I T W IC E L W EEK G resham O utlook VOL. 17, NO. » GRESHAM, Ml'LTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON, ITE SR A Y , MARCH 2». 1027 SINGERS TO Smelt Run in Sandy GIFTED PRESENT SPIRITUALS Census Taking Is A notable m usical tr e a t w ill be Attracts Big Crowd i presented at the public auditorium Interesting Job I in P ortlan d on Monday evening. STRIKING "OI.ORS WILL FEATURE VIIRYSLERS Blue Lake Park Offers Attractions TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS $2.00 Per Year Taxpayers League Asks for Economy T he new m otor ca r c o lo r, h ar- m onit ? which w ere th e o u tstan d - | ing ft itu re of th e n atio n al autom o­ A pril 4, w hen J. Rosam ond Jo h n ­ ,, , i Miss W lllene Botkin had her ton- bile show s a re m ak in g th e ir s p a rk ­ Sm elt, the succulent little fish With the advent of sp rin g and its rpmovpd T hursdav ,(t , he P()rt The w ork of tak in g th e G resham son and T aylor Gordon, sin g u larly P u rsu a n t to a call from th e com ­ ling and conspicuous ap p earan ce th a t would put Oregon on th e map gifted m usicians, w ill ap p e ar in a census Is p ro g ressin g favorably a l­ on th e highw ays today. T he wide a tte n d a n t fancies w ith th in g s not j land , a n lU rlum. She w as able to m ittee of the T axpayer's League, w ere th e re nothing else out here connected with th e world of com- program of Negro sp iritu a ls. T ay ­ though r a th e r slow ly as only a tu rn Sunday to her studies at some 2o of th e 70 signed up m em ­ ran g e of colors in w hich th e new m ercialism . comes the desire to g e t re on th e coast to do so, m ade th eir Monmouth norm al. lor. a tenor, sings th e w ords, w ith p a rt of th e tim e is being devoted to bers met at th e can n ery office S a t­ ca rs a re offered a tta in s a high d e­ an n u a l official ap p earan ce in the , i Johnson, baritone, a t th e piano. it. C onsiderable in te re st is being gree of a r tis tr y by th e use of novel aw ay from the m aterial and delve urday evening u nder th e tem p o rary A p leasan t su rp rise p arty was . , . . , , , _ 1 , T he effect is said to be th a t of the m anifested in th e census, esp ecial­ and strik in g ly harm onious b le n d ­ into th e beauties of n atu re lying on | given E rnest W olter T h u rsd ay eve­ chaii m anslilp of D. E. Towle. T he about 6 o clock. Due to false re- i , .. every side. organization of th e league was p e r­ ..... . . . i . . j . sw aying, sym pathetic n egro chor- ly as reg a rd s th e resu lt. Many a re ings and com binations th a t ru n the p o rts w hich w ere circu lated in , . . , .. ... . Blue Lake park, a beauty spot I ning at the home of his g ra n d ­ estim ating th e num ber of persons i,..,.,, . . , . . us. w hich gives a rea l th rill to the fected. T. B rugger was elected m other Mrs. K ath erin e Bratzel as gam ut of th e rainbow . P o rtlan d la st w eek concerning the p (| >p d irectly north of G resham , has w ithin the G resham city lim its and T he shadings adopted for th is again been recalled to th e mind by he expects to leave th is week for president. A, L. P eler, vice p re si­ ru n of sm elt, thousands of v isitors ’ . .. , , , » .u o .. . T he negro sp iritu a ls w hich will th e guesses v ary from 1300 to sp rin g 's offerings of C hrysler cars, his form er home in H ebron, North dent, and D. E. Towle, secreta ry - lined the b anks of the Sandy at , . „ ... _ •’ be sung by Johnson are from a col­ around 2000. Over 100 houses have according to H essel Im plem ent Co., the prom oters of the am usem ent of ; D akota. About 25 young people tre a su re r. The executive com m it­ and near T ro u td ale on Sunday only , ., , . , . , . . ..... . . . lection w hich have been edited by been covered up to d ate and the local dealers, tren d stro n g ly to ttie the Blue lake en terp rise. Its nam e from the Ju n io r League of th e Zion tee is com posed of m em bers of the to m eet w ith disappointm ent as far , . ,, . * * lnni in collaboration w ith his w ork is p robably about one-fourth p ictu resq u e iji nam es as well as in suggests a sum m er of p leasu re and Evangelical church w ere present several school d istric ts as follow s; as secu rin g any fish. », . recreatio n amid su rro u n d in g s th a t ' .. ..... , ,, , brother, Jam es W heldon Johnson. com pleted. and the evening was spent