University Library T he H ermiston H erald VOL. XI HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1917 FEDERAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION ORGANIZED IRISHMAN DIRECTS BRITISH NAVY NO 19 RAILROAD TO WORK FOR MORE SETTLERS ON LAND Land owners of the east end Tues­ 40 years. The borrower decides the The O-W. R. & N. company, through sented and can be bad at tbe price day completed the organization of a length of time Interest cannot ex­ Farmer Smith, has made a proposition quoted. The contrae s are held by tbe Farm Loan association under the re­ ceed 6 per cent and may be less. In to the Commercial club for the selling club. cently enacted federal farm loan act. stallments on orincippl and interest of Hermiston country lands direct to Prospective settlers will be given Several meetings have been held at are paid every six months. Collec­ the settler from the east. Tbe plan is lists covering tbe sort of farm they won". Columbia school house on this matter tions are made by the secretary and a gigantic selling organization just be­ desire, wheat, fruit, alfalfa, etc. They and last Friday evening the listings, forwarded to the land bank. Nearly ing launched and will include co- will be taken to the community meet­ totaling $45,000, were closed. At that al) the work of the association is per­ operation with all communities along ing their requiremen's and there meeting L. H. Pearson, F. Wauga- formed by this officer and he may be the O-W, R. & N. io Oregon. turned over to tbe Commercial club man, F. A Brunson, H. M. Sommerer vaid snch salary os fixed by the local Mr. Smith accompanied by Geo. H. I to be shown the particular tract and if and G. W. Bohn were elected direc­ dir ectors. After a mortgage has run Cutler, came to Hermiston Tuesday satisfied to close tbe deal. five years the whole or any part may tors. afternoon and in the evening stated The railroad company asks no com- The board of directors organized by be paid off at any interest paying date. the proposition to those of the Com mission, does not want tbe community electing F. A. Brunson president, L. If a borrower fails in bis payments mereiai club who could be reached. to share tbe expense or make any other H. Pearson vice-president and H. M. the local association if it desires may Wednesday morning they went on to requirement than to furnish lists of Sommerer secretary-treasurer. L. D. carry him, but during such time 8 per Echo, returning again in the evening. land for sale at right prices and to Lay, F. S. Beddow and W. T. Sellers cent interest is charged. The stock of Thursday the entire day was spent take care of the prospective settler were named as the board of apprais­ all members in association is held by here going over the country in order after he arrives. It has gone into the ers. The appraisers will at once com­ the local organization and is to be used for Mr. Cutler, who goes east as sales matter thoroughly and finds it will be mence their work and as soon as they to meet defaults if the land involved agent, to become more familiar with amply repaid by placing tbe settler on have completed the valueing of lands does not meet the face of the mort he situation. tbe land through future business included in the association application gage. In case of a very severe loss Tho railroad proposition is to send created thereby. In selecting He- will be made to the federal land bank each borrower is liable for another 5 Mr. Cutler east where he will person­ miston as one of tbe communities it - at Spokane for a charter. Following per cent of his loan, making his total ally look up people desiring to make a eluded in its selling psogram, Mr. this formal application will be made responsibility for debts of other mem­ change. Everv land owner who has Smith stated that conditions here were bers 10 per cent of the face of his loan. for a loan. holdings to dispose of is asked to list right. We have the water, soil, cli­ Following the organization of a local Money borrowed through loan same with tbe Commercial club, giv­ mate, etc., and no complaint could bo : loan association and and an agreement associations may be spent only for the ing price per acre, terms, improve­ made over price of land asked. The by the appraisers on valuations the purchase of land, purchase of addition­ ments, if anv, and whatever other railroad is receiving an increased report must be confirmed by the ap al lands, payment of a mortgage or data is available concerning that par­ business each year, but the increase praiser of the federal land bank. A debt already existing, purchase of live ticular tract. The company also re­ is not fast enough. By bringing more member may borrow any amount from stock or any kind of productive im­ quires