* Voters! Are You Registered? If Not, See Your County Clerk, or Deputy in Your Locality. Now Is the Time to Make Sure T W IC E A W EEK G resham O utlook VOL. IS, NO. <2 GRESHAM. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2, GRESHAM TRANSEER TRUCK LINE Gresham Women Plan ~ The G BUYS resham Tt ti sfer haa pur­ the L undquist T ru ck Line Service Organization chased and took possession October 1. The High School Class in Nursing Formed HOOYER-1TKTIS Pit TI KES. I »2S JY C. T. U. Hears of TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Í2.00 Her Year Local Club Members Win Honors at Fair The Outlook office has been fu rn ­ ished a supply of H oover-C urtis T hrough th e efforts of Miss Maud p ictu res for window or office dis­ The local W. C. T. U. ni.'t at the A. H icks, county health nurse, with play. T here a re sm all ones su it- | home of Mrs. W. F. Honey T hurs- new m anager, Ted W right, states In itial steps have been taken to­ th a t in the fu tu re th ere w ill be th e cooperation of Ja n e V. Doyle able for homes and la rg e r ones for day aftern o o n for th e ir an n u al elec- The M ultnom ah county club w ard the organization of a club, tw o tru ck s daily to P o rtlan d from of P o rtlan d C hapter of the National w all or window use. tion ° f officers. T he following w ere m em bers m ade an excellent show ­ G resham Post No. 31» has on a under the local Y. W. C. A. com ­ G resham and two from P o rtlan d to Red Cross, a class w as organized in . T he election of a presid en t and ’ choM n for ,h e com ing y ear: Mr8' ing a t the sta te fair held at Salem m em bership cam paign H. 8. Clow re-elected p resid en t; vigorous m ittee, of business and professional G resham . T he schedule of these the high school at G resham in last week. vice presid en t is only about u Mrs. W. F. Honey, vice p resid en t: i th a t looks forw ard to an active pro­ women of G resham , and the plan is tru ck s w ill be found in the G resh ­ home hygiene and care of th e sick. One of the two hoys to receive m eeting with en th u siastic support am T ra n sfer ad v ertisem en t in the Seventeen g irls have joined the m onth aw ay. Now is th e tim e to Mrs. H attie Wolfe, corresponding gram to m ake th e post an influence the highest scores in the Boys' and class, w hich w ill m eet for a two- show a proper in te rest and loy­ se creta ry ; Mrs. E B. Kirkwood, ! for good to its m em bers and the G irls' club w ork in the sta te w as on the p a rt of the young women of Outlook. [reco rd in g se c re ta ry ; Mrs. B. L. 'co m m u n ity in general. Big things T racey Andereg, a junior, in G resh­ th e com m unity, who believe th a t This tra n sfe r com pany now ow ns period session once a week. The alty. 1 are in sto re for G resham legion- such an organization can be affect­ and operates six tru ck s, including Red Cross will provide th e equip­ am Union high, who specialized The supply is lim ited, th e de- W alrad, trea su rer. , ,, , The woman adopted a resolution »»aires, dependent som ew hat on ed and th a t it will be the envy of all types, covered body for moving, m ent and th e county h ealth asso ­ won a L uscher heifer club will be social and recreatio n al of the tru ck s purchased from L und­ well as th eo retical study, and those ; Some good lite ra tu re is also for supplem ent and continue the his- h e,P boost the post, calf valued at $15(1 as a g rand and w ill include gym nasium work, q u ist has been trad ed in on a new com pleting th e course w ill receive ! d istrib u tio n . tory of th e Oregon W. C. T. U. a s ' One of the m ost am azing fea­ prize. He w as one of the four high ---------- - - j had been m ade by Mrs. Lucia F. tu re s of the grow th of the v eteran s' sco rers to be en tertain ed a t a ban­ dram atics, m usic, c ra ft w ork, sew ­ one, to