Voters! Are You Registered? If Not, See Your County Clerk, or Deputy in Your L oglit^N ow Is the Time to Make Sure G resham O utlook T W IC E A W EEK Kiwanis Club Formed; ' ' ’ se Y' ketaky oe ^ s V ite : Pomona Grange Is Lunch Monday Nights Against River Bills TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS eo oy w noiesaiers using the titles 'F a rm e r’s M arkets.” and stro n g ly recom m ended th a t a m ovem ent be sta rte d ag a in st such m isre p re sen ­ tation. UNION RALLY PLANNED As th e N ational gran g e m eets in AT BAPTIST ( 111 R(’|| The final steps w ere taken in the (By Mrs. T hom as M illar) W ashington, D. C„ in November, a j The schedule of dances for the org anization of the local K iw anis A tire by the m iddle of this a fte r­ A tem p eran ce rally w hich will M ultnom ah Pom ona g ran g e met reso lu tio n w as passed au thorizing j c u rre n t season has been arran g ed , club and re g u la r officers elected at noon had burned over 25 or 30 be p articip ated in by the co n g reg a­ in re g u la r session W ednesday, Sep­ and req u estin g th e sta te g ran g e , he flrst of w hk.h w i„ be hek, F rl. an en th u sia stic meeting held at the tions of the F ree M ethodist and acres of land on the farm s of J. R, m aster, Geo. A. P alm iter, to use duv eveiiiiic S eptem ber in th»* ■ » tem ber 19. w ith M ultnom ah g ran g e his influence to the end th a t the ‘ ~ ~ *8’J ” ,,U ch u rch es will be held in the Cuvanagh, Tom Cowing and Jo h n high school la st night. A large a t O rient. T he m orning session Masonic hall in G resham Fifteen B aptis, church Sll|1(,ay eve„ jnK at H all north east of G resham , and p ercentage of the m em bers of the was occupied w ith ro u tin e business n ational g ran g e session of 1929 be dances have been arra n g e d for and 8 o clo ck The m em ber8 of th „ stren u o u s efforts w ere being m ade new club here w as p resen t and and rep o rts from the su b o rd in ate j he,<1 in S eattle, Wash, in the num ber will be several W. C. T. U. w ill tak e part. th e re w ere m any on hand from to get it under control and prevent g ranges. ' T he degree of Pom ona w as con- specials, a m asquerade Oct. 26. the P ortlan d K iw anis club. T hirty- At the m orning service ut 11 fu rth e r dam age. It was thought D uring the noon hour th e Po- ie rre ‘1 On four T hanksgiving dance Nov. 28, a holi­ o'clock Rev. Mrs A. D. H untley likely that the fire would continue eight have signed up as m em bers. day frolic December 28. a V alentine will preach, taking for her su b ject to Cleveland avenue and men w ere m ona home econom ics com m ittee. th e everting session. The officers who will govern the A fter th e closed evening session p arty F eb ru ary 8, W ashington's of w hich Mrs M athilde G uisness is club a re : Roy E. Cannon, p re si­ a program u n d er the direction of b irth d ay dance F eb ru ary 22, St. “P ra y er." A ppropriate m usic will p repared to stop It at th a t road ch airm an , held a conference. The d en t; C. I. R aker, vice p resid en t; and prevent its getting into th e be rendered by the choir. sp eak er w as Miss Norma Lee Peck, J. E. S tan sb erry was given. The P a tric k ’s day dance M arch 8 and Ivan L. Sw ift, se c re ta ry ; C. E. green tim ber to the west. Bible school will meet at 9:45 ru ra l service of th e P o rtlan d pub­ num bers included vocal and in stru May day dance May 10. The la tte r w ith classes for all ages. Those Johnson, tr e a s u re r; C. G. S ch n eid ­ Residences in grave danger early m en tal num bers by Mrs. Maude will be the final dance of the se r­ who have not a church home are lic lib rary . Miss Peck told of the er,- tru ste e , and W. R. H icks, Guy th is afternoon w ere those of Mrs. service offered by th e ru ra l “book- Landes, Rockwood; readings, Mrs. ies. Besides th e dates m entioned invited to meet, at th is church. F ieldhouse. P. E. Brockw ay, S. B. C arrie Powell and Fred Powell, th e w agon,” of the m any books on all Marie M organ, C hanticleer Inn and above th e re w ill be dances October H ill E . l l o s s . H all, L. L. K idder, C. N. T aber and la tte r occupied by E. G. Lewis