Hoover s Acceptance SpeechR eflects the Ability and Sincerity of a Worthy Statesman and Should Be Read Carefully by All Citizens T W IC E A W EEK VOL. IS, NO. 48 G resham O utlook TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS «KESIUM. mi ltm oi . u i cot > n . „in :«.». ,, , s i . n . u d ,bp la tte r p art of this d ep artm ent, im m ediately called un erul of the state organization of the five feet high, and b riers and weeds, -v oun< people’sin stitu te will be con- deliver a notable ad d ress several ila W r t » periods ~ — __________ » . . l-H u .1 4 « 4 . . . . _ ___ 1 a . 1 __ * F o r m any y ears 1 have been a s - | * epk His condition Is considered officials of the steam et com pany V eterans of Foreign W ars This w hich covered the e n tire plot. But ductpd by Mrs. Lew Collins of San- years before he becam e president, C lR iP fl W ltn Wraa*« o ♦ „»n li/„ u v n r u lilo I * sociated w ith efforts to « save life i t favorable, and got perm ission to hold th e outdoor attractio n is to be staged when d ark n ess fell approxim ately ,a * ruZi Calif. A series of Bible The p u b lish er rem arked to a friend and health for our children. These Mr. and Mrs. George Honey plan I steam er ____ _____ county fair four-fifths of the are a had been studies "’Hi be conducted daily th a t W ilson would win th e people experiences w ith m illions of ch il­ a t th e M ultnomah 0ut'ingVwh?cm hOw m h,n‘ir,,l,,7 Or a ,‘ i A f,er ,h is to P o r t .0 * procedure Kro,,,,da at O re.ham and"“th e dTte dren, both at home and abroad, gone over w ith scythes, sickles and ,rom 9 t0 10:3°- At 11 each m orn- of th e United S tates and become w « . . . o / / 1” ( a n "®11 had b‘‘p" “ rran g ed . Mr. F isher got 18 l 'abor Day’ Mo«day, Septem ber rak es, the refuse had been g a t h e r - 1 inR a niass m eeting will be held th eir president and th a t he would ha^e left an Indelible im pression, lt,.»,.h ed into piles to be ca rrie d la te r off w ben serm ons w ill be d elivered by I help to prom ote hint for th a t high th a t the g rea tn ess of any nation, its e n d “ “ „ r x ' - T'" « --'I “ “ freedom from poverty and crim e, th e plot and burped. Such a tra n s- clerRymen from Oregon, W ashing- I office from th a t tim e on. its asp ira tio n s and ideals, a re the Finley H enderson, the w orld-re- form ation had taken place by th e ton and C alifornia. A m issio n ary Tbe in te re, t of Woodrow W ilson direct quotient of the care of its children. R acial progress m arches few hours w ork th a t all w ere en- ad d ress wl11 be « ‘ven every a fte r- in th e sp iritu a l ,n tellectu al an(, ° f the8< 7 “ “ H 45 I" , r ‘“ '“ On ° f ,b e show - upon the feet of healthy and in ­ Helen and th e form er s nieJe^M i's' 7 couraged er ‘bees ‘bees’ noon a t 4 o’clock. I m oral w elftire of m ankim , was w hat stru cted ch ildren. ouraged and plans for oth other M adalene Massie, Massie, of of K noxville ' f‘ 8 ,o r" y a ite r 12 o’clock. A lter executing many hair-raisin g w ere laid. The cam p m eeting will begin to -I a ttracted th a t p u b lish er and la ter • ( At 3:45 th a t afternoon, or ju s t 45 a11^ b reath -taking stu n ts, he will T here should be no child in Am erica th a t is not born and does not Tenn., have left for th eir home afte r m inutes a fte r the scheduled tim e crash an airp lan e into a building A bout 25 persons helped in th e j tnorrow and co n tin u e over Sunday, I m ade him president a visit w ith M r.'a n d Mrs. A. H. under sound conditions of Mealey. Mrs. Massie is a sis te r-in i I 8,‘‘am er ,i d e p a rtu re ‘ tb e c,,r" ,,le‘«ly detnolU hing both plane w ork d uring the day. In th e fore- A ugust 26. Cam ping privileges are A sim ilar in te rest is reflected in h live ea lth ; th a t does not have full 950 cases of goods w ere aboard and I a "d building. noon and early afternoon rep re- ' open to tbe