be taken out in th e spring. a certificate from the N ational Red ing and stiyjy, activities varied Clifford Gibbs, who has been d riv ­ Cross. PLEASANT HOME Additon in h er book “Tw enty o rganization of nearly one m illion quet given by E. L. King, su p e rin ­ The chief aim of th is course is to . E ventful Y ears of the Oregon enough to satisfy the ta ste s of any ing for Mr. L undquist has been em ­ m em bers is its freedom from the te n d en t of the S outhern Pacific A good rep resen tatio n of the develop in th e student an ap p re cia­ W om an's C h ristian T em perance individual. ployed by Mr. W right. contam in atin g influence of party lines in Oregon, on his private ca r congregations of Haley B aptist and T he local Y. W. C. A. com m ittee Mr. W right has been in th e tru c k ­ tion for h ealth and a d esire to i Powell Valley Mission churches ; Union." politics and its a ltru istic stand for F riday evening. At the banquet th e It w as also voted th at th e G resh­ recen tly appointed a group of ing business for several y ears and build those hab its w hich will safe- ‘ all th a t is essen tial to m aintain four honor g u ests w ere p resented w ere p resen t a t the M issionary' am Union would fu rn ish a room in women consisting of Miss M artha has studied the problem s of tr a n s ­ guard it, to build a basic u n d er­ with w atches by Guy T albot, p res­ p ro sp erity and peace in A m erica. m eeting conducted Sunday a fte r­ the U nruh- co ttag e of the Chil-1 H agberg, Miss M arie Blom, Miss portation In ord er th a t he may give standing of th e p rin cip les of and P resid en t H arding, a keen s tu ­ ident of th e N orthw estern E lectric noon at the P lea san t Home B ap tist , d ren 's F arm Home. Mesdaines H elen Rogers, Mrs. P earl H ayden, hi» patro n s th e best possible se r­ control of disease, to develop some dent of n atio n al affairs, delighted com pany. It. W. Price, m anager m anual skill in the ca re of the church. Dr. Andrew W akem an, a Lulu H orning, M argaret Honey and Mrs. C lara C. M iller and Mrs. Mary vice. in the Legion's su ccessful avoid­ of the C rater Lake Lodge, has In­ retu rn ed m issionary from the Con­ baby, the pre-school child, the aged H attie M. Wolfe w ere appointed as Dodge to meet w ith rep resen tativ es ance of th e p itfalls p rep ared by vited the tw o boys and two girls, go region in A frica, was scheduled and th e sick u nder home condi­ i a com m ittee to look afte r th is m at- of th e P ortland Y. W. C. A. and take ORGANIZE JUNIOR to speak, but owing to illness was old-tim e p oliticians and in th eir ou tstan d in g individuals in the state, up plans to r the organization. As BAND FOR GRESHAM tions, to give a com prehending ap ­ unable to do so. However, Mrs. ! ter. su rp rise at th e higher sp irit that to be his g u ests for two weeks O ther business affairs th at were a resu lt, th is com m ittee and m em ­ A junior band is to be o rg an ­ preciation of th e profession of W akem an was a very acceptable pervaded th e Legion organization. next sum m er. reported oh during the m eeting bers of the local com m ittee met ized for young men of G resham and n u rsin g as a basis for vocational M ultnomah county entered five A short tim e before his death he su b stitu te and gave a splendid F rid ay evening and councilled with vicinity, w ith Clifford Gibbs acting guidance of those stu d en ts who sto ry of th eir life on the m ission were the very favorable rep o rts said: “The men of T he A merican team s in the d em onstration classes given hv th e tre a s u re r of the Miss G riselda K uhlm an of P o rt­ as conductor. Much in te rest is be­ may subsequently en ter sçhools of field. Legion w ill be sum m oned w ith con­ and took one first and two second y ear's finances, and the w ork th a t