G resham O utlook T W IC E A W EEK VOL. 17, NO. 8 G R ESH A M , M ULTNOM AH COUNTY. OREGON, ( UPS AND M EDALS ARE ON DISPLAY BORING TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS FR ID A Y . MARCH 25. 1925 FO RM ER PA STO R H E R E JO H N T . STILLIO N S LA G RAN DE MAN TO PR E A C H SUNDAY D IF S IN P O R T I.AND W INS P R IZ E Boring #2.00 P e r Y ear TROUTDALE UOOKING SUIIDDL TR A CT m em bers of the H ELD BIG SUCCESS The Community church Sunday T he display of M ultnom ah coun- Young P eople's society of the j Next Sunday m orning, th e pulpit Jo h n T S tillions, for live y ears In th e recent hom estead tra c t st'hool will convene at 10 o’clock G resham women are g reatly In­ ty club w ork in the show w indow s Methodist ch u rch a re p lan n in g an at th e M ethodist church will be oc- a resident of G resham , died at the draw ing which was conducted in wi,h an Illu strated serm on for the terested in good cooking, as evi­ of th e A ylsw orth & M artin clothing evening's en tertain m en t for M arch cupied by Dr. A. S. Hisey, su p erin - home of his daughter. Mrs. E. A. the United S tates land office at children by the p asto r, the Rev. E denced by th e grow ing crow ds sto re is a ttra c tin g considerable at- 'O at the Boring I. O. O. F. hall. A tendeut of the E astern d istrict of E asley of P o rtlan d . M arch 24. aged P o rtlan d . Louis D. H arris of La- H D Hollensted. w hich attended th e successive ♦ ention. Ten beautiful silver cups playlet “All in a Fog " will be giv- the Oregon conference. Dr. Hisey years. D eath was th e re su lt of G rande was th e successful w inner The en tertain m en t and supper classes of the Outlook cooking a re in th e exhibit and a re the proud en. followed by "A Negro Com edy.” was p asto r here for four years, and a stro k e of p araly sis a m outh ago, of the coveted 80-acre trac t on the given by th e ladies of th e Catholic school. On th e last two days of th e possessions of John Flem ing, Law - Music will be fu rn ish ed th ro u g h o u t is widely known and highly es w hich rendered him en tirely help- Mt. Hood Loop highway. Of th e church on March 17 w as, well at- school th e room was taxed to c a ­ rence A ylsw orth, Floyd Stafford »he program . teem ed locally, so it is expected ,e ss- H’s w ite died w hile the fam - 189 w ar v eteran s who tiled applica- tended. A splendid program was pacity, th e late com ers being and Lee Copeland. T hese cups w ere T he services at th e M ethodist th a t th e auditorium , w hich has fl>' lived in G resham 12 y ears ago. tions for governm ent tra c ts. 100 ' given and a nice sum was cleared, obliged to sit on kindergarten been tilled to capacity each Sunday Besides Mrs. Basley, Mr. S tillions won in show m anship and re p re se n t church on Sunday m orning w ill be w anted th e Brightw ood piece of T here will be an en tertain m en t ch a irs or benches in the re a r of the m any hours of tire le ss activity on preaching at 10 o’clock and Sunday m orning for several weeks, will not is survived by two o th e r d au g h ters land w hich has 20 acres available given S aturday evening, March 26 room. The atten d an ce on the first th e p a rt of th ese w ide-aw ake boys, school at 11 o'clock. Bible study be sufficient to seat those who will aIlll a son, Mrs. Kuby Pobelcheck, for farm ing. T he draw ing, which by the T ro u td ale Flow er club. A and second days w as 113 and 123 T he m edals w ere aw arded by O. class will m eet at 7:30 in th e eve- wish to hear his m essage. The pas- W ooster, Ohio, C. A. S tillions and was conducted under federal an- good program is being prepared respectively. On la st T uesday it M. P lum m er, p resid e n t of th e P a- ning. T here will be special m usic tor w ill speak in th e