socially, A. L. P eier, Geo. Scheaffer, H. L. color tones. ^Chrysler engineers, a re highly beneficial. T he cautious little fellow s, w hose , .... . .. .. , Tlie w ork is intensely in te restin g , , , , , I T he la tte r prefaces th e tw o vol- followed by refresh m en ts. E rnest D outliit. A. G rant. F. O. E kstrom , who led th e vqgue for duotone co l­ com ing is alw ays eagerly aw aited . , The Blue Lake p ark com pany is . , , .. . . .. , um es now issued w ith full and il- and splendid cooperation is being or co n tra sts th ree years ago call Is planning to la ter atten d th e state F. W. Honey and Theod. Brugger. by people in every w alk of life, de- ■ , ... , , . lum inating com m ents on th e origin afforded th e en u m erato r. The count atten tio n to th e in terestin g sig n if­ a co rporation w hich has been o r­ a g ric u ltu ra l college at Fargo, T he com m ittee will m eet w henever cided to w ait until Monday m orn- . . . . . ... ganized with h ea d q u arte rs in P o rt­ is not being padded, n eith er Is it . . , . . , . , I and history of sp iritu als, thp occasion dem ands. icance and widely varied origins land. J. A. McGill is president and N orth Dakota ing w hen th e crow ds had left and | _ . . , ... , T he veteran conductor, W alter intended th a t a person sh all be of m any of th e nam es the new co l­ Upon the seem ingly reliab le in­ Mrs. H. T. Caffre of P o rtlan d m ade th eir w ay up th e riv er w ith — , .. . g eneral m an ag er; M W. B e n n e tt. D am rosch. w rites th a t he doffs Ills missed. E vidently th e effort of the o rs bear. form ation th a t th e high school was a guest S atu rd ay at the home m uch less d anger to life and limb. se c re ta ry ; W. R. Willoughby,, hat to the w rite r of your beautiful Outlook to get the num ber of in board contem plated an addition to S p o rtin g event are represented, tre a su re r. T he run sta rte d heavy in the The m anagem ent hag I ,,f ller ‘‘« f i l t e r , Mrs. B urten W al­ ed ito rial—a fine ap p reciatio n of a h ab itan ts in G resham and to ob­ for instance, by th ree g reens th a t the present building at an ap p ro x i­ rad. m o rning but by noon had lessened fine piece of work. These w onder­ tain th eir views w ith referenct adorn certain ca rs of th e C hrysler just com pleted the in stallatio n of a m ate (out of »3(1,000 to »36,000, a and th e re w ere com paratively few ful old negro folk songs have been to civic im provem ents is being fam ily. W ills Green, Lenglen Green pow er line nearly th ree -fo u rth s of ' in a recen t le tte r to G resham vigorous p ro test w as voiced, and in the w ate r from then until 1:30 a m ile in length w hich is to be friends Mis« Dorothy Dickey, fo r­ used and also abused for many m uch appreciated. and S uzanne Green, w hich are to connected with the high pow er line m er m usical in stru c to r at the high a resolution w as adopted protestin g th is m orning w hen a fresh school Two th in g s seem to be upperm ost y ea rs.” ag ain st m aking any perm anent im ­ be seen on th e cu rre n t C hrysler began th e ascen t to the spaw ning T hese a rtis ts have been brought in th e m inds of the rep rese n tativ e “60” coupe and the C hrysler "50” of tlie Portland E le ctric Pow er school, speaks of hei w ork in tlie provem ents nt th is tim e. Inasm uch p lace in the head w ate rs of the U niversity of so u th e rn C alitonia com pany and th u s fu rn ish am ple to P ortlan d by Mrs. E. D. Cannady, citizens of th e city and one of these landau sedan, am ong others. ns (lie o u tstan d in g w a rra n ts and Sandy. c u rre n t fo r both pow er and illum l- "'h ere she is a stu d en t. She is now bonded indebtedness are a heavy i the n o rth w est's hostess to th e Pan- is th e need of im proved sew erage E nglish history, an cien t and m od­ nation. In addition to the m any persons ! engaged in tra in in g and building , A frican congress which will meet T his suggestion seem s to be both enough load for tlie tax payers to ern , is also rep resen ted in the who catch th e sm elt for th e sp o rt A bath in g pavilion is being erect- an o rch e stra of Mexicans, w hich in th is country for the firs« tim e spontaneous and sim ultaneous. The g reens w ith a Robin Hood green ed w ith facilities to handle 1000 !sI,e ts Ending in terestin g work, carry . of it and as a variatio n of th e home n