land, who outlined th e activities of ing taken in th e new band and it is nursing. fidence to deal w ith the problem s prizes. T h ere w ere 41 team s th a t The L au d erb ack b ro th e rs have has been accom plished and the w om en's clubs under the P ortlan d hoped th a t some good m aterial will of today and th e possible crises of gave them som e very keen com pe­ sold th eir m eat business to L. E. be found and developed to add to 'b en efits received for the C hildren's BORING Y. W. C. A., of w hich she is the the local concert band, am ong the tition. the fu tu re." H.fftman, form erly ow ner of the F arm 'Home. The reg u la r services at the secretary. new players. Boys ran g in g from In the crop d em onstration R obert Sandy m eat m ark et. T he new ow n­ In all Its legislative efforts—and Roy T. Bishop, “g en e ral” of one In v itations will soon be out for the ages of 10 to 18 or 19 years are church on Sunday w ere in charge er took possession Monday m o rn ­ Tow nsend and Leroy Rhoads of the Legion has fought for many of the th ree divisions of th e Com­ a g eneral m eeting of women who eligible and about 15 young men of the p asto r, Rev. Oliver J. Gill. m easures affecting a v ariety of In­ th e C edar school won first for ing. a re lined up for the first practice, m unity Chest drive, with headquur- may be interested in the plans. It w hich w ill be W ednesday evening I The serm on w as one especially fit­ Mr. and Mrs. C harles Chigget te re sts o th er th an its own— the o r­ M ultnom ah w ith a score of 95, is understood th a t m ore th an a in the Metzger hall above the ted for th e beginning of th e new McKinney are rejoicing over the 'te rs p P o rtlan d gave an in te re s t­ ganization has never succum bed to w hich incidentally was Just one I year. T he Sunday school was in a rriv a l of a 7% -pouad boy on S u n ­ ing explanation of the work and lie tem p tatio n of th ro w in g the point under th e score of th e cham ­ hundred will be invited. A ro u s­ G resham D rug store. ing. jolly good tim e is prom ised I ch arg e of ()< W. Boring. On next day m orning Septem ber 30. The the org an izatio n s th at are benefited weight, ol its pow erful influence pionship boy's team of all th e con­ THEN AM) NOW. by the efforts of the com m unity and th e m atter of the form ation of into any p olitical cam p. As a re- tests. T he prize th a t the Cedar The O regonian, u nder the caption i Sunday th e new officers- will take young man has been nam ed B lair th e d u b will be taken up and it is th e ir places. The Rev. A. B. Cald­ C laggett. Mrs. McKinney is a t the chest. ' suit, the Legion has been able to boys won is a tw o-w eeks' course a t “Then and Now," quotes the J o u r­ The quota for the 1929 budget of hoped will be perfected a t th a t er madF a few rem a rk s urging the Bushong nursin g home in Gresham . appeal to both m ajor p arties on th e sum m er school of the Oregon nal in reference to Hoover when he | ydung people to atten d Sunday the Com munity Chest, which m ust tim e. (Bob Miller w ent to Ione S a tu r­ issues L egionnaires deemed above S tate college. was food a d m in istra to r as follow s: be raised in October of th is year, is The local Y. W. C. A. com m ittee school, show ing them w hat they day to hunt. O ther w inning team s a re the fol­ the m aelstrom of p a rtisa n m a­ "H e rb e rt Hoover can n o t satisfy set at a new high m ark of co n sists of Mrs. M ark N ickerson, everybody. T he m an doesn’t live. m a-v a ttain *»y w orking in the S u n ­ low ing; A good delegation from the B ap­ chinations. ch a irm an ; Mrs. C lara C. Miller, never did live, who can do th at. day school. T he new su p e rin ten ­ tis t ch u rch attended the ordination $689,890. E ight years of pruning Cooking—Je an Inglis and C h a r­ Efficient relief