G resham O utlook T W IC E A W EEK VOL. 17, NO. 10 G R ESIIA X , MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, BASKETBALL TEAM is given banquet ’T ' SERVICES ANNOUNCED 1 . 1 t or b apt is u < mi i Hi ii - Census I aker Gathers Ideas on City Betterment APRIL 1, l»_»7 HOWELL VALLEY TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS #2.00 Per Year ADVENTISTS ANNOUNCE GRESHAM HIGH BOARD IN I I li I STING SERVICES RE-ELECTS TEACHERS G uests at th e home of Mr. and T he Bible school under th e di­ T he re g u la r m eeting of th e T each ers in G resham Union high Mrs. Sam C arrell W ednesday and Young rection of K. D. Kendall w ill be- People’s M issionary V olun- school w ere all re-elected and rh u ra d ay w ere Mr. and Mrs. G. W. teer society will be held at th e gin prom ptly at 9:45. The m orn- Hoffman of Salem . Seventh Day A dventist ch u rch in R. E. Cannon, the principal, w as ing church service is at 11 o'clock, The them e for the Sunday m orn- O reshum on F riday evening. A pril given an extension of c o n tra ct for It is said th a t W ashington, D. C., the high school" and "dow n by the T he topic of the serm on by th e pas- is called “The City of M agnificent ' creek ' will soon be obsolete e x - , ing serm on in E nglish at th e Saron 1. at 8 o'clock. T he subject will be th ree y ears at a m eeting of the "C h ristian Love" and th e leader school board on March 22. T each­ to r will be "The Fixed S ta rs of D istances." The en u m erato r of pressions if th e desire of th e ma God's T ru th .” T he com m union G resham s population is beginning jo rity of the people counts for any- L u th eran ch u rch will be. ( h rist or will he E arl Calkins. A sh o rt study ers re-elected w ere H elen E. Ank- a t a ^t p p e lla tio n could also thing. Many do not care p articu - B arrab as", An anthem , "B eautiful will be conducted by th e p asto r, service w ill be observed a t th e to th in k th imi be made w it h referen ce to G resh- larlv for th e free m ail delivery as Savior" w ill be rendered by th e E lder T. F. Soule, on th e m an n er corn. science: K enneth D. Fendall, close of th is service. T he B. Y. am. Oregon, afte r trav elin g from seem ingly they enjoy the daily choir, ag ric u ltu re: A ugusta H ahn, homo In th e evening th e illu s tr a t­ or S crip tu re prophecy. p v w lu raeet at 6;30 ,n th e eve. llird sd ale road to Cleveland S abbath | ja u n t to th e postoffice, but no one lale ave- ed gt ,)f c h r |8 ,.8 8ufferlng wiU — " " school ' " will be r held ni g at ie 10 r econom ics; Miriam Inglis, m athe­ „ , ... , T he w ork m ight p ro g ress yet has been heard to say he did . . . . 1(1 K an 1 n Kuiar m orning ser- G roup 1 wlU laad and “ >e C larence W. K ruger, raorc rapidly w’ere it not for the ' not w ant the houses num bered. ; continueil, the them e being the vie*1 at II. The, su b ject w ill be m atics; subject of discussion w ill be the fact of being acquainted. Women ■ It is indeed g ratify in g , th e m an- act or the tria l and condem nation Home M issio n s.’ and will be hi science and a th le tic coach; H enry­ A m erican Negro. In th e evenfhg a re ju s t n a tu ra lly inclined anyw ay ner In w hich citizens a re express- of the Lord. of Mrs. C. M. Lake, home e tta L aw rence, E n g lish : M arjorie '•'»»•a«» ....... (.,.. »'barge On T uesday evening mj'8 8iollary 8CcrPtary/ D u n d er way for beth P ark er, history and E nglish; by W inston S trong, M elcher D u n ----------------------- . . The \ cood lii iiiv art* deification on . ____ A pril . 