evening from Miss Birdie S tillions of C harleston, th o rity , is for the settlem ent of the The proceeds will go tow ard beau- w as 166 and yesterday 174. These ciflc In tern atio n al L ivestock expo- at th e m orning service. On T ues- 'o n e of the most beautiful sto ries in Illinois. Ja sp e r T. S tillions of O. A C. land g ran t and involves tifying tiw school grounds. num bers did not include the dozen "sition. in the po ultry judging, pota- ‘ day evening Dr. A. S. H isey, dis- ' th e Bible on "T he Choices of Life." P o rtlan d , w ell known plum ber and about 9000 acres of land in the A num ber of ladies p repared a or so of children who cam e with to g rad in g and h ealth contests. F or tr ic t superin ten d en t, w ill give an Miss Amy Cooper leads th e Ep- form er resid en t of G resham , is a P o rtlan d d istrict. The balance of I b ask et dinner and served It to the th eir m o thers each day. su p erio r poultry judging Raym ond illu strate d lectu re at th e church. w orth League, w hich m eets for de- brother. It is likely th a t the attendance votions and study at 6:30, follow - F u n eral services w ill be held at th e p ro p erty com ing under this school children F riday at the noon Belgle, C harles E dw ards, C arl Bow- All are invited to attend, grai^t co n sists of 23,000 acres and hour in the dining room. A good tlu' last day would have been la rg ­ m an, R oland S heller, Alvin S heller , T he Kev. E w W ithnell has ing th e social program w hich be- F in ley ’s u n d ertak in g p arlo rs in P o rtlan d on Monday at 1 o'clock. is being handled by th e Roseburg crow d of grown ups attended and er except for an u n fo rtu n a te e rro r and Edw in Maxwell w ere given purchased an O verland four sedan, gins a t 5. land office. W ar veteran s a re being nil enjoyed the d inner and after In announcing the day. T he O ut­ In term en t w ill he in th e G resham m edals: G erald E m ily and Ken- j Mrs. H. A. Beck w as tak en quite given th e p referen ce over all other dinner the Flow er club held its look received from a re p re se n ta ­ cem etery. neth B ram h ali for potato grad in g I Free Methodist Service*. ill last week and on S atu rd ay she ap p lica n ts for a lim ited time. r e g u la r * m eeting in the dining tive of th e P ortlan d Gas & Coke and Collin C ree in th e h ealth con- i The d istric t q u a rte rly m eeting at was taken to th e Good S am aritan room. The program for S aturday com pany a le tte r giving Mrs. B a rt­ SANDY BLUFF test. Baptist Services, • hospital, w here she is being cared the F ree M ethodist ch u rch w hich night was discussed. Election of le tt's plan for the closing class, Floyd Stafford w as aw arded th e ' began lasj evening is being fea­ The young people’s societies of Mr. and Mrs. W atkins e n te r­ for. which said th a t It would he on F r i­ sta te cham pionship by th e A tneri- ; tu red by a good atten d an ce and tained on Sunday a t a b irth d ay d in ­ the Haley and P leasan t Home Bap­ officers should have taken place but was postponed until the next day. In w riting th e story for the Rosmond F ow ler is slow ly r e ­ m arked in terest. P ap ers will be can G uernsey C attle club. tist ( h u rd le s will meet in the meeting, wlileU will be the 15th of paper, the e rro r was not noticed, covering from an attac k of typhoid read th is evening by the Rev. W. N. ner in honor of Mrs. W atk in s’ Bethel B aptist church of G resham m other, Mrs. Simmons, who w as 80 and the closing class was a n ­ fever. I Coffee and the Rev. O. F. DeFoe y ears od M arch 16, and a friend. next Sunday aftern o o n and eve­ April. TR O U T D A L E WOMAN Mr. and Mrs. Ray Thom as and nounced for F riday instead of Dick H ansell cam e from Long­ i on subjects relativ e to