the land owner to enter into an people here more business would be $100 to $10,000, but loans must not ex­ provements such as fertilizer, needed agreement with the club that the land developed to the advantage of all. ceed 50 per cent of the value of lands buildings, drainage, etc. The object will be sold for the figures named and Mr. Cutler left here with a number Sir Edward Carson, first lord of the admiralty of Great Britain in the new and 20 per cent of the value of perma­ must be sta'ed in the application for that the club have a committee of of listings gathered together in tbe nent insured improvements. There is the loan and then used only for that Lloyd George cabinet, walking up to his office with his wife. Sir Edward is appraisers to investigate and approve short time available. Others will be no cost to the borrower to have bis purpose. No restriction is placed on a leader of the Ulsterites in the Irish home rule controversy. the price as not excessive and that the forwarded to him as fast as secured title examined but if he wishes an other loans, but the federal loan must character and adaptability of the land and any one earing to take advantage abstract he must pay for that. Loans be secured by first mortgage. is as stated. This is to assure the com­ of the offer is asked to get in touch at 0169 If one lives where it is impossible to are available to farmers only or pros pany that if it brings a prospective once with tbe proper committee from pective farmers who are about to pur­ get 10 or more to form an association, purchaser the land is not misrepre­ the Commercial club. chase land for their own use. After loans may be secured through a local an association is formed other farmers ban < or trust company acting as agent Falls City to have new 8. P. depot may join at any time by complying for a federal land bank. soon. with the same rules required of the | If a farmer borrows $1000 at 5 per Grants Pass—New brick garage to original members. All members must cent and wishes to repay in 10 years be built. purchase stock to the amount of 5 per his annual principal and interest pay­ cent or $5 on each $100 borrowed at ments would be $129.50. If for 15 Bend—Strahorn railroads will de­ the time he applies for membership years, $96.34; 20 years, $80.24; 25 years When E. L. Smith was here Tues­ ! sent accordingly. The only require­ Goshen—S. P. Co. purchases and velop 28,000 square miles having 50,- When the debt is paid off his money is $10.95: 30 years, $65.05; 35 yeers, day the land selling campaign was not ment is that it be planted and culti deeds parcel of land to county high­ 000,000 feel of western pine, 10,000,000 way eliminating dangerous crossing. acres dry farming land, 50,000 acres returned or he can use it on bis last $61.07; 40 years, $58.28. If the inter­ vated according to instructions. North Bend—Preliminary work be-J reclaimable land, salis, sodas, nitrates est rate were 54 per cent payments the only thing he announced in behalf payment. Mr. Smith also says any farmer who and potash, cattle and sheep ranges Loans are made on first mortgages would be between $3 and $1 per year of the O-W. R. & N. Co. that shows wants to put up a silo and take advant­ gun on paving waterfront highway. on farm lands. The mortgage may | greater and if at 6 per cent about $8 interest in the development of the age of the seed offer, who may not Astoria—Port commission to build and vast waterpowers. run not less than five nor more than | per year higher than at 5 per cent. Hermiston country. For a number of have the money, he will personally new dredge. Will improve Skipanon Regulations of railroads at hands of years the railway has followed a pol­ take up with whatever firm it is de­ river. national government instead of 48 Eugene will have cheese factory If varieties of state commissions seems harder than do owners. A study made icy of distributing free seed corn sired to purchase the silo material among the farmers. This year a little from, the matter of credit. His idea to be an assured fact in near future. quantity of milk is available. by the Missouri college of agriculture is to secure credit for the • ilo and pay shows that about one-fifth of the different plan is to be followed. Albany—Peppermint growers of stat > Gresham— Fruit cannery to be re- Every farmer who will agree to a little each month from the cream built to handle vegetables. perfect organization. owner’s farm was in corn, while one- Nine carpenters started Monday on third of the tenant’s farm grew corn. erect a silo during 1917 will be given check. Eugene- Coos county co-operates to Portland—Improvements on North Mr. Smith says the company will not the Hotel Williams. One twelfth of the owner’s farm was the amount of seed