v <>t<*s! Are You Registered? If Not, See Your County Clerk, or Deputy in Your Locality. Now Is the Time to Make Sure T W IC E A W EEK G resham O utlook VOL. IS, NO. «I» GRESHAM. MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, KIWANIS CLUB MEETS; APPOINTED Fire Under Control COMMITTEES by Strenuous Work SEPTEMBER 25, 192$ TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS #2.99 Per Year ••SIIE" AT GRESHAM FARM HOUSE BURNED THEATER SEPT. 26-27 DURING HIGH WIND An en th u siastic m eeting of th e S ir Rider H ag g ard 's rem ark ab le | Fanned by a strong ea st wind K iw anis club w as held Monday story of the most beautiful woman last S atu rd ay, tire which had been evening at 6:15 at th e gran g e hall in th e world. "SH E " who m ust be set to burn brush on the farm of * I w ith alm ost a full atten d an ce of | obeyed, has finally been absorbed G W W oodward, 3Vjj m iles ea st of A fter tw o or three days and its m em bers. T he luncheon was The T abulations. l by the motion p ictu re producers G resham on the Section Line road. Party Line-up of States, 1N96- 192I nights of strenuous efforts, the fire served by th e ladies of the B aptist and is now being show n for the spread rapidly and destroyed th e The ta b u latio n s given herew ith | w hich burned meadows, bru sh and church. 1SS« 1900 1904 1908 1912 1916 1920 1924 No of first tim e in the northw est. To th e Woodward farm house, some sm all green tim ber on the Cavanagh, „ T h e objectives of th e club and will enable th e rea d ers of the Out- j S tate E le c to rs read ers of fiction and ad m irers of outbuildings and all th eir contents. look to an sw er m any questions A lab am a......................... P P D P P D I) I) 12 Cowan and H all farm s n o rth ea st of the duties of th e different com m it A rizo n a........................... | th e noted a u th o r's w orks, th is jum ped the road and threaten ed P 1) It R 3 G resham , has been brought under tees w ere discussed. The club is which w ill cqme forw ard during A rk a n sa s.................... p I) P P D P P D 9 stran g e p h antasy of a p erp etu ally th e p roperty of John Strebin. control. No buildings w ere d e ­ rapidly getting into form to m ake the p resen t political cam paign. It C a lifo rn ia....................... R R R R I) P It R 13 youthful woman will offer in te r-I N othing was saved from the b u rn ­ stroyed. though it seemed ce rtain its ideals of “service to th e com ­ is a good tim e to review co n stltu -i C olorado........ .. . . . . . . . i) I) R D P U It It 6 estin g en tertain m en t, quite spec- ing house, and W oodward and his tional history. We m ight suggest C o n n ecticu t................... R It R R I) It It R for a tim e last F riday th a t the m unity" real. It R D ta cu la r. ' sister-in -law , Miss K ate »Maloney It R It It 3 some in te restin g questions w hich ........ .............. J* hom es of Mrs. C arrie Pow ell and T he follow ing standing com m it­ the P D P P 1) P D 6 rea d ers may find it profitable G eorgia. . . . . . . . . . . }) T hose fam iliar w ith the w ell read who has been his housekeeper, had h er son F red w ere doomed and it tees have been appointed: I) D D P D I) P 14 book will realize th e possibilities only the clothes they wore. P w as feared th a t the tire would ex­ R It P P R It 4 A griculture— Wm. H. Baillie, S. to find an sw ers for in th e tab u la- Id ah o ............................... I) tions. 1 Illin o is.......................... it for sta rtlin g pictu rizatio n of the The fire w hich burned the build­ It R R P It R It 29 tend w estw ard to Cleveland avenue B. H all, Ivan L. Swift. R R R P It How m any electo ral votes m ust ' i nt*iu n a ........................... It R legacy handed down for g e n e ra ­ ings was set w /st of the house but 15 and perhaps fu rth e r. Mrs. Powell B usiness stan d ard s— Leslie W al- low'I I? It It R P It R It 13 tions in the Vincy family. The it burned so rapidly in all d irec­ had her household goods packed rad A. W. M etzger, J. Ross Brown. a successful candidate for the pres- « a n s a s .............................. p R R It P D It R 10 legacy is fulfilled by young Leo tions th a t it was soon out of con­ idency o b tain ? How m any-elector- j K en tu ck y ........ .. R I) p D P and ready to be put on a tru c k on D P It 13 P ublicity—E D. R aker A. J. W. Vine) with his guard ian the burly trol. The loss was p artly co v ertd al votes has Oregon? W hich sta te L o u isia n a..................... p P D P P P P I) 10 sh o rt notice, but yesterday they Brown, H arry L. St. Clair. R H R P R It It 6 has the sm allest num ber of elec- K Holly. Cam bridge U niversity p ro ­ by insurance. w ere again unpacked. P rogram — W alter Olmsfcheid. , . ; M ary lan d ....................... R R P P P P It It 8 fessor and the faithful servant Job, to ral v o te s? W hich sta te has the Only through th e stren u o u s ef­ M a ssa c h u se tts.. . R R Jt R P R R It 18 E arly F riday forenoon the m em ­ ¿van L. Swift, P. E. Brockway. who sail from E ngland to Africa, fo rts of neighbors and passers-by, larg est num ber of electo ral votes? M ichigan........................... R R R R P R R R 15 Club m eetings— W. J. Cooper, L. b ers of th e G resham F ire d e p a rt­ R trav e rse the Zam besia riv er to the was the p roperty of Jo h n S trebin R W hich sta te has alw ays been c a r ­ M innesota......................... it R P R R H 12 m ent w ere called out to help fight L. K idder, Chas. N. T aber, Jos. E. ried by th e rep u b lican p arty since I M ississippi....................... P P P P P P D I) 10 plain of Kor, and then discover the saved. F ire càu g h t on th e roof of P R R P D R the fire. N eighbors assisted and in G ates. E llis R. W right, E. L. S ta f­ ’96, or d u rin g th e period ta b u la t­ I M issouri......................... I) It 18 su b te rra n ean city inhabited by the file b arn and I wo sm all holes w ere M o n tan a......................... P D ford, E lton E astm an. R R P P R R 4 th e afternoon about a hundred boys A m ahaggar cannibal tribe, who burned, but it was beaten out and R R P P D R R 8 Goodwill and G rievance— Chas. ed? W hich two sta te s did T aft I N e b ra sk a ....................... P from the h igh school w ere dis­ P R P P 1) feast on the heads of enemy trib es, quenched w ith w ater. Mr. and ca rry in 1912? W hich sta te s were I N evada........................... P It R 3 H unt, C. I. R aker, Dr. Geo. Inglis. m issed and did heroic service. They New H am p sh ire.......... R It R R P I) R It 4 and over whom rules the object of Mrs. S trebin expressed their deep carried by Roosevelt in 1912? How In terclu b R elations— H. E. H all­ New J e rs e y .......................It R R R D It R R 14 w ere relieved In th e evening by a th e ir quest, the ravishingly b ea u ti­ ap p reciatio n of th e work of neigh- m any of th e la rg e st sta te s would j ,\-ew Mexico oway, Sam Sm ith, J. E. Metzger. P D R It 3 force of county road w orkers under ful w hite queen, "SHF." who m ust Inirs and o th e rs who worked R R R P R It R 45 K iw anis E ducation—C. M. Q uick- ' be n ecessary to elect a presid en t? ; New Y o rk ...................... R J. W. H illyard, who w orked alt I) I) P P T herd a re a num ber of o th er ques- N orth C a ro lin a ............ P P P he obeyed. P heroically to stop th e fire. 12 sail, C. G. Schneider, H arry I R night. O ther road w orkers took R It P P ! tions w hich could be asked and j Ohio'*.13“ “ 01“ : . ' . . . R R R 5 Clair. R It R P D R It 24 th e ir places S aturday. W orkers O klahom a.............. PLEASANT HOME D D P ft R Public Affairs— W alter M etzger, an sw ers found in th e tab u latio n . 10 have been on duty continuously u n ­ The rea d er can en te rta in him self O reg o n .............................R R R R P It R R 5 P lans have been form ulated by C. I. R aker, C. E. Johnson, Guy til Monday night, and a close w atch R R II P R It It by grouping sta te s w hich he th in k s nsylvtinfi*................ It 38 the m em bers of the P lea san t Home Rhode I s la n d ................. It R R R P is being kept th a t th e fire does not Fieldhouse. R It R 5 will vote for his favorite candidate P lan s w ere discussed at a m eet­ B aptist ch u rch to have an all-day C lassification and M em bership— R South C a ro lin a ............ P P I» P D D P 9 sp rin g up again. T. Van D oninck Ehl. W. A ylsw orth. W alter It H icks for Pr e s *dent so th a t the can d id ate j S o u tlv P a k o ta .................P service next Sunday at th e church ing last night of the local Y. W. It R It P R R R 5 of the G resham City B akery su p ­ M. L. W hite, F ran z O lbrich. Wm. It’ I m*y recelve a ’n a i ° r lty <>f electo ral | T en n e sse e.......................P D P I) P P R 1) 12 in the in te rest of m issions. Rev. C. A. com m ittee for the reo rg an iza­ plied a load of provision to feed T e x a s................................. D P D P D D P D 20 ' votes. Andrew W akem an, a retu rn ed m is­ tion. It is hoped to secure a <*lattei has. U ta h ................................... P R P It R P th e w orkers. It It 4 sionary from the Congo region in club room to r those engaged tn V erm o n t......................... R R R It It R R H 4 Solidarity of Party Vote. Fred Powell was a t Pendleton GRESHAM MUSH IAN V irg in ia.............................I) P P A frica, will be the chief speaker at business w here they m ay m eet for P P P P I) 12 W ash in g to n ................... P R R R P (W. W. W illiam s) D R It when the tire broke out and did not 7 3 o'clock. The p asto r, Rev. Gordon rest during the noon hour and for GIVES PIANO REUITALS W est V irg in ia............... It R R R P R R It 8 re tu rn to his home in P ortland u n ­ Johnson, will officiate at the m o rn ­ recreatio n and group m eetings. An an aly sis and tab u latio n of the Miss Elizabeth H orning, d au g h ­ W isconsin......................... R R It It P It It P 13 til Sunday m orning, when he cam e te r of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. H orning, popular vote and th e resu lts in W yom ing....................... P ing and evening services. A basket Mrs. C ath erine W ihlon and Miss It It R D D R R 3 out im m ediately to do w hat he gave a series of piano rec itals la st each sta te for the past eight p re s­ lunch will lie enjoyed in th e b ase­ F lorence Honey will again act as week in the studio of her teach er, idential elections fu rn ish es im port T o ta l.......... 531 could. ment at the noon hour. O ther se r­ ad v isers of grad e school groups. »Miss E thel T. Rand, on E ast F la n ­ vices tor the day will be Sunday Mrs. H. H. Ott was elected as ad ­ The w inning p arty th is y ear m ust secure 260 electoral votes. E. G. Lew is and fam ily occupy ders stre e t in P o rtland. Miss H o rn ­ an t inform ation and reliab le data to school al 10 o'clock and ju n io r viser of an o th er group In place of ing w as highly com plim ented on forecast the fu tu re. The re p u b li- ! th e Fred Powell home, and E. the success she has m ade of her can vote show s a slight increase Mrs. R. D. Mickey who has gone Presidential Electoral anil Popular Vote 1$96 - 1921 B. Y. P. U. at 7:30. H ara, a Ja p an ese lessee, and fam i­ m usic and a t the rec itals received aw ay for several m ouths' stay. Mrs. for five elections and alm ost Year C andidate T h u rsd ay evening, Septem ber 27, ly occupy a sm all house on Mrs. many beautiful flowers in a p p re ­ E lecto ral P opular Vote Voli' the losing Reds In the B aptist S u n ­ H. L. S t.C la ir resigned from the C arrie P ow ell's farm . All ex­ ciation of th e selections she gave. doubles in 1920, The dem ocratic ' 1896 McKinley. R e p .............. 271 7,035.638 day school atten d an ce contest, will local com m ittee and Mrs. C lara C. pressed deep appreciation of the On W ednesday evening a num ber vote show s a .sm all d ecrease for B ryan, D em .................... 176 6.467.946 of G resham people m otored in to ’ th e Hrst flve’ election8 an(1 in 1916 e n te rta in the Blues w ith a p arty in Miller was chosen In her place. v aliant w ork done and th e u n ­ hear .Miss H orning. Among them 2 o th ers 273,205 . • (’. J. Davis, living n ear G resham , the ch u rch buHcmcnt a t 6 o'clock, sp a rin g efforts put forth to save w ere Rev. H. V. W ilhelm and when W ilson k ep t us o ut of w ar,” | is an a ssista n t In stru cto r In th e 447 13,876.789 p roperty. . dau g h ter M argaret, Mrs. W. F. i it. reached its peak and rem ained supper to he served d u rin g th e eve* evening business school under th e Honey and Miss F lorence Honey, th e re for the follow ing election. ning preceding the reg u la r weekly Oregon In stitu te of Technology in 1900 ’, Rep. . . . ___ 292 7,219.530 Mrs. J. H. S terlin g and d au g h ter In 1924 election it began a rapid )em ............. ....1 5 5 P o rtlan d , teaching business a r ith ­ p ray e r m eeting service. Art Class Planned. 