PAUK FOCK GRESHAM OUTLOOK, TCESDAT, MARCH 1VS7 Mrs. J. C. S hultz for th e G resh- I n connection w ith th e building Mr. and Mrs. A. W. P a rk e r and “G etting in on th e groud floor” I am d istric t, Mrs. Clyde Woodle of th e filling station on w est Pow ell ‘ tw o younger ch ildren, Billy and doesn’t exactly ap p ly to gome of I from Corbett and Mrs. Wra. Morand stree t, J. C. Shultz is h aving a 7- S hirley, visited relativ es in and G resh am ’s new’ buildings on Pow ell from Boring d istric t have been se­ foot co ncrete w alk laid th e 120 feet ; n ear G resham on T h u rsd ay and stre e t for th e ground floor is too lected as judges in the F irs t S tate fro n tin g the p i, m lses. R. C. F race, F rid ay of last week. T he P a rk e rs far below th e surface. (See additional locals on page 1) bank contest, the prize aw ard s of who h as th e co n tra ct for th e build- a re form er resid en ts of G resham . About 40 stud en ts and a few o u t­ which will be m ade about the m id­ Ing, will also supervise th e laying They a re now living at A berdeen, Now th e re ’s a need for some good siders received th e first shot of dle of A pril. of th e sidew alk. ; W ashington. citizens to o rganize a pro g ressiv e toxin-antitoxin a t the high school Mrs. Lena Crum b has been v isit- J Sunday d inuer g u ests a t th e C. A. league and go a fte r some of the J. H. G reen has p urchased a lot th is m orning. About a dozen cam e at the n o rth ea st co rn er of Kelly ing Mrs. C. II. Lane for several ( R ogers home w ere Dr. A. S. H isey go°d th in g s th a t m ight be ou rs if from the grade school for the third avenue and east Powell s tre e t on days. Mrs. Crum b is th in k in g of and d au g h ter H elen of Salem and we show HOme e n te rp rise and have shot, having m issed one trea tm e n t w hich he will ere ct a ca rp e n te r retu rn in g to G resham to resid e if Mr. and Mrs. Raym ond R ogers of faith in th e iu tu re - there. T he process is quickly over shop and wood w orking p lant. The she can obtain em ploym ent. P o rtlan d . Miss Avis R ogers re ­ and tho se w ishing to avail th em ­ "Say it w ith a W antAd. lot was purchased th ro u g h th e A. 1 A num ber of G resham friends at tu rn ed Sunday afternoon to Mon­ selves of the o pportunity next Meyers agency. tended the burial service Monday m outh w here she is a stu d en t a t th e T uesday and th e week following afternoon at the G resham cem e­ sta te norm al. The M orning O regonian of th is should be on hand prom ptly at 9 T he S an ita ry Meat m a rk e t w ill | date c a rrie s the announcem ent of te ry of a b ro th er of J. T. S tillions o’clock. who form erly resided here. Mrs. undergo num erous im provem ents : two G resham young people, George In the list of m arriag e licenses E. Davidson and Miss Floella during th e n ex t two weeks acco rd ­ from V ancouver. W ashington, this IW. P ullen and Miss Delma M Jacobs sang a selection. ing to th e plans of the p ro p rieto r, I G uenther, who w ere m arried at m orning, occurs the nam es of Allen E ugene W elling, a stu d en t In the George Dietl. New cases and coun- ! Chehalis, W ashington, by Ju stic e W. Baer and Iren e O. M urphy both P. C. Beaufort. Mr. P ullen is em- p h arm aceu tical d ep artm en t of Ore- te rs wil1 be in stalled and oth er of Gresham . B eau ty 's rew ard is ' ployed by th e W alrad M ercantile gon A g ricu ltu ra l college, is bein^ changes m ade in keeping w ith a A su rp rise was tendered Mr. and I com pany and th e bride has been in itiated th is week into K appa Psi, k an ltary and up-to-date m arket. alw ays ad eq u ate and Mrs. J. L. Stafford Monday evening w orking at th e Oregon P ap er Box an ho n o rary professional f ra te rn i­ H ans Sloan and J. W. Maloy left every w oman who will as they are soon to leave G resham ty. company. Sunday by auto for so u th ern O re­ to reside at A urora w here Mr. S ta f­ use th e p ro p er am ount Mr. and Mrs. W illis F A ldrich gon in search of em ploym ent. They A luncheon and bridge p a rty was F iv e -to o th A d ju stab le ford Is going Into business. Those of ca re and tim e can W in c h e ste r h ig h g rad e, and th e ir two sons arriv ed Sunday may decide to go Uf T onopah, Ne­ F o rg e d B lades. 