of disabled fight­ vice ch a irm an ; Mrs. F red Hoss, Mr. H oover is a w orld figure. His dent, W. R. S h attu ck , appointed the service held at th e T hird B aptist and cu ttin g down of expenses for ers Is now a probability due p rin c i­ lotte Johnson of G resham , second, w ork in Belgium lifted his nam e te - eh „r _ .. en. u ,n „ vpar anrt se c re ta ry -tre a su re r; Mrs. Ruth St. above all others in relief adm inis- te ach ers ensuing year, ami church in P o rtla n d Monday night n ecessary re p a irs to buildings, and pally to th e Legion's influence; It com peting w ith 11 team s. C lair, publicity; Mrs. E. E. Schwed- tratio n and organization. It found [ in a g eneral w ay outlined th e w ork w hen Rev. W illiam F airw ea th er th e inevitable expansion of th e has achieved adjusted com pensa­ P otato G rading—K enneth Brain- work of all the agencies, w hich a ler, Mrs. E. H orstm ann, Mrs. J. B. him a high place in th e history of for the year. hall and G erald Emily of C orbett, was ordained to the m inistry. tion; it d ea lt a death blow to ra d i­ Y ates, Mrs. C larence Cathey, Mrs. this w ar. The Ladies Aid will m eet at the Dale A ltm an left F rid ay for Cor­ grow ing city dem ands, has m ade it i calism in th is co untry a t a tim e second. G erald also won a th ird on "It w as because of th a t w ork th a t im perative th at th is year this P. L enard and Miss M artha H ag­ he w as called to his p rese n t place. ch u rch on T h u rsd ay afternoon at 2 vallis to en ter college. when a sp a rk m ight have set fire his exhibit of B urbank potatoes. am ount of money be raised by the berg. T his com m ittee is planning We all have reason for full confi­ o'clock. At th a t tim e officers for A lfred B rink is a stu d en t at L in­ T hose who excelled in the live­ to the n atio n 's foundations. chest to c a rry on the greut w ork of for an all-day bake sale to be held dence in him. It is b etter to follow th e y ear will be elected. coln high In P o rtlan d th is year. M odernizing its program , th e L e­ stock show m anship and the se p a r­ the leadership of H erb ert "Hoover ch arity and p h ilanthropy which is j at the A. W. M etzger store S a tu r­ C arl Jr., the year-old son of Mr Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Melton a t­ gion is now in te restin g Itself In ate classes u n d er which th e ir prize than to hitch up w ith th e Reeds day, October 13. and Mrs. C. L. G regson, met w ith tended the sta te fair a t Salem F ri­ conducted by the agencies of the and th e ir p erson al spites, children, seeking to ca re for the w inners w ere entered w ere: It also quotes the Jo u rn a l J n its i a very severe accident on Monday day and spent F riday night with chest. Brown S w iss—P aul Boeckli. first o rp h an s of disabled v eteran s and The follow ing organ izatio n s are | R. Ex VAN SLVKE DIES disapproval of th e repeal of t h e , *ast week. He fell from his relativ es at Molalla. attem p tin g to prom ote com m unity and Anna Boeckli, second, both of IN PORTLAND SUNDAY Volstead Act in New York w hich buggy and hit his head on the floor, Mr. and Mrs. Ben F ritsch have to receive su p p o rt from th e Com­ activities in the 11,000 localities In L innton. Raymond F. Van Slyke, aged 39 w as signed by G overnor Sm ith ' He w a» ‘a k ta a G resham physi joined the arm y of apple pickers at m unity C hest th is year: G u ern se^—Floyd Stafford, first which It exists w ith th e hope of years, died Sunday m orning a t his June 1. 