l,ubHc and m eals w ill H oover’s speech of acceptance His o p p o rtu n ity of education from the law of Mrs. Mealey. sen tatlv es of pioneer fam ilies cam e | be 8erved cafeteria style. A larg e keen a „ alysi8 of th), problem s con. beginning to the end of our in sti­ I. R. S hutts' of P o rtlan d and Mrs. word was given to haul in the gang ’ T his stu n t Is said to be the most and cleaned up th e ir fam ily lots, j ‘abern a cle w hich has been erected fronting th e A m erican people and tu tio n s; th a t is not free from in ­ plank. By the w ait of less th an sp ectacu lar and daring exhibition Mary Welch m ade the coast loop At th e close of th e day som e of wl11 bp dedicated Sunday, A ugust | his g rasp Of in te rn atio n a l problem s ju rio u s lab o r; th a t does not have drivi an hour 42,750 pounds, or m ore of airplune driving ever attem pted. every stim u latio n to accom plish the Sunday, a d istance of 33J th e se lots w ere a ttra c tiv e indeed, 19th. coupled w ith his h u m a n ita ria n in ­ fu llest of its capacities. Nothing m iles from G resham and retu rn . than 21 tons, were added to the T his attractio n has never been put in developm ent of child life will and on some fresh flowers had been Ion any place outside of Hollywood te re sts, leaves no doubt in the ever rep lace th e solicitude of p a r­ The trip was m ade by way of Mc- load of th e outgoing boat. PLEASANT HOME placed. O thers cam e and w ent. In S everal facto rs co n trib u ted to w here It a ttracted 60,000 people, m inds of the m illions who listened ents and the su rro u n d in g s of home, M innville, Hebo. Tillam ook. S easide th e evening the Legion men w orked T he revival m eetings in prog-1 on the rad io th a t he is th e m an b ut in m any asp ects both p are n ts and A storia. A stop of an hour was m“ k* ,hi8 8Peedy m ovem ent pos- ’> llaH been secured by the V eterans in d u strio u sly until dark. Those ress at the B ap tist ch u rch w ill con- ¡of destiny, train ed and best fitted and children a re dependent upon m ade at T illam ook for Miss G race 8lble' FirBt miRbt be m entioned th e of Foreign w ars afte r m onths of who cam e in th e la tte r p a rt of th e tinue each evening th is week. The to guide “th e ship of s ta te ’’ for the the vigilance of governm ent, n a ­ Welch who had been visiting with ,e le Ph one‘ w h,ch is so common a negotiation with Mr. H enderson tional, sta te and local. afternoon brou g h t lunches, and the topic for th is evening w ill be, | com ing four years. friends th e re for a week. A pleas- I conven ience it is scarcely thought 110,1 bis m anagem ent. Agricultural Problem Discussed an t visit was also m ade w ith re la -I ° f‘ women of the au x iliary provided “H eaven and How to G et T here. a re ,b e K°°d roads, w ith- A nother ex trao rd in ary attractio n The M orning O regonian in a news In my m ind m ost a g ric u ltu ra l coffee for all who w ished. Tom orrow evening th e sp eak er w ill artic le sum m arized H oover’s fitness discussions go w rong because of tives of Mrs. Welch and her daugh- " Ut wbi< b tbe work could not have to be staged in connection w ith this T he lunch w as served in the p rese n t the subject, “A Dying Rob for the presidency in the follow ing tw o false prem ises. The first is te r at Seaside. T his fine drive | en accom piished on time. T hird, b,K show is an autom obile endur- th a t a g ric u ltu re is one industry. It which tak es the sig h tsee r th ro u g h 'i ,lle pow erful five-ton, gas-propelled ance r »n to he perform ed by Erw in basem ent of th e B aptist church. b e r’s R equest.” T h u rsd ay evening I ia ngu ag e ' is a dozen d istin ct in d u stries in ­ the extrem e six T he w orkers g rea tly ap p re cia te the th e topic w ill be, “ How Can We n o rth w estern I lr,lckfi’ one °* tb ® w onders of th e H appy" H orstm an, fam ous auto­ H erb ert H oover’s deep-rooted capable of th e sam e organization. nation of H ell? co u rtesy of th e ladies of th e church E scape the D am , .A m ericanism , his m asterly under- T he second false prem ise is th a t counties of the state, is now m ade ' *‘,1,UI’y- Hast, was the speed and J mobile racer, who proposes to drive in allow ing them th e privilege of A C ottrell mixed q u a rte t w ill sing I stan d in g of th e problem s of th is reh ab ilitatio n w ill be com plete over good roads practically th e en- io r,*th “ ” * b t G1‘ Hie p a rt of w ork- a Marmon ca r w ithout sleep or re ­ tonight, and T h u rsd ay evening th e I nation and those of th e n atio n s of when it has reached a point com tire distance. nlen w bo united harm oniously to I Hef and with continuous m otor run- eatin g there. p arab le w ith p re-w ar. A g ricu ltu re Pow ell V alley strin g band w ill be ,h e w o rld - bis definite position look- The Misses H elen and Mayme accon,pl,8h ‘he task. j nlng for one hundred consecutive T he m em bers of th e fire d ep a rt­ , k . » inK to th e solution of dom estic was not on a satisfacto ry basis be­ m ent have volunteered to go w ith p sent. Mrs. A. S cliw abaur of Los p ro b iem8, b | s SOUnd policy on farm fore th e w ar. T he abandoned farm s Hoss a re spending a few days at i Tbp B ar’’y G row ers P acking com- bour8‘ He will appear a t various hose and fire appliances tom orrow A ngeles sings each evening. All relief, his broad-m indedness, his of th e n o rth w est bear th e ir own Oswego lake. Miss Mayme Hoss ' pany *■ to bp co n g ratu lated on the tlrneH o n ‘‘he streetB of th e city of ( hu m an itarian ism , his political ac- testim ony. G enerally th e re was expects to tie buck at h er desk in ! way ‘bpy carried out th is order to I ,>or‘ Iand and Iti and about the state evening and burn the accum ulated are invited to atten d . ..................(cum en, his sin cerity and high but little profit in m idw est a g ri­ j during the run. This run is to be rubbish, the re su lt of th e cleanup ) i,s successful com pletion. I lit com bined boards of the Meth- ideals, his fearless stan d on prohi- cu ltu re for m any years except th a t th e telephone office S aturday. I com pleted by an appearance a t the odlst church an n o u n ce th a t D r. J. I bition, are am ong the v irtu es of the derived from th e slow in creases in activ ities of la st week. ------------------------ Mrs. T. R. H ow itt and son F red I I fair grounds on Labor Day, with W ednesday evening is the reg u la r D. M cCormick w ill give a le c tu re m an wbo is ,b e stro n g est presiden- farm land values. Even of m ore left T uesday for a week at Man DANGER SH O W N FROM covering some of his experiences can d Jdate who has been before im portance is th e g reat advance in zan ita beach. I T Y PH O ID ('A ll R IE R S proppr cerem onies in connection drill night for th e firemen and it is , . ‘ the people for m any years, sta n d a rd s of living of all occupa­ and observations of his recen t to u r Mr. and Mrs. R alph Brow n left thought th e ir p ractice could be tions since th e w ar. Some b ra n c h ­ From investigation carried on by therew ith. T his attractio n was also of the Holy Land, F rld av evening Mr' H oover'8 m a ste rfu l an aly sis es of a g ric u ltu re have g reatly re ­ today for V ictoria, B. C„ for a tu rn ed to account in th is way. the sta te hoard of h ealth it is evi­ secured and the services of Mr. A ugust 17, at the P lea san t H ome ° f econolni(' Problem s, coupled w ith covered, but tak en as a w hole it w eek’s vacation. dent th a t p ersons who are supplied H orstm an obtained only afte r the T h ere still rem ain som e weeds, M ethodist church. T h ere w ill be his em phatic d eclaration th a t “suc- is not keeping pace w ith th e o n ­ Mrs. Mary M iller and daughter. w ith safe w