A G resham O utlook T W IC E A W EEK VOL. 17, NO. 11 G R E S H A M . M U L T N O M A H C O l’X T Y . TR EG O N , T U E S D A Y , Portland Woman Cut COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Funeral Held for Late Thomas Wiles CORBETT A P R IL 5, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS l» 2 7 #2 .0 0 P er Y ea r Eighth Rose City Hundred Tournament Iowa Centenarian Formerly Lived Here A hail and electrical stornj visit- Claude Woodle is engaged ex ­ A I lf A A p P l J o n f 1,1 th‘s ,e c ^on S atu rd ay afternoon. tensively in the carp en ter and ce­ f x U l v M V v l u d l l L ightning stru ck a large lir tree ment w ork as he has u nder course ----------- near C orbett and th e hail w hich I of co n stru ctio n a cem ent basem ent Mrs. C harles C ranston of P ort- fel1 wa« v ery large and covered the T he re g u la r m onthly m eeting of Im pressive fu n eral services w ere for the Lloyd liram h all, A lbert The eighth Rose City H undred [ th e city council will be held at the land w as brought to the residence Kround for a while. No dam age held on S aturday at the Methodist Au in te restin g a rtic le comes P ounder and Mr. Blanc residences shoot sponsored by th e P o rtlan d , city hall of Mrs. H a rrie t T im m erm an early how ever has been reported from on W ednesday evening. from Des Moines, Iowa, concerning Episcopal church for th e late and for the large b arn on the C or­ G un d u b will be shot on the club I April 6 S atu rd ay m orning for trea tm e n t for O*e storm . The te m p eratu re was Thom as W iles, who died at his the activities of a form er Hillsview bett farm . Ray I.asley cam e from grounds at Je n n e next Sunday. I ,, „ in lu ries received in an autom obile down to 34 degrees S atu rd ay m orn- home in G resham , Oregon, on resident, Mrs. S arah Hawk, who ,,, i, , , The M ultnomah County F air T aft last week to assist Mr. April 10. It is th e b an n er event of I. , . ... , , accident near the Ruby golf links in<- S o t much early p lan tin g has March 30 afte r a few days' illness board will hold its re g u la r m eeting last S atu rd ay celebrated her 105th Woodle in his building operations. a th ree-d ay shoot beginning on F ri­ in w hich she and h er husband fig- been done as yet and indications from pneum onia. T he services Mrs. Jam es Ross retu rn ed T h u rs­ day, A pril 8. T his is an official in th e city hall on T h u rsd ay eve- b irthday at th e home of a friend in ured shortly before. Mrs. C rans- are for a late season. The cold w ere in ch arg e of his pastor, the Des Moines. Eleven y ears ago Mrs. nlng, A pril 7. ton was severely cut about the head r a |t>8 have kept th e farm ers from Rev. H alford V. W ilhelm, and w ere day from her C alifornia trip , and reg istered shoot under ru les of the Hawk moved from Hillsview to and face, n ecessitatin g th e taking Plowing. A lthough the early flow- p articip ated in by form er p asto rs rep o rts a splendid tim e d u rin g her A m ateur T rap sh o o tin g association, i A special m eeting of G resham Iowa. At th a t tim e she was keep­ trav e ls and during her visit with T he program ju st issued provides Post A m erican Legion will be held of 28 stitch es by a local surgeon. ers a re suffering, th e daffodil fields and friends. The Rev. A. C. Brack- h er d au g h ter, Mrs. L au ra S am u el­ for two classe s—class A, 90 and at the G range hall on W ednesday ing house for her son C. E. B arnes Mr. C ranston was ap p a ren tly unin are a beautiful sight. Mr. S helton's enbury of P o rtlan d read the S crip ­ on w hat is now known as the Au­ son. o v er; class B. below 90. All shoot­ evening. April 6. T his will be a gust H ousem an place. jured. flower shop on th e highw ay is at- tu re. The Rev. David Cathey, a George K nieriem attended a ers. w hether m em bers of the club cerem onial. J u s t how th e accident occurred tra c tln g the atten tio n of passing friend of m any