T he H ermiston H erald HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1917 ATAN ABDICATES THRONE Of HELL IN KAISER’S FAVOR HEAD OF AMERICA’S WAR COMMISSION “My Dear Wilhelm: “I can call you by that familiar name for I have always been very close to you, much closer than you could ever now. "From the time'that you were yet an undeveloped being In your mother’s womb, I have shaped your destiny for wy own purpose. —‘In the days of Rome I created a ughneck known in history as Nero e was a vulgar character and suited y purpose at that particular time, a’these modern days a classic demon an I Efficient'soper-criminal was need- ed, and as I know the Hohenzollern Mood, I picked you as my special in- str u m ent to place on earth an annex to hell.. I gave you abnormal ambition, likewise, an oversupply of egotism that you might not discover your own failings. I twisted your mind to that of'a mad man with certain normal ten- dencies to carry you by, a most dan- . gerous character placed in power; I gave you the power of a hypnotist and a certain magnetic force that you might sway your people. I an respon- . Bible for the deformed arm that hangs ‘ help» on your left, for your crippled condì id embitters your life and des- troys all noble impulses that might erwise cause me anxiety, but your ing sword arm is driven by your bition that squelches all sentiment I pity; I placed in your soul a deep red fer all things English, for of all ions on earth I hate England most; wherever England plants her flag she brings order out of chaos and the hated Cross follows the Union Jack; ander her rule wild tribes became tillers of the soil and in due time prac­ tical citizens; she is the great civilizer of the globe and I hate her. I planted In your soul a cruel hatred for your mother because she was English and left my good friend Bismarck to fan the flame I had kindled. Recent his­ tory proves how well our work was done. It broke your royal mother's heart, but I gained my purposes. “The inherited disease of the Ho- henzollerns killed your father, just as it will kill you, and you became the ruler of Germany and a tool of mine sooner than I expected. “To assist you and further hasten my work I sent you three evil spirits, | Nietzche, Treitschke and later Bern- hardi, whose teachings inflamed tbe youths of Germany, who in good time would be willing and loyal subjects and eager to spill their blood and pull your chestnuts, yours and mine; the spell has been perfect—you cast your ambitious eyes toward the Mediterra- nean, Egypt, India and the Dardanelles and you began your great railway to Bagdad, but the ambitious archduke and his more ambitious wife stood in the way. It was there that I sowed the seed in your heart that blossomed into the assassination of the duke and his wife, and all hell smiled when it saw how cleverly you saddled the crime on to Servia. I saw you set sail for the fjords of Norway and I know you would prove an alibi. How clev­ erly done, so much like your noble grandfather, wbo also secured an assassin to remove old King Frederick of Denmark, and later robbed that country of two provinces that gave Germany an opportunity to become a I naval power. Murder is dirty work, hut it takes a Hohenzollern to make a way and get by. | Your opportunity was at hand, you ringing; your rape on Belgium “ ion iov: it was the beginning, a perfect hell on n of noble cathed- Other infinite work* of art with joy in the infernal re- 1 made war on friends and 4-5 PARENT-TEACHER MEETING PROGRAM ", Reports from the Masonic and Odd Fellowa lodges, tbe two leading frate • nal organizations of this city, show that they have enjoyed a good year, financially and from a membership standpoint, and that the auxiliary bod­ ies, tbe Order of the Eastern S'ar uf the Masons and the Rebekah lodge of the Odd Fellowa, have increased their following during tbe past twelve months. Following tbe usual custom the an­ nual election of officers of tbe orders takes place about this time of tbe year and with the exception of the Eastern Stars, which organization will hold Its annual election shortly, the elective officers of tbe other orders have been chosen as follows: The meeting of tbe Parent-Teacher association will be held io the high school assembly hall al 8 o’clock Fri­ day evening, December 14. Following is tbe program: Music............................ Akers’ Quartette Reading, 1 Hoover’s goin’ lo get you"..................... Frank Swayze Jr. Music, Patriotic Airs....... High School Lecture, “The Child and the Alarm Clock".Dr. S. B. L. Penrose No admission will be charged, as ex penses of the lecture will be borne by the Parent-Teacher association, who HERMISTON LODGE NO. 138 A. F * A M. are offering tbe evening's entertain­ Worshipful Master—M. D. Sc rogge. ment as a treat to the community. Senior Warden—J. H. Young. Dr Penrose, president of Whitman Junior Warden—A. W. Praan. college is a scholar of high attain Treasurer—F. B. Swavze. mente, and is a pleasing and forceful Subordinate officers of the order will speaker. None should fail to avail be appointed and installation held themselves of thia opportunity to hear Tuesday evening, Dec. 18. him. “I have strolled over the battlefields of Belgium and France. I have seen your hand of destruction everywhere; it’s all your work, super fiend that I made you. I have seen the fields of Poland; now a wilderness fit for prowl­ ing beasts only; no merry children in Poland now; they have all succumbed to frost and starvation—I drifted down into Galacia where formerly Jews and Gentiles lived happily together; I found but ruins and ashes; I felt a cur ious pride in my pupil for it was all above my expectation. I was in Bel­ gium when you drove the peaceful population before you like cattle into slavery, you separated man and wife and forced them to hard labor in the trenches. I have seen the most fiend­ ish rape committed on young women and the many forced into maternity were cursing the father of their off- spring and I began to doubt If my own inferno was really up to date. NO CITY ELECTION UNTIL YEAR HENCE VINEQARD LODGE no 206, i o. O F Noble Grand—Frank Vernum Vice Grand—J. S, West. Secretary—W. R. Longhorn. Treasurer—L. W. Furnas Col. E. M. House Is chairman of the American war commissiot that has Trustee— Frank Bilderback. “You have taken millions of dollars been sent over to attend the conference of the allies In Parts. He will act as the spokesman of President Wilson on questions pertaining to the general The installation ceremony of this This Is the week and Tuesday the from innocent victims and called policies at the conduct of the war. day that in former years a municipal order will be held on the evening of it indemnity; you lived fat on the election was held in this city, and it the 5th of January, 1918, when ti e land you usurped and you sent the bas seemed is her out of rune to many elective officers, together wih the ap- real owners away to starvation. You that the usual electioneering germ bas point Ive < flicers to be selected, will be have strayed away from all legalised not been buzzing around. But the installed. war methods and introduced a code of passing up ut a city election here, your own. You have killed and robb­ SUNBEAM REBEKAH LODGE NO. 180 along with many other cities in the ed the people of friendly nations and N ble Grand -Mable Sapper. state, came about through the pasaag destroyed their property. You are a Vice Grand—Monte Prindle. of a new law by the last legislature liar, a hypocrite and a bluffer of the Secretary—Ina Gilbert. making state. County and municipal highest magnitude. You are a part elections fell on the same day anddate * Treasurers- Dorw Mikesell. of mine and yet you pose as a personal Installation of the above elective — thus the present administration will friend of God. Ab, William, you are officers and their subordinates appointed a wonder. You wantonly destroy all The telephone played an important mind, and without much coaxing the hold over until next November. Among tbose wbo would have to later will take place On the first meet, things in your path and leave nothing part in securing a representative meet­ members expressed a willingness to start grading and graveling the high­ stand for re election this year had the ing night o' the order in January. for coming generations. ing of good roads boosters here last way in this part of the county within a law not been changed are Councilmen “I was amazed when I saw you form Wednesday evening, when a hurry up short time--and the delegation re­ A. L. Larson, E. P. Dodd and F C. a I partnership with the impossible Woughter. City Clerk Jensen and City Turk, the chronic killer of Christians, call was sent to Umatilla, Stanfield and turned to their homes happy over the Treasurer Pbelps. Mayor McKenzie, prospects of having a good trunk line Echo by the Hermiston Commercial and you a devout worshipper In the Councilmen C. 8. McNaught, Harry Lutheran church. I confess, Wilhelm, Club secretary. The meeting was for road through this part of the county Straw and J. D. Watson were on easy next year. the purpose of selecting delegates you are a puzzle at times. A Moham­ Street, for their terms do not expire Among the delegates who were in ­ Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Illsley received medan army, commanded by German from the four towns to wait on the until next year. strumental in securing the promise of county court and