Univereity Librery T he HERMISTON H erald VOL. XI HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1917 H. G. HURLBURT, PIONEER OF EARLY DAYS, PASSES NEW AREA OF SEA DANGER t 5 NO 22 SINNOTT SUCCEDING WITH BILLS BENEfITTING WEST 0 * Monday afternoon, February 12, H. Pendleton, three sisters of Portland p G. Hurlburt passed from this life after and a brother also survive. In 1891 be married Anna McCorkle, an illness of nearly all winter. Part of the time he was able to be around, but of Sumner, Wash. The two children became gradually weaker and for the of this union are both dead. As an active engineer deceased was past t«o weeks had not been out. His CEN mind remained clear to the very last. chief engineer of the O. W. R. & N. The furerai was held Wednesday at 1 when that line was built from Port­ o’clock from the Methodist church, land to The Dalles. Later he located Rev. Graham conducting the services. the line when the same company built Many beautiful floral offerings covered from Walla Walla to Spokane. When the casket as a last tribute ‘o one with the Northern Pacific was rushing its a host of friends. Interment was in line across the country Mr. Hurlburt was chief engineer of the work and at the Hermiston cemetery. H. G. Hurlburt was born in Texas times had as high as 10,000 men under in 1847. E irly in life he went to Iowa him. Leaving railroad work Mr. Hurlburt and there studied as a civil engineer and followed this prof-ssion many located at Arlington in 1886 and en years. In his chosen line he was one gaged in stock raising. After about of the best of his day. He first came 10 years there he came to Umatilla west in 1870 'S an engineer when th county where he bad since resided. As a resident of this section Mr. railroad now known as the Southern Pacific was building from Portland Hurlburt surveyed a greater part of south. At Roseburg be met and mar­ the country. In this connection it was ried Lydia R. Burnett. She passed on j not infrequent that he was called to to the other life in 1888. To them give expert testimony from his old were born three children, all living, field notes in clearing up disputes as Thomas of Butter Creek, Mrs. H. R. to land titles. He saw the first irri­ Mine area proclaimed by Great Britain to further bottle up German raid, Newport of this city, and Mrs. Mollie gation work and took an active inter ers and submarines. New area shown by black lines Scott of Bronx, Wyo. One sis er in est in its development. Congressman N. J. Sinnott of Ore- substantially the same ground as tbe gon has been successful in the first Sinnott bill, Secretary Lane said: “Section 10 of tbe bill is also im­ step towards passage of each of his portant, in that it will permit in many twin bills for permitting entry on re­ instances a dual use of the land, or a clamation aud power site withdrawals part thereof, providing that the Secre­ subject to the right of the government tary of the Interior may in hit dis- to retake the lands, or such parts cretion, allow entries or claims under thereof as it may later be necessary to appropriate land laws for areas re­ use for the purposes for which origin­ served for water power sites where ally withdrawn. The committee on the water power development will not public lands of the house of represen­ be injured therereby. There are many tatives authorized Mr. Sitinoti to re­ cases were the dam, reservoir or con­ port for it favorably on both these duit will occupy only a part of a legal bills and they are now on the house subdivision, and this will permit the calendar awaiting thair turn to be con­ agricultural use of the balance. There sidered on the floor of the house. are other cases where there is now Io bis report on H. R. 7532, provid-1 timber upon the surface, which may ing for a homestead entry on water be disposed of under appropriate law, power sites the congressman called at­ cut and removed before tbe land is re tention to the desirability of giving re­ quired or utilized for power purposes " lief to hundreds of settlers throughout The report on H. R. 170.85 permitt­ the country who had entered upon ing homestead and desert land entries lands in-good faith when the records 1 on land withdrawn for reclamation of the local land offices did not at the purposes endorses such bill for similar time of entry show the withdrawals. reasons. He staled that manv of these settlers Realizing that the passage of these have spent their time, money and labor twin bills will be of great benefit to on such entries, and done so before be­ many parts of his district, while in no ing informed that they had been with­ way restricting the ultimate develop­ drawn from entry. Further, that his ment of any of its resources, Congress- bill would enable the Secretary of the man Sinnot will use every effort to Interior in his discretion to allow such ! get acton on them as soon as possible. entries to be perfected, reserving the Owing to the congested condition of right to the United