ater and m ilk a re not g re a te st effort on th e p a rt of the b rush and fern s to be cut, so th e re other num bers on th e program T he cesslu l dem ocracy re sts w holly on w ard m arch In o th er industries. veterans. is still need for scythes and w ork­ ladies aid will serve refre sh m e n ts th ® m° ral and 8I’,ritu a l q u ality of T h ere a re m any causes for fail Mrs. C h arlo tte Ibbetson, both of thereby necessarily free from dan- Los A ngeles, left y esterd ay a fte r a u re of ag ric u ltu re to win its full . ------ _ ger front typhoid, since p ersons ap- i L ast, but not by any m eans least. men. It is th o u g h t by the ladies in An adm ission ch arg e will be m ade i,s peop,e‘” lea™8 n° doubt th a t sh a re of n atio n al prosperity. The W H #° 8,aKf‘ an aut<’moblle ch a rg e of arran g e m en ts th a t to ­ The p atro n ag e of th e com m unity is h ® ia ,h e m an to keep the force8 ot a fte r-w a r deflation of prices not visit of six days w ith Mrs. M iller's , p aren tly h ealthy may be c u rriers of bro th er-in -law , J. A. Bushong, and the germ s of the disease. ra c " for ,b e cham pionship of the m orrow evening w hile some a re invited. only brought g rea t direct losses t p ro g ress w ell balanced. Th« Pacific coast between the drivers th e farm er, b u t he w as often left her sister-in -law , Mrs M V W het- b u rn in g th e debris on hand, still Rev. O liver Gill left M onday His e n tir® appech of at'cpP‘an ce, indebted in inflated dollars to be the sta te board will serve as a a ttr a c t d riv ers of n a tio n a l'"reputa" o th e rs may engage in cu ttin g the ** 7 " Alt?’ California’ paid in deflated dollars. P rices for a stay with an o th er sister-in - w arning to the public: ih I in • I in™ .. , rem aining and adding to th e re ­ m orning for E pw orth H eights, near 17 7 7 a re often dem oralized through g luts tlon since the purse hung up Is one Tacom a, W ash., w here he w ill a t­ in the la rg e stadium holding over in o u r m ark ets during the h arv est law, Mrs. Emma H opper, afte r su lts of the cleanup. Several m onths ago th e re w ere of the best of the vicinity. These 70,000 people, and heard by m illions which they will board a boat for tend th e P ortlan d a re a sem in ar of season. Local tax es have been in rep o rted from W arrenton, Oregon ...m At the close of th e w ork tom or­ over the radio, was ch a ra c te ristic creased to provide th e im proved the re tu rn to Los Angeles. eleven cases of typhoid fever. Sus- probably be the last of row evening lunch will be served religious education w hich is being of th e th o ro u g h n ess and m asterfu l roads and schools. The tariff on Mrs. J. F. Read, residing (wo picion n atu ra lly fell upon the w ater the season for those who a re lovers held u nder th e auspices of the in th e fire hall to those who as som e products is proving inade board of education of th e M ethodist efficiency of the man. T his effi­ q u ate to p ro tect him from im ports m iles east of Gresharrt, had the mis and milk supplies of th a t city, as of th is popular sport. sist in the w ork. these su b stan ces a re the m ost com- ciency he has proved In every oc­ ,ra c k «" excellent fortune to catch her rig h t hand in mon vehicles of typhoid fever in- „ church. T he stu d en t body, w hich is from abroad cupation of his life and is certain fectlon T h e w ater supply was ll,l<’1’ and H,pp" wU1 be tahpn the elec tric w rin g er yesterday, lim ited to 18, includes from the Destruct lie Competition OREGON ROADS SHOWN found to be safe. Milk was ex- ,o elim inate all dust. Oregon conference Mrs. A lta G ent to c a rry into the presidency of th is The increase in tran sp o rta tio n was n ecessary to call a docteor for IN NEW MAP FOLDER ry, Rev. C. H. C onner, Rev. T hom as g re a t republic, if the people will. In addition to the above many ra te s since the w ar has g reatly atten tio n to th e Injured hand. It is (luded as the cau sativ e agent be- ...........