urge them to at once a message Monday morning from their officers assisting one another in mas- son Howard conveying the sad In­ sacreing Christians is a new line of begin laying a base for the Columbia the county court to begin road work on telligence of the death of his wife, warfare. When a Prussian officer can highway between Umatilla and Echo, the stretch of highway from the Mor­ which occurred the day previous at the witness a nude woman being dis­ so that there would be no obstacles in row county line to Echo were George home of her parente in Brewster, emboweled by a swarthy Turk, com­ the way when the state highway A. Creasy, B. S. Kingsley, Carl Me Wash., and that evening they dei art d mitting a double murder with one cut awards contracts early next spring for Naught, J. D. Watson, J. H. Young of for the above city to attend the fune al of his saber, and calmly stand by and hard surfacing tbe highway along tbe Hermiston. D. C. and C. G. Brownell Better send in your money now to of the lady. see a house full of Innocent Armenians water grade route from The Dalles to of Umatilla, R. A Holte, W. T. Ree­ ves, J. M. Kyle of Stanfield, and Fred Secretary of State Olcott and avoid Deceased was well known among locked up, the bouse saturated wlto Pendleton. George and Asa Thompson of Echo. trouble by getting your auto license the older residents of this community, The court was in a pleasant frame of oil and tired, then my teachings did by tbe first of the year, for that gen- she having resided here with her bu - not stop with you, but have been ex- tieman has sent out a general warning baud when be operated the first jewelry tended to the whole German nation. to automobile owners In this section store established Io Hermiston a num­ I confess my Satanic soul grew sick that they will eoi be allowed to run ber of years ago. Mrs. Illsley had and there and then I knew the pupil SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE their machines on public highways been in poor health for some lime, and had become the master. I am a back after January 1 uniese they have the only a short time ago returned from number and, my dear Wilhelm, I Mrs. A. P. Ayers Is, bedfast with 1918 license tags attached without sub California with Mr. Ilisley after hav­ abdicate in your favor. The great rheumatism. jecting themselves to prosecution, ing been there seeking res.oration of While the training camps located in key of hell will be turned over to you. Dr. Reed of Hermiston was called to Payment In time may aave a fine in her health. The gavel that has struck the doom of Oregon, Washington and Idaho are attend Mrs. Wilson Thursday. this inatance. damned souls since time began is receiving many patriotic young men Two new homesteaders this week yours. I am satisfied with what I have daily, the internment campa are also Wm. WestIund and Claud Montgom­ done; that my abdication In your favor taking within their confines a pro- German straggler now and then, The ery both filed In section 14. is for the very best Interest ot hell­ r Mrs. E. W. Mack, son John and in the future I am at your majesty's latest addition ia Karl Leea, who Mrs. Lucile Mack went to Hermiston taken from so close a place as Nolin, service. near Pendleton. Hie sympathetic ut- Monday, S. C. Mack going on to Pen­ At the regular mee Ing of Odd “Affectionately and sincerely, terances in behalf of the faderland led dleton to be examined for military That School District No. 8, out in Fellow* lodge last Saturday evening • Lucifer H. Satan." him Into trouble with tbe government, service. Butler Creek, does not longer want to B. J. Mason became a full-f edged and on Monday of this week be was J A. Gibbon went to Arlington be wedded to No. 118, the district in member by taking the third degree, taken to Portland by Federal Officer Saturday, returning tbe same day. which the new school bouse near the work being put on by the Hermis. ■Carter, and by this time is probably M. L Williams spent Thanksgiving 1 Westland is being built, and that II ton degree team in an able way. It confined In one of the western camps with friends in Ione. 1 wants to be restored to tbe independ- is said that Bert used to be al buine on established for the purpose of intern­ S. C. Mack and wire. Miss Clara ! enee It enjoyed prior to consolidation the hurricane deck of a bucking bron- ing enemies of this nation found with­ I Voyen and C. Blackman went to Port- I last June, is the essence of a petition cho some years ago, and from the way Mr. and Mrs. Shutter with to in its borders land Friday, the men to see about er- filed in the office of County Superin be rode that goat while going through the kind neighbors and j listing. | tendent Young last Saturday