est A ugust. She is ta k in g this concensus of opinion is by probably A nother resolution asked the and a H aig green, w hile A m erican b ath ers an hour. The beach w ith Two evenings a week she sings in m enu a re those who a re engaged m eans of providing a fund to help 90 per ceut of th e p ersons in te r­ heroes are com m em orated In 400 feet of w ater fro n tag e will be a philharm onic ch o ru s and two high school hoard to exercise m ore in sm elt fishing on a com m ercial en tertain foreign delegates and to viewed th a t G resham m u st have Boone brow n and C rockett brow n, econom y in the future. S ignificant basis. K n a rr & Son of T rou td ale clean and well sanded to beyond ! evenings in a B aptist ch u rch choir, w as th e fai t th a t th ree ex-m em bers p ro p er sa n ita tio n as to d rain ag e if m eet other expenses of th e trip . used on tl,e cab rio let and the p h ae­ have a c o n tra ct for the delivery of w ading depth Diving platform s, A num ber of tim es she bus taken of the high school board w ere very T ickets may be obtained of Mrs. h ealth and com m unity in te re sts are ton of the C h ry sler "70” model. 50 tons to the B onneville fish rings, ro tatin g pontoons, w ater to- ,k ® place of the d irec to r in com- em phatic to have the above m en­ Cannady, 312 M acleay building, a t to be m aintained. N atu re’s tin ts a re reproduced in tioggans, liurlers and oth er equip- m u,,lty singing. h atch e ry w here they a re placed in T he second h in t th a t will m ake the public auditorium or S herm an tioned reso lution adopted. sucli shades as M allard and Box ment will he in stalled to m ake cold sto rag e and used as food for Mrs. A. M. W ilkenson has tieen for th e b etterm e n t of G resham and ; <4 Clay com pany. E lder green, F lam ingo carm ine. th e young fish in th e governm ent b ath in g a te a l sport. BI for the past two w eeks w ith RABBIT BREEDERS tend to ta k e it en tirely o ut of the P a rtrid g e creatn, Fallow fl?ld ponds. A y ear ago th e run of sm elt The dance pavilion of th e beach com plications atten d in g an attack "h ic k ” class w ill be th e nam ing URGE UDDl’ER VTION brow n, M arine blue, D esert sand reso rt Is now being painted and th e of influenza. H er d au g h ter. Mrs. w as not sufficient to supply the HIGH SCHOOL BOARO of th e stre e ts and th e num ebring CONSIDERS PROBLEMS and Orchid. Tin» popular ro ad ster o rch e stra platform will resem ble a W ilbur Thom pson, cam e from Oak needs of those who w ished to ob­ Much in te re st is being taken by of th e houses. T his will be n eces­ of tlie C hrysler "70" model carried th e ate r stage when com pleted. tain them on a large scale. ra b b it b reed ers in th is te rrito ry in Ridge a week ago, and Sunday Dr. At an inform al m eeting of the sa ry to in su re free city m ail d e­ One p leasu re of sm elt fishing is union h ,Rh gchool ,)oard ,a8t n)ght livery w hich is also desired by th ese n atu ra l coloring- with its R ecreational sp o rts will play an | Thom pson cam e lof an indefinite the work of the Oregon b ranch of th a t no license is required and but , hp propnsition of th „ fa ir board to probably a larg e m ajority of the m ain body shade of D esert sand im p o rtan t |uirt in tlie am usem ents stay. A P o rtlan d sp ecialist was (he A m erican R abbit and Cavy little skill. A nything from a dip , llsp thp npw buildlng on the in h ab itan ts. T he local postoffice and trim m ing of Box E lder green. of Blue Lake park. Tlie concession called Into co n su ltatio n Sunday as B reeders association, which Is en­ net to a bird cage w ill suffice to ground9 for school p urposes was had sufficient b u sin ess a year ago This ca r is strip ed w ith E gyptian lias been let to .'esponslble p arties Mrs. W llkenson's condition was re- deavoring to unite ail b reeders in bu sin ess-lik e m ethods In th e v a ri­ secu re the w iggling m ass w hich tleemed not fpasib| e an d ,t ¡9 not for delivery of m ail, but th e m a tte r red. who w ill put in equipm ent for garded us very grave. O ther C h ry sler colorings, as pic­ will la te r g race m any a frying pan | ljk e,v th a t th e p ,an w i„ recp(ve has been d eferred u n til now, when arch ery , handball, q uoits, how ling F. | | . R ichardson and family ous lines of th e en terp rises. The tu resq u ely nam ed, include P lstach e for th e m