10. *nu— Alice P rindle, m usic and physical w ith a fair am ount of publicity by ■ town in general. a goou m any a rt m issionary from China. Mi ss — An- ' tin* S' can, John A nicker and C larence V nden..... Inulional Services. lawn has liven graded and slirub- an nouncing his or her b irth , and saying to eith er repeal or enforce education; Melba S anders, E ng­ Ownbey. As a p a rt of th e program . , C ap tain-elect G eorge Okuda w as The G l‘* h a>“ tem ple ’« have th e re p o rte r feels a p erso n al in ter- : the dog ordinance. A pparently the uerson com es from th e w ar a re a of berv is living set out. T hrough the lish; C h arles Saverude, m athem a­ est in th e babies whose b irth s have I num ber of canines ru n n in g the China and c a rrie s w ith her much cooperation of the ch u rch and res- introduced by A thletic Coach K ru- a m issionary conference beginning been chronicled on her ty p ew riter stre e ts and those kept at home a re in terestin g inform ation in reg ard idl n1' »’u M ignonette avenue, th a t tics and public sp e ak in g ; Vida ger to the com pany and given an T uesday evening, April 5, a t 7:30 from tim e to tim e, hence th e delay, 'in the ratio of 50-50. t )... ..„„. k ,;,.., „ „ i , • b o r o i i g ita re has been graded and Sm ith, lib ra ry ; U lalu S tra tto n , for­ ovation w hich will help in w inning and including T hursday, A pril 7, Some of these babies have cooed J Many a re m aking the plea for a ‘ ‘ I I - graveled as far as the pavem ent on eign languages; Mildred W allace, next y ea r's b attle s on the grid. Dr. N ew berry, dean of th e Simp- and crow ed in a m ost en tertain in g j p ark and a playground, properly coun’ry Section Line road. The basketball team has enjoyed son Bible in stitu te of S eattle, will m an n er d u rin g the past few days ' supervised, for the children. One E nglish and com m ercial; Isa Services w ill be held in Swedish a sin g u larly successful year, w in- accom pany the m issionaries. Mea­ m aking it h ard indeed to leave I public sp irited citizen doesn't seem 1 Sunday m orning W heeler, E nglish, Latin. HOURS OF SERV H E at tile Swedish n in g 19 gam es out of 22. The sages will be heard from th e Congo, 1 to be w o rried to death about higli Mission church in Pow ell Valley. At the last m eeting of the hoard TO BE (H A N G E D m em bers a re hailed as the Multno- India and its revival will be re- th e ir homeK A sew erage and d rain ag e system tax es and says lie would have the request of th e Ill-Y boys for th e m a l l and P olk county cham pions as viewed and the p resen t situ atio n for G resham is put on all sides as salaried m ayor, counciltnen and • 11 0 clock the p asto r, th e Rev, they not only w rested the honors in China dealt with by th ese able th e crying need of th e tow n if it is firemen. Beginning next Sunday, th e hour use of the gym nasium for a sm oker T hen he would have a Don Shogren, w ill speak front the from th e ir own county team s but speakers. The people of Gresham, of the evening service will be 8 was denied. It was agreed liy tho ever to forge ahead. P ark s, play- | live com m ercial d u b anil G resham w ords "A rise let ns go hence ” In m et th e Polk county cham ps on and vicinity a re given a cordial in- n eu tra l ground and defeated them ; vitatlon to th e conference and it is p o u n d s paved stre e ts lighting business in te re sts conserved here, th e evening at 7:80 th e serm on will o'clock Instead of 7:30, as during m cnibers of th e school hoard th a t the w inter. T he social and devo­ th e use of th e gym for these p u r­ gloriously. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Can- hoped the tem ple w ill be w ell filled etc., ail tak e a second place when then probably th e m illenium . the subject of san itatio n com es up. I Some a re diffident about express- he in E nglish and will tie based on tional m eetings of the E pw orth non, Mr. an d Mrs. W. C. L aw rence each night. poses was not conducive to tho the w ords. "B efore A braham was and Mr. and Mrs. C larence K ruger The regtihir services will be held T he suggestions as offered are sen- 1 ing th e ir views on tlie ground that League will likew ise he a half hour beet In terests of tlie school as a slide and w orthy of consideration, they a re not G resham tax payers. I am .” Sunday school will co n ­ w ere p resen t» T u esd ay evening at on Sunday, A pril 3, Sunday school th e banquet. at 10, preaching in th e aftern o o n at In some hom es th e subject is being hence have no rig h t to tak e a voice vene as usual at 9:50. On W ed n es­ later, th e form er being at 5:30 and whole. At th e same tim e the ap p li­ P relim in ary w ork has now be- 2 o'clock and evening services at carefu lly studied w ith tlie aid of ; in suggestions for the b etterm en t day evening ch o ir re h e a rsa l will lie the la tte r at 7:00. M argaret St. cation by th e G illis B aseball club gun on the baseball field a t th e 7:30. The choir, w hich plays such lite ra tu re show ing w hat lias been of the city. T his is a m istake as held. The Ladles Aid will m eet on C lair is the leader for tlie devotion­ for tho use of the grounds for S un­ high school p rep a ra to ry to the a large p art in each service, is put- accom plished in other sm all cities | re n te rs a re law abiding oitizens. al hour. day p ractice w as tu rn ed down. sp rin g 's cam paign. T he ground is ting forth a special effort for the in tak in g care of w aste. T he n«u*d am enable to th e ordinances of the T h u rsd ay aftern o o n at tlie home of The m orning services w ill be as has been expressed by some for tow n and th e ren ta l they pay ex ­ On being graded and leveled and th e E astertide. The p asto r's subject stre e t co n tain e rs for garb ag e and 'ce ed s w hat they would pay for tnx- Mrs. C harles S oderqulst. usual, Sunday school ut 10 and ( DM BIN ED PHONE new team will soon be organized, for tlie afterno o n service will be, for periodical rem oval of g arb ag e es. C ertain ly one person has as T h u rsd ay evening tlie young people ------------------— I “Isaia h 's T ran sfo rm in g Vision.” DIREI TORIES PLANNED from all homes in less th an 12- m uch rig h t as an o th er to ex p ress will hold th e ir m eeting a t th e Da- m.orning w orship at 11. The p asto r THOMAS WILES DIES The t“ em b ers of th e tem ple will niontli intervals. will preach at th a t tim e on "O ur ; his or her views. m ascus ch u rch and th e sam e eve­ 11 i v c e l ! Iiolil th eir ann u al business m eet- T he desire for stre e t nam es and . W hitehead addition is p ractical- W ork has begun on th e com pila­ A U L R B R I B E I L L N E S S jng Monday evening, A pril 4, for ning the reg u lu r p ray e r service of W onderful God”—a serm on dealing house num bers is alm o st unani- I ly all th a t rem ain s of G resham to tion of a new telephone directory with tlie w onderful providence of the election of officers for the com ­ the Mission ch u rch will he held in T hom as W iles, 79, passed away tnous. “Over th e gulch", “up by be enum erated. Goii for man us seen in the m arvels for th e Oregon T elephone Com­ Powell Valley. at his home in G resham early ing year. pany, It is announced nt th e local of the created world and in life. Home B aptist church w ere p leas­ T h u rsday m orning, M arch 31, after PLEA SA N T HOME A farew ell p arty w as given a few office of the com pany. It is ex­ an tly su rp rised Sunday m orning by n lghJ8, ' ag',; ä t 7 h / h ö m e " i f Mr'.' t'tnd a few d ays’ illness from pneu­ H URLBURT m onia. He is survived by his , Sunday school a t th e P lea san t a visit H orn S tate E vangelist Bent- Mrs p A Johnson in Pow ell ‘Vul- COLUMBIA HEIGHTS pected th a t delivery will be m ade widow, Mrs. H en