Sunday Mrs. L aw rence, who w as 78 on ning. The aftern o o n session will PA SSES AWAY children of P o rtlan d spent the Thursday. view and spent the week-end a*t the school work, followed by an ev an ­ March 13. Miss Saleua Haight, Ingin at 3 o'clock aiul tin« special Mrs. Ju lia L am pert of T routdale home of his sister, Mrs. C. L. Greg- W inners of door prizes on T u es­ gelistic service in ch a rg e of the Mrs. W atkins' Bister, brought th e | sp eak er at th a t tim e will be the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John died F rid ay night, M arch 18, a t the son. day w ere Mrs. K. D. Bertleson, Mrs. Bounder. Rev. E. W. H illis at 8 o'clock. Indian out. Mr. W atkins' m other Rev. A. E. Davis, p asto r of the Ar- age of 65 years. T he fu n eral w as Mr. and Mrs. Jam es D ellinger of 1’. E. Mills, Mrs. Mary Saiki, Miss E arn est A em sberry and fam ily Tom orrow m orning a t 10 o'clock also llad a b irth d ay on March 19. leta B aptist ch u rch of Portland. conducted T uesday a t St. H en ry ’s arriv ed from C alifornia and T u es­ Kent, Oregon, spent Friday and Ronda W illiam s and Miss Lucy the q u a rte rly conference will con- and WU8 73 but was u n ab lt, (o bl. Miss M artha H agberg will sing. ch u rc h at G resham , w ith interm en t day and a re a t th e home of Mrs, Saturday at tin« home of Mr. and Adams. On T hursday they w ere vene. T he W om an’s M issionary present at the dinner. Lunch w ill be served nt 5:15. The Mrs. Geo. P arish. Mrs. D ellinger Mrs. W alter Forbes, Mrs. Olot follow ing in St. Jo se p h ’s cem etery. A em sberry's p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. business m eeting will ta k e place in A few neighbors c tine w ith well young people of th e P leasant Home is a siste r of Mrs. P arish. V lrell, Mrs. It. F. Jennings, Mrs. T he Rev. H enry B ruenagel. long j H. A. Beck. the aftern o o n and th e young peo­ tilled lunch baskets on Sunday to ch u rch will conduct th e It. Y. P I’. ’ II. L. St. C lair and Mrs. H. M. Shaw. an in tim ate friend of the fam ily, , M elville R ichey is down from E. A. Bush, who has spent Sev­ cam e from G ra n ts P ass to conduct j O. A. C. spending the sp rin g vaca- ple’s m eeting in th e evening. T he th e home of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo service w hich will begin prom ptly ern! m ouths here w ith his b ro th er, T he gifts on the last day w ere gen­ Rev. W. T. K lotzbach, form er p as­ Radford rem inding Alonzo it was at 6:30. The evening church ser th e fun eral. T he deceased is su r- tlon w ith his p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. to r here, w ill p reach at 7:30. (’. C. Bush, left Monday for his erous baskets of g roceries and a his birthday. vcie will follow and Win. F air home In Oklahom a. suck of flour, donated by jobbers vived by seven children, A rnold, ; O. M. Richey. S unday's services w ill begin Mrs. A. J. Crose of Medford and w eather, p asto r of the P leasan t i F erd in an d , A lexander, Ju liu s anil : The Boring Com m unity club is with Sunday school a t 9:45, love Several ladles from here a tte n d ­ for the various products. Mrs. Bell Ten Eyck of P o rtlan d Home B aptist church, will preach. ! It was a su rp rise to m any th a t Mrs. T re ssa W and of T routdale, planning a package sale w hich will feast at 10:30 and preach in g by the m ade a sh o rt visit S atu rd ay a f te r ­ The Bible school will com m ence at j ed the M ultnomah county P aren t- m eat, vegetables and a pudding Mrs. Em m a Fox of R ufus, Oregdn, : be given at th e I. O. O. F. h all on d istric t elder at 11:15. At 2:30 noon at th e home of Mrs. ('ro se's 9:45 a. m. and the m orning service T eacher association held at F alr- could be put Into the oven and re ­ and Mrs. B ertha