6.358,071 Ruth, W. J. Cooper and Miss Amy 2 o th ers metic, business E nglish and type­ 3(13.934 Miss D orothea S hort of P o rtlan d Cooper, C. E. R u sh er and H al dow nw ard tren d when the popular | F ran k McKinney and A rthur w riting. w ill again conduct a class in a p ­ Jones. Mrs. C. M. Zim m erm an and j vote for dem ocratic can d id ate was N asshahn left F riday for P arkdale 447 13,861.535 Recent guests of Mrs. C arrie plied a rt in G resham . She w ill hold dau g h ter Beth, fo rm erly of G resh- . nearly a m illion below its form er to w ork in the apple o rch ard s. H ansen and Mrs. Mary Podge w ere th e class in connection with E liza­ am but now of P o rtlan d w ere also , . 1904 Roosevelt, Itcp. .336 7,628,834 veL b eth ’s F rock Shop each W ednes­ p resent to hear Miss H orning Wed- Homer Moulton, Bob Shumway Mrs. Homer N orton, her fath er and P ark er, D e m ... . 140 5,084,491 h er sister-in -faw , Mrs. C larence day evening, beginning Septem ber nesday evening. The g rea t o u tstan d in g fact in the 2 o th e rs ............ and W ilfred N'asshuhn have gone to Stover 661,657 of P ost, Oregon. 26. W ork in lam p shades, pictures, I above tab u latio n is the in crease in the Hood River d istrict. Mrs, Moui jesso and other lines of decorating. Among (he out-of-tow n Odd Fel­ (•rapes. , j>OpUia r vote w ith th e enfran ch ise- 476 13,374.982 ton will stay a t Cascade Locks dur lows and Rebekuhs to attend th e 50 cen ts a lesson.—Adv. Concord W orden, N iagara g rap es mf,nt of W()nien and the equivalellt 1908 T aft, R ep ......................... 321 ing the absence of her husbaud an n iv ersary dinner held in th e 7,679,606 4c pound. Ripe and sw eet. All . , . . . , , I B ryan, P ern ..................... 162 6.409,106 you w ant. S u h r's F low er F arm , j l,,crea8e in th e vote of the republi- ; w here she will be w ith h er daugh local hall Monday evening w ere Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Davis, P o rt­ 2 o th e rs ............................. 673,503 DRAMATIC ART Base Line road, m ile east 12-mile can party. T he in crease in popu- ter, Mrs. Helen N asshahn, who is land; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. W heeler, corner. Phone G resham 724.—Adv. ; ia r vote was 7,190,725 and the in ­ p rincipal of the school there. CLASS OR PRIVATE LESSONS B oring; Mr. and Mrs. A nderson, 483 14,761,615 crease in th e rep ublican vote w as i P a le A ltm an will undergo an Boring, and Mr. and Mrs. W. G an­ 1912 T aft, R ep ............. . 8 3,493,922 S tan d ard varieties of filberts, 7,613,979, w hich absorbed the en- operation th is week for rem oval of ger and Mrs. O rlen G auger of S an­ W ilson, Pern . . . 435 w alnut and ch e stn u t trees. P rices 6.286,214 dy. Call 3293, G resham tir e in crease due to the w om en's 1 grow th in one n o stril, caused Roosevelt, P ro g . . 88 reasonable. C arro ll P . Bush, Rt. 3, 4,126.020 The te ac h ers and officers of th e vote. As th e dem ocratic p arty r e ­ P o rtlan d .—Adv. from an in ju ry when playing foot W illam ette B aptist association held 531 14,793.197 ceived 16,000 of th is in crease as hall. P ale expects to be ready to th e ir q u a rte rly m eeting a t th e local com pared w ith its vote of th e p re ­ en ter O. A. C. next week to con Baptist church Friday evening. In ­ 1916 Hughes, R ep .................. 254 8.538.221 ceding election th e only conclusion \ Wilson, P e rn .................. 277 9,129,606 tinue his studies in te rru p te d at the te restin g talk s w ere given and a sh o rt en tertain m en t program , fol­ 2 o th e rs ............................. 805,619 th a t can be draw n is th a t th e ele­ E a ste r vacation la st spring. lowed by a dinner served by th e p h an t looked good to the ladies in Mrs. B. C. A ltm an Is at home ladles of th e GreHham church. 