rie tta W iles, and gin , ey' ? bo *'ondu<', th(j 8even, h ,,, hth recto ry w ill m ake It possible for day school will convene a t 10 and dy, E. W. W ithnell of P lea san t Sandy. i congregation. Dr. H isey Is giving . . , A . cu sto m ers of the com pany to have Senior League at 7:30 in th e eve­ Home. \1 r n n .t M ru P ra n k U r K In n n v i . . gfudes Oil« evening . la . st . . Week, Mr. and Mrs. r tain t McKinney several ■ davs to th e w ork . . . of . . the ... . ning. T he young people of th e B ap­ and Mrs. B. C. A ltm an enjoyed a _ „ . , . I w hich w as g reatly enjoyed by th e available in a convenient sized . . I - on _ .n» i. . » i highw i i ay on ch u , rch tis t ch u rch will p u t on th e play, trip book, a list of all telephone users th e r< Columbia . es of th e G resham d istrict pupils. and is a source of in sp iratio n in the "S u n sh in e,” at th e C orbett high W ednesday, Klio’ grip, am, or drive up Base L ine to R ock­ ceived m uch p raise by all who each. W orth far m ore. P lace your an of L. A rneson of C orbett, has since the custom er can easily look o rd ers now for E aster Lilies, 75c To fill a date a rra n g e d by th e Pa- wood road. H. Lam b, P o rtlan d Rt. heard it. bought a sm all tra c t of land of Mrs up the c o rrec t telephone num ber of 7, box 332.—Adv. Mrs. Young of P o rtlan d is the up. Drop postal. S u h r's F low er clflc Woodmen of S pringdale, the O. M organ, th e postm aster. She the p arty to be called and give this farm , Base Line road, m ile ea st 12 g u est of h er sister, Mrs. .1. R. D un­ G range D ram atic club will rep eat inform ation w hen placing a call. G ig r a y ’a O rc h e s tra F or real estate loans see or call can. The two w ere v isito rs at the mile corner, address T ro u td ale.— “Uncle Rube" a t th e new W oodman m ay build on it In the future. B. C. A ltm an home on W ednesday. Adv. .Mrs. F red Filling has retu rn ed B. W. T horne.—Adv. Refreshm ents hall in S p rin g d ale next S atu rd ay Mrs. Win. F airw ea th er, Miss Eu- from Sylvan, w here she has p ro p ­ IGNITION SPECIALIST. evening. phem ia F airw ea th er and Mrs. Used cream se p arato rs, gas en ­ L a d ie s 2 5 c G e n tle m e n 7 5 c erty w hich will be affected by the T h a t's us. Bring your ca r he,re gines, plows, etc. H essel Im ple­ B ran er w ere shopping in P o rtlan d Mr. Dewey Is im proving his fine new ly surveyed g rad e for a new S aturday. for any rep airs, ad ju stm en ts m ent Co. tra c t on the Rockwood road Mrs. Sadie C hase is a ssistin g in p a rts for th e sta rte r, g en e rato r, I 5-acre . . . . road to tak e the place of th e steep etc. ’,,s’ south of th e schoolhouse. th e ca re of Mrs. Je n n ie S tephens sw itches, w iring, lighting, , .......... . Canyon road. Mrs. Fit ling ow ns a I F riday Evening, April 1—O .E .S . a t the A ltm an home. Mrs. S tep h en s’ Work done by an ex p e rt and Is pos- good deal of activ ity In th is dlrec- 'c a rd p arty T ro u td ale Masonic hull, assu r- K'n ,d l,tra< t ,w hl‘ b " bf 8ay" w l" b‘ condition show s very little change. itively g u aran teed . We c a rry a tlon Is noticeable with the aftsur ruined by th e road, which will go Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Jack have re ­ com plete line of ignition p arts. an t.„ ()f w at„r ( , he d,8trlct F riday Evening, April I —Dance tu rn ed from P o rtlan d . Mrs. Ja ck G resham G arage, phone 2391. . th ro u g h the length of It. and card p arty a t Rockwood ---------------------- The P.