Reihl, P ortland. A pril 8. Sunday aftern o o n a public m ission- sis(er Mr„ A j All„ a|go a t th e at 11 o'clock. The topic of th e pas- view schoolhouse S aturday. They m ain for five or six hours w ithout . * 1 rep o rt a very Interestin g meeting ary m eeting will be held for w hich h()me of Mrs K ,.ebs ()f Sandy OtI t in t ............. IIIIIIIIC] ItlllllU ; to r ’s serm on at th is service will be being d isturbed, but when Mrs. and a good program . Those who an in te restin g p rogram is being a r- i h er re tu rn hom e Sundayi sh e plan- "T he C h a ra cter M arket." The I B a rtle tt took out th e beautifully ranged. Sunday evening the Rev. | ned f0 pick her m „th er. Mrs. p ray er m eeting and choir reh earsal ' attended wen« Mrs. Lee Evans, Mrs. brow ned m eat and the other things, A. 1). Kendall. Mrs. W. (’. Spence, Mr. C offees d au g h ter Mrs. Nina Byro n , who w as visiting in Salem, will be held W ednesday evening be Mrs. E unice Robinson, Mi*. Anna done to u tu rn , they realized th a t Sm ith w ill give a review of "T he and tak e her on io M ed fo rd fo r th e ginning at 7:15. th e m odern gas ran g e w ith its au ­ Richardson and Mrs. Landis. C h rist of the Indian R oad.” • gUmm er. Mr. and Mrs. Ed O kcnberg and tom atic control was a w onderful Mr. and Mrs. Joe Caldo e n te r­ PLEASANT VALLEY baby, who have been visiting a t the im provem ent over th e old cook (jreshani Temple Services. Sunday school s ta rts prom ptly a t tained over th e w eek-end th e Men- J. O. Davis home, left for Juneau, stove. C aptain and Mrs. Fred Sherm an ! A laska, on Sunday. 10 o'clock at th e U ndenom inational zie g irls of P ortland. A lready plans for next year's tem ple each Sunday. P reach in g Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ault spent of A rboleda w ere callers at th e | school are being considered, and it □ C. C. Bush sold last Monday two service w ill be held a t 2 o'clock and Sunday a t th e H elm er Johnson home of Mr. and Mrs. (!. N. S ager ' I new Fords, one touring, one coupe is likely th a t arran g e m en ts will be ag ain a t 7:30 in th e evening by th e p asto r, the Rev. S. F. P itts. T he hom e and found th eir d au g h ter Sunday afternoon. which com pleted his quota of cars m ade to ta k e ca re of th e sm all S unday aftern o o n services a re es­ g rea tly rejoicing over a piano her David Savo m ade a trip to As to be sold In the m onth of March. ch ild ren w hose m others wish to a t ­ pecially well atten d ed and much p are n ts had given her. tend the cooking classes. to rla S atu rd ay , re tu rn in g home H e is now on th e honor roll. good is being accom plished. A Mr. and Mrs. O. S. W ilkenson vls- Sunday. F. W Schultz of C algary, C ana­ happy fellow ship is enjoyed and a s at „ I(illv and Sundav with I Zion Evangelical Services. w arm welcome is assu red all who Mickley and Mr. and Mrs. Gale F riday Evening, M arch 25—O. A. EVANGELICAL WOMEN’S UNION 3 ! I C. M ilitary hand co n cert in high Em anuel hospital for several ' H anna of Portland. I m onths, will be able to leave th e Mrs. M arjorie M atches gave a school gym nasium and dance in « I hospital next week. dinner Tuesday evening In honor j Masonic hail. I D inner served from 5:30 to 8 I’. M. Phone 1236 Gresham Hugo Savo and E arl Olson m ade h®r sister, Miss Amy K endall.] S atu rd ay , March 26—W. C. T. U. a trip to S eattle a few days ago on O ther guests w ere Miss Dorothy bake sale a t A. W. M etzger store. MENU Every boy or g irl will receive ONE DOLLY KITE K endall and Miss M arguerite ] husiness. R oast Veal Brow n G ravy Mashed P otatoes S trin g Beans FREE w ith each 10 T orm oehlen's candy bar Bailey, of G resham . , . S atu , rd _ ay E vening. . . . M arch , , 26— Naomi, th e little d au g h ter