« 8p— - A new edition of the popular The follow ing selections from the affected the price which lie re thought h er Injury will not cause w e r r a d ^ i t s ' X Î r ^ . k ^ t t i ^ ^ 7 " A tcheson, Rev. E. B. Cotton, Rev. Oregon road and inform ation map acceptance speech of last S atu rd ay i pe‘™8 f,or bls l'r°d u , ‘s- Over six m ilk, and because those wbo did a “ ra< Hons will be staged and the C. G. M orris, and Mr. Gill. T he perm anent disfigurem ent. She had folder has ju st been received at the sem inar w ill co n tin u e from Au­ drink m ilk obtained It from th eir affa,r Mds favorably to bring out g n e tlie read er an insight into j engage in d estru ctiv e com petition had h er w rin g er b ut a few days. office of the d istric t fo re ste r at g u st 12 to 24. cows. T h ere was no common j a g reu t • crowd and ” give credit and H oover's m ind on som e of the im ­ with one an o th er in th e sale of Lola, W inona, A neta and Glen own HUPUly WW»* H KCa P o rtlan d , Oregon. th e ir products, often d epressing Read retu rn ed F rid ay from a ten- A carefu l study of th e epidemic 8a" 8fa‘ ‘k’" “ > ® V eterans of For- p o rtan t problem s and policies th a t L aw rence D outhit and R obert T his m ap show s m ain paved and Sloop, tog eth er w ith th e ir p asto r should en ter into a choice of the prices below those levels th a t could day v isit-w ith an a u n t and o th er showed th a t all w ere Infected ap- ® pn W ar"- be m aintained. proxllnately w ithin th e sam e day. The fa ir grounds trac k and the gravel roads in red. T ru n k high- th e Rev. O liver Gilll, who have been next chief executive: The whole tendency of our civ il­ relativ es at Mist, Oregon. The trip I* u rtlie r investigation bro u g h t out am ple g ran d stand and ways, other autom obile roads and atten d in g th e E pw orth L eague in- bleacher was m ade by autom obile, w ith Miss ization during th e last 50 y ea rs has Spiritual Growth Needed the fact th a t ab o u t two weeks secondary roads are also indicated ati,u ,e a"t F a l l ? City,"r7tu"rned To been tow ard an in c re ase in th e size ola Read a t th e wheel. previous to the o u tbreak a social capacity is regarded as ideal for Econom ic advancem ent is not an nt u n its of production in o rd er to on th e map. N ational forests a re j th eir honies Sundav aftern o o n r e . end in itself. Successful dem oc­ Mr. and Mrs. H enry Kummel, was held a t th e house of one of the I ,b e d em onstration of auto and air- racy re sts wholly upon the m oral secu re low er cost and a m ore o rd e r­ Miss M ildred and I.uclle Kummel p atien ts, each g u est co n trib u tin g plane featu res planned and Labor show n in green, w hile recreation porting a d e lig h tiu , t ,me ^ X h ^ X T o t n ^ i f f ^ ^ W'** b® .......... . - a8i- and sp iritu a l q u ality of its people. ly ad ju stm en t of the flow of com ­ c e n te rs are located by m eans of red I „ „ circles and num bered references to L 7 * B,ckford wil occupy ‘bp Our grow th in sp iritu a l achieve­ m odities to th e dem and. B ut the Q uinton Kummel, C arl Arvldson, o rganization of a g ric u ltu re into Mr. and Mrs. V. H endrickson and phold fever partook of a salad pre- j a r< cord “ “ endance. th e prin ted description. M ethodist p ulpit Sunday m orning. m ents m u st keep pace w ith our la rg e r u n its m ust not be by en ­ hildren. w ith o th er g u ests from pared by one of the women guests, j th in physical accom plish- j A ugust 19, in th e absence of th e grow larged farm s. The farm er has m ents M aterial p ro sp erity and show ’o rtlan d , C astle Rock. K elso and This woman was a recent a rriv a l S E R IO E S DISEASE The text on th e reverse of th e pagtor n he can in crease th e skill of m