and Miss C onstance F isher, S t.Jo h n s ; Seri ices Continue in Pastor’s A. W. M etzger, directors. H al E. Hoss, of Oregon City, w ill su b jects of in te rest to all th a t may a com edy skit, "K itchen C ourting,” 12, Decem ber 14, J a n u a ry 11 and fam ily, and the sm all house in Mrs. 25, March 22, A pril 12 anil 26 Gig- Absence. The club will m eet every Mon­ be appointed by G overnor I. L. P a t­ be had th ro u g h th is service. P ow ell's o rchard occupied by E. Mrs. J. H. W atson and Dr. C. L. ray 's o rc h e stra has been engaged The re g u la r preaching service H ara and family. Lewis and H ara T he afternoon program w as u n ­ day night at 6:15 p. m. for lun ch ­ terson sh o rtly to serve as se creta ry H aynes, Rockwood; duets, Mrs. H. eon, the first m eeting th is com ing of state, filling the unexpired term der th e direction of th e le ctu rer, M azoretsky and Mrs. Jessie Rob­ for the e n tire season and th e usual of Zion E vangelical church will be are re n te rs on Mrs. C urrie P ow ell’s high q u ality of m usic will be pro- ' held Sunday at 11 o’clock, preceded and Fred Pow ell's farm , respective­ Monday, of San A. Kozer, who is resigning J. E. S tan sb erry . The w orking of inson, Lents. by th e Bible school ut 10. Rev. P. ly. H ousehold goods in these homes th e lib ra ry system was explained to take over new duties as d irecto r The club will m eet in the grange T h ere w as an atten d an ce of about A su pervising com m ittee of pa- D pperniann of E astsound, W ash., are packed and ready to be moved hall for the present. of the sta te budget. T he change in by Miss Nelly Fox. branch su p er- . 200 an d although M ultnomah trim s and p atro n esses will be In will occupy th the e pulpit, pulpit. Ills su b ­ o ff at any moment If necessity T he luncheon last night was sta te officials is set for Monday. visor of th e P o rtlan d public lib ra ­ g ran g e h as a m em bership of less ch arg e of th e dances to in su re the ject Sunday m orning will be. arises. An electric pump in Mrs. served by M. L. W hite of th e W hite S eptem ber 24 and Mr. Hoss will ry. She told of th e d istrib u tio n of th an 30 they proved equal to the splendid o rd er w hich has c h a ra c t­ '‘C hrist the P rin ce of Life." Way. T h ere w ere several fine m u­ serve by appointm ent of th e gover­ books to h o spitals, ja ils and m any Pow ell's well was used to keep the task of en tertain in g the m em bers erized th ese events in the past. sical num bers by local people and nor until Ja n u a ry 7, 1929, the end o th er places w here good rending is roof of the house wet down, and an of Pom ona in a very creditable They are Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Adix. Methodist Pastor Attending also by those p resen t from P o rt­ of the term for w hich Mr. Kozer needed. additional pum per and fire ex­ C onierence. m anner. All atten d in g spent a very Mr. and Mrs. E. W. A ylsw orth. Mr. land. G eorge Angel, of the Oregon had been elected. tin g u ish ers were in readiness for The provisions of the proposed p leasan t and profitable day. Rev. H V. W ilhelm is In Hood and Mrs. J. A. H aley, Mr. and Mrs. em ergency. F arm er, led the singing by tlfe club Mr. Hoss is th e republican nom i­ incom e tax bill w ere explained and R iver th is week in atten d an ce a t S. B. H all, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hes- and also gave a very in te restin g nee for th e office of se c re ta ry of com pared w ith form er incom e tax THIM BLE ( LI B EOBMER A force of men from Kelly s sel, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M artin. Dr. the an n u al conference of th e M eth­ talk about the w ork of the a g ric u l­ sta te , w inning in the p rim a rie s by bills by J. O. Bailey. He declared BY WOODCRAFT WOMEN and Mrs. W. J. Ott, Mr. and Mrs. odist Episcopal ch u rch . He re ­ i Butte is expected to Join the local tu ra l club boys and girls. This is a wide m argin over H. H. Corey th a t th e present bill has a g re a te r T he N eighbors of W oodcraft J. C. Shultz. Mr. and' Mrs. B W. turned W ednesday evening to at- I pHKhters in com batting the fire. one of th e th in g s the K iw anis club and Tom B. Handley. P rio r to en hacking th an any previous sim ilar T him ble club met at th e home of tend the piano recital in P o rtlan d ! . . ------------ Thorne. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. W alrad. of Miss E lizabeth H orning, and the ,' ' ‘T ! ‘ te rin g the race for election as sec bill. Mr. Bailey also spoke re g a rd ­ is giving all possible supp o rt to. Mrs. J. H. M etzger T uesday a f te r ­ next m orning went again to H o o d ' hlS bePn re c e ,ved of “ ‘H8- re ta ry of state, Mr. Hoss served as ing the co n stitu tio n al am endm ent noon at 2 o’clock, for th eir first NOMINATING Rlver, th is tim e accom panied b j ‘ <,UM “ re ° " the p ro p erty <* “ »e p riv ate se c re ta ry to G overnor Pat lim iting th e pow er of the legisla- session. Meeting w as called to or- ( I T ! BARK BOAI) MEETING CAI'CCS AN NO ,AC ER llcar Creek Logging com pany be­ EBIDAY AT FAIRVIEM terso n and before th a t w as m ana tu re to appeal or am end any law | dcr an(, th e follow ing officers in- Mrs. W ilhelm. Sunday school at 10 l The re g u la r nom inating caucus : o'clock will be th e only service at ’ yond Sandy w hich is th reaten in g g er of th e M orning E n te rp rise , pub passed by th e people u n d er the T here will be a m eeting of those stalled : Mrs. Ada M anning, p re si­ for the city of G resham will be the en tire plant. Several fam ilies in terested in th e B a rr road this lished at Oregon City. He has been initiative. d en t; Mrs. F an n ie T u rn er, vice held in th e city hall, F riday night, the G resham M ethodist ch u rch next evening. F riday, at the city hall at active in new spaper o rganization are being moved from the path of Sunday. J. W. M cA rthur, su pervising e n - I p resid en t ; Mrs. H ester W ard, sec- S o'clock. T here is to be a special w ork, and has held a num ber of the tire. October 5. At this m eeting can d i­ g in eer for th e E ugene w ater board, retary , and Mrs. Josie Bliss treas- d ates will bi nom inated to fill the e n te rta in m e n t given by th e United Art ( lass Planned. offices in pub lish ers asso ciatio n s A rtisans of P ortland. explained th e W ater and F ish bills, urer. Miss D orothea S h o rt of P o rtlan d GltESHAM MAY GET offices of m ayor, reco rd er and S peakers w ill discuss the differ­ Mr. K ozer, who is n ea rin g the of w hich th e re a re four, th a t w ill A finance com m ittee w as appoiut- ent form s of road im provem ents end of his second term as secre tre a su re r, and th ree councilm en. will again conduct a class In ap M EM ORIAE BUILDING ap p e ar on the ballot in November, «d co n sistin g of th e following mein- The councilm en whose term s ex­ plied art in G resham . She will hold p erh aps to be m ade on the B a rr the class in connection with Eliza An ap p ro p riation of $10,000 may road. An im portant question to be ta ry of state, w as selected by Gov T he D eschutes, Rogue, Umpqua and tiers: E rd in e Beadle. Eliza Metz- taken up d u rin g th e evening is ern o r P atte rso n to d irect th e sta te M cKenzie riv ers being affected by ger, Emma McBain. P lan s for the pire are R ussell K. Akin, B W. beth 's F ro ck Shop each W ednes he m ade by the board of county day evening, beginning Septem ber T horne and Dr. A. W. Botkin. w hether o r not to m ake the road 80 budget because of his m any m arked 26. W ork in lam p shades, pictures, com m issioners for the co n stru ctio n th ese bills. He em phatically de- year w ere discussed and w ork was feet in w id th ? qualifications. T here Is p erh ap s no d a r e d th a t th ese b ills a re an ti- d istrib u ted am ong the ladies pres- jesso and oth er lines of decorating. of a building for the G resham Post W ork is rapidly p rogressing on New th in g s u n d er "C lassified.' 50 cen ts a lesson.