1923, and th e sta te officers clan and upon having an X -ray tak- Hood River. Charity "helping th e tow n,” and G resham and Vera Stafford, third, both of home in P ortlan d a fte r alm ost two A lbertina K err N ursery Home. w arned th a t they were to enforce , eI1 ’* waM found th a t his skull had and n earby lo calities a re no excep­ Victory. y ears of sickness. D uring his ill­ the A m erican Red Cross. federal Volstead law only. The j been slightly fractu red . He is do- ness he spent p a rt of th e tim e w ith H olstein—T racey Anderegg, sec­ LAUREL ACRES tion. Baby Home (W averly). his p arents, Mr. and Mrs. C harles Jo u rn al now condones the act by i ' nK well and no serious conse- ond; Ian B urns, third, of Victory. T hrough association with other A reception to the te ac h ers of Boys' and G irls' Aid Society. E. Van Slyke, who live near G resh­ saying th a t Sm ith w as elected over ! Quences are expected. C atholic C h aritab le Societies. Jersey -B e rt Gibson, th ird , of ■ allied fighters, L egionnaires are Lynch d istrict, and the new com ers am. C atholic W om en’s League. a w orthy com petitor by the wet B- L. Sabin is p rep arin g to build of th e locality w as held F rid ay eve G resham . I spreading a sen tim en t for world Mr. Van Slyke, served 18 m onths C hildren's F arm Home (W.C.T.U.) I a new residence on his farm north In the p o u ltry division more in the Depot B rigade a t Camp vote. T hen it said as follow s: , peace and have asked congress to ning a t th e schoolhouse u nder the F lo ren ce C ritten to n Home. Lewis during the late w ar, begin­ "And the m ightiest sta te in the of Boring. T he basem ent is being direction of the Lynch P.-T. A. Goodwill In d u stries (Council of adopt th e p rin cip le of univ ersal prizes w ere tak en by boys of th is ning as buck p riv ate and being union as a dissen ter w ill have a dug by C arl Poken and Jo h n Mo- Allen D avis of service in fu tu re w ars as a m eans county, nam ely: Mrs. F. E. Sm ith presided. W. C. C hurches). given the ran k of sar?;eant-m ajor dine who have th e c o n tra ct which G randm a’s Kitchen. G ilbert won a first prize and a of preventing world conflicts. A lderson, county school su p e rin ­ near th e close of his service. He bad m oral effect upon th e en tire Jew ish C haritable Societies. w as also head clerk of th e Brigade country. It will be an object les­ req u ires the moving of 250 yards tendent, and A ssistan t Mrs. Ruby P erh ap s in tim e th e vigorous sch o larsh ip on a pen of W hite L eg­ Ju v en ile H ospital for Girls. for a tim e. son to stim u late bootleggers and of dirt. I young tnen com posing th e Legion h o rn s; anil John and Robert Stone Louise Home. S. B rennan w ere present. Mr. Al­ S. E. Lyon is w orking near F u n eral services w ere held this m oonshiners. It w ill m ake th e d is­ Oregon P riso n er's Aid Society. will realize th eir unselfish p ro ­ of Fairview took second and th ird , afternoon at the chapel of E dw ard sen ters m ore active everyw here. S pringdale. He is helping harvest derson gave th e ad d ress of w el­ Pacific P rotective League. gram . At any rate they have earn - respectively w ith th e ir Rlack Mi- come and Mrs. B rennan talked on Holman & Son, E ast 27th and H aw ­ P a re n t’s E ducational Bureau. cauliflow er. th o rn e avenue, P o rtlan d , w ith vault For like reason it will stim u late “T he Child as an Individual.” Geo. P aren t-T ea ch e r Association Re- [ ed the ungrudging ad m iratio n of norcas, The J. E. B ergstrom fam ily has the drys to a m ore ferv en t activity. in term en t in M emorial Hall. A lthough th e com petition was all elem ents of citizen ry for th eir Lettow anhounced th e program lief. P eople's In stitu te and F ree Dis- | t(jwar(| # ,a u „ able „„ „ The w hole contro v ersy will take moved from th is locality to G resh ­ which consisted of ad d resses and very keen In all th e livestock c la ss­ pensary. ______ T hose who advertise are not on a b ittern ess not yet revealed. am. es the M ultnom ah county club m usic. A business m eeting of the P isgah Home Colony. asham ed of th e ir