531 18,473,446 1920 and th eir solid vote w as d e­ again a fte r 10 days sp en t In P o rt­ Many o ut of tow n guests and mem­ 1920 H arding R e p ...................404 b ers w ere present. 16,152,200 livered to th e rep u b lican party. land a t the home of P ro fesso r and Cox, P ern ......................... 127 9.147,353 A nother in te restin g conclusion Mrs. G. E. Jam eson. 3 o th e re ........................... 1,364,818 FAIRVIEW can also he draw n and w hich is In v itatio n s have been issued to The W om en's society of the 531 26,664,171 m ore significant th an th e other. th e B aptist ch u rch es of the Wil Sm ith M emorial P resb y terian The dem ocrats did not hold the 1924 Coolidge, Rep. lamette association to atten d the .382 15,726,016 church will hold a tea and work Davis, P e r n ... .136 8,386.503 vote of wives and sisters, for su re ­ ord in atio n services a t the T hird m eeting T h u rsday afternoon at the L aF ollette, P rog ............ 13 4,822,856 ly 16,000 in crease would not ac­ B ap tist ch u rch of P o rtlan d Monday home of Mrs. E. M. Stone. count for all th e wives of over nine evening, October 1, w hen Rev. Win 631 29,091,417 Miss Mary A ndrew s of Toledo, m illion d em ocrats of the form er F alrw eu th er will be ordained. Mr. Oregon, has entered th e Union high P a rt) and P o p u lar Vole by Years. election. One Is rem inded of the F airw ea th er w as form er p asto r of school nt G resham and w ill m ake T o ta l 1 story of th e ro o ster who w as em- the P lea san t Home church. I ‘o p u Ia r her home with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. lU -puhlican I >• uhm r a l V ot« Mrs. J. R. Duncan of Scenic will , b arrassed w hen he discovered th a t 1896 McKINLEY—Bryan ............. 7,035.638 6,467.946 13,876,789 en te rta in th e B aptist Ladies Aid Sales during the school year. the m other hen had Incubated a Mrs. Leslie M arshall of V ancou­ 1900 McKINLEY—B ryan . ............ 7,219,530 6,358.071 13.861,535 T h u rsd ay afternoon a t 2 o'clock. brood of goslings. W ith ste rn n e ss ver, B. C„ was a recent guest a t the 1904 ROOSEVELT—P a rk e r ........... 7,628,834 5,084,491 13,374,982 and h u rt pride he said, “Madam, The fam ily of J. F. Collins is re home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. T ow n­ 1908 TA FT— Bryan .............. ............ 7,679,006 6,409,106 14.761,615 you have not been tru e to me." Jolclng g rea tly because of th e a r ­ send. 1912 T aft— Roosevelt— WILSON . . 7.609.942 6.286,214 14,793,197 rival of a new nine-pound son TI ip last election show s a loss of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone were 1916 Hughes— WILSON . . . . .......... 8,538,221 9,129,606 18,473,446 Monday, Septem ber 24. M other and less than a h alf a m illion by the d in n er g u ests on Sunday a t the 1920 H ARPING—Cox .......... ____.16,152,200 9,147,353 26,664,171 republican and th ree -fo u rth s of a son a re rep o rted to be doing nicely. hom e of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stone. 1924 COOLIDGE— Davis ___ 2ft Oftl 417 8,386,503 m illion by th e dem ocrats. T he In­ The young people of th e M ethod­ About 35 m em bers of the Sm ith 1928 H oover—Smith ............ crease of the tw o and a h alf m il- ' ist church a re com pleting plans for M emorial P resb y terian Sunday ' lion In th e popular vote plus the the old fashioned box social which school attended the picnic at G rant Increase in PopalaUen loss In rep u b lican and dem ocratic T he Increase in population in th e U nited S tates from 1890 is shown Is scheduled for F riday evening be­ park. A delicious dinner was vote a re accounted for in th e La by th e following figures tak en from the federal census: 1890, 62,947,714; g in n in g at 8 o'clock D ir e c te d 6 / L E A N D EP DE CORDOVA They a re spread a t noon and all p resent en­ 1900, 75,995,575; 1910, 91,972,266; 1920, 105,710,620; 1928--E stim ated F o llette vote of n early flve m il­ — 120,000,000. urging th a t all people of the com ­ joyed th e day. lions. A nother evidence of the m unity Interested In a Jolly good Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Diesch have ’ so lid arity of the two p arty vote I» *n 1908 when each w as elected to a good reason. T he tra d itio n s of Ime be on hand, the ladies b rin g ­ given up th e ir P o rtlan d residence reflected in th e vote of 1912. Roose presidency. The so lid arity of th e dem ocratic p arty are not such ing boxes, the men the w here- and a re m aking th eir home for the ! velt and T aft sp lit th e republican th e vote ° t each p arty in defiance as to appeal to w om an's vote. The w ith-all to p u rch ase th e boxes, p resen t with Mr. and Mrs. Sam vote and W ilson was elected. The to d rift or sh ift could not be b etter protective In stin cts of women re ­ which will tie auctioned by G. H. Dixon. popular vote for W ilson, co n tra ry illu strateli th an in the vote of 1912. bel ag a in st slavery, free tra d e and Bickford. A program of gam es G erald A nderson has retu rn ed i to common belief was less th a n the B would be im possible to have a any m odification ot the prohibition and stu n ts is being p repared. The home a fte r spending the sum m er p arty stren g th , as B ryan had th ree i m ore unique dem onstration. T hree am endm ent. proceeds of the auction a re to be in e a ste rn Oregon w here he has tim es polled m ore th an W ilson re- ah *e men w ere contending to break The vote of th e endorsem ent of ipplled on the final paym ent for been hauling w heat. A fter the ceived. In o th er w ords, th e tren d Pa r |y ‘'n * “ but the Inroads w ere j , h< r ,.p „ tl|| ( an p arly by , be women th e piano which th e young peopl w heat h arv e st w as over he w ent to of the dem ocratic vote was down- negligible. The breach in th e re- | Of s co untry is also a vote of are purch asin g for th e church. The McLeod, Alta. He rep o rts heavy ward. T he to tal rep ublican vote • publican ran k s placed a dem ocrat p ro test ag ain st th e dem ocratic p atro n ag e of the people both young fro st every nig ht and snow in th a t ca st for Roosevelt and T aft (w hich ' n ’be w hite house. party. T am m any H all and sta te and older la solicited. country. was, in fact, th e solid republican T he Junior choir of th e Methodist local option are as repulsive to Mr. and Mrs. H ow ard W ilson of ( an 'smith H hi 1 tlielr fem inine in stin cts as slavery ch u rch will meet S atu rd ay a f te r ­ P o rtland, accom panied by Mr. and vote under tw o p arty nam es) was This is the first tim e tliat th e two MASONIC HALL * * Gresham about th e sam e as the republican and free trade. Sm ith m ust break noon at 3 o’clock at Hie parsonage. Mrs, W illiam S ales enjoyed a trip Vote for Roosevelt in 1904 and T aft m ajor p arties have the field to th e so lid arity of th e p arty vote or The first P aren t-T ea ch e r meeting over the loop highw ay Monday. them selves— the so lid arity of one of the year for O rient school will lose. Mr. and Mrs. J. A nderson of p a rt) ag a in st the other. T he r e ­ be .held at th e schoolhouse next P o rtlan d w ere dinner guests on The so lid arity now sta n d s from publican solidarity Includes Its DANCING 8:30 to 12 F riday evening. Septem ber 28. At Accredited Violin highest peak plus the in crease due g rad u al and co n sisten t evolution, thia m eeting im p o rtan t business Sunday at the home of th e ir son, J. W. A nderson. two to one. Tim«- and again th is to th e w om en's vote. M aluritajs W. A. Inglis’ home, (¡IGRA Y’S ORCHESTRA will he taken up, com m ittees ap ­ so lid arity has been attack ed hut to i t is a safe conclusion th a t the Ava Atenne, Gresham. pointed, etc. All m em bers are I .e l us tell you how to get a |1 0 GENTLEMEN 7 5 / LADIES. 2 5 « fem inine vote is not only w ith the , no avail. Bryan. Roosevelt and 'u rg e d to be present. Andrew Jo h n ­ wool b lanket or auto robe, 6U x 80 Phone 701. republican p arty but It is th e re for I for >5.93. G resham S ervice S ta ­ son is th e president. C o n tin u ed on page 1 tio n ,, Main stre e t.—Adv. Additional Local« France« Notz BETTY BLYTHE CARLYLE B LA C K W E LL >"> MARY ODETTE Gresham Theater Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. 26-27 A reme Ciuf) Dance FRIDAY, SEPT. 28 Mr«. Robert Blair