—Adv, A m erican Legion, but It m ust be the stre tc h of road betw een A rata one in the sta te m ore fam iliar w ith dam , an ti-p o w er, an ti-irrig a tio n ent. and T routdale, th a t the county p u r­ th e operative and fiscal affairs of and an ti-city w ater supply bills. erected on county property, acco rd ­ T he object of the club, which chased som e tim e ago from the the com m onw ealth th an Mr. Kozer They a re also a g a in st m ining and I was rec en tly organized, is to p ro ­ ing to S tanley Myers, d istric t a t ­ P. E. P. com pany. due to his long co n tact w ith all its lum bering and in d u stry of any kind I m ote th e social in te rest of the torney, who th us advised the board The m eeting ton ig h t will be open a t Its m eeting W ednesday. T he to the public and th e re will be no various dep artm en ts. As d irecto r on th ese riv ers. If th ese bills pass I W oodcraft and to help anyone who of the budget, w orking d irectly u n ­ they will forbid all use of any wa-1 is in need of m aterial assistance. e n tra n ce charge. board took no action. der th e governor whom th e 1927 te r in any one of th e four riv ers for E arly In the sum m er the q ues­ A fter th e close of the business “Be an overcom er," is an ex h o r­ Q uakers. Sim plicity of dress and LOCAL TH EATER BOOKS le g isla tu re designated as sta te bud­ any purpose excepting navigation tion a ro se of the possibility of All ( II TALKER OE FILM get officer, Mr. Kozer will give O re­ and fishing, declared Mr. M cA rthur hour dainty refre sh m e n ts w ere tation of m any religious o rg an iz a­ speech and th e direct personal G resham post getting th e county served by Mrs. M anning and Mrs tions, w hich is closely akin to the w orship of God w ithout o sten tatio n The w ell-know n first-ru n film, gon ta x p ay ers th e ad v an tag e of his He feels th a t the passing of th ese m em orial which was made possi­ W ard. Beside the m em bers, Mrs form ula often given as th e all im ­ or Interm ediary in stru m e n ta l “The Lion and the M ouse,” fe a tu r­ v ast fund of know ledge ab o u t pub­ bills would affect th e tax paying ble by action of th e last sta te M. E. P atte rso n , Mrs. C arrie Powell p o rtan t req u isite for success in life, m eans ch aracterized th eir daily ing May McAvoy and Lionel B a rry ­ lic business, and w ill fill an im port pow er and throw a heavier burden leg islatu re. The only other A m er­ Due life. Mrs. Ada H ollow ay. Mrs. Amelia nam ely, stick-to-it-ive-ness. m ore, will be show n in th e G resh an t place in th e a d m in istra tio n ’s of tax on the rem ain d er of the ican Legion post In the county D uncan and J. H. M etzger were puts It In a word and says It Is the In 1853 a com pany of Q uakers am th e a te r S atu rd ay and Sunday official fam ily. which m ight claim th e m em orial Is state, and would lim it the develop- | present, best synonym for genius. A nother founded W est Branch, Iowa. H ere T here w ill be no d rastic changes m ent of th a t p a rt of th e state. evenings. S eptem ber 22 and 23. ac­ P o rtlan d Post, No. 1, and th a t post uses an epigram and o th ers a H erbert Hoover was born A ugust cording to th e m anagem ent of the in the personnel of th e office of W. P. L andes told of a trip h e|EORM ER GRESHAM EOLK whole tre a tise to set out and define 10, 1874 in a one-story cottnge waived Its right in favor of G resh­ th e ate r, w hich is being co n g ra tu ­ se creta ry of state, according to Mr. nd Mrs. L andes had taken to Cres- M BI I E O|- S , ( ( ESSES genius, success, or leadership. But acro ss the alley from his fa th e r's am, hr $10,000 in P ortlan d would lated on its success in bringing th is Hoss, who has let it be know n th a t not provide a building suitable for cent City, Calif. He spoke of th e A le tte r from Mrs. O. A. Johnson a fte r we have read th e best we feel blacksm ith shop. When he was six film to G resham . he intends to conduct affairs as the purpose. booster sp irit th a t seemed to pre- form erly of "T he G scarette,” Gresh an absence of co n creten ess which years of age his fath e r died leav- T his d ram a of political in trig u e efficiently as possible, w ith o u t r e ­ vail and urged all to become boost-1 ani, tells of the activ ities of the often leads to doubt as to the value J ing th e fam ily In m eager clrcutn- and crossed love by C harles Klein gard to professional jo b -h u n te rs PLEASANT VALLEY e rs for Oregon. fam