8-incli p resen t la st evening w ere Mr. and given F rid ay aftern o o n by Mrs. have a b eau tifu l com ­ vada, and possibly to C alifornia solid s h a n k hoes, w ith night to join th e o th e r m em bers of B enjam in C am eron and Mrs. J. C. sp re a d , 4 1-3-ft. p o lished Mrs. C. C. Yuger, Mr. and Mrs. K. points. p e rfe c t h a n d le , each plexion. Our services a sh h a n d le , each C. R oberts, Mr. and Mrs. Sam S hultz a t the la tte r's home in hon­ th eir fam ily who cam e a few weeks A fine atten d a n ce m arked the are ex p e rt and rea so n ­ Sm ith, Mr. and Mrs. E lton E a s t­ or of Mrs. W. R. B urke of Berkeley, ago to m ake th e ir home on a p art able. man, Mr. and Mrs. W ilson E astm an, C alifornia, and Mrs. (). A. H ess of of R. F. W alters’ G resham H eights session of th e d istric t q u a rte rly Mrs. P earl Mack, Miss M cLaughliiP P ortland. Six tab les w ere in play. farm . T he youngest child, who is m eeting w hich closed Sunday eve­ of P o rtlan d , and Kay Luethe. Mrs. Jam es E lkington and Mrs. B. being nu rsed th ro u g h pneum onia ning at th e F ree M ethodist church Dancing, ca rd s and other am use­ W. T h o rn e were aw arded first hon­ nt the T hom as san itariu m , is m ak ­ under the supervision of th e Rev. ing a good recovery. W. N. Coffee of P ortland. Nearly m ents filled the evening and r e ­ ors and Mrs. O. A. Johnson con­ Mrs. P earl Mack and d au g h ter 40Ü m eals w ere served by th e local solation. Mrs. Maxwell Schneider freshm ents w ere served. W in c h e s te r Solid society to visitors. On Sunday a f­ Word has been received from Al­ 1 also w as a rec en t hostess a t a Helen retu rn ed Sunday from P o rt­ F o rg e d Bow, curved ternoon a fine ad d ress w as given bany of the birth on M arch 28 of j luncheon w ith bridge for Mrs. land w here H elen had been under te e th , p o lish ed a sh han­ c>Z *í?¿»/z During the Lenten sea-, The Itehakuh W elfare club will son fresh fish w ill he on Mrs. A. W. Griffis recen tly r e ­ m eet a t th e hom e of Mrs. E. E. for Every Household Need h a n d * daily to supply W elling on Monday afternoon, ceived a letter from her son f your needs. This Hoosier Water Service in­ | rence who is atten d in g a school A pril 4. stallation will solve your water Dr. A. W. Botkin and his b ro th ­ 1 connected with th e navy yards at supply problem. Supplies water Hampton Roads, V irginia, statin g under pressure, for every house­ er-in-law R. V. Sluinan of Portlund WE ARE hold need. Automatic, self- m ade a trip Sunday to the 40-acre th a t he had Just been discharged lubricating, and all-galvanized I from the hospital a fte r sickness LICENSED FISH ranch 15 m iles east of G reshum surface. Made in many sizes, which Dr. Botkin recently a c ­ from llu. P revious to th is he had one of which will answer your RETAILERS need. Economical to buy and quired. The old place has an o rc h ­ an attack of scarlet fever. to operate. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Miller of S ard of 250 trees but m any of t h e s e a n y size ro ll P a n y size ro ll C o m r in a n d I r t ua show will be removed and several fine a ttle a re at th e home of th e ir son- yo u how you can enjoy t h ia convenience in your v arieties of apples grafted onto the in-law and d au g h ter Mr. and Mrs. home. rem aining ones. In addition he ex ­ Elton E astm an. They a re th inking C. T . M I ’ I>0 E CO. 329 K. M o rriso n S treet pects to set out some apricots. III- of moving here If they can find a 6 p ic tu re s from A. J. W. BROWN, Prop. P o rtla n d , Oregon 24 h o u r service H ig h g lo ss finish b e rts and g rapes and graft F ra n - desirable location. See Chas. A. Ungers e a ch roll. only. I ’UONE lNJM resham . Ore., phone 366« P O W E L L S T R E E T q u ette w alnuts Into some black- Mr. nnd Mrs. Locke Lewis ami w alnut tre e s on the place. More daughter, who cam e to G resham Im portant than this the doctor has several w eeks ago front Spokane, visions of som e fu tu re trout fishing have moved Into th e S hultz a p a rt- as th ere a re th ree fine strea m s on ' m ents. Mr. Lewis Is a cousin of the land w hich may eventually be Roy Lewis near S chiller station stocked w ith trout. and also has his fath er and a Mrs. G eorge F o rtn e r of A rboleda brother here. He is an electrical is recovering’ satisfacto rily from co n tracto r and hopes to secure an attack of facial erysipelas for work In th is p a rt of the co untry New Spring Dresses in which the designers have em­ w hich she Is being trea ted by a with a view to locating p erm a n en t­ G resham physician. bodied into tailoring and designing, flat crepe, printed ly. Garden Tools fo r Every Purpose 1 his week we are making a special display of garden tools and equipment you now need. Cultivators Garden Hoes $1.00 $1.15 Garden Rakes Good Trowels 15c each M arking Cord 10c ball W eeders $1.35 15c to 50c LAWNMOWERS 7o Those o f You Who are Newcomers in Gresham /= ■ that do the work. Ball-bearing, self-ad­ justing and sharpening in all sizes. Priced from $7.40 to $22.50 $8.00 A. W. Metzger & Co. The Winchester Store W A TER • • SPECIAL! Expert Kodak Finishing Gresham Meat Market =z Taber Pharmacy - Zamsky Studio NEW DRESSES In your next motor car get the protection of the famous Sealed Chassis crepes and georgettes. In straight line and bolero ef­ fects. Sizes 14 to 44, many styles to select from. Special values, priced at NOT SO GOOD! $ 9.85 to ’ 16.50 Spring Coats Many of the new spring coats now on display. Tailored from fancy tweeds and novelty plaids. Priced at $ 12.50 to ”25.00 M U N S IN G IT F 4 R W e sin c e rely h o p e th a t your c a r w ill n e v e r he w recked. N ever h av e we a p p ro a c h e d a sc en e of sm a sh -u p w ith o u t a fee lin g of deepest c o n c ern still it is o u r Job to be th e r e io help u n f o rtu n a te o w n e rs sa lv a g e as m uch as possible and if possible put bis e a r in r u n n in g c o n d itio n a g a in at th e low est possible cost. Munsing payon vests and bloomers for comfort and long service. \ e-!« come w ith bodice tops in nile green, tf* 1 CACA flesh and peach, sizes 32 to 40, priced at *P * * v V Sizes 41 to 50, priced a t................................. $1.25 O ur g a rn g e w ork Is specialized m ech an ics. W e do a u to m o b ile reb u ild in g und re p a ir w ork of a ll kinds. We give a n h o n e st h o u r's w ork at a low service c h a rg e — o u r g re a te s t tlesire bein g to give co m p lete s a tisfa c tio n . No m u tte r th e m ake of c a r you d riv e we can keep it in first clnss ru n n in g c o n d itio n . Munsing bloomer.« come in colors to match (T 1 Q C vests, si/, d small, med., and large, all sizes T * « t / D Munsing step-in chemise, rayon knit, bodice draw- string. >and top, French legs. Colors (T *1 n r «P I » i / O At any hoar ol' the da; or night, phone ?