GRESHAM PAGE TWO GRESHAM OUTLOOK Published every T uesday and F ri­ day a t G resham . Oregon, by th e Outlook P ublishing Co., H. L. St. C lair, E ditor and M anager. One year. »2.00. six m onths. 11.10. three months' trial subscription, 60c. Combination rates with all the Port­ land D allies ■» AD VERTISING Rates reasonable. Our repre tlve will call. Entered as second-class m atter March 3. 1911, at the Postonica at Gresham, Oregon, under »he Act of March. 3, 1379. APPRECIATED. Our friend and form er neighbor Upton H. Gibbs, form erly editor of the E astern C lackam as News at E s­ tacada, says some very kind things in his p rese n t paper, th e W ash­ ougal Record, about th e holiduy is­ sue of the Outlook. T he Outlook g rea tly ap p re cia tes th e thoughtful o b serv ations of B ro th er Gibbs. He says: "T he G resham (Ore.) Outlook is an o th er exchange th a t issues re g u ­ larly a C hristm as edition. T his year the edition consists of th ree sections, and contains 22 pages in all. F o r several y ears past we have received th ese special edi­ tions, and find th a t they a re replete w ith m ost in te restin g m a tte r, and inform ation about G resham and vi­ cinity, its people, its industries, its prospects and Its advantages. They should be especially valuable to the re a lto rs for sending out to p ro s­ pective clients. T he w ork and ex­ pense on one of these editions m u st be very heavy, and we are in ­ clined to th in k th a t even w ith the liberal advertisin g patronage Rro. S t.C la ir does not find It especially financially profitable. Hut th en it is a m atter of public sp irit w ith him, and his chief rew ard is th a t of having rendered g rea t service to his com m unity.” AGAINST NEEDLESS WARS. In today's Outlook will be found a ra th e r heavy po£in w hich we publish not so m uch for its poetic quality but In fu rth e ra n c e of the sp irit which evidently prom pted it. It is entitled 'U ncle Sam '—a friend. It is an arg u m en t a g a in st needless w urs— an attem p t to express some tru th s to w hich we can all su b ­ scribe. It is not. it is claim ed, propaganda to join the League of N ations. T he a u th o r says it is a bit of rythm ic prose. T he sam e thoughts In prose would (111 a vol­ ume. T he au th o r, Jo h n H ansen Rhoades, is an A m erican born citi zeu and ta k es th is way to express his convictions ag a in st m odern war. C hristm as Day is past but may th e C hristm as sp irit continue. Good tim e now to get th a t forgot­ ten p rese n t or exchange the misfit —and priceB may be a little lower. No need to w ait u n til New Y ear's m ake th a t good resolution you ought of at C hristm as time. I’he holidays” seem s m ore ap- prlate th is year th a n u sual for of nine days four may be called d a y s. T he u n k in d est gift of ail was th e ft of a sm oking set to the fellow bo had q u it sm oking. H igh est A u ’h o rity for S o rro w in g b y W riters on I lie doited line, lady." kJ 'llu t are you sure this Is for me?” "It says, ‘Miss Martini Brent, 22tt ( 'a s s la u d '; ain't ilia! you? T here's no m istake; It’s yours all right." Ml'S llrent drew I lie box Into the house and o|>citod It with trem bling bands. And there stood a box tilled with mistletoe, lovely w hile berries like pearls. • "W hat In the world I" ejaculated Miss llrent. •"Mistletoe for an old multi 1 It must be a Joke!" Hut she look it out ¡util decorated her liny home. T hat night her door bell rang. When she went to the door there stood a prosperous, middle-aged tuan. Ills hair was beginning to turn gray and be had a vaguely fam iliar look. "Miss M artha," he said, “thirty years ago tonight we were attend log a party at Mary H olland's I kissed you under the m istletoe and you boxed Wy ears anundly. I said, tbouglrt girl - I bed Io be ktsw d ' o il replletl, ‘Not by a good-foe- othlng Fitzgerald.’ “I’m no longer good ft«r nothing lay 1 try sga u. M artha?’ -Jan e loth. HIT Do You Know? THINK The Outlook Wants Your Subscription Now Fancher Truck Service noon EKSTROM TRUCK SERVICE T IIE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS. Sent a S o x o f M istletoe to R ecall a First K iss and Maple l’lione 1581 U n c le Ft. East Taylor Phone EAst Ö3S9 Sam As Friend to Friend! W’hen it happened, we were busy, Uncle Sam—Oh, Prince of Riches! Couldn’t see our lot or part, Monied King, the nations o’er, But in retrospect, it’s easy, Think full deep, pull in your breeches, It was our war from the start. And attend your neighbors more. This old world is getting smaller, Sam, you’re free and ever ready Isolations don’t exist! With your money, with amends, Samuel, you’d best think deeper, But your brain's a wee bit groggy In the art of forming triends. Guard those riches and assist. War is Hell! as has been spoken, Monev, money, golden money! Thunder! flame! and poison gas! There are other gifts in life, Women, youth, and little children, Couent more than potent money, Torn and twisted, in the mass. Mid the peace or inter-strife. War may happen; ever happen. I'orget, not I, the stupid German», Long as love with hatred last, Chuck a full of martial spore! But some wars need never happen Didn’t care a damn or demons Where or how they entered war. If all help—and drop the past. There’s a wondrous flag in vision, Bravely bold, in fearless duty, Fought for Hag like men insane, Let us call it—Might Have Been— It is white, with plain inscription— But it s wise to know what’s duty, T re you give your life in vain. "Peaceon Earth,Good Will toward Men. Mother wit as well as bounty *Tis a dream, it comes from dreamland, But it does and will persist, Call upon a Nation’s claims, Guard the peace as done in State-land, Uncle Sam, you’d best be friendly, Sit with other», search their aimal Stop the rows, ere they exist! Such progress might take an eon, betid fun to mix with others, But a thought must have its birth, Tangle up in their furore, And if true is worth discussion But we’ve got to live the factor«, Round a table on the Earth. To prevent a needless war. Millennium! millennium! Little rows like scintillations The cry of laziness! Crackled in the underwood, Dismiss from mind millennium! Burst into great conflagrations, And tight 'gainst brutalness! Ere we knew or understood. Hate and envy—bad, bad business! Though we think we’re playing fair; Uncle Sam—'to Heli with weakness! Pick your place, and choose your chair I 'T h is America is only you and me— ’’ K ’sit fFhitmeH. N«wBi>ap»r Vnloa ) J ohn H arden R hoades For real estate loans sea or call W Tborna.—Adv. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 97, 1W7 One reads tor tliought and for (Jssstlons aa not in Cuba. W ith Dr. W J. Ott them Hut as a "sp ecial” and it number my belongings, 1 weigh W AN TED—Beef, veal, hogs, and cows GRAVEL IN PIT or screened^ln hunk- ogs. 4. Our co u n try eats 825,000 tons Best phone for appointm ent ers, also delivered. I. L. Davidson, to freshen soon. Fresh cows for it isn 't too much trouble you can them. Ami had I designed to H ensley road near Troutdale. Phone sale. C. A. Butcher. Rt. 1, Box 418, serve chicken or turkey hash and raise th eir estim ate by th eir num ­ of candy every y ear w hich am ounts Portland. Base Line and Buckley Gresham 15x1. DOCTORS — CHIROPRACTIC of to ab o u t 15 pounds p e r ca p ita avenue. TAbor 4979. cra n b erry sauce with the waffles ber, I bad made twice as muny."— m en, women and children. Piano Toning. T his com bination m akes an awfully Bronson Alcott. Dr. Mary F. Becker Horses P iano tuning, $3.50. P iano and good hot supper dish and all that 5. Our to ta l an n u al d o cto rs’ bill O d d Foods in M any Lands including h o sp itals and d ru g s is W A N TED —More people to use the o rgan repairing. F red B. Jones, anybody could wish For dessert Chiropractic Physician 2625, 49th stre e t S. E„ P o rtland. W ant Ads. Call Gresham 1561. have som ething a little sweet like Crocodile meat is considered a estim ated a t $4,000,000,000. Light Sw eats Mineral Baths Phone TAbor 8952 or G resham Electric Dlthermy Ultra Violet Ray fancy cookies and candy. Coffee, good food by natives of Africa, and 1561.—Adv. 6. The o rig in al nam e of th e L on­ H o u r s: 9-12, 1-5 Dogs of course, goes best with the southern negroes relish the tails Office 122x Phones Res. 829x2 of alligators, according to I'opuliir don stre e t R otten Row, was R oute waffles Pedigree Blanks. COLLIE P U P S FOR SALE, 10 w eeks Mechanics Magazine. In the West en Roi, w hich is the F re n ch for A nother tasty and easy supper old. From registered female. L. L. Indies fish eyes are regarded ns a “th e ro u te of th e king", or K ings- T he Outlook has a supply of ped­ DR. G. E. MALLETT Deaver. Corbett, Oregon, phone Cor­ could s ta rt with a varied a s so rt­ ilellcnc.v. Jellyfish are eaten tn way. T he pron u n ciatio n of th e tw o bett 6101. igree blanks, useful for dairym en, ment of open sandw iches D iffer­ Japan and, in many places of the Chiropractic Physician stock and p oultry raise rs. Large, ent pastes, cheese spread, anchovy world, squid and octopus are val­ nam es is not very unlike. FOX T E R R IE R P U P S for sale, three very useful, a t 5 cents each, 25 for SPECIALIZING IN m onths old, O. Champagne, Corbett, paste, nuts ground up and mixed ued for food. In Polynesia a sea 85c tf 7. S w itzerlan d ’s g re a te st crop is In-Mo-ltay Gluud Therapy Oregon. worm, the “paolo,” which av er­ with cream can be used and the Rank of Gresham Bldg. toll from to u rists. Scenery is its Phone Office 1321 Res. 3263 little sandw iches cut into fancy ages about lfl Inches when fully g re a te st asset. L ess th a n h a lf the P U R E B R E D FR EN C H B U LL P U P - Repair Driveways. ples cheap. J. Paul, Foster & Dahl- Now is th e tim e to re p a ir your shapes. You can decorate them, grown. Is caught ami prepared qulst road. OPTICIAN Senti­ soil is cultivable. H er to u ris t in ­ drivew ays w ith crushed rock or too, with little bits of green pickle into an appetizing stew. ment Is against snakes, hut they d u stry enables the co u n try to Im­ road gravel. See W alrad & W right, and pimento for holiday colors. Poultry lire eftten In some pinces, and trav- DR. C. L. HAYNES G resham , phone 1631.