-T. A. will give ill vaudc is still very w eak from h er rec en t Miss A udrey Chapm an and Fred gva»g<' for benefit Lynch girls' illness. D on't lay down th e p aper till you ville show at th e G range hall on E tllng Jr., played In F airview on I sew inK d u b . _______ T he m em bers of the P le a sa n t have read th e W ant Ads. S atu rd ay evening. S atu rd ay evening a t th e gran g e S atu rd ay Evening, April 2—E n ­ T he Sunday services a re as fol- te rta in m e n t by Boring young peo­ ; b ask et social. = low s: Sunday school at 10 o’clock, M embers of the faculty and s tu ­ ple's society at I. O. O. F. hull. E pw orth League a t 8:30 and dent body of Pacific U niversity en- S atu rd ay E vening, A pril 8— Rock p reaching service a t 7:30. joyed a banquet and dancing at wood P.-T. A. vaudeville. The E p w o rth League w ill give a Crown P oint ch a le t S atu rd ay eve ! play In , th „ e n ea r fu tu re a t the , nlng T he a rtistic deco ratio n s , i ’o" d ay 1,A ,te r? n’. AprU G range hall, th e proceeds to go for . . , , , , hekah W elfare club at hom e of Mri. the different activ ities of th J 7 ’ « ">a < \e n jo y e d and It was said E. B. Welling. ¡th a t from the Vista H ouse th e Ill­ League, um ination of the place m ade it lock | April 5-7— M issionary conference at U ndenom inational temple. The an n u al banquet tendered the b ask etball team of G resham Union high school w as enjoyed T uesday evening by about 20 at th e high school thro u g h th e courtesy of C larence Ownbey and L yle Mason of the faculty. T he boys did jus- tice to th e fine m enu w hich had been prepared under th e super- vision of Miss A ugusta H ahn and nothing w as slighted from th e fru it cocktail to the ice cream . Miss H ahn was assisted by Mildred Kummel, D aisy Daly, P au le tta Areme Club Dance Friday, Apr. 8 Coming Events LADIES’ Phoenix Hosiery Service Silk and Chiffon Haley Baptist Services. ■ y There’s Never an Argument A Complete Range of New Colors for when bills are paid by check, whether the other fellow is in too big a hurry, is care­ less in his records or simply makes a mis­ take, you arc safeguarded— l EASTER i tenix Silk Full Fashioned $1.00 $1.50 $1.65 $1.95 Your check is your receipt. Everyone likes to be paid by check it increases one’s regard for you and makes it ea»ier to transact business. ALLEN A. HOSIERY for CHILDREN 25c, 35c, 50c AylsWortK&Martir\'g MEW S WEAR SHOES I Iliu‘ a ln E vangelist Milo B eltley of th e ) Mrs. H ulet, lifelong friend of Mr«. F riday Evening, April 8—Areme M ilton-F reew ater d istric t will Klll,an H arding, is at th e H arding fclu b dance, G resham , Masonic hall, speak Sunday m orning at th e H aley , d°rtn lto ry . Mrs. H arding m ade a Friday. April 8— P ackage sa le by B aptist church, th e service to be in business trip to P o rtlan d on S atu r- Boring C om m unity club a t I. O. [O. F. hall. English. The L ord's Hupper will day. Mrs. Maud Reed of C orbett cam e „ . . _ ; » _ be observed. T he young people's society will meet a t 7:30 u nder th e itome F riday for a short visit from w„ rUl b eag u e p | ay- " j umbo Jim\ P lea san t Home M ethodist leadership o t group 1. On H atur- Sandy, w here she has been taking at day evening th e young people will care of her siste r's sto re w hile the church. hold th e ir social and business la” ,' r *s on a vacation in C alifornia S atu rd ay E vening, A pril 9—Con- I c e rt at Sw edish Mission church. m eeting at the ch u rch , th e service GILLIS to begin at 8 o'clock A cordial in­ W ednesday Evening A pril IS—— The G illis baseball clu b will C oncert by G resham band. vitation is extended by th e p asto r, the Rev. Jo h n 8. N ordell, to all work out on th e G illis ground next T h u rsd ay , April 1.4—L uncheon by Sunday, A pril 3, at 2 o’clock. All th ese services. Sew and So circ le a t M ethodist who w ish to play ball are Invited ch u rch . to ( ome. Outlook W ant Ad«, get result». S atu rd ay , A pril 16—D orcas circle food wale a t W alrad M ercantile Co. The Trial and Condemnation of Christ