PAG E 1 GRESHAM hom e of Mr. an d Mrs. Jo h n H ulan- der. They have leased tp e lr 60- ac re ran ch n ea r Yakim a and are plan n in g to spend th e com ing year in Pow ell Valley. T he topic of th e serm on a t the In th e gen eral m unicipal elec S aro n L u th e ra n ch u rch Sunday tion for th e city of F airview la st m orning at 11 o ’clock will be, “A T uesday m ore th an o rd in ary in te r­ C hurch S ervice in H eaven," and in est was tak en in affairs p ertain in g th e evening a t 8 o’clock th e re w ill to city, county and sta te and a c ­ be a Bible lectu re, "T h e C h ristian cordingly a heavy vote w as polled and G overnm ent.” A b azaar and In th e race betw een W. H. Cook sale w ill be given a t th e ch u rch on and E. E. H eslin for the m ay o ral­ S atu rd ay evening, November f3, ty office, the la tte r won 70 to 16 u nder th e au sp ices of th e Ladies O. P. L um sden received 82 votes Aid. T he proceeds w ill be used for for rec o rd e r and Jo h n Moller 75 th e good of th e society. for tre a su re r. O. O. Dolph won F ra n k G ustafson a n d son W en- out in th e co n test for m arsh al two dall left W ednesday evening for to one over his opponent, Jam es Sweden w here they expect t6 r e ­ B urlingam e. m ain u n til ab o u t th e first* of th e year. They w ill sail from New F or th e office of counc'lm an for York next T uesday on th e ste am ­ th e th ree -y e ar term the count ship "G ripsholm ." L ast Sunday a stood, D. W. McKay, 83; C. N. farew ell reception w as given for B uckner, 82 and John Jonas, 80; them a t th e ir hom e a t w hich about and for the tw o-year term George ( lay S. Morse Shaw received a vote of 80 and J. Mr. Morse, a republican, w as the 40 rela tiv e s w ere present. Mahaffey 76. successful candidate ag a in st E rw in Home P o in ters. The F airview vote ca st for the A. T aft, dem ocrat, and p rese n t in- um hent, for M ultnomah county C anned fru its, such as p ears, are governor of the sta te was a s p irit­ ornrnissioner. G rant Phegley was ed one, th e re su lt standing P ierce re-elected. Amedee M. Sm ith holds colored effectively if left to stand over n ig h t in th e ir own juice to 72 and P atterso n 68. T he ca n d i­ over. w hich a little fru it coloring has date of the liquor in te rests, Stal been added. HOWELL VALLEY lard, received a m eager 8 votes. Fairview Election Arouses Interest OUTLOOK, IRIRAY, BORING Services at the com m un’ty ch u rch next S unday will be tbe reg u la r p reach in g service at 10 o'clock by th e Rev. E W. W ithnell. follow ed by Sunday school at 11 o’clock. The Boy Scouts will m eet on Monday evening and o rch e stra p rac tice on W ednesday evening. T he L adies Aid society held its an n u a l election of officers on Octo­ ber 28th and m ade plans for a b a­ zaar to be held some tim e in De­ cem ber. T he officers elected w ere NOVEMBER &, 1926. Mrs .E. W. W ithnell, p resid en t; Mrs. O. W. B or'ng, vice p resid en t; Mrs. L. H M aliicoat, se creta ry ; and Mrs. I. D. T u rn er, tre a su re r. Mrs. N ora Richey gave a H allow ­ e ’en p arty a t her home S atu rd ay evening. T h ere w ere 16 little g irls p resen t and a m ost enjoyable eve­ ning w as spent. Mrs. Guild is visiting a t the home of her dau g h ter, Mrs. I. D. T u rn er. Mrs. Claud D anielson spent th e w eek-end visiting at th e home of her m other, Mrs. Jo h n Meyer. Melville Richey was down from O. A. C. and sp en t th e w eek-end w 'th his paren ts. Roscoe Knox has p u rch ased the house th a t C. L. G regson lived in and has moved it onto his p ro p ­ erty. Mrs. O. W. Boring en tertain ed a t dinner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T âcheron, Mrs. Alice V uilleu- m ier and Miss Violette P e rre t of G resham . O. W. Boring ju st com pleted ta k ­ ing th e school census. T h ere w ere 91 boys and 75 girls. Some one en tered th e I. O. O. F. h all recently and took ab o u t a ll of th e