ily since they retu rn ed to Minn­ of th e epigram or form ula which stances. A few y ears later his and political hangers-on. T he Hoss has e n th ra lle d h undreds of th o u ­ Mr. and Mrs. L ester Richey and esota a y ear ago. They are w ell may have been projected with the m other died and Ills older bro th er, J. G. Kelly spoke briefly on the! sands of playgoers. It is said to fam ily has moved to Salem and d au g h ter Ilene of P endleton, O re­ and contented with th e ir situation best of m otives to provide a ch art , Tad, and younger sister, May, and be g rea t as a play, g re a te r as a ta k en up residence in th e F a ir­ g ran g e fire in su ran ce. H. J. Lan- ] gon, w ere visiting Sunday a t th e on a larg e farm at Grove (Tty, but and com pass for oth ers. We w ant i H erbert w ere placed with relatives. goe, executive se creta ry of the! m ont hill d istrict. p ictu re and tim ely. P o rtlan d A m ericanization council. | say th a t they m iss th e d ear friends the epigram personified. We w ant H erbert was taken by an uncle on home ,,f Mr Rlchey'8 P arent". Mr. K erm it and D ouglas are the tre a tise dram atized. Our q u es­ a farm w here he spent a sh o rt tim e I and Mrs. G. H. Richey. They left (ard of Thanks. poke on N atu ralizatio n . He told here. For real estate loans see or call B. W. T horne.— Adv We wish to th an k our friends of th e assim ilatio n of th e foreign now both in high school and a re tions of who, when, w here, how, before com ing to Newberg, Oregon, j Sunday afternoon for the beach, and neighbors for th e ir m any ex ­ people who are in th is co u n try and I and why a re num erous In the p u r­ to he with his uncle. Dr. John Min-I w here they will spend several well. pressions of sym pathy and help in days before retu rn in g to Pendle- su it of inform ation of the m ethods thorn, his m o th er's bro th er. “We all like our new home, so our bereavem ent in th e death of w hose ch ild ren will be the citizens DRAMATIC ART our beloved son and fath er. If anyone w anted a ch a p te r from of tom orrow . He stressed th e fact w ell," says Mrs. Jo h n so n , "T h at of o th ers who have overcome. In ­ Mr. and Mrs. W alter F u ller a re Mr. and Mrs. P. J. F u lm er, D uane, th a t we should ed ucate them and even th e u n p leasan t th in g s th a t te re st Is increased If we know the anybody's life to cover a period of CLASS OR PRIV A TE LESSONS Ralph and R oberta F ulm er. happen, such as hail storm s, are person or if he is a n ative of our 10 y ears to contain a m axim um of the proud p are n ts of a baby g irt stam p out illiteracy . He lam ented F r a n c e s N o tz born last week a t a P ortlan d hos­ Used im plem ents and m achinery. th e fact th a t th e U. S. stan d s ten th forgotten quickly when they a re city or stale. If we have rubbed stim u lu s and Inspiration for young pital. Call 3293, G resham not too severe. One w e had about H essel Im plem ent Co., G resham .— on th e list for illiteracy . elbows in class room It gives an people he would look In vain for a He Mrs. D orothy T. D eB rake of Se­ Adv. added charpi to th e lessons which m ore aw e Inspiring ch a p te r th an brought out the fact th a t In M u lt-1 a w' pk aRO 8 triPPeok now in progress. The dual Influence of h e r e d ity , ca re of th e h o rses for his uncle, i Mr». R obert B lair and environm ent is ever p rese n t in and had various o th e r duties at th e i S tu d io F ir s t S ta te B ank Bldg., G resh am A ccredited V iolin the c h a ra c te r of hum ans No g reat academ y and yet had sufficient tim e > M em bers and T h e ir F rie n d s Invited Nalurdgyn, W . A. Inglis* home. P h o n e 1721 personage, like Topsy ju st hap- left to devote to recreativ e and Itu Avenue, Gresham, Admission T o r P er Couple pens. T here m ust be a back- scientific Investigations •ground. H oover's a n c e s to r, w ere | (To be continued) Phone J»|. Areme Club Dance Schedule Arranged Many Men Fighting Fire Near Gresham GRESHAM THEATER MOUSE MAY MCAVOY LIONEL BARRYMORL a - uu -41’ Coming PXents SATURDAY AND SUNDAY PIANO FLORENCE M. HONEY Big Dance and Card Party Saturday Evening, September 22