States to retake the house calendar and the short time the land whenever necessary for power remaining before adjournment it is site purposes. doubtful however if they can be reach­ In commenting on section 10 of tbe ed during the present session of con- Ferris water power bill which covers gres.. i picture taken Monday showed a frac best to ride a horse and drop the bait lured bone alsc. from the bags without dismounting, Prof. Von Holderback, of Spokane, SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE thus leaving no sign of human pres­ | visited the Hein), Bohn and Brunson ence. Trails may be made by dragg Mr. McKeen is still on the sick list. orchards Monday and Tuesday of this Miss Bessie Coffman was married ing a carcass and then dropping an Mrs. Brunson has been sick this week. While here he pruned a few of last Sunday at Pendleton to Robert M. occasional poison ball a few feet away. the Barham trees to show how they Endicott. Do not use large poison baits as there week. should be bandied when bearing. Mrs. Simmons is recovering from a Among those taking notes were Frank Work has been commenced on C. L. is where accidents occur. Dogs may Morgan’s house on Third street west be trained to leave the poison balls by sick spell. Beddow, Adolph Skovbo, Paul Miller feeding them the pellets filial with of the hotel. Mr. Ott has commenced plastering and Mr. Smith from town. F’ress, spent Monday here interview ng for Mr. Phipps this week, the lady officials. Rev. W. B. Pope conducted church ipecac instead of poison. Neighborhood Club News services at the school house Wednes­ Monday Mr. Strasser had the mis­ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Switzler and Friends of the members of the c'ub day evening. fortune to lose a good mare. Mr and Mrs. Harry Hull motorod to from the Atlantic to the Pacific are Peter Susbauer and Prof buddarth C. C. Wellington and wife have Mrs. Stillings’ father of Garfield, offering roses and shrubs for the park were business visitors in the Morgan Horse Heaven to a masquerade dance bought the Hermiston cafe on Main Wash., is visiting with her. and there will little if any nursery district Wednesday. street from William Coffman. Walter Blessing had the misfortune stock purchased. A number of carloads of 24 inch pipe I A dance will be given at the Hotel From four to eight teams have been have been unloaded at Irrigon the past Section 8 of the act of congress of to lose a good cow last Monday. Hermiston Saturday evening, Febru­ Mrs. Frank Waugaman is just re- at work for the past four days on the week for government use August, 1914, extending the period of SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE ary 23, by the Chevaliers of Hermis park and a portion of tbe ground covering from an attack of quinsy. payment under reclamation projects, C. W. Caldwell returned home Tues­ ton. finished is being seeded and strawed G. R. Roberts of Pendleton, was a provides among other things. J. C. Ballenger went to Hermiston day morning from Eugene where he The Irvin lumber office has been “Thal the secretary of the interior visitor in this section tbe middle of Each day members of the club served has been visiting relatives during the Sunday. hot coffee to the workers. completed and occupied during the * * may require the reclamation for the week. past few weeks. C. G. Blayden returned Sundar from week as has also the office of the New­ agricultural purposes and the cultiva Don't forget Saturday, February 17. Mr. Caldwell has returned from Pen- The Dalles. B. B. Lane is now busily engaged io port Land & Construction Co. on Sec­ tion of cne-fourth the irrigable area dleton and vicinity after disposing of Come out and hear a short program the ereclion of a blacksmith shop. S. H. Boardman went to Irrigon ond Street. prepared for that date. We anticipate under each water right application or his hay crop. The building is to be 25x50, located on Sunday to attend a road meeting. a talk on “ First Aid ” by Dr. Wains ­ Hermiston now has a physician. Dr. entry within three full irrigation sea­ Mrs. W. F. Hannan was on the sick cott if be can possibly be there, he the corner of 7th street and Oregon Mr. Hango’s father in law is here Stroecker arrived from the East sons after the filing of water right ap­ list this last week. Miss Florence was will give same talk he gave to the avenue. from Hood River and expects to locate. Thursday. He has charge of the gov­ plication or entry and the reclamation very sick also. Farmer Smith of the O. W. R. & N. Parent-Teacher association in Her­ A big crowd enjoyed tbesocial dance ernment medical work and will do for agricultural purposes and the culti- Mr. and Mrs. F. Knapton spent miston. was in Irrigon Sunday and put up a given at Messner by Mr. and Mrs. general practice. i vation of one-half the irrigable area Saturday and Sunday in Pendleton Program rendered at social February very favorable proposition for an Calvert. Papers have been filed for the in­ within five full irrigation seasons after with relatives. 