ain rep a st of the fam ily. fu r th er consideration. active m easu res a re being ta k en to green, a shooting g allery and oth er moved Sunday to tw o m iles east of value of rab b its for m eat is being ~ ~ E stim ates w ere subm itted by b rin g th is about. T he city en g in eer Chalet and A rm ory g reen s; C an­ diversions. The co n tract has been C astle Rock. W ashington, w here stressed , b ut p rin cip ally the en o r­ AGED WOMAN DIES Claud S tockton on th e rem odeling is at w ork on a plan for th e p la t­ terb u ry , B am balina, P eter Pan, let for th e erection of a canoe port w m be engaged in pickle m anu- mous p ossibilities In th e selling of 1 ROM APOPLEXY of th e school buildings and the tin g of th e s tre e ts and the n u m b er­ C zarina and T ro u v ille blues, and w hlch w ill house th e fleet of boats factory. Mr. R ichardson has for pelts. It. is said th a t four m illion T im berline, P lym outh, S h e r a to n belonging to the com pany In addi- som e tim e been bottling pickled h are sk in s w ere shipped Into th is Mrs. Sissie- Idndouist died in building of six additional room s, at ing of th e house, th e r e s u lt of and M onartery a*oys. w hich will be announced later. tion to providing room to sto re 50 products at his hom e h ere on th e co u n try in 1926, and th a t afte r B oring Sunday a t the hom e of her a co st of appro x im ately »19.000 I t is a little disco n certin g to say or m ore canoes for oth ers. W ells property, hut he Is now going they had been dyed, clipped and d au g h ter Mrs. M. J. K allm en. from i A resolution w as read from the Zion Evangelical Services. th e least w hen asked as to one's As an incentive to lodges, unions into the business on a la rg e r scale, dressed up, u n su sp ectin g people apoplexy. She w as horn in Sweden 1 T axpayers league recom m ending L enten services will be held at paid fabulous sum s for them . It Is in 1843 and moved to A m erica th a t no additional expense be in- location in G resham to he obliged the Zion E vangelical church Wed­ and o th er o rganizations to hold King and Queen, th e pet a llig a ­ hoped to b ring about tlie use of to say, "I live n ea r the M ethodist th e ir an n u a l g ath erin g s a t th is ab o u t 40 y ears ago. T he fam ily c u rre ,‘ ln en larg in g school facili to rs of H. C. L arsen w hich have at- A m erican p roducts Instead of the nesday at 8 o’clock. The subject m uch a ,te n „ on thfl settled in M ontana. She cam e with ties. The sam e org an izatio n asked church. C ross th e bridge am i tu rn for th e serm on will be "Via Dol- place, th e m anager of Blue Lake p ark Is m ailing a q u estio n n a ire to pagt , w<) y#arg W(,rp ungble gur im ported ones. her d au g h ter to Boring la st July. for th e rec,ndinK of th e act.on tak - to th e right. You will see a w hite oroso*.— The S orrow ful W ay T he association Is grow ing r a p ­ T he deceased is survived by tw o " n at a rec en t m eeting of th e board house on th e co rn er. W ell th at Among Men Today. The public Is those interested, ask in g i.ifo rm a-l vivo th e snow storm w hich visited idly, new incmherH being brought in extending th e co n tra c t with isn 't it. T u rn to th e left and fo l­ tion as to the kind of en tertain m en t G resham last w inter. They died sons in M ontana and th e d aughter co rd ially Invited. desired at the various outdoor [ from an ailm en t resem bling pneu- in a t every m eeting, according to rith whom she had been m aking P rin cip al Cannon th ree m ore years low th a t side stree t. We live in the Colored stereo p tlco n slides (w ith A nna M. L ehm an, 337 E ast 73d her home. T he fun eral w as held w ith an n u a l ‘c r e a s e of sa lary of second house from th e co rn er, th e lectu re) of the "P assio n P lay" will g ath erin g s. Im onla. street N orth, P o rtlan d , se creta ry - one w ith the green trim m in g s." The Blue Lake park offers unusual Mr and Mrg A T Be up B a se I,im - to R im k lo r u n d e , I xm I s S m UOR Price »Or. Children under 12 years, Sic Special Mutue Special r e a tu r e n *'«>'1 road. Il Lamb, P o rtlan d Rt ------------------------------------------------— Flowers for all occasions 7. box 332— Adv. C o ntinued on page I Taxes Due Now! HARVEST HAT none over FIRST STATE BANK DINNER! (¿range Hall, Thursday, March 31 each Hepp’s Racket Store OPENING DANCE