business, They The big question is, to w hat tro u b le Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morand and P o rtlan d Commons. [ T hrough Mrs. Mabel M clnturff, m em bers held th eir own in the P aren t-T each er association will be back up th e ir statem ents. son Billie sp e n t Sunday at Salem. and tragedy may it not lead.” P o rtlan d F ru it ,and Flow er Mis- I d ep artm en t se creta ry Oregon club classes and won consisten tly held October 5 in the evening. All Rev. E. G. R anton of Independ­ T he Jo u rn al says th a t w hat it Rion. A m erican Legion au x iliary , a num- in th e open classes in w hich they m em bers and p atro n s a re asked to « a t ä t i o T A?my BUreaU' j been an- entered. said then should be changed con­ ence was a ca lle r in the n eighbor­ be present. T his was p articu la rly O p e n in g D a n c e siderably to exp ress its p resen t hood on his way home from co n ­ United V eterans Service and Em- ' nounced, am ong w hich is noted tru e of John W elbes Jr., who took 8. R. G ilbert retu rn ed F riday views. S trange Isn 't it? The d is­ ference a t Hood River. I "g u ard ian sh ip , Mrs. Minnie B. E a s t­ n early all the firsts and cham pion­ from San F rancisco w here he v isit­ ploym ent Bureau. V isiting N urses' A ssociation. Mr. and Mrs. John O sburn have illusionm ent sta rted in K ansas City m an, G resham .” S a tu rd a y , O c t. 6 sh ip s w ith his strin g of H am pshire ed the factories of th e B ass-H euter V olunteers of America. i and Houston. P olitics does m ake moved to P ortland. The A m erican Legion and the pigs. Floyd Stafford and T racey Paint Co. W om an's C onvalescent Heme. _____________2_______________ stran g e bedfellows. Who could be- i Mr. and Mrs. L. H. M allicoat and A m erican Legion au x iliary are A nderegg w ere both w inners in W om en's P ro tectiv e Division. In com pany with Mrs. 8. It. G il­ Rockwood Grange Hall lieve th a t the Jo u rn a l could lose | ch ild ren spent Sunday w ith rela- sponsoring a "Get Out to Vote” th e open class contests m aking Philanthropy bert. Mrs. J. B. Wolfe and Miss its adm iration for th e Hoover fives a t McMinnville. cam paign for the com ing election, som ething like $1(10 each. A m ericanization Council. E lva E skel visited th e sta te fair The Com m unity club is m aking Boy S couts of America. brand of efficiency or sw ap dry as a p a rt of th e ir A m ericanism Sixteen ribbons w ere won by the Tuesday. They also called on Mrs. G o o d M usic - G o o d F lo o r Camp F ire G irls. arran g em en ts for a play to be giv­ i program . friends for wet? booth exhibits of th e M ultnom ah Booth, a form er resid en t of L aurel C atholic P hilan th ro p ies. en in the n ear future. U su al Prices county en tries. T he M ultnom ah Girl Scouts. Acres. W hen you buy of a local dealer Jew ish P hilan th ro p ies. A IK ) RACES AT county booth w as considered the REFRESHMENTS Donald Confrey expects to leave who advertises you benefit y o u r­ Tanning. L innton Com m unity Service. V A N C O U V E R S U N D A Y best ap p earin g booth of th e en tire for Los A ngeles in com pany w ith self and others. All kinds of fu r and leath er, also N ational Safety Council. The V eterans of F oreign W ars show. [ do custom work. W ill ta k e In friends next Wednesday. P o rtlan d Council of Social A gen­ tra d e hides for leath er. Sunnyside are sponsoring an o th er autom obile H ans Bay of C orvallis, Mont., has cies. F ur T annery. Fred H urse, Rt. 1. P o rtlan d S ettlem en t Center. NPEdAI, BARGAIN KATES. race event, sim ila r to th e one held recently been In the locality look­ box 202, Clackam as, Ore.