10 was unusually good. 'Cello solo, Irrigon demonstration farm before the Mrs. Carley, of Carley, Wash., came corporation of the Western Umatilla the filing of the water right applica­ Mr. Haddox brought a crowd out to tion or entry and shall provide for Paul Miller, Otto Sapper, accompanist; Commercial club. over Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. Mutual Electric company with chief Mr. Strader of Wallace, who recent­ Coykendall. offices at Hermiston and the object to continued compliance with such re­ the school bouse Saturday evening in vocal solos by June Hoisington, Gladys his auto truck. ly purchased an Irrigon five acre tract quirements. Failure on the part of Smith, Mrs. Correi; instrumental solos supply electric lights and power to the Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Paine enter­ Floyd Hoisington, who has been Clarice Watson, Esther Graham; read­ sight unseen was in Irrigon last week tained the Kiila family to dinner Mon­ t. rritory under the Umatilla govern­ any water right applicant or entryman to comply with such requirements with the Oregon troops on the Mexican ing, Mr. Barham. The ladies cleared and reported that he was very well day evening. ment project. pleased. shall render his application or entry border, is home. between $21 and $22. At the school meeting Saturday Mrs. Chas. Hango left for Hood River. subject to cancellation. ” A bridge crew of the O. W. R & N. He is going to drive back and bring This week has seen the installation Mr. Stubbs has sold his ranch and Grace Furnas was chosen one of the The secretary has elected to carry will move away. Their friends are of the irrigation system for Columbia is bere under the supervision of H. E an extra team to help with the spring school directors of this district to park and in consequence there is great Dodson, who is now tunneling under work on the ranch. succeed to the vacancy left by the re­ out these provisions and water right sorry to see them go. holders should be careful to see that signation of Mrs W. H. Sayer. The Among the visitors at the school rejoicing among the ladies of the the track and making arrangements other members are Swan Peterson and | they comply. this week was L. J. Allen who spoke Neighborhood club. This system con­ for government pipe lines and ditches. sisting of 800 feet of concrete pipe was The greatest social event for Irrigon | H. G. Newport. on industrial club work. Rev. Pope, Baptist missionary tor Paul Miller is helping Mr. Brunson completed bv Leo Clark of tbe U. S. this year was a card party given by I Oregon, was seriously injured at the prune bis orchard and will be there I R. S. which is in itself a guarantee Mesdames Susbauer, Suddarth, Castle SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE O. R. & N. station Thursday morning all season helping to care for tbe trees. that the work is perfectly done. Mr. and Lester in the Egbert A Wads- Mr. Savage's sister, Miss Savave of Clark was assisted by Childs Barham worth hall last Saturday. Everyone Chicago, came last Friday and will about 3 o’clock. He was struck by the Mr. and Mrs. Will Roads were guests and Philip Lay and to these three Dick Shaw was a business visitor present reported of having an excel­ make her home with tier brother. train his right arm broken, his back one day this week at the Knapton young men tbe ladies are extending in Hermiston Friday. lent time. bruised and strained and a deep gash home. Mrs. Roads and Mrs. Knapton their heartiest appreciation. Miss Agnes Soneson spent Wednes- Mrs. Elwin Basey visited at the are cousins. Among those who attended the day and Thursday at the Eriksen cut in bis head. Rev. G. L. Hall, Columbia highway special meeting of home. Baptist minister from Pendleton, came Alton Basey home Monday. J. Wallace Spencer went to Pendle­ the Irrigon Commercial club last Sun­ down and cared for him until the after­ Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Attebury visited ton Wednesday and Thursday ex Miss Ada Prann and Janice Brig, day were Chief Engineer Bennett, E. noon train. friends in Stanfield Sunday. peeled to be married to a young lady ham were visitors at Nob Hill ranch P. Dodd, Sam Oldaker, M. I). Scroggs Mesdames P. F. and C. H. Shaw from Florida. Saturday afternoon. and F. R. Reeves, of Hermiston; S. H. | were trading in Stanfield Monday. J. T. Embry and Mr. Hood are clear­ Bob Neimever is suffering from an Boardman and J. C. Ballinger, of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Gardiner spent affection of the eyes called pink eye Boardman: Robert Crooks jr. of Peters ing forty acres of land over io the Sunday at the home of their son, E. H. and several others are suffering from The clubbing offer now being made aod H. H. Weston of Castle Rock. Columbia district for Mr. Beddow, of | Gardiner. tbe same trouble. by Tbe Herald is without daubt one of Mrs. Dodd and Isabel and Mrs. Reeves Pendleton. Miss Irene Rhea who has been quite The executive committee of the George Beddow, of Pendleton, is the best ever offered by any paper. and Francis were in the Hermiston National Wool Grovers association I sick with the measles is reported staying with his brother Frank while The Herald, Western Farmer. Better party, visiting friends during the meet­ designated February as poison month much belter. looking after the grading of tbe land Fruit and Household are priced at ing. $1.90 for tbe four. This means only and asks everyone living where there Dr. Wainscott was called Tuesday to be recently bought. 