of Mr P ear Salad P ickles Je lly Bread and B u tter ' , . i F airview grange basket social and w rappers. A chance for every kiddie in tow n. Mr. and Mrs. C arl Zelbeck took d ab ce a t g ran g e hall. and Mrs. Chas. DahlquiHt, had the Cream , C u stard or B u ttersco tch Pie Coffee Get you rs now. --------- m isfo rtu n e to fall and break her dinner with Mr. and Mrs. W allace P ric e 60c. C h ild re n u n d e r 12 y e a rs, 86c S atu rd ay Evening, M arch 26— arm w hile ro lle r sk atin g on th e Hpenee on Sunday, Box sociai at G resham grange. pavem ent. T he accident happened Sunday guests at the F. Murphy T h u rsd ay , M arch 31— D inner by T uesday. j home w ere Mr. and Mrs. A. Dailey E vangelical W om en’s u n io n , Chas. Hodson Is hobbling around , a ,|,l children of P ortland, G range hall. on er.ut< hes as th e re su lt of a se- I L ittle Boh Osaki passed away T h u rsd ay Evening, March 31— vere cu t on his knee, Inflicted by a j Monday after a long Illness, d raw k n lfe w hich Mr. Hodson was ] Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Cole were E n tertain m en t by Boring Young P eople’s society a t I. G. O. F. hall. using. called to Tekeo, W ashington last S atu rd ay E vening, April Rock- Mr. and Mrs W altler F u ller w en 1 Sunday by th e serloua Illness of called to Wasco, W ashington, last I Mr. Cole's m other, who passed wood P.-T. A. vaudeville. Easter Novelties and Candies r DINNER! II! Hepp’s Racket Store Grange flail, Thursday, March 31 FREE $ g .0 0 for a new Spring H at W hen you see o u r d isp la y of new S p rin g H a ts you w ill be glad you c am e h e re to buy. New Spring Suits with 2 Trousers Faster is most here men, and you will want new clothes. First take a look at these new suits and top coats, smart in appear­ ance, well tailored and of strong wear re­ sisting fabrics. With 2 Trousers t . o $ O th e r H a ts a s a n d up to Low a s $ $ 7 .50 NEW N E < R D E A H n i u iio * ii n i NEW (il.IH ES N I H M illi I * NEW I APS at Popular Price«» jAylswortK S Martir^ MEN’S WEAR S h o e s G R E SH A M H e dive Red Trading Stump* week to atten d th e fu n eral of Mr. away Friday. L ittle H arley stayed with his g ran d p a re n ts F u lle r's b ro th e r’s wife. Mr. and Mrs L. Helm ing. Mrs. Newell Edw ards m ade a husiness trip to M arshfield over the What you want, when you week end. It, as you want It—Want Ad. Cole here, S atu rd ay Evening, A pril 9— E p ­ want w orth I.eHgne plav, "Jum bo J im ”, It. at P leasant Home M ethodist church. Tax Payers League Organization Meeting P le a s e ta k e nolle»« th a t a m ee tin g of th e tax la y e r s of th e G resh am school (listriet Is called to m eet at th e c a n n e ry office a t 8 p. tn. on S a tu rd a y , M arch 20th for th e p u r­ pose of s o lic itin g m em b e rsh ip an d th e electio n of o n e c o m m ittee m an to serv e on th e E x ecu tiv e C o m m ittee for a term of tw o y ears. It in a lso d esired th a t th e co m m itteem en from Pow ell Y’alley, O rien t, V ictory, Lynch a n d H illsview be p re se n t, an d to g e th e r w ith th e G re sh am c o m m ittee m an elect o n e a d ­ d itio n a l co m m ittee m an a t larg e an d proceed to c o m p lete th e o rg a n iz a tio n an d co n sid er a n y p ro je c ts t h a t a re of in te re s t, by o rd e r of C om m ittee. Friday, April 8— P ackage Hale by Boring C om m unity club a t I. O. O. F. hall S atu rd ay E vening, April 9—Con­ c e rt a t Sw edish Mission church. W ednesday Evening A pril 13— C oncert by G resham band. S atu rd ay , April 16— D orcas circle food sale at W alrad M ercantile Co. HYACINTHS A TULIPS in pots. F low ering Plants A Ferns At Brown’s Meat Market or phone 306. GRESHAM GREENHOUSES Dpheliu Kosebushes, 62 per dns. Flowers (or all occasions