermiston last Tuesday her horse became frightened at a passing auto truck and ran away. Not much dam­ age was done to horse, buggy nor the driver, for as Miss Ruth puta it, in telling afterwards about being thrown from the vehicle, she “just fell so easy it did not hurt a bit.” HERMISTON Pays the highest price for Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hobbs entertain- ed Mr and Mrs. Frank Bilderback and Hogan Miller at their home Thanks- giving day. CATHOUC CHURCH The day of ThanhgMng « Phone Main 34 “Best of Good Service Hermiston, 8:30 a. m. Umatilla, 10:00 a. m. Everybody welcome to tbeee vices. CO OUR F^E^CDS.- " Broken In two piece garments at 50 per cent less than their present worth. W. L Kimble, an enterprising young rancher who owns and operates the old Fred Gorham place, figures that he done a good stroke of business when be bought a carload of second hand wood pipe from the government. The pipe is some that was in use in the irriga­ tion system at Irrigon until recently, when it was replaced with concrete pipe manufactured and shipped from the government yards here. As fast as the wooden tubes were taken from the ground to make room for the new CHURCH NOTICES. Mr. Kimble secured and piled them until he had a carload, when be had tbem loaded and shipped to Hermiston CHRISTIAN SCIENCE and from this city on to the ranch by Services hold in Civic Center hall. wagon. When these casings are laid Sunday, 10:45 a. m. in the trenches according to plans Subject, “Ancient and Modern Necro­ made by the above gentleman be fig mancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypno- uves that he will have one of the best tiara, Denounced.” and most efficient systems of irrigation Everybody cordially invited. to be found on the project. MANUFACTURERS OF ====== ..... ======== The Youth's Companion Practical Home Calendar combines the beautiful $1.50 THE HERALD, Hermiston, Or98° with the useful. It is especially sought for by busy people, because It gives et current month, but those of the month preceding and the month following, all on the one leaf. At the same time the calendar is decorative in design and Butter Wrappers For Sale at This Office