40 cents more than The Herald alone. are coyotes to put out poison. In this attend Mrs. Geo. Hoyt who was quite Don't forget tbe farmers meeting at Better Fruit is recognized as the connection it might be well to mention ill. She is able to be about again. the school house this evening to dis­ best there is in tbe fruit line of maga­ that the legislature is passing a law Mrs. M. M. Rial has been quite Klamath Falls—Special train of 32 increasing the coyote bounty to $3 for sick with la grippe since Friday. Mrs. cuss matters in regard to tbe growing zines. Its editor, E. H. Shepherd, has SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE cars Klamath and Lake county lambs and marketing of crops. lived at Hood River for years and all killed during 1917 with an increase Olita Fryerear is taking care of her. shipped la San Francisco. of $1 per year thereafter on females. Mrs. E. E Starcher left for Califor­ Mrs. Spencer bas returned from made a close study of bis subject. He H. G. Hurlburt, a pioneer of this Sutherlin Actual construction of big is an authority no one questions. The best mothod of preparing poison nia Thursday. Seattle where she has been visiting sawmill to begin soon. Eight mile* of Western Farmer is known favorably as secured from the U. S. Biological vicinity, passed away at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Woods and two R. V. Brownell returned from Port­ his son Thomas, Monday p. m. Death logging road graded. in this section. Mr. Faville, its edi­ land Monday. survey is to mix equal parts of lard children accompanied her home. was due to old age. He had been tor. attended the dairy show two years Salem—First fine linen factory in and sugar. Place outside to cool and A turkey dinner was enjoyed at the ago and gave a very interesting ad­ Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Chappelle went United States may be built here. mold into balls about the size of a wal­ quite feeble for some time. Mrs. Rodda basa tent house in the parental Anna Sapper and Miss Al­ dress. He fully expected to be here to Portland on a business trip nut. With some instrument make a Oregon's entire bank deposits total school yard and will spend the remain­ brecht home by Mr. and Mrs. Otto last year but was detained at tbe last cavity in the ball and place therein Richard Yerxa jr. of Kamela is $164,596,980 of which Portland bas 48 3 Sapper, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sapper and minute. No better farm magazine is 2 3.4 grains strychnine and close the der of the school term here. She spending the week with his parents. per cent. little daughter Margaret Anna. published. cavity. When thoroughly cold piace brings with her tbe three children, La Grande Imbler state bank in­ P. H. Buchholz and J. C. Hoskin* of Household, as tbe name indicates, is Henry, small son of D. C. Connor in small paper bags and close the top two ef whom will enter this school. Stanfield stopped at the Duncan Mon­ creases from 890,000 in 1915 to $140,000 Thon Bros, threshed their barley fell last Sunday and dislocated bis arm for tbe home. It Is good and will by twsstinz tightly. Care should be in 1916. day. taken not to handle with the hands to Thursday. Jess Richards who lately at tbe elbow. Dr. Wainscott was complete the family reading. Pendleton — Three quarter section Mrs. W. F. Turnbow, of Cosmopolis This offer is good for a short time purchased a tractor engine for bis called and set tbe irjured member. avoid the taint left thereby. wheat laud sells for $30,000. Place tbe poison balls in and about | farm work brought down Pete Nelson's This is the second time for the same only and should be taken advantage is spending the week here with Solem-Prune pool of season nets carca-ses and on trails 20 to 100 feet i separator and equipment and furnished arm as three years ago the little of without delay. New or renewal to friends. highest price to growers for 7 years. Miss Betty Baker of the Spokane fellow fell and broke it. An X-ray i any of the four get the same rate. from them. In placing the bait it is the power. COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES TEN YEARS AGO IRRIGON ITEMS DO NOT OVERLOOK IMPROVEMENT CLAUSE BBARDMAN NEWS NORTH RIDGE NEWS BUTTER CREEK ITEMS FEBRUARY NAMED AS POISON MONTH CLUBBING BFFER EXCEPTIONAL ONE INDUSTRIAL NEWS NOTES OF THE STATE UMATILLA ITEMS