years, spoke of the Mrs. H aw k for y ears has been an G. A. R. m eeting in P o rtlan d S atu r- oi not, will be welcome. The shoot Maida Leland, a pupil of G resh ­ o u tstan d in g figure in her circle of cannot be learned. T he couple con- tourists. stu rd y c h a racter and help fu ln ess of day. w ill be c a sh 'ered by Jo h n Ide, of am grad e school, has been detained home folks and adm iring friends. ducts a r e s ta u ra n t on H aw thorne A d au g h ter w as born to Mr. and Mr. W iles. Dr. A. S. Hisey preached Mrs. M. E. Reed cam e from P o rt­ G resham . at home on account of m easles avenue and afte r w orking hours, 2 Mrs. George S tu a rt at a Monta- th e serm on, tak in g as th e basis of She w as g rea tly interested in all land Sunday to spend some tim e at T he officers of th e club for 1927 a. m., decided to take a drive out vi,la m atern ity ho sp ital on M arch his rem a rk s "I have fought a good Mrs. Ella Van Cleve has recently new Inventions and of late y ears h e r bungalow at Corbett station. are : W. T. L am bert, p resid en t; A. come to G resham and is assistin g she has been am bitious for the into th e country. T heir car, a big 28. The little m iss has been named fight.” He spoke ap p reciativ ely of Mrs. C lara Sm ith w as the invited R. P a rro tt, vice presid en t, and J. C. Cleveland six touring, stru c k the N ancy S tu art for her g ran d m o th er th e stro n g C h ristian c h a ra c te r of at the home of C. N. T aber. Her th rill of an a irp lan e ride and had guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. M orris, se c re ta ry -tre a su re r. Chas. end of the concrete g uard at th e Mrs. A. S tu a rt of L ato u rell Falls, d au g h ter. Miss L au retta Burtio, is planned to eorae to P ortland via the deceased, and of his faithful-1 S tephenson in P o rtland Friday, to L eith is g rounds m anager. side of the cu lv ert near the golf The Misses A gatha and Mabel w orking for Mrs. Newell E dw ards th a t route. According to the new s ness in all his religious duties. He m eet her friend Mrs. T hom as Bird links. The ca r is reported to be H arding, stu d en ts of Oregon A gri- J. W. S tu d eb ak er of C astle Rock item she ow ns a cottage n ear P o rt­ was a m an of w onderful faith anil of C incinnati, Ohio. Mrs. Bird is N E G R O S IN G E R S G IV E irre p a ra b ly dam aged. It is said c u ltu ra l college, spent last w eek's consecration. W ashington, is visiting at th e home land w here she says she has a | to u rin g th e w est and was a week- E X C E L L E N T UROGRAM [of his dau g h ter. Mrs. E m m ett “life" bulb, a ra rity in the floral th e re w as no in su ran ce on th e ca r vacation a t th e ir home at Corbett, Music was furnished by a q u arte t (end g u est in th e Stephenson home. covering accidents. Mrs. C ranston „ Mrs. . , . George . Nicolai and Mrs. com posed of C. E. R usher, Miss world w hich is credited with im ­ A splendid program of negro Kelly. Vern L ucas and George K nieriem J. E. G ates Is huving th e roof of p artin g longevity to the possessor. w as able to re tu rn to her home | T row bridge of P o rtlan d w ere din- G ertrude A lexander, Mrs. Bert C. sp iritu a ls w as given last n ig h t at n er guests of Mrs. Ja sp e r Crane B aker and Jack so n F. Jones, with are reco n stru ctin g the Bridal Veil th e P o rtlan d au d ito riu m by J. his residence re-shingled. Clifford "N ear P o rtla n d ” is supposedly the Sunday. L um ber com pany electric and te le ­ Sunday. Miss Amy Cooper at the piano. Mr. phone lines between B ridal Veil Rosam ond Johnson and T aylor Fall is in ch arg e of th e work, a s ­ H illsview d istrict. GRESHAM (H U R U ll Mrs. Guy B arker of L atourell, H er d au g h ter Mrs. S. R. K eith of Gordon under the auspices of Mrs. sisted by his fath e r of P ortland GETS NEW PULPIT who has been ill for some tim e, has R usher sang, "C rossing th e Bar an d P alm er. C harlie Lee was given a su