—Adv. Y. M.C. A. Twlce-a-Week Outlook and The here on th e fair g rounds Labor ing afte r his property. Y. W. C. A. Portland News. Day. T his one will be held next Heat 2 to s Room«. E lsie Eschebeck visited w ith Joyce Both th ese p ap ers will be sen t Sunday on th e speedw ay a t Van­ It costs no m ore to heat your G ilbert a few days last week. Miss POWELL VALLEY one year by m all for only $4.90. i en tire house w ith a Vecto th an to Eschebeck lives In th e D am ascus couver. W ash., Sunday, O ctober 7, The Home and F oreign M ission­ S ubscribe before Nov. 1. ] heat one room w ith a heater. Call sta rtin g at 1 p. m. Joe Chiodo, G resham P lum bing A- neighborhood and Is a G resham ary society of the S aron L u th eran Outlook alone, >2; The P ortlan d church will have a b azaar F riday T here is posted a tho u san d d o l­ News alone, b arg a in rate, $ 3 —Adv. high school student. [ H eating Co., phone 1233. evening, October 5, a t the school­ la r grand sw eepstake prize for a for the October bride house. All a rtic le s will be wel- F ree p ark in g is af- corned for the sale and ladies a re o,’' lal’ race forded invited to bring refresh m en ts. Mr. Nolan, publicity m an for the PI Bl it MAMS MEETING, OCT. 5 races, says m ore ca rs will p a rtic i­ F rid a y . O c to b e r 5 . - B a z a a r a t 8 o 'clo ck by H o m e a n d F o re ig n M issio n ­ For Nomination of I andiilates for pate th an on the occasion of the a r y so c ie ty o f K aro n L u th e ra n c h u r c h T w !(•»••»• W w k Outlook and Orcironian— very successful races a t G resham a t P o w ell V a lle y sch o o l ho u se. I.re-ham ( it, Officers. Daily or Daily and Sunday Notice Is hereby given th a t, in and the affair prom ise* to be big­ S a tu r d a y . O c to b e r 6. lirn k w o o d o p e n in g d a m « a t O r a n g e h a ll accordance w ith O rdinance No. ger every way. Bring this Ad and choose your pattern U ntil O ctober 31 th e Outlook offers th e following yearly 65-A of th e city of G resham . Ore- j S a tu r d a y . O c to b e r i . B a k e s a le by su b scrip tio n s by m ail: gon. a public Mass Meeting will b e I E v a n g e lic a l W o m e n 's U n io n a t S a n i ­ ta r y M a rk e t, tx -g ln n in g 111 :3i) a . m. VICTORY held at t h e City H all In the city of j DAILY OREGONIAN and OUTLOOK, one y e a r .................... v ., Mr. and Mr«. O W. A d d er have W »f Ir leuda y , ( K t o l x r 19— T r o u td a le ÜMI.5O G resham , at 8 p. m. Friday, O cto­ ber 5, 1928, for th e purpose of j retu rn ed from Rhododendron, O. B. H. c a r d p a r ty . DAILY and SUNDAY OREGONIAN and OUTLOOK, one y ear. MM.3 0 nom inating not to exceed four (4, w h e r e they spent the p a s t m onth in Saturday O c to b e r 12 B a k e s a le at candidates for e a c h of the follow ­ ( barge of H ayden's Zig Zag au to > A W M e tis , r a <’o. s to re by v W ing offices, tow lt: « am p. Mrs. Holmes, th e teach er In e A committee Regular Kate- One (1) Mayor, the Victory achool, is b earding with S unday. O c to b e r 2 1 . - S em i a n n u a l Gresham Outlook ........................................... $2.09 fine (1) T re asu re r. Mrs. A dder. m e e tin g o f P le a s a n t H o m e S u n d a y Dally Oregonian ............................................. $4.00 GRESHAM Phone 44 POWELL ST. One (1, Recorder. S chool a a a o c ta tlo n , P le a s a n t H om e Mr. and Mrs. A. (). Stafford and Dally and Sunday O reg o n ian ................ $8.00 Three (3) Councilmen. d au g h ters V era and Eva have gone M e th o d is t c h u r c h T his m eeting is called by order to Hood R iver to pick apples. The Ads In the Outlook will Increase of th e City Council. g irls will atten d school iu th e dis the merchants' prestige, hence hit You Save $1.50 to $1.70 C. G. SCHNEIDER, Recorder. tric t w hile there. sales, hence his profits. October ¿Brides! We are giving away absolutely free half dozen teaspoons in four patterns. iîlealfp’s Jlctüclrp é>torf Special Combination Rates Community Chest