—Adv. of 50 per cen t m ore A fru it salad —g rap e fru it and elers testify thut they tire often ] p o rt to . a value exDorts 24 BARKED ROCK PU LLETS for bananas m arinated and garnished very tasty. Hawks, herons and th a n she exports._______ Eyesight Specialist sale. Starting to lay. F ifty fryers Bine Serge Soils 929AA. ready for market. G. W. Rlcht- with a spoonful of cra n b erry Jelly, p arro ts are commonly killed for ! G LASSES F ITTED All wool, la test m odels for men meyer, near P leasan t V alley grange 316 - 31« Mohawk Bldg. Battery Service. could be served with the san d ­ food In p arts of the tropics. Come and see on Foster road. Rt. 1, box 737, P ort­ and young men. TH IRD A N D MORRISON STS. land. Phone 3896. Gresham. them . A ylsw orth & M artin, G resh ­ wiches. Then to finish up a serving --------------------- • I A g u aran teed b attery for $3 or $4 Over Roberts Bros.’ Store am. tf PORTLAND In su ran ce funds for farm loans and your old one. C harging, 50c. - OREGON of hot steam ed pudding, plum pud­ POULTRY WANTED ding or fig pudding with hard No com m ission or brokerage. Very j Pow ell V alley a t 52d street. P hone DEN TISTS Blue Serge Suits #29J>(l. ______ TAbor 0284 a fte r 7 p. m.—Adv. sauce would be fine. Make the easy term s. B. W T h o rn e.—Adv. ALL K IND S, ANY TIME C lo th craft Blue S erge S u its for 1 phones Office 8184 Res. 8188 servings ra th e r sm all, though, be­ WE PAY CASH men and young men w ill solve cause these puddings are rich, you your clo th es problem . A ylsw orth DR. W. J. OTT GRESHAM PRODUCE CO. know. tf Phone 1103 Gresham. Oregon & M artin, G resham . Dentist Happy New Year, everybody! Window Cleaning. And I'm hoping to hear from many Nerve Blocking D ental X -R ay or ex p ert window cleaning see of you in (he New Year. W henever Real Estate, Rentals, ____ Etc. S. T F ajim Office over Bank of Gresham a, or leave o rd ers w ith J. I can help you with home cooking 6 MOS. 3 MOS. TW IC E-A-W EEK W ANT TO R EN T—House. 5 rooms R o ss'B ro w n , G resham , phone 2501. or plans for en tertain in g , be sure GRESHAM OUTLOOK ................................12.00 60c and bath, m ust be close In. Phone I #1.10 DR. JULIUS G. STURE 111.81. to w rite me. A ddress—M artha Outlook W ant Ads. get resu lts. FOR RENT, large house and three Meade, Home Service Bureau. Dentist Combination Rules with Portland Bailies acres of land. All conveniences. See Mrs. A. W. Easton. S perry F lour Co., San F rancisco Office In Bank of Gresham Bldg. GRESHAM OUTLOOK and— N erve Blocking FOR REN T—Cherry r Park farm, a rK l a r m , 75 Rhone Gresham 1 x I X -R ay Work Referred $6.80 DAILY O REtiO N IA N ........................... acres. Good f a r m buildings. .......... Good Office 561 Phones Res. 568 Day and N ight Trips F at or Lean? 1 »ear ing cherry orc •chard. % m ile 8.50 DAILY and SUNDAY OREGONIAN. from Troutdale. Milton lilton O. Nelson, Good nallired, fal men are likely DAILY JOURNAL ............................... phone 269x2. 