rp rise Des Moines says th a t her m other is E. D. Cannady, th e n o rth w est's The pall b earers w ere C. M. H a rri­ Mrs. D orothy Phipfrs of P o rtlan d A beautiful new p ulpit graces the retu rn ed home from th e hospital son, K. A. Miller, A rza Sm ith, L es­ visited her son John here Sunday. delegate to the P an-A frican con­ p arty S aturday evening at the home too w eak to contem plate the a ir­ som ew hat improved. platform of the G resham M ethodist g ress to be held in P hiladelphia of his p are n ts Mr. and Mrs. J. f plane trip to P ortlan d although she te r Spencer, T. H. Gill and W illiam The pupils of the seventh and Thom. In term en t was in Rose City tru er in honor of his birthday. is still active and in terested w ith E piscopal church, w hich w as u n ­ next A ugust. SCHOOL IHSl lt|( | m i . veiled and dedicated la st Sunday e*^hth grades su rp rised th e ir prin- cem etery, w here the b u rial ritu al Mr. Johnson is the au th o r of the T l“' eVpnl,1K w a« «Pent in playing the affairs of life in general. W hen County S u p erin ten d en t A lderson book of A m erican Negro S p iritu als 1 r>0” “ n<1 listen in g to selectio n s over p ast 90 y ears of age Mrs. Hawk m orning in connection w ith th e cipal, Mr. Lusby, one day la st week of the ch u rch w as read and a song church service. It is b u ilt of solid w ith a flower show er. of C h ristian triu m p h w as sung. A visited the W ilkes school last F ri­ Nos. 1 and 2, from w hich the selec­ the radio, followed by re fre sh ­ was taking up th e study of E sp er­ Mr. and Mrs. L. A rneson of Cor­ profusion of flowers covered th e day aftern o o n and seemed well tio n s of th e evening w ere taken. m ents. T hose p resen t w ere Mr. and anto, th e universal language to aid oak w ith w alnut trim m ings and w as designed by th e p astor, Rev. bett had as th e ir gu ests Sunday Mr. grav e and attested sym pathy and pleased with th e w ork being done. He is not only a stu d en t of negro Mrs. A. T. Muller, Mr. and Mrs. Leo her in her fu tu re truvels. In th e recen t subscription cam ­ m elodies and an a u th o r of note, S o d n sk l. Mr. and Mrs. John P e te r­ H alford V. W ilhelm, it w as built and Mrs. II. P. R asm ussen of The love of th e m any who knew Mr. A num ber from G resham T h u rs­ by W alter Sm ith and finished by D alles and Miss A rneson of P ort- W iles and had been helped by his paign, th e school was divided into but a sk illfu l p ia n ist and has a son. Miss Edyth Fogal. Miss Bessie tw o sides, th e P ira te s and the Sea- deep b arito n e voice of pleasing Beiah and B ert H um phrey all of day evening atten d ed the produc­ C larence Jackson, both m em bers of ' a n ‘*- Mr. A rneson m ade extensions life. th e church and both skillful in on his sto re building th e past week, He sang one group of P ortland, Mr. and Mrs. T u rn e r and tion of "T he M ikado”, a comic T hom as W iles w as born in E ng­ Dogs. The P irates, who w ere the quality. th e ir respective trad e s. 1 H orace E vans of C orbett, was land on Ja n u a ry 2, 1848. At the losers, recen tly gave a party for the songs alone and sang w ith Mr. G or­ ! Mr. Lee. opera presented at the Woodmen M. E. W illiam s has closed the hall in P ortlan d In w hich two for­ T he in itial move tow ard secu rin g am onK the 50 treshm en who re- ago of six y ears he w as tak en to Sea-Dogs. As the guests of each don in several of th e num bers. th c pulpit w as m ade several weeks s Pon,led to f oach Amory Gill s first C anada by his g ran d m o th er, and side arriv ed th e ir hands w ere tied Johnson accom panied every num - I deal for the Ryan p ro p erty on m er G resham Union high school ago by Mr. and Mrs. K. A. M iller, I cal1 for rook baseball at p ractice at his youth w as spent in th a t coun­ together. At a given signal they her, adding g reatly to th e effect of s<" 11*1 R oberts avenue south of the stu d en ts took part. Miss Doris ,fi«l