necessary to grow urge highway from this point. Bank. Oregon Electric, Oregon Trunk corn to fill the silo. If a silo that will stop at this. Next fall when the corn Six carloads of freight for the in wheat, while nearly one-seventh of Myrtle Point ships carload of cheese hold three acres of corn is wanted that is ready for the silo the company will and United Railway lines for last 12 tbe tenant's farm was in wheat. government were received during the months have totaled $580,000. directly to New York. amount of seed will be furnished. If send an expert here to superintend The tenant not only grows more week. Vale — Stockraising homestead act Oregon is given $128,111 from the crops on his land, but he sells twice as the silo will bold five acres, then seed the work. It is more important that causes big rush for land. Will add Mrs. Lotta S. Smith Monday pur­ for five acres will be sent. Or what ­ this feature be done right than any Forest road fund. much of the crops he grows as does millions to tax rolls. chased 40 acres three miles east of Her­ the owner. Twenty-six per cent of ever size the silo is to be, seed will be other part. Pendleton The West End chop mill miston. Due to the enterprise of the Bell | changes hands. tbe owner's receipts come from crop Will erect large Work on the feed canal has not been sale, while 51 per cent of the tenant’s card party. Those who enjoyed the system, the whole United States may | warehouse. interrupted by the weather and good receipts come from the sale of crops. jolly good time were Misses Agnes be enabled to hear President Wilson's | Molalla- $100,000 company organized progress has been made. Sixty-three and four-tenths per cent of and Ada Soneson, Ruth and Marie inaugural speech on March 5 over to work fireclay deposits near here. long distance telephone. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Hobbs, Mrs. Potter, Messrs. Potter, A. C. Crawford Thursday sold 160 tbe tenants get crop yields below tbe By adding the convenience anil neces ­ Portland — Columbia Engineering B S. Savage, Soneson, J. T. Embry, acres five miles east of Hermiston to average for the region. Tenants get C. Voyen went to Hermiston Tues H >gan Miller, Edward Hobbs. sity measure to the powers of the Ore­ Works increasing facilities to handle 5 bushels less corn per acre than do M. M. Griswold of Seattle. owners, and 10 bushels less oats. The day returning Wednesday. Tbe Misses Agnes and Ada Soneson gon public utility commission,the legis­ six ships. Adjoining The Herald on the west hay yield is practically the arme. The Mr. Clannahan of Portland was a were dinner guests of the Misses Ruth lature would do much to encourage in­ Total Oregon mineral oui put in 1916 the store of the Hermiston Hardware & wheat yield on the tenant’s farm is 1 visitor in town Wednesday. vestment of capital in the state, and Marie Hobbs last Wednesday. was $5,500,000. Implement Co. is being erected. bushel less per acre than on the owners Money orders may now be purchased Roseburg—City will control jitneys | H. T. Irvin has selected a building farm.—Orchard and Farm. owing to several recent, accidents en- ' McMinnville Milk condensing plant at the Boardman postoffice. to enlarge. site north of Gladys avenue and will at dangering citizens lives. Chas. Hango and M. Williams are once erect a commodious residence and Southern Pacific Co. adopts plan of I Portland—Cereo Mfg. Co. moves building a barn on Mr. Hango's lot. move bis family here. building all wooden freight cars at | here. To employ 25. J. C. Ballenger is here for a few SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE S. R. Oldaker, of the Hermiston own shops and from lumber produced days looking after his lumber business. Roseburg—95,000 lbs. Douglas Co. Realty Co., bas moved into the com- C. G. and R. V. Brownell went to along its lines. prunes go to England. Mrs. C. Voyen spent a few days pony’s large and well arranged office New Era—State to provide $15,000 shopping io Pendleton the first of last I Portland Wednesday. Oregon City and West Linn plan building on Hermiston avenue. for highway here in addition to Mr. Burchette reported seeing a mad N. Sprague, known to most everyone week. joint municipal paving plant. The new school desks have been re­ Clackamas county’s $16,000 and Federal as Grandpa Sprague, died at his home Mrs. W. A. Dickinson of Nisqualla, coyote a mile below town. ceived and placed in the enlarged near Hermiston Sunday night follow­ Wash., is here visiting her father, S. Mr. Hagedorn is stopping at the aid of $30,000. room, giving accomodation for the Umatilla county’s income tax payers ing a short illness. Services were A. Barnes. Dunean hotel. He is looking for more thirty odd pupils in attendance. to show big