7.00 ____________ ATTORNEYS to be successful lu business. They 8.75 ROOM FOR R EN T In W allula heights ATwater 0715 Phones Gresham 1591 are lit the bend of big business or­ DAILY and SUNDAY JOURNAL . . residence. H eated garage if de­ 6.00 ganizations. Lean, hungry-look- PORTLAND TELEGRAM ................. sired. Mrs. C. E. St. Clair, phone McGuirk & Schneider Local A Long Distance Hauling 3864. Ing men are Hie successful politi­ cal and m ilitary leaders of tbe Attorneys at Law Keep tills for reference. All rates strictly in advance. MONEY” TO LOAN on real estate se ­ world. So say those who diagnose curity. K. A. Miller, Gresham, Ore. P o rtlan d , F airview , G resham Gresham Office W ithrow Building e b a rio te r from appearance. They Probate and Corporation Work MONEY TO LOAN on real estate, | Daily T rip s P rices R ight forget that Napoleon was a little, short or long loans. Farm loans Portland Office, 601 - 7 Corbett Bldg. plump tuan. No young man can m ade at 6 per cent. No commission. B. W. Thorne, phone 2751. safely choose Ills line of work ill G ALEN C. FANC H ER accordance with Ids pliyslcnl c h a r­ Gresham, Oregon BAR G A IN—80 acres near Boring. 40 W. J. COOPER COAL «ASt 0 BRIQUETS acres good tillable land, 6 acres acteristics. cleared, balance excellent pasture Young men, figuring on success Attorney at Law plenty of running w ater ; gravel pit In life, som etim es take the closest, on premises. Rents to county >50 per A TRUCK FOR EVERY KIND OF WORK Office over Bank o f Gresham year. Prie» >3000, only >1000 cash easiest, most convenient Job To Peter Lenard required. A Meyers, Gresham, Ore­ PHONE Office 1181 Phones Res. 1481 go Into a line you do not enjoy, gon. Telephone 1441. Cleaning and that you are not Interested In jtlst MONEY TO LOAN, Pressing because It Is convenient. Is dead ! ____ ________ M USICIANS on good rest estate security. See waste. D etermine tbe thing volt I Our cleaning plant Is Ross Brown, Gresham, phone 2501. in Gresham ar«> most Interested In and go after Daily Trip» to Portland PIANO FARMS FOR SALE, large or small. that, w hatever tbe cost and h ard­ We rail and deliver In fine agricultural section. Karl J. ship.—Grove Patterson In tbe Mo­ Hagberg. Rt. 2. Gresham, phone 576 FLORENCE M. HONEY bile Register. «reshnin Powell Portland See th e b arg ain s listed in the • Music has, like society, its law W ant Ada. of propriety and etiq u ette; and even those to whom th e ir deeper m eaning has not been revealed are bouud to respect and conform to them .—Liszt, (By Eugene Field» Come, thou dear P rince—oh, come to us. T his holy C hristm as tim e! Come to th e busy m a rts of ea rth , the quiet homes. T he noisy stre e ts, th e hum ble lanes— Come to us all. W ith thy love touch Every hum an heart, T h at we may know thut love. And in its blessed peace Deal ch arity to all m ankind. OUTLOOK, GRESHAM, OREOOS Dec. 1J, »9$?. -91 Park Avenue. New York Citr, 1211 Automobiles Studio F irst State Bank Bldg. Gresham Phone 1711 G resham F uel Co. D E F E N D A B L E USED CARS. Wood, Uoal, Briquets All have 1928 license These cars are in especially good PROMPT SERVICE condition, many o f them having Just been traded in. 1926 Ford sedan. 90 per cent tires, lots Phones o f e x tr a s............................................ >490 Office 1051 Res. 8 9 x 5 YVillys-Knight touring, looks and runs like n ew ............................................ >375 1925 Overland coupe sedan, new tires, car runs g o o d ............................... 6275 1924 Chevrolet touring.................... 6125 1923 Chevrolet tou rin g.................... 675 . __ . . .. ...I 1924 Ford touring................................ 6115 50c and 75c a yard a t p it or w ill 1923 Ford coupe.................................. 