oral p ro g ress m ust tn arch to- from W ashington and w as conva- ATTACKS CATTI E m ap gives brief descriptions of the Mr and Mrs. G. H. Bickford and !g etb er if we would m ake the United Ins in d u stry w ithout larg e o p era­ oble, spent Sunday at Goble, O re­ lesclng from some in testin al tro u ­ Tlie tions. He is today producing 20 p rin cip al rec re atio n featu re# on ! ble which she stated th e doctor had ' ' be extrem ely fatal disease, gon, w here a picnic d inner was en ­ S tates th a t com m onw ealth so fam ily spent the w eek end at per cent m ore th an eight years ago joyed by th e m em bers of th e H oyer diagnosed as typhoid fever. Cor- I h em orrhagic septicaem ia, which g ran d ly conceived by its founders. with each of the fourteen national for- I about the sam e acreag e and side. Our governm ent, to m atch the ex ­ clan, relativ es of Mrs. Kummel. respondence w ith th e W ashington was so p revalent In this locality ests in the state. A list of city and j sta te hoard of h ealth brought out Mr. and Mrs E lm er P ease and pectations of our people, m u st have personnel. F arm in g Is and m ust y r8 ago' ha8 aRatn raade its continue to be an individualistic About 30 w ere p resen t to p a rtic i­ the fact th a t th is woman did have 1 road sid e autom obile cam pgrounds co n stan t reg ard for those hum an dau g h ter Iris w ere v isito rs at the is also included. T here are sev­ values th a t give dignity and noble­ business o t sm all u n its and inde pate in sw im m ing and o th er events typhoid fever about six weeks pre- dread ap p earan ce and has already pendent ow nership. T he farm is of th e day. M ethodist parsonage Sunday. vimis to her a rriv a l In Oregon. caused a loss of around a dozen ness to life. eral a ttra c tiv e forest photographs. m ore th an a b u sin ess; it is a sta te Mr. and Mrs F M. Rich of G rand o r'‘tmal'.hy, u 7 p r m t i c a l i / ^ w a y " » 7 7 A far,,,Pr a l Dod«e P ark G enerosity of im pulse, cu ltiv a­ of living a brief statem en t of national forest Make UBe of th e O utlook’s new . We do not wish it. co n ­ tion of m ind, w illingness to sacri- verted into a m ass production ma F orks, N. Dak., who a re v is itin g 'th e source of o u tb reak s of typhoid OBt “ ve out o? blB b erd of six. policy and purpose and some sug- quick er telephone service. Call fice, spaciousness of s p irit—those th in e . T herefore, if th e farm ers gestions for forest tra v e le rs as to 1561. Two private lines. A lw ays a re the q u alities w hereby A m erica, position is to be im proved by larg er the fam ilies of J. T. and J. R. H orr, | a t plt'nics and socials, p articu la rly th ree died a t Kandy Tuesday and are spending a few days a t Kandy I obLre. * * 7 ff«est co n trib u tes some th ree have succum bed out of a herd < a re w ith fire. som eone to answ er y o u r calls. grow ing bigger and rich e r and o p eratio n s is m ust be done not on m ore pow erful, may become Am er- j h e farm , b ut in the field of d istri- ............. ..................... . h i. - i t « . Copies of the m ap may be ob- ; ---------------------- ica g rea t and noble, A people or | button. A g ricu ltu re has p artially rb ,‘ disease, w hich Is thought to rained from the d istric t office ii- |!'or estate loans see or call governm ent to w hich th ese values , advanced In th is direction through Mr. and Mrs. Neal H orr. Mr. Rich ' poisoning," w hich a re frequently tir iry. located in th< iv w postr-fln >• B W' T b orne ~ *dv a re re a '- because they a ___ re not . cooperatives anil [tools. But the is connected w ith th e U niversity r ®p,>rl,‘d in th e new spapers, also b® spread by m eans of birds, dogs of North D akota. . t*“ .*® ,b e ir ? r,R,p *n , a r r *ers, th ese or oth er an im als, is one of the most building. P o rtlan d or from any of req u estin g cooperation from th e tangible, is in peril. Size, w ealth trad itio n al cooperative is often not Marie H am ilton is vizltlng a t I typhold’V T rm s are very'cJooely*?