dishes. HURLBURT S ervices w ill be held a t th e H u rlb u rt schoolhouse on Sunday evening at 7:30, w hen th e Rev. E. R. D. H ollensted of F airview will preach. All a re cordially invited. Iodine stain s are u sually rem oved w ith a tre a tm e n t of w ashing soda and lemon juice. "Say it w ith a W ant Ad." Steiw er led H aney hy a m argin of th ree votes for United S tates senator, w ith Stanfield *n third place and Adams w ith four votes in his favor. C rum packer received 9>: votes for congressm an and C a r­ son 64. For d istric t atto rn ey C. G Schneider won over his opponent Stanley Myers, by th ree votes and for county com m issioners Phegley received 83 votes, T aft 76 und Morse 69. T he g range sta te in ­ come tax hill was well received in Fairview , the vote standing 71 for and 45 against. Mr. and Mrs. Jo h n Olin, of Eu In m aking bread or rolls, the gene, and five ch ild ren le ft T u es­ c ru st keeps sm ooth and te n d er by day afte r visiting for tw o days with p u ttin g a saucepan of boiling w ate Mr. and Mrs. F. M attson. into th e oven. R ecent guests a t th e home of the Rev. und Mrs. Don S hogren w ere W hen cooking g reen vegetables a th e p are n ts of th e form er, Mr. an,} sm all p a rtic le of soda added to the Mrs. F. O. S hogren and th e p as­ boiling w ater keeps them in fresh to r ’s b ro th er and wife, Mr. and color, — Mrs. Em il Shogren, all of Seattle. Over the last week-end th e Rev. A pound of hom e-m ade baking and Mrs. Shogren en tertain ed her pow der is readily m ade w ith one m other, Mrs. John Sw anson, and a fourth pound of baking soda, one- h alf pound of cream ta rta r , ami friend, Mrs. H arry Peacock, also of on e-fo u rth pound of cornB tarch Seattle. At th e sam e tim e a b ro th ­ T he in g red ien ts are sifted to g eth er er of Mrs. Shogren, M artin Swan at le a st four tim es und placed in an FA Hi VIEW son and his friend, A rnold Pea air-tig h t jar. T h is baking powder costs a trifle less th an Royal b ak ­ cock, arriv ed hy au to at th e Sho­ ing pow der. “W hat Is a C h ristian " w il| be the subject of a serm on Sunday gren home in Powell Valley. They Window Cleaning. m orning at 11 o ’clock at Sm ith were driving th ro u g h from Chica F or ex p e rt window cleaning see Memorial P resb y terian church by go to S eattle by way of C alifornia. O. J. Olson and fam ily w ere out I Tajima, or leave o rd ers w ith J. the pastor, th e Rev. E. It. D. Ilol- Ross Brown, G resham , phone 2501 lenstcd. Sunday school will m eet from P o rtlan d Sunday as g u ests at —Adv. th e home of Jo h n Lind. Muriun prom ptly at 10 o’clock. Olson also sp en t some tim e w ith STATED CDMMUNICA- The pupils of F airview are again tion F airview Lodge, No. 92 enjoying hot lunches which ure b e­ Miss F rances Arvidson. A. F. & A. M. S atu rd ay eve. ’Songs In the N ight" will be the ing prepared hy Mrs. C. N. B uck­ ning, N ovember 6, 1926, 8 p. in. L a ­ ner. The m em bers of th e P a re n t- topic of the serm on Sunday m o rn ­ bor in M. M. Degree. T eacher association have canned ing at 11 o'clock at th e Mission Visiting brethren^w elcom e. WM. H. STA M .EY S ecy. about 300 q u a rts of vegetables church, of which the Rev. Don Sho­ which will be used for the lunches. gren Is the pastor. T he m orning HARRY F E D E R S P IE L , W. M. service will be hi Swedish b ut in Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Stone, accom ­ the evening a t 7:30 th e serm on panied by th e form er's sister, Mrs. A uto F re ig h t T erm in al will be In E nglish from th e topic, C lara Bent, of Chicago, Mrs. lleuna P o rtlan d , Phone E A st 3104 T he L ast N ight.” T h ere will be Stone ami W. E. Stone, enjoyed a special music at both services hy G resliani, Phone 1201 trip over the Mt. Hood Loop hig h ­ choir and q u arte t. The young peo­ way one day la st week. ple’s m eeting will be held on T u es­ Mrs. II. C. Moore has retu rn ed day