increase account of past held Thursday afternoon at the house stock. Mrs. F. Cramer came up from Castle On the last Saturday of January, the qy Rev. Graham and interment was in year's prosperity. Rock Monday where she visited her Mr. Walber, of Hermiston, stopped mid winter month, there are eleven tbe Hermiston cemetery. Bandon Fertilizer factory suggested ■ daughter, Mrs. J. Gibbon over Sunday. al the Duncan hotel on his way to business buildings in actual course of Mr. Sprague was born in Pennsyl­ to utilize fish cannery waste. Several here are confined to their Portland. Experience in pruning grapes in this construction io the young town of Her­ vania in 1835 but lived the greater Deer Greek California company to I part of the state shows that this work homes on accouet of tbe measles. The Mrs. Harvey McDill returned home miston. part of bis life in Ohio. He came to start cheese factory. should be done in January or early in Work started Monday on the five Hermiston some four or five years ago. disease is very light and all are re­ from Portland where she has been Grants Pass Utah-Idaho Sugar Co. February. If done later there Is con- visiting her brother, Lester Means. ported getting along nicely. brick storerooms at tbe corner of Her- He W2S known to all for bis jovial Mr. Rigdon returned Wednesday to lets contract to quarry 2000 tons lime siderable danger of bleeding which se­ Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Mack spent Sun­ miston avenue and Second street. manner and livliness despite bis 80 spend the balance of the winter with stone annually for 5 years from quarry ' riously weakens the plants. Early day in Hermiston returning Monday. These rooms will be occupied by gents years and more. 18 miles f um factory. Will haul with pruning appears to be more important furnishings, hardware, furniture, drug Deceased is survived by his wife and They brought back a fine Victrola to his daughter, Mrs. C. G. Brownell. auto trucks. on the Vinifers (California varieties) put in the drug store and to play for Mr. and Mrs. John Knight returned store and bank. three children, two sons and a daugb than on the American varieties. dances. Coquille — Dollar mill Idle since 1912 to Pendleton Wednesday They have Monday the first O.-W. R. & N. agent 1er. The sons, O. M. and R. C., also When the first moderate days occur been visiting Mr. and Mrs H. C. to again operate and employ 40. at Hermiston, C. J. Jackson, wired out live here, and tbe daughter in Chi­ after cold weather, such as has pre­ Means. Baker $60,000 paid for «500 Wal­ vailed for a considerable period this the news that the station was open for cago. A grandson, Otis R, and his Mrs. D. C. Brownell who was oper­ lowa county sheep. business. Though the station is but a wife, came for the funeral. winter, the sap begins to move in ated en Wednesday morning at the box car this inconvenience will not be grape vines. If they are not pruned Gold Beacb — Curry county buys Swedish hospital in Portland, was re­ for long as the contract for the new Monday tbe Umatilla Storage A rock crusher and equipment to im­ before this activity begins bleeding B. 8. Savage spent Wednesday at ported doing nicely. depot was let Wednesday to Fred Commission Co. opened its new grocery prove roads in northern part of | and consequent weakening of the the Palmer ranch. Mrs. W. H. Switzler went to Star- county. Russell. plants results. department in the room formerly Grandpa Sprague died at his home buck Wednesday afternoon to be gone ' Since it is not necessary to cut close occupied by Scarborough. It will go north of town Sunday. about two weeks. She will visit with | R seburg —May build fruit juice to the last bud to be left ou the canes under the name of tbe Phelos Cash Misses Agnes and Ada Soneson her sisters, Mrs. Lingow and Mrs. plant here. in pruning grapes there is little or no grocery and, as tbe name implies, will spent Tuesday at tbe home of Mrs. Hukill. Washington—River and harbor bill danger from such buds drying out as do a cash business only. Mrs. Phelps includes 880,000 for Oregon City locks frequently results from early winter is io charge and will take a delight in Leathers in Columbia district. Umatilla county bas increased in and $36,000 for Improving river above pruning of peach or other kinds of Friday evening Mr. J. T. Embry quoting prices and showing goods to trees. R. W. Allen locks. entertained several of bis friends at a I wealth nearly $1,500,000 past year. Tenant farmers crop their land any who may call. • $ " J SEED CORN TO NEWS THOSE BUILDING SILOS INDUSTRIAL ITEMS OF THE WEEK TEN YEARS AGO DOARDMAN NEWS UMATILLA ITEMS GRANDPA SPRAGUE CALLED DY DEATH GRAPES SHOULD DE PRUNED IN JANUARY NORTH RIDGE NEWS TENANTS CROP vs. THE OWNER’S CROP