*- d re a d '‘d and m ost fatal of uny dls- and power alone can n o t fulfill the a com plete solution. the fou rteen fo rest sup erv iso rs in m ap u se rs in educating th e public prom ise of A m erica's o p p o rtu n ity W elches w ith L au ra Todd, who. is I la ‘*'d to typhoid germ s and a re th e ‘‘a '”’ k" ’,wn ,n ,b e anim al kingdom, ( onsfruetiie I’roirram Retarded th e state. T he fo rest service m akes to leave a clean cam p and a dead American ( hlldren Aided tim e R. th e H. re Todd. w ith h er I cau,”! I of ^ Z niany to Dr. H. Johnson D ifferences of opinion as to both g spending no ch arg e for th e se m aps, sim ply • fire. ran d m o th some er Mrs. X food « * Z r . infections, V y p h ^ d according 7 ’* " »«« C. <* G resham ' 'F o o d s w hich f b r — We have doubled the use of elec- : causes and rem edy have retard ed tric a l pow er and with ft we have the com pletion of a co n stru ctiv e L aw rence Griffis su rp rised his infections a re m ilk. Ice cream sal h® c a ,,K afte r stri< ken. usually tak en sw eat from th e backs of men. program of relief It is our plain live but a few hours and no rem edy The p u rch asin g pow er of wages duty to search out the common p are n ts S unday by arriv ed from j adl* a,,d m eats. »"■ s5eadHy increased. T he hours ground on which we may mobilize Kan F ran cisco on a tw o-w eeks' fu r-i J!i.® r.* L" ®v,dpnc,‘ ,h a ‘ p a ra ty -i o u tsid e of vaccination has been . 'S r S T Æ S S 5 ; of labor have decreased. T he 12- the sound forces of a g ric u ltu ra l re- » . h e a r n M . .h ,p . ;hour day has been abolished. G reat co nstruction Our platform lays a lra< ey, th en Ht«tinned at M are food by rodent«. W hile huc I i eon- V aeclnatlon In not conaidered of WARNER BROS. Present j p ro g ress has been m ade in stab ill- solid basis upon which we can island naval base. When he re- ' ‘“ "H nation can be easily guarded a »»il. according to Dr Johnson, un- zatlon qf com m erce and Industry, build. It offers an affirm ative pro The job of every man has been gram tu rn s, he will go to Han Diego to ; prpTan‘pd. avoidance less ad m inistered while the cuttle K'MMl bPal,h Thp 8‘a ‘p » « - m ade m ore secure. U nem ploym ent An ad equate tariff is the foun- board the ship, as it is proceeding m ore serbrns "proldVnc since " 'u c h f . 6 Be.n8e of d istre ss Is widely j dation of farm relief. Our consum - south a t th is time. j< a rrié ra can be detected only by a Prfnarian advises vaccination as tbe disappearing. ers Increase faste r th an our pro- Continued on page 4 lab o rato ry exam ination of the fecal ‘ "‘»le m eans of com batting the dts- Most of all, I like to rem em ber ducers. T he dom estic m ark et m ust 1 and u rin ary discharges. ease. w hat th is p ro g ress has m eant to ‘»e protected. Foreign products GRA NGES TO 1*1 \ N 1 P ersonal clean lin ess plays an Im- A m erica's children The p o rtal of raised u n d er low er sta n d ard s of T he com m unities In which the trith TOM WILSON, HELME CONKLIN, H ARYENT EEN TIV AI p,,r‘an* part prevention of th e ir o p p o rtu n ity has been ever living a re today com peting in our disease has m ade Its ap p e aran c e , .. ‘ ‘ ,bp «pread of disease At th e ex- w idening. W hile o u r population home m ark ets I would use my MYRNA LOY g if all the g ran g e com- 1 pense of being called squeam ish or are T routdale, Corbett, C ottrell, hag grow n but eight per cent we office and influence to give the m lttees on th e - h arv est festival - mlttees and uncouth you should refu se to eat P leasan t Home Ito.te.. u a I have increased by 11 per ce n t the farm er the full benefit of our hls- field day to be held S eptem ber !« I d“ ,n ,y sandw iches, tem pting salad s , . * Park’ Han