evening a t 8 o’clock at the home ufter spending a few days at home of Ethel E kstrom and on the tlie home of her daughter, Mrs. following evenhig choir re h e a rsa l B eulah H arvey, of Portland. will lie held The choir is con­ The teach ers of the Fairview tem platin g the p u rch ase of new school gave a H allow e'en p arty for chorus music. T h u rsd ay evening PORTLAND the school children on F riday a f­ is the re g u la r * p ray er m eeting ternoon. Mrs. H elen Camp anil night. Two signs have been e re c t­ WAY POINTS Miss H urgeois en tertain ed the low ­ ed outside the ch u rch as an invi­ er grades and Miss Beryl King and tation to stra n g e rs. A good in ter- GRESHAM Mrs. Anne T eg art, the upper st is being m anifested in th e work grades. Cookies and punch were at Mission church. served. Local iiih I Long Distance Mr. and Mrs. John C lark, of Sunday dinner guests Ht the Yakima, W ashington, arriv ed S a t­ Moving home of Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Stone urday for an indclinite stay at the w ere Mrs. Eliza Stone, Mrs. Ida Sheplw rd, Mrs. Cora Bent and Mr. and Mrs. A. I,. Stone. Fred Page, of C athlam et, W ash­ ington. was a recent guest a t the home of Ills cousin, Mrs. C lara Stone. Lundquist Truck Line COLUMBIA HEIGHTS A baby boy was born October 16 to Mr and Mrs. Fay Davis, of Cor- belt. Mrs. Davis w as form erly Miss B arr, dau g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Burr, of Egypt. Roy J. A nderson, of P ortland, spent Sunday nt Columbia View farm . A. S tu art, of L atourell Falls, who has not been well for some tim e, w ent to St V incents Hospital T u es­ day for a m onth's treatm en t. The m any friends of Mr. and tyrs. S tu art a re hoping the stgy at the hospital will be of much benefit to . him. Mrs Malcolm W oodle Is serving on tb e Jury at the p resent tim e and Mrs. G Wilcox, of L atourell. will •• rve for the m onth of November. M r | Wilcox has taken an a p a r t­ m ent In the city. Mr. and Mrs. dWllliain C row ston, who have been In the vicinity of C orbett for the p ast m onth, left T h u rsd ay for th e ir home in P a sa ­ dena, C alifornia. They cam e here from A lbarta, C anada, w here they have extensive w heat interests. Special Anniversary Savings! To Celebrate the Third Anniversary of the Oregon PIGGLY WIGGLY we are offering some unusual savings at all our stores for this Saturday and Monday PIGGLY WIGGLY PRICES ARE ALWAYS LOW hut if you come to PIGGLY WIGGLY tomorrow you will surely save money on your table and household needs. Below are some of the prices.______________________________ P & G White Naptha Soap Campbell’s Tomato Soup Piggly Wiggly FANCY hard wheat blend Blue Rose Rice 8 ^ a can *1.89 FLOUR $1.89 New Crop 3 for 23c 49-lb. sack ’ ARIZONA It if, a m o n u m en t to every farm a n d fa rm e r in th e N o rth w est a n a c h ie v e m e n t of w h ich we a ll m ay he proud. T h is y e a r th e E x p o sitio n ta k e s place O ctober 30-N ovem ber (», a n d re p o rts in d ic a te even a bigger, g r e a te r E x p o sitio n th a n e v e r b efo re w ith th e finest D airy a n d Beef C a ttle , H orses, H ogs, S h eep a n d G oats in all A m erica c o m p e tin g fo r th e larg e st p rem iu m list e v e r p u blished $100,000. C om bined w ith it a re th e w o rld -fam o u s H orse Show , L and a n d H airy P ro d u c ts Show , In d u stria l e x h ib its a n d th e g re a t Eox ex h ib its. I h r I I m m M o f <>rr«hum h rlle w r« In tin ,I rtir« tn rn n r« I h r u n ,I W rite r I h r * hulk. Therefor*. wr *«> t . l t to th e llo n n l o n , I prortl h> nn !, h I >on le a r n . ru ls ln g o f m ore T o r l lt r In t e r n « * W. A. I’rortor 10c e 5C 25c OREGON CRA NBERRIES, 2 lbs 79c F ,NI 4 ION VI II IN APPLES, box Fischer’s Rolled Oats, 4 7 ^ 29c WHITE STAR TI NA, ’As, 2 for 29c I INRSAY , ALIE. RIPE OLIVES, pint tins. 2 for 29C O R E G O N H O N EY TOMATO CATSUP PREMIUM SODA MILK -49