6115 deliver Other cars in running condition at | ’ ' 625 to 6100 IIE8KEI. IM PLEM ENT CO. Autom obiles Im plem ents Phone Gresham 78 x 2 YV A. H ESSEL J. C. H ESSEL SAND GRAVEL O. A. BRYAN 1923 BUICK TOURING Perfect con­ dition. >375. with 1928 license See Y\”. G. Booth at YValter YV Metzger's, Gresham, phone 1801. Farm Machinery, Etc. G ASOLINE DRAG SAAV for sale. $50. Phone 169x5. Plants, Seeds, Etc, PLANT TR EES NOW Now Is the tim e to plant trees. We have, peach, pear. plum, prune, apple, walnut and filbert trees. All kinds of fruit trees, berry plants and grape vines at reduced prices Nursery lo­ cated on Powell V alley road one and h a lf m iles west of Gresham. Send for catalogue and price list, Powell Valley Nursery. It. 1, Portland. Ore­ gon. phone Gresham 3683 / F N W IRT. Hav HAY FOR SA LE Mary Milne. G illis Portland-Gresham Stage LV. PORTLAND LV. GKESHAM Park ssd Yamlitll BEacon 8181 Powell A Roberte Phone 18! •7 :S0 a. •7 60 a. •8 30 a 9 30 a 9 50 » 10 30 a 11 30 a 11 50 a. 12 30 p 1 :S0 p. 1 50 p. 2 30 p. 3 :30 p 3 60 p. 4 :30 p. 5 30 p. 5 50 p 6 30 p. 1 10:00 p. m.. S. m . B. m . P. m . B m . S. m . P. m . B. m.. S m . P. m.. B. m . S. m . P m , B. m., S. m.. P. m . B. m . S. m. P. as.. P. L. L. V. L. L. V. L. L. V. L L. V. L. L. V. L. L. V. V. •6 :30 •7 00 •7 :0S s 30 9 no 9 30 10 11 00 11 30 12 30 12:50 1 .30 2 30 2 50 3 30 4 30 4 50 5 30 7 00 :ÌS) a. m.. a. m . a. m.. a. m . a. m . a. m . a. m.. a. m . a. m., p. m . p. m.. p. m., p. m.. p. m.. p. m , p. tn.. p. m.. p. m.. p. m.. 8. B. S. P. S. L. ' •D ally exi-ept Sundays and holidays. ♦ Saturdays. Sundars and holidays. ®Dally except Saturdays. Sundays and holidays. S. L.—Section Line road PLOWING AND G EN ER A L TEAM P V.—Powell V alley road work wanted la w n grading, base­ B L.—Base Line road. ment work, etc. C. W. Adamn. pilone 1924 Gresham Owned and operated by Employment DRY FIRST-GROW TH WOOD delivered H ayden A Pl Phone 3676 or 641. GEO. LEWIS & SON 17.59. nt. tf F IR ST AND SECOND GROWTH wood for sale Delivered in load lota of two cords. J. S. Donaldson, phone Sandy 2x. tf DRY SI.ABW OOD for sale. $5 50 a cord, delivered. Earl Calkins, Gresh­ am. phone 967. tf AUCTIONEEB COL. W. S. WOOD A SONS A uctioneer Farm s«<1 Stork Sales a Speelalty VANCOUVER. WN. Those V sn en ster <14. or Gresham Ostlooh 1581 FLORIST CORDWOOD. SI.AB AND TIE srood. k X m U Livestock bvught and sold. Lester Campbell, Fairview. Oregon, phone »28 Flowers for all Occasions FOR WOODSAWING call H. H. John­ son. Gresham »41. tf Delivered Anywhere CALKINS' lengths a Gresham. WOODSAWINO. specialty Phone even 1»»«. tf «RE8HAM «R E E M IO I'SES Hogan Road ACCREDITED PIANO AND VOICE Voice P lacing a Specialty W ednesday at the home .o f Mrs. Martha Fleldhonse __________ in s u r a n c e / . ROSS BROWN Real Estate and Insurance FIR E — AUTOMOBILE — LIFE HEALTH — BURGLARY Telephone Building. Main Street Gresham. Oregon ?S#I Phones Ree. 3568 JAMES ELKINGTON Rea, Estate Insurance Loans, Conveyancing Telephone Bldg , Main St. L. Office »591 Phones L. L. I V. Station. Wood and Sawing TOM G. TAYLOR Phone ¡KM / n»urance Gresham Res. 1398 Real Estate Accident, H ealth, Astom obtle Oregon Fire R elief Assn. Oregon Life Insurance Company B. W. THORNE, Agent <>O1 ORKSHAM, OREGON Office »751 Phones Res. 3757 EA st »747 Gresham $591 J. V. Coy »well & Co. Life insurance , loans . Accident, H ealth. Fire. Surety Bond. P late G lass I,owe»t rate on aatom nbllt— Save 56% «f yoar rolllnioo Inaaranre. E. P.-rtland ofllce, Arirlaa HoUI Corner Grand and Morrison MORTICIAN« Gates Funeral Home lou r Home Funeral Director. Lady A ssistant Phone Gresham 9471.