by some the degree shewed conclusively that caring for Mrs. Shutter he bad not forgotten any of the ver- of the residents of the district. illness and for the nice | Mr. Mattoon and family came down salile tricks or tactics of bucking ani- Strong opposition has developed, box of eatables which Saturday. Mr. from Hermiston | however, to dissolving the consolida- the day before Thanksgiving. Mattoon’s brother and wife arrived I tion, and It now looks as though the Friday. Those who enjoyed the feast at tbe ’ two districts will have Co remain Baptist church, U mil F* have-" ado B. M Rogers home Thanksgiving day | Born—To Alex Wilson and wife 1 united unless stronger Argument is a creditable showing riding the goat Mr. an d Mrs. A. Waelty, of Elgin November 29, a fine baby gir, the were H. A. Booker and family and forthcoming for its dissolution than In the Initiatory degree the same Ore , visited a couple of days the first first new arrival on tbe west end has thus far been advanced. the R. C. Rogers family. , Columbia school honor roll— Hen- of the week with their friends »nd Mother and baby are doing nicely- ently came near reversing the tables rietta Akers, Olen Clark. Merda former neighbors, Mr. and Mrs O W f Carl M. Voyen, Clifford Chadwick Hannan, Oscar Whitsett, Kathryn Thompson, ranchers out in the fourth and Rob Crooks are among the men Of the three young men. namely, ing the ceremony, Mr. Chapman per- Rogers, James Waugaman, William unit. They imparted the information bo enlisted from here. Earl Boynton, Edward MeKeen and severed and came through triumphant. Waugaman, Florence Hannan, Gert- on arrival here that snow fell on I would like to take this means of Milton Longhorn, who went to Port- The work was pul on by S anfiel’s at Elgin to a depth letting the public know that the post land the first of the week to enli-t in excellent uniformed degree les in, »id rnds Hall, Merle McDade, Mary Nead- Thanksgiving of four or five inches and that the office will be open on Sundays and the navy, the first two passed, aod from all accounts It was a very in- weather was still stormy when they holidays a half hour at each train and after donning uniforms left the Rose pressive ceremony Wednesday eve- left home. They were more than sur- from 8 a. m. to 6 P- m. week days I City Wednesday for training quarters niog tbe gentleman was able to go o prised to experience sunshine and Postmaster. in California. Mr. Longhorn failed In Stanfield, where he was initiated into warmth when they stepped from the C. li Paine, agent for the Model the naval examination, but expects to city is in a healthy and prosperous train Monday, and as a result of these laundry at The Dalles, received his pass and join some other d p «riment Many Odd Fellows from her" satisfactory climatic condition« they first basket this week and will give it of the service. Pat Siscel, assist d by ita financial condition printed in these immediately became imbued with a other friends of the boys, givethem A field boys handled the canlidse In a longing to come bere to reside perma- a trial. have increased amazingly within the Geo. Blayden 1. putting up a dwell nie. farewell dapce n “ , house of four rooms on his Saturday evening J“A prig to COUNTY COURT WILL : GRAVEL RIVER ROAD DEATH CLAIMS FORMER DERMISTON WOMAN GET LICENSE EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH INTERNMENT CAMPS ARE GETTING A FEW BOARDMAN NEWS DEGREES CONFERRED WANTS RESTORATION ON TWO CANDIDATES OF ITS MAIDEN NAME COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES EATHER CONDITIONS APPEAL TO VISITORS the murder sot civinars ... teaching ’s had borne froit. wary toward neutral nations fey moesr this showing is re- Sod nently, • which will do if ip they can ReCkea-une ana ever in inerennog nabuuy suitable they locatlon the pear undersea w . AND ODD FELLOW LODGES ELECT OFFICERS I Louis Sy berkrop of Creston, Iowa, smallest mackerel pot to the great has acquired much fame in recent Lusitania you show no favorites. As a weeks as author of a satire on Kaiser war lord you stand supreme for you have no mercy; you have no considera­ Wilhelm. Requests have come to him tion for the baby clinging to its Tumulty, Secretary Daniels and Roose- mother’s breast as they both go down veit, and people in every state of tbe into Che deep together, only to be torn Union and in Canada have aaked for apart and leisurely devoured by sharks copies of Mr. Syberkrop’sarticle. Ills: down among the corals. “The Infernal Region.” June 29, 1917 “To Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, King of Prussia, Emperor of all Germany and Envoy Extraordinary of Al mighty God: 57 NO. 12 pa g... valley. future. their lots east of Main street. departure.